SiNCE therefore, Athenians, what the Legiflator names
Magifh-acies, thefe People call Offices and Employments, it
is your Buiinefs to this Law ; to fet it in Oppoiition
to their frontlefs Aflurance, and to fuggefl: to them, that you
approve not of that pernicious Sophift, who is confident he
fhall with Words overturn your Conftitution ; but that in
Proportion, as he fpeaks with greater Eloquence, when he
propofes a Decree, which violates your Laws, fo fhall he feel
your feverer Indignation.
Magifh-acies, thefe People call Offices and Employments, it
is your Buiinefs to this Law ; to fet it in Oppoiition
to their frontlefs Aflurance, and to fuggefl: to them, that you
approve not of that pernicious Sophift, who is confident he
fhall with Words overturn your Conftitution ; but that in
Proportion, as he fpeaks with greater Eloquence, when he
propofes a Decree, which violates your Laws, fo fhall he feel
your feverer Indignation.
Demosthenes - Orations - v2