ull of oats
among whIch slept better than SInce my arrIval
I n Spam
In general the mountains covered WIth furze
scarce an elm oak or other tree
O'BrIen afterward sent me a mInced pIe and a me~t pIe
at St James Campostella and 2 bottles of Frontenac Wine nothmg rIch but tIle churclles, nothmg fat but the clelgy NO of commerce or even of Internal traffic Between GalIce and Leon I780
all of colour made of black sheep's wool undyed
the rIver Valcaire between two rows of mountains
not a decent house since Corunna
4 Tuesday, clean bed, no fleas for the first time In Spam
at Astorga
largest turnipS I ever saw
Mauregato women, as fine as squaws and a great deal
Hoy mlsmo han llegado
a esta plaza el Caballero
Juan Adams mlembro 374
more nasty
among whIch slept better than SInce my arrIval
I n Spam
In general the mountains covered WIth furze
scarce an elm oak or other tree
O'BrIen afterward sent me a mInced pIe and a me~t pIe
at St James Campostella and 2 bottles of Frontenac Wine nothmg rIch but tIle churclles, nothmg fat but the clelgy NO of commerce or even of Internal traffic Between GalIce and Leon I780
all of colour made of black sheep's wool undyed
the rIver Valcaire between two rows of mountains
not a decent house since Corunna
4 Tuesday, clean bed, no fleas for the first time In Spam
at Astorga
largest turnipS I ever saw
Mauregato women, as fine as squaws and a great deal
Hoy mlsmo han llegado
a esta plaza el Caballero
Juan Adams mlembro 374
more nasty