Thofe Wretches who had fmarted for their mifdeeds, waited an opportunity
to revenge themfelves of the Governor, and pickl'd up their Complaints
againft the meeting of the States, a time which the moft profligate pcrfons
of the Province generally long for ; to that great AfTembly therefore they
addrefs'd themfelves with a heavy Charge againft A l ci at i, who feeing
himfelf thus malicioufly profecuted went to his Mafter the Prince of Ne-
gropont (who is at prefent in this Court) and claim'd the proteftion
due to a Minifter who had difcharg'd his Duty : But that
Prince, like many others, to win the good-wiD of his Subjefts, inftead of
redrelTing the Governor, took part with his clamorous Accufers, which
made 'em ten times more infolent than before.
to revenge themfelves of the Governor, and pickl'd up their Complaints
againft the meeting of the States, a time which the moft profligate pcrfons
of the Province generally long for ; to that great AfTembly therefore they
addrefs'd themfelves with a heavy Charge againft A l ci at i, who feeing
himfelf thus malicioufly profecuted went to his Mafter the Prince of Ne-
gropont (who is at prefent in this Court) and claim'd the proteftion
due to a Minifter who had difcharg'd his Duty : But that
Prince, like many others, to win the good-wiD of his Subjefts, inftead of
redrelTing the Governor, took part with his clamorous Accufers, which
made 'em ten times more infolent than before.
Boccalini - 1611 - Advices from Parnassus, in two centuries, with the Political touchstone