(vyutkrdntaka- samdpatti), 1248-9.
1112, 1257.
l'b-A, 81-2, 86-7, 106, 188, 241-2,
samskrtas; see dharmas. sdmtdnasabhdgikas, 299.
samudaya\ see arising.
samutpdda, 410-2; see also pratiya-
samutpanna, 410-2; see also pratitya-
samutpanna. samutthdna, 576.
samutthdpaka (cause of the origin), 609,645.
samvara\ see discipline.
samvartakalpa (kalpa of disappearance),
Index 1415
? 1416 Index
(of the Truths).
satydkdrapravrtta (aspects of the
Truths), 990.
saumanasya; see satisfaction. Sautrantikas, 65,79,118,155,157,166,
186-7,191-2,203-4,207-9,217, 220-1, 230, 232-4, 239, 241, 247, 251, 260-1, 279-83, 285-6, 300, 367,376,411-2,420-1,424,427-8, 556, 558, 560, 562, 564-5, 577, 593-4, 597, 599, 611-2, 614, 626, 658, 677, 770, 806, 810, 812, 814, 818,978,1006-7,1102,1116,1126, 1216-7,1236-7.
schism, 679,681-5,688-90.
School, 65, 89,123,153,189, 215,220,
227, 236, 239, 694, 771, 798, 828, 831, 833, 848, 857, 921, 926, 942, 993, 1154, 1221, 1229, 1263; see also Vibhdsd; School of the Maha- samghikas, 281; of the Sammitiyas, 247; of the Varsaganyas, 818; of the Vibhajyavadins, 783.
scripture, 67, 108, 116, 123, 237, 241, 383, 386, 388, 396, 419,421, 490, 559-60,606,626, 706,800,807, 814, 819, 902, 952,1006,1008, 1016,1235,1328.
sea, outer, 454-5.
seeds, 210-2, 256, 277, 283, 293, 491,
259, 265, 274, 354-5n. , 673-4, Seeing,pathof,60,105,111-3,157,
386 (506n. ); refered to, 373. Saptakrtaparamah (var: Saptakrtvah
parama), 958,962.
SaptasUryavydkarana, 516.
Sariputra, 229,236-7, 368-9, 372-3, 485,1139.
Sarva, 419 (5lSn). sarvanvayajndnapaksa, YZ*)! . Sarvarthasiddha (Bodhisattva), 446. sarvasamyojanaparydddnaparijfid, 861,
Sarvastivadin-Vaibhasikas, 207. Sarvastivadins, 167, 192, 207-11, 216,
221, 232, 241, 243, 245, 248-9, 251-3, 260-1, 278-80, 282-5, 295, 373,411-2,424,558-9,565-6,770, 807-8, 812-5, 818-9, 881n. , 1126, 1217,1237.
sarvatragahetu (universal cause), 104, 255, 261, 273-4, 277, 287, 289-90, 292, 296, 304, 791,865.
sdsrava, 660, 863,895.
Sastras, 429,969.
Sathas, 455.
idthya\ see hypocrisy.
satisfaction {saumanasya), 83,130,155,
158,161,164,169-71,173-4,177- 9, 181-2, 768, 847-50, 906, 1005, 1143, 1232, 1237-40, 1255, 1265, 1267,1271.
satkdyadrsti (belief in a self), 197-8,
772-3, 777, 781,785, 789-91, 795, 797-9,826-7,836,838-9,929,994, 1004, 1088, 1109-10, 1327, 1338, 1349-50,1355; see also dtmavd- dopdddna.
$atpranakopamasutra, 1322-3. ? atsatkasutra, quoted, 770.
sattvdkhya; see beings, living. sattvasabhdgatd, 219-20. sattvasamvartani, All. satydbhisamaya; see comprehension
162,173-4,178,181-2,184,209, 213, 216, 263, 268, 273-4, 575-80, 619,631-2,636-7,661,676,772-6, 780,783,786,789,793,804-5, 820-1,828,839,845-6,854,860-1, 863,865-8,895-6,911-2,923,933, 935-6,938-40,947-8,950-4, 956, 959,985,994-9,1004,1010,1017- 8,1020,1026-9,1039-40, 1041n. , 1060n, 1087-8,1090,1092-3,1097, 1107,1109,1123-8,1131,1133,
? 1150, 1330, 1340; Seeing of Aris- ing, 673, 773,778-80,789,821, 825,853-4,860; Seeing of Extinc- tion, 773, 780, 822-5, 853-4, 860; Seeing of Suffering, 60, 290, 673- 4,773-4,779,789,795,820-2^829, 839,853-4,860,865; Seeing of the path, 773, 780, 823-4, 839, 853-4, 860.
self, 108, 259, 776-7, 781-3, 795, 910, 925,1005,1110,1113,1115,1122, 1327; belief in a self, see sat- kdyadrspi; idea of a self, see ahath- kdrvastu and dtmadrsti; see atman, personality, pudgala.
semen, 381-2, 385, 395-6.
sensation (vedand), 61, 72-4, 78, 81-3,
86, 101, 104, 106, 124, 130, 161, 168, 170-2, 178, 183-4, 189, 195, 230-1, 242, 248-9, 272, 276, 280, 282,298-9,302,372,378-9,401-2, 404,406-9,417-8,422,426-30, 447, 622-4, 632-3, 670, 678, 783, 791, 795, 802, 804, 815-6, 836, 840, 848-50, 899,901,905-8,911, 925-6,928,1101,1119,1162,1222- 5,1232,1239-40,1253,1273,1323- 4,1349-50,1352; agreeable sensa- tion, 160-2, 173, 624-5, 655, 770- 1,824-5,847,850,899,901-8,921, 1005,1231,1233-4,1237; bodily sensation, 160-2,191,194,432, 632, 1232-4; disagreeable sensa- tion, 160-2,172, 840,899,902; five sensations, 155,157-9,847, 906; mental sensation, 160-2,191, 431,632-3,1233,1237; painful sensation, 160-4, 173, 921, 1005, 1323; organs of sensation, 182-3; see also individual sensations, i. e; dissatisfaction, equanimity, indif- ference, pleasure, satisfaction.
sense consciousness, 74,99-101,109-
10,129,131,153. sensualists, 262.
separation, 859-8,913,965,1009,1220, 1223,1238.
sermons, 707,997.
service, 1145; perfection of 1146-7.
sex (gender), 173,175-6,219,395,397,
603-4, 667, 1264; illicit sexuality, 582-3,646,648,651-2,660; see also organs, sexual.
shape (samsthdna), 64-7,69,86,99, 552,556-8,917-8,920,1159,1162, 1175,1178,1264,1320-2.
Siddhanta, 791.
sight, 60, 63,/997; consciousness of
sight, see visual consciousness; divine sight, 392,395,1133,1157, 1160,1162-4,1176-8,1262; organ of sight, 64, 71-3, 75-7, 83-5, 100-1,106-7,109-10,113-20,122- 30, 153, 158-9, 171-2, 176, 180-1, 183, 185, 261, 272, 295, 303, 315, 427-8,807,1322; see also eye.
Sikhandin, 687.
Siksamana (probationer), 581, 592,
Hksas, 987-9,983-4.
i%la\ see morality.
Sila, 1325.
iilaskandhikd, 672. fflavratapardmarfa, 198, 375, 377,483,
772-3, 776, 778-80, 782,789, 791, 793-4, 827, 832, 836-7, 838-9, 1109.
filavratopdddna, 418,829, 832. silence, 638-9.
Silent One, 638.
similiar cause; see sabhdgahetu. Sindhu (River), 456.
Sita (River), 456.
Sitas, 454.
sitting (dsana), 227,941.
skandhas, 56, 61-3, 72-83, 86-8, 167-8,
Index 1417
? 1418
211, 219-20,223, 225, 228,234, 262, 275-6, 294, 345n. , 366, 373, 377-80,383,386,388,391,395, 399-405,411-2,418-9,422-3,438, 479, 565, 601-2, 607-8, 648, 650, 696, 707, 777, 801, 804, 827, 852, 902, 909, 933, 936,1035,1091, 1101, 1111, 1128, 1215-6, 1219- 20, 1223, 1272, 1278, 1313-8, 1320-1,1324-5,1327-8,1330-4, 1337-8,1341,1349-51.
skeletons, 918-9.
smell, 63-4, 88, 102, 105, 1110-1, 125,
154, 187, 653-4, 906-7,911,1319, 1347-8; consciousness of smell, 67, 98,129, 302,1318-9; organ of smell, 76-7, 83-5,93-5, 118-20, 122-3,126,128-30,153,180,1175, 1322; see also nose.
smrti; see mindfulness.
199-200, 202, 212, 215, 219, 221, 223, 227, 229-30, 233, 253-4, 266- 8,274, 300,310-1,314,319,323-4, 444, 568-9, 571-2, 620, 627-8, 659-60,668,680, 767, 774, 779, 790, 792, 795-6, 822-3, 830, 832, 840, 849, 853, 855, 860-1, 864-8, 909, 914, 920-1, 925, 932, 936-7, 949, 954, 956, 963-5, 973-4, 979, 982, 985-6,988-90,993,996,998, 1002,1014-5,1022,1029-30,1037, 1039,1091,1093,1096-8,1107, 1117-9,1122,1127,1129,1132, 1134,1138-9,1141-2,1144,1149- 53, 1156, 1158, 1160, 1163-4, 1171-3,1220,1222,1224-5, 1236, 1240-55, 1258,1261-2,1267-8, 1273-6,1278,1280,1322-3; see also bhumis.
fraddhd; see faith.
Sradhadimuktas, 269,473,954-5,1000,
1010,1013,1016-7,1019,1091. Sraddhanusarins, 269, 473, 952-6,
1016-8. Sramana, 680, 992.
Sramanera (novice), 581-3, 599-600, 609,665, 714-5n.
irdmanya (religious life), 859,992-5, 998.
iramanyaphala (results of the religious life), 177, 951, 992-5, 1158, 1281, 1349.
Sravakas, 55, 216-7,482-3, 564, 783, 802,806, 818,940-1,947,1009, 1012, 1015, 1023, 1033, 1053-4n. , 1093,1125,1143-4,1148,1169, 1177-8,1233,1269.
Srilabha, Bhadanta, 93,186,424,428-9. Srotaapannas, 177-9,447, 629, 783, 838-9, 859, 953-5, 958-63, 965,
969,972-5,985,1004,1243. srotrdbhijrid (supernormal hearing),
mindfulness. Sodayin,592.
see foundations of
solidity, 99-100.
soul, 904,1115,1313-4, 1326-7; see
also atman, pudgala.
sabdayatna; see hearing, organ of. sound (fabda), 60,63-5,92,93,98,102,
104,110-1,120-2,126,128,185-7, 251-3, 283, 302, 315, 428, 444, 491, 572-3, 817,1155,1162,1169, 1175,1177,1257,1321-2,1343; vocal sound, 251-2, 559.
South, 370.
space (dkdfa), 59, 83, 88-9,101,207,
280, 575, 858,1226,1275,1277. sparfdyatanaSy 197.
speech, 62,203,552,575,639-41,1025,
1152-3, 1173-4, 1351; transgres- sions of speech, 605,647-8,655-6, 669; see also Right Speech, Wrong Speech.
spheres, 81, 91, 130, 172-6, 182, 189,
? ? ruta\ see hearing. srutamaya, 322.
s rut am ay i ( w i s d o m
912-3, 1122. stability, 1229-30.
of the
t e a c h i n g ) ,
999, 1002-3n. , 1112-6, 1143-5, 1147, 1149, 1179, 1237, 1239, 1 2 6 0 , 1 2 7 0 , 1 2 7 4 - 5 , 1 3 2 4 , 1 3 3 7 , 1350; aspects of suffering, 1110-1, 1115, 1257-9; faculty of suffering, 160; suffering of Kamadhatu, 932-3,943,945-6,960,973; see also Suffering, Truth of.
Suffering, Truth of, 76,201-2,265,274, 777, 779, 783, 793-5, 802, 820-2, 825-6,836,839,853-4,860,864-5, 896, 898, 908, 935, 946, 948, 997, 1039, 1089-90, 1127, 1257-8, 1274-5; Seeing of the Truth of Suffeiing, see Seeing, Path of.
sukha; see happiness, pleasure. sukhopattis, 237.
Summits (murdhan), 690, 930-2, 934-
sun, 64, 255-6, 460-2,468-9. Sundarananda, 242.
Sunetra, 1337-8.
sunyata; see emptiness.
Supernormal Knowledge, 1129-30,
1178, 1180,1262.
Supernormal powers (rddhipdda), 165-
6, 168, 776, 1022-8, 1081-2n. , 1157, 1160, 1162, 1166, 1168, 1176, 1178-80,1205-6n, 1275.
support (ds'raya), 158-9, 206, 265-6, 272-3, 285, 301, 303, 444, 448, 566, 572, 577, 602, 847, 912, 929, 1004-5,1117-8,1134, 1138, 1144, 1163, 1171, 1215, 1226, 1250, 1279,1326,1342,1347-8,1350, 1352.
Supreme Worldly Dharmas, 301, 933, 935-7,943-4,949,1027.
Sutra of Man, quoted, 1324; refered to, 1329.
Sutra of the Five Nivaranas, 657. Sutra of the Saptasatpurusagati, 973.
stages; see bhumis.
stains, 634-5.
stars, 64, 255,460-2.
stealing, 582-3,641,645-6,648,651,
667,669-70, 689, 701, 787. sthdndsthdna, 1137.
Sthitakampyas, 979, 1000, 1002, 1994,
sthiti\ see duration.
sthitihetu (cause of duration), 309. sthitis (abodes), 378-80. sthityanayathdtva (duration-modifica
tion), 238-9.
stilling; see calmness,
striking, 89-01.
Stupas, 588-9,651,689-90.
stydna; see torpor.
subhd, 295.
Subhakrstanas, 366, 376-7, 470, 495. substance (dravya), 65,185-8, 206-7,
221, 266, 303, 453, 491-4, 567,
1230,1316,1338,1348-9. substantial entities, 280,437-8,770, 813, 1023, 1032, 1313-4,1329-30,
SudarSana, Mountain, 452; city, 463. SudarSanas, 366, 467.
Suddhavasas (also: Suddhavasikas).
366, 378,495,968-9,976-7,1160. Sudharma, 463-4.
iuddhidrsti, 789.
Sudras, 386.
SudrSas, 366.
suffering, 63, 73, 167, 172-3, 201,
281-6, 307, 419, 426, 621, 670, 698, 779-80, 797, 802, 826-7, 841, 896-909, 921,929-30,932,936, 945, 947-8, 959, 962, 967, 981,
Index 1419
? 1420 Index
Sutra of the Seven Existence', see Sapta- bhavasMra.
Sutra of the Seven Satpurusagatis, 387, 973.
Sutra of the Six Hexades, quoted, 424. Sutra of the Three Characteristics, 244. Sutra of the Twelve Parts, 405.
Sutra of the Viparydsas, 781. SutraofMara,388-9.
sutras, 86-7, 370,372, 391,620,706, 819, 948, 952, 1008, 1281, 1324, 1326,
Sutra of the Sugata (=the Buddhist
Sutras), 816.
Suvarnacakravartins, 484,486; see also
Cakravartins. svalaksanamanaskdra, 320. Svayarhbhus, 398.
syllables, 652,1152-4.
Tamracakravartins; 484,486-7; see also Cakravartins.
tandrt, 851.
tangibles (tangibles things), 60, 63-4,
67, 92-3, 99-100, 102, 105, 110-1, 126, 129, 154, 185, 188, 276-7, 280, 302, 315,654-5,917,1141, 1169-70, 1175, 1234, 1278, 1316- 7,1319.
Tapana Hell, 365,457,472.
taste, 60, 63-4, 66, 83, 88, 92, 99-100,
102, 105, 110-1,125, 154, 185, 187-8,276-7,315,370,393,487-9, 654-5,697-8,906-7,1169,1175, 1347-8,1351; consciousness of taste, 67,98,129,1318-9; organ of taste, 67, 84-5, 93-5, 118-20, 122- 3, 126, 128, 130, 153, 180, 1322; see also tongue.
Tathagatas, 226,412,484,486, 564, 679, 681, 683, 687-8, 690, 693-4,
804,1146-8,1324,1335-6,1338, 1355.
tatksanasamutthana, 576.
tatsabhdga, 108-11,123, 1177. teaching, 322,706,896,911,1166-7,
1280-1, 1313, 1354-5; wisdom of
teachings, see irutamayi. teeth, 99,160.
terraces (parisandds),462.
Theist, 306-7.
thirst (desire, tfsnd), 66,95,187,282-3,
285,403,406,445, 789-90,843, 909, 916, 1028, 1228, 1251, 1329, 1337; see also bhavastrsnd; crav- ing; desire; trsndvicaritas, tfsnot- taradhydyin-, vibhavatrsnd.
Thirty-three Gods; see Trayas- trimsas.
thought, 782-4,913,975-8,1028,1030, 1187n. , 1324.
Three Jewels, 421,629,961, var. Three Precious Ones, 191.
Three Refuges; see Refuges, Formula of.
Three Vehicles, 1281.
time (kdla), 206, 592-4, 820, 857; mea-
sures of time, 474-5; time periods, 272, 277-8, 805-6, 808-16, 819, 1328.
Tirthikas (non-Budhists), 798. tongue, 74,85,94,123,277,1318-9. torpor (stydna), 193-5, 830, 842-3,
touch, 63, 125, 129-30, 187, 302, 654,
698,1347; consciousness of touch, 67, 98, 115, 129, 276-7, 302, 849, 1233-4, 1322; organ of touch, 64, 67, 83-5, 94, 99-100, 102, 116, 118-20,122-3,126,128-30,153-4, 156,174-6,180-3,185,449.
traces (vasanas), 1139, 1143, 1146, 1225,1348.
tranquility, 225,1250; the Tranquil,
? 1257.
transformation (parinama), 453,810,
899-900,904-5,908,913,1331, 1344-5, 1353; cause of transfor- mation, see vikdrahetu.
transgressions, 170,200-1, 567, 582, 584-5, 590, 605-8, 619-20,646, 648-50,658,666,962,972,992; mortal (anantarya) transgressions, 154, 450-1, 663-4, 679-90, 748- 9n. , 9 3 9 ; pat amy a transgressions, 613-5.
transitional absorption (vyutkrdntaka- samdpatti), 1248-9.
transmigration, 55-6, 58, 81, 83, 159, 218, 220, 611-2, 834-5, 957, 960, 963,968,992,1012,1114,1147, 1334-5.
Trayastrirhsas, 365,463-9,471-2. Treatise; see Jnanaprasthana. Trisahasra Universe, 485-6,1177-8. trsnd; see thirst.
trsndvicaritas (modes of thirst), 282-3, 1114.
trmottaradhydyin (absorption of desire), 800.
Truths, Four Noble, 59,73,87, 111, 163, 177-8, 183-4, 191, 255-6, 283-4,311,320,322,354-5n. , 372, 421, 600, 603, 614, 660, 784, 826, 837,852,867,896-8,910-2,930-1, 934, 946, 951-3, 984, 990, 996-7, 1004, 1021, 1029, 1031-2, 1041- 2n. , 1090,1094,1097,1099,1110, 1124-8,1282,1325,1330; Medita- tion of the Four Noble Truths, 157, 162-3, 178-9, 631, 651, 865; aspects of the Truths, 1111-2, 1115-6; see also Arising, Truths of; comprehension; Extinction, Truth of; Path, Truth of the; Seeing, Path; Suffering, Truth of.
Tusjta Heaven, 473.
Tusitas, 365,465,469. U
Ubhayatobhagavimuktas, 1016-8,1020. ucchedadrspi (view of annihilation),
782, 788,797. Uddnas, 58.
Uddnavarga, 58.
Uddyisutra, quoted, 228-9.
Uktika, 1335.
unamdna, 784-6.
unconscious being; see Asamjnisattvas. undisciplkie, 580, 587-8, 590, 594-5,
608-12,617-8,618-20,668,680. unhappiness, 851,1266.
Unhindered Knowledges, 1148, 1151-
Uninterrupted Path; see Irresistable
universal cause; see sarvatragahetu. universes (lokadhdtus), 370-1,468-9,
485-6,1177-8. Upacaru, 381.
upadanas (clingings), 829, 832-5. updddnaskandhas, 63, 73, 76, 82, 443, 777, 781, 785, 789, 806, 898, 908,
Upadhyaya, 309,647.
Upagupta, Sthavira, 226.
upakle/as; see defilements.
Upali, 606.
Updlisiitra, 606.
Upananda, 473.
upanidbydna, 1217-8. upapadhyparinirvdyin, 386-8. Upapadyas, 387. Upapadyaparinirvayins, 966,969-70,
972,980. upapatipratilambhika, 322. upapatti\ see birth. upapattibbava, 391,442. UpaSaila, 381.
Index 1421
? 1422 Index
Upasakas (pious laymen), 219, 581-3, 598-601,603-5,609,665,719-21n.
Upasika, 581.
upastambhahetu (maintaining cause),
Upavasastha, 581-4, 609.
upavicdras, 431-7.
upeksd; see equanimity; indifference. urdhvabhagiyas, 961.
Urdhvasrotas, 960,966-73,980,999. usmagatas, 923; see also heat.
Utpala Hell, 459.
utsodas, 456-8.
utsutra, 908,1044n.
Uttara, 236.
Uttarakuru, 222, 236, 365,455, 461,
469-70,473,478,619,657,662, 667-8, 679-81, 920,1018; see also Kurus.
Uttaramantrins. 455. v
vdc\ see voice.
VaglSa, 784.
vdha, 473.
VaibhasikadeSlya, 94.
Vaibhasikas, 58, 62, 65-8, 71, 77-9,
94-5,97,109,115-8,120-1,155, 157,168-9,187-8,192,203-4,207, 211-2, 220-1, 223, 227-8, 230-1, 233-5,238,244-5,249,259,264-7, 273, 284, 286, 301, 322, 374, 376, 379, 394, 419,427-31,436,441-2, 445-6, 465, 552, 554, 556-7, 560, 562, 564, 566-7, 570, 572-3, 575, 579, 592-3, 597, 600, 602, 604, 610-2, 614, 626, 638-9, 643-4, 654-5, 660-1, 680, 706, 769, 776, 778-81, 783-4, 790, 799,801, 806, 816-7, 819, 821, 830, 842, 862, 912, 927-8,933,940, 959-60, 967, 973-5,978,997,1006,1009-10,
1024-7, 1100,1102-4, 1110, 1127, 1136, 1151,1168, 1216-7, 1232-5, 1265,1282,1310-ln.
Vaijayanta, 463.
VaiSesikas, 221, 248,491-4, 555,1348-
52. Vaisaravana 694.
Vaisyas, 386.
VaitaranI, River, 458; see also utsodas. Vajrapanis, 463.
vajropamasamddhiy 301,455,689, 694,
758n. , 922,981-3,1036-7,1091,
1134,1262-3. Vaksu River, 465.
vdkya\ see discourse.
Varsaganyas, 818.
Vasubandhu, quoted, 121; refered to,
389,554,1106,1340-1. Vasudeva, 306.
Vasumitra, 121, 231-2, 298, 394, 309- 10; quoted, 889-90n.
Vatsa, 1334.
Vatsagotra, 1333.
Vatsagotrdsutra, quoted, 1336-7. Vatsiputriyas, 112,117, 553,818,1314-
22, 1324-30, 1332-3, 1335-8,
Vatslputrlyas-Sarhmitlyas, 558. vedand\ see sensation.
vedanaskandha, 72.
Vedas, 646.
veneration, 200-2.
Vibhajyavadins, 387, 808,875n. Vibbanga, quoted, 418.
Vibhdsd, 293, 321,386-7,394,644,648,
1242; in this work, Louis de La Vallee Poussin includes a large number of passages translated from the Vibhdsd. These passages, based on their location in the Taisho Canon (TD) are as follows:
7c3 p. 164
? 8b3 12al3 18c28 22a2 33b4 33cl7 34a28 35al2 36a20 37al2 38a7 38al9 43a2
164 94a5 1055a, 1056a 97c7 1192n. 98a7
531a 98all 1053a 109al8 1052a 114b2
764n. 119a2 942 120a29
877a 357a 277
677, 747a 108 890a
512a 512a 924 1049a 921
75b20 879a 75b29-c2 879a 76al5 803 79a26 360a 81b9 355a 87a2 264 89al2
89bl3 89c 93a 93a4
693 206cll 1048a 791 2l4al7 1047a 791 217al2 1050a
1005 132bl 1365n. 133a5 1366n. 134bll 1370a 135al5 1190n. 135a27 1366n. 138a9 1305a 138b9
922, 1049a 923 219 876a 876-7a 1034 1062a 201 339a 1198a 60-1 940 1063a 175al2-18 892a 177al6 722a 177a27 602 177b8 602 67 177c21 723a
301 138c26 298-9 147a6 301 147b7 361n. 151a8
362n. 151al5 298, 361n. 155a8
321 164cl6 322 165b6 322 I67cl3 322
147a 148n. 71
352a 155 62
178a24 723a 180al7 200 183b5 660 183c8 661 183cl6 750a 184bl7 660 198al5 350a 200b2 108 200cl9 240 201b7
360a 205bl3 1048a
Index 1423
? 1424
217c6 912
219b3 339n.
219b7 144n.
220a22 195
220b2 336n.
223b6 204 229c29-230b3 715.
231al3 586 385bl8 231b20 1056-7n. 387a9 232b9 216 388b5 236bl? 885n. 388bl9 240cll 1061n. 389a8 245b28 826 390al 248a22 883n.
250cl9 889n.
252b25 838,886n.
255a21 874n.
255cl3 1372n.
257a3 884n.
258c21 837
259c8-260a9 878n.
263a6 621 401c27 265al3 954 402cl0 267a28 1041n.
269bl0 339n.
273c21 279a21 284a4 288b5 298b-c 312b9 313bl5 315bll 3l6a4 3l6b28 318bll 319cl3 320a22 321a21 322al5 324b6 336c28 352al4
856 1061n.
402cl7 403a4 404bll 405a27
833 406b9 286 407c9 286 408c9
1075n. 408c25 883n. 4llal8 1003 411a27 1074n. 412a26 1073n. 420a28
1076n. 420b8 1002 423a2 1004 424cl5
862 425cl3 861 427bl4 868 427c
1069n. 431b6 940 431bl5
352al7 941 352bl8-366al 505-6n.
146n. 146n. 121 I45n.
80 82 62 89
142-3n. 89 70 90
143-4n. 882-3n. 881n. 881n. 881n. 895,1041-2n. 1043n. 1042n. 1043n. 1044n. 1044n.
897,1041n. 1057-8n.
859 78 1187n.
1189n. 997 856
1289n. 912 1301n.
1049n. 1372n.
706 1302n. 1264 1285n. 1286n.
368a21 368bl3 380al8 383c24 384al8
391c6 391c7 394bl9 394c5 396al0 396bl8 397a26 399a23
? 432c3 434cl 440bl7 444c21 449al6 449a25 452c20 464b8 465cll 489bl4 489cl9 495c23 496a23 496bl8 497a4 497bl6 509a22 515al8 515c7 518c25 525bl5 533a22 533a24 536c8 538a27 543a27 583bl2 585b27 586a8 589al8-21 590al 590c5 584al5 596a23 596bl3 598a24 601a2-7 601c6 602c5-13 605cl4 605cl6 608a20 608b20
1287n. 1304n. 1307n.
878n. 821,136ln. 883n.
824 956,1060n. 1059n. 147n.
572 1081n. 1080n. 1082n.
1029 497-8n. 1183n. 1093,1183n. 1207n. 1054n. 1057n. 1058n. 875n. 1298n. 1298n. 735n.
465 576 671 637 637
730n. 729n.
623 742n. 680 750n.
684 671, 746n. 735n.
609 611
608cll 616 6l0a5 714n. 6l0a6 578 610c22 577-8 6l5c4 624 6l7a3 643 617al8 565 617b23-25 687 617c25 655 6l9al5 349n. 619cl9023 686
621bl5 623bl9 630bl5 645cl9 646cl0 647b23 647b29 648cl9 648c29 657c5 657cl0 611al6 66lcl4 662a8 663all 663a26 663cl2 674al 676a26 676c25 678a26 681al7 683a24 683c24 684a2 684all 692bl9 700b23 702b21 707b6 708al4 714a7
752-3n. 610 295 598
715n. 719n.
595 620 596
329n. 329n. 363n.
145n. , 1369n. 1048n. 69
65 445 445 445 446
69 120 148-9n. 121 121 495
542n. 306 376 377
Index 1425
? 1426
719cl3 1295n.