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The Tranſlator's Preface
it ſelf thro’ the long Traćt of Time in
which the Books of the Old and New
Teſtament were committed to Writing,
thro’ the Ignorance, and Careleſneſs, and
perhaps Deſign of ſome Tranſcribers, is
liable to ſome few Exceptions; yet if we
muſt reject and all Tranſlations,
becauſe ſome are bad, and the beſt im-
perfect, I fear, we muſt immediately
throw up our Bibles themſelves, and
grope after Truth, by no better Help,
than that of the dim Light of Na-
The Tranſlator's Preface
it ſelf thro’ the long Traćt of Time in
which the Books of the Old and New
Teſtament were committed to Writing,
thro’ the Ignorance, and Careleſneſs, and
perhaps Deſign of ſome Tranſcribers, is
liable to ſome few Exceptions; yet if we
muſt reject and all Tranſlations,
becauſe ſome are bad, and the beſt im-
perfect, I fear, we muſt immediately
throw up our Bibles themſelves, and
grope after Truth, by no better Help,
than that of the dim Light of Na-
Origen - Against Celsus