No More Learning


[33 blinded] blindest _H40_]

[34 followers _H40_, _P_, _TCD:_           _1669_, _S96_]

[37 glow _H40_, _S96_, _P_, _TCD:_ blow _1669_]

[38 flame _H40_, _S96_, _P_, _TCD:_ flames _1669_]

[40 so dangerous _H40_, _P_, _S96_, _TCD:_ and dangerous

[42 all, _Ed:_ all _1669_

towring _1669_, _TCD:_ towred _O'F_, _P_, _S96:_ lowering

the towred husbands eyes _H40:_ the Loured, husbandes eyes

[43 That flam'd with oylie _H40_, _O'F_, _P_, _S96_, _TCD:_
Inflam'd with th'ouglie _1669_

jealousie: _Ed:_ jealousie, _1669_]

[44 with _H40_, _O'F_, _P_, _S96_, _TCD:_ in _1669_]

[45 Have we not kept our guards, _H40_, _O'F_, _P_, _S96_,
_TCD:_ Have we for this kept guards, _1669_

on _1669:_ o'r _1635-54_]

[49 most _1635-69_, _H40_, _O'F_, _P_, _S96_, _TCD:_ best

[50 our] thy _RP31_]

[52 from our words?