Henry Watson
Italian Episcopal Magazine
236 East 111th Street
Italian Episcopal Magazine
236 East 111th Street
Sarpi - 1888 - History of Fra Paolo Sarpi 2
The history of Fra Paolo Sarpi.
Watson, J. Henry, Rev.
New York : "La Croce", [1911]
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Rev. J. Henry Watson
Italian Episcopal Magazine
236 East 111th Street
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Rev. J. Henry Watson
Italian Episcopal Magazine
-236 East 111th Street
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This short sketch of a great man was not
-intended for publication. The compiler has,
hoirever, accorded with the request of
friends who think it will be useful in stimul
ating others to study the story of Paolo
Sarpi. The period and work of Fra Paolo in Ve
nice is important because it demonstrates
the errors and vices of the Papacy, and
shoivs how the Pope's usurpation of power
transcended the rights of the CathoHc
Church. It also illustrates the sound posi
tion held by the Church of England and the.
Episcopal Church in this country, with rela
tion to the primitive Catholic Church as it
existed before the Papacy was developed.
New York, March 10, 1911.
Rev. J. Henry Watson.
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? Few Americans know anything about Fra Paolo Sarpi; and
perhaps not many Italians, outside of Venice, appreciate fully
the wonderful wisdom and power that dwelt in the brain and
heart of a little dried-up monk who is considered the "Great
est of the Venetians".
Paolo Sarpi deserved this title as a most learned scholar, a
statesman of the first rank, a sincere and unselfish patriot, a
bold reformer, an unshrinking champion of justice and liberty,
a faithful and devoted Christian. As a statesman, he ahvar- VsJ^
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? -- 6--
the love and trust of the people. He was the only reformer re
maining within the Roman Church who escaped a violent death.
As a champion he is the only priest who beat the Pope down
upon his knees and yet lived to a good old age.
There were many preachers of righteousness in medieval
times who tried to lead in reforming the evils of Church and
State, with the ain of producing religious and civil liberty, a-
gainst the inconceivable corruption and tyranny of the Papacy.
Arnold of Brescia, Savonarola and others strove to reform the
Church from within -- and they were burned alive.
Luther's great movement, early in the 16th century, proceeded
in a different method. Despairing of reform within the Church,
it detached large portions of nation from the Pope's control,
giving a blow which made the papacy stagger but not beyond
recovery. The English reformation, beginning soon afterwards, was the
first example of a national Church resuming its original auto
nomy, defying the Pope's usurped rule and taking its rightful
place as a self-governing branch of the Holy Catholic Church.
These reforming movements, which broke away from the
papacy, did not, however, destroy its power. Those monarchs
who held aloof from these movements did not dare to oppose the
Pope's claim of divine right to supremacy over them, for fear
of unsettling their own thrones. They did not wish to encour
age independence of religious thought among their subjects, for
fear of promoting at the same time an independence of political
thought and a tendency towards civil liberty. The Pope stib re
tained his powerful weapons which gave him command of the
situation as an ironclad among wooden ships. His claims to be
the King of kings and ruler of rulers. His right of investiture
and appointment of civil as well as ecclesiastical officials. His
holding of benefices and grasping of property, to the extent
sometimes of a third of the property of nations. His use of in
dulgences in such a way as to secure the submission . as well as
the wealth of the faithful. And above all, his terrible power of
excommunication and interdict by which he could crush his op
ponents. These thunderbolts of Jove remained in his hands
and he could use them to suppress any Ajax who defied him.
Besides these weapons, the popes were the most skilful poli
tical managers. They could play the kings and nobles against
each other or in combination so as to effect their objects. They
could manipulate the members of councils so that thcv would
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? carry out what was decreed at Rome. This was manifested in
the Council of Trent, which was called in 1545 under the in
fluence of all the movements for reform, with the professed pur
pose of satisfying and reconciling the discordant elements by
some concessions to demands for purer theology, practice and
morals. The result of it however was to cement the errors and
superstitions upon the church's system and to bind its subjects;
more closely than ever under the heel of their inexorable
master, making reconciliation with reformers utterly impos
sible. During the session of this council, in the year 1552, two
babies were born who yere destined to fight a battle with each
other which began the real disintegration of the Pope's autho
rity over the nations and opened their hopeful progress towards
civil and religious liberty.
One of these boys was named Camibo Borghese, the son of
a lawyer of Siena who went to Rome and became prominent
there. Camibo was educated as a lawyer of the Roman Curia,
and held offices as magistrate, inquisitor, executor of the papal
censures, and Papal Nuncio to the Court of Spain. He was
made Cardinal by Clement VIII, and elected Pope in 1605 taking
name of Paul V. From his management came the aggrandize
ment of the Borghese family, by grasping all the property he
could lay hands on; though, as regards personal morals, he
and Clement VIII were evidences of some improvement wrought
by the Council of Trent.
The other of these boy was named Pietro Sarpi, the son of
a Venetian trader and in early life gave evidence of the
prodigious scholarship to which he afterwards attained. At the
age of 13 he eminently excelled in Latin, Greek, Hebrew, philo
sophy, mathematics, theology in all its branches, and many of
the sciences. At about this age he joined the order of Servite
friars and changed his name to Paolo. He became professor in
the Cathedral of Bp. Boldrino in Mantua and the private theo
logian of Duke Gonzaga. Here his fame spread extensively. No
lecturer had ever equalled him. He was entirely familiar with
the Scriptures in their original languages, and had the Apostolic
traditions, the Fathers and the Church Councils at his tongue's
end. At 23 years of age he went back to the Servites in Venice
as professor of philosophy and afterwards of mathematics, in
which study he was the acknowledged head of all Italy. He wa*
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? made provincial and procurator of his order and became an in
timate friend of Pope Sixtus V, and Urban VII.
It would occupy too much space to tell of Fra Paolo's won
derful acquirements in all kinds of learning. He was an intel
lectual giant, the miracle of the age; able to converse with any
civilized man in his own language, and as master in every sub
ject. In Anatomy and Astronomy he is said to have preceded
the discoveries of Harvey and Galileo. In Chemistry, and every
branch of scienze he knew whatever was known by any man of
that day.
We will pass on to that part of his life wich specially con-
-cerns his influence for civil and religious liberty. In the year
1606 he was appointed by the Venetian Senate a Theological
Counsellor, a new office created in addition to three Counsellors
of Law, whose duty was that of instructing the Doge and
Senate in regard to the law on any question that came up. Sar
pi accepted this with the precaution of securing the consent of
the General of his order, who represented the authority of the
Pope. This was a most important provision, for it enabled him
to remain in Venice instead of obeying the Pope's summons to
bring the friar into his power. After the other Counsellors died,
"the Senate left their whole duties to Sarpi, so that he held entire
control of the legal and theological principles of Venice, and
-was practically dictator of all its affairs ; and he held this office
for 17 years until ? his death. He was revered by Doges, Se
nators and people throughout his whole life as no other citizen
bad been in that republic which was often ungrateful to its
best citizens.
Pope Paul V, soon after his accession, determined to humiliate
Venice as his predecessor had done. Seven times before,
within 300 years, the reigning Popes had compelled the proud
republic to yield to their will after terrible suffering and loss
under the effects of their interdicts, wich were in every case
laid in punishment for alleged offences against the worldly de
signs of the Pope; not in any wise for sins against Almighty
God. The last interdict had been a century before, and Venice
'occupied most of the century in recuperating from its injuries.
There was indeed good reason for the Pone's desire to hu
miliate Venice, because that republic, with all its troubles had
preserved such a measure of independence as threotened the
Pope's peace of mind. "Venice, alone among the nations of Eu
rope, never admitted priests and ecclesiastics to interfere with
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? its government. No order of men owing allegiance to a foreign
sovereign was allowed the smallest share of real power and in
fluence in the state. It "was also the only state wich kept no
member of the Apostolic court in her pay", Venice also had an-
Pope Paul V,
tient laws forbidding the church to own property or to erect
new buildings without the consent of the government. These
laws were not enforced for at time and the Church acquired a
fourth of the property of the city ; but they were re enacted in
1603. Moreover the State claimed the appointment of its patriarch
without confirmation by the Pope. It was exceedingly indignant
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? -- 10 --
when its Patriarch Matteo Zane was invited by Clement VIII to
visit him in a friendly way, and then the Pope declared that he
gave him the investiture. The State would no allow his suc
cessor even to visit Rome. To this day the Kingdom of Italy ad
heres to this right. Venice also insisted upon taxing the clergy
as well as the laity for public purposes.
The final offence was when two priests, charged with cruelty,
wholesale poisoning, murder and licentiousness, were arrested
by the Senate and put in dungeons for trial. The Pope demand
ed their liberation as. not being amenable to the secular law,
When this was refused, the Pope threatned an interdict on ac
count of the property laws and the imprisonment of ecclesiastics,
which threat was presented to the Senate on Christmas 1605.
The Senate did not shrink from the contest and called upon
Fra Paolo for advice. The Friar strongly advised them to re
fuse to receive the Pope's interdict, and to reason with him while
opposing force by force. The senate willingly accepted this ad
vice and Fra Paolo presented the case to Paul V, urging from
history that the Pope's claim to intermeddle in civil matters was
a usurpation; and that in these matters the Republic of Venice
recognized no authority but that of God. He said "God has in
stituted two kingdoms in the world, one spiritual and the other
temporal; each in its own sphere is supreme and independent.
The Kingdom of Christ is not of this world but in heaven, there
fore religion walks by a heavenly way, the government of the
State by an earthly way, and the one ought never to interfere
with the other. God wishes to be served in such a was as to
preserve this harmony between the two powers which He has
instituted ; maintaining them balanced so that one may not us
urp the place that belongs to the other". The Friar also quoted
from bubs of Popes wich expressly admitted to the Republic
the right of punishing all offenders clerical or lay.
The Pope did not attempt to combat this reasoning effective
ly, but insisted upon his rights, and, though the sympathies of
other nations except Spain were with Venice, and their ambas
sadors endeavored to restrain the Pope, he sent out his interdict
and excommunication April 17, 1606.
The Doge, Leonardo Donato, and the Senate, with Sarpi's di
rection, were fully prepared to meet this emergency. They took
measures to stop any messenger at the frontier so that the Po
pe's Bulls should not get through; and they commanded the cler
gy to go on with their ministrations ' as though nothing had
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Henry Watson
Italian Episcopal Magazine
236 East 111th Street
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Rev. J. Henry Watson
Italian Episcopal Magazine
-236 East 111th Street
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? ? ? Generated for anonymous on 2014-06-11 22:50 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/yale. 39002088660494 Public Domain / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd
This short sketch of a great man was not
-intended for publication. The compiler has,
hoirever, accorded with the request of
friends who think it will be useful in stimul
ating others to study the story of Paolo
Sarpi. The period and work of Fra Paolo in Ve
nice is important because it demonstrates
the errors and vices of the Papacy, and
shoivs how the Pope's usurpation of power
transcended the rights of the CathoHc
Church. It also illustrates the sound posi
tion held by the Church of England and the.
Episcopal Church in this country, with rela
tion to the primitive Catholic Church as it
existed before the Papacy was developed.
New York, March 10, 1911.
Rev. J. Henry Watson.
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? ? ? Generated for anonymous on 2014-06-11 22:50 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/yale. 39002088660494 Public Domain / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd
? Few Americans know anything about Fra Paolo Sarpi; and
perhaps not many Italians, outside of Venice, appreciate fully
the wonderful wisdom and power that dwelt in the brain and
heart of a little dried-up monk who is considered the "Great
est of the Venetians".
Paolo Sarpi deserved this title as a most learned scholar, a
statesman of the first rank, a sincere and unselfish patriot, a
bold reformer, an unshrinking champion of justice and liberty,
a faithful and devoted Christian. As a statesman, he ahvar- VsJ^
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? -- 6--
the love and trust of the people. He was the only reformer re
maining within the Roman Church who escaped a violent death.
As a champion he is the only priest who beat the Pope down
upon his knees and yet lived to a good old age.
There were many preachers of righteousness in medieval
times who tried to lead in reforming the evils of Church and
State, with the ain of producing religious and civil liberty, a-
gainst the inconceivable corruption and tyranny of the Papacy.
Arnold of Brescia, Savonarola and others strove to reform the
Church from within -- and they were burned alive.
Luther's great movement, early in the 16th century, proceeded
in a different method. Despairing of reform within the Church,
it detached large portions of nation from the Pope's control,
giving a blow which made the papacy stagger but not beyond
recovery. The English reformation, beginning soon afterwards, was the
first example of a national Church resuming its original auto
nomy, defying the Pope's usurped rule and taking its rightful
place as a self-governing branch of the Holy Catholic Church.
These reforming movements, which broke away from the
papacy, did not, however, destroy its power. Those monarchs
who held aloof from these movements did not dare to oppose the
Pope's claim of divine right to supremacy over them, for fear
of unsettling their own thrones. They did not wish to encour
age independence of religious thought among their subjects, for
fear of promoting at the same time an independence of political
thought and a tendency towards civil liberty. The Pope stib re
tained his powerful weapons which gave him command of the
situation as an ironclad among wooden ships. His claims to be
the King of kings and ruler of rulers. His right of investiture
and appointment of civil as well as ecclesiastical officials. His
holding of benefices and grasping of property, to the extent
sometimes of a third of the property of nations. His use of in
dulgences in such a way as to secure the submission . as well as
the wealth of the faithful. And above all, his terrible power of
excommunication and interdict by which he could crush his op
ponents. These thunderbolts of Jove remained in his hands
and he could use them to suppress any Ajax who defied him.
Besides these weapons, the popes were the most skilful poli
tical managers. They could play the kings and nobles against
each other or in combination so as to effect their objects. They
could manipulate the members of councils so that thcv would
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? carry out what was decreed at Rome. This was manifested in
the Council of Trent, which was called in 1545 under the in
fluence of all the movements for reform, with the professed pur
pose of satisfying and reconciling the discordant elements by
some concessions to demands for purer theology, practice and
morals. The result of it however was to cement the errors and
superstitions upon the church's system and to bind its subjects;
more closely than ever under the heel of their inexorable
master, making reconciliation with reformers utterly impos
sible. During the session of this council, in the year 1552, two
babies were born who yere destined to fight a battle with each
other which began the real disintegration of the Pope's autho
rity over the nations and opened their hopeful progress towards
civil and religious liberty.
One of these boys was named Camibo Borghese, the son of
a lawyer of Siena who went to Rome and became prominent
there. Camibo was educated as a lawyer of the Roman Curia,
and held offices as magistrate, inquisitor, executor of the papal
censures, and Papal Nuncio to the Court of Spain. He was
made Cardinal by Clement VIII, and elected Pope in 1605 taking
name of Paul V. From his management came the aggrandize
ment of the Borghese family, by grasping all the property he
could lay hands on; though, as regards personal morals, he
and Clement VIII were evidences of some improvement wrought
by the Council of Trent.
The other of these boy was named Pietro Sarpi, the son of
a Venetian trader and in early life gave evidence of the
prodigious scholarship to which he afterwards attained. At the
age of 13 he eminently excelled in Latin, Greek, Hebrew, philo
sophy, mathematics, theology in all its branches, and many of
the sciences. At about this age he joined the order of Servite
friars and changed his name to Paolo. He became professor in
the Cathedral of Bp. Boldrino in Mantua and the private theo
logian of Duke Gonzaga. Here his fame spread extensively. No
lecturer had ever equalled him. He was entirely familiar with
the Scriptures in their original languages, and had the Apostolic
traditions, the Fathers and the Church Councils at his tongue's
end. At 23 years of age he went back to the Servites in Venice
as professor of philosophy and afterwards of mathematics, in
which study he was the acknowledged head of all Italy. He wa*
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? made provincial and procurator of his order and became an in
timate friend of Pope Sixtus V, and Urban VII.
It would occupy too much space to tell of Fra Paolo's won
derful acquirements in all kinds of learning. He was an intel
lectual giant, the miracle of the age; able to converse with any
civilized man in his own language, and as master in every sub
ject. In Anatomy and Astronomy he is said to have preceded
the discoveries of Harvey and Galileo. In Chemistry, and every
branch of scienze he knew whatever was known by any man of
that day.
We will pass on to that part of his life wich specially con-
-cerns his influence for civil and religious liberty. In the year
1606 he was appointed by the Venetian Senate a Theological
Counsellor, a new office created in addition to three Counsellors
of Law, whose duty was that of instructing the Doge and
Senate in regard to the law on any question that came up. Sar
pi accepted this with the precaution of securing the consent of
the General of his order, who represented the authority of the
Pope. This was a most important provision, for it enabled him
to remain in Venice instead of obeying the Pope's summons to
bring the friar into his power. After the other Counsellors died,
"the Senate left their whole duties to Sarpi, so that he held entire
control of the legal and theological principles of Venice, and
-was practically dictator of all its affairs ; and he held this office
for 17 years until ? his death. He was revered by Doges, Se
nators and people throughout his whole life as no other citizen
bad been in that republic which was often ungrateful to its
best citizens.
Pope Paul V, soon after his accession, determined to humiliate
Venice as his predecessor had done. Seven times before,
within 300 years, the reigning Popes had compelled the proud
republic to yield to their will after terrible suffering and loss
under the effects of their interdicts, wich were in every case
laid in punishment for alleged offences against the worldly de
signs of the Pope; not in any wise for sins against Almighty
God. The last interdict had been a century before, and Venice
'occupied most of the century in recuperating from its injuries.
There was indeed good reason for the Pone's desire to hu
miliate Venice, because that republic, with all its troubles had
preserved such a measure of independence as threotened the
Pope's peace of mind. "Venice, alone among the nations of Eu
rope, never admitted priests and ecclesiastics to interfere with
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? its government. No order of men owing allegiance to a foreign
sovereign was allowed the smallest share of real power and in
fluence in the state. It "was also the only state wich kept no
member of the Apostolic court in her pay", Venice also had an-
Pope Paul V,
tient laws forbidding the church to own property or to erect
new buildings without the consent of the government. These
laws were not enforced for at time and the Church acquired a
fourth of the property of the city ; but they were re enacted in
1603. Moreover the State claimed the appointment of its patriarch
without confirmation by the Pope. It was exceedingly indignant
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? -- 10 --
when its Patriarch Matteo Zane was invited by Clement VIII to
visit him in a friendly way, and then the Pope declared that he
gave him the investiture. The State would no allow his suc
cessor even to visit Rome. To this day the Kingdom of Italy ad
heres to this right. Venice also insisted upon taxing the clergy
as well as the laity for public purposes.
The final offence was when two priests, charged with cruelty,
wholesale poisoning, murder and licentiousness, were arrested
by the Senate and put in dungeons for trial. The Pope demand
ed their liberation as. not being amenable to the secular law,
When this was refused, the Pope threatned an interdict on ac
count of the property laws and the imprisonment of ecclesiastics,
which threat was presented to the Senate on Christmas 1605.
The Senate did not shrink from the contest and called upon
Fra Paolo for advice. The Friar strongly advised them to re
fuse to receive the Pope's interdict, and to reason with him while
opposing force by force. The senate willingly accepted this ad
vice and Fra Paolo presented the case to Paul V, urging from
history that the Pope's claim to intermeddle in civil matters was
a usurpation; and that in these matters the Republic of Venice
recognized no authority but that of God. He said "God has in
stituted two kingdoms in the world, one spiritual and the other
temporal; each in its own sphere is supreme and independent.
The Kingdom of Christ is not of this world but in heaven, there
fore religion walks by a heavenly way, the government of the
State by an earthly way, and the one ought never to interfere
with the other. God wishes to be served in such a was as to
preserve this harmony between the two powers which He has
instituted ; maintaining them balanced so that one may not us
urp the place that belongs to the other". The Friar also quoted
from bubs of Popes wich expressly admitted to the Republic
the right of punishing all offenders clerical or lay.
The Pope did not attempt to combat this reasoning effective
ly, but insisted upon his rights, and, though the sympathies of
other nations except Spain were with Venice, and their ambas
sadors endeavored to restrain the Pope, he sent out his interdict
and excommunication April 17, 1606.
The Doge, Leonardo Donato, and the Senate, with Sarpi's di
rection, were fully prepared to meet this emergency. They took
measures to stop any messenger at the frontier so that the Po
pe's Bulls should not get through; and they commanded the cler
gy to go on with their ministrations ' as though nothing had
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? -- 11 --
happened. The clergy were mostly loyal to the Government and
others were threatened with hanging. The Jesuits, who craftily
wished to compromise by hearing confessions but not saying
mass, were summarily expelled.
The nations watched this struggle with interest. England,
Holland and Germany wanted Venice to follow their course and
break away entirely from the Papacy. Spain and France ad
vised a reconciliation. The others were pleased to have the bat
tle fought out for the defense of their own rights. Sarpi and
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Venice were firm in this determination, so that the Pope might
be humiliated and his usurped power destroyed forever.
Watson, J. Henry, Rev.
New York : "La Croce", [1911]
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Rev. J. Henry Watson
Italian Episcopal Magazine
236 East 111th Street
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Rev. J. Henry Watson
Italian Episcopal Magazine
-236 East 111th Street
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This short sketch of a great man was not
-intended for publication. The compiler has,
hoirever, accorded with the request of
friends who think it will be useful in stimul
ating others to study the story of Paolo
Sarpi. The period and work of Fra Paolo in Ve
nice is important because it demonstrates
the errors and vices of the Papacy, and
shoivs how the Pope's usurpation of power
transcended the rights of the CathoHc
Church. It also illustrates the sound posi
tion held by the Church of England and the.
Episcopal Church in this country, with rela
tion to the primitive Catholic Church as it
existed before the Papacy was developed.
New York, March 10, 1911.
Rev. J. Henry Watson.
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? Few Americans know anything about Fra Paolo Sarpi; and
perhaps not many Italians, outside of Venice, appreciate fully
the wonderful wisdom and power that dwelt in the brain and
heart of a little dried-up monk who is considered the "Great
est of the Venetians".
Paolo Sarpi deserved this title as a most learned scholar, a
statesman of the first rank, a sincere and unselfish patriot, a
bold reformer, an unshrinking champion of justice and liberty,
a faithful and devoted Christian. As a statesman, he ahvar- VsJ^
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? -- 6--
the love and trust of the people. He was the only reformer re
maining within the Roman Church who escaped a violent death.
As a champion he is the only priest who beat the Pope down
upon his knees and yet lived to a good old age.
There were many preachers of righteousness in medieval
times who tried to lead in reforming the evils of Church and
State, with the ain of producing religious and civil liberty, a-
gainst the inconceivable corruption and tyranny of the Papacy.
Arnold of Brescia, Savonarola and others strove to reform the
Church from within -- and they were burned alive.
Luther's great movement, early in the 16th century, proceeded
in a different method. Despairing of reform within the Church,
it detached large portions of nation from the Pope's control,
giving a blow which made the papacy stagger but not beyond
recovery. The English reformation, beginning soon afterwards, was the
first example of a national Church resuming its original auto
nomy, defying the Pope's usurped rule and taking its rightful
place as a self-governing branch of the Holy Catholic Church.
These reforming movements, which broke away from the
papacy, did not, however, destroy its power. Those monarchs
who held aloof from these movements did not dare to oppose the
Pope's claim of divine right to supremacy over them, for fear
of unsettling their own thrones. They did not wish to encour
age independence of religious thought among their subjects, for
fear of promoting at the same time an independence of political
thought and a tendency towards civil liberty. The Pope stib re
tained his powerful weapons which gave him command of the
situation as an ironclad among wooden ships. His claims to be
the King of kings and ruler of rulers. His right of investiture
and appointment of civil as well as ecclesiastical officials. His
holding of benefices and grasping of property, to the extent
sometimes of a third of the property of nations. His use of in
dulgences in such a way as to secure the submission . as well as
the wealth of the faithful. And above all, his terrible power of
excommunication and interdict by which he could crush his op
ponents. These thunderbolts of Jove remained in his hands
and he could use them to suppress any Ajax who defied him.
Besides these weapons, the popes were the most skilful poli
tical managers. They could play the kings and nobles against
each other or in combination so as to effect their objects. They
could manipulate the members of councils so that thcv would
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? carry out what was decreed at Rome. This was manifested in
the Council of Trent, which was called in 1545 under the in
fluence of all the movements for reform, with the professed pur
pose of satisfying and reconciling the discordant elements by
some concessions to demands for purer theology, practice and
morals. The result of it however was to cement the errors and
superstitions upon the church's system and to bind its subjects;
more closely than ever under the heel of their inexorable
master, making reconciliation with reformers utterly impos
sible. During the session of this council, in the year 1552, two
babies were born who yere destined to fight a battle with each
other which began the real disintegration of the Pope's autho
rity over the nations and opened their hopeful progress towards
civil and religious liberty.
One of these boys was named Camibo Borghese, the son of
a lawyer of Siena who went to Rome and became prominent
there. Camibo was educated as a lawyer of the Roman Curia,
and held offices as magistrate, inquisitor, executor of the papal
censures, and Papal Nuncio to the Court of Spain. He was
made Cardinal by Clement VIII, and elected Pope in 1605 taking
name of Paul V. From his management came the aggrandize
ment of the Borghese family, by grasping all the property he
could lay hands on; though, as regards personal morals, he
and Clement VIII were evidences of some improvement wrought
by the Council of Trent.
The other of these boy was named Pietro Sarpi, the son of
a Venetian trader and in early life gave evidence of the
prodigious scholarship to which he afterwards attained. At the
age of 13 he eminently excelled in Latin, Greek, Hebrew, philo
sophy, mathematics, theology in all its branches, and many of
the sciences. At about this age he joined the order of Servite
friars and changed his name to Paolo. He became professor in
the Cathedral of Bp. Boldrino in Mantua and the private theo
logian of Duke Gonzaga. Here his fame spread extensively. No
lecturer had ever equalled him. He was entirely familiar with
the Scriptures in their original languages, and had the Apostolic
traditions, the Fathers and the Church Councils at his tongue's
end. At 23 years of age he went back to the Servites in Venice
as professor of philosophy and afterwards of mathematics, in
which study he was the acknowledged head of all Italy. He wa*
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? made provincial and procurator of his order and became an in
timate friend of Pope Sixtus V, and Urban VII.
It would occupy too much space to tell of Fra Paolo's won
derful acquirements in all kinds of learning. He was an intel
lectual giant, the miracle of the age; able to converse with any
civilized man in his own language, and as master in every sub
ject. In Anatomy and Astronomy he is said to have preceded
the discoveries of Harvey and Galileo. In Chemistry, and every
branch of scienze he knew whatever was known by any man of
that day.
We will pass on to that part of his life wich specially con-
-cerns his influence for civil and religious liberty. In the year
1606 he was appointed by the Venetian Senate a Theological
Counsellor, a new office created in addition to three Counsellors
of Law, whose duty was that of instructing the Doge and
Senate in regard to the law on any question that came up. Sar
pi accepted this with the precaution of securing the consent of
the General of his order, who represented the authority of the
Pope. This was a most important provision, for it enabled him
to remain in Venice instead of obeying the Pope's summons to
bring the friar into his power. After the other Counsellors died,
"the Senate left their whole duties to Sarpi, so that he held entire
control of the legal and theological principles of Venice, and
-was practically dictator of all its affairs ; and he held this office
for 17 years until ? his death. He was revered by Doges, Se
nators and people throughout his whole life as no other citizen
bad been in that republic which was often ungrateful to its
best citizens.
Pope Paul V, soon after his accession, determined to humiliate
Venice as his predecessor had done. Seven times before,
within 300 years, the reigning Popes had compelled the proud
republic to yield to their will after terrible suffering and loss
under the effects of their interdicts, wich were in every case
laid in punishment for alleged offences against the worldly de
signs of the Pope; not in any wise for sins against Almighty
God. The last interdict had been a century before, and Venice
'occupied most of the century in recuperating from its injuries.
There was indeed good reason for the Pone's desire to hu
miliate Venice, because that republic, with all its troubles had
preserved such a measure of independence as threotened the
Pope's peace of mind. "Venice, alone among the nations of Eu
rope, never admitted priests and ecclesiastics to interfere with
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? its government. No order of men owing allegiance to a foreign
sovereign was allowed the smallest share of real power and in
fluence in the state. It "was also the only state wich kept no
member of the Apostolic court in her pay", Venice also had an-
Pope Paul V,
tient laws forbidding the church to own property or to erect
new buildings without the consent of the government. These
laws were not enforced for at time and the Church acquired a
fourth of the property of the city ; but they were re enacted in
1603. Moreover the State claimed the appointment of its patriarch
without confirmation by the Pope. It was exceedingly indignant
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? -- 10 --
when its Patriarch Matteo Zane was invited by Clement VIII to
visit him in a friendly way, and then the Pope declared that he
gave him the investiture. The State would no allow his suc
cessor even to visit Rome. To this day the Kingdom of Italy ad
heres to this right. Venice also insisted upon taxing the clergy
as well as the laity for public purposes.
The final offence was when two priests, charged with cruelty,
wholesale poisoning, murder and licentiousness, were arrested
by the Senate and put in dungeons for trial. The Pope demand
ed their liberation as. not being amenable to the secular law,
When this was refused, the Pope threatned an interdict on ac
count of the property laws and the imprisonment of ecclesiastics,
which threat was presented to the Senate on Christmas 1605.
The Senate did not shrink from the contest and called upon
Fra Paolo for advice. The Friar strongly advised them to re
fuse to receive the Pope's interdict, and to reason with him while
opposing force by force. The senate willingly accepted this ad
vice and Fra Paolo presented the case to Paul V, urging from
history that the Pope's claim to intermeddle in civil matters was
a usurpation; and that in these matters the Republic of Venice
recognized no authority but that of God. He said "God has in
stituted two kingdoms in the world, one spiritual and the other
temporal; each in its own sphere is supreme and independent.
The Kingdom of Christ is not of this world but in heaven, there
fore religion walks by a heavenly way, the government of the
State by an earthly way, and the one ought never to interfere
with the other. God wishes to be served in such a was as to
preserve this harmony between the two powers which He has
instituted ; maintaining them balanced so that one may not us
urp the place that belongs to the other". The Friar also quoted
from bubs of Popes wich expressly admitted to the Republic
the right of punishing all offenders clerical or lay.
The Pope did not attempt to combat this reasoning effective
ly, but insisted upon his rights, and, though the sympathies of
other nations except Spain were with Venice, and their ambas
sadors endeavored to restrain the Pope, he sent out his interdict
and excommunication April 17, 1606.
The Doge, Leonardo Donato, and the Senate, with Sarpi's di
rection, were fully prepared to meet this emergency. They took
measures to stop any messenger at the frontier so that the Po
pe's Bulls should not get through; and they commanded the cler
gy to go on with their ministrations ' as though nothing had
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Henry Watson
Italian Episcopal Magazine
236 East 111th Street
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Rev. J. Henry Watson
Italian Episcopal Magazine
-236 East 111th Street
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? ? ? Generated for anonymous on 2014-06-11 22:50 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/yale. 39002088660494 Public Domain / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd
This short sketch of a great man was not
-intended for publication. The compiler has,
hoirever, accorded with the request of
friends who think it will be useful in stimul
ating others to study the story of Paolo
Sarpi. The period and work of Fra Paolo in Ve
nice is important because it demonstrates
the errors and vices of the Papacy, and
shoivs how the Pope's usurpation of power
transcended the rights of the CathoHc
Church. It also illustrates the sound posi
tion held by the Church of England and the.
Episcopal Church in this country, with rela
tion to the primitive Catholic Church as it
existed before the Papacy was developed.
New York, March 10, 1911.
Rev. J. Henry Watson.
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? Few Americans know anything about Fra Paolo Sarpi; and
perhaps not many Italians, outside of Venice, appreciate fully
the wonderful wisdom and power that dwelt in the brain and
heart of a little dried-up monk who is considered the "Great
est of the Venetians".
Paolo Sarpi deserved this title as a most learned scholar, a
statesman of the first rank, a sincere and unselfish patriot, a
bold reformer, an unshrinking champion of justice and liberty,
a faithful and devoted Christian. As a statesman, he ahvar- VsJ^
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? -- 6--
the love and trust of the people. He was the only reformer re
maining within the Roman Church who escaped a violent death.
As a champion he is the only priest who beat the Pope down
upon his knees and yet lived to a good old age.
There were many preachers of righteousness in medieval
times who tried to lead in reforming the evils of Church and
State, with the ain of producing religious and civil liberty, a-
gainst the inconceivable corruption and tyranny of the Papacy.
Arnold of Brescia, Savonarola and others strove to reform the
Church from within -- and they were burned alive.
Luther's great movement, early in the 16th century, proceeded
in a different method. Despairing of reform within the Church,
it detached large portions of nation from the Pope's control,
giving a blow which made the papacy stagger but not beyond
recovery. The English reformation, beginning soon afterwards, was the
first example of a national Church resuming its original auto
nomy, defying the Pope's usurped rule and taking its rightful
place as a self-governing branch of the Holy Catholic Church.
These reforming movements, which broke away from the
papacy, did not, however, destroy its power. Those monarchs
who held aloof from these movements did not dare to oppose the
Pope's claim of divine right to supremacy over them, for fear
of unsettling their own thrones. They did not wish to encour
age independence of religious thought among their subjects, for
fear of promoting at the same time an independence of political
thought and a tendency towards civil liberty. The Pope stib re
tained his powerful weapons which gave him command of the
situation as an ironclad among wooden ships. His claims to be
the King of kings and ruler of rulers. His right of investiture
and appointment of civil as well as ecclesiastical officials. His
holding of benefices and grasping of property, to the extent
sometimes of a third of the property of nations. His use of in
dulgences in such a way as to secure the submission . as well as
the wealth of the faithful. And above all, his terrible power of
excommunication and interdict by which he could crush his op
ponents. These thunderbolts of Jove remained in his hands
and he could use them to suppress any Ajax who defied him.
Besides these weapons, the popes were the most skilful poli
tical managers. They could play the kings and nobles against
each other or in combination so as to effect their objects. They
could manipulate the members of councils so that thcv would
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? carry out what was decreed at Rome. This was manifested in
the Council of Trent, which was called in 1545 under the in
fluence of all the movements for reform, with the professed pur
pose of satisfying and reconciling the discordant elements by
some concessions to demands for purer theology, practice and
morals. The result of it however was to cement the errors and
superstitions upon the church's system and to bind its subjects;
more closely than ever under the heel of their inexorable
master, making reconciliation with reformers utterly impos
sible. During the session of this council, in the year 1552, two
babies were born who yere destined to fight a battle with each
other which began the real disintegration of the Pope's autho
rity over the nations and opened their hopeful progress towards
civil and religious liberty.
One of these boys was named Camibo Borghese, the son of
a lawyer of Siena who went to Rome and became prominent
there. Camibo was educated as a lawyer of the Roman Curia,
and held offices as magistrate, inquisitor, executor of the papal
censures, and Papal Nuncio to the Court of Spain. He was
made Cardinal by Clement VIII, and elected Pope in 1605 taking
name of Paul V. From his management came the aggrandize
ment of the Borghese family, by grasping all the property he
could lay hands on; though, as regards personal morals, he
and Clement VIII were evidences of some improvement wrought
by the Council of Trent.
The other of these boy was named Pietro Sarpi, the son of
a Venetian trader and in early life gave evidence of the
prodigious scholarship to which he afterwards attained. At the
age of 13 he eminently excelled in Latin, Greek, Hebrew, philo
sophy, mathematics, theology in all its branches, and many of
the sciences. At about this age he joined the order of Servite
friars and changed his name to Paolo. He became professor in
the Cathedral of Bp. Boldrino in Mantua and the private theo
logian of Duke Gonzaga. Here his fame spread extensively. No
lecturer had ever equalled him. He was entirely familiar with
the Scriptures in their original languages, and had the Apostolic
traditions, the Fathers and the Church Councils at his tongue's
end. At 23 years of age he went back to the Servites in Venice
as professor of philosophy and afterwards of mathematics, in
which study he was the acknowledged head of all Italy. He wa*
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? made provincial and procurator of his order and became an in
timate friend of Pope Sixtus V, and Urban VII.
It would occupy too much space to tell of Fra Paolo's won
derful acquirements in all kinds of learning. He was an intel
lectual giant, the miracle of the age; able to converse with any
civilized man in his own language, and as master in every sub
ject. In Anatomy and Astronomy he is said to have preceded
the discoveries of Harvey and Galileo. In Chemistry, and every
branch of scienze he knew whatever was known by any man of
that day.
We will pass on to that part of his life wich specially con-
-cerns his influence for civil and religious liberty. In the year
1606 he was appointed by the Venetian Senate a Theological
Counsellor, a new office created in addition to three Counsellors
of Law, whose duty was that of instructing the Doge and
Senate in regard to the law on any question that came up. Sar
pi accepted this with the precaution of securing the consent of
the General of his order, who represented the authority of the
Pope. This was a most important provision, for it enabled him
to remain in Venice instead of obeying the Pope's summons to
bring the friar into his power. After the other Counsellors died,
"the Senate left their whole duties to Sarpi, so that he held entire
control of the legal and theological principles of Venice, and
-was practically dictator of all its affairs ; and he held this office
for 17 years until ? his death. He was revered by Doges, Se
nators and people throughout his whole life as no other citizen
bad been in that republic which was often ungrateful to its
best citizens.
Pope Paul V, soon after his accession, determined to humiliate
Venice as his predecessor had done. Seven times before,
within 300 years, the reigning Popes had compelled the proud
republic to yield to their will after terrible suffering and loss
under the effects of their interdicts, wich were in every case
laid in punishment for alleged offences against the worldly de
signs of the Pope; not in any wise for sins against Almighty
God. The last interdict had been a century before, and Venice
'occupied most of the century in recuperating from its injuries.
There was indeed good reason for the Pone's desire to hu
miliate Venice, because that republic, with all its troubles had
preserved such a measure of independence as threotened the
Pope's peace of mind. "Venice, alone among the nations of Eu
rope, never admitted priests and ecclesiastics to interfere with
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? its government. No order of men owing allegiance to a foreign
sovereign was allowed the smallest share of real power and in
fluence in the state. It "was also the only state wich kept no
member of the Apostolic court in her pay", Venice also had an-
Pope Paul V,
tient laws forbidding the church to own property or to erect
new buildings without the consent of the government. These
laws were not enforced for at time and the Church acquired a
fourth of the property of the city ; but they were re enacted in
1603. Moreover the State claimed the appointment of its patriarch
without confirmation by the Pope. It was exceedingly indignant
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? -- 10 --
when its Patriarch Matteo Zane was invited by Clement VIII to
visit him in a friendly way, and then the Pope declared that he
gave him the investiture. The State would no allow his suc
cessor even to visit Rome. To this day the Kingdom of Italy ad
heres to this right. Venice also insisted upon taxing the clergy
as well as the laity for public purposes.
The final offence was when two priests, charged with cruelty,
wholesale poisoning, murder and licentiousness, were arrested
by the Senate and put in dungeons for trial. The Pope demand
ed their liberation as. not being amenable to the secular law,
When this was refused, the Pope threatned an interdict on ac
count of the property laws and the imprisonment of ecclesiastics,
which threat was presented to the Senate on Christmas 1605.
The Senate did not shrink from the contest and called upon
Fra Paolo for advice. The Friar strongly advised them to re
fuse to receive the Pope's interdict, and to reason with him while
opposing force by force. The senate willingly accepted this ad
vice and Fra Paolo presented the case to Paul V, urging from
history that the Pope's claim to intermeddle in civil matters was
a usurpation; and that in these matters the Republic of Venice
recognized no authority but that of God. He said "God has in
stituted two kingdoms in the world, one spiritual and the other
temporal; each in its own sphere is supreme and independent.
The Kingdom of Christ is not of this world but in heaven, there
fore religion walks by a heavenly way, the government of the
State by an earthly way, and the one ought never to interfere
with the other. God wishes to be served in such a was as to
preserve this harmony between the two powers which He has
instituted ; maintaining them balanced so that one may not us
urp the place that belongs to the other". The Friar also quoted
from bubs of Popes wich expressly admitted to the Republic
the right of punishing all offenders clerical or lay.
The Pope did not attempt to combat this reasoning effective
ly, but insisted upon his rights, and, though the sympathies of
other nations except Spain were with Venice, and their ambas
sadors endeavored to restrain the Pope, he sent out his interdict
and excommunication April 17, 1606.
The Doge, Leonardo Donato, and the Senate, with Sarpi's di
rection, were fully prepared to meet this emergency. They took
measures to stop any messenger at the frontier so that the Po
pe's Bulls should not get through; and they commanded the cler
gy to go on with their ministrations ' as though nothing had
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? -- 11 --
happened. The clergy were mostly loyal to the Government and
others were threatened with hanging. The Jesuits, who craftily
wished to compromise by hearing confessions but not saying
mass, were summarily expelled.
The nations watched this struggle with interest. England,
Holland and Germany wanted Venice to follow their course and
break away entirely from the Papacy. Spain and France ad
vised a reconciliation. The others were pleased to have the bat
tle fought out for the defense of their own rights. Sarpi and
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Venice were firm in this determination, so that the Pope might
be humiliated and his usurped power destroyed forever.