No More Learning

Thofe Wretches who had fmarted for their mifdeeds, waited an opportunity
to revenge themfelves of the Governor, and pickl'd up their Complaints
againft the meeting of the States, a time which the moft profligate pcrfons
of the Province generally long for ; to that great AfTembly therefore they
addrefs'd themfelves with a heavy Charge againft A l ci at i, who feeing
himfelf thus malicioufly profecuted went to his Mafter the Prince of Ne-
gropont (who is at prefent in this Court) and claim'd the proteftion
due to a Minifter who had           difcharg'd his Duty : But that
Prince, like many others, to win the good-wiD of his Subjefts, inftead of
redrelTing the Governor, took part with his clamorous Accufers, which
made 'em ten times more infolent than before.