by Sebastian Evang.
Cambridge History of English Literature - 1908 - v01
Poema Morale. Anglia, Anz. IV, 85 if. Anna C. Paues. A newly discovered
manuscript of the Poema Morale. Anglia xxx, 217-238.
Proverbs of Alfred. P. u. B. 's Beitr. 1, 240 ff. Anglia, 111, 370. Kemble, J.
Dialogue of Salomon and Saturnus. 1848.
St Katherine, Life of. Cf. Einenkel's Ueber den Verfasser der neuangel-
sächsischen Legende von Katherina. Anglia, v, 91 ff.
St Paul, Vision of. E. Stud. 1,295 ff. Kölbing, E. Stud. XXII, 134. Brandes,
H. Visio St Pauli. Halle, 1885. E. Stud. VII, 34–65.
Alredi abbatis Monasterii de Rieualle (informacia) ad sororem suam inclasam
translata de Latino in Anglicum per Thomas M. E. Stud. VII,
Bestiaries, etc. [Thaon, P. de. For Li Cumpoz or Calendar (c. 1113) see ed.
Mall, E. , Strassburg, 1873. For the Bestiaire seo Wright, T. , Popular
Treatises on Science, 1841; ed. Walberg, E. , Lund, 1900; and Mann, M. F. ,
Der Physiol. d. P. v. T. u. seine Quellen, in Anglia, VII; Le Bestiaire
d'amour par Richard de Fournival, ed. Hippean, C. , Paris, 1860; Le
Bestiaire divin de Guillaume le Clerc, ed. Hippean, C. , Caen, 1852. Cf.
also Reinsch, B. , Das Thierbuch des Norm. Dichters, G. le C. , Leipzig,
1890. Julleville, L. P. de, Hist. Lang. Litt. Fr. 11, 214, should be referred
to for a bibliography of Lapidaries and other didactic literature of the
Middle Ages. ]
Brandi, A. Mittelenglische Literatur in Paul's Grundriss der germ. Phil, II,
609-736. Strassburg, 1893.
Cutts. Scenes and Characters of the Middle Ages, pp. 120-151.
Eckenstein, L. Woman under Monasticism. Cambridge, 1896.
Förster, M. Frühmittelenglische Sprichwörter. Eng. Stud. XXXI.
Gropp, E. On the Language of the Proverbs of Alfred. Halle, 1879.
Jeanroy, A. Les origines de la poésie lyrique en France au Moyen-âge.
Paris, 1889. Deuxième partie, 1904.
Lauchert, F. Über das englische Marienlied im 13. Jahrh. Eng. Stud. XVI.
Malmesbury, Wm. of. (An early rimed curse is found in W. of M. , said to
have been uttered by Aldred, abp. of York against a Norman of Wor-
cester, for building a castle too close to a monastery.
Hightest thou Urse;
Have thou God's curse. ]
Mätzner, E. Altenglische Sprachproben. Berlin, 1867.
Morsbach, L. Mittelenglische Grammatik, pp. 7-11. Halle, 1896.
Prior, E. S. History of Gothic Art in England. 1900.
Saintsbury, G. Flourishing of Romance and Rise of Allegory. 1897.
## p. 461 (#481) ############################################
Chapter XI
Saintsbury, G. History of English Prosody. Vol. 1. 1906.
Schofield, W. H. Eng. Lit. from Norm. Conq. to Chaucer, 1906. [Good
bibliography. See on Debates, pp. 424, 485. ] .
Ten Brink, B. Gesch. der engl. Lit. 2nd ed. , Brandl, A. Strassburg, 1899.
Vol. 1, 1st ed. trans. Kennedy, H. M. 1888.
Wace's Roman de Brut. Ed. Le Roux de Lincy. 2 vols. Rouen, 1836-8.
Warton, T. History of English Poetry. 1774, 1840, 1871, etc.
Wright, T. Popular Treatises on Science written during the Middle Ages.
1841 [for Bestiaries, etc. ).
Wülker, R. Gesch. der engi. Lit. Leipzig, 1896. 2nd ed. 1906.
(See also the bibliographies to the three following chapters. )
A. Latin.
Annales Cambriae. Ed. Phillimore, E. , in Y Cymmrodor, Journal of the Hon.
Society of Cymmrodorion. Vol. ix. 1888.
Cambro-British Saints, Lives of the. Ed. with translations by Rees, W. J.
Welsh MSS Society, 1853.
Geoffrey of Monmouth. Historia Regum Britanniae. Ed. Schulz, A. (San-
Marte). Halle, 1854.
- H. R. B.
Translated by Sebastian Evang. 1903.
Vita Merlini (Geoffrey of Monmouth ? ). Edd. Wright, T. and Michel, F.
London and Paris, 1837.
Gildas. De Excidio et Conquesta Britanniae. Ed. Mommsen. Mon. Germ.
Hist. XIII. Berlin, 1898.
- Ed. , with trans. , by Williams, H. Cymmrodorion Record Series. 1901.
- Trans. by Giles, J. A. Six Old English Chronicles. New ed. 1901.
Vita Gildae (Caradoc of Llancarvan ? ). Ed. Mommsen. Berlin, 1898.
Henry of Huntingdon. Epistola ad Warinum in Vol. iv of Chronicles of
Stephen, etc. Rolls Series. 1884-9.
Nennius. Historia Britonom. Ed. Mommsen. Mon. Germ. Hist. XIII.
Berlin, 1898.
- Trans. by Giles, J. A. Six Old English Chronicles. New ed. 1901.
B. Welsh.
The Gododin of Aneurin Gwawdrydd. Trans. Stephens, T. Ed. Powel, T.
Cymmrodorion Soc. 1888.
The Black Book of Carmarthen. Ed. Evans, J. Gwenogvryn. Oxford, 1907.
The Heroic Elegies and other pieces of Llywarch Hen. Owen, W. 1792.
The Mabinogion and the Bruts from the Red Book of Hergest. Edd. Rhys, J.
and Evans, J. Gwenogvryn. 2 vols. Oxford, 1887-90.
The Mabinogion. Trans. by Lady Charlotte Guest. 3 vols. 1838. Ed. Nutt, A.
Les Mabinogion, traduits pour la première fois en Français, par J. Loth.
2 vols. Paris, 1889.
## p. 462 (#482) ############################################
Bibliography to
The Four Ancient Books of Wales. Welsh texts and translations. Ed.
Skene, W. F. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1868.
Taliesin, or the Bards and Druids of Britain. Nash, D. W. 1858.
C. French.
Chrétien de Troyes. Cligès, 1901 ; Le Chevalier de la Charrette, 1902; Ereo
et Enide, 1896; Yvain, le chevalier au Lion, 1902; all ed. W. Förster, C. v.
T. 's Sämm. Werke, Halle. Le Conte del Graal. Ed. Potvin. Mons,
1866-71. (For a brief summary of the literary quality of the work of
C. de T. see Schofield, W. H. , Eng. Lit. from the Norman Conquest to
Chaucer, pp. 176 ff. See also Paris, G. , Jrnl. des Savants, 1902. ]
Marie de France. Lais. Ed. Warnke, K. Halle, 1900.
Wace. Le roman de Brut. Ed. Le Roux de Lincy. 2 vols. Rouen, 1836-8.
Queste du St Graal. Ed. Furnivall, F. J. Roxburghe Club. 1864.
Le roman de St Graal. Poem by Borron, R. de, printed in Furnivall's Seynt
Graal, or the Sank Ryal. Roxburghe Club. 1861-3. Cf. Heinzel, B. ,
Über die franz. Gralromane, Vienna, 1892.
Le Saint-Graal ou le Joseph d’Arimathie (containing the Grand St Graal
and the Didot Perceval). Ed. Hucher. 3 vols. Le Mans, 1875-8.
Lancelot. [No complete ed. of this romance exists. For full accounts of it see
Paulin Paris, Romans de la Table Ronde, 5 vols. , 1868-77, and Weston,
J. L. , Legend of Lancelot, 1903. )
Merlin. The Ordinary or Vulgate prose romance. Ed. Sommer, H. 0. 1894.
Merlin, Suite de. Edd. Paris, G. and Ulrich, J. 2 vols. Paris, 1890-1.
Perceval le Gallois. Ed. Potvin. 6 vols. Mons, 1865 ff.
Le Roman de Tristan (by Thomas). Ed. Bédier, J. Paris, 1902-5. See
also his Tristan et Isent, Paris, 1900, and Michel, F. , Recueil, 1835-9.
Tristan (by Béroul). Ed. Muret, E. Paris, 1903.
Le Roman en Prose de Tristan, summarised and analysed by Löseth, E.
Paris, 1892.
D. English (original texts and translations).
Layamon. Brut. Ed. Madden, F. 3 vols. 1847.
Poema Morale. Anglia, Anz. IV, 85 if. Anna C. Paues. A newly discovered
manuscript of the Poema Morale. Anglia xxx, 217-238.
Proverbs of Alfred. P. u. B. 's Beitr. 1, 240 ff. Anglia, 111, 370. Kemble, J.
Dialogue of Salomon and Saturnus. 1848.
St Katherine, Life of. Cf. Einenkel's Ueber den Verfasser der neuangel-
sächsischen Legende von Katherina. Anglia, v, 91 ff.
St Paul, Vision of. E. Stud. 1,295 ff. Kölbing, E. Stud. XXII, 134. Brandes,
H. Visio St Pauli. Halle, 1885. E. Stud. VII, 34–65.
Alredi abbatis Monasterii de Rieualle (informacia) ad sororem suam inclasam
translata de Latino in Anglicum per Thomas M. E. Stud. VII,
Bestiaries, etc. [Thaon, P. de. For Li Cumpoz or Calendar (c. 1113) see ed.
Mall, E. , Strassburg, 1873. For the Bestiaire seo Wright, T. , Popular
Treatises on Science, 1841; ed. Walberg, E. , Lund, 1900; and Mann, M. F. ,
Der Physiol. d. P. v. T. u. seine Quellen, in Anglia, VII; Le Bestiaire
d'amour par Richard de Fournival, ed. Hippean, C. , Paris, 1860; Le
Bestiaire divin de Guillaume le Clerc, ed. Hippean, C. , Caen, 1852. Cf.
also Reinsch, B. , Das Thierbuch des Norm. Dichters, G. le C. , Leipzig,
1890. Julleville, L. P. de, Hist. Lang. Litt. Fr. 11, 214, should be referred
to for a bibliography of Lapidaries and other didactic literature of the
Middle Ages. ]
Brandi, A. Mittelenglische Literatur in Paul's Grundriss der germ. Phil, II,
609-736. Strassburg, 1893.
Cutts. Scenes and Characters of the Middle Ages, pp. 120-151.
Eckenstein, L. Woman under Monasticism. Cambridge, 1896.
Förster, M. Frühmittelenglische Sprichwörter. Eng. Stud. XXXI.
Gropp, E. On the Language of the Proverbs of Alfred. Halle, 1879.
Jeanroy, A. Les origines de la poésie lyrique en France au Moyen-âge.
Paris, 1889. Deuxième partie, 1904.
Lauchert, F. Über das englische Marienlied im 13. Jahrh. Eng. Stud. XVI.
Malmesbury, Wm. of. (An early rimed curse is found in W. of M. , said to
have been uttered by Aldred, abp. of York against a Norman of Wor-
cester, for building a castle too close to a monastery.
Hightest thou Urse;
Have thou God's curse. ]
Mätzner, E. Altenglische Sprachproben. Berlin, 1867.
Morsbach, L. Mittelenglische Grammatik, pp. 7-11. Halle, 1896.
Prior, E. S. History of Gothic Art in England. 1900.
Saintsbury, G. Flourishing of Romance and Rise of Allegory. 1897.
## p. 461 (#481) ############################################
Chapter XI
Saintsbury, G. History of English Prosody. Vol. 1. 1906.
Schofield, W. H. Eng. Lit. from Norm. Conq. to Chaucer, 1906. [Good
bibliography. See on Debates, pp. 424, 485. ] .
Ten Brink, B. Gesch. der engl. Lit. 2nd ed. , Brandl, A. Strassburg, 1899.
Vol. 1, 1st ed. trans. Kennedy, H. M. 1888.
Wace's Roman de Brut. Ed. Le Roux de Lincy. 2 vols. Rouen, 1836-8.
Warton, T. History of English Poetry. 1774, 1840, 1871, etc.
Wright, T. Popular Treatises on Science written during the Middle Ages.
1841 [for Bestiaries, etc. ).
Wülker, R. Gesch. der engi. Lit. Leipzig, 1896. 2nd ed. 1906.
(See also the bibliographies to the three following chapters. )
A. Latin.
Annales Cambriae. Ed. Phillimore, E. , in Y Cymmrodor, Journal of the Hon.
Society of Cymmrodorion. Vol. ix. 1888.
Cambro-British Saints, Lives of the. Ed. with translations by Rees, W. J.
Welsh MSS Society, 1853.
Geoffrey of Monmouth. Historia Regum Britanniae. Ed. Schulz, A. (San-
Marte). Halle, 1854.
- H. R. B.
Translated by Sebastian Evang. 1903.
Vita Merlini (Geoffrey of Monmouth ? ). Edd. Wright, T. and Michel, F.
London and Paris, 1837.
Gildas. De Excidio et Conquesta Britanniae. Ed. Mommsen. Mon. Germ.
Hist. XIII. Berlin, 1898.
- Ed. , with trans. , by Williams, H. Cymmrodorion Record Series. 1901.
- Trans. by Giles, J. A. Six Old English Chronicles. New ed. 1901.
Vita Gildae (Caradoc of Llancarvan ? ). Ed. Mommsen. Berlin, 1898.
Henry of Huntingdon. Epistola ad Warinum in Vol. iv of Chronicles of
Stephen, etc. Rolls Series. 1884-9.
Nennius. Historia Britonom. Ed. Mommsen. Mon. Germ. Hist. XIII.
Berlin, 1898.
- Trans. by Giles, J. A. Six Old English Chronicles. New ed. 1901.
B. Welsh.
The Gododin of Aneurin Gwawdrydd. Trans. Stephens, T. Ed. Powel, T.
Cymmrodorion Soc. 1888.
The Black Book of Carmarthen. Ed. Evans, J. Gwenogvryn. Oxford, 1907.
The Heroic Elegies and other pieces of Llywarch Hen. Owen, W. 1792.
The Mabinogion and the Bruts from the Red Book of Hergest. Edd. Rhys, J.
and Evans, J. Gwenogvryn. 2 vols. Oxford, 1887-90.
The Mabinogion. Trans. by Lady Charlotte Guest. 3 vols. 1838. Ed. Nutt, A.
Les Mabinogion, traduits pour la première fois en Français, par J. Loth.
2 vols. Paris, 1889.
## p. 462 (#482) ############################################
Bibliography to
The Four Ancient Books of Wales. Welsh texts and translations. Ed.
Skene, W. F. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1868.
Taliesin, or the Bards and Druids of Britain. Nash, D. W. 1858.
C. French.
Chrétien de Troyes. Cligès, 1901 ; Le Chevalier de la Charrette, 1902; Ereo
et Enide, 1896; Yvain, le chevalier au Lion, 1902; all ed. W. Förster, C. v.
T. 's Sämm. Werke, Halle. Le Conte del Graal. Ed. Potvin. Mons,
1866-71. (For a brief summary of the literary quality of the work of
C. de T. see Schofield, W. H. , Eng. Lit. from the Norman Conquest to
Chaucer, pp. 176 ff. See also Paris, G. , Jrnl. des Savants, 1902. ]
Marie de France. Lais. Ed. Warnke, K. Halle, 1900.
Wace. Le roman de Brut. Ed. Le Roux de Lincy. 2 vols. Rouen, 1836-8.
Queste du St Graal. Ed. Furnivall, F. J. Roxburghe Club. 1864.
Le roman de St Graal. Poem by Borron, R. de, printed in Furnivall's Seynt
Graal, or the Sank Ryal. Roxburghe Club. 1861-3. Cf. Heinzel, B. ,
Über die franz. Gralromane, Vienna, 1892.
Le Saint-Graal ou le Joseph d’Arimathie (containing the Grand St Graal
and the Didot Perceval). Ed. Hucher. 3 vols. Le Mans, 1875-8.
Lancelot. [No complete ed. of this romance exists. For full accounts of it see
Paulin Paris, Romans de la Table Ronde, 5 vols. , 1868-77, and Weston,
J. L. , Legend of Lancelot, 1903. )
Merlin. The Ordinary or Vulgate prose romance. Ed. Sommer, H. 0. 1894.
Merlin, Suite de. Edd. Paris, G. and Ulrich, J. 2 vols. Paris, 1890-1.
Perceval le Gallois. Ed. Potvin. 6 vols. Mons, 1865 ff.
Le Roman de Tristan (by Thomas). Ed. Bédier, J. Paris, 1902-5. See
also his Tristan et Isent, Paris, 1900, and Michel, F. , Recueil, 1835-9.
Tristan (by Béroul). Ed. Muret, E. Paris, 1903.
Le Roman en Prose de Tristan, summarised and analysed by Löseth, E.
Paris, 1892.
D. English (original texts and translations).
Layamon. Brut. Ed. Madden, F. 3 vols. 1847.