Great Tantra Elucidating Meaning Sandhi-vyiikara!
Great Tantra Elucidating Meaning Sandhi-vyiikara!
Superknowledges (mngon-shes/abhijiia). The five (or six) preternatural
gifts arising from the practice of yoga and calming: 1} godlike sight, 2) godlike hearing, 3) knowledge of others' thoughts, 4) recollection of previous lives, 5) miraculous powers, 6) knowledge of having over- come obscurations. All are achievements to be used for the good of others. See-Commentary, Chapter 5.
Suvan;tadvipa (gser-gling-pa). . . One of Atisa's principal teachers, also called Dharmakirti, from whom he received both the Mind-Only and the Middle Way schoois' teachings.
? Tantra (rgyud). Canonical texts of the Mantra Vehicle, divided into seven classes by Atisa, but later reduced to four: 1) Action (kriya), 2) Practice (carya), 3) Union (yoga), and4) Supreme Union (anuttara- yoga). Tantras contain the swift mysti~al path of Buddhism, and are treated in the Commentary, Chapter 7.
Tara (sgrol-ma). "Saviouress", the compassionate goddess, partner of A valokitesvara, the Bodhisattva of Compassion. Atisa's patroness, and subsequently Tibet's favourite goddess because of Atisa's intro- ducing her devotion.
Tathagata (de-bzhin-gshegs-pa). "One who has gone thus. " Epithet of a Buddha, emphasising the unique and indescribable quality of Buddhahood.
Ten Directions (phyogs bcu/da? a-dis). The four cardinal directions of north-south-east-west with their intermediate points, plus zenith and nadir.
Ten Favourable Conditions ('byor bcu). I) human rebirth, 2) rebirth in a civilised country, 3) having sound sense faculties, 4) having karma that can be improved, 5) faith in the Buddha's doctrine, 6) appearance ofaBuddha,7)thattheBuddha'steachingexists,8)continuanceofhis teaching, 9) being a follower of his teaching, 10) living among virtuous Buddhists.
Ten Levels (sa bcu/dasa-bhiimi). Also called Bodhisattva Levels. Mahayana designation of ten stages through which bodhisattvas progress, beginning in the Vision Path (see Five Paths) through
Contemplation Path to Adept stage: 1) Joyous, 2) Stainless, 3) Luminous, 4) Flaming, 5) Invincible, 6) Face-to-Face, 7) Far-reach- ing, 8) Unshakeable, 9) True Mind, 10) Dharma-cloud. Each Level is traditionally paired with one of the Ten Perfections (q. v. ).
Ten Perfections (pha-rol-tu-phyin-pa/paramita). Cardinal virtues of Bodhisattva practice, originally listed as six in Mahayana siitras, with four more added in latedastras: 1) Giving, 2) Conduct, 3} Patience, 4} Diligence, 5) Concentration, 6) Insight, and 7) Resolution, 8) Skill-in- Means, 9) Power, 10) Knowledge.
T en ReHgious Practices (chos-spyod/dharma-carya). 1) Writing, 2) worship, 3) giving, 4) listening, 5) reading, 6) understanding, 7) explaining, 8) reciting, 9) reflecting, 10) contemplating.
Ten Thoughts of Enlightenment. An unclear reference in the Commentary, possibly referring the bodhisattva's practice of the Ten Perfections (q. v. ) on the Ten Levels.
Ten Unvirtuous Acts (mid-dge-ba'i chos/akusala-dharma). The Buddhist "Ten Commandments"; actions which merit bad karmic conse- quences. 1) Killing, 2) stealing, 3) sexual misconduct, 4) lying, 5) harsh speech, 6) slander, 7) idle speech, 8) covetousness, 9) ill-will, 10) false views.
Ten Virtuous Acts. The opposites of the Ten Unvirtuous Acts. Thatness (de-nyid/tattva). Reality; what is actually and truly real, as opposed to what is apparently true and real. Term for ultimate reality,
emptiness of all misconception.
Thirty-two Marks. Extraordinary physical characteristics of a superman, traditional in Indian literature and applied to the Buddhas; e. g. golden-hued skin, long toes and fingers, hair-tuft between eyebrows, dark-blue eyes, and so on.
Thirty-seven Enlightenment Wings (byang-chub kyi phyogs/bodhipak- ~a). Mahayana formula embracing essential principles and practices of the bodhisattva path: the Four Applications, the Four Right Efforts, the Four Bases of Miraculous Power, the Five Dominants, the Five Powers, the Seven Limbs of Enlightenment, the Eightfold Path.
Three Bad Destinies (ngan-song gsum/tri-durgati). See Destinies.
Three Bodies ofa Buddha (sku-gsum/trikaya). Three modes under which Buddhas exist: Truth Body, Enjoyment Body, and Apparition Body.
See each individually.
Three Heaps (phung-bo gsum/tri-skandha). Practices which store up and
increase merit: confession of one's sins, rejoicing in virtue wherever
found, entreaty for the preaching of the doctrine.
Three Higher ? Trainings (lhag-pa'i bslab-pa/adhisila). Bodhisattva
practices designated as "higher" than Hinayana arhats' training because motivated by greater compassion and pursuing the complete realisation of emptiness: 1) Higher Conduct, 2) Higher Concentration, 3) Higher Insight. The latter two are the equivalent ofCalmness (q. v. ) and Higher Vision.
Three Jewels (dkoil-mchog gsum/tri-ratna). The Buddha, his Doctrine, and the Community.
Three Refuges (skyabs-'gro gsum/tri-saral}a-gamana). Formula declaring one's commitment to the Three Jewels.
True Nature (chos-nyid/dharmata). The ultimate reality of things, their emptiness of inherent existence, a synonym of Thatness.
Truth Body (chos-sku/dharma-kaya). Highest and most perfect mode of Buddhahood; the Buddha-nature as it is in itself, omniscience: ultimate reality. See Three Bodies.
Tshul-Khrims Rgyal-ba. Tibetan monk, disciple and constant com- panion of Atisa from India to Tibet; principal translator of most of Atisa's writings.
Two Equipments (tshogs/sari:lbhara). Merit and Knowledge. Traditional designation of the necessary qualities with which one must "equip" oneself for the pursuit of Enlightenment. Merit increases through the practice of virtue; knowledge, through the Perfection of Insight.
Two Truths (bden-pa gnyis/satya-dvaya). Mahayana distinction of the dual aspect of all objects of cognition: 1) relative truth (kun-rdzob bden-pa/samvrtti-satya); the ordinary worldly and conventional per- ception and expression of the apparent reality of things; and 2) ultimate truth (don-dam bden-pa/paramartha-satya), the emptiness of inherent existences, reality as it truly is.
Ultimate Element (chos-kyi dbyings/dharma-dhatu). See Realm of True Reality.
Ultimate Reality (de-kho-na-nyid/tattva). Same as Thatness (q. v. ) Ultimate Truth. See Two Truths.
? Vasubandhu (nor-gyi rtsa-lag/dbyig-gnyen). Third-century AD saint and scholar, brother of Asanga (q. v. ), author of numerous Mahayana treatises, and source of Atisa's division of three types of persons in the Lamp and Commentary.
Vehicle (theg-pa/yana). The most generic term for the three Buddhist ways of theory and practice which can carry one to E~lightenment: 1) the Lesser Vehicle (Hinayana) or Hearers' Vehicle (Sravakayana); also called Theravada, 2) the Greater Vehicle (Mahayana), and 3) the Vehicle of Mantra or Tantra (Mantrayana), the swift way to Enlightenment.
Wagons (shing-rta/ratha). Epithet in the same metaphor as Vehicle, used especially for the great writers and saints of Mahayana, Nagarjuna and Asailga.
Warmth (drod/u~ma). See Aids to Conviction.
? A
Primary Sources
Buddhist Scriptures
[Ot. ] = The Tibetan Tripitaka- Peking Edition. Kept in the Library of
Otani University. Editor: D. T. Suzuki. (Kyoto: 1957).
[Toh. ] = A Complete Catalogue of the Tibetan Buddhist Canon. Editors: Hakaju Ui et al. (Sendai: Tohoku Imperial University,
[Tibetan and Sanskrit titles are given as they appear in AtiSa's texts; although they are frequently not the full titles as listed in the Catalogues. Several scriptures cannot be identified, either because they were not included in the Tibetan Canon compiled three cerzturies later or because they were known by different titles by that time. ]
Admonitions for the King Sutra Rlija-avaviidak. a-sutra
Rgyal po la gdams pa'i mdo (Ot. 887)
Admonitions on Desire Sutra Kama-apavadaka-sutra
'Dod pa Ia gdams pa'i mdo (Toh. 4523? ) All Dharanfs
Gzungs tharm cad (Ot. 141) Arrest o f Misconduct Sutra
Du! J. Sila-nigraha-sutra
Tshul khrims 'chal pa tshar gcod pa'i mdo (Ot. 886) Assembly ofAll Gods
Lha thams cad 'dus pa (unidentified)
Basic Stanzas on the Middle Way: "Insight" by Nagarjuna
M ula-madhyamaka-klirikli-prajnli-niima
Dbu rna rtsa ba'i tshig le'ur byas pa shes rab ces bya ba (Ot. 5224) Basic Tantra o f Manju$ri
'Jam dpal gyi rtsa ba'i rgyud (Ot. 162) Beauty Mark o f the Secret Moon
Zla gsang thig le (Ot. 111) Black DestroyerofYama
Gshin rje'i gshed nag po (Ot. 103)
Blaze ofReasoning: on "Essence ofthe Middle Way" by Bhavaviveka
Madhyamaka-hrdaya-vrtfi-tarka-jviilii Dbu rna rtog ge 'bar ba (Ot. 5256)
? Bodhisattva Levels by Asanga Bodhisattva-bhumi
Byang chub sems dpa'i sa (Ot. 5538)
Bodhisattva Section
Byang chub sems dpa'i sde snod (Ot. 760: 12)
Buddha Death's Head Buddha-kapiila
Sangs rgyas thod pa (Ot. 63)
Buddha-like Practice Buddha-sama-yoga
Sangs rgyas mnyam sbyor (Ot. 8)
Buddhapiilitii's Commentary on Basic Stanzas ofMiddle Way B uddhapiilitli-mrlla-madhyamaka-vrtti
Dbu ma rtsa ba'i 'grel pa buddha pii li ta (Ot. 5242)
Cause o f Splendour: Major Treatise on Progress in Thatness Tattva-avatiira-mahii-siistra-prabhiisa-kararJa by Jii. anakirti
De kho na nyid la 'jug pa'i bstan bcos chen por gsal bar mdzad pa (Ot.
Chapter on Concentration Equipment by Bodhibhadra
Ting nge 'dzin,gyi tshogs kyi le'u (Ot. 5444) Classification o f the Middle and Extremes by Maitreyanatha
Dbus dang mtha' rnam par 'byed pa (Ot. 5522) Clear Words: on Basic Middle Way by Candrakirti
Tshig don gsa/ ba (Ot. 5260) Cloud ofJewels Sutra
Dkon mchog sprin gi mdo (Ot. 897)
Commentary on the Sixty Stanzas ofReasoning by Candrakirti
Rigs p~drug c~pa'i 'grel pa (Ot. 5265)
Commentary on the Twenty Verses on the Vow by Bodhibhadra
Sarrz vara-virrzsika-pafzjika
Sdom pa nyi shu pa'i 'grel pa (Ot. 5584) Compendium o f Doctrine Sutra
Chos yang dag par sdud pa'i mdo (Ot. 904) Compendium o f Skills
Rtogpa kun las btus pa (Toh. 367) Compendium o f Sutra by Nagarjuna
Mdo kun las btus pa (Ot. 5330) Compendium ofThatness: A Major Tantra
T attva-sarrzgraha-mahii-tantra
De kho na nyid bsdus pa'i rgyud chen po (Ot. 112)
C01;npendiumofTrainingbySantideva Silcyii-samuccaya
Bslab pa kun las btus pa (Ot. 5336)
Confession o f Failings (See Ritual for Confession o f Failings) Conquestofthe Triple World
'Jig rten gsum las rnam par rgyal ba (Ot. 115) Conquest ofthe Unique Buddha Tantra
Gnyis su med pa rnam par rgyal ba'i rgyud (Ot. 87) Conversations on the Perfections by Arya5ura
Pha rol tu phyin pa'i gtam dag (Ot. 5424)
Deeds ofSamiintabhadra (= Good Practice_ Resolves) Deeds ofthe Conqueror as a Mother
Rgyal ba skyed mar mdzad pa (Ot. 5029) Descent into Lanka Sutra
Lang kar gsegs pa'i mdo (Ot. 775)
Destruction o f Errors About the Middle Way by Aryadeva
Dbu ma 'khrul pa 'joms pa (Ot. 5250) DhiirarJ. fs Blal,ing From the Mouth o f Ghosts
Yi dags kha nas me 'bar ba'i gzungs (Ot. 356) Diamond Crowners
Vajra-~rJ. fsa
Rdo rje gtsug tor (Toh. 590-603) Diamond Imp
V ajra-4iika
Rdo rje mkha' 'gro (Ot. 18) Diamond Summit
V ajra-sekhara
Rdo rje rtse mo (Ot. 113)
Eight Thousand Stanza Perfection o f Insight Sutra
Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa brgyad stong pa'i mdo (Ot. 734) Embracing the Roots o f Virtue Sutra
Dge ba'i rtsa ba yongs su 'dzin pa'i mdo (Ot. 769) Essay on the Mind o f Enlightenment by Nagarjuna
Byang chub sems ~nampar bshad pa (Ot. 5470) Excellent Dancer Tantra
Gar mkhan mchog (Ot. 424)
? Exhortation to Higher Intention Sutra Adhyasaya-sa'! 'lcodana-sutra
Lhag pa'i bsam pa bskul ba'i mdo (Ot. 760:25)
Explanation o f the Treasure o f Phenomenology by V asubandhu Abhidharma-kosa-bh~ya
Chos mngon pa'i mdzod pa'i bshad pa (Ot. 5590-1)
Exposition ofthe Undifferentiated Nature ofAll Phenomena Sutra Sarva-dharma-prakrti-asa'! 'lbheda-nirdesa-sutra
Chos thams cad kyi rang bzhin dbyer med par bstan pa'i mdo (Ot.
Extensive Commentary on the Lamp for the Insight by Avalokitavrata
Shes rab sgron rna rgya cher 'grel pa (Ot. 5259) Extensive Siltra: Compendium ofAll Phenomena
Sarva-dharma-vaipulya-sa'! 'lgraha
Yongs su rgyas pa'i mdo chos thams cad bsdus pa (? ) Finely Woven Sutra
V aidalya-siltra
Rnam par'thag pa'i mdo (Ot. 893) Finger-Garland Sutra
Sor mo'i phreng can gyi mdo (Ot. 879) Finger-Length Instruction
Sor mo lta bu'i bshad (? )
Five Chapters on the Middle Way by Candrakirti
Dbu ma phung bo lnga (Ot. 5267)
Five Hundred Thousand Verses ofHevajra Tantra
H evajra-tantra-riija
Dgyes pa'i rdo rje 'bum phrag lnga pa (Ot. 10) Flaming Jewel Formula Sutra
Dkon mchog ta ia la'i mdo (Ot. 472) Four Diamond Seats Tantra
Rdo rje gdan bzhi pa (Ot. 68) Four Virtues Siltra
Chos bzhi pa'i mdo (Ot. 916) Garland o f Thought Tantra
Dgongs pa rgyud kyi phreng ba (Ot. 432) Garlands o f Buddha Chapters
Buddha-avata1f! saka-parivarta
Sangs rgyas phal po che'i le'u (Ot. 761) Glorious Acts
Rtogs par brjod pa (Toh. 343)
Glorious Cakrasarrvara: Hundred Thousand Verses of the Space-like Buddha
Srf-cakrasam vara-khasama-sata-siihasrika
Dpal nam ritkha' dang mnyam pa 'bum pa chen po 'khor lo sdom pa
(Ot. 30)
Glorious Compendium o f Diamond Knowledge Jniina-vajra-samuccaya
Dpal ye shes rdo rje kun las btus pa (Ot. 84)
Glqrious Original Aeon Srf-paramiidya-kalpa
Dpal dang po rtog pa (Ot. 119)
Glqrious Union ofthe Secret Srf-guhyasamiija
Dpal gsang ba 'dus pa (Ot. 81)
Glory ofthe Blessed One Vaiqurya, Teacher ofHealing Bhagavato-bha4ajya-guru-vai4flrya-prabhiisya-riija
Beam /dan 'das sman gyi bla ba'i bai qurya'i 'od kyi rgyal po (Ot.
Golden Splendour Sutra Suvar! Ja-prabhiisottama-sutra
Gser 'ad dam pa'i mdo (Ot. 175-6)
Good Age Sutra
Bskal pa bzang po'i mdo (Ot. 762) Good Practice Resolves
Bhadracarya-pra! Jidhiina-riija
Bzang po spyod pa'i smon lam gyi rgyal po (Ot. 761. 45) Gradual Rising Sutra
Mthar gyis yang dag 'phags pa'i mdo (? ) Great Compassion Sutra (=Great White Lotus)
Great Illusion Tantra Mahii-miiyii-tantra Ma hii mii yii (Ot. 64)
Great Peacock-like Dhara! Jf
M aha-mayurf-dhiiraryf
Rma bya chen mo'i gzungs (Ot.
Great Tantra Elucidating Meaning Sandhi-vyiikara! Ja-maha-tantra
Dgongs pa lung bstan pa'i rgyud chen po (Ot. 83)
Great Tantra of Primal Buddha (=Wheel of Time)
Great Victory Tantras
Rnam par rgyal ba'i rgyud chen po (Toh. 604-613)
Great White Lotus o f Compassion Sutra
M ahiikaru! Jii-puryqarfka-sutra
Snying rje chen po'i pad ma dkar pa'i mdo (Ot. 779)
? Hec;rers' Level by Asailga Sriivaka-bhumi
Nyan thos kyisa (Ot. 5537)
Heart ofWisdom Compendium
J fziina-sara-samuccaya
Y e shes snying po kun las btus pa (Ot. 5251)
Heavenly Treasure Sutra Gaganagafzja-sutra
Nam-mka' mdzod kyi mdo (Ot. 815}
Heavily Adorned Sutra Ghana-vyuha-sutra
Stug po bkod pa'i mdo (Ot. 778)
Higher Union Conquest Yang yoga rnam rgyal (? )
Highest Wisdom Tantra Vidyii-uttama-tantra
Rig pa mchog gi rgyud (Ot. 402}
Hundred Expositions ofDoctrine Dharma-upadesa-sata
Chos bshad pa brgya pa (? )
Hundred Syllables Aksara-sataka
Yi ge brgya pa (Ot. 5234)
Illusion-/ike Tantra
Sgyu 'phrul dra ba'i rgyud (Ot. 102)
Initiation Set Forth by Maitripada Seka-nirdeia
Dbang bskur nges par bstan pa (Ot. 3097)
Injunctions on Dealing With Women Sutra Strf- vivarta- vyiikara1Ja-sutra
Bud med 'gyur lung bstan pa'i mdo (Ot. 857)
Instruction on Non-production ofAll Phenomena Sutra Sarva-dharma-apravrtti-nirdeia-sutra
Chos thams cad 'byung ba med par bstan pa'i mdo (Ot. 847)
Kinds ofUltimate Truthby Saraha Don dam pa'i rigs pa (? )
King o f Meditations Sutra Samiidhi-riija-sCttra
Ting nge 'dzin gyi rgyal po'i mdo (Ot. 795)
Lamp for the Insight by Bhavaviveka Prajfza-pradipa
Shes rab sgron ma (Ot. 5253)
Lamp ofthe Three Methods by Tripi! akamala Naya-traya-pradipa
Tshul gsum pa'i sgron ma (Ot. 4530)
Length ofa Forearm by Aryadeva Hastaviila
Lag pa'i tshad (Ot. 5248-9)
Levels ofYoga Practice by Asanga
Y ogiicaryii-bhami Rnal'byorspyodpa'isa (Ot. 5547-8)
Lion's Roar Sii. tra Simhaniida-sii. tra
Se;,g ge'i sgra'i mdo (Ot. 760:23)
Lord ofLotus Dancers Padma-narta-fSvara
Padma gar gyi dbang phyug (? )
Major Exposition on the Treasure by Parsva and Vasumitra II Mahii-vibh~ii (? )
Marvels ofVairocana
Rnam par snang mdzad sgyu 'phrul (Ot. 126)
Matters ofDiscipline Vinaya-vastu
'Dul ba'i gzhi (Ot. 1030)
Meeting o f Father and Son Sii. tra Pitii-putra-samiigama-sii. tra
Yab dang sras mjal ba'i mdo (Ot. 760:16)
Middle Way Treatise: Finely Woven by Nagarjuna Madhyamaka-vaidalya
Dbu ma rnam par thag pa (Ot. 5226)
Mindfulness o f the Buddha Buddha-anusmrti
Songs rgyas rjes'su dran pa (Ot. 945)
Miracle o f Resolute Calm Sii. tra PraSiinta-viniicaya-pratihiirya-sii. tra Rab tu zhi ba cho 'phrul (Ot. 797)
Moon Lamp Sii. tra (= King ofMeditations) Candra-pradipa
. ~Labasgronma Mount Gayii Sii. tra
Gayii-sfr~a-sii. tra
Ga ya mgo'i ri'i mdo (Ot. 777)
No Fear From Anywhere by Nagarjuna
Galas 'jigs med (Ot. 5229) Non-conceptual Progress Formula
Rnam parmi rtog par 'jug pa'i gzungs (Ot. 810) Ocean o f Discipline
'Dul ba rgya mtsho (? )
Onf! Hundred Thousand Stanza Perfection ofInsight Sii. tra Satasiihasrika-prajnii-piiramitii-sii. tra
Stong phrag brgya pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa (Ot. 730)
? One Letter Perfection ofInsight Satra Eka-a/cyarf-prajnii-piiramitii-sutra
Yi ge gcig mashes rab kyi pha rot tu phyin pa (Ot. 741)
OrnamentofMmijusn's Buddha-field Manjusn-buddhalcyetra-gu'! a-vyaha
'Jam dpal gyi sangs rgyas kyi zhing gi yon tan bkod pa (Ot. 760:15)
Ornament ofSutras by Maitreyanatha Sutra-alamkiira
Mdo sde ~gyan(Ot. 5521)
Ornament for the Realisations by Maitreyanatha Abhisamaya-alan:zkiira
Mngon par rtogs pa'i rgyan (Ot. 5184)
Ornament ofthe Wisdom Engaging the Sphere ofAll Buddhas
Sangs rgyas kyi yulla 'jug pa ye shes snang ba'i rgyan (Ot. 768) Palace o f the Great Jewel
Ma'! i-vipula-vimiina
Nor bu rgyas pa'i zhal med khang (Ot. 138) Perfect Enlightenment ofVairocana
V airocana-abhisam bodhi
Rnam par snang mdzad mngon par byang chub pa (Ot. 126) Perfection o f Insight Satras
Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa Praise o f Ultimate Truths by Nagarjuna
Don dam par bstod pa (Ot. 2014) Priitimoksa Satra
So so thar pa'i mdo (Ot. 1031)
Precious Garland ofAdvicefor the King by Nagarjuna
Rgyal po la gtam bya ba rin po che'i phreng ba (Ot. 5658) Precious Garland o f Discourses by Sura
Rin po che phreng balta bu'i gtam (Toh. 5424) PrC! ducing the Power o f Faith Satra
Dad pa'i stabs bskyed pa'i mdo (Ot. 867) Progress in Knowledge by Katyayimiputra
J ftiina-prasthiina
Ye shes Ia 'jug pa
Progress in [Bodhisattva] Practice by Santideva
Byang chub sems dpa'i spyod pa la 'jug pa (Ot. 5272) Questions o f Celestial King Druma Satra
Mi 'am ci'i rgyal po ljon pas zhus pa'i mdo (Ot. 824)
Questions o f the Girl Sumati Sutra Sumati-diirikii-pariprcchii-sutra
Bu mo blo gros bzang mos zhus pa'i mdo (Ot. 760:30)
Questions ofthe Girl Vima/aiuddha Siltra Diirikii-vimalaiuddha-siltra
Bu mo rnam dag dad pas zhus pa'i mdo (Ot. 760:40)
Questions o f KiiSyapa Sutra KiiSyapa-pariprcchii-sutra
'Od srungs kyi zhus pa'i mdo (Ot. 760:43)
Questions o f King Udayanavatsa Siltra Udayana-vatsa-riija-pariprcchii-siltra
Rgyal po shar ba'i bus zhus pa'i mdo (Ot. 760:29)
Questions o f Siigaramati Sutra Siigaramati-pariprcchii-siltra
Blo gros rgya mtsho'i zhus pa'i mdo (Ot. 819)
Questions o f the Serpent King Anavatapta Siltra Anavatapta-niiga-riija-pariprcchii-siltra
Klu'i rgyal po rna dros pas zhus pa'i mdo (Ot. 823)
Questions o f the Serpent King Siigara Siltra Siigara-niiga-riija-pariprcchii-sutra
Klu'i rgyal po rgya mtshos zhus pa'i mdo (Ot. 820)
Questions ofSubiihu Tantra Subiihu-pariprcchii-tantra Dpung-bzang gi rgyud (Ot. 428)
Questions o f Suvikriintivikrami Perfection o f Insight Siltra Suvikriintivikrami-pariprcchii-prajflii-piiramitii-sutra
Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa rab kyi rtsal gyis rnam par gnon pa'i
zhus pa'i mdo (Ot. 736) Questions o f Ugra Sutra
Drag shul gyis zhuspa'i mdo (Ot. 760:19) Questions o f Upiili Sutra
Nye bar'khor gyis zhus pa'i mdo (Ot. 760:24) Questions ofVimaladatta Sutra
Dri ma med pas zhus pa'i mdo (Ot. 760:33) Questions o f Vfradatta Siltra
Dpa' sbyin gyis zhus pa'i mdo (Ot. 760:28) Refutation o f Objections by Nagarjuna
Rtsod pa bz/og pa (Ot. 5228)
Rehearsal o f the Buddha, Doctrine, and Community Sutra Buddha-dharma-sangha-sangiti-siltra
Sangs rgyas bgro ba dang chos bgro ba dang dge 'dun bgro ba'i mdo
(Toh. 228)
? Removal o f Action's Obscuration Karma-aviiralJll-pratipra. Srabdhi
Las kyi sgrib pa rgyun gcod pa (Toh. 219)
Removal o f Ajiita. Satru's Regrets Sutra Ajata. Satru-kaukrtti-avinodana-sutra
Ma skyes dgra'i gyod pa bsal ba'i mdo (Ot. 882) Resolutions o f Niigiirjuna by Nagarjuna
Niigiirjuna-pra! Jidhiina
Klu sgrub kyi smon lam (Ot. 5932)
Ric,e Seedling Sutra Commentary by Kamalasna
Sii lu ljang pa'i 'gre(pa (Ot. 5502) Ritual for Begetting the Thought by Atisa
Sems bskyed pa'i cho ga (Ot. 5364) Ritual for Confession o f Failings by Atlsa
Ltung ba bshags pa'i cho ga (Ot. 5369)
River o f Brine Sutra
Ba tsha'i chu klung gi mdo (? )
Royal Resolves ofSamantabhadra (= Good Practice Resolves) Royal Tantra Setting Forth the Triple Pledge
Dam tshig gsum bkod pa'i rgyal po (Ot. 134)
Royal Union Tantra: Cakrasmrzvara (=Glorious Cakrasan;. vara) Science o f Preaching by V asubandhu
V yiikhyii-yukti
Rnam par bshad pa'i rigs pa (Ot. 5562) Seal ofWisdom Sutra
1 fziina-mudrii-sutra
Ye shes kyi phyag rgya'i mdo (Ot. 799)
Seal, Worship, and Center ofConcentration Sutra Samiidhi-cakra-sutra
Ting nge 'dzin gyi 'khor lo'i mchod pa'i phyag rgya'i mdo (Ot. 907)
Seated Before the Present Buddha Sutra Pratyutpanna-buddha-san;. mukha-avasthita-sutra
Da /tar gyi sangs rgyas mngon du bzhugs pa'i mdo (Ot. 801)
Secret ofAll Tantra Sarva-rahasya-tantra
Thams cad gsang ba'i rgyud (Ot. 114)
Secret Tantras ofManjuirf ManjuSrf-guhya-tantra
'Jam dpal gsang ba'i rgyud (Toh. 544-52)
Secret Tathiigata Sutra
T athiigata-guhya-sutra
De bzhin gshegs pa'i gsang ba'i mdo (? )
Sevenfold Way Sutra: Questions ofA valokitesvara
A valo_kitesvara-pariprcchii-sapta-dharmaka-siltra . Spyan ras gzigs dband phyug gis zhus pa'i chos bdun pa (Ot. 817)
Seventy Resolves by Asvagho~a Pra1'}idhiina-saptati
Smon lam bdun cu (Ot. 5430)
Seventy Stanzas on Emptiness by Nagarjuna Silnyatii-saptati
Stong piz nyid bdun cu pa (Ot. 5227)
Sixty Stanzas o f Reasoning by Nagarjuna Yukti-sastika
Rigs pa d. rug cu (Ot. 5225)
Space-like Buddha Tantra Khasama-tantra
Nam mkha' dang mnyam pa (Ot. 31)
Stalks in Array Siltra Ga1'}4a-vyilha-siltra . Sdong po bkod pa'i mdo (Ot. 761 :45)
Subduing by Akii. Savar"f}a Siltra
Nam mkha' mdog gis 'dul ba'i mdo (? )
Supplement to the Middle Way by Candrakirti Madhyamaka-avatiira
Dbu rna Ia 'jug pa (Ot. 5261)
Siltra ofAkii. Sagarbha Akii. Sagarbha-siltra
Nam mkha' snying po'i mdo (Ot. 926)
Siltra ofthe Thirty-three Trayatrimsat-parivarta-siltra
Sum cu rtsa gsum gi le'u (Ot. 889)
Sutra on the Ten Levels Da$abhilmika-siltra
Sa bcu pa'i mdo (Ot. 761:31)
Siltra Set Forth by Alqayamati Alqayamati-nirde? a-siltra
Blo gros mi zad pas bstan pa'i mdo (Ot. 842)
Sutriz Set Forth by Vimalakirti Vimalakirti-nirdesa-siltra
Dri rna med par grags pas bstan pa'i mdo (Ot. 843)
Siltra Setting Forth the Three Bodies Trikiiya-nir:desa-siltra
Sku gsum bstan pa'i mdo (Toh. 283)
Siltra Setting Forth the Two Truths Satya-dvaya-nirdesa-siltra
Bden pa gnyis bstan pa'i mdo (Ot. 846)
Siltra Showing the Unthinkable Secrets Acintya-guhya-siltra
Gsang ba bsam gyis mi khyab pa'i mdo (Ot. 760:3)
Tantra ofAmoghapii. Sa Amoghapii. Sa-tantra
A mo gha pii sha (Ot. 365)
? Tantra of Tara's Arising
T ara-bhava-tantra
Sgroi rna 'byung ba'i rgyud (Ot. 390)
Tathiigata's Compassion Sutra Tathagata-karurJa-sutra
De bzhin gshegs pa'i snying rje'i mdo (Ot. 814)
Tathagata Essence Siltra
T athiigata-garbha-sutra
De bzhin gshegs pa'i mdzod kyi mdo (Ot. 924)
Teaching in Sevens: Sexuality (Hinayana Sutra) Sapta-maithuna-samyukta
'Khrig pa bdun bstan pa theg pa chung ba'i mdo
Three Heaps Satra Triskandhaka-siltra
Phung bo gsum gi mdo (Ot. 950)
Three Jewels Praise by Vasubandhu Triratna-stotra
Dkon mchog gsum gyi bstod pa (Ot. 2037)
True Power Maker Tantra Susiddhi-kara-tantra
Rab tu grub par byed pa (Ot. 431)
Twenty Stanzas on Mahayana by Nagarjuna M ahiiyiina- vin:zsaka
Theg pa chen po nyi shu pa (Ot. 5233)
Twenty Verses on the Bodhisattva Vow by Candragomin Bodhisattva-samvara-vimsaka
Byang chub sems dpa'i sdom pa nyi shu pa (Ot. 5582)
Twenty Verses on Gathering Merit by Nagarjuna Bsod nams kyi tshogs nyi shu pa (? )
Unfailing Discipline Amogha-vinaya
'Dul ba don yod pa (? )
Unwavering Light Siltra on Reality's Own Emptiness ofIntrinsic Nature Dharmatii-svabhiivq-silnyatii-acala-pratisarvaloka-sutra
Chos nyid rang gi ngo bo nyid las mig. yo bas tha dad par bstan pa'i
mdo (Ot. 7906) VajrapiifJi Initiation Tantra
V ajrapiirJi-abhiSeka-tantra
Lag na rdo rje dbang skur ba'i rgyud (Ot. 130) Wheel ofTime: Great Tantra ofPrimal Buddha
Dang po sangs rgyas rgyud chen 'dus kyi 'khor lo (Ot. 5) White Shining: The Middle Way by Devasarma
Dbu rna dkar po 'char ba (? )
B Tibetan Works
Bu-ston rin-chen-grub, Bde-bar gshegs-pa'i bstan-pa'i gsal-byed chos-kyi
'byung-gnas gsung-rab rin-po-che'i mdzod (1322).
, Bstan-'gyur-gyi dkar-chag yid-bzhin nor-bu dbang-gi rgyal-po'i phreng-ba (1335).
- - , The Collected Works ofB. u-ston, edited by Lokesh Chandra (New Delhi: International Academy of Indian Culture, 1971).
'Chad-kha-pa Ye-shes rdo-rje, Blo-sbyong don-bdun-ma, in Gdams- ngag mdzod, Vol. II.
Dwags-po lha-rje Sgam-po-pa, Dam-chos yid-bzhin nor-bu thar-pa rin- po-che'i rgyan (Univ. of Washington xylograph).
'Gos lo-tsa-ba Gzhon-nu-dpal, Bod-kyi yul-du chos dang chos-smra-ba ji-ltar 'byung-ba'i rim-pa deb-ther sngon-po (1478).
Khams-pa lung-pa Shakya yon-tan, Blo-sbyong thun brgyad-ma, in Gdams-ngag mdzod, Vol. III.
Kong-sprul Blo-gros mtha'-yas, Byang-chub lam-gyisgron-ma'i 'grel-pa snying-por bsdus-pa byang-chub lam-gyi snang-ba rab-tu gsal-ba, in Gdams-ngagmdzod, Vol. II.
- - , Gdams-ngag mdzod. A Treasury of Instructions and Techniques for Spiritual Realisation, compiled by 'Jam-mgon Kong-sprul Blo-gros
mtha'-yas (reprint: New Delhi: N. Lungtok and N. Gyaltsan, 1971). Las-chen Kun-dga' rgyal-mthsan, Bka'-gdams chos-'byung gsal-ba'i
sgron-me (1494) (reprint: New Delhi: B. Jamyang Norbu, 1972),
- - , Legs-par bshad-pa bka'-gdams rin-po-che'i gsung-gi gees-pas nor-
bu'i bang-mdzod (Univ. of Washington xylograph).
Rngog Legs-pa'i shes-rab, Bka'-gdams g/egs-bam; reprint: Vol. I (Pha
chos); VoL II (Bu chos) (Varanasi: Kalsang Lhundup, 1973, 1974). Thu'u-bkwan Blo-bzang chos-kyi nyi-ma, Grub-mtha' thams-cad-kyi khungs dang 'dod-tshul ston-pa legs bshad shel-gyi me-long (1802) (reprint: New Delhi: Gedan Sungrab Minyam Gyunphel Series, Vol.
II, 1969).
Tsong-kha-pa Blo-bzang grags-pa, Skyes-bu gsum-gyi nyams-su blang-
ba'i rim-pa thams-cad tshang-bar ston-pa'i byang-chub lam-gyi rim-pa
(1408) (Univ. of Washington xylograph).
Yongs-'dzin Ye-shes rgyal-mtshan, Byang-chub lam-gyi rim-pa'i bla-ma
brgyud-pa'i rnam-par thar-pa rgyal bstan mdzes-pa'i rgyan-mchog phul-byung nor-bu'i phreng-ba (reprint: New Delhi: Gedan Sungrab Minyam Gyunphel Series, Vol. XVIII, 1970).
C Sanskrit Editions
A~tgsiihasrikii Prajiiiipiiramitii, with Haribhadra's Commentary Called
Aloka, edited by P. L. Vaidya (Darbhanga: BSTNo. 4, 1960). Bhiivanii-krama [First] ofKamalasna, edited by G. Tucci (MBT, Part II,
Rome: lstituto Italiano Per II Media Ed Estremo Oriente, 1958). Bhiivanii-krama [Third] of Kamalasna, edited by G. Tucci (MBT, Part
III, Rome: lstituto Italiano Per II Media Ed Estremo Oriente, 1971). Bodhicaryiivatiira of Santideva, edited by V. Bhattacharya (Bibliotheca
Indica, No. 280. Calcutta: The Asiatic Society, 1960). Daiabhilmikasiltra, edited by P. L. Vaidya (BST No. 7, Darbhanga:
? GalJcf. avyilhasiltra, edited by P. L.