ORS refuse to take oath
JsayIng whIle ChIef JustIce of thIs Court stands
llnpeached Moses GIll has made many JustIces by lendIng money
A statue of H M (HIs Majesty) very large
on horseback
sohd lead glIded with gold
on an hIgh marble We then walked up Broadway
magnIficent bUlldmg, cost 2.
JsayIng whIle ChIef JustIce of thIs Court stands
llnpeached Moses GIll has made many JustIces by lendIng money
A statue of H M (HIs Majesty) very large
on horseback
sohd lead glIded with gold
on an hIgh marble We then walked up Broadway
magnIficent bUlldmg, cost 2.