by him c.
Cambridge History of English Literature - 1908 - v02
These and other publi-
cations of Skeat's were later incorporated in his editions, see above.
Important reviews of his publications are: Jusserand, J. J. , Revue
Critique, 1879, Nos. 44, 45; Garnett, J. M. , Am. Jour. of Philol. , 1887,
347–55; Bradley, Henry, Academy, No. 769, 70-71; Athenaeum, No.
3099, 380; Notes and Queries, 7th Series, III, 99-100.
Teichmann, E. Die Verbalflexion in William Langley's Buch von Peter
dem Pflüger. Programm der Realschule zu Aachen. 1887.
Zur Stabreimzeile in William Langland's Buch von Peter dem Pflüger,
Anglia, XIII, 140-174.
Zum Texte von William Langland's Vision. Anglia, xv, 223-260.
Wandschneider, W. Zur Syntax des Verbs in Langley's Vision of William
concerning Piers the Plowman. Leipzig, 1887.
Warren, Kate M. Langland's Vision of Piers the Plowman, done into
modern prose; with an introduction. 1895. 2nd ed. 1899.
Ziepel, O. The Reign of Richard II and Comments upon an Alliterative
Poem on the Deposition of the Monarch. Berlin, 1874. Reviewed :
Literarisches Centralblatt, 1874, 1051; Academy, 1874, 1, 660, 11, 332.
## p. 437 (#455) ############################################
Chapter 1
Adami Murimuthensis Chronica sui Temporis. Ed. Hog, T. Engl. Hist.
Soo. 1846.
Baumann, J. J. Die Staatslehre des heiligen Thomas von Aquino. Leipzig,
Brewer, J. 8. Monumenta Franciscana. 2 vols. Rolls Series. 1858–1882.
Brown, E. Fasciculus Rerum Expetendarum et Fugiendarum, prout ab
Orthuino Gratio . . . editus est . . . una cum Appendice sive Tomo II.
Scriptorum Veterum. 2 vols. 1690.
Capes, W. W. A History of the English Church in the Fourteenth and
Fifteenth Centuries. 1903.
Cowan, W. Pre-Reformation Worthies. 1897.
Creighton, C. A History of Epidemics in Great Britain. Cambridge, 1891.
Cunningham, W. The Growth of English Industry and Commerce during
the Early and Middle Ages. Fourth Edition. Cambridge. 1905.
Dene, W. de. Historia Roffensis, in Wharton, H. , Anglia Sacra. Vol. 1. 1691.
Gasquet, F. A. The Black Death in 1348 and 1349. New and revised ed.
Goldast, M. Monarchia S. Romani Imperii. 2 vols. Frankfort, 1614.
3 vols. 1621.
Jessopp, A. The Coming of the Friars. 1889 (1888). 4th ed. 1890.
Lechler, G. Johann von Wiclif und die Vorgeschichte der Reformation.
2 vols. Leipzig, 1873. Translated and abridged by Lorimer, P. : John
Wycliffe and his English Precursors. 2 vols. 1878; 1 vol. 1881 and n. d.
Longman, W. The Life and Times of Edward III. 2 vols. 1869.
Loserth, J. Studien zur Kirchenpolitik Englands im 14 Jahrhundert.
Part I. Sitzungsberichte der Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philos-
Hist. Classe, CXXXVI, 1-135. Vienna, 1897.
Lyte, H. C. M. A History of the University of Oxford to 1530. 1886.
Mackinnon, J. The History of Edward III. 1900.
Poole, R. L. Illustrations of the History of Medieval Thought. 1884.
Wycliffe and Movements for Reform. 1889.
Rashdall, H. The Universities of the Middle Ages. 2 vols. in 3 parts.
Oxford, 1895.
Riezler, S. Die literarischen Wiedersacher der Päpste zur Zeit Ludwigs des
Baiers. Leipzig, 1874.
Rogers, J. E. T. Six Centuries of Work and Wages. 2 vols. 1884. 3rd ed.
1 vol. 1890.
Wallon, H. Richard II. Paris, 1864.
Explanationes super lectiones illas beati Job quae solent in exequiis defunc-
torum legi cum sermone beati Angustine de misericordia et pia oracione
pro defunctis. 4to. Oxford, 1481-5. (Only three copies known, which
were once all in the Cambridge Univ. Lib. Sayle, C. , Early Eng. Bks in
Univ. Lib. , Cambridge, 1900 ff. , No. 79. The same: Paris, c. 1510. See
Mattaire, Annal. Typ. 11, 93. )
## p. 438 (#456) ############################################
The Abbaye of the Holy Ghost. Printed by W. de Worde about 1496.
Facsimile, Camb. Univ. Press, 1907. This is part of the Charter of the
Abbaye of the Holy Ghost with a long insertion from the Abbaye of the
Holy Ghost, the latter being a work ascribed in one MS to Hampole,
See Horstman, 1, 321 and 337. Sayle, No. 56. A later edition by W. de
W. 1531; see Mattaire, Annal. Typ. v, Pt. 1, p. 22.
Richard Rolle Hermit of Hampull in his contemplacyons of the drede and
loue of God with dyuerse tytles as it sheweth in his table and The remedy
against the troubles of temptacyons. Printed by Wynkyn de Worde.
1506 and 1508 respectively.
Also reprinted by him c. 1509 and 1519
respectively. See Sayle, No. 241: also Brit. Mus. Cat. English Printed
Books, p. 1317. The contemplacyons' are wrongly ascribed to Rolle:
see Horstman, II, xlii n. and 73.
Speculum Spiritualium. Additur insuper et opusculum Ricardi Hampole de
emendacione vitae. Paris, 1510. See Sayle, No. 6151.
D Richardi Pampolitani anglosaxonis eremitae, viri in diuinis scripturis ac
veteri illa solidaque Theologia eruditissimi in psalterium Davidicum
atque alia quaedam sacrae scripturae monumenta compendiosa juxtaque
pia enarratio. Cologne. 1536.
English Prose Treatises of Richard Rolle de Hampole, edited from Robert
Thornton's MS, c. 1444 A. D. , by Perry, George G. E. E. T. S. 1866.
Fire of Love and the Mending of Life, The, or the Rule of Living. The First
Englisht in 1435, from the De Incendio Amoris: the second in 1434 from
the De Emendatione Vitae of Richard Rolle, by Richard Misyn. . . . From
MS in Corpus Christi College, Oxford. Ed. Harvey, R. E. E. T. S. 1896.
Pricke of Conscience (Stimulus Conscientiae), The, a Northumbrian Poem by
Richard Rolle of Hampole. Ed. from MSS in Brit. Mus. by Morris, R.
Phil. Soc. 1863.
Psalter, The, or Psalms of David and certain Canticles, with a Translation
and Exposition in English, by Richard Rolle of Hampole. Ed. Bramley,
H. R. Oxford, 1884. [Cf. the metrical Job, in the Harl. MS. ]
Yorkshire Writers: Richard Rolle of Hampole-an English Father of the
Church and his followers. Ed. Horstman, C. 2 vols. 1895-6. Contains
most of the English prose and verse writings not in the two preceding
works, along with other writings by various mystics of the School, and an
ample introduction, bibliography and description of Latin works still
in MS, but copied by Horstman for publication. Cf. Kölbing, E. , Engl.
Stud. xxiv, pp. 275-9.
For full bibliography, see Horstman, 11, xxxvi ff. [Very many 'Hampole'
MSS are in the Cambridge University, Bodleian and British Museum
Libraries. ]
Adler, M. and Kaluza, M. Studien zu R. R. de H. E. S. x. 1887, p. 215.
Andreae, P. Die Handschriften des Pricke of Conscience von R. R. of H.
im Brit. Mus. Berlin, 1888.
Bale, J. Scriptorum Illustrium maioris Britanniae Catalogus. Basel, 1559
(p. 431). See also Poole, below.
Breviarium Eboracense. Vol. II. Surtees Society: Vol. Lxxv, for 1882.
Appendix v. Officium de S. Ricardo de Hampole.
Bülbring, K. D. Zu der Handscriften von R. R. ’s ‘Pricke of Conscience,' in
Englische Studien, xxIII, pp. 1-30. See also 25 MSS of Pricke of Con-
science in Trans. Phil. Soc. 1888-90, pp. 261 ff.
## p. 439 (#457) ############################################
Chapter II
Bülbring, K. D. Ueber die Hs. Nr. 491 der Lambeth Bibliothek. Arch.
vol. LXXXVI, pp. 383-392. 1891. This MS contains the Pricke of Con-
Campbell, Killis. A neglected MS of the P. of C. Mod. Lang. Notes,
Baltimore, xx, 1905, p. 210.
Hulme, Wm. H. A Valuable Middle English MS (which contains Rolle's
Rule of Living). Modern Philology, iv, No. 1, p. 67. Chicago, July
Köhler, R. Quellennachweise zu R. R. v. H. 's Gedicht. The P. of C. in
Jahrbuch für Romanische und Englische Literatur. Vol. vi, pp. 196-
212. Leipzig, 1865. The sources given are Innocent III De Contemptu
Mundi, and De Purgatorio; Bartholomaeus Anglicus De proprietatibus
rerum; Thos. Aquinas; and Honorius of Autun, Elucidarium.
Kribel, G. Studien zu R. R. de Hampole. E. S. viii, 1885, p. 67. [Cf. also
Hahn, Quellenuntersuchungen zu R. R. 's schriften, 1900. ]
Mätzner, Ed. Altenglische Sprachproben. Berlin. 1867-9.
Middendorf, H. Studien über Richard Rolle von Hampole unter besonderen
Berücksichtigung seiner Psalmen-Commentare. Magdeburg, 1888.
Nassyngton, Wm. , from Nassington in Northamptonshire, was a proctor at
York, and wrote in the northern dialect; he translated some Latin works
such as one of Waldby's, on the Trinity and Unity (cf. Horstman, II,
334), and also his Mirror of Life, the English of which was read in 1384
before the Vice-Chancellor and University of Cambridge for four days,
and on the fifth day pronounced free from heresy (cf. Thornton
Romances). Some of N. 's works in Perry, G. G. , Religious Pieces in
Prose and Verse, E. E. T. S. 1867 (revised 1889). Also some in Horstman,
II, 274 f.
Oudin. Commentarius de Scriptoribus Ecclesiae Antiquis (Frankfort and
Leipzig, 1722. 3 vols. ) (See 111, 927. )
Panes, A. C. A fourteenth century English Biblical Version. Cambridge,
1902. (Cf. also for Wyclif. ) This edition was privately printed, and
includes a historical introduction, which is omitted in the reprint of the
text (1904), but will form the basis of a new work. The English Bible in
the 14th century. Much light will be thrown by it upon problems yet
Poole, R. L. and Bateson, Mary.
cations of Skeat's were later incorporated in his editions, see above.
Important reviews of his publications are: Jusserand, J. J. , Revue
Critique, 1879, Nos. 44, 45; Garnett, J. M. , Am. Jour. of Philol. , 1887,
347–55; Bradley, Henry, Academy, No. 769, 70-71; Athenaeum, No.
3099, 380; Notes and Queries, 7th Series, III, 99-100.
Teichmann, E. Die Verbalflexion in William Langley's Buch von Peter
dem Pflüger. Programm der Realschule zu Aachen. 1887.
Zur Stabreimzeile in William Langland's Buch von Peter dem Pflüger,
Anglia, XIII, 140-174.
Zum Texte von William Langland's Vision. Anglia, xv, 223-260.
Wandschneider, W. Zur Syntax des Verbs in Langley's Vision of William
concerning Piers the Plowman. Leipzig, 1887.
Warren, Kate M. Langland's Vision of Piers the Plowman, done into
modern prose; with an introduction. 1895. 2nd ed. 1899.
Ziepel, O. The Reign of Richard II and Comments upon an Alliterative
Poem on the Deposition of the Monarch. Berlin, 1874. Reviewed :
Literarisches Centralblatt, 1874, 1051; Academy, 1874, 1, 660, 11, 332.
## p. 437 (#455) ############################################
Chapter 1
Adami Murimuthensis Chronica sui Temporis. Ed. Hog, T. Engl. Hist.
Soo. 1846.
Baumann, J. J. Die Staatslehre des heiligen Thomas von Aquino. Leipzig,
Brewer, J. 8. Monumenta Franciscana. 2 vols. Rolls Series. 1858–1882.
Brown, E. Fasciculus Rerum Expetendarum et Fugiendarum, prout ab
Orthuino Gratio . . . editus est . . . una cum Appendice sive Tomo II.
Scriptorum Veterum. 2 vols. 1690.
Capes, W. W. A History of the English Church in the Fourteenth and
Fifteenth Centuries. 1903.
Cowan, W. Pre-Reformation Worthies. 1897.
Creighton, C. A History of Epidemics in Great Britain. Cambridge, 1891.
Cunningham, W. The Growth of English Industry and Commerce during
the Early and Middle Ages. Fourth Edition. Cambridge. 1905.
Dene, W. de. Historia Roffensis, in Wharton, H. , Anglia Sacra. Vol. 1. 1691.
Gasquet, F. A. The Black Death in 1348 and 1349. New and revised ed.
Goldast, M. Monarchia S. Romani Imperii. 2 vols. Frankfort, 1614.
3 vols. 1621.
Jessopp, A. The Coming of the Friars. 1889 (1888). 4th ed. 1890.
Lechler, G. Johann von Wiclif und die Vorgeschichte der Reformation.
2 vols. Leipzig, 1873. Translated and abridged by Lorimer, P. : John
Wycliffe and his English Precursors. 2 vols. 1878; 1 vol. 1881 and n. d.
Longman, W. The Life and Times of Edward III. 2 vols. 1869.
Loserth, J. Studien zur Kirchenpolitik Englands im 14 Jahrhundert.
Part I. Sitzungsberichte der Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philos-
Hist. Classe, CXXXVI, 1-135. Vienna, 1897.
Lyte, H. C. M. A History of the University of Oxford to 1530. 1886.
Mackinnon, J. The History of Edward III. 1900.
Poole, R. L. Illustrations of the History of Medieval Thought. 1884.
Wycliffe and Movements for Reform. 1889.
Rashdall, H. The Universities of the Middle Ages. 2 vols. in 3 parts.
Oxford, 1895.
Riezler, S. Die literarischen Wiedersacher der Päpste zur Zeit Ludwigs des
Baiers. Leipzig, 1874.
Rogers, J. E. T. Six Centuries of Work and Wages. 2 vols. 1884. 3rd ed.
1 vol. 1890.
Wallon, H. Richard II. Paris, 1864.
Explanationes super lectiones illas beati Job quae solent in exequiis defunc-
torum legi cum sermone beati Angustine de misericordia et pia oracione
pro defunctis. 4to. Oxford, 1481-5. (Only three copies known, which
were once all in the Cambridge Univ. Lib. Sayle, C. , Early Eng. Bks in
Univ. Lib. , Cambridge, 1900 ff. , No. 79. The same: Paris, c. 1510. See
Mattaire, Annal. Typ. 11, 93. )
## p. 438 (#456) ############################################
The Abbaye of the Holy Ghost. Printed by W. de Worde about 1496.
Facsimile, Camb. Univ. Press, 1907. This is part of the Charter of the
Abbaye of the Holy Ghost with a long insertion from the Abbaye of the
Holy Ghost, the latter being a work ascribed in one MS to Hampole,
See Horstman, 1, 321 and 337. Sayle, No. 56. A later edition by W. de
W. 1531; see Mattaire, Annal. Typ. v, Pt. 1, p. 22.
Richard Rolle Hermit of Hampull in his contemplacyons of the drede and
loue of God with dyuerse tytles as it sheweth in his table and The remedy
against the troubles of temptacyons. Printed by Wynkyn de Worde.
1506 and 1508 respectively.
Also reprinted by him c. 1509 and 1519
respectively. See Sayle, No. 241: also Brit. Mus. Cat. English Printed
Books, p. 1317. The contemplacyons' are wrongly ascribed to Rolle:
see Horstman, II, xlii n. and 73.
Speculum Spiritualium. Additur insuper et opusculum Ricardi Hampole de
emendacione vitae. Paris, 1510. See Sayle, No. 6151.
D Richardi Pampolitani anglosaxonis eremitae, viri in diuinis scripturis ac
veteri illa solidaque Theologia eruditissimi in psalterium Davidicum
atque alia quaedam sacrae scripturae monumenta compendiosa juxtaque
pia enarratio. Cologne. 1536.
English Prose Treatises of Richard Rolle de Hampole, edited from Robert
Thornton's MS, c. 1444 A. D. , by Perry, George G. E. E. T. S. 1866.
Fire of Love and the Mending of Life, The, or the Rule of Living. The First
Englisht in 1435, from the De Incendio Amoris: the second in 1434 from
the De Emendatione Vitae of Richard Rolle, by Richard Misyn. . . . From
MS in Corpus Christi College, Oxford. Ed. Harvey, R. E. E. T. S. 1896.
Pricke of Conscience (Stimulus Conscientiae), The, a Northumbrian Poem by
Richard Rolle of Hampole. Ed. from MSS in Brit. Mus. by Morris, R.
Phil. Soc. 1863.
Psalter, The, or Psalms of David and certain Canticles, with a Translation
and Exposition in English, by Richard Rolle of Hampole. Ed. Bramley,
H. R. Oxford, 1884. [Cf. the metrical Job, in the Harl. MS. ]
Yorkshire Writers: Richard Rolle of Hampole-an English Father of the
Church and his followers. Ed. Horstman, C. 2 vols. 1895-6. Contains
most of the English prose and verse writings not in the two preceding
works, along with other writings by various mystics of the School, and an
ample introduction, bibliography and description of Latin works still
in MS, but copied by Horstman for publication. Cf. Kölbing, E. , Engl.
Stud. xxiv, pp. 275-9.
For full bibliography, see Horstman, 11, xxxvi ff. [Very many 'Hampole'
MSS are in the Cambridge University, Bodleian and British Museum
Libraries. ]
Adler, M. and Kaluza, M. Studien zu R. R. de H. E. S. x. 1887, p. 215.
Andreae, P. Die Handschriften des Pricke of Conscience von R. R. of H.
im Brit. Mus. Berlin, 1888.
Bale, J. Scriptorum Illustrium maioris Britanniae Catalogus. Basel, 1559
(p. 431). See also Poole, below.
Breviarium Eboracense. Vol. II. Surtees Society: Vol. Lxxv, for 1882.
Appendix v. Officium de S. Ricardo de Hampole.
Bülbring, K. D. Zu der Handscriften von R. R. ’s ‘Pricke of Conscience,' in
Englische Studien, xxIII, pp. 1-30. See also 25 MSS of Pricke of Con-
science in Trans. Phil. Soc. 1888-90, pp. 261 ff.
## p. 439 (#457) ############################################
Chapter II
Bülbring, K. D. Ueber die Hs. Nr. 491 der Lambeth Bibliothek. Arch.
vol. LXXXVI, pp. 383-392. 1891. This MS contains the Pricke of Con-
Campbell, Killis. A neglected MS of the P. of C. Mod. Lang. Notes,
Baltimore, xx, 1905, p. 210.
Hulme, Wm. H. A Valuable Middle English MS (which contains Rolle's
Rule of Living). Modern Philology, iv, No. 1, p. 67. Chicago, July
Köhler, R. Quellennachweise zu R. R. v. H. 's Gedicht. The P. of C. in
Jahrbuch für Romanische und Englische Literatur. Vol. vi, pp. 196-
212. Leipzig, 1865. The sources given are Innocent III De Contemptu
Mundi, and De Purgatorio; Bartholomaeus Anglicus De proprietatibus
rerum; Thos. Aquinas; and Honorius of Autun, Elucidarium.
Kribel, G. Studien zu R. R. de Hampole. E. S. viii, 1885, p. 67. [Cf. also
Hahn, Quellenuntersuchungen zu R. R. 's schriften, 1900. ]
Mätzner, Ed. Altenglische Sprachproben. Berlin. 1867-9.
Middendorf, H. Studien über Richard Rolle von Hampole unter besonderen
Berücksichtigung seiner Psalmen-Commentare. Magdeburg, 1888.
Nassyngton, Wm. , from Nassington in Northamptonshire, was a proctor at
York, and wrote in the northern dialect; he translated some Latin works
such as one of Waldby's, on the Trinity and Unity (cf. Horstman, II,
334), and also his Mirror of Life, the English of which was read in 1384
before the Vice-Chancellor and University of Cambridge for four days,
and on the fifth day pronounced free from heresy (cf. Thornton
Romances). Some of N. 's works in Perry, G. G. , Religious Pieces in
Prose and Verse, E. E. T. S. 1867 (revised 1889). Also some in Horstman,
II, 274 f.
Oudin. Commentarius de Scriptoribus Ecclesiae Antiquis (Frankfort and
Leipzig, 1722. 3 vols. ) (See 111, 927. )
Panes, A. C. A fourteenth century English Biblical Version. Cambridge,
1902. (Cf. also for Wyclif. ) This edition was privately printed, and
includes a historical introduction, which is omitted in the reprint of the
text (1904), but will form the basis of a new work. The English Bible in
the 14th century. Much light will be thrown by it upon problems yet
Poole, R. L. and Bateson, Mary.