iikkms 're Kdv, '
Demosthenese - First Philippic and the Olynthiacs
v: ipsum, emphatic.
wpbs .
1'6 .
Inf. with Article as Acc. after a Preposition (Goodwin MT.
? 800). The articular Inf. is extremely common in Demo-
sthenes, as also in Thucydides. The average number of
examples per Teubner page is in Thucydides '45, in his
'speeches' nearly 1 ; in the 'public orations' of Demosthenes
1'25, and in the First Olynthiac as high as 2'75.
Gildersleeve in Trans. of American Philal. Association 1878, AJP. iii
197, 199, viii 330, 332. There are also papers by Stix (without statistics),
Zum Gebrauch des Inf. mit Artikel bei Dem. Rottweil 1881, and by
RWagner, dc Inf. apud oratores Atticos cum amiculo coniuncto, Schwerin
35. Karmayds can only refer to a compact of submission,
as is proved b the subsequent context. a; (iv . .
wotfio-aH-(o), ' w ich he would make,' if the Olynthians listened
to his advances.
37. e? vav-rlws 4X": antistrophic to rpoe? xel. at the end of the
parallel clause in l. 35.
? 5 l. 37. Sfihov--ii-ri: an iambic trimeter (noticed by
'Maximus Planudes,' v 471 Walz = Syrianus i 28 Rabe), as
in 21 ? 165, 35 ? 22. Hexameters have been detected in 4 ? 6,
18 ? ? 143, 198; 19 ? 75, 23 ? ? 14, 50, 134, 144. Similarly
viv--Xe? pas is a choliambus (with anapaest in second foot).
But in none of these exx. does the verse really arrest attention
by any exact coincidence with the limits of the clause or Ke? ihov
(which here ends with 56517:). They are therefore hardly excep-
tions to the rule in Aristotle's Rhet. iii 8, 3 fit/0ro 6:? e? xew
row M'yov, ue? rpov 6% mi. Op. Cic. Orator 189 versus saepe in
orationc per imprudentiam dicimus (with notes on pp. 206-8,
ed. Sandys).
38. "Irepi = inr? pz 4 ? 1, 19 ? 94, 20 ? 124, 45 ? 11. In all
these passages we have inre? p in the second clause corresponding
to 1repl in the first. The use of WW inre? p or 0116' z'nre? p prevents
the collocation of more than two short syllables----d)\)\a mspl,
0068 1repl (cp. note on Lept. ? 124, ed. Sandys). The repetition
of i'nre? p before avao'rdo'sws is avoided for the same reason.
\'nre? p must be understood with draw-racer>>: Kai avapanawaot
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-27 05:10 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/uc1. 31175009758841 Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd-google
? I ? 5 FIRST 0L YNTHIAO 131
(in a. different sense to l'nre? p with ae? pous Xe? pas) 'to save their
country from destruction (devastation) and servitude. ' Cp.
Thuc. v 59, l inre? p 're 1ra'rpi50s i7 ,udx-q Eu'rai Kai l'me? p apxfis
(iaa Kai Bovhelas.
39. xwfiuva'ioua-w : perhaps preferable to woke/1. 066111, because
Demosthenes is here arguing on the assumption of Philip's
making terms with the Olynthians, Ta; Karahha'yiis l. 35, con--
trasted with Ta 100 1ro>\e? ,uou 1. 34. Though several phrases in
the speech (e. g. 11. 53, 192) imply war with the Olynthians, it is
clearly not yet in full force, and may still be averted by coming
to terms (cp. Hartcl's Dem. Antra'ge p. 532).
40. 'AML'lroht're? iv K'rX. : clo'ehfldrv "yap mama; (so. rods avoi-
gavras 1a; mihas) 1rpdrrous e? ? 6vevoe he? 'waI' "61 rd? >> ldlwv rohirdiv
00K e? ? eioaofie, 1re? o'q) 76 'n'he? ou 06 ,ue? hhe-re 1rcpl e? pe? iio'repov rorofi'roi
'yew'ycreo'daz ;" (schol. ) Thirlwall (v 196) suggests that this is only
a conjectural explanation of the text. Diodorus (xvi 8) states
that Philip, on entering Amphipolis through a breach in the
walls, em'led his adversaries and treated the rest with kindness
(? l)\GI/0ptil'lrw8 rpoonve? XO-q). This is 'confirmed by an inscri -
tion still extant among the ruins of Amphipolis, which recor s
a decree of perpetual banishment, and confiscation of property,
against Stratocles (? 8 l. 65) . . and Philo ' (Thirlwall l. c. ,
Leake Northern Greece iii 187, ASchaefer Dem. ii 22 2).
The partitive Genitives 'Ap? |. 1ro)\i. -rcirv, here and in l. 64,
and HoSvafow, in l. 42, are placed first for the sake of emphasis.
42. Hv$vafwvz 20 ? 63 01 rpodovres r-hv may" . . To;
<I>rX11r1rip . . In the case of Pydna the account given by the
scholiast is more credible than that of Amphipolis--deei 'rwcs
rpodeduikaow, 510' iiorepov 71161116: (in 06K 6v afi-rr'fiv ? Ef011l70,
e? 'giuyou e'rrl To 'Awivriov Zepov 'roi; 1ra'rpos aural? . . Jaws 0135'
e? Ke'iae Kara? v76vrwl> e? ? elaaro dhh' avao'ri'lo'as aural): b'pKozs e? 1rl
11,3 ,uque? v roifiaar e'fehaovras dve'ihev (ASchacfer 1. 0. 23 2).
That Philip 'exercised any unnecessary severity toward them is certainly
not to be believed (says Thirlwall v 197) on the authority of a rhetorician
(Aristeides i 715) who lived many centuries later; but it would not be
incredible that, at the moment of occupation, some blood was shed in a
military or political tumult, which may have given Demosthenes occasion
for an allusion to Philip's conduct, exactly like that which he makes on
the subject of Amphipolis. ' Cp. Liban. iv 973.
43. (inrw'rov, 'an object of mistrust. ' For the neut. adj.
cp. Plato Leg. 663 E mm i] ahfifieia Kai [Lox/mow. For the sense
as applied to Philip, 23 ? 108 ,uelfw 757's 1rpos dl'ITOI'JS 1rfa'rews 'yvyuo-
,uevov. TroM-relais, ' free States,'=517,u. 0KparlaLs (Harpoon) ;
3 ? 26, 4 ? 48, 6 ? 21, 8 ? ? 40, 43; 9 ? 26, Xen. Hell. vi 3, 8,
Aristot. Pol. 1307a 15 rd: aroKMvovoas aihhov We; To whfiflos
Kahoiiu'i nohirelas.
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-27 05:10 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/uc1. 31175009758841 Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd-google
? 132 FIRST OL YNTHIAC I ? 5--7
iikkms 're Kdv, ' especially if. '
? 6 l. 46. upon-fix": sc. e? uOv/iei'o'fim. dmul. Se'iv:
4 ? 16. e? eekfio-ai, 'resolve,' 'decide,' 2 ? 13; dependent
(like both the following infinitives) on ? 7][I. i 66v. Thuc. v 9, 6
vopla'wre ell/a; Tow? KaMbs wokene'iv Ta e'lh-'kew Kai 'rb aiu'xlfveaflai
Kai 16 10? : dpxoum Tflo? 00tlh
47. "apogweqm, 'be roused (to indignation),' ? 24 ; 2 ? 11,
6? 18,14? 6,21? 2.
48. eio-rbe? pov'rus x-rX. : the participles correspond in number
to the three preceding infinitives.
50. Miyos, 'motive,' 'reason,' contrasted with u-Kfiilns,
'pretence,' 'excuse. ' Lycurg. ? 33 1! 731;) e? '5si 1rpo? ? ? crewv i)
Mwa 1') amid/ems.
? 7 l. 52. e? epe? how, 'were always harping on,' 3 ? 7 dram-es
e? dpi'movv 10610 (ref. to the same matter), 2? 6, 19 ? 150 MAM
Xe? 'youros e? ,u. oi') Kai 0puhoiiv-ros del, ib. 273 Thu inrb mill-raw 0pv)\ou-
,ue? myv eipfivnv, 21 ? 160 Tali-r1711 015' (in 0puMfiaci, [61] ? 29
wokM'w 0pv)\oziv-rwv 111$ . . These are all the exx. in Demosthenes.
53. ixwokepe? io-m. : 3 ? 7, ' excite to war. ' Thuc. vi 77, 2
Tails 5% . . e? 'K'rroXepoiiv 1rpbs dXN/lkous (ib. 91, 5 16. e? vfidfie . . (pave--
pu'JTepov e? xroXe/ieiv). Verbs in do: (and most verbs in ~60>>)
are transitive, verbs in 40: generally intransitive.
This distinction sometimes vanishes. Thus ' we find "KM"; and xsziw,
iii-ye? w and [wydm existing side by side without essential difference of mean-
ing' (Curtius Gk. Verb p. 246 Engl. ed. ) The forms UKflllliw, o'x'r'ys'w and
mmvdm are discussed in AJP. xiii 71*84. In the text there is a variant
e'nnokenfiuai (see Harpocr. in critical notes). e? xwerlie? wm, however,
is more in accordance with ordinary Greek usage. ' Certs analogia
postuiat e? mromnoiv, idque certis optiniorum scriptorum testimoniis
cxploratam liabet fidem, quae pauculis librorum mendis convelli non
test . . Lecte Hurpocrationis annotatione exstitit elius, qni quid inter
exnoAmofiv ct Ema/\snziv interesset dc suo (id est de nihilo) comlnentus est
in farragine Ammonli de dife'r. verbo'r'um. ' e? xwokepie? aa. ' xvi e? mrokenfi-
vac 8m? e? pel, e'K-irerpe? -'iam. new ya'p e'o-n 16 mi: 1r6Aep-ov EpBaAer, e'mrer-
in'imu 8% 1b miAw Q's/\eiv. Equidem grammaticos facessere hinc iusserim
et Demostheni bis suuln e? mrokenfiwm. restituerim,' Cobet Misc. Grit. p. 450.
ye? yov' airre? pm-rov: 3 ? 7 1re? 1rpax-rai . . onwafifino're (of the
same event). Prooem. 36 ? 1 1'7 re? xn . . mma ri'i'w rpa'yndrwv
i'I/fiv ali're? iiafl', d): 8. 11 eitfawfie (cp. (59 av . . WWPOL), raplvrna'w,
inf. ? 9 ll. 77, 82 ; 10 ? 31, 18 ? 205, 54 ? 12, Prooem. 2 ,8, and
41, 2 ; livrb TGI'ITO/LdTOU seven times in Demosthenes.
54. KGITG. ? (1'0. ), 'and ilzat,' 7 ? 37, 8 ? 55, 9 ? ? 13, 37. lbs,
'in such a manner as,' not combined with (iv, which would
require the Subj. -
56. crdmkepoh contrasted with fieflafiuv l. 58. pe? xpl.
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-27 05:10 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/uc1. 31175009758841 Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd-google
? I ? 7, 8 FIRST OLYNTHIAO' 133
row, 'only in part,' 'only up to a certain point'; 16 ? 24 rd
,ue? v Bimza min-es, ? 6. 11 Kal p37 floe? hwv-rm, #e? xpt 10L? '1' aloxt'wovrat
,uh 1rpd1-1-ew. It may also mean 'only for a while. ' ,ue? xpl.
mum is applied to time in 9 ? 10, 19 ? 150, and thrice in 18
? 48, and this is the most common meaning. Both senses occur
in 15 ? 10 pue? xpr. Tfis Tfill-GPOV ime? pas and. [Le? XPL 100 Mum-oi}.
'rairr(u. ): sc. woke/1. 611.
57. ex 'ni'w 1rpr airroivs hxhnpd-rmv, 'on account of
grievances of their own,' 5 ? 17 e? 'yKM/w. #pos titrawas, 41 ? 4
1611 1r. dhhfihovs e? 'yKMmi-rwv, Lys. 10 ? 23 11110: 61/10; e? /Lol 1r. {was
e? 'yxhfi/La'ros, ib. 16 ? 10, 14 ?
Inf. with Article as Acc. after a Preposition (Goodwin MT.
? 800). The articular Inf. is extremely common in Demo-
sthenes, as also in Thucydides. The average number of
examples per Teubner page is in Thucydides '45, in his
'speeches' nearly 1 ; in the 'public orations' of Demosthenes
1'25, and in the First Olynthiac as high as 2'75.
Gildersleeve in Trans. of American Philal. Association 1878, AJP. iii
197, 199, viii 330, 332. There are also papers by Stix (without statistics),
Zum Gebrauch des Inf. mit Artikel bei Dem. Rottweil 1881, and by
RWagner, dc Inf. apud oratores Atticos cum amiculo coniuncto, Schwerin
35. Karmayds can only refer to a compact of submission,
as is proved b the subsequent context. a; (iv . .
wotfio-aH-(o), ' w ich he would make,' if the Olynthians listened
to his advances.
37. e? vav-rlws 4X": antistrophic to rpoe? xel. at the end of the
parallel clause in l. 35.
? 5 l. 37. Sfihov--ii-ri: an iambic trimeter (noticed by
'Maximus Planudes,' v 471 Walz = Syrianus i 28 Rabe), as
in 21 ? 165, 35 ? 22. Hexameters have been detected in 4 ? 6,
18 ? ? 143, 198; 19 ? 75, 23 ? ? 14, 50, 134, 144. Similarly
viv--Xe? pas is a choliambus (with anapaest in second foot).
But in none of these exx. does the verse really arrest attention
by any exact coincidence with the limits of the clause or Ke? ihov
(which here ends with 56517:). They are therefore hardly excep-
tions to the rule in Aristotle's Rhet. iii 8, 3 fit/0ro 6:? e? xew
row M'yov, ue? rpov 6% mi. Op. Cic. Orator 189 versus saepe in
orationc per imprudentiam dicimus (with notes on pp. 206-8,
ed. Sandys).
38. "Irepi = inr? pz 4 ? 1, 19 ? 94, 20 ? 124, 45 ? 11. In all
these passages we have inre? p in the second clause corresponding
to 1repl in the first. The use of WW inre? p or 0116' z'nre? p prevents
the collocation of more than two short syllables----d)\)\a mspl,
0068 1repl (cp. note on Lept. ? 124, ed. Sandys). The repetition
of i'nre? p before avao'rdo'sws is avoided for the same reason.
\'nre? p must be understood with draw-racer>>: Kai avapanawaot
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-27 05:10 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/uc1. 31175009758841 Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd-google
? I ? 5 FIRST 0L YNTHIAO 131
(in a. different sense to l'nre? p with ae? pous Xe? pas) 'to save their
country from destruction (devastation) and servitude. ' Cp.
Thuc. v 59, l inre? p 're 1ra'rpi50s i7 ,udx-q Eu'rai Kai l'me? p apxfis
(iaa Kai Bovhelas.
39. xwfiuva'ioua-w : perhaps preferable to woke/1. 066111, because
Demosthenes is here arguing on the assumption of Philip's
making terms with the Olynthians, Ta; Karahha'yiis l. 35, con--
trasted with Ta 100 1ro>\e? ,uou 1. 34. Though several phrases in
the speech (e. g. 11. 53, 192) imply war with the Olynthians, it is
clearly not yet in full force, and may still be averted by coming
to terms (cp. Hartcl's Dem. Antra'ge p. 532).
40. 'AML'lroht're? iv K'rX. : clo'ehfldrv "yap mama; (so. rods avoi-
gavras 1a; mihas) 1rpdrrous e? ? 6vevoe he? 'waI' "61 rd? >> ldlwv rohirdiv
00K e? ? eioaofie, 1re? o'q) 76 'n'he? ou 06 ,ue? hhe-re 1rcpl e? pe? iio'repov rorofi'roi
'yew'ycreo'daz ;" (schol. ) Thirlwall (v 196) suggests that this is only
a conjectural explanation of the text. Diodorus (xvi 8) states
that Philip, on entering Amphipolis through a breach in the
walls, em'led his adversaries and treated the rest with kindness
(? l)\GI/0ptil'lrw8 rpoonve? XO-q). This is 'confirmed by an inscri -
tion still extant among the ruins of Amphipolis, which recor s
a decree of perpetual banishment, and confiscation of property,
against Stratocles (? 8 l. 65) . . and Philo ' (Thirlwall l. c. ,
Leake Northern Greece iii 187, ASchaefer Dem. ii 22 2).
The partitive Genitives 'Ap? |. 1ro)\i. -rcirv, here and in l. 64,
and HoSvafow, in l. 42, are placed first for the sake of emphasis.
42. Hv$vafwvz 20 ? 63 01 rpodovres r-hv may" . . To;
<I>rX11r1rip . . In the case of Pydna the account given by the
scholiast is more credible than that of Amphipolis--deei 'rwcs
rpodeduikaow, 510' iiorepov 71161116: (in 06K 6v afi-rr'fiv ? Ef011l70,
e? 'giuyou e'rrl To 'Awivriov Zepov 'roi; 1ra'rpos aural? . . Jaws 0135'
e? Ke'iae Kara? v76vrwl> e? ? elaaro dhh' avao'ri'lo'as aural): b'pKozs e? 1rl
11,3 ,uque? v roifiaar e'fehaovras dve'ihev (ASchacfer 1. 0. 23 2).
That Philip 'exercised any unnecessary severity toward them is certainly
not to be believed (says Thirlwall v 197) on the authority of a rhetorician
(Aristeides i 715) who lived many centuries later; but it would not be
incredible that, at the moment of occupation, some blood was shed in a
military or political tumult, which may have given Demosthenes occasion
for an allusion to Philip's conduct, exactly like that which he makes on
the subject of Amphipolis. ' Cp. Liban. iv 973.
43. (inrw'rov, 'an object of mistrust. ' For the neut. adj.
cp. Plato Leg. 663 E mm i] ahfifieia Kai [Lox/mow. For the sense
as applied to Philip, 23 ? 108 ,uelfw 757's 1rpos dl'ITOI'JS 1rfa'rews 'yvyuo-
,uevov. TroM-relais, ' free States,'=517,u. 0KparlaLs (Harpoon) ;
3 ? 26, 4 ? 48, 6 ? 21, 8 ? ? 40, 43; 9 ? 26, Xen. Hell. vi 3, 8,
Aristot. Pol. 1307a 15 rd: aroKMvovoas aihhov We; To whfiflos
Kahoiiu'i nohirelas.
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-27 05:10 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/uc1. 31175009758841 Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd-google
? 132 FIRST OL YNTHIAC I ? 5--7
iikkms 're Kdv, ' especially if. '
? 6 l. 46. upon-fix": sc. e? uOv/iei'o'fim. dmul. Se'iv:
4 ? 16. e? eekfio-ai, 'resolve,' 'decide,' 2 ? 13; dependent
(like both the following infinitives) on ? 7][I. i 66v. Thuc. v 9, 6
vopla'wre ell/a; Tow? KaMbs wokene'iv Ta e'lh-'kew Kai 'rb aiu'xlfveaflai
Kai 16 10? : dpxoum Tflo? 00tlh
47. "apogweqm, 'be roused (to indignation),' ? 24 ; 2 ? 11,
6? 18,14? 6,21? 2.
48. eio-rbe? pov'rus x-rX. : the participles correspond in number
to the three preceding infinitives.
50. Miyos, 'motive,' 'reason,' contrasted with u-Kfiilns,
'pretence,' 'excuse. ' Lycurg. ? 33 1! 731;) e? '5si 1rpo? ? ? crewv i)
Mwa 1') amid/ems.
? 7 l. 52. e? epe? how, 'were always harping on,' 3 ? 7 dram-es
e? dpi'movv 10610 (ref. to the same matter), 2? 6, 19 ? 150 MAM
Xe? 'youros e? ,u. oi') Kai 0puhoiiv-ros del, ib. 273 Thu inrb mill-raw 0pv)\ou-
,ue? myv eipfivnv, 21 ? 160 Tali-r1711 015' (in 0puMfiaci, [61] ? 29
wokM'w 0pv)\oziv-rwv 111$ . . These are all the exx. in Demosthenes.
53. ixwokepe? io-m. : 3 ? 7, ' excite to war. ' Thuc. vi 77, 2
Tails 5% . . e? 'K'rroXepoiiv 1rpbs dXN/lkous (ib. 91, 5 16. e? vfidfie . . (pave--
pu'JTepov e? xroXe/ieiv). Verbs in do: (and most verbs in ~60>>)
are transitive, verbs in 40: generally intransitive.
This distinction sometimes vanishes. Thus ' we find "KM"; and xsziw,
iii-ye? w and [wydm existing side by side without essential difference of mean-
ing' (Curtius Gk. Verb p. 246 Engl. ed. ) The forms UKflllliw, o'x'r'ys'w and
mmvdm are discussed in AJP. xiii 71*84. In the text there is a variant
e'nnokenfiuai (see Harpocr. in critical notes). e? xwerlie? wm, however,
is more in accordance with ordinary Greek usage. ' Certs analogia
postuiat e? mromnoiv, idque certis optiniorum scriptorum testimoniis
cxploratam liabet fidem, quae pauculis librorum mendis convelli non
test . . Lecte Hurpocrationis annotatione exstitit elius, qni quid inter
exnoAmofiv ct Ema/\snziv interesset dc suo (id est de nihilo) comlnentus est
in farragine Ammonli de dife'r. verbo'r'um. ' e? xwokepie? aa. ' xvi e? mrokenfi-
vac 8m? e? pel, e'K-irerpe? -'iam. new ya'p e'o-n 16 mi: 1r6Aep-ov EpBaAer, e'mrer-
in'imu 8% 1b miAw Q's/\eiv. Equidem grammaticos facessere hinc iusserim
et Demostheni bis suuln e? mrokenfiwm. restituerim,' Cobet Misc. Grit. p. 450.
ye? yov' airre? pm-rov: 3 ? 7 1re? 1rpax-rai . . onwafifino're (of the
same event). Prooem. 36 ? 1 1'7 re? xn . . mma ri'i'w rpa'yndrwv
i'I/fiv ali're? iiafl', d): 8. 11 eitfawfie (cp. (59 av . . WWPOL), raplvrna'w,
inf. ? 9 ll. 77, 82 ; 10 ? 31, 18 ? 205, 54 ? 12, Prooem. 2 ,8, and
41, 2 ; livrb TGI'ITO/LdTOU seven times in Demosthenes.
54. KGITG. ? (1'0. ), 'and ilzat,' 7 ? 37, 8 ? 55, 9 ? ? 13, 37. lbs,
'in such a manner as,' not combined with (iv, which would
require the Subj. -
56. crdmkepoh contrasted with fieflafiuv l. 58. pe? xpl.
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-27 05:10 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/uc1. 31175009758841 Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd-google
? I ? 7, 8 FIRST OLYNTHIAO' 133
row, 'only in part,' 'only up to a certain point'; 16 ? 24 rd
,ue? v Bimza min-es, ? 6. 11 Kal p37 floe? hwv-rm, #e? xpt 10L? '1' aloxt'wovrat
,uh 1rpd1-1-ew. It may also mean 'only for a while. ' ,ue? xpl.
mum is applied to time in 9 ? 10, 19 ? 150, and thrice in 18
? 48, and this is the most common meaning. Both senses occur
in 15 ? 10 pue? xpr. Tfis Tfill-GPOV ime? pas and. [Le? XPL 100 Mum-oi}.
'rairr(u. ): sc. woke/1. 611.
57. ex 'ni'w 1rpr airroivs hxhnpd-rmv, 'on account of
grievances of their own,' 5 ? 17 e? 'yKM/w. #pos titrawas, 41 ? 4
1611 1r. dhhfihovs e? 'yKMmi-rwv, Lys. 10 ? 23 11110: 61/10; e? /Lol 1r. {was
e? 'yxhfi/La'ros, ib. 16 ? 10, 14 ?