d his descendants male
and natural the admInIstratIon of ClVtl and crIminal JustIce In the saId place
debt when the MedICI tool{ the throne was 5 mllhon and when they left was fourteen
and Its Interest ate up all the best Income
the first folly was planting factorIes for wool spinnIng In England and Flanders
then England kept her raw wool, so that damped down the exchangIng
the arts gone to hell by 1750 and Leopoldo cut down the taxes
found there was t U1t' abbo1''taarzza che a/famavtZ' says Zobi
Leopold cut down the debt Interest and put the JesuIts out
and put end to the InquIsItIon
and they brought In Mr Lock.
debt when the MedICI tool{ the throne was 5 mllhon and when they left was fourteen
and Its Interest ate up all the best Income
the first folly was planting factorIes for wool spinnIng In England and Flanders
then England kept her raw wool, so that damped down the exchangIng
the arts gone to hell by 1750 and Leopoldo cut down the taxes
found there was t U1t' abbo1''taarzza che a/famavtZ' says Zobi
Leopold cut down the debt Interest and put the JesuIts out
and put end to the InquIsItIon
and they brought In Mr Lock.