Lowell's total want of it is shown at
all points - very especially in his preface of rhyming
verse written without by lines or initial
capitals (a hackneyed matter, originating, we believe,
with “ Fraser's Magazine "), very especially also, in his
long continuations of some particular rhyme - a
fashion introduced, if we remember aright, by Leigh
Hunt, more than twenty-five years ago, in his “ Feast
of the Poets,” which, by the way, has been Mr.
all points - very especially in his preface of rhyming
verse written without by lines or initial
capitals (a hackneyed matter, originating, we believe,
with “ Fraser's Magazine "), very especially also, in his
long continuations of some particular rhyme - a
fashion introduced, if we remember aright, by Leigh
Hunt, more than twenty-five years ago, in his “ Feast
of the Poets,” which, by the way, has been Mr.
Poe - v06