The difficulty is as follows: Even if it is admitted that the supersensible subject can be free with respect to a given action, al- though, as a subject also belonging to the world of sense, he is un- der mechanical conditions with respect to the same action, still, as soon as we allow that God as universal first cause is also the cause of the existence of substance (a proposition which can never be given up without at the same time giving up the notion of God as the Being of all beings, and therewith giving up his all sufficiency, on which everything in theology depends), it seems as if we must ad- mit that a man's actions have their determining principle in some- thing which is wholly out of his power- namely, in the causality of a
Immanuel Kant
The Critique of Practical Reason
Supreme Being distinct from himself and on whom his own exist- ence and the whole of his causality are absolutely dependent.
Immanuel Kant
The Critique of Practical Reason
Supreme Being distinct from himself and on whom his own exist- ence and the whole of his causality are absolutely dependent.