gif hē weard onfunde
būan on beorge, _if he had found the watchman dwelling on the mountain_,
būan on beorge, _if he had found the watchman dwelling on the mountain_,
brim-līðend, pt, _sea-farer, sailor_ acc. p. -līðende, 568.
brim-strēam, st. m. , _sea-stream, the flood of the sea_: acc. pl. ofer
brim-strēamas, 1911.
brim-wīsa, w. m. , _sea-king_: acc. sg. brimwīsan, of Hæðcyn, king of the
Gēatas, 2931.
brim-wylf, st. f. , _sea-wolf_ (designation of Grendel's mother): nom. sg.
sēo brimwylf, 1507, 1600.
brim-wylm, st. m. , _sea-wave_: nom. sg. , 1495.
bringan, anom. v. , _to bring, to bear_: prs. sg. I. ic þē þūsenda þegna
bringe tō helpe, _bring to your assistance thousands of warriors_, 1830;
inf. sceal hringnaca ofer hēaðu bringan lāc and luftācen, _shall bring
gifts and love-tokens over the high sea_, 1863; similarly, 2149, 2505;
pret. pl. wē þās sǣlāc . . . brōhton, _brought this sea-offering_ (Grendel's
head), 1654.
ge-bringan, _to bring_: pres. subj. pl. þat wē þone gebringan . . . on
ādfære, _that we bring him upon the funeral-pile_, 3010.
brosnian, w. v. , _to crumble, to become rotten, to fall to pieces_: prs.
sg. III. herepād . . . brosnað æfter beorne, _the coat of mail falls to
pieces after_ (the death of) _the hero_, 2261.
brōðor, st. m. , _brother_: nom. sg. , 1325, 2441; dat sg. brēðer, 1263; gen.
sg. his brōðor bearn, 2620; dat. pl. brōðrum, 588, 1075.
ge-brōðru, pl. , _brethren, brothers_: dat. pl. sæt be þǣm gebrōðrum twǣm,
_sat by the two brothers_, 1192.
brōga, w. m. , _terror, horror_: nom. sg. , 1292, 2325, 2566; acc. sg. billa
brōgan, 583. --Comp. : gryre-, here-brōga.
brūcan, st. v. w. gen. , _to use, to make use of_: prs. sg. III. sē þe longe
hēr worolde brūceð, _who here long makes use of the world_, i. e. lives
long, 1063; imp. brūc manigra mēda, _make use of many rewards, give good
rewards_, 1179; _to enjoy_: inf. þæt hē bēahhordes brūcan mōste, _could
enjoy the ring-hoard_, 895; similarly, 2242, 3101; pret. brēac
līfgesceafta, _enjoyed the appointed life, lived the appointed time_, 1954.
With the genitive to be supplied: brēac þonne mōste, 1488; imp. brūc þisses
bēages, _enjoy this ring, take this ring_, 1217. Upon this meaning depends
the form of the wish, wēl brūcan (compare the German geniesze froh! ): inf.
hēt hine wēl brūcan, 1046; hēt hine brūcan well, 2813; imp. brūc ealles
well, 2163.
brūn, adj. , _having a brown lustre, shining_: nom. sg. sīo ecg brūn, 2579.
brūn-ecg, adj. , _having a gleaming blade_: acc. sg. n. (hyre seaxe) brād
[and] brūnecg, _her broad sword with gleaming blade_, 1547.
brūn-fāg, adj. , _gleaming like metal_: acc. sg. brūnfāgne helm, 2616.
bryne-lēoma, w. m. , _light of a conflagration, gleam of fire _: nom. sg. ,
bryne-wylm, st. m. , _wave of fire_: dat. pl. -wylmum, 2327.
brytnian (properly _to break in small pieces_, cf. brēotan), w. v. , _to
bestow, to distribute_: pret. sinc brytnade, _distributed presents_, i. e.
ruled (since the giving of gifts belongs especially to rulers), 2384.
brytta, w. m. , _giver, distributer_, always designating the king: nom. sg.
sinces brytta, 608, 1171, 2072; acc. sg. bēaga bryttan, 35, 352, 1488;
sinces bryttan, 1923.
bryttian (_to be a dispenser_), w. v. , _to distribute, to confer_: prs. sg.
III. god manna cynne snyttru bryttað, _bestows wisdom upon the human race_,
brȳd, st. f. : 1) _wife, consort_: acc. sg. brȳd, 2931; brȳde, 2957, both
times of the consort of Ongenþēow (? ). --2) _betrothed, bride_: nom. sg. , of
Hrōðgār's daughter, Frēaware, 2032.
brȳd-būr, st. n. , _woman's apartment_: dat. sg. ēode . . . cyning of
brȳdbūre, _the king came out of the apartment of his wife_ (into which,
according to 666, he had gone), 922.
bunden-stefna, w. m. , _(that which has a bound prow), the framed ship_:
nom. sg. , 1911.
bune, w. f. , _can_ or _cup, drinking-vessel_: nom. pl. bunan, 3048; acc.
pl. bunan, 2776.
burh, burg, st. f. , _castle, city, fortified house_: acc. sg. burh, 523;
dat. sg. byrig, 1200; dat. pl. burgum, 53, 1969, 2434. --Comp. : frēo,
freoðo-, hēa-, hlēo-, hord-, lēod-, mǣg-burg.
burh-loca, w. m. , _castle-bars_: dat. sg. under burh-locan, _under the
castle-bars_, i. e. in the castle (Hygelāc's), 1929.
burh-stede, st. m. , _castle-place, place where the castle_ or _city
stands_: acc. sg. burhstede, 2266.
burh-wela, w. m. , _riches, treasure of a castle_ or _city_: gen. sg. þenden
hē burh-welan brūcan mōste, 3101.
burne, w. f. , _spring, fountain_: gen. þǣre burnan wælm, _the bubbling of
the spring_, 2547.
būan, st. v. : 1) _to stay, to remain, to dwell_: inf.
gif hē weard onfunde
būan on beorge, _if he had found the watchman dwelling on the mountain_,
2843. --2) _to inhabit_, w. acc. : meduseld būan, _to inhabit the
mead-house_, 3066.
ge-būan, w. acc. , _to occupy a house, to take possession_: pret. part. hēan
hūses, hū hit Hring Dene æfter bēorþege gebūn hæfdon, _how the Danes, after
their beer-carouse, had occupied it_ (had made their beds in it),
117. --With the pres. part. būend are the compounds ceaster-, fold-, grund-,
būgan, st. v. , _to bend, to bow, to sink; to turn, to flee_: prs. sg. III.
bon-gār būgeð, _the fatal spear sinks_, i. e. its deadly point is turned
down, it rests, 2032; inf. þæt se byrnwīga būgan sceolde, _that the armed
hero had to sink down_ (having received a deadly blow), 2919; similarly,
2975; pret. sg. bēah eft under eorðweall, _turned, fled again behind the
earth-wall_, 2957; pret. pl. bugon tō bence, _turned to the bench_, 327,
1014; hȳ on holt bugon, _fled to the wood_, 2599.
ā-būgan, _to bend off, to curve away from_: pret. fram sylle ābēag medubenc
monig, _from the threshold curved away many a mead-bench_, 776.
be-būgan, w. acc. , _to surround, to encircle_: prs. swā (_which_) wæter
bebūgeð, 93; efne swā sīde swā sǣ bebūgeð windige weallas, _as far as the
sea encircles windy shores_, 1224.
ge-būgan, _to bend, to bow, to sink_: a) intrans. : hēo on flet gebēah,
_sank on the floor_, 1541; þā gebēah cyning, _then sank the king_, 2981; þā
se wyrm gebēah snūde tōsomne (_when the drake at once coiled itself up_),
2568; gewāt þā gebogen scrīðan tō, _advanced with curved body_ (the drake),
2570. --b) w. acc. of the thing to which one bends or sinks: pret. selereste
gebēah, _sank upon the couch in the hall_, 691; similarly gebēag, 1242.
būr, st. n. , _apartment, room_: dat. sg. būre, 1311, 2456; dat. pl. būrum,
140. --Comp. brȳd-būr.
būtan, būton (from be and ūtan, hence in its meaning referring to what is
without, excluded): 1) conj. with subjunctive following, _lest_: būtan his
līc swice, _lest his body escape_, 967. With ind. following, _but_: būton
hit wæs māre þonne ǣnig mon ōðer tō beadulāce ætberan meahte, _but it_ (the
sword) _was greater than any other man could have carried to battle_, 1561.
After a preceding negative verb, _except_: þāra þe gumena bearn gearwe ne
wiston būton Fitela mid hine, _which the children of men did not know at
all, except Fitela, who was with him_, 880; ne nom hē māðm-ǣhta mā būton
þone hafelan, etc. , _he took no more of the rich treasure than the head
alone_, 1615. --2) prep, with dat. , _except_: būton folcscare, 73; būton þē,
658; ealle būton ānum, 706.
bycgan, w. v. , _to buy, to pay_: inf. ne wæs þæt gewrixle til þæt hīe on bā
healfa bicgan scoldon frēonda fēorum, _that was no good transaction, that
they, on both sides_ (as well to Grendel as to his mother), _had to pay
with the lives of their friends_, 1306.
be-bycgan, _to sell_: pret. nū ic on māðma hord mīne bebohte frōde
feorhlege (_now I, for the treasure-hoard, gave up my old life_), 2800.
ge-bycgan, _to buy, to acquire; to pay_: pret. w. acc. nō þǣr ǣnige . . .
frōfre gebohte, _obtained no sort of help, consolation_, 974; hit (his,
MS. ) ealdre gebohte, _paid it with his life_, 2482; pret. part. sylfes
fēore bēagas [geboh]te, _bought rings with his own life_, 3015.
byldan, w. v. (_to make_ beald, which see), _to excite, to encourage, to
brave deeds_: inf. w. acc. swā hē Frēsena cyn on bēorsele byldan wolde (by
distributing gifts), 1095.
ge-byrd, st. n. , "fatum destinatum" (Grein) (? ): acc. sg. hīe on gebyrd
hruron gāre wunde, 1075.
ge-byrdu, st. f. , _birth_; in compound, bearn-gebyrdu.
byrdu-scrūd, st. n. , _shield-ornament, design upon a shield_(? ): nom. sg. ,
byre, st. m. , (_born_) _son_: nom. sg. , 2054, 2446, 2622, etc. ; nom. pl.
byre, 1189. In a broader sense, _young man, youth_: acc. pl. bǣdde byre
geonge, _encouraged the youths_ (at the banquet), 2019.
byrðen, st. f. , _burden_; in comp. mægen-byrðen.
byrele, st. m. , _steward, waiter, cupbearer_: nom. pl. byrelas, 1162.
byrgan, w. v. , _to feast, to eat_: inf. , 448.
ge-byrgea, w. m. , _protector_; in comp. lēod-gebyrgea.
byrht. See _beorht_.
byrne, w. f. , _shirt of mail, mail_: nom. sg. byrne, 405, 1630, etc. ;
hringed byrne, _ring-shirt_, consisting of interlaced rings, 1246; acc. sg.
byrnan, 1023, etc. ; sīde byrnan, _large coat of mail_, 1292; hringde
byrnan, 2616; hāre byrnan, _gray coat of mail_ (of iron), 2154; dat. sg. on
byrnan, 2705; gen. sg. byrnan hring, _the ring of the shirt of mail_ (i. e.
the shirt of mail), 2261; dat. pl. byrnum, 40, 238, etc. ; beorhtum byrnum,
_with gleaming mail_, 3141. --Comp. : gūð-, here-, heaðo-, īren-,
byrnend. See beornan.
byrn-wiga, w. m. , _warrior dressed in a coat of mail_: nom. sg. , 2919.
bysgu, bisigu, st. f. , _trouble, difficulty, opposition_: nom. sg. bisigu,
281; dat. pl. bisgum, 1744, bysigum, 2581.
bysig, adj. , _opposed, in need_, in the compounds līf-bysig, syn-bysig.
bȳme, w. f. , _a wind-instrument, a trumpet, a trombone_: gen. sg. bȳman
gealdor, _the sound of the trumpet_, 2944.
bȳwan, w. v. , _to ornament, to prepare_: inf. þā þe beado-grīman bȳwan
sceoldon, _who should prepare the helmets_, 2258.
camp, st. m. , _combat, fight between two_: dat. sg. in campe (Bēowulf's
with Dæghrefn; cempan, MS. ), 2506.
candel, st. f. , _light, candle_: nom. sg. rodores candel, of the sun,
1573. --Comp. woruld-candel.
cempa, w. m. , _fighter, warrior, hero_: nom. sg. æðele cempa, 1313; Gēata
cempa, 1552; rēðe cempa, 1586; mǣre cempa (as voc. ), 1762; gyrded cempa,
2079; dat. sg. geongum (geongan) cempan, 1949, 2045, 2627; Hūga cempan,
2503; acc. pl. cempan, 206. --Comp. fēðe-cempa.
cennan, w. v. : 1) _to bear_, w. acc. : efne swā hwylc mægða swā þone magan
cende, _who bore the son_, 944; pret. part. þǣm eafera wæs æfter cenned,
_to him was a son born_, 12. --2) reflexive, _to show one's self, to reveal
one's self_: imp. cen þec mid cræfte, _prove yourself by your strength_,
ā-cennan, _to bear_: pret.