When my Soule was in her owne body sheath'd,
Nor yet by oathes betroth'd, nor kisses breath'd
Into my Purgatory, faithlesse thee,
Thy heart seem'd waxe, and steele thy constancie:
So, carelesse flowers strow'd on the waters face, 15
The curled whirlepooles suck, smack, and embrace,
Yet drowne them; so, the tapers beamie eye
Amorously twinkling, beckens the giddie flie,
Yet burnes his wings; and such the devill is,
Scarce visiting them, who are intirely his.
When my Soule was in her owne body sheath'd,
Nor yet by oathes betroth'd, nor kisses breath'd
Into my Purgatory, faithlesse thee,
Thy heart seem'd waxe, and steele thy constancie:
So, carelesse flowers strow'd on the waters face, 15
The curled whirlepooles suck, smack, and embrace,
Yet drowne them; so, the tapers beamie eye
Amorously twinkling, beckens the giddie flie,
Yet burnes his wings; and such the devill is,
Scarce visiting them, who are intirely his.
John Donne
[Cales and Guyana. _O'F:_ Calez _&c. _ _W:_ _first printed in
Gosse's_ Life and Letters of John Donne (1899)]
_Sir Iohn Wingefield. _
Beyond th'old Pillers many have travailed
Towards the Suns cradle, and his throne, and bed:
A fitter Piller our Earle did bestow
In that late Island; for he well did know
Farther then Wingefield no man dares to goe.
[Sir Iohn Wingefield. _Ed:_ Il Cavalliere Gio: Wingef: _W:_
On Cavallero Wingfield. _O'F:_ _first printed in Gosse's_ Life
and Letters of John Donne (1899)]
[2 throne _W:_ grave _O'F_]
[4 late _W:_ Lady _O'F_]
_A selfe accuser. _
Your mistris, that you follow whores, still taxeth you:
'Tis strange that she should thus confesse it, though'it be true.
[A selfe accuser. _1633-69:_ A Mistrisse. _HN:_ _no title_,
_B_, _O'F_, _W_]
[2 that] _om. _ _HN_, _O'F_, _W_
thus] _om. _ _HN_, _O'F_, _W_
it] _om. _ _HN_, _O'F_]
_A licentious person. _
Thy sinnes and haires may no man equall call,
For, as thy sinnes increase, thy haires doe fall.
[A licentious person. _1633-69_, _A18_, _N_, _TCC_, _TCD:_
Whore. _HN:_ _no title_, _O'F_, _RP31_, _W_]
[1 Thy] His _and so throughout_, _RP31_]
_Antiquary. _
If in his Studie he hath so much care
To'hang all old strange things, let his wife beware.
[Antiquary. _1633-69_, _A18_, _N_, _P_, _TCC_, _TCD_, _W:_
Hammon. _HN:_ _no title_, _Bur_, _Cy_, _O'F:_ Epigram. _S96_]
[1 he hath so much _1633-69:_ he have such _A18_, _N_, _TC:_
Hamon hath such _B_, _Cy_, _HN_ (have), _O'F_, _S96_, _W_]
[2 strange _om. _ _B_, _HN_, _O'F_ all _om. Bur_]
_Disinherited. _
Thy father all from thee, by his last Will,
Gave to the poore; Thou hast good title still.
[Disinherited. _1633-69:_ One disinherited. _HN:_ _no title_,
_Cy_, _O'F_, _P_, _W_]
[1 Will, _Ed:_ Will _1633-69_]
_Phryne. _
Thy flattering picture, _Phryne_, is like thee,
Onely in this, that you both painted be.
[Phryne. _1633-69_, _A18_, _N_, _TCC_, _TCD:_ _no title_,
[1 like thee,] like to thee, _1650-69_]
_An obscure writer. _
_Philo_, with twelve yeares study, hath beene griev'd
To be understood; when will hee be beleev'd?
[An obscure writer. _1633-69_, _A18_, _N_, _TCC_, _TCD:_ _no
title_, _O'F_]
[1 griev'd _Ed:_ griev'd, _1633-69_]
[2 To be _Ed:_ To'be _1633-69_
understood; _Ed:_ understood, _1633-69_
beleev'd? ] beleev'd. _1633_]
_Klockius. _
_Klockius_ so deeply hath sworne, ne'r more to come
In bawdie house, that hee dares not goe home.
[Klockius. _HN:_ _no title_, _1633-69_, _Bur_, _O'F_]
[1 _Klockius_] Rawlings _Bur_]
[2 In bawdie] In a bawdie _HN_]
_Raderus. _
Why this man gelded _Martiall_ I muse,
Except himselfe alone his tricks would use,
As _Katherine_, for the Courts sake, put downe Stewes.
[Raderus. _1633-69_, _A18_, _N_, _TCD:_ Randerus. _TCC:_
Martial: castrat_us_. _W_]
[1 _Martiall_ I muse, _1633-54:_ _Martiall_, I amuse, _1669_]
_Mercurius Gallo-Belgicus. _
Like _Esops_ fellow-slaves, O _Mercury_,
Which could do all things, thy faith is; and I
Like _Esops_ selfe, which nothing; I confesse
I should have had more faith, if thou hadst lesse;
Thy credit lost thy credit: 'Tis sinne to doe,
In this case, as thou wouldst be done unto,
To beleeve all: Change thy name: thou art like
_Mercury_ in stealing, but lyest like a _Greeke_.
[Mercurius Gallo-Belgicus. _1633-69_, _A18_, _B_, _N_, _O'F_,
_S_, _TCC_, _TCD_, _W_]
[8 but lyest _1633-69:_ and lyest _B_, _W_]
_Ralphius. _
Compassion in the world againe is bred:
_Ralphius_ is sick, the broker keeps his bed.
[Ralphius. _HN:_ _no title_, _1633-69_, _O'F_]
_The Lier. _
Thou in the fields walkst out thy supping howers,
And yet thou swear'st thou hast supp'd like a king:
Like Nebuchadnezar perchance with grass and flowers,
A sallet worse then Spanish dieting.
[The Lier. _HN:_ _no title_, _B_, _Bur_, _Cy_, _O'F_, _P_,
[2 swear'st _HN_, _W:_ say'st _B_, _Cy_, _O'F_]
[3 grass] hearbes _Bur_
supp'd like] supp'd and like _HN_]
_Iealosie. _
Fond woman, which would'st have thy husband die,
And yet complain'st of his great jealousie;
If swolne with poyson, hee lay in' his last bed,
His body with a sere-barke covered,
Drawing his breath, as thick and short, as can 5
The nimblest crocheting Musitian,
Ready with loathsome vomiting to spue
His Soule out of one hell, into a new,
Made deafe with his poore kindreds howling cries,
Begging with few feign'd teares, great legacies, 10
Thou would'st not weepe, but jolly,'and frolicke bee,
As a slave, which to morrow should be free;
Yet weep'st thou, when thou seest him hungerly
Swallow his owne death, hearts-bane jealousie.
O give him many thanks, he'is courteous, 15
That in suspecting kindly warneth us.
Wee must not, as wee us'd, flout openly,
In scoffing ridles, his deformitie;
Nor at his boord together being fatt,
With words, nor touch, scarce lookes adulterate. 20
Nor when he swolne, and pamper'd with great fare,
Sits downe, and snorts, cag'd in his basket chaire,
Must wee usurpe his owne bed any more,
Nor kisse and play in his house, as before.
Now I see many dangers; for that is 25
His realme, his castle, and his diocesse.
But if, as envious men, which would revile
Their Prince, or coyne his gold, themselves exile
Into another countrie,'and doe it there,
Wee play'in another house, what should we feare? 30
There we will scorne his houshold policies,
His seely plots, and pensionary spies,
As the inhabitants of Thames right side
Do Londons Major; or Germans, the Popes pride.
[Elegie I. Iealosie. _1635-54:_ Elegie I. _1633 and 1669:_
_no title or_ Elegie (_numbered variously, according to scheme
adopted_) _A18_, _A25_, _B_, _Cy_, _D_, _H49_, _JC_, _Lec_,
_N_, _O'F_, _P_, _S_, _S96_, _TCC_, _TCD_, _W_]
[1 woman,] woman _1633_]
[4 sere-barke _1633-54_, _B_, _Cy_, _H49_, _Lec_, _O'F_, _S_,
_W:_ sere-cloth _1669_, _D_, _P:_ sore barke _A18_, _A25_,
_JC_, _N_, _TC_]
[10 few] some few _A18_, _N_, _TC_]
[12 free; _Ed:_ free, _1633-69:_ free. _D_]
[16 us. _1633-35:_ us, _1639-69_]
[21 great _1633-54_, _A18_, _A25_, _D_, _H49_, _JC_, _Lec_,
_N_, _S_, _TC_, _W:_ high _1669_, _B_, _O'F_, _P_, _S96:_ his
fare, _Ed:_ fare _1633-69_]
[25 Now . . . dangers;] Now do I see my danger; _1669_
that _all MSS. :_ it _1633-69_]
[26 diocesse] Diocys _D:_ Diocis _W_]
[27-29 (as envious . . . do it there,) _1669_]
[30 another] anothers _1669_ We into some third place retired
were _B_, _O'F_, _P_, _S96_]
[34 Major; _1650-54:_ Major, _1633-39:_ Mayor; _1669_]
_The Anagram. _
Marry, and love thy _Flavia_, for, shee
Hath all things, whereby others beautious bee,
For, though her eyes be small, her mouth is great,
Though they be Ivory, yet her teeth be jeat,
Though they be dimme, yet she is light enough, 5
And though her harsh haire fall, her skinne is rough;
What though her cheeks be yellow, her haire's red,
Give her thine, and she hath a maydenhead.
These things are beauties elements, where these
Meet in one, that one must, as perfect, please. 10
If red and white and each good quality
Be in thy wench, ne'r aske where it doth lye.
In buying things perfum'd, we aske; if there
Be muske and amber in it, but not where.
Though all her parts be not in th'usuall place, 15
She'hath yet an Anagram of a good face.
If we might put the letters but one way,
In the leane dearth of words, what could wee say?
When by the Gamut some Musitions make
A perfect song, others will undertake, 20
By the same Gamut chang'd, to equall it.
Things simply good, can never be unfit.
She's faire as any, if all be like her,
And if none bee, then she is singular.
All love is wonder; if wee justly doe 25
Account her wonderfull, why not lovely too?
Love built on beauty, soone as beauty, dies,
Chuse this face, chang'd by no deformities.
Women are all like Angels; the faire be
Like those which fell to worse; but such as shee, 30
Like to good Angels, nothing can impaire:
'Tis lesse griefe to be foule, then to have beene faire.
For one nights revels, silke and gold we chuse,
But, in long journeyes, cloth, and leather use.
Beauty is barren oft; best husbands say, 35
There is best land, where there is foulest way.
Oh what a soveraigne Plaister will shee bee,
If thy past sinnes have taught thee jealousie!
Here needs no spies, nor eunuches; her commit
Safe to thy foes; yea, to a Marmosit. 40
When Belgiaes citties, the round countries drowne,
That durty foulenesse guards, and armes the towne:
So doth her face guard her; and so, for thee,
Which, forc'd by businesse, absent oft must bee,
Shee, whose face, like clouds, turnes the day to night, 45
Who, mightier then the sea, makes Moores seem white,
Who, though seaven yeares, she in the Stews had laid,
A Nunnery durst receive, and thinke a maid,
And though in childbeds labour she did lie,
Midwifes would sweare, 'twere but a tympanie, 50
Whom, if shee accuse her selfe, I credit lesse
Then witches, which impossibles confesse,
Whom Dildoes, Bedstaves, and her Velvet Glasse
Would be as loath to touch as Joseph was:
One like none, and lik'd of none, fittest were, 55
For, things in fashion every man will weare.
[Eleg. II. The Anagram. _1635-54:_ Elegie II. _1633_, _1669:_
Elegie. (_numbered variously_) _A18_, _A25_, _B_, _Cy_, _D_,
_H49_, _JC_, _L74_, _Lec_, _M_, _N_, _O'F_, _P_, _S_, _S96_,
_TCC_, _TCD_, _W_]
[4 they] theirs _1669_, _S96_
teeth be _1633-69_, _D_, _H49_, _JC_, _Lec:_ teeth are _A18_,
_A25_, _B_, _Cy_, _L74_, _M_, _N_, _O'F_, _S_, _TC_, _W_]
[6 hair fall] hair's foul _1669_
is rough _1633_, _1669_, _A18_, _A25_, _B_, _D_, _H49_,
_JC_, _L74_, _Lec_, _M_, _N_, _P_, _S_, _TC_, _W:_ is tough
_1635-54_, _O'F_, _Chambers_]
[16 an Anagram] the Anagrams _1669_]
[18 the _1633:_ that _1635-69_
words _1633-69_, _A25_, _B_, _L74_, _M_, _N_, _O'F_, _P_, _S_,
_TC:_ letters _D_, _Cy_, _H49_, _W_]
[22 unfit. _D:_ unfit; _1633-69_]
[28 deformities. ] deformities; _1633_]
[29 faire] fairer _S_, _S96_]
[35 say,] say, _1633_]
[37 bee,] bee _1633_]
[41-2 When Belgiaes . . . towne: _1633-54:_ Like Belgia's cities
when the Country is drown'd, That . . . towns; _1669:_ Like
Belgia's cities the round country drowns, That . . . towns,
_Chambers:_ _MSS. _ _agree with 1633-54_, _but before_
countries _read variously_ round (_A18_, _A25_, _Cy_, _D_,
_H49_, _JC_, _L74_, _Lec_, _M_, _N_, _P_, _TC_, _W_), lowe
(_B_), foul (_O'F_, _S_, _S96_, _which read_ country drowns
. . . towns)]
[49 childbeds _1633-54_, _Lec_, _W:_ childbirths _1669_,
_A18_, _A25_, _B_, _Cy_, _D_, _H49_, _JC_, _L74_, _O'F_, _P_,
_S_, _S96_, _TC_]
[52 confesse, _Ed:_ confesse. _1633-69_]
[53-4 Whom . . . Joseph was: _1669 and all MSS_ [or a Velvet
_1669_]: _om. _ _1633-54_]
_Change. _
Although thy hand and faith, and good workes too,
Have seal'd thy love which nothing should undoe,
Yea though thou fall backe, that apostasie
Confirme thy love; yet much, much I feare thee.
Women are like the Arts, forc'd unto none, 5
Open to'all searchers, unpriz'd, if unknowne.
If I have caught a bird, and let him flie,
Another fouler using these meanes, as I,
May catch the same bird; and, as these things bee,
Women are made for men, not him, nor mee. 10
Foxes and goats; all beasts change when they please,
Shall women, more hot, wily, wild then these,
Be bound to one man, and did Nature then
Idly make them apter to'endure then men?
They'are our clogges, not their owne; if a man bee 15
Chain'd to a galley, yet the galley'is free;
Who hath a plow-land, casts all his seed corne there,
And yet allowes his ground more corne should beare;
Though Danuby into the sea must flow,
The sea receives the Rhene, Volga, and Po. 20
By nature, which gave it, this liberty
Thou lov'st, but Oh! canst thou love it and mee?
Likenesse glues love: and if that thou so doe,
To make us like and love, must I change too?
More then thy hate, I hate'it, rather let mee 25
Allow her change, then change as oft as shee,
And soe not teach, but force my'opinion
To love not any one, nor every one.
To live in one land, is captivitie,
To runne all countries, a wild roguery; 30
Waters stincke soone, if in one place they bide,
And in the vast sea are more putrifi'd:
But when they kisse one banke, and leaving this
Never looke backe, but the next banke doe kisse,
Then are they purest; Change'is the nursery 35
Of musicke, joy, life, and eternity.
[Eleg. III. Change. _1635-54:_ Elegie III. _1633_, _1669:_
_no title or_ Elegye (_numbered variously_) _A18_, _A25_, _B_,
_Cy_, _D_, _H49_, _JC_, _L74_, _Lec_, _N_, _O'F_, _P_, _S_,
_S96_, _TCC_, _TCD_, _W_]
[1 workes] word _1669_]
[4 Confirme] Confirms _1669_, _A25_, _L74_, _P_]
[5 Women] Women, _1633_
forc'd unto none] forbid to none _B_]
[8 these _1633-54_, _D_, _H49_, _Lec:_ those _1669_, _A18_,
_A25_, _B_, _Cy_, _JC_, _L74_, _N_, _P_, _TC_, _W_]
[11 Foxes and goats; all beasts _1633-54:_ Foxes, goats and
all beasts _1669_]
[13 did] bid _1669_]
[17 a plow-land] plow-lands _P_]
[18 corne] seed _P_]
[20 Rhene,] Rhine, _1669_
Po. _1633:_ Po, _1635-69_]
[21 liberty _1633:_ libertie. _1635-69_]
[23 and . . . doe,] then if so thou do, _A18_, _A25_, _B_, _Cy_,
_D_, _H49_, _JC_, _L74_, _Lec_, _N_, _O'F_, _P_, _S96_, _TC_,
[24 like _i. e. _ alike _as in A18_, _N_, _TC_]
[31 bide] abide _1669_]
[32 more putrifi'd _1633-39:_ more purifi'd _1650-54:_ worse
purifi'd _1669:_ worse putrifi'd _A18_, _A25_, _Cy_, _D_,
_L74_, _Lec_, _N_, _O'F_, _P_, _S_, _S96_, _TC_, _W:_ worst
putrifi'd _B_, _H49_, _JC_]
_The Perfume. _
Once, and but once found in thy company,
All thy suppos'd escapes are laid on mee;
And as a thiefe at barre, is question'd there
By all the men, that have beene rob'd that yeare,
So am I, (by this traiterous meanes surpriz'd) 5
By thy Hydroptique father catechiz'd.
Though he had wont to search with glazed eyes,
As though he came to kill a Cockatrice,
Though hee hath oft sworne, that hee would remove
Thy beauties beautie, and food of our love, 10
Hope of his goods, if I with thee were seene,
Yet close and secret, as our soules, we'have beene.
Though thy immortall mother which doth lye
Still buried in her bed, yet will not dye,
Takes this advantage to sleepe out day-light, 15
And watch thy entries, and returnes all night,
And, when she takes thy hand, and would seeme kind,
Doth search what rings, and armelets she can finde,
And kissing notes the colour of thy face,
And fearing least thou'art swolne, doth thee embrace; 20
To trie if thou long, doth name strange meates,
And notes thy palenesse, blushing, sighs, and sweats;
And politiquely will to thee confesse
The sinnes of her owne youths ranke lustinesse;
Yet love these Sorceries did remove, and move 25
Thee to gull thine owne mother for my love.
Thy little brethren, which like Faiery Sprights
Oft skipt into our chamber, those sweet nights,
And kist, and ingled on thy fathers knee,
Were brib'd next day, to tell what they did see: 30
The grim eight-foot-high iron-bound serving-man,
That oft names God in oathes, and onely than,
He that to barre the first gate, doth as wide
As the great Rhodian Colossus stride,
Which, if in hell no other paines there were, 35
Makes mee feare hell, because he must be there:
Though by thy father he were hir'd to this,
Could never witnesse any touch or kisse.
But Oh, too common ill, I brought with mee
That, which betray'd mee to my enemie: 40
A loud perfume, which at my entrance cryed
Even at thy fathers nose, so were wee spied.
When, like a tyran King, that in his bed
Smelt gunpowder, the pale wretch shivered.
Had it beene some bad smell, he would have thought 45
That his owne feet, or breath, that smell had wrought.
But as wee in our Ile emprisoned,
Where cattell onely,'and diverse dogs are bred,
The pretious Vnicornes, strange monsters call,
So thought he good, strange, that had none at all. 50
I taught my silkes, their whistling to forbeare,
Even my opprest shoes, dumbe and speechlesse were,
Onely, thou bitter sweet, whom I had laid
Next mee, mee traiterously hast betraid,
And unsuspected hast invisibly 55
At once fled unto him, and staid with mee.
Base excrement of earth, which dost confound
Sense, from distinguishing the sicke from sound;
By thee the seely Amorous sucks his death
By drawing in a leprous harlots breath; 60
By thee, the greatest staine to mans estate
Falls on us, to be call'd effeminate;
Though you be much lov'd in the Princes hall,
There, things that seeme, exceed substantiall;
Gods, when yee fum'd on altars, were pleas'd well 65
Because you'were burnt, not that they lik'd your smell;
You'are loathsome all, being taken simply alone,
Shall wee love ill things joyn'd, and hate each one?
If you were good, your good doth soone decay;
And you are rare, that takes the good away. 70
All my perfumes, I give most willingly
To'embalme thy fathers corse; What? will hee die?
[Eleg. IV. The Perfume. _1635-54:_ Elegie IV. _1633_, _1669:_
Elegie. (_numbered variously_) _A18_, _A25_, _C_, _D_, _H49_,
_JC_, _L74_, _Lec_, _N_, _O'F_, _P_, _S_, _S96_, _TCC_, _TCD_,
_W:_ Discovered by a Perfume. _B:_ _no title_, _Cy_, _HN_]
[2 suppos'd escapes] supposed scapes _1669_, _P_]
[4 By] For _P_]
[7-8 _1635-69 and MSS. _ _generally:_ _om. _ _1633_, _D_, _H49_,
[9 hath] have _A18_, _A25_, _L74_, _N_, _P_, _TC_, _W_]
[15 Takes] Take _A18_, _A25_, _N_, _P_, _TC_, _W_]
[21 To trie _&c. _ _1633_, _D_, _H49_, _S_ (dost long): And to
trie _&c. _ _1635-69_, _A18_, _A25_, _L74_, _N_, _O'F_, _S96_
(longest), _TC_
meates, _1635-69:_ meates. _1633_]
[22 blushing _1633-54_, _A18_, _A25_, _JC_, _N_, _TC:_ blushes
_1669:_ blushings _B_, _D_, _H49_, _HN_, _L74_, _Lec_, _O'F_,
_P_, _W_]
[29 ingled] dandled _1669_]
[30 see: _1635-69:_ see. _1633_]
[31 grim eight-foot-high iron-bound _Ed:_
grim-eight-foot-high-iron-bound _1633-69_]
[37 to _1633-69:_ for _MSS. _]
[38 kisse. ] kisse; _1633_]
[40 my _1633:_ mine _1635-69_]
[44 Smelt] Smells _1669_ shivered. _A18_, _D_, _H49_, _L74_,
_N_, _TC_, _W:_ shivered; _1633-69:_ shivered, _Chambers and
Grolier. See note_]
[46 that smell] the smell _1669_]
[49 monsters _Ed:_ monsters, _1633-69_]
[50 good,] sweet _1669_]
[53 bitter sweet, _1633-39:_ bitter-sweet, _1650-69_]
[60 breath; _1650-69:_ breath, _1633-39_]
[64 substantiall; _Ed:_ substantiall. _1633-69_]
[66 you'were] you'er _1669_
smell; _1635-39:_ smell, _1633_, _1669:_ smel _1650-54_]
[71 All] And _Chambers_]
_His Picture. _
Here take my Picture; though I bid farewell,
Thine, in my heart, where my soule dwels, shall dwell.
'Tis like me now, but I dead, 'twill be more
When wee are shadowes both, then'twas before.
When weather-beaten I come backe; my hand, 5
Perhaps with rude oares torne, or Sun beams tann'd,
My face and brest of hairecloth, and my head
With cares rash sodaine stormes, being o'rspread,
My body'a sack of bones, broken within,
And powders blew staines scatter'd on my skinne; 10
If rivall fooles taxe thee to'have lov'd a man,
So foule, and course, as, Oh, I may seeme than,
This shall say what I was: and thou shalt say,
Doe his hurts reach mee? doth my worth decay?
Or doe they reach his judging minde, that hee 15
Should now love lesse, what hee did love to see?
That which in him was faire and delicate,
Was but the milke, which in loves childish state
Did nurse it: who now is growne strong enough
To feed on that, which to disused tasts seemes tough. 20
[Eleg. V. His Picture. _1635-54:_ Elegie V. _1633_, _1669:_
Elegye. (_numbered variously_) _A18_, _A25_, _Cy_, _D_, _H49_,
_JC_, _Lec_, _N_, _O'F_, _S_, _S96_, _TCC_, _TCD_, _W:_
The Picture. _P:_ Travelling he leaves his Picture with his
mystris. _B_]
[1 Picture; . . . farewell, _Ed:_ Picture, . . . farewell; _1633:_
_rest semicolon or colon after each_]
[8 With cares rash sodaine stormes, being o'rspread, _1633_,
_A18_, _N_, _TC:_ With cares rash, cruel, sudden storms
o'erspread _P:_ With cares rash-sudden cruel-storms o'erprest
_B:_ With cares rash sudden storms o'erpressed _S_, _S96:_
With cares rash sudden storms o'erspread _Cy_, _D_, _H49_,
_Lec:_ With cares rash sodaine horiness o'erspread _A25_,
_JC_, _W:_ With cares harsh sodaine horinesse o'rspread,
_1635-69_, _O'F_]
[16 now love lesse, _1633-69_, _A18_, _N_, _TC:_ like and love
less _A25_, _B_, _Cy_, _D_, _H49_, _JC_, _Lec_, _O'F_, _P_,
_S_, _S96_, _W_]
[19 nurse] nourish _A18_, _N_, _P_, _S_, _TC_
strong] tough _P_]
[20 disused _Ed:_ disus'd _1633-39_, _A18_, _A25_, _B_, _Cy_,
_D_, _H49_, _JC_, _Lec_, _N_, _O'F_, _P_, _S_, _S96_, _TC_,
_W:_ weake _1650-69_
tough. ] rough. _P_]
Oh, let mee not serve so, as those men serve
Whom honours smoakes at once fatten and sterve;
Poorely enrich't with great mens words or lookes;
Nor so write my name in thy loving bookes
As those Idolatrous flatterers, which still 5
Their Princes stiles, with many Realmes fulfill
Whence they no tribute have, and where no sway.
Such services I offer as shall pay
Themselves, I hate dead names: Oh then let mee
Favorite in Ordinary, or no favorite bee.
When my Soule was in her owne body sheath'd,
Nor yet by oathes betroth'd, nor kisses breath'd
Into my Purgatory, faithlesse thee,
Thy heart seem'd waxe, and steele thy constancie:
So, carelesse flowers strow'd on the waters face, 15
The curled whirlepooles suck, smack, and embrace,
Yet drowne them; so, the tapers beamie eye
Amorously twinkling, beckens the giddie flie,
Yet burnes his wings; and such the devill is,
Scarce visiting them, who are intirely his. 20
When I behold a streame, which, from the spring,
Doth with doubtfull melodious murmuring,
Or in a speechlesse slumber, calmely ride
Her wedded channels bosome, and then chide
And bend her browes, and swell if any bough 25
Do but stoop downe, or kisse her upmost brow;
Yet, if her often gnawing kisses winne
The traiterous banke to gape, and let her in,
She rusheth violently, and doth divorce
Her from her native, and her long-kept course, 30
And rores, and braves it, and in gallant scorne,
In flattering eddies promising retorne,
She flouts the channell, who thenceforth is drie;
Then say I; that is shee, and this am I.
Yet let not thy deepe bitternesse beget 35
Carelesse despaire in mee, for that will whet
My minde to scorne; and Oh, love dull'd with paine
Was ne'r so wise, nor well arm'd as disdaine.
Then with new eyes I shall survay thee,'and spie
Death in thy cheekes, and darknesse in thine eye. 40
Though hope bred faith and love; thus taught, I shall
As nations do from Rome, from thy love fall.
My hate shall outgrow thine, and utterly
I will renounce thy dalliance: and when I
Am the Recusant, in that resolute state, 45
What hurts it mee to be'excommunicate?
[Eleg. VI. _1635-69:_ Elegie VII. _1633_ (Elegie VI. _being_
Sorrow who to this house _&c. _ _See_ Epicedes _&c. _, _p. _
287): Elegie. (_numbered variously_) _A18_, _A25_, _B_, _Cy_,
_D_, _H49_, _JC_, _L74_, _Lec_, _N_, _O'F_, _P_, _S_, _S96_,
_TCC_, _TCD_, _W_]
[2 fatten] flatter _1669_, _A18_, _B_, _Cy_, _L74_, _N_, _TC_]
[3 or] and _A18_, _Cy_, _L74_, _N_, _P_, _TC_]
[6 stiles, _1633-69_, _A18_, _B_, _Cy_, _D_, _H49_, _JC_,
_L74_, _Lec_, _N_, _P_, _S96_, _TC_, _W:_ style _A25_, _O'F_,
_S_, _Chambers and Grosart_
with _all MSS. , Chambers and Grosart:_ which (_probably by
confusion of_ w^{ch} _and_ w^{th}) _1633-69_
Realmes] names _1669_]
[7 where] bear _1669_]
[14 constancie: _1635-69:_ constancie. _1633_]
[24 then _1633_, _B_, _D_, _H49_, _Lec_, _S_, _S96_, _W:_
there _1635-69_, _A18_, _A25_, _Cy_, _JC_, _N_, _O'F_, _P_,
_TC_, _Chambers_]
[26 upmost _1633 and most MSS:_ utmost _1635-69_, _O'F_,
_Chambers_ brow; _Ed:_ brow: _1633-39:_ brow. _1650-69_]
[28 banke _A18_, _D_, _H49_, _JC_, _N_, _S_, _TC_, _W:_ banks
_1633-69_, _Lec_, _O'F_]
[33 the _1633_, _D_, _H49_, _Lec:_ her _1635-69_, _A18_, _N_,
who _1633_, _A18_, _A25_, _B_, _Cy_, _D_, _JC_, _H49_, _L74_,
_Lec_, _N_, _P_, _S_, _S96_, _TC:_ which _1635-69_, _O'F_]
[37 Oh,] Ah, _1669_]
[39 thee,'] _om. 1669_]
[40 eye. _Ed:_ eye; _1633-54:_ eye: _1669:_ eye, _Chambers_]
[41 Though . . . love; _1633:_ Though . . . breed . . . love:
_1635-39:_ Though . . . breed . . . love _1650-69_ (Through . . .
[42 fall. _1633-35:_ fall _1639-69_]
[43 outgrow] o'ergrow _Cy_, _P_]
Natures lay Ideot, I taught thee to love,
And in that sophistrie, Oh, thou dost prove
Too subtile: Foole, thou didst not understand
The mystique language of the eye nor hand:
Nor couldst thou judge the difference of the aire 5
Of sighes, and say, this lies, this sounds despaire:
Nor by the'eyes water call a maladie
Desperately hot, or changing feaverously.
I had not taught thee then, the Alphabet
Of flowers, how they devisefully being set 10
And bound up, might with speechlesse secrecie
Deliver arrands mutely, and mutually.
Remember since all thy words us'd to bee
To every suitor; _I_, _if my friends agree_;
Since, household charmes, thy husbands name to teach, 15
Were all the love trickes, that thy wit could reach;
And since, an houres discourse could scarce have made
One answer in thee, and that ill arraid
In broken proverbs, and torne sentences.
Thou art not by so many duties his, 20
That from the worlds Common having sever'd thee,
Inlaid thee, neither to be seene, nor see,
As mine: who have with amorous delicacies
Refin'd thee'into a blis-full Paradise.
Thy graces and good words my creatures bee; 25
I planted knowledge and lifes tree in thee,
Which Oh, shall strangers taste? Must I alas
Frame and enamell Plate, and drinke in Glasse?
Chafe waxe for others seales? breake a colts force
And leave him then, beeing made a ready horse? 30
[Elegie VII. _1635-69:_ Elegie VIII. _1633:_ Elegye.
(_numbered variously_) _A18_, _A25_, _B_, _Cy_, _D_, _H49_,
_JC_, _Lec_, _M_, _N_, _O'F_, _P_, _S_, _TCC_, _TCD_, _W_]
[2 Oh, . . . prove] Oh, how . . . prove _1669_]
[6 despaire: _1635-69:_ despaire. _1633_]
[7 call _1633_, _A18_, _A25_, _B_, _Cy_, _D_, _H49_, _JC_,
_Lec_, _M_, _N_, _O'F_ (_corrected from_ know), _P_, _TC_,
_W:_ know _1635-69:_ cast _S_, _Chambers and Grosart_]
[10 they devisefully being set] their devise in being set
_Cy_, _P_]
[12 arrands _1633:_ errands _1635-69:_ meet errands _B_]
[14 _agree_; _Ed:_ _agree_. _1633-69_]
[21-2 That . . . nor see,] _in brackets 1669_]
[24 Paradise] paradise _1633_]
[25 words _1633-54_, _A25_, _B_, _Cy_, _JC_, _N_, _O'F_, _P_,
_W:_ works _1669_, _A18_, _D_, _H49_, _Lec_, _TC_
bee; _Ed:_ bee, _1633-69_]
[26 thee, _1633:_ thee: _1635-69_]
[28 Glasse? _Ed:_ glasse. _1633-69_]
_The Comparison. _
As the sweet sweat of Roses in a Still,
As that which from chaf'd muskats pores doth trill,
As the Almighty Balme of th'early East,
Such are the sweat drops of my Mistris breast,
And on her <brow> her skin such lustre sets, 5
They seeme no sweat drops, but pearle coronets.
Ranke sweaty froth thy Mistresse's brow defiles,
Like spermatique issue of ripe menstruous boiles,
Or like the skumme, which, by needs lawlesse law
Enforc'd, Sanserra's starved men did draw 10
From parboild shooes, and bootes, and all the rest
Which were with any soveraigne fatnes blest,
And like vile lying stones in saffrond tinne,
Or warts, or wheales, they hang upon her skinne.
Round as the world's her head, on every side, 15
Like to the fatall Ball which fell on Ide,
Or that whereof God had such jealousie,
As, for the ravishing thereof we die.
Thy _head_ is like a rough-hewne statue of jeat,
Where marks for eyes, nose, mouth, are yet scarce set; 20
Like the first Chaos, or flat seeming face
Of Cynthia, when th'earths shadowes her embrace.
Like Proserpines white beauty-keeping chest,
Or Joues best fortunes urne, is her faire brest.
Thine's like worme eaten trunkes, cloth'd in seals skin, 25
Or grave, that's dust without, and stinke within.
And like that slender stalke, at whose end stands
The wood-bine quivering, are her armes and hands.
Like rough bark'd elmboughes, or the russet skin
Of men late scurg'd for madnes, or for sinne, 30
Like Sun-parch'd quarters on the citie gate,
Such is thy tann'd skins lamentable state.
And like a bunch of ragged carrets stand
The short swolne fingers of thy gouty hand.
Then like the Chymicks masculine equall fire, 35
Which in the Lymbecks warme wombe doth inspire
Into th'earths worthlesse durt a soule of gold,
Such cherishing heat her best lov'd part doth hold.
Thine's like the dread mouth of a fired gunne,
Or like hot liquid metalls newly runne 40
Into clay moulds, or like to that AEtna
Where round about the grasse is burnt away.
Are not your kisses then as filthy, and more,
As a worme sucking an invenom'd sore?
Doth not thy fearefull hand in feeling quake, 45
As one which gath'ring flowers, still feares a snake?
Is not your last act harsh, and violent,
As when a Plough a stony ground doth rent?
So kisse good Turtles, so devoutly nice
Are Priests in handling reverent sacrifice, 50
And such in searching wounds the Surgeon is
As wee, when wee embrace, or touch, or kisse.
Leave her, and I will leave comparing thus,
She, and comparisons are odious.
[Eleg. VIII. The Comparison. _1635-54:_ Elegie VIII. _1669:_
Elegie. _1633:_ Elegie. (_numbered variously_) _A18_, _A25_,
_B_, _C_, _Cy_, _JC_, _L74_, _N_, _O'F_, _P_, _S_, _S96_,
_TCC_, _TCD_, _W_]
[2 muskats] muskets _1669_]
[4 breast, _1635-69:_ breast. _1633_]
[5 <brow> _Ed: necke 1633-69 and MSS. See note_]
[6 coronets. _1633-69_, _A18_, _B_, _Cy_, _L74_, _M_, _N_,
_O'F_, _S96_, _TC:_ carcanets. _A25_, _C_, _JC_, _S_, _W:_
carolettes. _P_]
[8 boiles, _Ed:_ boiles. _1633-69:_ _in MSS. generally spelt
as pronounced_, biles _or_ byles]
[13 vile lying stones _1635-54 and MSS. :_ vile stones lying
_1633_, _1669_]
[14 they hang _A18_, _B_, _JC_, _L74_, _M_, _N_, _O'F_
(_altered to_ it), _S_, _TC_, _W:_ it hangs _1633-69_]
[19 a] _om. _ _1635-39_]
[26 grave] grav'd _1669_
dust _1633-69_, _W:_ durt _A18_, _A25_, _JC_, _M_, _N_, _O'F_,
_P_, _S_, _TC_]
[28 hands. _W:_ hands, _1633-69_]
[34 thy gouty hand. _1635-69_, _A18_, _A25_, _B_, _L74_, _N_,
_O'F_, _P_, _S96_, _TC_, _W_ (hand; _1635-69_): her gouty
hand; _1633_, _JC_, _S:_ thy mistress hand; _1669_]
[37 durt _1635-69:_ part _1633_, _from next line_]
[46 feares] fear'd _A18_, _L74_, _N_, _O'F_, _TC_, _W_]
[48 when _1635-69 and MSS. :_ where _1633_]
[50 Are Priests . . . sacrifice,] A Priest is in his handling
Sacrifice, _1669_]
[51 such _A18_, _A25_, _B_, _JC_, _L74_, _N_, _O'F_, _P_, _S_,
_S96_, _TC_, _W:_ nice _1633-69_]
_The Autumnall_
No _Spring_, nor _Summer_ Beauty hath such grace,
As I have seen in one _Autumnall_ face.
Yong _Beauties_ force our love, and that's a _Rape_,
This doth but _counsaile_, yet you cannot scape.
If t'were a _shame_ to love, here t'were no _shame_, 5
_Affection_ here takes _Reverences_ name.
Were her first yeares the _Golden Age_; That's true,
But now shee's _gold_ oft tried, and ever new.
That was her torrid and inflaming time,
This is her tolerable _Tropique clyme_. 10
Faire eyes, who askes more heate then comes from hence,
He in a fever wishes pestilence.
Call not these wrinkles, _graves_; If _graves_ they were,
They were _Loves graves_; for else he is no where.
Yet lies not Love _dead_ here, but here doth sit 15
Vow'd to this trench, like an _Anachorit_.
And here, till hers, which must be his _death_, come,
He doth not digge a _Grave_, but build a _Tombe_.
Here dwells he, though he sojourne ev'ry where,
In _Progresse_, yet his standing house is here. 20
Here, where still _Evening_ is; not _noone_, nor _night_;
Where no _voluptuousnesse_, yet all _delight_.
In all her words, unto all hearers fit,
You may at _Revels_, you at _Counsaile_, sit.
This is loves timber, youth his under-wood; 25
There he, as wine in _Iune_, enrages blood,
Which then comes seasonabliest, when our tast
And appetite to other things, is past.
_Xerxes_ strange _Lydian_ love, the _Platane_ tree,
Was lov'd for age, none being so large as shee, 30
Or else because, being yong, nature did blesse
Her youth with ages glory, _Barrennesse_.
If we love things long sought, _Age_ is a thing
Which we are fifty yeares in compassing.
If transitory things, which soone decay, 35
_Age_ must be lovelyest at the latest day.
But name not _Winter-faces_, whose skin's slacke;
Lanke, as an unthrifts purse; but a soules sacke;
Whose _Eyes_ seeke light within, for all here's shade;
Whose _mouthes_ are holes, rather worne out, then made; 40
Whose every tooth to a severall place is gone,
To vexe their soules at _Resurrection_;
Name not these living _Deaths-heads_ unto mee,
For these, not _Ancient_, but _Antique_ be.
I hate extreames; yet I had rather stay 45
With _Tombs_, then _Cradles_, to weare out a day.
Since such loves naturall lation is, may still
My love descend, and journey downe the hill,
Not panting after growing beauties, so,
I shall ebbe out with them, who home-ward goe. 50
[Eleg. IX. The Autumnall. _1635-54:_ Elegie. The Autumnall.
_1633:_ Elegie IX. _1669:_ Elegie. _A18, N, TCC, TCD:_ Elegie
Autumnall. _D, H40, H49, JC, Lec:_ An autumnall face: On the
Ladie S^r Edward Herbart mothers Ladie Danvers. _B:_ On the
Lady Herbert afterwards Danvers. _O'F:_ Widdow. _M_, _P:_ A
Paradox of an ould Woman. _S:_ Elegie Autumnall on the Lady
Shandoys. _S96: no title, L74_]
[1 _Summer 1633: Summers 1635-69_]
[2 face. _Ed:_ face, _1633-69_]
[3 our love, _1633_, _D_, _H49_, _Lec_, _S:_ our Loves, _1669:_
your love, _1635-54_, _A18_, _A25_, _B_, _H40_, _L74_, _M_, _N_,
_O'F_, _P_, _S96_, _TC_]
[6 _Affection_ . . . takes _A18_, _A25_, _B_, _D_, _H40_, _H49_,
_L74_, _Lec_, _M_, _N_, _P_, _S_, _S96_, _TC:_ _Affections_
. . . take _1633-69_, _JC_, _O'F_]
[8 shee's _1635-69_, _A18_, _A25_, _B_, _D_, _H40_, _H49_,
_JC_, _L74_, _Lec_, _M_, _N_, _O'F_, _P_, _S_, _S96_, _TC:_
they'are _1633_]
[10 tolerable _1633_, _D_, _H40_, _H49_, _Lec_, _S:_ habitable
_1635-69_, _A18_, _A25_, _L74_, _M_, _N_, _O'F_, _P_, _TC_]
[14 for _1633:_ or _1635-69_]
[15 Love] love _1633_]
[22 Where] Where's _O'F_, _S_]
[23 unto all] to all her _P_]
[24 _Counsaile_, _Ed:_ _counsaile_, _1633-54:_ _counsails_
[26 enrages] bringes _D_, _H49:_ breeds _Lec_]
[27 seasonabliest, _1633:_ seasonablest, _1635-69_]
[28 past. ] past; _1633_]
[30 large _1633:_ old _1635-69_]
[37 not] noe _several MSS. _]
[38 soules sacke; _1633_, _1669_, _and MSS. :_ fooles sack;
[40 made; _Ed:_ made _1633-54:_ made, _1669_]
[42 their soules] the soul _1669_]
[43 _Deaths-heads_ _1633:_ _Death-heads_ _1635-69_,
_Chambers:_ death-shades _H40_]
[44 _Ancient, . . . Antique_ _1633_, _1669_, _D_, _H49_, _Lec:_
Ancients, . . . Antiques _1635-54_, _B_, _O'F_, _S:_ ancient . . .
antiques _A18_, _A25_, _H40_, _L74_, _M_, _N_, _TC_
be. _Ed:_ be; _1633_]
[46 a] the _1669_, _M_, _P_]
[47 naturall lation _A18_, _A25_, _B_, _D_, _H40_,
_H49_, _L74_, _M_, _N_, _P_, _S_, _TC_ (_sometimes thus_,
natural-lation): motion naturall _1633:_ naturall station
_1635-69_, _Lec_, _O'F_]
[50 ebbe out _1633:_ ebbe on _1635-69_, _A18_, _A25_, _B_,
_D_, _H40_, _H49_, _JC_, _L74_, _Lec_, _M_, _N_, _O'F_, _P_,
_S_, _TC_]
_The Dreame. _
Image of her whom I love, more then she,
Whose faire impression in my faithfull heart,
Makes mee her _Medall_, and makes her love mee,
As Kings do coynes, to which their stamps impart
The value: goe, and take my heart from hence, 5
Which now is growne too great and good for me:
_Honours_ oppresse weake spirits, and our sense
Strong objects dull; the more, the lesse wee see.
When you are gone, and _Reason_ gone with you,
Then _Fantasie_ is Queene and Soule, and all; 10
She can present joyes meaner then you do;
Convenient, and more proportionall.
So, if I dreame I have you, I have you,
For, all our joyes are but fantasticall.
And so I scape the paine, for paine is true; 15
And sleepe which locks up sense, doth lock out all.
After a such fruition I shall wake,
And, but the waking, nothing shall repent;
And shall to love more thankfull Sonnets make,
Then if more _honour_, _teares_, and _paines_ were spent. 20
But dearest heart, and dearer image stay;
Alas, true joyes at best are _dreame_ enough;
Though you stay here you passe too fast away:
For even at first lifes _Taper_ is a snuffe.
Fill'd with her love, may I be rather grown 25
Mad with much _heart_, then _ideott_ with none.
[Eleg. X. The Dreame. _1635-54:_ Elegie X. _1669:_ Elegie.
_1633:_ Picture. _S96:_ Elegie. _or no title_, _A18_, _B_,
_D_, _H40_, _H49_, _L74_, _Lec_, _N_, _O'F_, _P_, _S_, _S96_,
_TCC_, _TCD_]
[7 sense] sense, _1633_]
[8 dull; _1635-69:_ dull, _1633_]
[16 out] up _B_, _P_, _S_]
[17 a such _1633-54:_ such a _1669_]
[22 _dreame_] _dreams_ _1669_]
_The Bracelet. _
_Vpon the losse of his Mistresses Chaine, for which he made
satisfaction. _
Not that in colour it was like thy haire,
For Armelets of that thou maist let me weare:
Nor that thy hand it oft embrac'd and kist,
For so it had that good, which oft I mist:
Nor for that silly old moralitie, 5
That as these linkes were knit, our love should bee:
Mourne I that I thy seavenfold chaine have lost;
Nor for the luck sake; but the bitter cost.
O, shall twelve righteous Angels, which as yet
No leaven of vile soder did admit; 10
Nor yet by any way have straid or gone
From the first state of their Creation;
Angels, which heaven commanded to provide
All things to me, and be my faithfull guide;
To gaine new friends, t'appease great enemies; 15
To comfort my soule, when I lie or rise;
Shall these twelve innocents, by thy severe
Sentence (dread judge) my sins great burden beare?
Shall they be damn'd, and in the furnace throwne,
And punisht for offences not their owne? 20
They save not me, they doe not ease my paines,
When in that hell they'are burnt and tyed in chains.
Were they but Crownes of France, I cared not,
For, most of these, their naturall Countreys rot
I think possesseth, they come here to us, 25
So pale, so lame, so leane, so ruinous;
And howsoe'r French Kings most Christian be,
Their Crownes are circumcis'd most Iewishly.
Or were they Spanish Stamps, still travelling,
That are become as Catholique as their King, 30
Those unlickt beare-whelps, unfil'd pistolets
That (more than Canon shot) availes or lets;
Which negligently left unrounded, looke
Like many angled figures, in the booke
Of some great Conjurer that would enforce 35
Nature, as these doe justice, from her course;
Which, as the soule quickens head, feet and heart,
As streames, like veines, run through th'earth's every part,
Visit all Countries, and have slily made
Gorgeous _France_, ruin'd, ragged and decay'd; 40
_Scotland_, which knew no State, proud in one day:
And mangled seventeen-headed _Belgia_.
Or were it such gold as that wherewithall
Almighty _Chymiques_ from each minerall,
Having by subtle fire a soule out-pull'd; 45
Are dirtely and desperately gull'd:
I would not spit to quench the fire they'are in,
For, they are guilty of much hainous Sin.
But, shall my harmlesse angels perish? Shall
I lose my guard, my ease, my food, my all? 50
Much hope which they should nourish will be dead,
Much of my able youth, and lustyhead
Will vanish; if thou love let them alone,
For thou wilt love me lesse when they are gone;
And be content that some lowd squeaking Cryer 55
Well-pleas'd with one leane thred-bare groat, for hire,
May like a devill roare through every street;
And gall the finders conscience, if they meet.
Or let mee creepe to some dread Conjurer,
That with phantastique scheames fils full much paper; 60
Which hath divided heaven in tenements,
And with whores, theeves, and murderers stuft his rents,
So full, that though hee passe them all in sinne,
He leaves himselfe no roome to enter in.
But if, when all his art and time is spent, 65
Hee say 'twill ne'r be found; yet be content;
Receive from him that doome ungrudgingly,
Because he is the mouth of destiny.
Thou say'st (alas) the gold doth still remaine,
Though it be chang'd, and put into a chaine; 70
So in the first falne angels, resteth still
Wisdome and knowledge; but,'tis turn'd to ill:
As these should doe good works; and should provide
Necessities; but now must nurse thy pride.
And they are still bad angels; Mine are none; 75
For, forme gives being, and their forme is gone:
Pitty these Angels; yet their dignities
Passe Vertues, Powers, and Principalities.
But, thou art resolute; Thy will be done!
Yet with such anguish, as her onely sonne 80
The Mother in the hungry grave doth lay,
Vnto the fire these Martyrs I betray.
Good soules, (for you give life to every thing)
Good Angels, (for good messages you bring)
Destin'd you might have beene to such an one, 85
As would have lov'd and worship'd you alone:
One that would suffer hunger, nakednesse,
Yea death, ere he would make your number lesse.
But, I am guilty of your sad decay;
May your few fellowes longer with me stay. 90
But o thou wretched finder whom I hate
So, that I almost pitty thy estate:
Gold being the heaviest metal amongst all,
May my most heavy curse upon thee fall:
Here fetter'd, manacled, and hang'd in chains, 95
First mayst thou bee; then chaind to hellish paines;
Or be with forraine gold brib'd to betray
Thy Countrey, and faile both of that and thy pay.
May the next thing thou stoop'st to reach, containe
Poyson, whose nimble fume rot thy moist braine; 100
Or libels, or some interdicted thing,
Which negligently kept, thy ruine bring.
Lust-bred diseases rot thee; and dwell with thee
Itching desire, and no abilitie.
May all the evils that gold ever wrought; 105
All mischiefes that all devils ever thought;
Want after plenty; poore and gouty age;
The plagues of travellers; love; marriage
Afflict thee, and at thy lives last moment,
May thy swolne sinnes themselves to thee present. 110
But, I forgive; repent thee honest man:
Gold is Restorative, restore it then:
But if from it thou beest loath to depart,
Because 'tis cordiall, would twere at thy heart.
[Elegie XI. _&c. _ _Ed. :_ Eleg.