With the exception of the above doubtful case, I may
say that, of the recog^able names of actual kings on tlio
Nigar coins, the earliest in date appear to be those of Ma-
hdyema, Lanmaha, Bay a Mala, Nagava, and Gaoaha or
Naga/oaha, aU of whom I to the jfirst century of
the Christian era, with the exception of Nagavalia, whom
I have had at first, perhaps without sTifdoicnt reason, in my
list, placed at the commencement of the second century.
say that, of the recog^able names of actual kings on tlio
Nigar coins, the earliest in date appear to be those of Ma-
hdyema, Lanmaha, Bay a Mala, Nagava, and Gaoaha or
Naga/oaha, aU of whom I to the jfirst century of
the Christian era, with the exception of Nagavalia, whom
I have had at first, perhaps without sTifdoicnt reason, in my
list, placed at the commencement of the second century.
Carllelye - 1871 - Report Of A Tour In Eastern Rajputanain 1871-72 And 1872-73 Vol-vi