‘No I suppose not ’
‘Well, then' You’d better go upstairs and start packing your box It’s no
good your staying any longer, because I haven’t got anything m for your
dinner ’
Dorothy went upstairs and sat down on the side of the bed She was
trembling uncontrollably, and it was some minutes before she could collect her
wits and begin packing She felt dazed The disaster that had fallen upon her
was so sudden, so apparently causeless, that she had difficulty in believing that
it had actually happened But m truth the reason why Mrs Creevy had sacked
her was quite simple and adequate
Not far from Rmgwood House there was a poor, moribund little school
called The Gables, with only seven pupils The teacher was an incompetent
old hack called Miss Allcock, who had been at thirty-eight different schools m
her life and was not fit to have charge of a tame canary But Miss Allcock had
one outstanding talent, she was very good at double-crossing her employers
In these third-rate and fourth-rate private schools a sort of piracy is gomg on Parents are ‘got round’ and pupils stolen from one school to another
Very often the treachery of the teacher is at the bottom of it.
‘No I suppose not ’
‘Well, then' You’d better go upstairs and start packing your box It’s no
good your staying any longer, because I haven’t got anything m for your
dinner ’
Dorothy went upstairs and sat down on the side of the bed She was
trembling uncontrollably, and it was some minutes before she could collect her
wits and begin packing She felt dazed The disaster that had fallen upon her
was so sudden, so apparently causeless, that she had difficulty in believing that
it had actually happened But m truth the reason why Mrs Creevy had sacked
her was quite simple and adequate
Not far from Rmgwood House there was a poor, moribund little school
called The Gables, with only seven pupils The teacher was an incompetent
old hack called Miss Allcock, who had been at thirty-eight different schools m
her life and was not fit to have charge of a tame canary But Miss Allcock had
one outstanding talent, she was very good at double-crossing her employers
In these third-rate and fourth-rate private schools a sort of piracy is gomg on Parents are ‘got round’ and pupils stolen from one school to another
Very often the treachery of the teacher is at the bottom of it.
Orwell - A Clergyman's Daughter