Under the Archonfhip of Chaerondas, on the twenty-fifth Day
of January, the Leontidean Tribe prefidingin the Senate, Ari-
ftonicus delivered this Opinion : Whereas hath
rendered many and important Services to the People of Athens ;
E e e 2 main-
(8) The Perfon, condemned under the ble of pleading in any CourC of Judi-
Penalty of Infamy, was for ever incapa- cature.
of January, the Leontidean Tribe prefidingin the Senate, Ari-
ftonicus delivered this Opinion : Whereas hath
rendered many and important Services to the People of Athens ;
E e e 2 main-
(8) The Perfon, condemned under the ble of pleading in any CourC of Judi-
Penalty of Infamy, was for ever incapa- cature.
Demosthenes - Orations - v2