For more information, see
Dugin - Alexander Dugin and New European Radical Right
id=7D D7770F40434412B24FDB116 DB19000.
23. http://glazev. evrazia. org/news/190903- 1. html.
24. Aleksandr Barkashov's Russian National Unity (RNU) was one of the first groups to emerge after Pamiat' split up. Barkashov, who rejects the Orthodox and czarist nos- talgia of Pamiat' leaders, founded his own movement as well as the party newspaper Russkii poriadok. The RNU borrowed a significant part of its symbols from Nazism: the swastika, the Roman salute, paramili- tary clothes, and parts of the NSDAP's program, including a mixed economy and
eugenic theories. The RNU contends that the USSR implemented a program of racial miscegenation between Slavs and non- Aryan peoples in order to make the Slavs disappear. The RNU differed from numer- ous others post-Soviet nationalist groups in its racialist definition of the Russian nation. The movement imploded in 2000 and is now split into numerous small groups.
25. The main exception was Dmitrii Riurikov, one of Boris Yeltsin's counselors on inter- national politics. In 2001, he became a member of the central board of Evraziia while he was Russia's ambassador to Uzbekistan (he was later transferred to Denmark).
26. In Russian it is impossible to distinguish between 'Eurasian' and 'Eurasianist' (evrazi- iskii chelovek).
27. Andreas Umland, "Toward an Uncivil Society? Contextualizing the Recent Decline of Extremely Right-Wing Parties in Russia," Weatherhead Center for International Affairs Working Paper No. 02-03, 2002.
28. http://evrazia. org/modules. php? name =News&file=article&sid=1508.
29. He also republished Iakov Bromberg's Evrei i Evraziia and E. Khara-Davan's Rus' mon- gol'skaia in 2002.
30. Osnovy geopolitiki, p. 97.
31. "Evraziisky triumf," in: P. Savitsky,
Kontinent Evraziia, Moscow: Agraf, 1997,
p. 434.
32. Osnovy geopolitiki, p. 159.
33. Leontyev stood for a far-reaching turn in
Russian thought. He argued that Russians are not really Slavs but above all a people mixed with Turkic groups. In an ambiguous man- ner, he anticipated the "turn to the East" of the later Eurasianists: he abandoned the lin- guistic argument about Slavic identity and, for example, acknowledged that he preferred the Greeks to the other Slavs in the religious realm. Leontyev was the first to understand the potential of the "Turanian argument" to help Russia assert her identity against Europe. See: M. Laruelle, "Existe-t-il des pre? curseurs au mouvement eurasiste? L'obsession russe pour l'Asie a` la fin du xixe sie`cle," Revue des e? tudes slaves, Paris: Institut d'e? tudes slaves, vol. LXXV, no 3-4/2004, pp. 437-454.
34. Misterii Evrazii, p. 19.
35. Osnovy geopolitiki, p. 247.
36. However, Dugin accepts the separatism of
those areas that he considers non-Russian (he proposes to return the Kuril Islands to Japan and Kaliningrad to Germany) provid- ed they remain under the control of allies of Eurasia and Continentalism.
37. Osnovy geopolitiki, p. 341.
38. He also wishes to return Ukraine into the
Russian sphere of influence and to divide it in accordance with what he calls the ethno- cultural realities of the country. For further details, see: Dunlop, op. cit. , pp. 109-112.
39. "Evraziiskii otvet na vyzovy globalizacii," Osnovy evraziistva, p. 541-563.
40. Nash put', p. 47.
41. Osnovy geopolitiki, p. 261.
42. Konspirologiia, also online at www. arctoga-
ia. com/public/consp.
43. Evraziia prevyshe vsego, p. 4.
44. Osnovy evraziistva, p. 762.
45. The reference book on Traditionalism is:
Mark Sedgwick, Against the Modern World. Traditionalism and the Secret Intellectual History of the Twentieth Century, Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2004.
46. Introduction ge? ne? rale a` l'e? tude des doctrines hin- doues in 1921, Le the? osophisme, histoire d'une pseudo-religion in 1921, L'erreur spirite in 1923, Orient et Occident in 1924, La crise du monde moderne in 1927.
47. Tampliery proletariata, p. 128.
48. Filosofiia traditsionalizma, p. 11. 49. Milyi Angel, no. 1/1991, online at
www. angel. com. ru.
50. Filosofiia traditsionalizma, p. 11.
51. Puti absoliuta, republished in Absoliutnaia
rodina (Moscow, 1999), p. 174.
52. Metafizika blagoi vesti, republished in
Absoliutnaia rodina, p. 510.
53. Puti absoliuta, p. 152-153.
54. Osnovy geopolitiki, p. 255.
55. See for example his papers given at the 6th
World Russian People's Council in Osnovy
evraziistva, p. 704-715.
56. The Old Believers are a current of
Orthodoxy born after the Schism [Raskol], that is the separation, in the 17th century, of a significant portion of the Orthodox population from the official Russian church. They refused Patriarch Nikon's
reforms of the Orthodox ritual and liturgy. They were repeatedly persecuted in czarist times and were at the origin of numerous religious and social revolts against the cen- tral authorities. Dugin sees himself as one of the so-called "united believers" who fol- low the Old Believers' rituals while recog- nizing the authority of the Patriarch. Other Old Believers, who have refused to acknowledge the Patriarchate in exchange for tolerance of their specific practice of worship, are in a minority today.
57. Russkaia veshch, vol . 1, p. 569.
58. Milyi Angel, no. 3/1996.
59. Milyi Angel, no. 2/1996.
60. see his Evoliuciia paradigmal'nykh osnovanii
nauki, his candidate of sciences thesis defended in 2000 at Rostov-on-Don University.
61. Evoliuciia. . . , p. 66.
62. Osnovy geopolitiki, p. 12.
63. Puti absoliuta, p. 5.
64. Konservativnaia revoliutsiia, p. 85-97.
65. Konservativnaia revoliutsiia, p. 99.
66. Konservativnaia revoliutsiia, p. 4-5.
67. See Pierre-Andre? Taguieff, Sur la Nouvelle
droite. Jalons d'une analyse critique, p.
68. In Den' nos. 2, 22, 34 and 37/1992 and
69. "I have a lot of reservations about a
'Eurasian' construction, which seems to me to be mainly phantasmagorical" (Taguieff, p. 311).
70. Taguieff, p. 254-265.
71. Konservativnaja revoliutsiia, p. 131-136. 72. Taguieff, p. 259.
73. Filosofiia traditsionalizma, p. 135-191.
74. See for example the chapter "Races,
Runes, and Worships" in Misterii Evrazii,
p. 673-736 or Nash put', p. 21.
75. The Slavophile philosopher A. Khomyakov
(1804-1860) divided the world into two philosophical principles: Iranian and Cushite. He borrowed this idea from Friedrich Schlegel's philosophy of history.
For more information, see Laruelle M. , Mythe aryen et re^ve impe? rial dans la Russie du XIXe sie`cle, Paris: CNRS-E? ditions, 2005.
76. Giperboreiskaia teoriia, p. 5.
77. Filosofiia traditsionalizma, p. 176.
78. Misterii Evrazii, republished in Absoliutnaia rodina, p. 575.
79. Metafizika blagoi vesti, p. 482. 80. Osnovy geopolitiki, p. 190. 81. Misterii Evrazii, p. 78.
82. Misterii Evrazii, p. 26.
83. Misterii Evrazii, p. 2.
84. For example in Erwa? gen Wissen Ethik, vol. 15,
no. 3/2004 between Roger Griffin, Andreas
Umland, and A. James Gregor.
85. Osnovy evraziistva, p. 638-656.
86. Russkaia veshch, vol. 1, ch. 2: "The social
idea," pp. 251-500.
87. Programma politicheskoi partii "Evraziia".
Materialy uchreditel'nogo s"ezda. Moscow: Arktogeya, 2002, p. 112, and Osnovy evrazi- istva, p. 579-588.
88. Osnovy evraziistva, p. 585.
89. Mikhail Agursky, Ideologiia natsional-bol'sheviz-
ma, Paris: YMCA-Press, 1980. See also: Erik van Ree, "The Concept of National Bolshevism: An Interpretative Essay," Journal of Political Ideologies, no. 3/2001, pp. 289-307, and D. Shlapentokh, "Bolshevism, Nationalism and Statism: Soviet Ideology in Formation," Cahiers du monde russe, no. 4/1996, pp. 429-466.
90. Karl Popper, The Open Society and its Enemies, London, 1945.
91. Tampliery proletariata, p. 8.
92. Tampliery proletariata, p. 26.
93. Tampliery proletariata, p. 25.
94. Tampliery proletariata, p. 188. 95. Konservativnaia revoliutsiia, p. 54. 96. Filosofiia traditsionalizma, p. 353. 97. Elementy no. 6/1995, p. 18.
98. Russkaia veshch, vol. 1, p. 217. 99. Evraziia prevyshe vsego, p. 5.
100. Filosofiia voyny, back cover. 101. Konservativnaia revoliutsiia, p. 27. 102. Sedgwick, p. 237-240.
103. http://avigdor-eskin. com/index. shtml.
104. Osnovy evraziistva, p. 600.
105. Puti absoliuta, p. 175.
106. Milyi angel, no. 3/1996, www. angel. com. ru. 107. Konets sveta, p. 348.
108. Metafizika blagoy vesti, p. 248.
109. See the chapter "Vojna narodov" in
Russkaia veshch.
110. "Apokalipsis stikhii," Elementy, no. 8/1997,
p. 56.
111. "Ad-Marginem. Sacher-Masoch," Elementy, no. 6/1995, p. 64.
112. Konservativnaia revoliutsiia, p. 248.
113. See, for example, M. Laruelle, "Regards sur la re? ception du racialisme allemand chez les panslavistes et les eurasistes russes," in: C. Trautmann-Waller (ed. ), L'Allemagne des linguistes russes. Revue germanique internationale, Paris, CNRS- Editions, no. 3, 2006, pp. 145-156.
114. Nash put', p. 3.
115. Programma politicheskoi partii "Evraziia,"
p. 25.
116. Evraziiskii vzglyad, p. 62. 117. Osnovy geopolitiki, p. 251. 118. Osnovy geopolitiki, p. 593. 119. Nash put', p. 135.
120. Evraziia prevyshe vsego, p. 22.
121. Nash put', p. 124.
122. Evraziia prevyshe vsego, p. 19.
123. Evraziia prevyshe vsego, p. 4.
124. A. Maksimov. , O. Karabaagi, "Oni v
svoikh koridorakh," in: Obshchaia gazeta, 31 May 2001.
? Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars One Woodrow Wilson Plaza
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004-3027
Tel. (202) 691-4100 Fax (202) 691-4247 www. wilsoncenter. org/kennan
? ? ? ?
23. http://glazev. evrazia. org/news/190903- 1. html.
24. Aleksandr Barkashov's Russian National Unity (RNU) was one of the first groups to emerge after Pamiat' split up. Barkashov, who rejects the Orthodox and czarist nos- talgia of Pamiat' leaders, founded his own movement as well as the party newspaper Russkii poriadok. The RNU borrowed a significant part of its symbols from Nazism: the swastika, the Roman salute, paramili- tary clothes, and parts of the NSDAP's program, including a mixed economy and
eugenic theories. The RNU contends that the USSR implemented a program of racial miscegenation between Slavs and non- Aryan peoples in order to make the Slavs disappear. The RNU differed from numer- ous others post-Soviet nationalist groups in its racialist definition of the Russian nation. The movement imploded in 2000 and is now split into numerous small groups.
25. The main exception was Dmitrii Riurikov, one of Boris Yeltsin's counselors on inter- national politics. In 2001, he became a member of the central board of Evraziia while he was Russia's ambassador to Uzbekistan (he was later transferred to Denmark).
26. In Russian it is impossible to distinguish between 'Eurasian' and 'Eurasianist' (evrazi- iskii chelovek).
27. Andreas Umland, "Toward an Uncivil Society? Contextualizing the Recent Decline of Extremely Right-Wing Parties in Russia," Weatherhead Center for International Affairs Working Paper No. 02-03, 2002.
28. http://evrazia. org/modules. php? name =News&file=article&sid=1508.
29. He also republished Iakov Bromberg's Evrei i Evraziia and E. Khara-Davan's Rus' mon- gol'skaia in 2002.
30. Osnovy geopolitiki, p. 97.
31. "Evraziisky triumf," in: P. Savitsky,
Kontinent Evraziia, Moscow: Agraf, 1997,
p. 434.
32. Osnovy geopolitiki, p. 159.
33. Leontyev stood for a far-reaching turn in
Russian thought. He argued that Russians are not really Slavs but above all a people mixed with Turkic groups. In an ambiguous man- ner, he anticipated the "turn to the East" of the later Eurasianists: he abandoned the lin- guistic argument about Slavic identity and, for example, acknowledged that he preferred the Greeks to the other Slavs in the religious realm. Leontyev was the first to understand the potential of the "Turanian argument" to help Russia assert her identity against Europe. See: M. Laruelle, "Existe-t-il des pre? curseurs au mouvement eurasiste? L'obsession russe pour l'Asie a` la fin du xixe sie`cle," Revue des e? tudes slaves, Paris: Institut d'e? tudes slaves, vol. LXXV, no 3-4/2004, pp. 437-454.
34. Misterii Evrazii, p. 19.
35. Osnovy geopolitiki, p. 247.
36. However, Dugin accepts the separatism of
those areas that he considers non-Russian (he proposes to return the Kuril Islands to Japan and Kaliningrad to Germany) provid- ed they remain under the control of allies of Eurasia and Continentalism.
37. Osnovy geopolitiki, p. 341.
38. He also wishes to return Ukraine into the
Russian sphere of influence and to divide it in accordance with what he calls the ethno- cultural realities of the country. For further details, see: Dunlop, op. cit. , pp. 109-112.
39. "Evraziiskii otvet na vyzovy globalizacii," Osnovy evraziistva, p. 541-563.
40. Nash put', p. 47.
41. Osnovy geopolitiki, p. 261.
42. Konspirologiia, also online at www. arctoga-
ia. com/public/consp.
43. Evraziia prevyshe vsego, p. 4.
44. Osnovy evraziistva, p. 762.
45. The reference book on Traditionalism is:
Mark Sedgwick, Against the Modern World. Traditionalism and the Secret Intellectual History of the Twentieth Century, Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2004.
46. Introduction ge? ne? rale a` l'e? tude des doctrines hin- doues in 1921, Le the? osophisme, histoire d'une pseudo-religion in 1921, L'erreur spirite in 1923, Orient et Occident in 1924, La crise du monde moderne in 1927.
47. Tampliery proletariata, p. 128.
48. Filosofiia traditsionalizma, p. 11. 49. Milyi Angel, no. 1/1991, online at
www. angel. com. ru.
50. Filosofiia traditsionalizma, p. 11.
51. Puti absoliuta, republished in Absoliutnaia
rodina (Moscow, 1999), p. 174.
52. Metafizika blagoi vesti, republished in
Absoliutnaia rodina, p. 510.
53. Puti absoliuta, p. 152-153.
54. Osnovy geopolitiki, p. 255.
55. See for example his papers given at the 6th
World Russian People's Council in Osnovy
evraziistva, p. 704-715.
56. The Old Believers are a current of
Orthodoxy born after the Schism [Raskol], that is the separation, in the 17th century, of a significant portion of the Orthodox population from the official Russian church. They refused Patriarch Nikon's
reforms of the Orthodox ritual and liturgy. They were repeatedly persecuted in czarist times and were at the origin of numerous religious and social revolts against the cen- tral authorities. Dugin sees himself as one of the so-called "united believers" who fol- low the Old Believers' rituals while recog- nizing the authority of the Patriarch. Other Old Believers, who have refused to acknowledge the Patriarchate in exchange for tolerance of their specific practice of worship, are in a minority today.
57. Russkaia veshch, vol . 1, p. 569.
58. Milyi Angel, no. 3/1996.
59. Milyi Angel, no. 2/1996.
60. see his Evoliuciia paradigmal'nykh osnovanii
nauki, his candidate of sciences thesis defended in 2000 at Rostov-on-Don University.
61. Evoliuciia. . . , p. 66.
62. Osnovy geopolitiki, p. 12.
63. Puti absoliuta, p. 5.
64. Konservativnaia revoliutsiia, p. 85-97.
65. Konservativnaia revoliutsiia, p. 99.
66. Konservativnaia revoliutsiia, p. 4-5.
67. See Pierre-Andre? Taguieff, Sur la Nouvelle
droite. Jalons d'une analyse critique, p.
68. In Den' nos. 2, 22, 34 and 37/1992 and
69. "I have a lot of reservations about a
'Eurasian' construction, which seems to me to be mainly phantasmagorical" (Taguieff, p. 311).
70. Taguieff, p. 254-265.
71. Konservativnaja revoliutsiia, p. 131-136. 72. Taguieff, p. 259.
73. Filosofiia traditsionalizma, p. 135-191.
74. See for example the chapter "Races,
Runes, and Worships" in Misterii Evrazii,
p. 673-736 or Nash put', p. 21.
75. The Slavophile philosopher A. Khomyakov
(1804-1860) divided the world into two philosophical principles: Iranian and Cushite. He borrowed this idea from Friedrich Schlegel's philosophy of history.
For more information, see Laruelle M. , Mythe aryen et re^ve impe? rial dans la Russie du XIXe sie`cle, Paris: CNRS-E? ditions, 2005.
76. Giperboreiskaia teoriia, p. 5.
77. Filosofiia traditsionalizma, p. 176.
78. Misterii Evrazii, republished in Absoliutnaia rodina, p. 575.
79. Metafizika blagoi vesti, p. 482. 80. Osnovy geopolitiki, p. 190. 81. Misterii Evrazii, p. 78.
82. Misterii Evrazii, p. 26.
83. Misterii Evrazii, p. 2.
84. For example in Erwa? gen Wissen Ethik, vol. 15,
no. 3/2004 between Roger Griffin, Andreas
Umland, and A. James Gregor.
85. Osnovy evraziistva, p. 638-656.
86. Russkaia veshch, vol. 1, ch. 2: "The social
idea," pp. 251-500.
87. Programma politicheskoi partii "Evraziia".
Materialy uchreditel'nogo s"ezda. Moscow: Arktogeya, 2002, p. 112, and Osnovy evrazi- istva, p. 579-588.
88. Osnovy evraziistva, p. 585.
89. Mikhail Agursky, Ideologiia natsional-bol'sheviz-
ma, Paris: YMCA-Press, 1980. See also: Erik van Ree, "The Concept of National Bolshevism: An Interpretative Essay," Journal of Political Ideologies, no. 3/2001, pp. 289-307, and D. Shlapentokh, "Bolshevism, Nationalism and Statism: Soviet Ideology in Formation," Cahiers du monde russe, no. 4/1996, pp. 429-466.
90. Karl Popper, The Open Society and its Enemies, London, 1945.
91. Tampliery proletariata, p. 8.
92. Tampliery proletariata, p. 26.
93. Tampliery proletariata, p. 25.
94. Tampliery proletariata, p. 188. 95. Konservativnaia revoliutsiia, p. 54. 96. Filosofiia traditsionalizma, p. 353. 97. Elementy no. 6/1995, p. 18.
98. Russkaia veshch, vol. 1, p. 217. 99. Evraziia prevyshe vsego, p. 5.
100. Filosofiia voyny, back cover. 101. Konservativnaia revoliutsiia, p. 27. 102. Sedgwick, p. 237-240.
103. http://avigdor-eskin. com/index. shtml.
104. Osnovy evraziistva, p. 600.
105. Puti absoliuta, p. 175.
106. Milyi angel, no. 3/1996, www. angel. com. ru. 107. Konets sveta, p. 348.
108. Metafizika blagoy vesti, p. 248.
109. See the chapter "Vojna narodov" in
Russkaia veshch.
110. "Apokalipsis stikhii," Elementy, no. 8/1997,
p. 56.
111. "Ad-Marginem. Sacher-Masoch," Elementy, no. 6/1995, p. 64.
112. Konservativnaia revoliutsiia, p. 248.
113. See, for example, M. Laruelle, "Regards sur la re? ception du racialisme allemand chez les panslavistes et les eurasistes russes," in: C. Trautmann-Waller (ed. ), L'Allemagne des linguistes russes. Revue germanique internationale, Paris, CNRS- Editions, no. 3, 2006, pp. 145-156.
114. Nash put', p. 3.
115. Programma politicheskoi partii "Evraziia,"
p. 25.
116. Evraziiskii vzglyad, p. 62. 117. Osnovy geopolitiki, p. 251. 118. Osnovy geopolitiki, p. 593. 119. Nash put', p. 135.
120. Evraziia prevyshe vsego, p. 22.
121. Nash put', p. 124.
122. Evraziia prevyshe vsego, p. 19.
123. Evraziia prevyshe vsego, p. 4.
124. A. Maksimov. , O. Karabaagi, "Oni v
svoikh koridorakh," in: Obshchaia gazeta, 31 May 2001.
? Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars One Woodrow Wilson Plaza
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004-3027
Tel. (202) 691-4100 Fax (202) 691-4247 www. wilsoncenter. org/kennan
? ? ? ?