of South German States.
Outlines and Refernces for European History
a. Of minor importance for the most part already deter-
mined at the treaty of Paris.
1) Terms of peace with France (modified after the
Hundred Days. )
2) Restorations in Germany, Italy, and Spain. (Re-
actionary absurdities. )
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? 3) New arrangements to strengthen frontier against
French aggression.
a) Belgium joined to Holland.
b) Swiss neutrality guaranteed and new constitution
c) Sardinia gets Genoa, etc.
d) Prussia and the Rhine frontier.
b. Real problems.
1) Reconstruction of Germany.
Plans and motives.
a) Stein: United Germany division of small states
between Austria and Prussia ; or the Empire as a
genuine confederation.
b) The old Rhine-bund : Complete independence of
each state.
c) Metternich : A loose confederacy for foreign de-
fense and internal intrigue.
2) Territorial indemnities. (Agreement of Toplitz
that Austria and Prussia should be restored as
nearly as possible to their extent before Jena. )
a) Russia ("Kingdom of Poland. ")
b) Prussia (Saxony. )
(Austria by common consent indemnified in Italy,
Venice, etc. Sweden and Norway. )
4. Progress.
a. The German Committee (A. , P. , H. , B. , W. )
Oct. 14 to Nov. 16 no progress; meetings broken up by
b. Bitterness of the territorial question.
1) Tsar's plan for Poland opposed by all until Nov.
6. King of Prussia personally won over, and the
Poland question settled.
2) Prussian indemnity in Saxony resisted by Austria.
a) Talleyrand's opportunity; doctrine of "Legiti-
macy;" Talleyrand's brilliant victory.
b) Secret league of France, Austria and England
against Prussia and Russia.
c) Continuance of the disagreement, No v. -Feb. ; com-
promise attempted; agreement hastened by
c. Napoleon's return.
The Hundred Days.
d. The close of the work of the Congress.
Compromises as to remaining matters in dispute.
1) Prussian territory.
2) German Confederation.
5. General result.
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? 23
a. Narrow and reactionary purposes attempts to tramole
upon the new ideas of nationality, etc. But
b. Seeds of progress. Austria a non-German power, while
Prussia is made the champion of Germany against
Slav and Gaul.
E. THE GERMANIC CONFEDERATION (1814-66) to the Revolu-
lutions of 1848-50.
[Introductory: Prussia to 1806 (Wilson, 242-249, and
Bibliography); Prussian and Austrian territory in 1815,
and results of the changes; Stein's reforms. ]
Composition, powers, character. Grant Duff, 258-59; Von
Sybel; Wilson; Fyffe. Text in I, 3, Contemporary Sources.
1. The Periodi8i5=30. Fyffe. II, 121-54, 405-12, 496,
502; Mueller, 1-23, 123-27, 159-62; European History
from Contemporary Sources, I, 3.
a. The promised constitutions
1) In the north (Weimar).
2) In the south.
3) In Prussia, (Prussia's opportunity). Thesettingin
of re-action, 1815-17 (Schmalz pamphlet).
b. The Burschenshaft, and liberal demonstrations. Mur-
der of Kotzebue by Sand.
c. Repression.
1) Metternich and his congresses. (The Holy Alli-
ance. ) The Carlsbad Resolutions and the May-
ence Commission "did not find conspirators,
but it made them; "gag laws; imprisonments, etc.
2) In Prussia the Provincial Estates, 1823.
2. The echoes of the July RevoIution==i83O.
a. Popular successes at first, and constitutional gains in
various states (Austria busied in Italy, and Russia in
b. Poland's fall arouses further revolutionary movements
in Germany; Harnbach festival and the Frankfort con-
spiracy (idealists and demagogues) resulting in a sad
re-action. Carlsbad Resolutions intensified.
"Promises on the part of the princes; unrestrained devotion
and satisfaction on the part of the people; a call for constitutional
freedom ; open and secret re-action, revolution in the south ; inter-
vention of the areopagus of princes ("the crowned conspirators
of Verona"); abrogation of popular rights; this is in brief the
history of the years 1815-30. " MUELLER.
See Papers American Historical Association, IV, for A Cate-
chism of the Re-action, by Andrew D. White.
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? 3. 1830=1848. System of Metternich declining. Growth of
public opinion. Prussia moving toward leadership.
a. Zollverein.
b. Landtag, '47 (preliminary movements;) the temporary
failure, because of king's absolutism, prepares for the
Revolution of 1848, when France gives the signal.
From the February Revolution of Parte to the Humiliation of
Olmutz. Mueller, 212-53 ; or Fyffe, III. , 19-33, 74-81, 114-56.
1. The March Days.
f Italy.
Austria < Hungary.
( Vienna.
The smaller states.
Constitutional governments based upon practically universal
suifrage, with overthrow of old feudal privileges, over all
Germany, secured by universal demand of the people.
2. The movement for German unit} 7 .
a. The Ante Parliament.
Secession and revolt of the Republicans.
b. The Frankfort National Assembly, May 18, 1848
(elected by universal suffrage;) disappearance of the
old Diet.
1) Composition ; loss of time debating a Bill of Rights
until the re-action begins', (conservative ministries
in most of the states. )
2) The Frankfort constitution an empire.
a) Kleindeutsch and Grossdeutsch parties.
b) Hereditary headship.
3) The imperial crown offered to Frederick William IV.
and declined March 28, 1849.
a) Hostile attitude of Austria and the south.
b) The king's distrust of a revolutionary assembly,
and a torso-like Germany.
4) Revolt of radicals disruption and close of the
c. The Prussian attempt at union.
1) Frederick William's offer to assume the headship of
a voluntary league of princes.
2) The league of the three kings joined by all states
except A. , B. , S. , W.
3) Austria restores the old Diet (her hand free now in
Hungary. )
4) The troubles in Hesse, and Prussian surrender at
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? Olmuetz. Dissolution of the Union, and restora-
tion of the Confederacy.
Close of the Revolutionary period
in France, December, 1851,
in Italy, Novarra, March, 1849,
in Germany, Olmutz, December, 1850.
The results of the two years.
Prussia a constitutional state and, despite her errors, the
leader of the movement for German unity.
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? 26-
From Olmiitz to Versailles.
1. 1850-57 No progress except to maintain the exclusion
of Austria from the Zollverein.
2. William I (regent, 1857--61; king, 1861-88; emperor,
1871-88) and Bismarck.
a. Military reforms ; constitutional conflict ; rule without a
b. "Blood and iron. "
1) Schleswig-Holstein War (history of the duchies),
1864, leading to
2) The Six Weeks' War, 1866 ; parties and alliances ;
Koniggratz, and the Peace of Prague ; Austria ex-
cluded from German} 7 .
a) North German Confederation, 1867-71.
i) Position of South German States. (Napoleon. )
ii) The Customs Parliament of 1868.
3. The Franco-Prussian War, 1870-71, and The Empire.
Wilson and Burgess.
1. The central government.
2. The States.
3. Local government.
a. In Prussia.
b. Free cities.
c. Elsaas, Lotheringen.
4. Questions since 1871,
a. Financial policy silver, tariff, the Russian commercial
treaty of 1894, railways.
b. Colonies,
c. The Culturkampf.
d. The socialists.
(The Internationale. )
1) Repressive legislation.
2) State socialism, and labor legislation. (Brooks on
Compulsory Insurance, Special Report of Commis-
sion of Labor, No. 4, for 1893. )
3) Growth of the party.
4) The program of the Social Democrats.
f. Political parties and tendencies.
g. The Army Bill and the 1893 elections.
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? 27
h. The attempted return to a policy of repression in 1895 ;
the Force Bill ; the attempt to punish members who
refused to cheer the Emperor ; the vote refusing to con-
gratulate Bismarck, etc. Later politics.
Germany area, 208,738 sq. mi. ; population, 49,428,470.
Dependencies area, about 996,150 sq. mi. ; population, abovit
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General Histories as before. (Murdoch and Maurice espec-
ially valuable.
Gallenga: Italy, Present and Future.
Gallenga : Italy and the Pope.
* Dicey: Victor Emmanuel.
Godkin: Victor Emmanuel.
Forbes: Garibaldi's Campaign.
Mariotte: Italy in '48.
Oliphant: Makers of Modern Italy.
Bent: Garibaldi.
Mazade: Cavour.
*Probyn: Italy.
Hunt: History of Italy.
Hadley: Railroads.
Gladstone : Gleanings.
Much recent periodical literature.
A good historical sketch in the Chautauquan, Nov. , '93.
See also, for Italy and the Pope, Contemporary, Oct. , '92,
also Nov. and Dec. , '92,
Catholic World, 59.
Recent review articles upon Crispi .
Territorial history to 1792.
I. To 1494. (Medieval Italy. )
1. 5th and 6th centuries Italy the middle land in the contest
between the Empire and the Barbarians; Result Italy
a. Critical dates.
1) 476. Seat of Empire moved from Italy.
2) 565. Lombards. (Italy not again united till 1870. )
b. The States after the Lombard conquest:
1) In the North Lombardy and Venetia (Exarchate
of Ravenna. )
2) In the South Imperial.
3) In the middle (later) Papal states (generally to be
classed with the North in history. )
2. The North ro 1494.
a. Part of the Empire of Karl and one of the kingdoms of
the Karolings. 800, 843, 888. Growth of Papal
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? 29
b. Part of Restored Empire of Otto 962-1494.
1) Visit of German kings (invasions. )
2) Rise of free city republics, and the leagues against
the Hohenstaufens. Virtual independence. Glory
of Italy.
3) Guelf and Ghibeline and degeneracy of the free
cities ; Condotteri princes, and
4) Rise of the Dukedoms.
3. The South-to 1494.
a. Eastern Empire from Narses to Guiscard 1062.
b. 1062. "Two Scicilies. "
c. "Reunited" (by personal union) to Holy Roman Empire
(Fred. II. )
d. Claimed by Aragon and by Anjou (marriage relation-
ship) on extinction of the Hohenstaufens. Dynastic
struggles to 1494.
II. 14941792 (to the French Revolution. )
1. 1494. (Invasion of Chas. VIII. ) Bought up claim of An-
jou and of the Greek empire. Invited by the Pope; (Sav-
onarola, etc. )
2. Subsequent bartering of provinces between Hapsburgs
and Bourbons down to 1748 (Aix la Chapelle. ) Italy the
battle ground of Europe. Famous men Messena, Bona-
part, Spinoza, Galileo. Effect upon Italy of Columbus'
3. 17481792. Peace; internal condition.
III. The French Revolution Napoleon and Italy. Rearrange-
ments, consolidation, and idea of Nationality.
IV. The restorations and the states in 1815.
B. 1815-1848.
Mueller, 23-42, 129-133, 202-212; Fyffe, 11,40-41,83-86; 178.
204, 398-405, 412-414, 465-486; also vol. Ill, passim.
1. General characteristics.
a. Governments.
b. Secret societies Carbonari, Sanfedesti, Young Italy.
2. Periods of revolution.
a. 1820-21. Naples ; 800 condemned to death ; double that
sent to prison and the galleys ; innumerable exiles ;
Probyn, 21 ; Piedmont.
b. 1830. Papal states.
c. 1848. (Aspirations for National Union. )
1) In Sardinia.
a) Constitution.
b) War with Austria (Novarra).
Charles Albert and Victor Emmanuel.
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? 30
2) In Rome the French.
3) In Naples. (Gladstone, VI. )
4) In Venetia (Daniel Manin).