Still other holy men say:
"There will be no wrong [in practising Mantra] according to methods in such texts as the Questions o f KiiSyapa Sutra, the Injunctions on Dealing with Women Sutra, the Glorious Original [Aeon] Tantra, the Unfailing Discipline and other Tantras in that section, and in [the works of ]Arya and Acarya Aryadeva.
Still other holy men say:
"There will be no wrong [in practising Mantra] according to methods in such texts as the Questions o f KiiSyapa Sutra, the Injunctions on Dealing with Women Sutra, the Glorious Original [Aeon] Tantra, the Unfailing Discipline and other Tantras in that section, and in [the works of ]Arya and Acarya Aryadeva.