But the whole Ro-
man Senate, the Emperors during the
ſeveral Perſecutions, the Soldiers, the
common People, and ev'n they, who
were nearly related to the Chriſtians
wag'd open War, as it were, againſt
the Religion which our Bleſſed Savi-
our introduc’d, and wou’d eaſily, and
quite have ſtop'd its happy Progreſs,
if a Divine and Miraculous Power had
not ſeaſonably interpos'd, and made it
overcome the whole habitable World,
who exerted all their Malice, and us’d
their utmoſt towards its
ſudden and entire Extirpation.
man Senate, the Emperors during the
ſeveral Perſecutions, the Soldiers, the
common People, and ev'n they, who
were nearly related to the Chriſtians
wag'd open War, as it were, againſt
the Religion which our Bleſſed Savi-
our introduc’d, and wou’d eaſily, and
quite have ſtop'd its happy Progreſs,
if a Divine and Miraculous Power had
not ſeaſonably interpos'd, and made it
overcome the whole habitable World,
who exerted all their Malice, and us’d
their utmoſt towards its
ſudden and entire Extirpation.
Origen - Against Celsus