HILDA: _My_ Master
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World's Greatest Books - Volume 17 - Poetry and Drama |
[146] Be your fair mouth filled with honey and the honeycomb, good Thyrsis; be your eating of the sweet figs of Aegilus; for sure your singing’s as delightful as the cricket’s
in spring.
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Theocritus - Idylls |
Like a joy on the heart of a sorrow,
The sunset hangs on a cloud;
A golden storm of
Of fair and frail and fluttering leaves,
The wild wind blows in a cloud.
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Sarojini Naidu - Golden Threshold |
When you start with a blaze of
and upburst of humor, when you
begin with that, the proper office of humor is to reflect, to put you
into that pensive mood of deep thought, to make you think of your sins,
if you wish half an hour to fly.
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Twain - Speeches |
Can the quick current of a patriot heart
Thus stagnate in a cold and weedy converse,
Or freeze in tideless
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Richard Brinsley Sheridan |
And never a human voice comes near
To speak a gentle word:
And the eye that watches through the door
and hard:
And by all forgot, we rot and rot,
With soul and body marred.
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Wilde - Ballad of Reading Gaol |
The profit of this present prophecy ap- peareth by the text, because the men of Antioch were thereby pricked forward to relieve their
which were in misery.
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Calvin Commentary - Acts - b |
In Section 4 we show that the bargaining power of the potential
increases dramatically if she is able to make her threat divisible.
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Schwarz - Committments |
is full of enthusiasm over
his majestic roll of churches far and near, from the extremity of Europe
to the furthest ends of Asia.
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Cambridge Medieval History - v1 - Christian Roman Empire and Teutonic Kingdoms |
War ensued between the Dryopes and Heracles, and the Dryopes were defeated, and Hylas, son of Theiodamas, was taken as a hostage by
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Callimachus - Hymns |
and why disgrace with the name of insensate
persons those who believe they find great
lights in their
of mind?
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Madame de Stael - Germany |
How elegant your
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Pope - Essay on Man |
Beef is
to obtain, except in the capital.
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Peter Vay - Korea of Bygone Days |
This is the end of human beauty:
Shrivelled arms, hands warped like feet:
hunched up utterly:
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Villon |
if she had pointed out that she had once been an embryo.
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Richard-Dawkins-God-Delusion |
Si la sphaira, como figura total, impulsa la inmovilización
filosófica de lo existente, circunscribiéndola en un único contorno
sublime, la inscripción de las constelaciones en ella mantiene vivo
de los protodramas de la vida en secuencias prototípi-
cas de acontecimientos.
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Sloterdijk - Esferas - v2 |
On the contrary, a German professor wrote that the book "demonstrates how
some poet translators go about their task.
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Trakl - Bringing Blood to Trakl’s Ghost |
Inthisregard,as one can easily see, official Marxism has the greatest ambition, since the
major part of its theoretical energy is dedicated to outflanking and
exposing all non-Marxist
as 'bourgeois ideologies.
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Sloterdijk-Cynicism-the-Twilight-of-False-Consciousness |
The idea, the
outward appearance, characterizes Being precisely for that kind of vision which recognizes in the visible as such pure presence.
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Heidegger - Nietzsche - v1-2 |
Becaufe, an
Peace was then extremely neceffary to
Philip's Affairs, but now to confume as much Time as they
poffibly could, before they required his Oath, was of equal ad-
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Demosthenes - Orations - v2 |
He had himself written a Robin Hood pageant, to
which Barclay alludes
and which is also referred to
later by Anthony Munday!
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Cambridge History of English Literature - 1908 - v03 |
"Then the next health to friends of mine
_In oysters, and_
_Hind, Goderiske, Smith,
And Nansagge_, sons of _clune[M] and_ pith,
Such _who know_ well
_To board_ the magic _bowl_, and _spill
All mighty blood, and can do more
Than Jove and Chaos them before_.
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Robert Herrick |
The important thing is to
a quick, clean Soviet victory that quiets things down in short order.
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Schelling - The Manipulation of Risk |
Thy feet's still traces in a circling course, by thee are turn'd, with
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Orphic Hymns |
One would never see a "respectable" Roman
with a charioteer, or a gladiator.
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Voices of Ancient Greece and Rome_nodrm |
Alex Bioile (not to be confused with Nicholas Biddle of the bank wars [34:70; 88:92]) was a medical doctor who
in Pennsylvania.
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A-Companion-to-the-Cantos-of-Ezra-Pound-II |
A whisper soft arose when this was said,
As gentle winds the groves with murmur fill,
But with bold face, high looks and merry cheer,
rose, the rest their talk forbear.
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Tasso - Jerusalem Delivered |
One current fashion has to do with "food trucks" that ply their wares seem- ingly on every street corner in America,
this humble hamlet.
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Trakl - Word Trucks- I and You; Here and There; This and That |
32 For they said that the lot
to the sons of Cronus their three several abodes.
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Callimachus - Hymns |
The author of this epigram, Greek in its tone and inspired by Greek
enthusiasm for art, was no less a man than the
of the Cimbri, 102.
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The history of Rome; tr. with the sanction of the ... v.4. Mommsen, Theodor, 1817-1903 |
What are the moral
in stanza i?
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Spenser - Faerie Queene - 1 |
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Poland - 1922 - Polish Literature in Translation, a Bibliography |
Go now, look with
upon silver, and antique marble, and brazen
statues, and the arts: admire gems, and Tyrian dyes: rejoice, that a
thousand eyes are fixed upon you while you speak: industrious repair
early to the forum, late to your house, that Mutus may not reap more
grain [than you] from his lands gained in dowry, and (unbecoming, since
he sprung from meaner parents) that he may not be an object of
admiration to you rather than you to him.
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Horace - Works |
_O'F_, which was
in 1632, strikes out 'have' and writes
'fear' above.
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John Donne |
They think of nothing, in fact, save what meets
and enters into them by that method.
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Warner - World's Best Literature - v05 - Bro to Cai |
Renowned Lucius, from our troops I stray'd
To gaze upon a ruinous monastery;
And as I earnestly did fix mine eye
Upon the wasted building, suddenly
I heard a child cry
a wall.
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Shakespeare |
— the
and knightly modes of valuation, xiii.
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Nietzsche - v18 - Epilogue, Index |
Psalm they
a law, whereby they could be made guilty,
Exp^ii Serm.
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Augustine - Exposition on the Psalms - v1 |
avisar: ¿por qué no
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Jose Zorrilla |
- You provide, in accordance with
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Sara Teasdale - Love Songs |
And so I dare to hope,
Though changed, no doubt, from what I was when first
I came among these hills: when like a roe
I bounded o'er the mountains, by the sides
Of the deep rivers, and the lonely streams,
Wherever nature led; more like a man
Flying from
that he dreads, than one
Who sought the thing he loved.
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Warner - World's Best Literature - v27 - Wat to Zor |
Nor shall a pillow be under my head,
Till I begin my vow to keep,
Here on the rushes[13] will I sleep,
there may come a vision true
Ere day create the world anew.
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Narrative and Lyric Poems (first series) for use in the Lower School by Stevenson |
went insane
because he would work and he would play the same day.
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Baudelaire - Biographical Essay |
for a long time through the sand with the
dogged courage of an escaping galley-slave, the soldier was
forced to halt, as darkness drew on: for his utter weariness
compelled him to rest, though the exquisite sky of an eastern
night might well have tempted him to continue the journey.
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Warner - World's Best Literature - v03 - Bag to Ber |
Her final volume, "Strange Victory",
by many to be predictive of her suicide in 1933.
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Sara Teasdale |
As long as psychology settled this
with the verbal explanation
that the "psychic" is the "conscious" and that "unconscious psychic
occurrences" are an obvious contradiction, a psychological estimate of
the observations gained by the physician from abnormal mental states was
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Dream Psychology by Sigmund Freud |
Yet fear her, O thou minion of her
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Shakespeare - Sonnets |
3] When the gods had overcome the giants, Earth, still more enraged, had intercourse with
and brought forth Typhon in Cilicia,95 a hybrid between man and beast.
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Apollodorus - The Library |
the very place in Hyde Park where, in my fourteenth year,
on the eve of leaving my father's house for a long absence, he told me
that I should find, as I got acquainted with new people, that I had been
taught many things which youths of my age did not commonly know; and that
many persons would be disposed to talk to me of this, and to compliment
me upon it.
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Autobiography by John Stuart Mill |
Suit the action to the word, the word to the action; with
this special observance, that you o'erstep not the modesty of
nature: for
so overdone is from the purpose of playing,
whose end, both at the first and now, was and is, to hold, as
'twere, the mirror up to nature; to show Virtue her own feature,
scorn her own image, and the very age and body of the time his
form and pressure.
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Shakespeare |
NOT from having no brains, but simply from
in the original sense of that word.
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Ezra-Pound-Speaking |
Solo ÉL ve lo que encierra este hemisferio,
Por entre cuyos blancos valladares
La ardua
al último acomete,
Cual suelta nube, el Árabe jinete.
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Jose Zorrilla |
You are
my plans now.
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Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad |
167 c (of Philip's
oi mikenot m1 ai.
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Demosthenese - First Philippic and the Olynthiacs |
There is much
on "how to balance freedom with secu- rity.
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Blackshirts-and-Reds-by-Michael-Parenti |
Such restlesse passion did all night torment 5
The flaming corage of that Faery knight,
Devizing, how that doughtie turnament
honour he atchieven might;
Still did he wake, and still did watch for dawning light.
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Spenser - Faerie Queene - 1 |
If axiological
is excluded, whoever says that all cultures are equally valuable does not realize that he is advancing the most implausible thesis one could possibly imagine.
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Hegel Was Right_nodrm |
That is why history remains until the end only the continuation of the fall from
by other means.
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Sloterdijk- Infinite Mobilization |
They saw the
to the extravagant extent of three syllables ; even if, as pointed out above, he denies
feet .
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Cambridge History of English Literature - 1908 - v08 |
Thus there can be little doubt that the further science ad-
vances, the more extensively and consistently will all the phe-
nomena of nature be represented by
formulæ and
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Warner - World's Best Literature - v13 - Her to Hux |
And now the moon is shining on the scene,
And the broad sheet of snow is written o'er
With shadows cruciform of
As once the winding-sheet of Saladin
With chapters of the Koran; but, ah!
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Longfellow |
His next pony was rather a brute at starting, and Golightly's hands
being slippery with the rain, contrived to get rid of
at a
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Kipling - Poems |
Bèn xem đủ sách hội điển các triều, châm
định ra quy chế 3 năm mở một khoa, lấy từ năm Bính Tuất này (1466) làm khoa đầu.
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stella-04 |
He is also ^ grcand-and-lofty liar of the most
and soul-satisfying description, Yju can read whole pages of his literature and not come upon one single statement tainted with truth.
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Adams-Great-American-Fraud |
"But, in order not to exceed it, you must jump
from the
trains upon the steamers, and from the steamers upon the trains again.
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Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne |
"God lives in heaven,"
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Childrens - Children's Sayings |
In military science, the Haberian
product is derived by multiplying the concentration of poison (c) by exposure time (t) (cTt ?
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Peter-Sloterdijk-Air-Quakes |
There is a vast literature on who
the Nazis, but rela- tively little on whom the Nazis supported after they came to power.
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Blackshirts-and-Reds-by-Michael-Parenti |
This forces him often to the genitive
construction; 'ich forschte
eifers nach dem horte'; or
he avoids the preposition by means of present and perfect parti-
ciples; or prefers such turns of phrase as: 'ich ihrer und sie
meiner gotter lachten' instead of 'ich lachte u?
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Stefan George - Studies |
Xow, the New York Health Journal (since happily
was, as I have observed before in the Liquozone matter and elsewhere, a fake, pure and simple.
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Adams-Great-American-Fraud |
Small wonder also that the in-
on no account to tell anyone remains op- erative, and that the expectation that in any case no one would believe you ensures silence.
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A-Secure-Base-Bowlby-Johnf |
The United States
dose is four grains; five grains have been known to produce fatal results.
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Adams-Great-American-Fraud |
Il ne
venir que d’elle.
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Proust - A La Recherche du Temps Perdu - Du Côté de Chez Swann - v1 |
I was remembering that occasion at a later date
when I had to
a speaker.
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Twain - Speeches |
Those lips that Love's own hand did make,
forth the sound that said 'I hate',
To me that languish'd for her sake:
But when she saw my woeful state,
Straight in her heart did mercy come,
Chiding that tongue that ever sweet
Was us'd in giving gentle doom;
And taught it thus anew to greet;
'I hate' she alter'd with an end,
That followed it as gentle day,
Doth follow night, who like a fiend
From heaven to hell is flown away.
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Shakespeare - Sonnets |
So that neither
fame, nor honour, nor
else that this world doth afford, is
worth the while.
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Marcus Aurelius - Meditations |
"Lords, I protest, and hearken all to it,
Ye times and ages, future, present, past,
Hear all ye blessed in the heavens that sit,
The time for this achievement
The longer rest worse will the season fit,
Our sureties shall with doubt be overcast.
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Tasso - Jerusalem Delivered |
It sometimes happens that we are punished for our faults by incidents,
in the
of which these faults had no share: and this I have
always felt the severest punishment.
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Coleridge - Biographia Literaria |
This in- cludes all of the
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Schelling-Philosophical-Investigations-into-the-Essence-of-Human-Freedom |
He does not wake at dawn to see
Dread figures throng his room,
Chaplain robed in white,
The Sheriff stern with gloom,
And the Governor all in shiny black,
With the yellow face of Doom.
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Wilde - Ballad of Reading Gaol |
Another, clad in linen, who seemed to be
guard over
the corpse, bent down and drew aside the sheet.
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Warner - World's Best Literature - v01 - A to Apu |
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Arthur Conan Doyle - Adventures of Sherlock Holmes |
There sleeps in
jail to-night,
Or wakes, as may betide,
A better lad, if things went right,
Than most that sleep outside.
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AE Housman - A Shropshire Lad |
(_November_ 2, 1899)
O IT was sad enough, weak enough, mad enough--
Light in their loving as
can be--
First to risk choosing them, leave alone losing them
Now, in far battle, beyond the South Sea!
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Thomas Hardy - Poems of the Past and Present |
She'd a gun at her bow that was Newcastle's best,
And a gun at her stern that was fresh from the Clyde,
And a secret her skipper had never confessed,
Not even at dawn, to his newly wed bride;
And a
that whispered above like a gnome,
The laughter of London, the boasts of Berlin.
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War Poetry - 1914-17 |
A minha alegria é tão
como a minha dor.
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Pessoa - Livro do Desassossego |
wars she secured Finland, and gained a larger
portion of Poland at the Congress of Vienna.
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Soviet Union - 1944 - Meet the Soviet Russians |
This content
from 128.
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Nolte - The Stable Crisis- Two Decades of German Foreign Policy |
One cat,
in the mill's sink, stink of last week's stew.
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Trakl - The True Fate of the Bremen Town Musicians as Told by Georg Trakl |
are taught that they are members of a
brotherhood, where is
neither Greek nor Hebrew, bond nor free and that they live their lives
as fellow-workers with God.
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Marcus Aurelius - Meditations |
As soon as this was known, the whole fleet sailed out from Sunium, and the forces on board took
of the forts, as the fleet had done of the harbour.
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Polyaenus - Strategems |
It is the only civilised form of
autobiography, as it deals, not with the events, but with the thoughts
of one's life, not with life's
accidents of deed or
circumstance, but with the spiritual moods and imaginative passions of
the mind.
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Oscar Wilde - Aphorisms, the Soul of Man |
Imagine to yourself the distressed situation of the daughter of a
Pope, only fifteen years old, who, in less than three months, had felt
of poverty and slavery, had been ravished almost every day,
had beheld her mother drawn in quarters, had experienced famine and war,
and was dying of the plague in Algiers.
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Candide by Voltaire |
' It belongs to the Kingdom of Heaven; it
neither receives nor gives
of mutual help from, or to an
earthly King.
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Sarpi - 1868 - Life of Fra Paolo Sarpi |
Your breaking open and gutting of houses, your rummaging of
cellars, your demolishing of Christian temples, and bearing off, in
triumph, the
plate and pictures, the ornaments of their
wicked altars, when all rich moveables were sentenced for idolatrous,
and all that was idolatrous was seized?
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Dryden - Complete |
Therefore there is no denying, that Adam had the power of life and death ; and consequently was a Hug, as well as a father ; since every father is a king in his own family, where there is no
king or father to restrain his authority, in fach cafes as he thinks
fit, and bring them to be judg'd by him the supreme lard.
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Rehearsal - v1 - 1750 |
+ Keep it legal Whatever your use,
that you are responsible for ensuring that what you are doing is legal.
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Sallust - Catiline |
And thus upon our journey, footing the road, and more than once, and
let us go.
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Walt Whitman - Leaves of Grass |
Turkey and the Great Nations 21
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Treitschke - 1915 - Germany, France, Russia, and Islam |
It will catch fish by daylight, as a toad catches flies,
and is said to emit a
fluid from its mouth to attract
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Thoreau - Excursions and Poems |