Of course, we could also proceed inductively and discretely, and apply, so to speak, a method of infantry, and in the slow course of hearing evidence we could gather innumerable descriptions of the
status-lapsus-quo of the processes in the spheres of biology and noology: the number of billionaires is multiplying; the butterflies of our childhood are no longer around; tour- ism to faraway destinations and armament budgets are rising significantly; the populations
in modernizing countries are exploding while those in modernized countries are stagnat- ing; holes in the ozone layer over the poles are expanding rapidly; the sneaker business is flourishing while the one for surfboards is dropping; the trees of low mountain ranges are changing color and growing only short brush-like crowns; there is South African fruit in Bavarian weekly markets; the flight time of nuclear missiles from the Ural Mountains to Bad Godesberg would take 420 seconds; and so on.
in modernizing countries are exploding while those in modernized countries are stagnat- ing; holes in the ozone layer over the poles are expanding rapidly; the sneaker business is flourishing while the one for surfboards is dropping; the trees of low mountain ranges are changing color and growing only short brush-like crowns; there is South African fruit in Bavarian weekly markets; the flight time of nuclear missiles from the Ural Mountains to Bad Godesberg would take 420 seconds; and so on.