ayatana, 93,170,212,217,221,224,247,
251,259,276,322,367,424,543, 900
in which appearances are exhausted chos zad-pa'i skye-mched, 639; see also under visionary appearance(s)
four skye-mched bzhi: the four formless realms, 15,62
infinite as the sky nam-mkha' mtha'-yas skye-mched, 15, 62
of infinite mam-shes mtha'-yas skye-mched, 15, 62
of nothing at all ci-yang med-pa'i skye- mched, 15,62
of phenomena chos-kyi skye-mched, Skt.
251,259,276,322,367,424,543, 900
in which appearances are exhausted chos zad-pa'i skye-mched, 639; see also under visionary appearance(s)
four skye-mched bzhi: the four formless realms, 15,62
infinite as the sky nam-mkha' mtha'-yas skye-mched, 15, 62
of infinite mam-shes mtha'-yas skye-mched, 15, 62
of nothing at all ci-yang med-pa'i skye- mched, 15,62
of phenomena chos-kyi skye-mched, Skt.
Dudjom Rinpoche - Fundamentals and History of the Nyingmapa