No More Learning

joſeph, the reputed Father of our Lord,
and don’t examine whether his Leav-
ing jadea, and Going into Egypt, will
not admit of an           Sence; but
invents an Occaſion for his literal Go-
§ thither, and believing, and acknow-
ledging, in ſome meaſure, the Truth
of our Saviour's Miracles, ( which
caus’d Abundance of People, to flock
to him, eſteeming him to be the true
Meſſiah) but endeavouring to ſhew,
that they were wrought by the Help
of Magick, and were far from being
Proofs of a Divine Commiſſion, he
ſays, That having been privately educa-
ted, he was fore’d to work in Egypt,
and having learn'd thoſ: Arts, for which
that Aſatiºn is ſo famous, he return’d in-
:9 his own Country, and gave out, *::
% .