ēored-geatwe þē gē þǣr on
(_the warlike accoutrements wherein ye
there stand_), 2867; inf.
there stand_), 2867; inf.
mōdes snyttrum, 1707; þē wē ealle ǣr ne meahton snyttrum be-syrwan (_a deed
which all of us together could not accomplish before with all our wisdom_),
943. Adv. , _wisely_, 873.
somne. See samne.
sorgian, w. v. : 1) _to be grieved, sorrow_: imper. sg. II. ne sorga!
1385. --2) _to care for, trouble one's self about_: inf. nō þū ymb mīnes ne
þearft līces feorme leng sorgian (_thou needst not care longer about my
life's [body's] sustenance_), 451.
sorh, st. f. , _grief, pain, sorrow_: nom. sg. , 1323; sorh is mē tō secganne
(_pains me to say_), 473; acc. sg. sorge, 119, 2464; dat. instr. sg. mid
þǣre sorge, 2469; sorge (_in sorrow, grieved_), 1150; gen. sg. worna fela
. . . sorge, 2005; dat. pl. sorgum, 2601; gen. pl. sorga, 149. --Comp. : hyge-,
inwit-, þegn-sorh.
sorh-cearig, adj. , _curis sollicitus, heart-broken_: nom. sg. , 2456.
sorh-ful, adj. , _sorrowful, troublesome, difficult_: nom. sg. , 2120; acc.
sg. sorh-fullne (sorh-fulne) sīð, 512, 1279, 1430.
sorh-lēas, adj. , _free from sorrow_ or _grief_: nom. sg. , 1673.
sorh-leoð, st. n. , _dirge, song of sorrow_: acc. sg. , 2461.
sorh-wylm, st. m. , _wave of sorrow_ nom. pl. sorh-wylmas, 905.
sōcn, st. f. , _persecution, hostile pursuit_ or _attack_ (see sēcan): dat,
(instr. ) þǣre sōcne (by reason of Grendel's persecution), 1778.
sōð, st. n. , _sooth, truth_:: acc. sg. sōð, 532, 701, 1050, 1701, 2865;
dat. sg. tō sōðe (_in truth_), 51, 591, 2326.
sōð, adj. , _true, genuine_: nom. sg, þæt is sōð metod, 1612; acc. sg. n.
gyd āwræc sōð and sār-līc, 2110.
sōðe, adv. , _truly, correctly, accurately_, 524; sōðe gebunden (of
alliterative verse: _accurately put together_), 872.
sōð-cyning, st. m. , _true king_: nom. sg. sigora sōð-cyning (_God_), 3056.
sōð-fæst, adj. , _soothfast, established in truth, orthodox_ (here used of
the Christian martyrs): gen. pl. sōð-fæstra dōm (_glory, realm, of the
saints_), 2821.
sōð-līce, adv. , _in truth, truly, truthfully_, 141, 273, 2900.
sōfte, adv. , _gently, softly_: compar. þȳ sēft (_the more easily_),
2750. --Comp. un-sōfte.
sōna, adv. , _soon, immediately_, 121, 722, 744, 751, 1281, 1498, 1592,
1619, 1763, etc.
on-spannan, st. v. , _to un-span, unloose_: pret. sg. his helm on-spēon
(_loosed his helm_), 2724.
spel, st. n. , _narrative, speech_: acc. sg. spell, 2110; acc. pl. spel,
874; gen. pl. spella, 2899, 3030. --Comp. wēa-spel.
spēd, st. f. : 1) _luck, success_: in comp. here-, wīg-spēd. --2) _skill,
facility_: acc. sg. on spēd (_skilfully_), 874.
spīwan, st. v. , _to spit, spew_, w. instr. : inf. glēdum spīwan (_spit
fire_), 2313
spor, st. n. , _spur_: in comp. hand-spor.
spōwan, st. v. , _to speed well, help, avail_: pret. sg. him wiht ne spēow
(_availed him naught_), 2855; hū him æt ǣte spēow (_how he sped in the
eating_), 3027.
sprǣc, st. f. , _speech, language_: instr. sg. frēcnan sprǣce (_through
bold, challenging, discourse_), 1105. --Comp. : ǣfen-, gylp-sprǣc.
sprecan, st. v. , _to speak_: inf. ic sceal forð sprecan gēn ymbe Grendel
_(I shall go on speaking about G. _), 2070; w. acc. sē þe wyle sōð sprecan
(_he who will speak the truth_), 2865; imper. tō Gēatum sprec (sprǣc, MS. ),
1172; pret. sg. III. spræc, 1169, 1699, 2511, 2725; word æfter spræc, 341;
nō ymbe þā fǣhðe spræc, 2619; II. hwæt þū worn fela . . . ymb Brecan sprǣce
(_how much thou hast spoken of Breca! _), 531; pl. hwæt wit geō sprǣcon
(_what we two spoke of before_), 1477; gomele ymb gōdne on-geador sprǣcon,
þæt big . . . _(the graybeards spoke together about the valiant one, that
they . . . _), 1596; swā wit furðum sprǣcon (_as we two spoke, engaged,
before_), 1708; pret. part. þā wæs . . . þrȳð-word sprecen, 644.
ge-sprecan, w. acc. , _to speak_: pret. sg. ge-spræc, 676, 1399, 1467, 3095.
sprēot, st. m. , _pole; spear, pike_: in comp. eofor-sprēot.
springan, st. v. , _to jump, leap; flash_: pret. sg. hrā wīde sprong _(the
body bounded far_), 1589; swāt ǣdrum sprong forð under fexe (_the blood
burst out in streams from under his hair_), 2967; pl. wīde sprungon
hilde-lēoman (_flashed afar_), 2583. Also figuratively: blǣd wīde sprang
(_his repute spread afar_), 18.
ge-springan, _to spring forth_: pret. sg. swā þæt blōd ge-sprang (_as the
blood burst forth_), 1668. Figuratively, _to arise, originate_: pret. sg.
Sigemunde gesprong æfter dēað-dæge dōm un-lȳtel, 885.
on-springan, _to burst in two, spring asunder_: pret. pl. seonowe
onsprungon, burston bānlocan 818.
standan, st. v. : 1) absolutely or with prep. , _to stand_: pres. III. pl.
ēored-geatwe þē gē þǣr on standað (_the warlike accoutrements wherein ye
there stand_), 2867; inf. ge-seah . . . orcas stondan (_saw vessels
standing_), 2761; pret. sg. æt hȳðe stōd hringed-stefna (_in the harbor
stood the curved-prowed? , metal-covered? , ship_), 32; stōd on stapole
(_stood near the [middle] column_), 927; so, 1914, 2546; þæt him on aldre
stōd here-strǣl hearda (_that the sharp war-arrow stood in his vitals_),
1435; so, 2680; pl. gāras stōdon . . . samod æt-gædere (_the spears stood
together_), 328; him big stōdan bunan and orcas (_by him stood cans and
pots_), 3048. Also of still water: pres. sg. III. nis þæt feor heonon . . .
þæt se mere standeð, 1363. --2) with predicate adj. , _to stand, continue in
a certain state_: subj. pres. þæt þes sele stande . . . rinca ge-hwylcum īdel
and unnyt (_that this hall stands empty and useless for every warrior_),
411; inf. hord-wynne fand eald ūht-sceaða opene standan, 2272; pret. sg. oð
þæt īdel stōd hūsa sēlest, 145; so, 936; wæter under stōd drēorig and
ge-drēfed, 1418--3) _to belong_ or _attach to; issue_: pret. sg. Norð-Denum
stōd atelīc egesa (_great terror clung to, overcame, the North Danes_),
784; þāra ānum stōd sadol searwum fāh (_on one of the steeds lay an
ingeniously-inlaid saddle_), 1038; byrne-lēoma eldum on andan (_burning
light stood forth, a horror to men_), 2314; lēoht inne stōd (_a light stood
in it_, i. e. the sword), 1571; him of ēagum stōd . . . lēoht unfǣger (_an
uncanny light issued from his eyes_), 727; so, þæt [fram] þām gyste
[gryre-] brōga stōd, 2229.
ā-standan, _to stand up, arise_: pret. sg. ā-stōd, 760, 1557, 2093.
æt-standan, _to stand at, near_, or _in_: pret. sg. þæt hit (i. e. þæt
swurd) on wealle æt-stōd, 892.
for-standan, _to stand against_ or _before_, hence: 1) _to hinder,
prevent_: pret. sg. (brēost-net) wið ord and wið ecge in-gang for-stōd
(_the shirt of mail prevented point or edge from entering_), 1550; subj.
nefne him wītig god wyrd for-stōde (_if the wise God had not warded off
such a fate from them_, i. e. the men threatened by Grendel), 1057. --2)
_defend_, w. dat. of person against whom: inf. þæt hē . . . mihte
hēaðo-līðendum hord for-standan, bearn and brȳde (_that he might protect
his treasure, his children, and his spouse from the sea-farers_), 2956.
ge-standan, intrans. , _to stand_: pret. sg. ge-stōd, 358, 404, 2567; pl.
nealles him on hēape hand-gesteallan . . . ymbe gestōdon (_not at all did his
boon-companions stand serried around him_), 2597.
stapa, w. m. , _stepper, strider_: in comp. hǣð-, mearc-stapa.
stapan, st. v. , _to step, stride, go forward_: pret. sg. eorl furður stōp,
762; gum-fēða stop lind-hæbbendra (_the troop of shield-warriors strode
on_), 1402.
æt-stapan, _to stride up_ or _to_: pret. sg. forð nēar æt-stōp (_strode up
nearer_), 746.
ge-stapan, _to walk, stride_: pret. sg. hē to forð gestōp dyrnan cræfte,
dracan hēafde nēah (_he_, i. e. the man that robbed the dragon of the
vessel, _had through hidden craft come too near the dragon's head_), 2290.
stapol, st. m. , (= βάσις), _trunk of a tree_; hence, _support, pillar,
column_: dat. sg. stōd on stapole (_stood by_ or _near the wooden middle
column of Heorot_), 927; instr. pl. þā stān-bogan stapulum fæste (_the
arches of stone upheld by pillars_), 2719. See Note.
starian, w. v. , _to stare, look intently at_: pres. sg. I. þæt ic on þone
hafelan . . . ēagum starige (_that I see the head with my eyes_), 1782; þāra
frætwa . . . þē ic hēr on starie (_for the treasures . . . that I here look
upon_), 2797; III. þonne hē on þæt sine starað, 1486; sg. for pl. þāra þe
on swylc starað, 997; pret. sg. þæt (sin-frēa) hire an dæges ēagum starede,
1936; pl. on mere staredon, 1604.
stān, st. m. , 1) _stone_: in comp. eorclan-stān. --2) _rock_: acc. sg. under
(ofer) hārne stān, 888, 1416, 2554, 2745; dat. sg. stāne, 2289, 2558.
stān-beorh, st. m. , _rocky elevation, stony mountain_: acc. sg. stān-beorh
stēapne, 2214.
stān-boga, w. m. , _stone arch, arch hewn out of the rock_: dat. sg.
stān-bogan, 2546; nom. pl. stān-bogan, 2719.
stān-clif, st. n. , _rocky cliff_: acc. pl. stān-cleofu, 2541.
stān-fāh, adj. , _stone-laid, paved with stones of different colors_: nom.
sg. strǣt wæs stān-fāh (_the street was of different colored stones_), 320.
stān-hlið, st. n. , _rocky slope_: acc. pl. stān-hliðo, 1410.
stæf, st. m. : 1) _staff_: in comp. rūn-staf. --2) _elementum_: in comp. ār-,
ende-, fācen-stæf.
stǣl, st. m. , _place, stead_: dat. sg. þæt þū mē ā wǣre forð-gewitenum on
fæder stǣle (_that thou, if I died, wouldst represent a father's place to
me_), 1480.
stǣlan, w. v. , _to place; allure_ or _instigate_: inf. þā ic on morgne
ge-frægn mǣg ōðerne billes ecgum on bonan stǣlan _(then I learned that on
the morrow one brother instigated the other to murder with the sword's
edge_; or, _one avenged the other on the murderer_? , cf. 2962 seqq. ), 2486.
ge-stǣlan, _to place, impose, institute_: pret. part. gē feor hafað fǣhðe
ge-stǣled (_Grendel's mother has further begun hostilities against us_),
stede, st. m. , _place, -stead_: in comp. bǣl-, burh-, folc-, hēah-, meðel-,
wang-, wīc-stede.
stefn, st. f. , _voice_: nom. sg. , 2553; instr. sg. nīwan (nīowan) stefne
(properly novā voce) = denuo, _anew, again_, 2595, 1790.
stefn, st. m. , _prow of a ship_: acc. sg. , 213; see bunden-, hringed-,
on-stellan, w. v. , _constituere, to cause, bring about_: pret. sg. sē þæs
or-leges ōr on-stealde, 2408.
steng, st. m. , _pole, pike_: in comp wæl-steng.
ge-steppan, w. v. , _to stride, go_: pret. sg. folce ge-stepte ofer sǣ sīde
sunu Ōhtheres (_O. 's son_, i. e. Ēadgils, _went with warriors over the broad
sea_), 2394.
stede (O.
mōdes snyttrum, 1707; þē wē ealle ǣr ne meahton snyttrum be-syrwan (_a deed
which all of us together could not accomplish before with all our wisdom_),
943. Adv. , _wisely_, 873.
somne. See samne.
sorgian, w. v. : 1) _to be grieved, sorrow_: imper. sg. II. ne sorga!
1385. --2) _to care for, trouble one's self about_: inf. nō þū ymb mīnes ne
þearft līces feorme leng sorgian (_thou needst not care longer about my
life's [body's] sustenance_), 451.
sorh, st. f. , _grief, pain, sorrow_: nom. sg. , 1323; sorh is mē tō secganne
(_pains me to say_), 473; acc. sg. sorge, 119, 2464; dat. instr. sg. mid
þǣre sorge, 2469; sorge (_in sorrow, grieved_), 1150; gen. sg. worna fela
. . . sorge, 2005; dat. pl. sorgum, 2601; gen. pl. sorga, 149. --Comp. : hyge-,
inwit-, þegn-sorh.
sorh-cearig, adj. , _curis sollicitus, heart-broken_: nom. sg. , 2456.
sorh-ful, adj. , _sorrowful, troublesome, difficult_: nom. sg. , 2120; acc.
sg. sorh-fullne (sorh-fulne) sīð, 512, 1279, 1430.
sorh-lēas, adj. , _free from sorrow_ or _grief_: nom. sg. , 1673.
sorh-leoð, st. n. , _dirge, song of sorrow_: acc. sg. , 2461.
sorh-wylm, st. m. , _wave of sorrow_ nom. pl. sorh-wylmas, 905.
sōcn, st. f. , _persecution, hostile pursuit_ or _attack_ (see sēcan): dat,
(instr. ) þǣre sōcne (by reason of Grendel's persecution), 1778.
sōð, st. n. , _sooth, truth_:: acc. sg. sōð, 532, 701, 1050, 1701, 2865;
dat. sg. tō sōðe (_in truth_), 51, 591, 2326.
sōð, adj. , _true, genuine_: nom. sg, þæt is sōð metod, 1612; acc. sg. n.
gyd āwræc sōð and sār-līc, 2110.
sōðe, adv. , _truly, correctly, accurately_, 524; sōðe gebunden (of
alliterative verse: _accurately put together_), 872.
sōð-cyning, st. m. , _true king_: nom. sg. sigora sōð-cyning (_God_), 3056.
sōð-fæst, adj. , _soothfast, established in truth, orthodox_ (here used of
the Christian martyrs): gen. pl. sōð-fæstra dōm (_glory, realm, of the
saints_), 2821.
sōð-līce, adv. , _in truth, truly, truthfully_, 141, 273, 2900.
sōfte, adv. , _gently, softly_: compar. þȳ sēft (_the more easily_),
2750. --Comp. un-sōfte.
sōna, adv. , _soon, immediately_, 121, 722, 744, 751, 1281, 1498, 1592,
1619, 1763, etc.
on-spannan, st. v. , _to un-span, unloose_: pret. sg. his helm on-spēon
(_loosed his helm_), 2724.
spel, st. n. , _narrative, speech_: acc. sg. spell, 2110; acc. pl. spel,
874; gen. pl. spella, 2899, 3030. --Comp. wēa-spel.
spēd, st. f. : 1) _luck, success_: in comp. here-, wīg-spēd. --2) _skill,
facility_: acc. sg. on spēd (_skilfully_), 874.
spīwan, st. v. , _to spit, spew_, w. instr. : inf. glēdum spīwan (_spit
fire_), 2313
spor, st. n. , _spur_: in comp. hand-spor.
spōwan, st. v. , _to speed well, help, avail_: pret. sg. him wiht ne spēow
(_availed him naught_), 2855; hū him æt ǣte spēow (_how he sped in the
eating_), 3027.
sprǣc, st. f. , _speech, language_: instr. sg. frēcnan sprǣce (_through
bold, challenging, discourse_), 1105. --Comp. : ǣfen-, gylp-sprǣc.
sprecan, st. v. , _to speak_: inf. ic sceal forð sprecan gēn ymbe Grendel
_(I shall go on speaking about G. _), 2070; w. acc. sē þe wyle sōð sprecan
(_he who will speak the truth_), 2865; imper. tō Gēatum sprec (sprǣc, MS. ),
1172; pret. sg. III. spræc, 1169, 1699, 2511, 2725; word æfter spræc, 341;
nō ymbe þā fǣhðe spræc, 2619; II. hwæt þū worn fela . . . ymb Brecan sprǣce
(_how much thou hast spoken of Breca! _), 531; pl. hwæt wit geō sprǣcon
(_what we two spoke of before_), 1477; gomele ymb gōdne on-geador sprǣcon,
þæt big . . . _(the graybeards spoke together about the valiant one, that
they . . . _), 1596; swā wit furðum sprǣcon (_as we two spoke, engaged,
before_), 1708; pret. part. þā wæs . . . þrȳð-word sprecen, 644.
ge-sprecan, w. acc. , _to speak_: pret. sg. ge-spræc, 676, 1399, 1467, 3095.
sprēot, st. m. , _pole; spear, pike_: in comp. eofor-sprēot.
springan, st. v. , _to jump, leap; flash_: pret. sg. hrā wīde sprong _(the
body bounded far_), 1589; swāt ǣdrum sprong forð under fexe (_the blood
burst out in streams from under his hair_), 2967; pl. wīde sprungon
hilde-lēoman (_flashed afar_), 2583. Also figuratively: blǣd wīde sprang
(_his repute spread afar_), 18.
ge-springan, _to spring forth_: pret. sg. swā þæt blōd ge-sprang (_as the
blood burst forth_), 1668. Figuratively, _to arise, originate_: pret. sg.
Sigemunde gesprong æfter dēað-dæge dōm un-lȳtel, 885.
on-springan, _to burst in two, spring asunder_: pret. pl. seonowe
onsprungon, burston bānlocan 818.
standan, st. v. : 1) absolutely or with prep. , _to stand_: pres. III. pl.
ēored-geatwe þē gē þǣr on standað (_the warlike accoutrements wherein ye
there stand_), 2867; inf. ge-seah . . . orcas stondan (_saw vessels
standing_), 2761; pret. sg. æt hȳðe stōd hringed-stefna (_in the harbor
stood the curved-prowed? , metal-covered? , ship_), 32; stōd on stapole
(_stood near the [middle] column_), 927; so, 1914, 2546; þæt him on aldre
stōd here-strǣl hearda (_that the sharp war-arrow stood in his vitals_),
1435; so, 2680; pl. gāras stōdon . . . samod æt-gædere (_the spears stood
together_), 328; him big stōdan bunan and orcas (_by him stood cans and
pots_), 3048. Also of still water: pres. sg. III. nis þæt feor heonon . . .
þæt se mere standeð, 1363. --2) with predicate adj. , _to stand, continue in
a certain state_: subj. pres. þæt þes sele stande . . . rinca ge-hwylcum īdel
and unnyt (_that this hall stands empty and useless for every warrior_),
411; inf. hord-wynne fand eald ūht-sceaða opene standan, 2272; pret. sg. oð
þæt īdel stōd hūsa sēlest, 145; so, 936; wæter under stōd drēorig and
ge-drēfed, 1418--3) _to belong_ or _attach to; issue_: pret. sg. Norð-Denum
stōd atelīc egesa (_great terror clung to, overcame, the North Danes_),
784; þāra ānum stōd sadol searwum fāh (_on one of the steeds lay an
ingeniously-inlaid saddle_), 1038; byrne-lēoma eldum on andan (_burning
light stood forth, a horror to men_), 2314; lēoht inne stōd (_a light stood
in it_, i. e. the sword), 1571; him of ēagum stōd . . . lēoht unfǣger (_an
uncanny light issued from his eyes_), 727; so, þæt [fram] þām gyste
[gryre-] brōga stōd, 2229.
ā-standan, _to stand up, arise_: pret. sg. ā-stōd, 760, 1557, 2093.
æt-standan, _to stand at, near_, or _in_: pret. sg. þæt hit (i. e. þæt
swurd) on wealle æt-stōd, 892.
for-standan, _to stand against_ or _before_, hence: 1) _to hinder,
prevent_: pret. sg. (brēost-net) wið ord and wið ecge in-gang for-stōd
(_the shirt of mail prevented point or edge from entering_), 1550; subj.
nefne him wītig god wyrd for-stōde (_if the wise God had not warded off
such a fate from them_, i. e. the men threatened by Grendel), 1057. --2)
_defend_, w. dat. of person against whom: inf. þæt hē . . . mihte
hēaðo-līðendum hord for-standan, bearn and brȳde (_that he might protect
his treasure, his children, and his spouse from the sea-farers_), 2956.
ge-standan, intrans. , _to stand_: pret. sg. ge-stōd, 358, 404, 2567; pl.
nealles him on hēape hand-gesteallan . . . ymbe gestōdon (_not at all did his
boon-companions stand serried around him_), 2597.
stapa, w. m. , _stepper, strider_: in comp. hǣð-, mearc-stapa.
stapan, st. v. , _to step, stride, go forward_: pret. sg. eorl furður stōp,
762; gum-fēða stop lind-hæbbendra (_the troop of shield-warriors strode
on_), 1402.
æt-stapan, _to stride up_ or _to_: pret. sg. forð nēar æt-stōp (_strode up
nearer_), 746.
ge-stapan, _to walk, stride_: pret. sg. hē to forð gestōp dyrnan cræfte,
dracan hēafde nēah (_he_, i. e. the man that robbed the dragon of the
vessel, _had through hidden craft come too near the dragon's head_), 2290.
stapol, st. m. , (= βάσις), _trunk of a tree_; hence, _support, pillar,
column_: dat. sg. stōd on stapole (_stood by_ or _near the wooden middle
column of Heorot_), 927; instr. pl. þā stān-bogan stapulum fæste (_the
arches of stone upheld by pillars_), 2719. See Note.
starian, w. v. , _to stare, look intently at_: pres. sg. I. þæt ic on þone
hafelan . . . ēagum starige (_that I see the head with my eyes_), 1782; þāra
frætwa . . . þē ic hēr on starie (_for the treasures . . . that I here look
upon_), 2797; III. þonne hē on þæt sine starað, 1486; sg. for pl. þāra þe
on swylc starað, 997; pret. sg. þæt (sin-frēa) hire an dæges ēagum starede,
1936; pl. on mere staredon, 1604.
stān, st. m. , 1) _stone_: in comp. eorclan-stān. --2) _rock_: acc. sg. under
(ofer) hārne stān, 888, 1416, 2554, 2745; dat. sg. stāne, 2289, 2558.
stān-beorh, st. m. , _rocky elevation, stony mountain_: acc. sg. stān-beorh
stēapne, 2214.
stān-boga, w. m. , _stone arch, arch hewn out of the rock_: dat. sg.
stān-bogan, 2546; nom. pl. stān-bogan, 2719.
stān-clif, st. n. , _rocky cliff_: acc. pl. stān-cleofu, 2541.
stān-fāh, adj. , _stone-laid, paved with stones of different colors_: nom.
sg. strǣt wæs stān-fāh (_the street was of different colored stones_), 320.
stān-hlið, st. n. , _rocky slope_: acc. pl. stān-hliðo, 1410.
stæf, st. m. : 1) _staff_: in comp. rūn-staf. --2) _elementum_: in comp. ār-,
ende-, fācen-stæf.
stǣl, st. m. , _place, stead_: dat. sg. þæt þū mē ā wǣre forð-gewitenum on
fæder stǣle (_that thou, if I died, wouldst represent a father's place to
me_), 1480.
stǣlan, w. v. , _to place; allure_ or _instigate_: inf. þā ic on morgne
ge-frægn mǣg ōðerne billes ecgum on bonan stǣlan _(then I learned that on
the morrow one brother instigated the other to murder with the sword's
edge_; or, _one avenged the other on the murderer_? , cf. 2962 seqq. ), 2486.
ge-stǣlan, _to place, impose, institute_: pret. part. gē feor hafað fǣhðe
ge-stǣled (_Grendel's mother has further begun hostilities against us_),
stede, st. m. , _place, -stead_: in comp. bǣl-, burh-, folc-, hēah-, meðel-,
wang-, wīc-stede.
stefn, st. f. , _voice_: nom. sg. , 2553; instr. sg. nīwan (nīowan) stefne
(properly novā voce) = denuo, _anew, again_, 2595, 1790.
stefn, st. m. , _prow of a ship_: acc. sg. , 213; see bunden-, hringed-,
on-stellan, w. v. , _constituere, to cause, bring about_: pret. sg. sē þæs
or-leges ōr on-stealde, 2408.
steng, st. m. , _pole, pike_: in comp wæl-steng.
ge-steppan, w. v. , _to stride, go_: pret. sg. folce ge-stepte ofer sǣ sīde
sunu Ōhtheres (_O. 's son_, i. e. Ēadgils, _went with warriors over the broad
sea_), 2394.
stede (O.