him wend.
Adam Davy's Five Dreams about Edward II - 1389
ei wer to-gidere come,
? is maide & ? is ? ong gom,
In godes lawe, 105
? ere was game & myche gleo,
Ac, for-so? e, tel I, ? e,
eyled him no plawe.
Page 28
? ? e day was go, ? e nyht was com,
Seide ? e fader to ? e sone,
wi? glad cher, 111
'vp arys, sone myn,
& go into boure ? yn,
To glade ? i fere. ' 114
// ? o he com to boure to his fere,
he beheld ? e may of glad chere,
& of bright hewe. 117
Sone menged his ? ouht,
In fonding he was brouht,
his car began al newe. 120
ne sy? te & made sory chere,
? e teres out of his wete lere
bitter he let falle. 123
Ne myht glade him his fere
with wordes ne with fair chere,
? at stod shred in palle.
Page 29
[folio 116b] ? No lenger to hele of he brak,
? e ? ongman to his bride spak,
with wel fair bere: 129
'Lemman, haue goday,
No lenger I ne may
wi? ? e leuen here. 132
// Wende I. mot fer of lond,
& suffre tene & peines strong,
my sinnes to bete. 135
Bo? e I. mot, for godesake,
ffader & moder myn forsak,
& ? e ? at art so suete. ' 138
// ? o she hadde herde ? is tale,
Al hir blis turned to bale,
y. -swowe she fel to gronde. 141
? o she of swounyng ros,
Atterliche hir agros
with care she was y-bound.
Page 30
? Sone ? o she myht stonde,
She tar hir heer, & wrong hir hond,
& made reuful bere. 147
'Nou ? ou wilt my lef of londe,
Loke I. may after ? e long,
Alas, ? at I. ded nere. 150
// Allas, mi lef, what hastou ? ouht,
Iu myche care ? ou hast me brouht,
on me ? ou hast sinne. 153
After ? at ? ou art gon,
Vpbreid me tyt manyon
of ? i riche kinne. 156
// Awey, mi lef, ? at I. was bore,
ffor al my blisse is forlore,
& nou waxe? my pine. 159
Alone her-inne I. wile wone,
& euere eft mannes mone shone,
Al for loue ? ine. '
Page 31
? 'Lemman, al for ? i sake,--
So do? ? e turtel for hir make
whan he is y. -slawe,-- 165
Al myrthe I. wile forsake,
& euere-more sorwe take,
& shone al plawe. ' 168
he tok his girdel in his hond,
& his mantel ? erwi? he wond,
& his ring of golde. 171
'Mi lemman, haue ? is to ? e,
& o? er while ? enk on me
Whan I. lye vnder molde. 174
? Gret wel fader & modur myn,
leue her-inne, & beo her hyne
with wel milde mode. 177
? ilk lord . I. ? e beteche,
? at is of alle bales leche,
& de? ? oled on ? e rode. '
Page 32
// Out of bour he went anon,
As swi? e as he myht gon,
Right to ? e stronde. 183
Sone a ship he fond ? are,
? at was redy to fare
Into vnkou? lond. 186
? Into ? e ship anon he wend,
& god suche wind sende
? at sone to lond hem brouht. 189
? at ship was god, ? e watur deope,
& o? er while sore he wepe,
& was in gret ? ouht.
Page 33
// ? o he vp to londe com
he seld his clo? es euerichon,
& bou? t him pore wede; 195
And his gold & his feo
Among ? e pore delte he
? at hadde mych neode. 198
? Sone he it vndernom,
? at he to a borugh com,
? at mychel was & kete. 201
Sone so he ? ider com
to ? e temple ? e weye he nom,
God selue to grete.
Page 34
Among ? e pore he woned ? ar
In sorwe & in myche care,
til he fel to elde.
Page 35
Ouht ? at he spare myht
Be day, & eke be nyht,
his pore feren he delde.
Page 36
? o ? e ti? ing was y. -com
To ? e fader of ? e sone,
hou [he] was a-go, 213
him ? ouht his herte wold to-breke,
On word ne myht he speke,
for sorwe ne for wo. 216
Ofte he sy? te, & grente sore,
To tar his her, his lockes hore,
? e gode old man. 219
? erne he gradde godes ore,
? at he ne moste liue namor
to swoune he began.
Page 37
? his moder wi? softe pas
went to bedde, & gradde 'allas
? at she was y. -bore. ' 225
Nolde she neuere eft out-com,
? er she weope for hir sone,
? at she hadde lore. 228
All ? at ? er-inne were
// hem-self drou? be ? e her,
& wrong her hond; 231
Besou? te god, he shold hem ler,
To what lond he go wer,
& wher he wer astond.
Page 38
his fader & his moder bo,
ffor her sone wer wo,
? at . I. ne may of telle. 237
fforto seke her sone,
In which lond he wer becom
Men ? ei sent snell. 240
? It befel vpon a day,
? at ? e men nom her wey
for? right be ? e chirche; 243
? ere her lord nyht & day
Among ? e pore folk lay,
Cristes will to wirche.
Page 39
he knew hem, & ? ei not him,
Of her goed ? ei ? euen him,
as it wolde falle. 249
he heried god, & made him glad,
? at he for his loue hadde
Almes of his thralle. 252
Out of ? e bourgh ? ei went sone,
to her lord ? ei come
wi? goed spede. 255
Ti? inges none ? ei brouhte
Of his sone ? at ? ei soughte,
In vnkou? e theode.
Page 40
? ? o ? is ? ongman woned hadd
In ? e toun as a pore ladde
? eres seuentene, 261
God wolde his care wende,
& to his fader hous him send,
to bring him out of teone.
Page 41
It befel in a nyght
? at ? e mone shon bright,
e belleward him wend. 267
? e leme of heuen he sey aliht,
& stonde vpe godes knyght,
? at al ? e chirche a-tende.
Page 42
[folio 117a] ? Sone at morwe whan it was day,
? at he be ? is man say,
wide he it tolde.
Page 43
To ? e chirche ? ei gonne teo
? ilk holy man to seo,
Bo? e ? ong & olde.
Page 44
? ? is holy man turned his thought,
worshipe of men kepte he nou? t,
? at is frakel atte ende. 279
Out of bourgh he went anon,
to ? e watur he com gon,
? er-ouer he moste wende.
Page 45
// Into ? e shipe he went a nyght,
Elles-whare ? ei hadde tyght
Into vnkou? e londe. 285
? ei went fair swi? e ryght,
& sone at morwe ? o it was lyht
At Rome ? ei gonne astonde.
Page 46
? ? o he to londe come
Into ? e toun he moste rome,
his liflode to wynne.
Page 47
As he went ? oruh ? e strete,
his oune fader he gan mete,
As he com fro his inne.
Page 48
// ? o ? e sone his fader mette,
Mildeliche he him grette,
And bad him som gode. 297
? e godeman sone herd his bone,
for al his blod gan menge sone
vpon his oune fode.
Page 49
? ? et spak ? is holy man
To his fader Eufemyan,
wi? mylde mode: 303
'? at goed ? at ? ou ? enkest do me,
Iesu Crist it ? elde ? e,
? at diede on ? e Rode;
Page 50
ffor if it is in ? i mode
? at ? ou hast any fode,
In vnkou? e londe, 309
Crist . I. beseke, par charite,
? at he wile to him seo
wher he beo astonde. '
Page 51
? ? o he spak of his sone,
? e godeman, as it was his wone,
Gan to sike sore. 315
his herte fel cold so stone,
? e teres fellen to his tone,
Ouer his berd hore.
Page 52
? To his hous ? e pore he broughte,
And a ? ong man him betaughte
to serue him to queme. 321
? ere he woned day & nyght,
& serued god wi? al his myht,
? eres ? ette seuentene. 324
// Somme ? at of ? e in were
? e holymannes clo? es tere,
? ere he lay in his bedde; 327
Ofte ? ei drowe be ? e here,
& of broht & watur cler
? ei caste in his nebbe.
Page 53
// Ofte ? ei him bete & buste,
? at ? e lord ? er-of niste,
? ese wikkede fode. 333
? ei clepeden him waste bred,
& wissheden ? at he wer ded,
y. -wis ? ei wer wode. 336
? Al ? e shame ? at he drey,
? e while he was his fader ney,
he ? olede with mylde mode. 339
And ofte to god he gan grede,
? at he for? af her misdede,
& bringe hem to gode.
Page 54
// ? e while he was in ? e house,
eche day he sey his spouse,
his fader & his moder. 345
Ac sone he tornede to ? e wowe,
? at he nere not y-knowe
of hem ne of non o? er. 348
// ? is holy man ? ought ? o
? at his lif was almest do
ffor seknesse ? at he hadde.
Page 55
parchemyn he ? er wan,
& al his lif wrot ? er-on
as he lay on bedde. 354
? Also he wrot on his bok
hou he his ? ong wif forsok,
? o he of londe wolde; 357
hou his mantel he hire betok,
And his girdel he forsok,
& his ring of golde.
Page 56
// It befel on a sonenday
? at alle men of cristes lay
to ? e chirche come; 363
Clerkes, knyghtes, ? ong & olde,
? emperour, wi? eorles bolde,
? e pope self of Rome, 366
// ? o ? ei ? idere come were
to her, as ? ei sholde ? ere,
Godes seruise, 369
Alle ? ei beden here bede;
Be ? e lift ? ei herde grede,
In wonder wise:
Page 57
? 'Come? alle now to me,
? at sinful haue? . y. -beo,
And afong ? oure meode. 375
Alle ? at haue? ? olede pine,
ffor ? e loue of me & myne,
I. ? ou wile feode. ' 378
// Of ? is steuene hem ? oughte wonder,
Many wende it were thonder,
to gronde ? ei gonne falle. 381
what ? is cry betokne sholde,
? at god hem shewe wolde
A kneo*. [[MS. keneo]] ? ei beden alle.
Page 58
// Alle ? at ? er-inne were
Herde ? et an no? er bere,
Right about non. 387
'Go? , beseche? godes knyght,
? at crist serue? day & nyght,
? at he bidde for Rome. ' 390
? ? e pope & his clerkes alle [folio 117b]
Adoun on kneo ? ei gon falle,
Beforne & behynde,
Page 59
And bede god Almyghty king
// ? at he hem sende som tokenyng
wher ? ei myghte him fynd. 396
Iesu Crist, ? at is so mylde,
Reuthe hadde of ? is childe,
? at is in care bounde. 399
To hem seide heuene spouse,
'Go? to Eufemianes house,
? er he wor? y. -founde. '
Page 60
// After ? is steuen vp ? ei stod,
& heried god wi? glad moed,
Alle ? at ? ere were. 405
ffor nought ? e pope was so gram,
Eufemian he vndernam
? is maide & ? is ? ong gom,
In godes lawe, 105
? ere was game & myche gleo,
Ac, for-so? e, tel I, ? e,
eyled him no plawe.
Page 28
? ? e day was go, ? e nyht was com,
Seide ? e fader to ? e sone,
wi? glad cher, 111
'vp arys, sone myn,
& go into boure ? yn,
To glade ? i fere. ' 114
// ? o he com to boure to his fere,
he beheld ? e may of glad chere,
& of bright hewe. 117
Sone menged his ? ouht,
In fonding he was brouht,
his car began al newe. 120
ne sy? te & made sory chere,
? e teres out of his wete lere
bitter he let falle. 123
Ne myht glade him his fere
with wordes ne with fair chere,
? at stod shred in palle.
Page 29
[folio 116b] ? No lenger to hele of he brak,
? e ? ongman to his bride spak,
with wel fair bere: 129
'Lemman, haue goday,
No lenger I ne may
wi? ? e leuen here. 132
// Wende I. mot fer of lond,
& suffre tene & peines strong,
my sinnes to bete. 135
Bo? e I. mot, for godesake,
ffader & moder myn forsak,
& ? e ? at art so suete. ' 138
// ? o she hadde herde ? is tale,
Al hir blis turned to bale,
y. -swowe she fel to gronde. 141
? o she of swounyng ros,
Atterliche hir agros
with care she was y-bound.
Page 30
? Sone ? o she myht stonde,
She tar hir heer, & wrong hir hond,
& made reuful bere. 147
'Nou ? ou wilt my lef of londe,
Loke I. may after ? e long,
Alas, ? at I. ded nere. 150
// Allas, mi lef, what hastou ? ouht,
Iu myche care ? ou hast me brouht,
on me ? ou hast sinne. 153
After ? at ? ou art gon,
Vpbreid me tyt manyon
of ? i riche kinne. 156
// Awey, mi lef, ? at I. was bore,
ffor al my blisse is forlore,
& nou waxe? my pine. 159
Alone her-inne I. wile wone,
& euere eft mannes mone shone,
Al for loue ? ine. '
Page 31
? 'Lemman, al for ? i sake,--
So do? ? e turtel for hir make
whan he is y. -slawe,-- 165
Al myrthe I. wile forsake,
& euere-more sorwe take,
& shone al plawe. ' 168
he tok his girdel in his hond,
& his mantel ? erwi? he wond,
& his ring of golde. 171
'Mi lemman, haue ? is to ? e,
& o? er while ? enk on me
Whan I. lye vnder molde. 174
? Gret wel fader & modur myn,
leue her-inne, & beo her hyne
with wel milde mode. 177
? ilk lord . I. ? e beteche,
? at is of alle bales leche,
& de? ? oled on ? e rode. '
Page 32
// Out of bour he went anon,
As swi? e as he myht gon,
Right to ? e stronde. 183
Sone a ship he fond ? are,
? at was redy to fare
Into vnkou? lond. 186
? Into ? e ship anon he wend,
& god suche wind sende
? at sone to lond hem brouht. 189
? at ship was god, ? e watur deope,
& o? er while sore he wepe,
& was in gret ? ouht.
Page 33
// ? o he vp to londe com
he seld his clo? es euerichon,
& bou? t him pore wede; 195
And his gold & his feo
Among ? e pore delte he
? at hadde mych neode. 198
? Sone he it vndernom,
? at he to a borugh com,
? at mychel was & kete. 201
Sone so he ? ider com
to ? e temple ? e weye he nom,
God selue to grete.
Page 34
Among ? e pore he woned ? ar
In sorwe & in myche care,
til he fel to elde.
Page 35
Ouht ? at he spare myht
Be day, & eke be nyht,
his pore feren he delde.
Page 36
? o ? e ti? ing was y. -com
To ? e fader of ? e sone,
hou [he] was a-go, 213
him ? ouht his herte wold to-breke,
On word ne myht he speke,
for sorwe ne for wo. 216
Ofte he sy? te, & grente sore,
To tar his her, his lockes hore,
? e gode old man. 219
? erne he gradde godes ore,
? at he ne moste liue namor
to swoune he began.
Page 37
? his moder wi? softe pas
went to bedde, & gradde 'allas
? at she was y. -bore. ' 225
Nolde she neuere eft out-com,
? er she weope for hir sone,
? at she hadde lore. 228
All ? at ? er-inne were
// hem-self drou? be ? e her,
& wrong her hond; 231
Besou? te god, he shold hem ler,
To what lond he go wer,
& wher he wer astond.
Page 38
his fader & his moder bo,
ffor her sone wer wo,
? at . I. ne may of telle. 237
fforto seke her sone,
In which lond he wer becom
Men ? ei sent snell. 240
? It befel vpon a day,
? at ? e men nom her wey
for? right be ? e chirche; 243
? ere her lord nyht & day
Among ? e pore folk lay,
Cristes will to wirche.
Page 39
he knew hem, & ? ei not him,
Of her goed ? ei ? euen him,
as it wolde falle. 249
he heried god, & made him glad,
? at he for his loue hadde
Almes of his thralle. 252
Out of ? e bourgh ? ei went sone,
to her lord ? ei come
wi? goed spede. 255
Ti? inges none ? ei brouhte
Of his sone ? at ? ei soughte,
In vnkou? e theode.
Page 40
? ? o ? is ? ongman woned hadd
In ? e toun as a pore ladde
? eres seuentene, 261
God wolde his care wende,
& to his fader hous him send,
to bring him out of teone.
Page 41
It befel in a nyght
? at ? e mone shon bright,
e belleward him wend. 267
? e leme of heuen he sey aliht,
& stonde vpe godes knyght,
? at al ? e chirche a-tende.
Page 42
[folio 117a] ? Sone at morwe whan it was day,
? at he be ? is man say,
wide he it tolde.
Page 43
To ? e chirche ? ei gonne teo
? ilk holy man to seo,
Bo? e ? ong & olde.
Page 44
? ? is holy man turned his thought,
worshipe of men kepte he nou? t,
? at is frakel atte ende. 279
Out of bourgh he went anon,
to ? e watur he com gon,
? er-ouer he moste wende.
Page 45
// Into ? e shipe he went a nyght,
Elles-whare ? ei hadde tyght
Into vnkou? e londe. 285
? ei went fair swi? e ryght,
& sone at morwe ? o it was lyht
At Rome ? ei gonne astonde.
Page 46
? ? o he to londe come
Into ? e toun he moste rome,
his liflode to wynne.
Page 47
As he went ? oruh ? e strete,
his oune fader he gan mete,
As he com fro his inne.
Page 48
// ? o ? e sone his fader mette,
Mildeliche he him grette,
And bad him som gode. 297
? e godeman sone herd his bone,
for al his blod gan menge sone
vpon his oune fode.
Page 49
? ? et spak ? is holy man
To his fader Eufemyan,
wi? mylde mode: 303
'? at goed ? at ? ou ? enkest do me,
Iesu Crist it ? elde ? e,
? at diede on ? e Rode;
Page 50
ffor if it is in ? i mode
? at ? ou hast any fode,
In vnkou? e londe, 309
Crist . I. beseke, par charite,
? at he wile to him seo
wher he beo astonde. '
Page 51
? ? o he spak of his sone,
? e godeman, as it was his wone,
Gan to sike sore. 315
his herte fel cold so stone,
? e teres fellen to his tone,
Ouer his berd hore.
Page 52
? To his hous ? e pore he broughte,
And a ? ong man him betaughte
to serue him to queme. 321
? ere he woned day & nyght,
& serued god wi? al his myht,
? eres ? ette seuentene. 324
// Somme ? at of ? e in were
? e holymannes clo? es tere,
? ere he lay in his bedde; 327
Ofte ? ei drowe be ? e here,
& of broht & watur cler
? ei caste in his nebbe.
Page 53
// Ofte ? ei him bete & buste,
? at ? e lord ? er-of niste,
? ese wikkede fode. 333
? ei clepeden him waste bred,
& wissheden ? at he wer ded,
y. -wis ? ei wer wode. 336
? Al ? e shame ? at he drey,
? e while he was his fader ney,
he ? olede with mylde mode. 339
And ofte to god he gan grede,
? at he for? af her misdede,
& bringe hem to gode.
Page 54
// ? e while he was in ? e house,
eche day he sey his spouse,
his fader & his moder. 345
Ac sone he tornede to ? e wowe,
? at he nere not y-knowe
of hem ne of non o? er. 348
// ? is holy man ? ought ? o
? at his lif was almest do
ffor seknesse ? at he hadde.
Page 55
parchemyn he ? er wan,
& al his lif wrot ? er-on
as he lay on bedde. 354
? Also he wrot on his bok
hou he his ? ong wif forsok,
? o he of londe wolde; 357
hou his mantel he hire betok,
And his girdel he forsok,
& his ring of golde.
Page 56
// It befel on a sonenday
? at alle men of cristes lay
to ? e chirche come; 363
Clerkes, knyghtes, ? ong & olde,
? emperour, wi? eorles bolde,
? e pope self of Rome, 366
// ? o ? ei ? idere come were
to her, as ? ei sholde ? ere,
Godes seruise, 369
Alle ? ei beden here bede;
Be ? e lift ? ei herde grede,
In wonder wise:
Page 57
? 'Come? alle now to me,
? at sinful haue? . y. -beo,
And afong ? oure meode. 375
Alle ? at haue? ? olede pine,
ffor ? e loue of me & myne,
I. ? ou wile feode. ' 378
// Of ? is steuene hem ? oughte wonder,
Many wende it were thonder,
to gronde ? ei gonne falle. 381
what ? is cry betokne sholde,
? at god hem shewe wolde
A kneo*. [[MS. keneo]] ? ei beden alle.
Page 58
// Alle ? at ? er-inne were
Herde ? et an no? er bere,
Right about non. 387
'Go? , beseche? godes knyght,
? at crist serue? day & nyght,
? at he bidde for Rome. ' 390
? ? e pope & his clerkes alle [folio 117b]
Adoun on kneo ? ei gon falle,
Beforne & behynde,
Page 59
And bede god Almyghty king
// ? at he hem sende som tokenyng
wher ? ei myghte him fynd. 396
Iesu Crist, ? at is so mylde,
Reuthe hadde of ? is childe,
? at is in care bounde. 399
To hem seide heuene spouse,
'Go? to Eufemianes house,
? er he wor? y. -founde. '
Page 60
// After ? is steuen vp ? ei stod,
& heried god wi? glad moed,
Alle ? at ? ere were. 405
ffor nought ? e pope was so gram,
Eufemian he vndernam