From this im-
pious Corruption it hath appeared, even more remarkably than
formerly, that whenever he hath engaged in the Intereft of
either private Citizen, or Magiftrate, or Republic, he hath in-
volved them in Misfortunes incurable.
pious Corruption it hath appeared, even more remarkably than
formerly, that whenever he hath engaged in the Intereft of
either private Citizen, or Magiftrate, or Republic, he hath in-
volved them in Misfortunes incurable.
Demosthenes - Orations - v2
cenaiies he had le\-ied there, and then marched furiouily againft
lis, as if determined totally to deftroy. ' Had not fome Deity
preferved your Army ; had not yonr Soldiers, both Infantry and
Cavalry, been Men of approved Valour ; had they not formed
in the Hippodrome of Tamyns, where they gained a complete
Vidory, after which they permitted your Enemies to march
away, though under fucli Terms of SubmifTion, as they were
pleafed to impofe, your Republic had been much in Danger
of fuffering whatever is moft ignominious. For a Misfortune
in War is not the greateft Evil ; but when we have engaged
with Enemies, unworthy of us, if we then are conquered, the
Calamity, with Reafbn, is doubled upon us. Yet however
injured ; however ungratefully treated, you again entered into-
Terms of Amity with them.
Callias having obtained your Pardon, in a very little Time
impetuouily returned to his natural Genius. For while he pre-
tended to convene to a general Council of the Euboeans at Chal-
cis, in Fa6t he fortified Euboea againft you, and attempted to
fcize the fovereign Power of the whole Illand. Then hoping,
that Philip would affift him in his Defigns, he went into Ma-
cedonia ; waited upon the very Footfteps of that Monarch, and
was numbered among his Favourites. Having offended Philip,
he fled from Macedon, and entered into the Service of the The-
bans. Abandoning them alfo, and more irregular in his Mo-
tions, than the Euripus, upon the Banks of vi^hich he dwells,
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? ,/
he precipitates himfelf into a Quarrel at once with the The-
bans, and with PhiHp. Uncertain how to difpofe of himfelf,
an Army being now adually levied againft him, he perceived
his only remaining Hope of Safety confifted in engaging the
Athenian People in a folemn Treaty, that they might afTift him,
under the Name of a Confederate, if any other Power fhould
invade him, as would apparently happen, unlefs you prevented
it. Revolving this Project in his Mind, he fends hither his
Ambaffadors, Glaucetes, Empedones, Diodorus, fo honourably
diftinguifhed for his Svviftncfs in our public Races, with many
fallacious Hopes to the People, but with Money to Demoft-
henes and his Fadlion. Thus Callias purchafed at once three
great Advantages ; firft, that he fhould be for ever protected by
your Alliance. '? There was indeed no Medium in his Fortune.
If the People of Athens, recolledling his former Perfidy, had
refufed to receive him into their Alliance, it only remained for
him to fly from Chalcis, or to be taken and die a Prifoner ;.
fuch powerful Forces were forming againft him, both by Philip
and the Thebans. Secondly, very confiderable Rewards were
brought for him, who decreed the Confederacy with this ad-
ditional Article, that the Chalcideans fhould not be obliged to^
attend the Congrefs at Athens. Thirdly, that they fhould not
pay Subfidies. Nor was CalHas difappointed in any of the
Schemes he propofed. For this Tyrant-Hater Demofthenes, as^
he boafts himfelf, whom Ctefiphon affirms to have always been
your beft and wifeft Advifer, abfolutely fold tlie raofl favourable
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Conjundures of the Republic, and inferted in the Treaty, that
we ftiould afllft the Chalcideans ; although he a little altered
the Expreflion, and for the fake of Appearances, added to his
Decree, that the Chalcideans iliould fuccour the Athenians, if
ever they were invaded, (ii) Their Attendance at the Con-
arefs, and their Payment of Subfidies, by which a future War
could alone be maintained, he pofitively fold, clothing with
fairefl Words the moft difhonourable Deeds, and impelling you
by very Violence of Words (12) to believe it was the Duty of
this Republic, firft effedually to fuccour whatever Grecians im-
plored her Aid, and afterwards to found your Alliances upon the
Benefits, you had conferred. (13) That you may be perfedly
convinced I fpeak Truth, take the Decree pafled in Favour of
Callias, (14) and the Treaty of Alliance. Read the Decree.
(11) Demofthenes in Effeft engaged force de fon eloquence cette maxime fpec'eufe.
the Athenians to fuccour the People of (13) y. eTx rdg Ivi^yea-ix? will bear
Chalcis, if they were invaded, when he a very different Conftrudlion, afler Be-
ftipulated, that Chalcis fliould affift the Jtefits, either granted or received, and
Athenians, if they were attacked, fince the TranQators are accordingly divided,
all Engagements of Succours were mu- Tfiere feems however more Generofity
tual. The Terms of the Treaty ex- of Sentiment, confequently fomewhat
prefTed only the Chalcidean Succours ; more pleafing to the Spirit of the Athe-
the Meanino- and Implication neceflarily nians, to form their Alliances with thofe,
fuppofed thofe of the Athenians. whom they had obliged, than from whom
(12) Impelling you. -rr^txTZi^ii^uv i>>a? . they had received Obligations.
Stephans quotes the PalTage 7rfoe;e<<^wi', (H) Take the Decree. t^\ K<<X-
yet adds, ubi -jr^oc^^^u^c^v hgitur. Lam- x/k y^oc(piiv. Eambinus, Foulkes, and
binus probably read '7rao(r^ix(o:v, for he Frcind, furely witliout any hiftorical Au-
tranflates, pene dicam vim afferens ad ere. ^^ority, tranflate Gallic accujationm ;
dendum. The Italian Tranflator, t? con To"Teil h djeche de^Callms. ^\Volfi-
parole imbarcandovi a farvi credere; the "^' ''^'r ' r^'u- ' ' '
French, incu^uer danir, ? '. par la ^'^^'^"^ ^^P""^ ^'^'''-
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The Decree.
Yet flill it docs not appear a very enormous Crime to fell the
favourable Conjundlures of the Republic, the Difpenfations of
attending the Congrefs here, and the Subfidies for fupporting
a War, but certainly moft enormous is the Crime, that I am
going to mention. To fuch Excefs of Infolence and Avarice
did Callias proceed ; to fuch Excefs of Corruption thisDemoft-
henes, He, whom Ctefiphon thus extravagantly applauds, that
they pilfered the Subfidies from Oreum, and thofe from Eretria,
amounting to ten Talents, while you looked on ; while you
were confcious of their Villainy, and beheld it with your Eyes.
Befides, they removed from Athens the general Congrefs of the
Grecian Deputies, whom they fent to Chalcis, and what they
called the Euboean Council. But in what Manner, and by
what iniquitous Artifices they executed this Projed:, is well
worthy of your Attention. Callias no longer negotiates with
you by his Ambaffadors, but comes in Perfon, and advancing
into your Afiembly repeated a long Oration, which Demoft-
henes had laborioufly compofed. He told us he came from
Peloponnefjs, where he had lately formed a Plan for a general
Contribution amounting to an hundred Talents, to carry oij
tlie War againrt Philip. He calculated the Sum? , that each
Nation was to contribute ; the Achaans and Megara^aiis, fixty
Talents ; the Cities of Euba? a, iorty ; a Fund iuffiqieut to
maintain a Fleet and /\rmy. He then aiVurc-d us. , tjiat fevcral
Vol. II. O o otJier
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other States would chear fully contribute their Proportion ; that
there could not polTibly be any Want either of Money, or Men;
that all thcfe Particulars were perfeOly clear, and that he had
negotiated, by Methods not to be mentioned, fome other fecret
Articles, which certain of your own Citizens would atteft. At the
Conclufion of his Speech he called upon Demoflhenes by Name,
and defired him, as a Matter of Juftice, to declare his Affcnt.
He came forward with very complete Solemnity ; praifed Callias
beyond all Bounds, and even pretended to know the fecret, un-
mentioned Article. He then profefled, he was ready to make
Report of his Embafiy both to Peloponnefus, and Acarnania.
This however was the Sum of his Difcourfe, that he himfelf
had regulated the Contributions of all the Peloponnefians, and
Acarnanians for maintaining a War againfl: Philip ; that the
Amount of thefe Funds would be fufficient for the complete
Equipment of an hundred light Gallies, ten thoufand Foot, and
a thoufand Horfe; that to thefe would be added Forces from dif-
ferent States ; from Peloponnefus above two thoufand heavy-
armed Foot ; as many from Acarnania ; that the Command of
the Army would be conferred upon you by all the Confederates ;
and that the whole Scheme would be very foon carried into Ex-
ecution, even precifely on the fixteenth of February ; for it had
been notified by him, and publiflied in every City, that Depu-
ties from all the Confederates fhould aflemble at the full Moont
in Athens. For Demofthenes hath one peculiar and uncom-
mon Faculty. Other vain-glorious Impoftors, when they utter a
I Falfe-
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a Falfehood, endeavour to fpeak in undeternnned and dark
Expreffionsj fearful of being detedted ; but when he difplays his
Impoflurcs, he impioufly fwears to his Lies, and imprecates
utter Perdition to himfelf, if he fwears falfely ; then boldly pro-
nounces, what he well knows, will never come to pals ; calcu-
lates even the Moment when it fhall happen, and mentions
the Names of People, whofe Perfons he never faw, to impofc
upon his Audience, and imitate the Man of Veracity. Thus is
he doubly deteftable, that belides being himfelf a Villain, he
corrupts and deftroys thofe Criterions, which alone diftinguifli
an honefl Man.
Ending his Oration, he gives the Secretary a Decree to read,
longer, in very Truth, than Homer's Iliad ; more trivial than
the Speeches he generally makes ; more futile, than the Life he
lives ; fraught with Hopes, never to be fulfilled, and Armies
never to be raifed. Leading you therefore far away from all
Sufpicion of his intended Villainy, and holding you high in
Sufpence by pure Hopes, he collects his whole Force, and pre-
fers a Decree, empowering Ambafli\dors to be chofen, to im-
jilore the Eretrians (for it was abfolutely necefiary, fo it feemS',
to implore them) no longer to pay their five Talents of Con-
tribution to you, but to Callias, and another Embally to the
Oritans, to folicite an Alliance with the Athenians, acknow-
ledging the fame Friends, the flimc Enemies. From hence he
manifeftly appears to have inferred all thefe Particulars in his
O o 2 Decree,
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'Decree, (15) with a View to his intended Fraud; fince he di-
reds our Ambailadors to intreat the Oritans to pay their five
Talents, not to you, but to Callias. To evince the Truth of
thefe Affertions, leaving the Pomp of his Expreflion, and his
Gallies, and his Arrogance out of the Decree, read it, and in-
fift only upon the Fraud, which this impure and unholy Wretch
hath committed ; whom Ctefiphon however affirms, and even
in this very Decree, to have conftantly perfevered in all his
Words, in all his Adions, to promote the Welfare and Honour
of the Athenian People.
The Decree.
Gallies therefore, and Armies, and the full Moon, and Depu-
ties for a general Council, you have indeed heard in Words,
but the Contributions of your Allies, their ten Talents, in very
Fa6l you have loft.
It now remains to prove, that Demofthenes received a Bribe
of three Talents, for enrolling this Decree ; one from Chalcis ;
another from Eretria, and a third from Oreum, by which he was
difcovered ; for the Government of the Oritans was at that Time
(15) Wolfiiis gives us the different ^AvxipccivsTat ygci^uq is an Expreflion
Conftruftions of this Paflage by the not\in\\k. tly. uvo^ oivu(pi*ivtTUL'i^iv^oiJi. ivog,
Trandators before his Time, and feems manifeftus eft niendacii. Tlautus ufes,
himfelf to think the Text corrupted, manifeftum tenere mendacii. Ev tu
Nor among our modern Trandators have ^^^^^ is a Manufcript Reading,
any two agreed in the iame Meaning or j^^. ^ ^-^^. ^^ ^^^ ^. ^ ^^^^^^? ^,^. ^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^^
any one of them acknowledged the Dif- ^^,^^^. ^ ^ ^^^^^^ j-^? /^^,. ^,,y? ,
ficulty. The preient Trandation there- y)v Vair.
fore has no Authority to fupport it.
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democratical, and all their public Adls regulated by popular
Decrees. Exhaufted by their War with Philip, and abfolutely
reduced to Indigence, they fend Gnofidemus, Son of Charige-
nes, who had been Sovereign of Oreum, befeeching Demofthenes
to remit the Talent to their Republic, and promifing to eredl a
Statue of Brafs to him in their Capital. He anfwered, that he
wanted not a worthlefs Parcel of Brafs, and would make Callias
oblige them to pay the Talent. Compelled therefore, and yet
unable to pay, they mortgaged to him, as a Security, their
public Revenues, and paid him, as Intereft for his Bribe, a
Drachma every Month for each Mina, untill they difcharged
the Principal. The whole Procefs was tranfaded by Decree of
the Oritans, to which I appeal.
The Decree.
This Decree, Athenians, is indeed a Reproach to your Republic,
yet no mean Proof of Dcmofthenes his Adminiftration, and a
manifeft Conviction of Ctefiphon. For whoever can be thus
fordidly corrupt, it is impofllble he can ever become an honeft
Man, which Ctefiphon however hath impudently dared to
infert in his Decree.
Here the third Period comes regularly before us, of all others
the moft unfortunate, in which Dcmofthenes abfolutely ruined
the Affairs of Greece and of this Commonwealth, when he fa-
crilegioufly violated the Temple of Delphos, and decreed a per-
nicious and unequal Alliance with the Thebans. I fhall begin
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? 286 ORATION OF -ffi S C H I N E S
with his Impiety towards the Gods. There is a Plain, Athe-
nians, named Cirrhaeum, and a Port at prefent called the un-
hallowed and accurfed. The Cyrrh^ans and Graugallids for-
merly inhabited this Country ; a barbarous, lawlefs Generation,
who profaned the Temple of Apollo, plundered the confecrated
Ornaments devoted to the God, and violated the Amphictyons,
the Guardians of his Temple. Your Anceftors, as is reported,
with exceeding Indignation, and afterwards the other Amphicly-
ons, refenting thefe Outrages, folemnly confulted the God, what
Vengeance they fhould inflid upon this impious People. The
Pythian Prieftefs anfwered, that they fhould wage War againft
the Cyrrhseans and Graugallidae both Day and Night ; that
when they had ravaged the Country, and enilaved its Inhabi-
tants, they fliould confecrate the Land to Pythian Apollo, Di-
ana, Latona, and Minerva, the Provident, to lie wafte for ever,
and neither cultivate themfelves that Tra6l of Country, nor fuffer
others. Receiving this Oracle the Amphidyons decreed (Solon,
the Athenian, an able Legiflator, nor meanly converfant in
Poetry and Philofophy, having declared his Opinion) that an
Army fliould be raifed againft thefe unhallowed Wretches, in
Obedience to the Oracle. Levying therefore a fufficient Force,
they fold the People to Slavery, blocked up their Ports, rafcd
their City, and confecrated their Lands, as the God had com-
manded. Bcfides they fwore a folemn Oath, neither themfelves
to cultivate this devoted Ground, nor permit any other, but
to aflifh the God, and maintain his Rights in the facred Land,
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by every pofliblc Effort, and by their united Forces. Nor
were they contented with having fworn this Oath, but added
Curfes to confirm it, and powerful Imprecations. For it is
written thus in the Imprecation. " Whoever violate thefe
*' Engagements, whether City, or private Perfon, or Nation,
*' let them be devoted to Apollo, Diana, Latona, and Minerva,
the Provident. " It imprecates belides, " May their Lands
neither produce Fruit, nor their Wives bear Children, like
" their Fathers, but Monfters; nor their Cattle bring forth their
** Young according to Nature. May they be ever conquered
" in War ; in every Court of Juftice ; in every popular Af-
fembly ; may they perifli even to utter Deftrudlion, them-
felves, their Families, their whole Generation ; may they
never offer an acceptable, holy Sacrifice either to Apollo, Di-
*' ana, Latona, nor Minerva, the Provident. May thefe Dei-
*' ties never accept their Offerings. " To juftify what I affert,
read the Oracle of the God. Hear this Imprecation, and re-
member the Oaths, your Anceftors, and the Amphidyons fo-
lemnly fware.
The Oracle.
To take this Fortrefs all Attempts are vain,
'Till Amphitrite to this hallow'd Fane,
Roll her wild Waves tumultuous o'er the Plain. (16)
(16) When the Amphiftyons befieged to the Completion of the Oracle, tocon-
Cirrha, they confulted Apollo upon their fecrate the Cirrhjean Lands, which lay
Siiccefs, and the God returned them this between Delphos and the Sea, to Apollo,
Aofwer, Solon advifed them, in view that the Sea might thus be nearer his
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The Oath and Imprecation.
After this Imprecation, thefe Oaths, this Oracle, flill ex-
tant in our public Records, the AmphilTaean Locrians, or the
Perfons rather, who prefidcd in their Councils, Violators of all
Laws, again cultivated this Land : again fortified and inhabited
this unhallowed and accurfed Port ; exacted Cufloms from
whoever failed along their Coafts, and corrupted certain of the
Deputies, who were going to the general Affemblj at Delphos,
one of whom was Demofthenes. He had been appointed by
your Decrees your Deputy at the Council, and received a thou-
fand Drachmas from the Amphiflkans, not to mention them to
the Amphidyons. It was ftipulated befides, that twenty Minae
fhould be fent him hither yearly for ever out of the nefarious
and execrable Cuftoms of their Port, for which, by every poffible
Method, he fliould proted them in Athens.
From this im-
pious Corruption it hath appeared, even more remarkably than
formerly, that whenever he hath engaged in the Intereft of
either private Citizen, or Magiftrate, or Republic, he hath in-
volved them in Misfortunes incurable.
Now behold how Fate and Fortune avenged the Sacrilege
of the Amphiffaeans. When Theophraftus was Archon, and
Temple; IW S-ij tJ Tsy-ivu tS 'A- ? j. ^f ^J ^aXacrtra, nntill the Sea wafhed the
woXXuvoi; yBvrjTai yuruv ri QaXxa-dx. Lands, confccratcd to the God, Who-
Pausanias. The Oracle, according to ever would reconcile thefe Differences
Polysnus, declared, that Cirrha fliould fhould conluk Meurfius, upon the Paffa-e
never be taken, ewj oiv 4'<<i;Vtj r^f U^oiq ir^ Polysnus.
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? A G A I N S 1' C T E S I P H O N. 2S9
Diognetus eleded to fuperintend all Affairs of Religion, (17) you
appointed Midias (who, for many Rcafons, I vvifh were ftill alive)
Thrafycles, and me, your Deputies to the Amphidyonic Council.
It happened, a little Time after our Arrival at Dclphos, that
Diognetus fell fick of a Fever, and that Midias v^^as feized with
the fame Diftemper. The other Amphi6lyons however affem-
bled, when we were informed, by Perfons willing to fhew their
Affedion for this Republic, that the Amphiffa^ans, fallen at
that Time under the Power of the Thebans, and held in Vaf-
falage by them, intended to propofe a Decree againft our Com-
monwealth, and to fine the People of Athens fifty Talents, for
dedicating fome golden Shields in a new Temple, before we
had performed the ufual Ceremonies of Confecration, and en-
graving upon them this very proper Infcription. Taken by the
Athenians from the Medes and Thebans, when they
FOUGHT AGAINST THE Greeks. Our Hieroiiinemon fent for
me, and defired me to go into the Aflembly, and plead before
the Amphidyons the Caufe of the Republic, which I had al-
ready determined. But beginning to fpeak, and having entered
the Affembly with a warmer Spirit, increafed even by the Abfence
VOL. JI. P p of
(17) Each of the Amphiflyonic Cities at the Head of all public Ads. As the
fent two Deputies, called Pylagon-E, to prefent Affair was of a religious Nature,
the general Council at Delphos, to whom it was properly the Province of the Hie-
they committed the Care of their civil romnemon to fpeak to it ; but he and
and political Interefts. A third was the other Pylagoras, Thrafycles, being
elefted to fuperintend the Affairs of Re- fick, j^ifchines was defired to defend
ligion. This Minifter, who was called the Caufe of Athens on this Occafion.
Hieromnemon, convoked their Affcm- Tourreil. Portai,.
. blies, prefided in them, and put his Name
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? ((
of my Colleagues, an Amphiffaean clamoiiroiifly interrupted me
(a Man moft fhamelefsly impudent, and as appeared to me,
deftitute of all Principles of Humanity, or perhaps impelled by
feme Daemon to commit fuch Extravagance) " It fhould be
*' your principal Concern, O Men of Greece, if you have Wif-
dom, not to let the very Name of the Athenians be pronounced
* during the Days of this Solemnity, but to drive them, as
Wretches impious and profane, out of the Temple. " He then
mentioned our Alliance with the Phocaeahs, which Crobylus
concluded, befides many other Refled:ions moft injurious to
the Republic, which I could then ill endure to hear, nor can now
recolledl without Indignation. Having however heard him,
never in my whole Life was I fo provoked. I fhall pafs over
whatever elfe I faid in my Reply, but it came into my Thoughts
to mention the Sacrilege of the Amphiflaeans committed upon
the confecrated Lands, which from the very Place where I then
ftood, I fhewed to the Amphidyons (for the Cyrrhasan Plain
lies under the Temple, and may be feen from thence at one
View. ) " You behold, Amphidyons, this Plain cultivated by
the AmphifTaeans ; you lee the Potters' Kilns, and Villages
built upon it: you behold with your own Eyes this unhal-
lowed and accurfed Territory fortified : you yourfelves are
" confcious, nor want any other Witneftes, that they have ex-
*' aded Cuftoms, and raifed confiderable Revenues from this
" defccrated Harbour. " At the fame Time, I defired them
to read the Oracle of Apollo, the Oath of their Anceftors, and
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the Imprecation, with which they confirmed it. I then nofll-
tively protcfted for the whole People of Athens ; for my own
Perfon, and Children and Family, that according to the Te-
nour of the Oath taken by our Anceflors, I would affifl: the
God, maintain his Rights to the ficred Ground, with Hand
and Voice, and every Power I poffelled, and deliver my Re-
public from this religious Obligation to the Deity. " It is yours
to deliberate upon your proper Safety. The Bafkets, in
which are contained the myfterious Rites of our Religon,
'' are already raifed to be carried in Procellion ; the Vidims
" already ftand before the Altar. You are now going to im-
" plore the Gods for every Bleffing, public and private. Con-
<' fider with what Voice, what Spirit, what Look, what
*' Confidence, fhall you make your Supplications, if you fuifer
" thefe Wretches, accurfed, and devoted to the divine Ven-
" geance, to efcape with Impunity. For not in -Enigmas, but
" in the cleareft Expreffion, is it written in the Imprecation
<* with regard to thefe facrilegious, what Punifhment they fhall
" themfelves inevitably fuffer, and what are ordained for them,
" who permit fuch Impiety. May they never perform a plea-
** fing and holy Sacrifice to Apollo, Latona, nor Minerva, the
" Provident, who do not avenge their Divinities. May thefe
" Deities never accept their Offerings. "
Having repeated thefe, and many other Arguments to the
fame Purpofe, I retired from the AffembJy, when much Cla-
P p 2 mour
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moiir and Tumult arofe among the Amphi6lyons, who no lon-
ger debated upon the Shields, we had confecrated, but on the
Puniiliment to be inflided on the Amphiflaeans. When great
Part of the Day was already elapfed, the Herald came forth,
and proclaimed, tliat every Delphian, both Slave and Freeman,
who had attained the Age of twenty Years, (i8) fhould alTem-
ble at firft Appearance of Day with Mattocks and Spades at a
Place called by the Inhabitants the Place of Sacrifice. Again
the Herald proclaimed, that the facred Regifters and the De-
puties fhould affemble at the fame Place to vindicate the God,
and affert the confecrated Glebe ; and that whatever City did
not appear by its Deputies, fhould be driven from the Temple,
and deemed aceurfed and devoted to divine Vengeance.
Early next Morning we went to the Place appointed ; def-
cended to the Cyrrha^an Plain, and, having rafed the Harbour,
and burned the Houfes, we retired. But while we were thus
employed, the Amphiffasan Locrians, who lived about feven
Miles from Delphos, all in Arms, ruflied out upon us, and had
we not by a precipitate Flight, though with utmoft Difficulty,
efcapcd into Delphos, we had been in extreme Danger of being
(18) In the Original, fuco Tears he- among Men, at wliich Age they are
ycnd their Puberty. The Youth of A- here called forth to vindicate the Ho-
tliens, and probably, from this Pafiage, nour, and recover the Pofleffions of
thofe of Delphos, were not admitted iato Apollo. "Whoever would fee this Sub-
the Clafs of Epheboi or puberes, iiniill jeft treated with great Erudition and
they had coiDpleated their eighteenth Ferfpicuity, fhould confult Corfini dc
Year. Here tht-y continued 'till the f;\ftis Atticis. Dissertatio XL
Age of twenty, when they were enrolled
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deflroyed. The Day following Cottyphus, M'ho had propofcd
the Refolutions to the Affembly, ordered a general Council lo
be convened. . They call it a general Council, when they fum-
mon not only the Deputies and facred Regiftcrs, but whoever
facrihced together to the God, and confulted his Oracle. Here
many Accufations were laid againft the Amphifllcans, and much
Applaufe was given to your Republic. As the Refult of the
whole Debate, they decreed, that the facred Regifters, fome
Time before their ufual Seafon of meeting at TherrnopylK, fhould
afiemble there upon a ftated Day, and carry with them a
Decree, by which the Amphifikans fhould fuffer the Vengeance
they merited for their Impiety towards the God, their Viola-
tion of the confecrated Glebe, and their Offences againft the
Amphidyons. For the Truth of thefe Aflertions, let the Se-
cretary read the Decree.
The Decree.
When this Decree was reported by us to the Senate, and
afterwards in their Affembly to the People; they approved of
our Conduct, and the whole Republic determined to maintain
with Zeal the Caufe of Religion. Demoflhenes, influenced by
his Compadl with Amphiffa, publicly oppofed your Refolutions,
and I as publicly convided him of Corruption. When he
found it impoffible openly to deceive the Commonwealth, he
went into the Scnate-Houfe, and impofing upon the Simplicity of
fome particular Senators, he carries a Decree into an Affembly
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of the People, by taking Advantage of the Inexperience of the
Perfon, who preferred it. He then effedlually managed to get
it confirmed by the Suffrage and Command of the People, when
the AiTembly was abfolutely rifen ; when I had retired (for never
would I have fuffered fnch a Fraud) and when great Numbers
were departed. (19) This was the capital Article of it, that
the facred Regifter of the Athenians, and their future Deputies
for ever fhouid attend the general Council at Thermopyla3 and
Delphos on the Times appointed by our Anceftors. A Claufc,
in Expreffion exceeding fpecious, but in Fadl of moft difinge-
nuous Turpitude ; fince it forbad that Council to meet at Ther-
mopylae, which out of meer NecefTity was appointed to be held
before the ftated Time. Again, in the very fame Decree does
he infert another Claufe more open to Difcovery, but more
malicioufly mifchievous ; that the facred Regifter of the Athe-
nians, and their Deputies for ever fhouid hold no Communion
with thofe of the late Council, neither of Words, nor Deeds ;
neither of Decrees, nor of any Meafures whatever. This Ex-
preffion, " to hold no Communion," what can it mean ? Whe-
ther ffiall I therefore fpeak Truth, or rather what may be moft
pleafurable to hear ? I will fpeak Truth ; for Speeches perpe-
tually formed to Pleafure have abfolutely reduced the Common-
wealth to her prefent Situation, nor do they fuffer us to remem-
(19) To the Authorities produced by Vair, i^ heaucoup s" en ejlans retournez a
Dodor Taylor for the Conftrudlion of leiirs maifons ; and that of Lambinus,
this PalTage, let us add that of Du muUitudine denique ^dimijfa.
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bee the Oaths, your Anceftors fwore, nor the Imprecation,
nor tlie Oracle of the God. *
We therefore, Athenians, continued here in Obedience to
your Decree, while the other Amphidlyons aflembled at Ther-
mopyls, excepting thofe of one Republic only, whole Name
I would not wiUingly mention, and may Calamities like to hers,
never happen to any other State of Greece. As foon as they af-
fembled, they decreed to raife an Army againft the Amphifikans,
and chofe Cottyphus, the Pharfalian, their General, who was at
that time Prefident of the Council, while Philip was neither in
Macedonia, nor even Grece, but in Scythia, even in the re-
moteft Part of it. Demofthenes however will immediately with
fpecial Confidence affert, that I encouraged him to invade
Greece. Succeeding in their firft Expedition, the Amphidyons
treated the Amphiffasans with fmgular Moderation, fince for all
their flagrant Adls of Impiety they only fined them in a certain
Sum of Money, and even that Sum they did not exadl imme-
diately, but mentioned a dated Time, when it fliould be pay-
able to the God. The Perfons indeed, guilty of the Sacrilege,
and Authors of the Diforders in Confequenceof them, they ba-
niflied ; and thofe, who from a principle of Religion had a-
bandoned their Country, they 'reftored. Afterwards however
when the Amphiffsans paid not to the God their appointed
Fines ; v/hen they recalled from Exile the Wretches devoted
for Sacrilege, and drove into Banifliment the Perfons, who for
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their Piety had been reftored, the Amphidlyons formed an-
other Army againft them, a confiderable Time before Pliih'p
returned from his Expedition againft the Scythians, when in
Truth the Gods themfelves offered us the Command of this re-
ligious War, which the Corruption of Demofthenes hindered
us from accepting.
Did they not foretell ? Did not the very Gods by Signs
and Wonders command us to be cautious, only not fpeaking
to us with human Voices ? Never did I behold a State more
fignally preferved by the Gods, or more effedually deftroyed
by certain of its Orators. Was not the Prodigy, that mani-
fefted itfelf amidft the Celebration of our Myfteries in the fud-
den Death of the initiated, fufficient to bid us be cautious ?
Did not Amyniades advife you to a(ft with a religious Cau-
tion, (20) and to fend Perfons to Delphos to confult the God,
in what Manner you fhould proceed ? Did not Demofthenes
oppofe this Advice, declaring the Pythian Prieftefs philippized ;
this ignorant, untaught Demofthenes, exulting even to wanton-
nefs, and inflated with the Power, with which you intrufted
him ? Laftly, when the Sacrifices were unhappily performed
andunpropitious, did he not fend forth our Soldiers to moft ap-
parent Danger, although he before dared to declare, that for
this very Reafon Philip did not invade the Territories of Athens,
becaufe the Entrails of the Vidims did not promife him Succefs ?
(20) 'EvKx^iiG-Bai trandated by Budsus, religione teneri.
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What Vengeance therefore doft: thou not dcferve, thou Pcft and
ID '
Execration of Greece? If the Conqueror would not make an
Irruption into the Dominions of the conquered, becaufe the
Vidims gave not the happy Omens ol Succefs, fhallyou, unfore-
fjeing in Futurity, who, before infpe6ling whether the Sacri-
fices were acceptable to the Gods, fent forth our Soldiers to the
Slaughter, fhall you be crowned tor the Calamities of the
Republic, or expelled her utmofl; Borders ?
But indeed what is there moft unexpe6led, and mod incre-
dible, which hath not happened in our Age ? We have not
lived the common Life of human Creatures, but were born a
very Paradox in Reafbn to lateft Pofterity. Does not the Per-
fian Monarch, who once opened a Paflage through Mount A-
thos, threw a Bridge over the Hellefpont, demanded Earth and
Water of the Grecians in Acknowledgement of his fovereign
Power over Land and Sea ; who infolently dared to ftyle himfelf
in his Letters, defpotic Mafter of all human Race from the ri-
fing to the fetting Sun; does he not now contend, not to be
Lord of others, but for his own proper Safety ? Do we not
behold the Perfons, who vindicated the Freedom of the Delphic
Temple, now honoured with the very Glories he once pofleffed,
and the fupreme Command of the War againfl: him ? Thebes,
a City upon the Confines of Attica, unhappy Thebes ! was it
not in one Day violently torn out of the midft of Greece ? Al-
though, perhaps, they merited this Chaftifement for not wifely
Vol. IL Q^q and
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and honourably confulting the general Interefts of Greece, yet
they were certainly pofleffed with a Stupidity Tent from God ; an
Infatuation, not of human Weaknefs, but divine Infpiration.
The miferable Lacedsemonians, who had only been lightly con-
cerned at iirft in the Violation of the Temple; who formerly
thought themfelves worthy of being Sovereigns of Greece ; are
they not now fending Hoftages to Alexander to lay before him
a Reprefentation of their Miferies, and obediently fubmit them-
ielves and their Country to whatever he pleafes to command ?
Shall they not be adjudged according to the Mercy of a Con-
queror, whom they have provoked and infulted ? Even our
own Republic, once the common Afylum of the Grecians, that
Republic, to whom Embaflies formerly were fent from all the
States of Greece to folicit her Proted:ion, no longer now contends
for the Sovereignty of Greece, but for her native Soil. All
thefe Calamities have befallen us fince the Time Demofthenes
entered into the Adminiflration ; for Heliod pronounces with
Wifdom upon Men of fuch Principles, when intruding the
People, and directing the Councils of all Republics, he fome-
where advifcs them never to receive thefe impious Demagogues
into their Government. I will repeat his Verfes, for with this
Intention, I imagine, v/hen we are Children we learn by Heart
the Sentences of Poets, that when we are Men we may employ
them in the general Occurrences of Life.
for one Man's Crimes, on many a deftin'd State,
For one Man's Guilt, defcends the wrath of Fate ;
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? AGAINST C T E S I P H O N. 299
Jove bids the wafting Pcftilence arifc.
Pale Famine rages, and the People dies;
He breaks the Ranks of War, o'erwhelms their Towers,
And the wild Ocean o'er their Navy pours.
If you take away the poetical Meafures of thefe Lines, and ex-
amine attentively their Meaning, I believe they will appear, not
the Verfes of Hefiod, but an oracular Prophecy of Demofthenes
his Adminiftration. For Fleets and Armies and Cities have,
been totally deftroyed by his Adminiftration. ,
I verily think, neither Phrynondas, nor Eurybatus, nor any
other among the moft diftinguiftied Villains of former Ages,
was ever fuch an Impoftor, fuch an errant Jugler in Politics,
as this Demofthenes, (O Earth, and Gods, and Daemons and
Men, whoever are willing to hear Truth) who confidently
looks you in the Face, and dares affirm, that the Thebans en-
tered into an Alliance with you ; neither impelled by the Ne-
ceflity of Conjunctures, nor by the Terrours, that furrounded
them, nor by your Glory, but by the Eloquence of Demofthe-
Yet many AmbaftTadors have been formerly lent to the The-
bans, and whom they have held in much Efteem and Affection ;
your General Thrafybulus, in whom, of all others, they placed
the higheft Confidence ; Thrafo, whom they received with all
Q^q 2 the
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the Rights of public Hofpitality ; Leodamas, not a lefs power-
ful, and in my Judgement, a fweeter Orator, than Demofthe-
nes ; Archidemus, an able Speaker, and who had expofed him-
felf to very many Dangers in the Courfe of his Adminiftration
by his Zeal for the Thebans ; your favourite Demagogue,
Ariftophon, fo long accufed of being almoft a Boeotian, and the
Orator Pyrander, who is ftill alive.
cenaiies he had le\-ied there, and then marched furiouily againft
lis, as if determined totally to deftroy. ' Had not fome Deity
preferved your Army ; had not yonr Soldiers, both Infantry and
Cavalry, been Men of approved Valour ; had they not formed
in the Hippodrome of Tamyns, where they gained a complete
Vidory, after which they permitted your Enemies to march
away, though under fucli Terms of SubmifTion, as they were
pleafed to impofe, your Republic had been much in Danger
of fuffering whatever is moft ignominious. For a Misfortune
in War is not the greateft Evil ; but when we have engaged
with Enemies, unworthy of us, if we then are conquered, the
Calamity, with Reafbn, is doubled upon us. Yet however
injured ; however ungratefully treated, you again entered into-
Terms of Amity with them.
Callias having obtained your Pardon, in a very little Time
impetuouily returned to his natural Genius. For while he pre-
tended to convene to a general Council of the Euboeans at Chal-
cis, in Fa6t he fortified Euboea againft you, and attempted to
fcize the fovereign Power of the whole Illand. Then hoping,
that Philip would affift him in his Defigns, he went into Ma-
cedonia ; waited upon the very Footfteps of that Monarch, and
was numbered among his Favourites. Having offended Philip,
he fled from Macedon, and entered into the Service of the The-
bans. Abandoning them alfo, and more irregular in his Mo-
tions, than the Euripus, upon the Banks of vi^hich he dwells,
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? ,/
he precipitates himfelf into a Quarrel at once with the The-
bans, and with PhiHp. Uncertain how to difpofe of himfelf,
an Army being now adually levied againft him, he perceived
his only remaining Hope of Safety confifted in engaging the
Athenian People in a folemn Treaty, that they might afTift him,
under the Name of a Confederate, if any other Power fhould
invade him, as would apparently happen, unlefs you prevented
it. Revolving this Project in his Mind, he fends hither his
Ambaffadors, Glaucetes, Empedones, Diodorus, fo honourably
diftinguifhed for his Svviftncfs in our public Races, with many
fallacious Hopes to the People, but with Money to Demoft-
henes and his Fadlion. Thus Callias purchafed at once three
great Advantages ; firft, that he fhould be for ever protected by
your Alliance. '? There was indeed no Medium in his Fortune.
If the People of Athens, recolledling his former Perfidy, had
refufed to receive him into their Alliance, it only remained for
him to fly from Chalcis, or to be taken and die a Prifoner ;.
fuch powerful Forces were forming againft him, both by Philip
and the Thebans. Secondly, very confiderable Rewards were
brought for him, who decreed the Confederacy with this ad-
ditional Article, that the Chalcideans fhould not be obliged to^
attend the Congrefs at Athens. Thirdly, that they fhould not
pay Subfidies. Nor was CalHas difappointed in any of the
Schemes he propofed. For this Tyrant-Hater Demofthenes, as^
he boafts himfelf, whom Ctefiphon affirms to have always been
your beft and wifeft Advifer, abfolutely fold tlie raofl favourable
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Conjundures of the Republic, and inferted in the Treaty, that
we ftiould afllft the Chalcideans ; although he a little altered
the Expreflion, and for the fake of Appearances, added to his
Decree, that the Chalcideans iliould fuccour the Athenians, if
ever they were invaded, (ii) Their Attendance at the Con-
arefs, and their Payment of Subfidies, by which a future War
could alone be maintained, he pofitively fold, clothing with
fairefl Words the moft difhonourable Deeds, and impelling you
by very Violence of Words (12) to believe it was the Duty of
this Republic, firft effedually to fuccour whatever Grecians im-
plored her Aid, and afterwards to found your Alliances upon the
Benefits, you had conferred. (13) That you may be perfedly
convinced I fpeak Truth, take the Decree pafled in Favour of
Callias, (14) and the Treaty of Alliance. Read the Decree.
(11) Demofthenes in Effeft engaged force de fon eloquence cette maxime fpec'eufe.
the Athenians to fuccour the People of (13) y. eTx rdg Ivi^yea-ix? will bear
Chalcis, if they were invaded, when he a very different Conftrudlion, afler Be-
ftipulated, that Chalcis fliould affift the Jtefits, either granted or received, and
Athenians, if they were attacked, fince the TranQators are accordingly divided,
all Engagements of Succours were mu- Tfiere feems however more Generofity
tual. The Terms of the Treaty ex- of Sentiment, confequently fomewhat
prefTed only the Chalcidean Succours ; more pleafing to the Spirit of the Athe-
the Meanino- and Implication neceflarily nians, to form their Alliances with thofe,
fuppofed thofe of the Athenians. whom they had obliged, than from whom
(12) Impelling you. -rr^txTZi^ii^uv i>>a? . they had received Obligations.
Stephans quotes the PalTage 7rfoe;e<<^wi', (H) Take the Decree. t^\ K<<X-
yet adds, ubi -jr^oc^^^u^c^v hgitur. Lam- x/k y^oc(piiv. Eambinus, Foulkes, and
binus probably read '7rao(r^ix(o:v, for he Frcind, furely witliout any hiftorical Au-
tranflates, pene dicam vim afferens ad ere. ^^ority, tranflate Gallic accujationm ;
dendum. The Italian Tranflator, t? con To"Teil h djeche de^Callms. ^\Volfi-
parole imbarcandovi a farvi credere; the "^' ''^'r ' r^'u- ' ' '
French, incu^uer danir, ? '. par la ^'^^'^"^ ^^P""^ ^'^'''-
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The Decree.
Yet flill it docs not appear a very enormous Crime to fell the
favourable Conjundlures of the Republic, the Difpenfations of
attending the Congrefs here, and the Subfidies for fupporting
a War, but certainly moft enormous is the Crime, that I am
going to mention. To fuch Excefs of Infolence and Avarice
did Callias proceed ; to fuch Excefs of Corruption thisDemoft-
henes, He, whom Ctefiphon thus extravagantly applauds, that
they pilfered the Subfidies from Oreum, and thofe from Eretria,
amounting to ten Talents, while you looked on ; while you
were confcious of their Villainy, and beheld it with your Eyes.
Befides, they removed from Athens the general Congrefs of the
Grecian Deputies, whom they fent to Chalcis, and what they
called the Euboean Council. But in what Manner, and by
what iniquitous Artifices they executed this Projed:, is well
worthy of your Attention. Callias no longer negotiates with
you by his Ambaffadors, but comes in Perfon, and advancing
into your Afiembly repeated a long Oration, which Demoft-
henes had laborioufly compofed. He told us he came from
Peloponnefjs, where he had lately formed a Plan for a general
Contribution amounting to an hundred Talents, to carry oij
tlie War againrt Philip. He calculated the Sum? , that each
Nation was to contribute ; the Achaans and Megara^aiis, fixty
Talents ; the Cities of Euba? a, iorty ; a Fund iuffiqieut to
maintain a Fleet and /\rmy. He then aiVurc-d us. , tjiat fevcral
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other States would chear fully contribute their Proportion ; that
there could not polTibly be any Want either of Money, or Men;
that all thcfe Particulars were perfeOly clear, and that he had
negotiated, by Methods not to be mentioned, fome other fecret
Articles, which certain of your own Citizens would atteft. At the
Conclufion of his Speech he called upon Demoflhenes by Name,
and defired him, as a Matter of Juftice, to declare his Affcnt.
He came forward with very complete Solemnity ; praifed Callias
beyond all Bounds, and even pretended to know the fecret, un-
mentioned Article. He then profefled, he was ready to make
Report of his Embafiy both to Peloponnefus, and Acarnania.
This however was the Sum of his Difcourfe, that he himfelf
had regulated the Contributions of all the Peloponnefians, and
Acarnanians for maintaining a War againfl: Philip ; that the
Amount of thefe Funds would be fufficient for the complete
Equipment of an hundred light Gallies, ten thoufand Foot, and
a thoufand Horfe; that to thefe would be added Forces from dif-
ferent States ; from Peloponnefus above two thoufand heavy-
armed Foot ; as many from Acarnania ; that the Command of
the Army would be conferred upon you by all the Confederates ;
and that the whole Scheme would be very foon carried into Ex-
ecution, even precifely on the fixteenth of February ; for it had
been notified by him, and publiflied in every City, that Depu-
ties from all the Confederates fhould aflemble at the full Moont
in Athens. For Demofthenes hath one peculiar and uncom-
mon Faculty. Other vain-glorious Impoftors, when they utter a
I Falfe-
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a Falfehood, endeavour to fpeak in undeternnned and dark
Expreffionsj fearful of being detedted ; but when he difplays his
Impoflurcs, he impioufly fwears to his Lies, and imprecates
utter Perdition to himfelf, if he fwears falfely ; then boldly pro-
nounces, what he well knows, will never come to pals ; calcu-
lates even the Moment when it fhall happen, and mentions
the Names of People, whofe Perfons he never faw, to impofc
upon his Audience, and imitate the Man of Veracity. Thus is
he doubly deteftable, that belides being himfelf a Villain, he
corrupts and deftroys thofe Criterions, which alone diftinguifli
an honefl Man.
Ending his Oration, he gives the Secretary a Decree to read,
longer, in very Truth, than Homer's Iliad ; more trivial than
the Speeches he generally makes ; more futile, than the Life he
lives ; fraught with Hopes, never to be fulfilled, and Armies
never to be raifed. Leading you therefore far away from all
Sufpicion of his intended Villainy, and holding you high in
Sufpence by pure Hopes, he collects his whole Force, and pre-
fers a Decree, empowering Ambafli\dors to be chofen, to im-
jilore the Eretrians (for it was abfolutely necefiary, fo it feemS',
to implore them) no longer to pay their five Talents of Con-
tribution to you, but to Callias, and another Embally to the
Oritans, to folicite an Alliance with the Athenians, acknow-
ledging the fame Friends, the flimc Enemies. From hence he
manifeftly appears to have inferred all thefe Particulars in his
O o 2 Decree,
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'Decree, (15) with a View to his intended Fraud; fince he di-
reds our Ambailadors to intreat the Oritans to pay their five
Talents, not to you, but to Callias. To evince the Truth of
thefe Affertions, leaving the Pomp of his Expreflion, and his
Gallies, and his Arrogance out of the Decree, read it, and in-
fift only upon the Fraud, which this impure and unholy Wretch
hath committed ; whom Ctefiphon however affirms, and even
in this very Decree, to have conftantly perfevered in all his
Words, in all his Adions, to promote the Welfare and Honour
of the Athenian People.
The Decree.
Gallies therefore, and Armies, and the full Moon, and Depu-
ties for a general Council, you have indeed heard in Words,
but the Contributions of your Allies, their ten Talents, in very
Fa6l you have loft.
It now remains to prove, that Demofthenes received a Bribe
of three Talents, for enrolling this Decree ; one from Chalcis ;
another from Eretria, and a third from Oreum, by which he was
difcovered ; for the Government of the Oritans was at that Time
(15) Wolfiiis gives us the different ^AvxipccivsTat ygci^uq is an Expreflion
Conftruftions of this Paflage by the not\in\\k. tly. uvo^ oivu(pi*ivtTUL'i^iv^oiJi. ivog,
Trandators before his Time, and feems manifeftus eft niendacii. Tlautus ufes,
himfelf to think the Text corrupted, manifeftum tenere mendacii. Ev tu
Nor among our modern Trandators have ^^^^^ is a Manufcript Reading,
any two agreed in the iame Meaning or j^^. ^ ^-^^. ^^ ^^^ ^. ^ ^^^^^^? ^,^. ^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^^
any one of them acknowledged the Dif- ^^,^^^. ^ ^ ^^^^^^ j-^? /^^,. ^,,y? ,
ficulty. The preient Trandation there- y)v Vair.
fore has no Authority to fupport it.
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democratical, and all their public Adls regulated by popular
Decrees. Exhaufted by their War with Philip, and abfolutely
reduced to Indigence, they fend Gnofidemus, Son of Charige-
nes, who had been Sovereign of Oreum, befeeching Demofthenes
to remit the Talent to their Republic, and promifing to eredl a
Statue of Brafs to him in their Capital. He anfwered, that he
wanted not a worthlefs Parcel of Brafs, and would make Callias
oblige them to pay the Talent. Compelled therefore, and yet
unable to pay, they mortgaged to him, as a Security, their
public Revenues, and paid him, as Intereft for his Bribe, a
Drachma every Month for each Mina, untill they difcharged
the Principal. The whole Procefs was tranfaded by Decree of
the Oritans, to which I appeal.
The Decree.
This Decree, Athenians, is indeed a Reproach to your Republic,
yet no mean Proof of Dcmofthenes his Adminiftration, and a
manifeft Conviction of Ctefiphon. For whoever can be thus
fordidly corrupt, it is impofllble he can ever become an honeft
Man, which Ctefiphon however hath impudently dared to
infert in his Decree.
Here the third Period comes regularly before us, of all others
the moft unfortunate, in which Dcmofthenes abfolutely ruined
the Affairs of Greece and of this Commonwealth, when he fa-
crilegioufly violated the Temple of Delphos, and decreed a per-
nicious and unequal Alliance with the Thebans. I fhall begin
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? 286 ORATION OF -ffi S C H I N E S
with his Impiety towards the Gods. There is a Plain, Athe-
nians, named Cirrhaeum, and a Port at prefent called the un-
hallowed and accurfed. The Cyrrh^ans and Graugallids for-
merly inhabited this Country ; a barbarous, lawlefs Generation,
who profaned the Temple of Apollo, plundered the confecrated
Ornaments devoted to the God, and violated the Amphictyons,
the Guardians of his Temple. Your Anceftors, as is reported,
with exceeding Indignation, and afterwards the other Amphicly-
ons, refenting thefe Outrages, folemnly confulted the God, what
Vengeance they fhould inflid upon this impious People. The
Pythian Prieftefs anfwered, that they fhould wage War againft
the Cyrrhseans and Graugallidae both Day and Night ; that
when they had ravaged the Country, and enilaved its Inhabi-
tants, they fliould confecrate the Land to Pythian Apollo, Di-
ana, Latona, and Minerva, the Provident, to lie wafte for ever,
and neither cultivate themfelves that Tra6l of Country, nor fuffer
others. Receiving this Oracle the Amphidyons decreed (Solon,
the Athenian, an able Legiflator, nor meanly converfant in
Poetry and Philofophy, having declared his Opinion) that an
Army fliould be raifed againft thefe unhallowed Wretches, in
Obedience to the Oracle. Levying therefore a fufficient Force,
they fold the People to Slavery, blocked up their Ports, rafcd
their City, and confecrated their Lands, as the God had com-
manded. Bcfides they fwore a folemn Oath, neither themfelves
to cultivate this devoted Ground, nor permit any other, but
to aflifh the God, and maintain his Rights in the facred Land,
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by every pofliblc Effort, and by their united Forces. Nor
were they contented with having fworn this Oath, but added
Curfes to confirm it, and powerful Imprecations. For it is
written thus in the Imprecation. " Whoever violate thefe
*' Engagements, whether City, or private Perfon, or Nation,
*' let them be devoted to Apollo, Diana, Latona, and Minerva,
the Provident. " It imprecates belides, " May their Lands
neither produce Fruit, nor their Wives bear Children, like
" their Fathers, but Monfters; nor their Cattle bring forth their
** Young according to Nature. May they be ever conquered
" in War ; in every Court of Juftice ; in every popular Af-
fembly ; may they perifli even to utter Deftrudlion, them-
felves, their Families, their whole Generation ; may they
never offer an acceptable, holy Sacrifice either to Apollo, Di-
*' ana, Latona, nor Minerva, the Provident. May thefe Dei-
*' ties never accept their Offerings. " To juftify what I affert,
read the Oracle of the God. Hear this Imprecation, and re-
member the Oaths, your Anceftors, and the Amphidyons fo-
lemnly fware.
The Oracle.
To take this Fortrefs all Attempts are vain,
'Till Amphitrite to this hallow'd Fane,
Roll her wild Waves tumultuous o'er the Plain. (16)
(16) When the Amphiftyons befieged to the Completion of the Oracle, tocon-
Cirrha, they confulted Apollo upon their fecrate the Cirrhjean Lands, which lay
Siiccefs, and the God returned them this between Delphos and the Sea, to Apollo,
Aofwer, Solon advifed them, in view that the Sea might thus be nearer his
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The Oath and Imprecation.
After this Imprecation, thefe Oaths, this Oracle, flill ex-
tant in our public Records, the AmphilTaean Locrians, or the
Perfons rather, who prefidcd in their Councils, Violators of all
Laws, again cultivated this Land : again fortified and inhabited
this unhallowed and accurfed Port ; exacted Cufloms from
whoever failed along their Coafts, and corrupted certain of the
Deputies, who were going to the general Affemblj at Delphos,
one of whom was Demofthenes. He had been appointed by
your Decrees your Deputy at the Council, and received a thou-
fand Drachmas from the Amphiflkans, not to mention them to
the Amphidyons. It was ftipulated befides, that twenty Minae
fhould be fent him hither yearly for ever out of the nefarious
and execrable Cuftoms of their Port, for which, by every poffible
Method, he fliould proted them in Athens.
From this im-
pious Corruption it hath appeared, even more remarkably than
formerly, that whenever he hath engaged in the Intereft of
either private Citizen, or Magiftrate, or Republic, he hath in-
volved them in Misfortunes incurable.
Now behold how Fate and Fortune avenged the Sacrilege
of the Amphiffaeans. When Theophraftus was Archon, and
Temple; IW S-ij tJ Tsy-ivu tS 'A- ? j. ^f ^J ^aXacrtra, nntill the Sea wafhed the
woXXuvoi; yBvrjTai yuruv ri QaXxa-dx. Lands, confccratcd to the God, Who-
Pausanias. The Oracle, according to ever would reconcile thefe Differences
Polysnus, declared, that Cirrha fliould fhould conluk Meurfius, upon the Paffa-e
never be taken, ewj oiv 4'<<i;Vtj r^f U^oiq ir^ Polysnus.
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? A G A I N S 1' C T E S I P H O N. 2S9
Diognetus eleded to fuperintend all Affairs of Religion, (17) you
appointed Midias (who, for many Rcafons, I vvifh were ftill alive)
Thrafycles, and me, your Deputies to the Amphidyonic Council.
It happened, a little Time after our Arrival at Dclphos, that
Diognetus fell fick of a Fever, and that Midias v^^as feized with
the fame Diftemper. The other Amphi6lyons however affem-
bled, when we were informed, by Perfons willing to fhew their
Affedion for this Republic, that the Amphiffa^ans, fallen at
that Time under the Power of the Thebans, and held in Vaf-
falage by them, intended to propofe a Decree againft our Com-
monwealth, and to fine the People of Athens fifty Talents, for
dedicating fome golden Shields in a new Temple, before we
had performed the ufual Ceremonies of Confecration, and en-
graving upon them this very proper Infcription. Taken by the
Athenians from the Medes and Thebans, when they
FOUGHT AGAINST THE Greeks. Our Hieroiiinemon fent for
me, and defired me to go into the Aflembly, and plead before
the Amphidyons the Caufe of the Republic, which I had al-
ready determined. But beginning to fpeak, and having entered
the Affembly with a warmer Spirit, increafed even by the Abfence
VOL. JI. P p of
(17) Each of the Amphiflyonic Cities at the Head of all public Ads. As the
fent two Deputies, called Pylagon-E, to prefent Affair was of a religious Nature,
the general Council at Delphos, to whom it was properly the Province of the Hie-
they committed the Care of their civil romnemon to fpeak to it ; but he and
and political Interefts. A third was the other Pylagoras, Thrafycles, being
elefted to fuperintend the Affairs of Re- fick, j^ifchines was defired to defend
ligion. This Minifter, who was called the Caufe of Athens on this Occafion.
Hieromnemon, convoked their Affcm- Tourreil. Portai,.
. blies, prefided in them, and put his Name
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? ((
of my Colleagues, an Amphiffaean clamoiiroiifly interrupted me
(a Man moft fhamelefsly impudent, and as appeared to me,
deftitute of all Principles of Humanity, or perhaps impelled by
feme Daemon to commit fuch Extravagance) " It fhould be
*' your principal Concern, O Men of Greece, if you have Wif-
dom, not to let the very Name of the Athenians be pronounced
* during the Days of this Solemnity, but to drive them, as
Wretches impious and profane, out of the Temple. " He then
mentioned our Alliance with the Phocaeahs, which Crobylus
concluded, befides many other Refled:ions moft injurious to
the Republic, which I could then ill endure to hear, nor can now
recolledl without Indignation. Having however heard him,
never in my whole Life was I fo provoked. I fhall pafs over
whatever elfe I faid in my Reply, but it came into my Thoughts
to mention the Sacrilege of the Amphiflaeans committed upon
the confecrated Lands, which from the very Place where I then
ftood, I fhewed to the Amphidyons (for the Cyrrhasan Plain
lies under the Temple, and may be feen from thence at one
View. ) " You behold, Amphidyons, this Plain cultivated by
the AmphifTaeans ; you lee the Potters' Kilns, and Villages
built upon it: you behold with your own Eyes this unhal-
lowed and accurfed Territory fortified : you yourfelves are
" confcious, nor want any other Witneftes, that they have ex-
*' aded Cuftoms, and raifed confiderable Revenues from this
" defccrated Harbour. " At the fame Time, I defired them
to read the Oracle of Apollo, the Oath of their Anceftors, and
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the Imprecation, with which they confirmed it. I then nofll-
tively protcfted for the whole People of Athens ; for my own
Perfon, and Children and Family, that according to the Te-
nour of the Oath taken by our Anceflors, I would affifl: the
God, maintain his Rights to the ficred Ground, with Hand
and Voice, and every Power I poffelled, and deliver my Re-
public from this religious Obligation to the Deity. " It is yours
to deliberate upon your proper Safety. The Bafkets, in
which are contained the myfterious Rites of our Religon,
'' are already raifed to be carried in Procellion ; the Vidims
" already ftand before the Altar. You are now going to im-
" plore the Gods for every Bleffing, public and private. Con-
<' fider with what Voice, what Spirit, what Look, what
*' Confidence, fhall you make your Supplications, if you fuifer
" thefe Wretches, accurfed, and devoted to the divine Ven-
" geance, to efcape with Impunity. For not in -Enigmas, but
" in the cleareft Expreffion, is it written in the Imprecation
<* with regard to thefe facrilegious, what Punifhment they fhall
" themfelves inevitably fuffer, and what are ordained for them,
" who permit fuch Impiety. May they never perform a plea-
** fing and holy Sacrifice to Apollo, Latona, nor Minerva, the
" Provident, who do not avenge their Divinities. May thefe
" Deities never accept their Offerings. "
Having repeated thefe, and many other Arguments to the
fame Purpofe, I retired from the AffembJy, when much Cla-
P p 2 mour
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moiir and Tumult arofe among the Amphi6lyons, who no lon-
ger debated upon the Shields, we had confecrated, but on the
Puniiliment to be inflided on the Amphiflaeans. When great
Part of the Day was already elapfed, the Herald came forth,
and proclaimed, tliat every Delphian, both Slave and Freeman,
who had attained the Age of twenty Years, (i8) fhould alTem-
ble at firft Appearance of Day with Mattocks and Spades at a
Place called by the Inhabitants the Place of Sacrifice. Again
the Herald proclaimed, that the facred Regifters and the De-
puties fhould affemble at the fame Place to vindicate the God,
and affert the confecrated Glebe ; and that whatever City did
not appear by its Deputies, fhould be driven from the Temple,
and deemed aceurfed and devoted to divine Vengeance.
Early next Morning we went to the Place appointed ; def-
cended to the Cyrrha^an Plain, and, having rafed the Harbour,
and burned the Houfes, we retired. But while we were thus
employed, the Amphiffasan Locrians, who lived about feven
Miles from Delphos, all in Arms, ruflied out upon us, and had
we not by a precipitate Flight, though with utmoft Difficulty,
efcapcd into Delphos, we had been in extreme Danger of being
(18) In the Original, fuco Tears he- among Men, at wliich Age they are
ycnd their Puberty. The Youth of A- here called forth to vindicate the Ho-
tliens, and probably, from this Pafiage, nour, and recover the Pofleffions of
thofe of Delphos, were not admitted iato Apollo. "Whoever would fee this Sub-
the Clafs of Epheboi or puberes, iiniill jeft treated with great Erudition and
they had coiDpleated their eighteenth Ferfpicuity, fhould confult Corfini dc
Year. Here tht-y continued 'till the f;\ftis Atticis. Dissertatio XL
Age of twenty, when they were enrolled
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deflroyed. The Day following Cottyphus, M'ho had propofcd
the Refolutions to the Affembly, ordered a general Council lo
be convened. . They call it a general Council, when they fum-
mon not only the Deputies and facred Regiftcrs, but whoever
facrihced together to the God, and confulted his Oracle. Here
many Accufations were laid againft the Amphifllcans, and much
Applaufe was given to your Republic. As the Refult of the
whole Debate, they decreed, that the facred Regifters, fome
Time before their ufual Seafon of meeting at TherrnopylK, fhould
afiemble there upon a ftated Day, and carry with them a
Decree, by which the Amphifikans fhould fuffer the Vengeance
they merited for their Impiety towards the God, their Viola-
tion of the confecrated Glebe, and their Offences againft the
Amphidyons. For the Truth of thefe Aflertions, let the Se-
cretary read the Decree.
The Decree.
When this Decree was reported by us to the Senate, and
afterwards in their Affembly to the People; they approved of
our Conduct, and the whole Republic determined to maintain
with Zeal the Caufe of Religion. Demoflhenes, influenced by
his Compadl with Amphiffa, publicly oppofed your Refolutions,
and I as publicly convided him of Corruption. When he
found it impoffible openly to deceive the Commonwealth, he
went into the Scnate-Houfe, and impofing upon the Simplicity of
fome particular Senators, he carries a Decree into an Affembly
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of the People, by taking Advantage of the Inexperience of the
Perfon, who preferred it. He then effedlually managed to get
it confirmed by the Suffrage and Command of the People, when
the AiTembly was abfolutely rifen ; when I had retired (for never
would I have fuffered fnch a Fraud) and when great Numbers
were departed. (19) This was the capital Article of it, that
the facred Regifter of the Athenians, and their future Deputies
for ever fhouid attend the general Council at Thermopyla3 and
Delphos on the Times appointed by our Anceftors. A Claufc,
in Expreffion exceeding fpecious, but in Fadl of moft difinge-
nuous Turpitude ; fince it forbad that Council to meet at Ther-
mopylae, which out of meer NecefTity was appointed to be held
before the ftated Time. Again, in the very fame Decree does
he infert another Claufe more open to Difcovery, but more
malicioufly mifchievous ; that the facred Regifter of the Athe-
nians, and their Deputies for ever fhouid hold no Communion
with thofe of the late Council, neither of Words, nor Deeds ;
neither of Decrees, nor of any Meafures whatever. This Ex-
preffion, " to hold no Communion," what can it mean ? Whe-
ther ffiall I therefore fpeak Truth, or rather what may be moft
pleafurable to hear ? I will fpeak Truth ; for Speeches perpe-
tually formed to Pleafure have abfolutely reduced the Common-
wealth to her prefent Situation, nor do they fuffer us to remem-
(19) To the Authorities produced by Vair, i^ heaucoup s" en ejlans retournez a
Dodor Taylor for the Conftrudlion of leiirs maifons ; and that of Lambinus,
this PalTage, let us add that of Du muUitudine denique ^dimijfa.
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bee the Oaths, your Anceftors fwore, nor the Imprecation,
nor tlie Oracle of the God. *
We therefore, Athenians, continued here in Obedience to
your Decree, while the other Amphidlyons aflembled at Ther-
mopyls, excepting thofe of one Republic only, whole Name
I would not wiUingly mention, and may Calamities like to hers,
never happen to any other State of Greece. As foon as they af-
fembled, they decreed to raife an Army againft the Amphifikans,
and chofe Cottyphus, the Pharfalian, their General, who was at
that time Prefident of the Council, while Philip was neither in
Macedonia, nor even Grece, but in Scythia, even in the re-
moteft Part of it. Demofthenes however will immediately with
fpecial Confidence affert, that I encouraged him to invade
Greece. Succeeding in their firft Expedition, the Amphidyons
treated the Amphiffasans with fmgular Moderation, fince for all
their flagrant Adls of Impiety they only fined them in a certain
Sum of Money, and even that Sum they did not exadl imme-
diately, but mentioned a dated Time, when it fliould be pay-
able to the God. The Perfons indeed, guilty of the Sacrilege,
and Authors of the Diforders in Confequenceof them, they ba-
niflied ; and thofe, who from a principle of Religion had a-
bandoned their Country, they 'reftored. Afterwards however
when the Amphiffsans paid not to the God their appointed
Fines ; v/hen they recalled from Exile the Wretches devoted
for Sacrilege, and drove into Banifliment the Perfons, who for
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their Piety had been reftored, the Amphidlyons formed an-
other Army againft them, a confiderable Time before Pliih'p
returned from his Expedition againft the Scythians, when in
Truth the Gods themfelves offered us the Command of this re-
ligious War, which the Corruption of Demofthenes hindered
us from accepting.
Did they not foretell ? Did not the very Gods by Signs
and Wonders command us to be cautious, only not fpeaking
to us with human Voices ? Never did I behold a State more
fignally preferved by the Gods, or more effedually deftroyed
by certain of its Orators. Was not the Prodigy, that mani-
fefted itfelf amidft the Celebration of our Myfteries in the fud-
den Death of the initiated, fufficient to bid us be cautious ?
Did not Amyniades advife you to a(ft with a religious Cau-
tion, (20) and to fend Perfons to Delphos to confult the God,
in what Manner you fhould proceed ? Did not Demofthenes
oppofe this Advice, declaring the Pythian Prieftefs philippized ;
this ignorant, untaught Demofthenes, exulting even to wanton-
nefs, and inflated with the Power, with which you intrufted
him ? Laftly, when the Sacrifices were unhappily performed
andunpropitious, did he not fend forth our Soldiers to moft ap-
parent Danger, although he before dared to declare, that for
this very Reafon Philip did not invade the Territories of Athens,
becaufe the Entrails of the Vidims did not promife him Succefs ?
(20) 'EvKx^iiG-Bai trandated by Budsus, religione teneri.
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What Vengeance therefore doft: thou not dcferve, thou Pcft and
ID '
Execration of Greece? If the Conqueror would not make an
Irruption into the Dominions of the conquered, becaufe the
Vidims gave not the happy Omens ol Succefs, fhallyou, unfore-
fjeing in Futurity, who, before infpe6ling whether the Sacri-
fices were acceptable to the Gods, fent forth our Soldiers to the
Slaughter, fhall you be crowned tor the Calamities of the
Republic, or expelled her utmofl; Borders ?
But indeed what is there moft unexpe6led, and mod incre-
dible, which hath not happened in our Age ? We have not
lived the common Life of human Creatures, but were born a
very Paradox in Reafbn to lateft Pofterity. Does not the Per-
fian Monarch, who once opened a Paflage through Mount A-
thos, threw a Bridge over the Hellefpont, demanded Earth and
Water of the Grecians in Acknowledgement of his fovereign
Power over Land and Sea ; who infolently dared to ftyle himfelf
in his Letters, defpotic Mafter of all human Race from the ri-
fing to the fetting Sun; does he not now contend, not to be
Lord of others, but for his own proper Safety ? Do we not
behold the Perfons, who vindicated the Freedom of the Delphic
Temple, now honoured with the very Glories he once pofleffed,
and the fupreme Command of the War againfl: him ? Thebes,
a City upon the Confines of Attica, unhappy Thebes ! was it
not in one Day violently torn out of the midft of Greece ? Al-
though, perhaps, they merited this Chaftifement for not wifely
Vol. IL Q^q and
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and honourably confulting the general Interefts of Greece, yet
they were certainly pofleffed with a Stupidity Tent from God ; an
Infatuation, not of human Weaknefs, but divine Infpiration.
The miferable Lacedsemonians, who had only been lightly con-
cerned at iirft in the Violation of the Temple; who formerly
thought themfelves worthy of being Sovereigns of Greece ; are
they not now fending Hoftages to Alexander to lay before him
a Reprefentation of their Miferies, and obediently fubmit them-
ielves and their Country to whatever he pleafes to command ?
Shall they not be adjudged according to the Mercy of a Con-
queror, whom they have provoked and infulted ? Even our
own Republic, once the common Afylum of the Grecians, that
Republic, to whom Embaflies formerly were fent from all the
States of Greece to folicit her Proted:ion, no longer now contends
for the Sovereignty of Greece, but for her native Soil. All
thefe Calamities have befallen us fince the Time Demofthenes
entered into the Adminiflration ; for Heliod pronounces with
Wifdom upon Men of fuch Principles, when intruding the
People, and directing the Councils of all Republics, he fome-
where advifcs them never to receive thefe impious Demagogues
into their Government. I will repeat his Verfes, for with this
Intention, I imagine, v/hen we are Children we learn by Heart
the Sentences of Poets, that when we are Men we may employ
them in the general Occurrences of Life.
for one Man's Crimes, on many a deftin'd State,
For one Man's Guilt, defcends the wrath of Fate ;
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? AGAINST C T E S I P H O N. 299
Jove bids the wafting Pcftilence arifc.
Pale Famine rages, and the People dies;
He breaks the Ranks of War, o'erwhelms their Towers,
And the wild Ocean o'er their Navy pours.
If you take away the poetical Meafures of thefe Lines, and ex-
amine attentively their Meaning, I believe they will appear, not
the Verfes of Hefiod, but an oracular Prophecy of Demofthenes
his Adminiftration. For Fleets and Armies and Cities have,
been totally deftroyed by his Adminiftration. ,
I verily think, neither Phrynondas, nor Eurybatus, nor any
other among the moft diftinguiftied Villains of former Ages,
was ever fuch an Impoftor, fuch an errant Jugler in Politics,
as this Demofthenes, (O Earth, and Gods, and Daemons and
Men, whoever are willing to hear Truth) who confidently
looks you in the Face, and dares affirm, that the Thebans en-
tered into an Alliance with you ; neither impelled by the Ne-
ceflity of Conjunctures, nor by the Terrours, that furrounded
them, nor by your Glory, but by the Eloquence of Demofthe-
Yet many AmbaftTadors have been formerly lent to the The-
bans, and whom they have held in much Efteem and Affection ;
your General Thrafybulus, in whom, of all others, they placed
the higheft Confidence ; Thrafo, whom they received with all
Q^q 2 the
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the Rights of public Hofpitality ; Leodamas, not a lefs power-
ful, and in my Judgement, a fweeter Orator, than Demofthe-
nes ; Archidemus, an able Speaker, and who had expofed him-
felf to very many Dangers in the Courfe of his Adminiftration
by his Zeal for the Thebans ; your favourite Demagogue,
Ariftophon, fo long accufed of being almoft a Boeotian, and the
Orator Pyrander, who is ftill alive.