Socrat: If so m y dear Alcibiades, what is repor tedoftheStOrkmaybesaidoftheloveIhavefor
* ,Tjs upon this, without doubt, that Plutarcbbys, Alcibiades struckwiththevictoriousseasonsof Socrates,waslikeaCoeki thatafteralongfight,hangs the wing and yieldshimsclfconquer'd, and that Socrates by touch'd him to the
* ,Tjs upon this, without doubt, that Plutarcbbys, Alcibiades struckwiththevictoriousseasonsof Socrates,waslikeaCoeki thatafteralongfight,hangs the wing and yieldshimsclfconquer'd, and that Socrates by touch'd him to the
Plato - 1701 - Works - a