No More Learning

as It mIght have been brother Packard and U our brother Percy"
BaSlnlO'S manuscrIpt WIth the greek moulds In the margIn
OtIS, Sonclno,
the cc Inarble men" shall pass Into nothIngness,
Three bIrds on the WIre
so requested Mr Clowes to sleep on the same
and as to who wd/ p'ly for the composItIon If same were not used
(ElkIn Mathews, my bantam) After all " saId Mr BIrrell, tt It IS only the old story
of Tom Moore and Rogers "
Her LadyshIp arose 10 the nIght and moved all the furniture
(that IS her LadyshIp YX)
her LadyshIp Z dIslIked dInIng alone and
The proud shall not he by the proud
amId dIm green lIghted with candles
Mabel Beardsley's red head for a glory Mr Masefield murmurIng Death
and Old Neptune meanIng somethlng unseizable
In a diSCUSSIon of Flaubert
MISS Tomczyk, the medIum
baffhng the SOcIety for metaphysIcal research
and the Idea that CONversatIon
should not utterly wIther even I can remember
at I 8 Woburn BUIldIngs SaId Mr Tancred
of the           and SICily Tancreds, to Yeats, tt If you would read us one of your own chOIce
and perfect