660 l aLo
conjeotnred that the Vishnu of my Vijay-
mandar G-arh Idt inscription might possibly liavo boon an
ancestor of Harsha Varddliana I may now mcniion that
General Cunmngham, after some considomtioii, bad con-
curred with me m attributing the Vishnu Varddhana of
the Idt mscription to the Bais tribe.
conjeotnred that the Vishnu of my Vijay-
mandar G-arh Idt inscription might possibly liavo boon an
ancestor of Harsha Varddliana I may now mcniion that
General Cunmngham, after some considomtioii, bad con-
curred with me m attributing the Vishnu Varddhana of
the Idt mscription to the Bais tribe.
Carllelye - 1871 - Report Of A Tour In Eastern Rajputanain 1871-72 And 1872-73 Vol-vi