In my report on M&chM T have
from General Cunningham’s former report on Banftt the
fact that Abu RihA,n calls the Mcatsya countiy, or the country
around BairM, KarzAt, or GiizrAt and this latter name of
GuzrAt must thercfori' have been derived from the latter
part of the name of the Badagujar or Bargdjar tribe, who
must at that time have hoim })aramount both over BaiiAt and
MAohAri, as W(‘ll as Deoti, their ancient capital.
from General Cunningham’s former report on Banftt the
fact that Abu RihA,n calls the Mcatsya countiy, or the country
around BairM, KarzAt, or GiizrAt and this latter name of
GuzrAt must thercfori' have been derived from the latter
part of the name of the Badagujar or Bargdjar tribe, who
must at that time have hoim })aramount both over BaiiAt and
MAohAri, as W(‘ll as Deoti, their ancient capital.
Carllelye - 1871 - Report Of A Tour In Eastern Rajputanain 1871-72 And 1872-73 Vol-vi