t make Sa,urn S, Jupitec m and Men:ury <
Loki is impOnant for FW in connection with Balder's death and aloo with the Sigurd legend.
Loki is impOnant for FW in connection with Balder's death and aloo with the Sigurd legend.
, olm.
"(Bo4Ioy Head <<I;rion, '960), 69- "! j,. . . ,"J_J_ Ill. <<I. RIobatdau. . w. . . . '41.
? ? ? ? ? Laura K<'Own bUI for 'Kinsdla'$ Lilith', Having iust ,pokm of Magnoth in her finallc\ttr, 6 pr<Xet<b 'The cad with the pope'. wife, L ily Kinsella, who became the wife of Mr Sn~ ke", for her good name in the hands of the ki. . ing solicitor, will now enga~e in anention,' (618,03-6),
It i. unclear whether thi, means that Lily was rnanied to the ead with the pipe of 1. 2 prioT to marrying Magrath, or whether the,,"d and Magrath are the same penon, When m confrontl the cad he speak. ! of'yore triplehydrad . . . . . ke' (0)6. 07), Docs this tn<an that the cad i, tht snake f Hi, wife is identified neither with K nor with L ily, but cornet cloaer to A, for , he rnak", 'ann;'; lawrie pT<lm- i. ,. ,,' (038,21), But she hetray. her confidence to C ('Mr Browne ", who ", in hi? ? econdary personality a, a Nolan', 038,26-8)
which il apt if her husband i, Cs e""my II,
In additinn to ! o. {agnoth, 6 mal<", complain~ against Sully, wl>o
truly, I think, be definitively nCTibed to L Having made Sully the author of Th. Ballad of Ptr. . . O'Reilly, A, at 495,03, claim'
that he 'is Magrath" thug: At 618,08 . he mention, him again, immMialCly after Magrath: 'The thick. off Bully'. Acre was got upbySully: Andlowcronthepage:'to. 1Iwhomitmayconcern SuUy i? ? thug,' Bully'. Acrt is the olok1t Dublin cemetery, in the ground. of the Royal H ospitil at Kilmainharn.
In the hope of clarifying the discrepancies I intend to devote
""me space tothe formal argument of 572,2t- 573,32, Thi. passage has sometimes been regarde<l. o. a key to FW, It appears tocreat
d in i$Olation and i
~! ;~:~:. i. ;~tojustify than the fi"'L Mrs Giashttn oees 'Lily' in 'Gillia': perhaps the nantes connect via Italian g~h'o, lily. If Gil1ia is 'schismatical' pcrhaps htt affini? tie. are with 1-, W e find -II- as the rose and lil y at 032,11, 485, t 2 and eloewhere, The Kabbalists use the two fIowe", from the SO"" of SoImmm, for the opposed Sephirothic pillaR of Judgem~nt and M ercy respectively," Thi' W<luld connect -I with A and I- with
The Magnoth Mystery 129
? 130 The Sigla of FinntJ:411S Wak.
e. Further evide~ for the diabolic tendency of I- C<>m<< from POT,,~i, I, where Stephen is supposed to 'UPIXlr1 York (white)
against Lancaster (red).
If Gillia i, Uly, or Lilith, ber dehauch by Honupbrius w<>uld
refer to Ad~m'. fin. marr~. Further, ahe i. visited by 'Barnahas, tbe advOClIteofHonuphrius', who connects with t:, just as M ichael
(evidently Father Michael of the letter) connects with A. Magra_ viul knows Anita has committed oacrilege with MiclLael and he threatcn,berwithhisthug Sulla(. c)and the twdve SulUvani(0). SulLa, lilu: Triltln, wishes to procur<: -I (on behalf of Xl.
Obviou. ly we have more nam. . . . than 14! :1a. Ba. . . . ubu and Michael appear to duplicate I: and A, and possibly Canicula, 'the d<:<<ascd wife of fo. tauritiu,' may dupliQl. Le K. Therefore we might allow Mauritius and Magraviu. to be twQ veniotu of S. But it
mun be stt. . scd . hat Magrath retai"" cer1ain tr. Ii", not found in the other forms of s . He is attached 10 Lily, not to K. He seem. to be younger than s for he i. 'a tommerdal, . . . . uloul of Honu- pbriU$', i. e. a competitor of In. He bas some linb with . c, for . c: i. hi, thug, whereas the usual S i. the ent:nl. y of L Additionally, ""nain I>>s",lft" appcotr almost to identify Magrath a, . c, the most ""tteme cas<: being S1l. 01-20:
-I think you're widdershins th. . . . . about the right reverence. AUgraw for the Norlhwhigg<orn cupleam was wedding bealtm. >. n . . .
_. . . I'm sur<: I'm wrong hut I heard the irrevel"Cld Mr Magn. w, in soarehof ntamme<, kud}:ucldr. icking the bed- ding OUt of the old sexton, red-Fox (,. ood_man . . . while I and l'lo,,",hnd the other men . . . wal gidding his missU$
to gadd. . in the ball , . . -You are a suckenomel
ParapOiylogic indeed. The wime. . , instead of the interpreter, has become 'Sackerson'. We had best concede that in some cir- cumstances. c: and S can b<<orne hard to distinguish, for in. l. nee at SS7. 03-S88. 14, where a SpeeCh by 'three j. olly postboy,' (A . c: 1:) ;. punctuated by the serpent'. hi. . (If Ot9. U. Notebook entries CQnn<<:tins all three brotbers with the snake: d<llittle 10 improve the issue. VI. B. 13. 49 has '. c: . . rpent by t', VI. B. '3? 173 'serpent ? :' and VI. B. '7. 73 'serpent A'. We are compelled to examine in
this light one <Ji. the components of S, perhapo the cause of his Scandinavian leanings, in which . c: f. . . . ures are aI. o prominent. This il the insidiou. serpentine sod Loki in Norse mYlb. Saunder- son at 2~1. 09 possesses 'his lokistrol<i'.
? In the great conflict ofthe god. and the gianla Loki wa1! a hybrid, able It> convene with both parties. But he was ultilIll1tely evil. 'When the god. were reduced IO the rank of demons by the intro_
duction of Christianity, Loki wu confounded with Samm, who had allO been shorn of hi$ divine atttibutes, and both wert con? . ide",d 'he prolmypt of S,":"n. ''' If CLa. sical mytholngy il ",. quired of FW we mU!
t make Sa,urn S, Jupitec m and Men:ury <
Loki is impOnant for FW in connection with Balder's death and aloo with the Sigurd legend. The murder of the , lorioU! and adu? lated Balder by hi. dark, blind bro<her Hother 1001<$ like a . imple
Ale conflict but for the fact that i, wu arranged by Loki. Vf. ll. ~8. 41 has:
'-0>; balder A
Howev<:r, it il impossible It> raise the i. . . . ue wid",u, invoking 1"1u Gold. ~ llowgh: tbe mistletoe murdec become! ! the patricide of 11. 3, Balderbecome. m and we ,,'" obliged to regard LoIti as
The Sigurd legend il m o tt compl"". S2S. f()-Sl6. 0l $ << m ' It> "'fleet the cap,ure by Loki of'he dwuf Andvar;, e;,bec aa a pike (lisox lucius) or a . . Imon (Sa/mo sp. ). Loki compel. Andvari to yield hi. t",asure, which he then p. . . . . 10 Hreidmarr, king of the dwarfs, in compenMtion for the murder of one of hi. three sons. The tr. . . sure, howev<:r, includes a ring which convey. a CUt"1e, thu leach '0 Hreidmarr'. murder by hi, $0<1 Region and the . ub? a<<jucnt ""pulsion of Reginn by the "'lIlI1ining 50n Fafnir, who cI. . allj"" himselfinto I dragon and broods over the tr. . . . u"'. Even- tua! lyReginn ",turn. with Sigurd, whom he has pe"",ded to kill the dragon. Having done so, Sigurd is roo. stillj the dragon's heart for Region to COI1$ume when he inadvertently burO$ hi, fingt;c. Sucking;t '0 eaSt: the pain he suddenly ""'luices wiod<>m, . . . . ali>. . . that Regin. . means to kill him, and ,hen kil ls Reg;nn and eats the
= t of the hean.
The taller porlion of Ihi. story paraBels the legend of Finn and
the Salmon ofWi,dont. Finn wu to kill and cook the Salmon for Finn~, but burned hi. thumb, . ucked it, and became wise, with . imi! ar CQn' equcnces. I'rom Ihe FW standpOint the acquisilion of w;"dom appelt"1 to convert C. into m: the dead fish will be the oldm andtheconsumerofit? ? ubslance the new one. Now ReiPnn
"R A. c_" """. . . of,,. . N"", '" (l. oDOOtI. Hunp 1')01). '29.
The Magrath Mystery 1)1
? 132 Th. Siila of f<imugalU Wak.
and Fin~, forbiddina: C to ell! the ""urce of wisdom, are in . . similar """ition to God forbiddina: Adam 10 eat of the fruit. In each version,COIIIumption ofthe prohihiIed object I. . . w. . to a com- p,. . ,hension of the reason for the prohibition. At this point tams such. s 'good' and 'evil' change their meaning. When Cleams to make distinctions he begina to recognize in him. elf the guilt and
glory which he s. aw in lhe d. funct rn, and 10 he proceed. il a:tows bigger and bilOi"r unlil it brings him to a . imila. fate. The mY"ery ",peau itstlf.
? Chapter IO
The SigJa Approach to Finnegans Wake Exegesis
Sigla H t to ~ found on the printed page of FW, for ; 0 0 = at 299. 1'. :
The Doodles family, m, A, -I, )(, [], A, r:. Hoodl. doodle, tam. ?
Elocwhore lheir form1 are alluded to, often grotesquely. The mOot prominent al1u. ions d<:tive from I list in VLB. 8:'
VUl8. I4S:
)( croos('()ad. ah. . . d m village?
. . . . . sback
bridge over stream
(119_28-9) (I [9. 27) (084. 03) (1I9. 28? )
. l.
Cui de . . c
de><<1 wallend
of a graveyard
delli. , pyramid pIImycool<
carryh" on hi'
~ brain pan a mas. olloveidly
girllyingon causeway Iarift with one leg hu~enward,iacing h. rs~ workh<:>u$t
cro. . road
a bi. bop lI"ing forth on rogations
(340. 27-8)
,I'ortoftlH. Im. . ~;"my'DnctMUd =toSisJo',AWNVIl. 4(1970), ".
? 1). <1 The Sigla <If Finnegan! WaU
lanming <184-03 we find three pusagc. describing . iglo. The fi. . . t (1 19, 1? -32) il part of the e<>mpendium of extravagances in tbe manu. cript. Having reptodu"",d ,nd qualified m and . . . . the commentary definet C U 'their old fourwheedkr' which mighl ,tandf<lr 'the bucker'. field'. T i. 'a tea anyway fOT a try"' somrthy' and . . . . . 'hU <meoidemi. . ing', It is m her thai the image of a blind alky in a gnlvtyard U applied, n<>1 I: as in the lI(){ebooi<. I "'''peel I: he", i. the 'family gibbtt', oonfounded with A, the 'p<>thooJ<'. In 4&6. 12-34 A beh<>ld. Ihree ",,;on,. al the iru. tiptiQn of X, wbo ploce him in a deep trlnce and apply. magi",l 'au croll. He int~tprets T a. a fia;ure carrying a large plate on il' head. When the relk i. turned 'idew:ay. be. peab quite unequivocally <If -t.
The third visicm appears <In inverting the initial, which oughtt<l give J. . anda pictu'" identical with the se<:<Jnd. But the lurroundin& refet<tlCfl ('tripart;,e', 'adze', 'breastplate') make il clear that A perceives St Patricl<, wbo i. represented in early notebook. by the $iglum P . Possibly the C<ln. ,ructioo. <If the curved poJrri<>n of the
loner i, OU8/leste<!
"(Bo4Ioy Head <<I;rion, '960), 69- "! j,. . . ,"J_J_ Ill. <<I. RIobatdau. . w. . . . '41.
? ? ? ? ? Laura K<'Own bUI for 'Kinsdla'$ Lilith', Having iust ,pokm of Magnoth in her finallc\ttr, 6 pr<Xet<b 'The cad with the pope'. wife, L ily Kinsella, who became the wife of Mr Sn~ ke", for her good name in the hands of the ki. . ing solicitor, will now enga~e in anention,' (618,03-6),
It i. unclear whether thi, means that Lily was rnanied to the ead with the pipe of 1. 2 prioT to marrying Magrath, or whether the,,"d and Magrath are the same penon, When m confrontl the cad he speak. ! of'yore triplehydrad . . . . . ke' (0)6. 07), Docs this tn<an that the cad i, tht snake f Hi, wife is identified neither with K nor with L ily, but cornet cloaer to A, for , he rnak", 'ann;'; lawrie pT<lm- i. ,. ,,' (038,21), But she hetray. her confidence to C ('Mr Browne ", who ", in hi? ? econdary personality a, a Nolan', 038,26-8)
which il apt if her husband i, Cs e""my II,
In additinn to ! o. {agnoth, 6 mal<", complain~ against Sully, wl>o
truly, I think, be definitively nCTibed to L Having made Sully the author of Th. Ballad of Ptr. . . O'Reilly, A, at 495,03, claim'
that he 'is Magrath" thug: At 618,08 . he mention, him again, immMialCly after Magrath: 'The thick. off Bully'. Acre was got upbySully: Andlowcronthepage:'to. 1Iwhomitmayconcern SuUy i? ? thug,' Bully'. Acrt is the olok1t Dublin cemetery, in the ground. of the Royal H ospitil at Kilmainharn.
In the hope of clarifying the discrepancies I intend to devote
""me space tothe formal argument of 572,2t- 573,32, Thi. passage has sometimes been regarde<l. o. a key to FW, It appears tocreat
d in i$Olation and i
~! ;~:~:. i. ;~tojustify than the fi"'L Mrs Giashttn oees 'Lily' in 'Gillia': perhaps the nantes connect via Italian g~h'o, lily. If Gil1ia is 'schismatical' pcrhaps htt affini? tie. are with 1-, W e find -II- as the rose and lil y at 032,11, 485, t 2 and eloewhere, The Kabbalists use the two fIowe", from the SO"" of SoImmm, for the opposed Sephirothic pillaR of Judgem~nt and M ercy respectively," Thi' W<luld connect -I with A and I- with
The Magnoth Mystery 129
? 130 The Sigla of FinntJ:411S Wak.
e. Further evide~ for the diabolic tendency of I- C<>m<< from POT,,~i, I, where Stephen is supposed to 'UPIXlr1 York (white)
against Lancaster (red).
If Gillia i, Uly, or Lilith, ber dehauch by Honupbrius w<>uld
refer to Ad~m'. fin. marr~. Further, ahe i. visited by 'Barnahas, tbe advOClIteofHonuphrius', who connects with t:, just as M ichael
(evidently Father Michael of the letter) connects with A. Magra_ viul knows Anita has committed oacrilege with MiclLael and he threatcn,berwithhisthug Sulla(. c)and the twdve SulUvani(0). SulLa, lilu: Triltln, wishes to procur<: -I (on behalf of Xl.
Obviou. ly we have more nam. . . . than 14! :1a. Ba. . . . ubu and Michael appear to duplicate I: and A, and possibly Canicula, 'the d<:<<ascd wife of fo. tauritiu,' may dupliQl. Le K. Therefore we might allow Mauritius and Magraviu. to be twQ veniotu of S. But it
mun be stt. . scd . hat Magrath retai"" cer1ain tr. Ii", not found in the other forms of s . He is attached 10 Lily, not to K. He seem. to be younger than s for he i. 'a tommerdal, . . . . uloul of Honu- pbriU$', i. e. a competitor of In. He bas some linb with . c, for . c: i. hi, thug, whereas the usual S i. the ent:nl. y of L Additionally, ""nain I>>s",lft" appcotr almost to identify Magrath a, . c, the most ""tteme cas<: being S1l. 01-20:
-I think you're widdershins th. . . . . about the right reverence. AUgraw for the Norlhwhigg<orn cupleam was wedding bealtm. >. n . . .
_. . . I'm sur<: I'm wrong hut I heard the irrevel"Cld Mr Magn. w, in soarehof ntamme<, kud}:ucldr. icking the bed- ding OUt of the old sexton, red-Fox (,. ood_man . . . while I and l'lo,,",hnd the other men . . . wal gidding his missU$
to gadd. . in the ball , . . -You are a suckenomel
ParapOiylogic indeed. The wime. . , instead of the interpreter, has become 'Sackerson'. We had best concede that in some cir- cumstances. c: and S can b<<orne hard to distinguish, for in. l. nee at SS7. 03-S88. 14, where a SpeeCh by 'three j. olly postboy,' (A . c: 1:) ;. punctuated by the serpent'. hi. . (If Ot9. U. Notebook entries CQnn<<:tins all three brotbers with the snake: d<llittle 10 improve the issue. VI. B. 13. 49 has '. c: . . rpent by t', VI. B. '3? 173 'serpent ? :' and VI. B. '7. 73 'serpent A'. We are compelled to examine in
this light one <Ji. the components of S, perhapo the cause of his Scandinavian leanings, in which . c: f. . . . ures are aI. o prominent. This il the insidiou. serpentine sod Loki in Norse mYlb. Saunder- son at 2~1. 09 possesses 'his lokistrol<i'.
? In the great conflict ofthe god. and the gianla Loki wa1! a hybrid, able It> convene with both parties. But he was ultilIll1tely evil. 'When the god. were reduced IO the rank of demons by the intro_
duction of Christianity, Loki wu confounded with Samm, who had allO been shorn of hi$ divine atttibutes, and both wert con? . ide",d 'he prolmypt of S,":"n. ''' If CLa. sical mytholngy il ",. quired of FW we mU!
t make Sa,urn S, Jupitec m and Men:ury <
Loki is impOnant for FW in connection with Balder's death and aloo with the Sigurd legend. The murder of the , lorioU! and adu? lated Balder by hi. dark, blind bro<her Hother 1001<$ like a . imple
Ale conflict but for the fact that i, wu arranged by Loki. Vf. ll. ~8. 41 has:
'-0>; balder A
Howev<:r, it il impossible It> raise the i. . . . ue wid",u, invoking 1"1u Gold. ~ llowgh: tbe mistletoe murdec become! ! the patricide of 11. 3, Balderbecome. m and we ,,'" obliged to regard LoIti as
The Sigurd legend il m o tt compl"". S2S. f()-Sl6. 0l $ << m ' It> "'fleet the cap,ure by Loki of'he dwuf Andvar;, e;,bec aa a pike (lisox lucius) or a . . Imon (Sa/mo sp. ). Loki compel. Andvari to yield hi. t",asure, which he then p. . . . . 10 Hreidmarr, king of the dwarfs, in compenMtion for the murder of one of hi. three sons. The tr. . . sure, howev<:r, includes a ring which convey. a CUt"1e, thu leach '0 Hreidmarr'. murder by hi, $0<1 Region and the . ub? a<<jucnt ""pulsion of Reginn by the "'lIlI1ining 50n Fafnir, who cI. . allj"" himselfinto I dragon and broods over the tr. . . . u"'. Even- tua! lyReginn ",turn. with Sigurd, whom he has pe"",ded to kill the dragon. Having done so, Sigurd is roo. stillj the dragon's heart for Region to COI1$ume when he inadvertently burO$ hi, fingt;c. Sucking;t '0 eaSt: the pain he suddenly ""'luices wiod<>m, . . . . ali>. . . that Regin. . means to kill him, and ,hen kil ls Reg;nn and eats the
= t of the hean.
The taller porlion of Ihi. story paraBels the legend of Finn and
the Salmon ofWi,dont. Finn wu to kill and cook the Salmon for Finn~, but burned hi. thumb, . ucked it, and became wise, with . imi! ar CQn' equcnces. I'rom Ihe FW standpOint the acquisilion of w;"dom appelt"1 to convert C. into m: the dead fish will be the oldm andtheconsumerofit? ? ubslance the new one. Now ReiPnn
"R A. c_" """. . . of,,. . N"", '" (l. oDOOtI. Hunp 1')01). '29.
The Magrath Mystery 1)1
? 132 Th. Siila of f<imugalU Wak.
and Fin~, forbiddina: C to ell! the ""urce of wisdom, are in . . similar """ition to God forbiddina: Adam 10 eat of the fruit. In each version,COIIIumption ofthe prohihiIed object I. . . w. . to a com- p,. . ,hension of the reason for the prohibition. At this point tams such. s 'good' and 'evil' change their meaning. When Cleams to make distinctions he begina to recognize in him. elf the guilt and
glory which he s. aw in lhe d. funct rn, and 10 he proceed. il a:tows bigger and bilOi"r unlil it brings him to a . imila. fate. The mY"ery ",peau itstlf.
? Chapter IO
The SigJa Approach to Finnegans Wake Exegesis
Sigla H t to ~ found on the printed page of FW, for ; 0 0 = at 299. 1'. :
The Doodles family, m, A, -I, )(, [], A, r:. Hoodl. doodle, tam. ?
Elocwhore lheir form1 are alluded to, often grotesquely. The mOot prominent al1u. ions d<:tive from I list in VLB. 8:'
VUl8. I4S:
)( croos('()ad. ah. . . d m village?
. . . . . sback
bridge over stream
(119_28-9) (I [9. 27) (084. 03) (1I9. 28? )
. l.
Cui de . . c
de><<1 wallend
of a graveyard
delli. , pyramid pIImycool<
carryh" on hi'
~ brain pan a mas. olloveidly
girllyingon causeway Iarift with one leg hu~enward,iacing h. rs~ workh<:>u$t
cro. . road
a bi. bop lI"ing forth on rogations
(340. 27-8)
,I'ortoftlH. Im. . ~;"my'DnctMUd =toSisJo',AWNVIl. 4(1970), ".
? 1). <1 The Sigla <If Finnegan! WaU
lanming <184-03 we find three pusagc. describing . iglo. The fi. . . t (1 19, 1? -32) il part of the e<>mpendium of extravagances in tbe manu. cript. Having reptodu"",d ,nd qualified m and . . . . the commentary definet C U 'their old fourwheedkr' which mighl ,tandf<lr 'the bucker'. field'. T i. 'a tea anyway fOT a try"' somrthy' and . . . . . 'hU <meoidemi. . ing', It is m her thai the image of a blind alky in a gnlvtyard U applied, n<>1 I: as in the lI(){ebooi<. I "'''peel I: he", i. the 'family gibbtt', oonfounded with A, the 'p<>thooJ<'. In 4&6. 12-34 A beh<>ld. Ihree ",,;on,. al the iru. tiptiQn of X, wbo ploce him in a deep trlnce and apply. magi",l 'au croll. He int~tprets T a. a fia;ure carrying a large plate on il' head. When the relk i. turned 'idew:ay. be. peab quite unequivocally <If -t.
The third visicm appears <In inverting the initial, which oughtt<l give J. . anda pictu'" identical with the se<:<Jnd. But the lurroundin& refet<tlCfl ('tripart;,e', 'adze', 'breastplate') make il clear that A perceives St Patricl<, wbo i. represented in early notebook. by the $iglum P . Possibly the C<ln. ,ructioo. <If the curved poJrri<>n of the
loner i, OU8/leste<!