Semiramis received intelligence of the revolt of the Siraces while she was in her bath; and without waiting to have her sandals put on or her hair dressed, she
left it and took the field.
Polyaenus - Strategems
He pretended that Syphax invited them into Africa, was surprised that they had deferred their expedition for so long, and observed that treaties of alliance should be promptly followed by action, or would soon be dissolved.
This representation gave new confidence and alacrity to the Romans, who pressed him to fix a day for their embarkation.
8 # When some Carthaginian spies were captured, instead of executing them as Roman law directed, Scipio ordered them to be conducted through every quarter of the camp. After having seen the men there, some exercised in launching missiles, other in hurling javelins, some again employed in furbishing their weapons, and others in sharpening their swords, they were again introduced to Scipio; who, after having entertained them at dinner, bade them go, and tell their master all they had seen. The report, which the spies made of the magnanimity of Scipio, and of the preparations for war which they observed in the Roman camp, alarmed Hannibal, and struck the Carthaginian army with consternation.
[17] Porcius Cato.
# When Porcius Cato invaded Spain, ambassadors met him from every city, with tenders of submission to him and the Roman people; those he directed within a fixed time to send hostages. And two of these hostages from each place he charged with a letter to their respective cities; directing them all to be delivered on the same day. The purpose of all the letters was the same: "The moment you receive this, demolish your walls. " The orders, being immediate, gave no time for one city to consult another; and each fearing lest, if the rest complied with the orders, and they should not, they might be reduced to a state of slavery, obeyed the instruction; and in one day every city in Spain razed their walls.
[18] Daunus.
In honour of Diomedes, who died in Italy, Daunus instituted funeral games. On the first day he proposed to the Greeks to form a procession in arms. The next day he commanded the barbarians to do the same; directing them, for the purpose, to borrow the weapons of the Greeks; with which they were no sooner furnished, than they fell upon the Greeks, and slew them with their own weapons.
[19] Titus.
# Cleonymus having made Titus prisoner, demanded for his ransom two cities, Epidamnus and Apollonia. The father of Titus refused to give them up to him; bidding him keep his prisoner. Under these circumstances Titus procured a model to be made of himself in an attitude of sleep, which he placed in his house; and having contrived means, while the sentinels were guarding the room where he had placed the model, to get secretly on board a ship, he made his escape before the deception was discovered.
[20] Gaius.
# While the Carthaginian fleet, consisting of eighty large ships, lay at Tyndaris, Gaius with two hundred triremes endeavoured in vain to bring them to a engagement, because they were deterred by the superior number of his fleet. Furling therefore the sails of one hundred of his vessels, and setting those of the rest, he concealed one half on his fleet behind the expanded sails of the other half; and, his line thus formed, showed himself to the enemy, who, supposing the number of his ships to be only in proportion to the number of sails they saw, advanced against him, determined to hazard a battle. Gaius lay by, until they had approached too near him to escape; and then bearing down upon them with all his force obtained an easy victory.
[21] Pinarius.
# The Ennaeans, who had decided to renounce the alliance of the Romans, asked Pinarius, the commander of the garrison, to give them the keys to the gates. "If," said he, "the people will assemble tomorrow, and a public decree sanctions the revolt, I will readily obey it, and give up the keys. " The next day they accordingly assembled, but in the night he placed many soldiers in ambush at the citadel, and detached different parties, to surround the theatre, post themselves in the narrow streets, and attentively look out for the signal that should be given them. The Ennaeans assembled, according to their arrangement, and passed a decree confirming the revolt. The commander of the garrison then gave the signal; at which the men, who were posted on the high points near the citadel, let fly a shower of missiles; and those, who were posted in the narrow streets, with drawn swords attacked the people; and such a general carnage prevailed, that none escaped, except some few who let themselves down from the walls, or made their way through subterranean passages.
[22] Sertorius.
# Sertorius when in Spain had a present made him by some huntsmen of a white fawn, which he brought up so tame, that it would follow him wherever he went. When he mounted the tribunal, it mounted with him; and it would move its mouth to him, when he passed judgement on a case. From this he took occasion to persuade the barbarians, that the fawn was sacred to Diana; that through it the goddess foretold all events to him; and under her auspices he waged and conducted his wars. And whatever secrets he obtained through his envoys and spies, he pretended to have been informed of them by this fawn. He gave out that this messenger of the goddess never failed to provide him early warning of hostile attacks, ambushes, and sudden incursions; and he asserted that his future victories had been revealed to him by his fawn. Seized with astonishment, the barbarians paid him abject homage, and supported him as a particular favourite of the gods.
[23] Caesar.
# On his voyage to Nicomedes, Caesar was captured by some Cilician pirates near Malea. When they demanded a very large sum for his ransom, he promised to double it. As soon as they had reached Miletus, and landed there, he dispatched Epicrates a Milesian servant to the Milesians, asking them to lend him the sum he required; which was immediately sent. Epicrates was also commanded by Caesar, at the same when he brought the money, to bring likewise every preparation for a magnificent feast, together with a water-pot filled with swords, and wine with mandrake steeped in it. Caesar then paid them the double sum, as he had promised; and made them partake of the banquet he had prepared. In high spirits at the large sum they had received, they gave loose to their appetite, and drank freely of the drugged wine, which presently sent them to sleep. In that state Caesar ordered them to be slain, and he immediately repaid the money to the Milesians.
2 # Caesar, when in Gaul, arrived at the foot of the Alps, and found the mountains occupied by the barbarians, who were prepared to dispute his passage. By a careful observation of the nature of the place, beneath those mountains he observed a great number of streams, which were of considerable depth; and the exhalations, which ascended from them every morning, formed a thick cloud. Under that cover, Caesar with half his army made a circuit round the mountains and reached the heights; the enemy because of the thickness of the cloud were not able to see his movement, but supposed him to be still in his camp. As soon as he found himself above the enemy, he set up a loud shout, which was returned by the other half of the army below; while the mountains re-echoing with the sound threw the barbarians into a general consternation; they precipitately quitted their posts, and fled, leaving Caesar to pass the Alps without molestation.
3 # Caesar fought against the Helvetii, of whom eighty thousand, twenty thousand of them bearing arms, had penetrated into the Roman territories in Gaul. As was his usual method in his engagements with the barbarians, on the first day he retreated before the enemy, suffering a kind of defeat. This imaginary success gave them fresh confidence; and they determined to cross the Rhone in pursuit of him, while he encamped some little distance from it. The stream was rough; about thirty thousand of the barbarians crossed it with great difficulty and fatigue, and the rest of the army waited to cross it the next day. Those who had crossed over, worn out with the labour of the day, threw themselves down on the banks to rest; but Caesar attacked them in the night, and cut every man to pieces, who had neither time nor opportunity to cross back over the river.
4 # Caesar not thinking himself strong enough to engage the Germans, who had offered him battle, contented himself with acting on the defensive; till, having learned that their augurs had forbidden them to fight before the new moon, he took the first opportunity to advance and attack them, supposing they would fight with less spirit and alacrity, when it was contrary to the instructions of their augurs. The event justified his expectations; and, by availing himself of an advantageous time for engaging, without any other advantage he gained a complete victory.
5 # When Caesar's passage over a large river in Britain was disputed by the British king Cassivellaunus, at the head of a strong body of cavalry and a great number of chariots, he ordered an elephant, an animal till then unknown to the Britons, to enter the river first, mailed in scales of iron, with a tower on its back, on which archers and slingers were stationed. If the Britons were terrified at so extraordinary a spectacle, what shall I say of their horses? Amongst the Greeks, the horses fly at the sight of an unarmed elephant; but armoured, and with a tower on its back, from which missiles and stones are continually hurled, it is a sight too formidable to be borne. The Britons accordingly with their cavalry and chariots abandoned themselves to flight, leaving the Romans to pass the river unmolested, after the enemy had been routed by the appearance of a single beast.
6 # Caesar having received intelligence, that Cicero, who was besieged by the Gauls, would be forced to surrender, if he was not speedily relieved, dispatched a soldier with orders to hurl a javelin over the walls in the night, with a letter tied to it. The letter was carried to Cicero, as soon as it was discovered; the contents of it were as follows: "Caesar bids Cicero hold out. Expect assistance. " Very soon after, a cloud of smoke and dust was seen, the harbinger of his approach, ravaging the country as he advanced. The siege was immediately raised; and Cicero had the satisfaction not only to find himself relieved, but to see his besiegers defeated.
7 # Caesar was advancing with an army of seven thousand men against the Gauls. In order to make his force appear to the enemy less than it really was, he fixed his camp on a confined spot of ground; and with a considerable detachment posted himself on a hill covered with woods, and there lay concealed. A small body of cavalry marched out of the camp, and skirmished with the enemy; who in confidence of their superiority pursued them to their trenches, and began, some to fill the ditch, and others to pull down the palisades. In the mean time, a sudden charge was sounded; the foot soldiers in an entire body sallied out of the camp, and the concealed troops poured down from the heights, where they had been posted, against the enemy's rear. The barbarians, thus vigorously attacked on all sides, were most of them cut to pieces.
8 # Caesar had laid close siege to a fort in Gaul, which the barbarians defended with great resolution. But when a heavy storm of rain and hail happened to fall, Caesar observed that the guards had been driven by it from the walls and battlements. He availed himself of this opportunity, and ordered his men instantly to arm, and mount the walls; which they found undefended, and without loss made themselves masters of the place.
9 # When Caesar undertook an expedition against Gergovia, the largest city in Gaul, Vercingetorix, king of the Gauls, took the field, and encamped against him. Between the two armies lay a large navigable river, which it was impracticable to ford. Convinced of this, Caesar made no open attempt to cross it; which drew on him the contempt of the barbarians, and made them confident that they were safe from attack. But in the night, he detached two legions into some thick woods, who marched up the river, while Caesar distracted the Gauls. Finding the old piles, on which a bridge had formerly been constructed, they rapidly cut down a quantity of timber from the wood where they had been posted, which they threw over the remains of the old bridge, that were still there; and over this temporary bridge they effected a safe passage. They advanced immediately against the Gauls, and easily routed them, because they were astonished at the unexpected approach of an enemy, and unprepared for battle. Caesar with the rest of his army effected a passage by the same way; and by the rapidity of this movement, struck terror into the Gauls.
10 # Caesar advanced to the siege of Gergovia, but found it strongly fortified both by design and nature. The city was situated on a steep hill, that had a flat top. The left side of the hill was covered with thick trees and undergrowth; the right was too steep to be accessible; and one narrow pass led to it, which the defenders of Gergovia commanded with a powerful force. Caesar armed some of the most active and resolute men that he could pick out, and in the night he secretly posted them in the wood, equipped with short javelins, and such small swords as might not inconvenience them by being entangled among the trees. He ordered them not to attempt to advance upright, but to observe all possible silence and creep upon their hands and knees. By break of day they had made good their passage through the wood, and reached the summit of the hill. Caesar then advanced with the rest of his army against the right side, and drew thither the attention of the barbarians; while the troops emerged from the wood formed without being noticed, and made themselves masters of the hill
11 # When Caesar lay before Alesia, the Gauls advanced against him with an army of two hundred and fifty thousand men. In the night he detached three thousand heavy-armed infantry, and all his cavalry, directing them to take different routes, and at about the second hour of the next day to fall upon the enemy's rear, and bring them to a engagement. He himself, as soon as it was light, drew up his army, and offered them battle; a challenge which the barbarians, relying on their numbers, treated with ridicule and contempt. But the detachments, who appeared in their rear and advanced with a shout of exultation, struck them with terror and consternation, when they saw their retreat thus cut off; and there ensued the greatest carnage, which the Gauls till then had ever experienced.
12 Caesar wished to capture Dyrrachium, which then belonged to Pompeius' side, and was protected by a powerful body of cavalry. But great as their force was, Caesar found means to baffle it with a handful of men, and a clever stratagem. He ordered a small body of cavalry to attack them at a handsome gallop; having detached three companies of infantry before them, with orders to do nothing else, but to raise as great a dust with their feet as they possibly could. The immense cloud of dust that was raised, and the confidence with which the cavalry seemed to advance to the attack, convinced the enemy that they were coming in great force; and, struck with a sudden and general alarm, they immediately fled.
13 Caesar, obliged to retreat through a narrow defile, had a lake on his left, and on his right the sea. By occasional halts, quick turns, and sudden sallies he repulsed the enemy who hung upon his rear, without much loss. But on the sea side Pompeius' fleet, that kept alongside him in his march, caused him much harm with their missiles and javelins. Against this attack Caesar ordered his men to carry their shields on their right hands; which had the desired effect. [see also: Caesar, BCiv. 3. 75]
14 When Caesar and Pompeius were in Thessaly, the latter, who was well supplied with provisions, declined to come to battle; while Caesar, who was short of provisions, was accordingly anxious to engage. Caesar used every expedient to irritate the enemy; sometimes shifting his camp, to procure forage, and sometimes retreating. Pompeius' army, taking these frequent movements for signs of timidity, scarcely contained themselves; and pressed Pompeius to lead them against the foe. Caesar continued to retreat before them, till he had drawn them into an open plain; then he faced about, fought them gallantly, and obtained a victory. [see also: Caesar, BCiv. 3. 85]
15 When a sedition appeared to be forming in the camp, as the soldiers clamorously insisted on being discharged from service, Caesar with a composed and cheerful air went into the midst of them; "And what is it," said he, "my fellow-soldiers, that you want? " "To be discharged from service," they replied. "Very well," he said; "but be advised then, citizens, and refrain from sedition. " Piqued at being called citizens, and not fellow-soldiers, they were more clamorous than before; altering their cry of grievance, and saying their title was not citizens, but fellow-soldiers. Caesar with a smile replied, "If we are fellow-soldiers, then let us fight together. " [see also: Frontinus, Str. 4. 5. 2]
16 In a engagement with the younger Pompeius, Caesar, seeing his men give way, jumped from his horse, and called aloud: "Are you not ashamed, my fellow-soldiers, to run away and leave me in the hands of the enemy? " The troops felt the reproof, rallied, and renewed the fight. [see also: Frontinus, Str. 2. 8. 13]
17 Caesar ordered his men to be always in readiness; as in the midst of a festival, or of a storm, by night, or by day, if occasion required, he might at an hour's notice march them out; and therefore never fixed for his movements any distant period, or future day. " [see also: Suetonius, Caes. 65]
18 Caesar's practice was to make his sallies at full speed; thereby never giving the enemy time to assault his rear.
19 Whenever Caesar saw his men apprehensive of the enemy's superiority of force, he never attempted to diminish, but on the contrary exaggerated their strength; that the greater the force of the enemy, his army might see the greater necessity for a vigorous exertion. [see also: Suetonius, Caes. 66]
20 Caesar encouraged his men to have their weapons richly ornamented with gold and silver; not only for the sake of a splendid appearance, but because the more valuable they were, their owners would the more reluctantly part with them. [see also: Suetonius, Caes. 67]
21 Caesar was not very exact in observing, or scrupulous in punishing, petty offences in his men; supposing that to overlook, or pardon a fault, would be a spur to valour. But anyone, who was a leader in a sedition, or had deserted his ranks, was sure not to go unpunished.
22 Caesar used always to call his soldiers, fellow-soldiers; rendering them by that equality of title ready to face dangers, and execute his commands.
23 # On receiving intelligence, that some troops had been butchered in Gaul, Caesar made a vow not to shave his face, till he had taken satisfaction on their murderers. This reaction won him universal esteem.
24 Caesar, when short of provisions, distributed to his men loaves, which were made of grass. One of these loaves fell into the hands of Pompeius, who was then engaged in war against him. Pompeius concealed it, unwilling to produce to his own troops such strong evidence of the resolution and hardiness of the enemy, with whom they were engaged. [see also: Suetonius, Caes. 68]
25 In the battle fought between Caesar and Pompeius on the plains of Pharsalus, Caesar knowing that there were in the enemy's army a great number of elegant young men, who valued themselves on their personal attractions, ordered his men to aim their spears and javelins not at the bodies of their enemy, but at their faces. The dread of being disfigured drove them off the field, and contributed not a little to the success of the day. [see also: Plutarch, Caes. 45]
26 After the defeat at Dyrrachium, Caesar's men surrendered themselves up to be decimated: a punishment however, which he would not suffer to be inflicted. Instead he exhorted them by their future behaviour to retrieve the honour which they had lost. They accordingly in every future engagement, though against superior forces, bore away the palm of victory. [see also: Suetonius, Caes. 68]
27 While Pompeius declared, that he considered all, who attached themselves to neither party, as his enemies; Caesar on the contrary ordered it to be reported, that he esteemed all, who did not appear in arms against him, as his friends. [see also: Suetonius, Caes. 75]
28 Caesar, when he commanded in Spain, made a truce with the enemy; notwithstanding which, they resumed hostilities, and cut many on his men to pieces. Instead of retaliating, he set free some prisoners which he had of theirs, and by that act of humanity much ingratiated himself with the foe.
29 After his victory over Pompeius at Pharsalus, Caesar saw that his soldiers were slaughtering the defeated enemy without mercy, and cried out, "Spare your fellow-citizens. "
30 After Caesar had seen all his enemies subdued, he empowered every one of his soldiers to save the life of any Roman he pleased. By this act of kindness and humanity he ingratiated himself with his soldiers, and restored the exiled citizens to Rome.
31 Caesar ordered that the statues of Pompeius and Sulla, which had been demolished by their enemies, should be replaced. This act of moderation gained him much esteem amongst the Romans.
32 When the auguries were pronounced adverse, to keep up the spirits of his men, Caesar used to say, he could render them auspicious whenever he pleased. [see also: Suetonius, Caes. 77]
33 When a victim had been offered, in which no heart was found, "And where is the wonder," cried Caesar, "that a brute animal should be found without a heart? " His men, who had been alarmed at the inauspicious appearance of the sacrifice, recovered their spirits because of the amusing turn he gave to it.
[24] Augustus.
Augustus did not order a general execution of those who evaded action in battle; but he punished them with decimation. [see also: Suetonius, Aug. 24]
2 To those, who through cowardice suffered themselves to be left behind, he ordered barley to be distributed instead of wheat.
3 In order to punish those, who had committed offences in the army, he ordered them to stay standing before the general's tent without their weapons; and sometimes, to be employed for a whole day in carrying bricks.
4 Augustus directed his generals always to act with caution; and was continually repeating to them Festina lente - be active, but not rash; for a general had better be too cautious, than too confident. [see also: Suetonius, Aug. 25]
5 Augustus always rewarded those, who had performed any signal exploit, with large gifts of silver and gold.
6 In respect to those, who without some good purpose wantonly exposed themselves to danger, Augustus use to say: it was like fishing with a golden hook.
7 Augustus, in his war with Brutus and Cassius, had occasion to cross the Adriatic, when the enemy's fleet under the command of Murcius was stationed at an island near Brundisium, ready to dispute his passage. Augustus advanced in line of battle, directing his course along the coast of Italy on the right of the Adriatic, as if he was heading towards the island with the intention of giving battle to Murcius; and on the transport ships he erected his towers and machines. Murcius concluded from those preparations for action that he intended to fight; and therefore stretched out into the open sea, where he might have room to form his line. But Augustus, instead of engaging, slipped into the port, which Murcius had left. Murcius, having no other port at hand where he could lie safe from storms, was obliged to sail forward to Thesprotis, leaving Augustus to cross the Adriatic without risk; and from there he crosed over into Macedonia. [see also: Appian, BCiv. 4. 86]
[25] The Romans.
After the Celts had made themselves masters of the city, they concluded a treaty with the Romans on the following conditions: that they should pay them tribute, leave a gate open at all times, and give them a portion of land to cultivate. After these terms were acceded to, the Celts fixed their camp; and the Romans, treating them as friends, sent them various presents and supplied them with plenty of wine. The barbarians - for the Celts in particular are strongly addicted to liquor - indulged in the wine so freely, that there was scarcely a man amongst them who could stand upright. The Romans attacked them when they were in that condition, and cut every man to pieces. And that they might in effect appear to have fulfilled the conditions of the treaty, they constructed a gate which was left open on an inaccessible rock. [see also: Appian, Gall. 5]
2 The Trojans, who had survived the destruction of Troy, with Aeneias as their leader anchored at the mouth of the Tiber; and landing there, went up into the country in various directions. In their absence the women held a consultation, and a Trojan woman called Roma thus addressed them: "Whither are we wandering? How long are we to be tossed on the sea? Come on, let us burn the ships; and thereby reduce our husbands to the necessity of settling here. " After saying this, she instantly lit a torch, and set one of the ships on fire; the rest of the women followed her example, and demolished the whole fleet. Then the Trojans were forced to settle in Italy, because they had lost their ships. [see also: Plutarch, Rom. 1]
3 Coriolanus, after he had been banished from Rome, offered his services to the Etruscans; they accepted, and appointed him general of their forces. Under his leadership they defeated the Romans in various engagements; and at last he advanced against Rome, determined to storm the city. A procession of Roman matrons, with Veturia the mother of Coriolanus at their head, advanced to meet the hostile army, and tried with the force of their entreaties to deflect Coriolanus from his purpose. They prostrated themselves before him, and embraced his knees. Veturia thus concluded their supplications: "If however you are determined not to spare your country, first slay your mother, and this venerable band of Roman matrons. " Coriolanus was moved with compassion; he dropped a tear, and retreated, affording an eminent example of filial duty, but fatal to himself. For the Etruscans by a public decree sentenced him to death, for a breach of trust in failing to accomplish a victory which he had in his hands. [see also: Plutarch, Cor. 36]
Following Chapters (26-71)
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Polyaenus: Stratagems
- BOOK 8, Chapters 26-71
Adapted from the translation by R. Shepherd (1793). See key to translations for an explanation of the format.
The Greek text of these chapters is available in archive. org.
CONTENTS: ← Previous Chapters (1-25) 26 Semiramis ; 27 Rhodogune ; 28 Tomyris ; 29 Nitetis ; 30 Philotis ; 31 Cloelia ; 32 Porcia ; 33 Telesilla ; 34 Cheilonis ; 35 Pieria ; 36 Polycrete ; 37 Lampsace ; 38 Aretaphila ; 39 Camma ; 40 Timocleia ; 41 Eryxo ; 42 Pythopolis ; 43 Chrysame ; 44 Polycleia ; 45 Leaena ; 46 Themisto ; 47 Pheretima ; 48 Axiothea ; 49 Archidamis ; 50 Laodice ; 51 Theano ; 52 Deidameia ; 53 Artemisia ; 54 Mania ; 55 Tirgatao ; 56 Amage ; 57 Arsinoe ; 58 Cratesipolis ; 59 The Priestess ; 60 Cynane ; 61 Mysta ; 62 Epicharis ; 63 The Milesian Women ; 64 The Melian Women ; 65 The Phocian Women ; 66 The Chian Women ; 67 The Thasian Women ; 68 The Argive Women ; 69 The Acarnanian Women ; 70 The Women of Cyrene ; 71 The Lacedaemonian Women
[26] Semiramis.
Semiramis received intelligence of the revolt of the Siraces while she was in her bath; and without waiting to have her sandals put on or her hair dressed, she immediately left it and took the field. Her exploits are recorded on pillars, in these words: "Nature made me a woman, but I have raised myself to rivalry with the greatest of men. I swayed the sceptre of Ninus; and extended my dominions to the river Hinamames on the east; on the south, to the country which is fragrant with the production of frankincense and myrrh; and northward to the Saccae and Sogdians. No Assyrian before me ever saw the sea; but distant as the seas are from here, I have seen four. And to their proud waves who can set bounds? I have directed the course of rivers at my will; and my will has directed them where they might prove useful. I have made a barren land produce plenty, and fertilised it with my rivers. I have built walls which are impregnable; and with iron forced a way through inaccessible rocks. At great expense I have formed roads in places, which before not even the wild beasts could traverse. And great and various as my exploits have been, I have always found leisure hours, in which to indulge myself and my friends.
[27] Rhodogune.
Rhodogune was just coming out of her bath, with her hair as yet undressed, when she received intelligence of the revolt of a subject nation. Without waiting to have her hair dressed, she mounted her horse, and put herself at the head of her army. At the same time, she vowed never to have her hair dressed, till she had subdued the rebels; which she eventually achieved after a tedious war. She then bathed, and had her hair dressed. From this circumstance, the seal of the kings of Persia bears on it Rhodogune with dishevelled hair.
[28] Tomyris.
When Cyrus advanced against the Massagetae, Tomyris their queen retreated before him. The Persian army, closely pursuing her, entered and plundered her camp. There they found a great quantity of wine, and all sorts of provisions; on which they indulged immoderately, revelling throughout the night, as if they had obtained a victory. In that situation Tomyris attacked them, and cut them to pieces, while they were partly buried in sleep, and partly so drenched with wine, and surfeited with banqueting, that they could scarcely stand upright; and Cyrus himself was slain. [see also: Herodotus, 1. 211 - however Herodotus attributes this ruse to Cyrus, not to Tomyris. ]
[29] Nitetis.
Cyrus king of Persia asked Amasis king of Egypt for his daughter in marriage. But instead of his own, he sent him Nitetis the daughter of king Apries, whose death had contrived, and whose throne he had usurped. Nitetis long passed for the daughter of Amasis, while she cohabited with Cyrus. But after having borne him children, and made herself mistress of his affections, she informed him, who she was; that her father was Apries, the king and master of Amasis. "And now," she said, "since Amasis is dead, it will be a generous act to revenge the injury of my family on Psammetichus his son. Cyrus consented; but he died before the expedition took place. However his son Cambyses was prevailed on by his mother to undertake the expedition; which he finished successfully, and transferred the sceptre of Egypt once more into the hands of the family of Apries.
[30] Philotis.
The Latins under the command of Postumius made war upon the Romans; at the same time they offered to form an alliance with them, if they would give them their daughters in marriage, which would cement the two nations, as they had themselves done in the case of the Sabines. The Romans were at that time in no condition to engage in a war, and yet were unwilling to part with their daughters. Philotis, a young and handsome slave, proposed to them to dress her, and such other good-looking slaves as they could pick out, and send them to the Latins in place of their daughters; at the same time she engaged to let them know by lighting a torch, at what time in the night the Latins went to rest. Accordingly, as soon as they had retired to repose with their new brides, Philotis lit the torch, and the Romans surprised the Latins in bed, and slew them. [see also: Plutarch, Rom. 29]
[31] Cloelia.
The Romans concluded a treaty with the Etruscans, and sent as hostages for the observance of it the daughters of some of the first families in Rome. Those young women used frequently to go down to the Tiber to bathe; and Cloelia, who was one of them, proposed to the rest that they should tie their clothes around their heads, and swim across the river. The Romans admired their resolution; but according to the faith of the treaty, they sent them all back to the Etruscans. When they were introduced to Porsenna, king of the Etruscans, he asked who was the proposer of so daring an act. To which Cloelia undauntedly replied, that she was. Porsenna was pleased with her manly spirit. He presently her with a richly caparisoned horse, and sent her and her companions back to Rome, with just praise for their courage. [see also: Plutarch, Publ. 19]
[32] Porcia.
Porcia, the daughter of Cato, and wife of Brutus, when she suspected that her husband entertained some designs against Caesar, which he would not venture to communicate to her, cut her thigh with a razor. Thus she gave him proof of the resolution, with which she could inflict the wound, and bear the pain. Brutus no longer hesitated to reveal to her the conspiracy; she carried her own dress to him, and he found a sword privately concealed in it. He used this sword, when with the rest of the conspirators he murdered Caesar. Afterwards, together with Cassius, Brutus fought against Augustus in Macedonia. He was defeated, and fell upon his own sword. Then Porcia at first endeavoured to starve herself. But not being able to achieve that, because of the intervention of her relations and servants, she ordered some fire to be brought to her, under pretence of using some unguents; and seizing the burning coals in her hands, she swallowed them, before anybody who was present had time to prevent it. Thus died Porcia; a memorable instance of resolution and fortitude, and of conjugal affection. [see also: Plutarch, Brut. 53]
[33] Telesilla.
Cleomenes king of Sparta defeated the Argives, of whom more than seven thousand were left dead on the field, and directed his march to Argos, in the hope of making himself master of the city. Then Telesilla, a musician, put herself at the head of the Argive women; they took up arms, and defended the walls so successfully, that they repulsed Cleomenes, and the other king Damaratus, and saved the city. In memory of this exploit of the women, the Argives celebrate a festival at the start of the month of Hermaeus, when the women wear tunics and robes, and the men wear the women's gowns. [see also: Pausanias, 2. 20]
[34] Cheilonis.
When Cheilonis, the daughter of Cleadas, and wife of Theompompus, learnt that her husband was husband was made prisoner by the Arcadians, she travelled into Arcadia to see him. The Arcadians, in consideration of the affection she had displayed, gave her leave to visit him in prison; there she exchanged clothes with him, and by that means he effected his escape, while she in his stead remained in prison. Before long Theopompus found an opportunity to seize a priestess of Artemis, as she was celebrating a procession at Pheneus; and the inhabitants of Tegea released Cheilonis in exchange for her.
[35] Pieria.
After they formed a sedition against the posterity of Neleus, a considerable body of the Ionians, who inhabited Miletus, separated and established themselves at Myus; and there they lived in a state of hostility with their old countrymen, though not in actual war; but they used to meet them at festivals, and public occasions. At the celebration of a solemn festival called Neleis, Pieria, the daughter of Pythus a man of distinction, went to Miletus. Phrygius, one of the descendants of Neleus, met her there; and becoming enamoured of the girl, he asked her how he could most agreeably serve her. "By giving me an opportunity," replied the maid, "of coming here frequently, and with as many companions as I please. " Phrygius understood her meaning; he effected a permanent peace, and a re-establishment of the union of the two states. The love of Phrygius and Pieria became famous ever after in the annals of Milesian history. [See also: Plutarch, Mor. 253]
[36] Polycrete.
The Milesians, assisted by the Erythraeans, made war on the Naxians; and Diognetus, the general of the Milesians, ravaged their country, and brought away considerable booty, besides a number of women, and among them Polycrete. He became enamoured of Polycrete, and cohabited with her not on the terms of a slave, but as his wife. In the Milesian camp a local festival was celebrated, at which the Milesians give themselves up to drinking and pleasure. Polycrete requested Diognetus' permission to send her brothers a small present of the sumptuous fare that was prepared; in a cake she moulded up a piece of lead, and she ordered the bearer to tell her brothers, that it was intended only for their use. On the lead she inscribed, that if they attacked the Milesian camp, they might surprise the enemy in a state of intoxication and sleep. The Naxian generals accordingly made the attack, and succeeded. Polycrete was highly honoured by her citizens for her service; and at her instance they preserved Diognetus, and his possessions. [See also: Plutarch, Mor. 254]
[37] Lampsace.
The Phocaeans under the command of Phoxus marched to the assistance of Mandron, king of the Bebryces, who had been attacked by the neighbouring barbarians. As a reward for their service, Mandron granted to the Phocaeans a part of the country, and city, and invited them to settle there. By their courage and conduct they had obtained many victories, and had enriched themselves with great spoils; which so drew upon them the envy of the barbarians, that in the absence of Mandron, the barbarians formed a resolution to massacre them. But Lampsace, the daughter of Mandron, got intelligence of the plot, and as she could not prevent it, she secretly revealed it to the Greeks. The Phocaeans prepared a magnificent sacrifice in the suburbs, and invited the barbarians to partake of it. They then divided themselves into two groups; one of which secured the walls; and the other slew the banqueters, and made themselves masters of the city. They afterwards rewarded Lampsace with honour, and named the city Lampsacus after her. [See also: Plutarch, Mor. 255]
[38] Aretaphila.
# Nicocrates, tyrant of Cyrene, among a number of other oppressive and atrocious acts, with his own hands slew Melanippus, priest of Apollo, and married Aretaphila his wife, a woman of exquisite beauty. She endeavoured by poison, and various other methods, to take revenge on the tyrant for her distressed country, and her husband's death; of which she was accused, and brought to trial. But, despite the tortures to which she was exposed, she confessed nothing, except that she had administered to him a love potion, in order to win his affections. She was finally acquitted by the tyrant's order; and supposing that she had suffered innocently, he afterwards treated her with marks of great attention and affection. Aretaphila had a daughter, who was extremely beautiful, and she introduced her to Leander, the tyrant's brother. He fell in love with her, and with the consent of Nicocrates married her. Leander was won over by the frequent remonstrances of his mother-in-law, and formed a resolution to free his country by killing the tyrant; which he managed to achieve after much difficulty, with the assistance of the Daphnis, the groom of his chamber.
[39] Camma.
Sinorix and Sinatus possessed tetrarchies in Galatia. Camma, the wife of Sinatus, was esteemed as virtuous, and fair; she was priestess of Artemis, which is an office of the highest rank that a woman can hold in Galatia. Sinorix conceived a passion for her. , which he despaired of gratifying either by force or entreaties, while her husband was alive. He therefore procured the assassination of Sinatus; and not long afterwards, paid his addresses to Camma, who repeatedly rejected his advances. At last however, yielding to the pressing solicitation of her friends and acquaintances, she pretended to consent, on these terms: "Let Sinorix come to the temple of Artemis, and there we will make our marriage vows in the presence of the goddess". On the day, Sinorix, attended by a great number of Gauls, both men and women, waited on her; and she accompanied him to the altar with fond words and tenderness. There she drank to him from a golden cup, and bade him partake with her in the drink. He received it with pleasure, as a token of bridal love, and drank it down. But the bridal cup was a potion of strong poison. As soon as she saw that he had drunk it, she fell down on he knees, and said with a loud voice: "I thank you, venerable Artemis, for granting me in this your temple a glorious revenge for my murdered husband. " After saying this, she dropped down, and expired; and the bridegroom expired with her, at the altar of the goddess. [See also: Plutarch, Mor. 257]
[40] Timocleia.
Timocleia was sister of Theagenes the Theban. Theagenes fought against Philippus at Chaeroneia, and when Philippus called out, "Whither would you pursue me? ", he answered, "Even unto Macedonia". After his death, when Alexander sacked Thebes, and some men were plundering the city in one part, and some in another, a Thracian cavalry leader entered the house of Timocleia; after supper he forced her to his bed, and also insisted on her telling him, where she had deposited her treasures. She acknowledged she had vases, cups, and other pieces of ornamental furniture, which on the city being taken, she said she had deposited in a dry well. The Thracian pressed her immediately to go with him, and show him the place, which she accordingly did; conducting him through the garden, and bringing him to the well. Fearing lest any one should preempt him, he eagerly entered the well: but instead of a treasure, found a shower of stones: which Timocleia and her servants discharged upon him, and buried him under the pile. When the Macedonians learnt of what had happened, they seized her, and carried her before Alexander. She confessed the fact to him, and said, no terrors would make her repent of having so gloriously revenged the brutal violence, that the Thracian had offered to her. Alexander applauded her spirit; and exempted from the public calamity not only her, but all who could prove any relation to her. [see also: Plutarch, Alex. 12]
[41] Eryxo.
Laarchus was declared regent of Cyrene, during the minority of Battus son of Arcesilaus; but intoxicated by power, he soon became not only a king, but a tyrant; and he exercised on the citizens the most atrocious acts of cruelty and injustice. The mother of Battus was Eryxo, a woman of great modesty and exemplary virtue. Laarchus conceived a violent passion for her, and made her proposals of marriage; on which subject, she referred him to her brothers. When they, as had been agreed between them and their sister, demurred upon it, she sent a servant to Laarchus, informing him that her brothers seemed to disapprove of the marriage; but if he would grant them a meeting at her house, she expected that the discussion might remove their present objections. So fair an opening seemed to him to promise a favourable outcome, and he visited Eryxo's house by night without a guard. There he found Polyarchus her eldest brother, together with two youths, armed and waiting to receive him; they immediately fell upon him, and slew him. Then they proclaimed Battus king; and restored to the inhabitants of Cyrene their ancient form of government. [See also: Plutarch, Mor. 260]
[42] Pythopolis.
When Pythes discovered some gold mines in his dominions, he set all his men at work in digging, searching for, and cleaning the ore; no other business was to be carried on, either by land or sea. The people were all uneasy at the land being suffered to lie uncultivated; as in the meantime there was likely be no corn, no fruits, nor anything to be had for the purposes of life. The women entreated Pythopolis, the wife of Pythes, to use her influence with her husband on this subject of general complaint. She bade them not to be uneasy; and assured them that she would. Accordingly, she sent for some goldsmiths, and ordered them to make in gold for her fish, ripe fruits, cakes, and meats of various kinds. Pythes, on his return from a journey, asked if supper was ready. A golden table was placed before him, covered with the resemblance of various foods, all worked up in gold. Pythes much admired the workmanship; then he ordered them to be taken away, and the supper to be brought. Other dishes were accordingly served up, and others after them; but in all of them, only the golden resemblance of foodstuffs was served up. Pythes in a rage told her her to put an end to her show, and let him have his supper; for he was tired and hungry. "You do not consider," replied his wife, "that victuals are difficult to procure. The whole country is employed in ransacking the bowels of the earth for gold; and unless we can eat it, we must all soon starve. " Pythes, convinced of the justness of this remonstrance, ordered the people out of the mines; and ordered them to employ themselves in agriculture, and other useful occupations. [See also: Plutarch, Mor. 262]
[43] Chrysame.
When the Ionian colonists came to Asia, Cnopus, who was descended from the family of the Codridae, made war on the inhabitants of Erythrae. He was directed by the oracle to commit the conduct of the expedition to a Thessalian priestess of Hecate Enodia, and sent an embassy to the Thessalians, which returned with the priestess Chrysame. Possessing great skill in the occult qualities of herbs, she chose out of the herd a large and beautiful bull, gilded his horns, and decorated him with garlands, and purple ribbons embroidered with gold. She mixed in his fodder a medicinal herb that would excite madness, and ordered him to be kept in the stall and fed upon it. The efficacy of this medicine was such, that not only the beast, who ate it, was seized with madness; but also all, who ate the flesh of it, when it was in such a state, were seized with the same insanity. When the enemy encamped against her, she directed an altar to be raised in sight of them; and after every preparation for a sacrifice had been made, the bull was brought forth. Under the influence of the medicine, the bull broke loose; he ran wild into the plain, roaring, and tilting at everything he met. The Erythraeans saw the victim, intended for the enemy's sacrifice, running towards their camp, and considered it as a happy omen. They seized the beast, and offered him up in sacrifice to their gods; everyone, in participation of the sacrifice, ate a piece of the flesh. The whole army was soon afterwards seized with madness, and exhibited the same marks of wildness and frenzy the bull had done. When Chrysame observed this, she directed Cnopus immediately to draw out his forces, and charge the enemy. Incapable of making any defence, the Erythraeans were cut to pieces; but Cnopus made himself master of Erythrae, a great and flourishing city.
[44] Polycleia.
Aeatus the son of Pheidippus had an only sister called Polycleia, was descended like him from the Heracleidae. The oracle had declared that whichever of their family should first cross the Achelous, should possess the city, and occupy the throne. While Aeatus was engaged in a war with the Boeotians, who had formerly settled themselves in Thessaly, and his army was preparing to cross the Achelous, Polycleia bound up her foot, pretending to have hurt it, and requested her brother to carry her across the river. He, not suspecting any deceit, readily complied with her request; he gave his shield to his armour-bearer, and took his sister on his shoulders. But as he approached the opposite bank, she leapt from him onto the shore. Turning to Aeatus, she said: "Remember the oracle, by whose declaration the kingdom must be mine; for I was the first to reach the shore. " Aeatus was pleased with the trick, and captivated by the girl's manner; he married her, and shared the kingdom with her. Their marriage produced a son, whose name was Thessalus; from whom the city was afterwards called Thessalia.
[45] Leaena.
How Aristogeiton and Harmodius delivered Athens from the tyrant's yoke, is known to every Greek. Aristogeiton had a mistress, whose name was Leaena. Hippias ordered her to be examined by torture, as to what she know of the conspiracy; after she had long borne with great resolution the various cruelties that were exercised on her, she cut out her tongue with her own hand, lest the further increase of pain should extort from her any disclosure. The Athenians in memory of her erected in the Propylaea of the Acropolis a statue of a lioness in brass, without a tongue. [see also: Pausanias, 1. 23]
[46] Themisto.
Philon, the son of Phricodemus the tyrant, fell in love with Themisto, daughter of Crithon of Oeanthe. The tyrant demanded her for his son in marriage; and was refused by her father. In resentment of this affront, Phricodemus ordered Crithon's sons to be exposed to wild beasts before the eyes of their father and mother; then he seized the daughter, and gave her in marriage to his son. Themisto, thus forced into his embraces, concealed a sword under her robe. During the night, while the bridegroom was asleep, she dispatched him with the sword so secretly, that not the least noise was heard. She then found means to escape out of the house, and fled to the shore, where she found a boat; she went onto it, and committed herself to the mercy of the wind and waves. She was carried to Helice, a city of Achaea, in which there was a temple of Poseidon, where she took refuge. Thither Phricodemus sent his other son Heracon, the brother of Philon who had been murdered, to demand the girl from the inhabitants of Helice; and they, as the tyrant requested, delivered her up. But the ship had scarcely got under sail, when a violent storm arose, which drove them to Rhium, a town in Achaea. There two Acarnanian vessels made prize of the ship, because the Acarnanians at that time were at open war with the tyrant, and they carried it to Acarnania. The people there, as soon as they were informed of what had happened, bound Heracon, and delivered him up into the power of the girl. The tyrant then sent an embassy to her, requesting his son; she promised to give him up, after she had received her parents. Phricodemus accordingly sent her parents; but nevertheless the Acarnanians would not hand over Heracon, but scourged him, and afterwards put him to death. The tyrant himself not many days afterwards fell by the hands of his citizens. And, what is most remarkable, the citizens of Helice along with their city were not long afterwards engulfed in the sea, which swelled over them in an earthquake. Poseidon thus seemed to have revenged himself on them for the indignity they had offered him, in delivering up a fugitive, who had fled for refuge to his shrine.
[47] Pheretima.
When Arcesilaus son of Battus, king of Cyrene, was driven from his kingdom by a sedition of the people, his mother Pheretima sailed to Cyprus to ask for the assistance of Euelthon, king of Salamis. The Cyprian was deaf to her entreaties, but Arcesilaus at last acquired a number of Greek allies, and recovered his kingdom. However he was too severe in the punishments that he exacted on some of his enemies, and he was slain by the neighbouring barbarians. Amidst all these calamities, Pheretima did not lose her spirit, but applied to Aryandes, the satrap of Egypt, by recounting some obligations which she had formerly been able to confer on Cambyses. Aryandes supplied her with a powerful force, with which she attacked the inhabitants of Cyrene by sea and land; thus she avenged the death of her son, and re-instated her family on the throne.
8 # When some Carthaginian spies were captured, instead of executing them as Roman law directed, Scipio ordered them to be conducted through every quarter of the camp. After having seen the men there, some exercised in launching missiles, other in hurling javelins, some again employed in furbishing their weapons, and others in sharpening their swords, they were again introduced to Scipio; who, after having entertained them at dinner, bade them go, and tell their master all they had seen. The report, which the spies made of the magnanimity of Scipio, and of the preparations for war which they observed in the Roman camp, alarmed Hannibal, and struck the Carthaginian army with consternation.
[17] Porcius Cato.
# When Porcius Cato invaded Spain, ambassadors met him from every city, with tenders of submission to him and the Roman people; those he directed within a fixed time to send hostages. And two of these hostages from each place he charged with a letter to their respective cities; directing them all to be delivered on the same day. The purpose of all the letters was the same: "The moment you receive this, demolish your walls. " The orders, being immediate, gave no time for one city to consult another; and each fearing lest, if the rest complied with the orders, and they should not, they might be reduced to a state of slavery, obeyed the instruction; and in one day every city in Spain razed their walls.
[18] Daunus.
In honour of Diomedes, who died in Italy, Daunus instituted funeral games. On the first day he proposed to the Greeks to form a procession in arms. The next day he commanded the barbarians to do the same; directing them, for the purpose, to borrow the weapons of the Greeks; with which they were no sooner furnished, than they fell upon the Greeks, and slew them with their own weapons.
[19] Titus.
# Cleonymus having made Titus prisoner, demanded for his ransom two cities, Epidamnus and Apollonia. The father of Titus refused to give them up to him; bidding him keep his prisoner. Under these circumstances Titus procured a model to be made of himself in an attitude of sleep, which he placed in his house; and having contrived means, while the sentinels were guarding the room where he had placed the model, to get secretly on board a ship, he made his escape before the deception was discovered.
[20] Gaius.
# While the Carthaginian fleet, consisting of eighty large ships, lay at Tyndaris, Gaius with two hundred triremes endeavoured in vain to bring them to a engagement, because they were deterred by the superior number of his fleet. Furling therefore the sails of one hundred of his vessels, and setting those of the rest, he concealed one half on his fleet behind the expanded sails of the other half; and, his line thus formed, showed himself to the enemy, who, supposing the number of his ships to be only in proportion to the number of sails they saw, advanced against him, determined to hazard a battle. Gaius lay by, until they had approached too near him to escape; and then bearing down upon them with all his force obtained an easy victory.
[21] Pinarius.
# The Ennaeans, who had decided to renounce the alliance of the Romans, asked Pinarius, the commander of the garrison, to give them the keys to the gates. "If," said he, "the people will assemble tomorrow, and a public decree sanctions the revolt, I will readily obey it, and give up the keys. " The next day they accordingly assembled, but in the night he placed many soldiers in ambush at the citadel, and detached different parties, to surround the theatre, post themselves in the narrow streets, and attentively look out for the signal that should be given them. The Ennaeans assembled, according to their arrangement, and passed a decree confirming the revolt. The commander of the garrison then gave the signal; at which the men, who were posted on the high points near the citadel, let fly a shower of missiles; and those, who were posted in the narrow streets, with drawn swords attacked the people; and such a general carnage prevailed, that none escaped, except some few who let themselves down from the walls, or made their way through subterranean passages.
[22] Sertorius.
# Sertorius when in Spain had a present made him by some huntsmen of a white fawn, which he brought up so tame, that it would follow him wherever he went. When he mounted the tribunal, it mounted with him; and it would move its mouth to him, when he passed judgement on a case. From this he took occasion to persuade the barbarians, that the fawn was sacred to Diana; that through it the goddess foretold all events to him; and under her auspices he waged and conducted his wars. And whatever secrets he obtained through his envoys and spies, he pretended to have been informed of them by this fawn. He gave out that this messenger of the goddess never failed to provide him early warning of hostile attacks, ambushes, and sudden incursions; and he asserted that his future victories had been revealed to him by his fawn. Seized with astonishment, the barbarians paid him abject homage, and supported him as a particular favourite of the gods.
[23] Caesar.
# On his voyage to Nicomedes, Caesar was captured by some Cilician pirates near Malea. When they demanded a very large sum for his ransom, he promised to double it. As soon as they had reached Miletus, and landed there, he dispatched Epicrates a Milesian servant to the Milesians, asking them to lend him the sum he required; which was immediately sent. Epicrates was also commanded by Caesar, at the same when he brought the money, to bring likewise every preparation for a magnificent feast, together with a water-pot filled with swords, and wine with mandrake steeped in it. Caesar then paid them the double sum, as he had promised; and made them partake of the banquet he had prepared. In high spirits at the large sum they had received, they gave loose to their appetite, and drank freely of the drugged wine, which presently sent them to sleep. In that state Caesar ordered them to be slain, and he immediately repaid the money to the Milesians.
2 # Caesar, when in Gaul, arrived at the foot of the Alps, and found the mountains occupied by the barbarians, who were prepared to dispute his passage. By a careful observation of the nature of the place, beneath those mountains he observed a great number of streams, which were of considerable depth; and the exhalations, which ascended from them every morning, formed a thick cloud. Under that cover, Caesar with half his army made a circuit round the mountains and reached the heights; the enemy because of the thickness of the cloud were not able to see his movement, but supposed him to be still in his camp. As soon as he found himself above the enemy, he set up a loud shout, which was returned by the other half of the army below; while the mountains re-echoing with the sound threw the barbarians into a general consternation; they precipitately quitted their posts, and fled, leaving Caesar to pass the Alps without molestation.
3 # Caesar fought against the Helvetii, of whom eighty thousand, twenty thousand of them bearing arms, had penetrated into the Roman territories in Gaul. As was his usual method in his engagements with the barbarians, on the first day he retreated before the enemy, suffering a kind of defeat. This imaginary success gave them fresh confidence; and they determined to cross the Rhone in pursuit of him, while he encamped some little distance from it. The stream was rough; about thirty thousand of the barbarians crossed it with great difficulty and fatigue, and the rest of the army waited to cross it the next day. Those who had crossed over, worn out with the labour of the day, threw themselves down on the banks to rest; but Caesar attacked them in the night, and cut every man to pieces, who had neither time nor opportunity to cross back over the river.
4 # Caesar not thinking himself strong enough to engage the Germans, who had offered him battle, contented himself with acting on the defensive; till, having learned that their augurs had forbidden them to fight before the new moon, he took the first opportunity to advance and attack them, supposing they would fight with less spirit and alacrity, when it was contrary to the instructions of their augurs. The event justified his expectations; and, by availing himself of an advantageous time for engaging, without any other advantage he gained a complete victory.
5 # When Caesar's passage over a large river in Britain was disputed by the British king Cassivellaunus, at the head of a strong body of cavalry and a great number of chariots, he ordered an elephant, an animal till then unknown to the Britons, to enter the river first, mailed in scales of iron, with a tower on its back, on which archers and slingers were stationed. If the Britons were terrified at so extraordinary a spectacle, what shall I say of their horses? Amongst the Greeks, the horses fly at the sight of an unarmed elephant; but armoured, and with a tower on its back, from which missiles and stones are continually hurled, it is a sight too formidable to be borne. The Britons accordingly with their cavalry and chariots abandoned themselves to flight, leaving the Romans to pass the river unmolested, after the enemy had been routed by the appearance of a single beast.
6 # Caesar having received intelligence, that Cicero, who was besieged by the Gauls, would be forced to surrender, if he was not speedily relieved, dispatched a soldier with orders to hurl a javelin over the walls in the night, with a letter tied to it. The letter was carried to Cicero, as soon as it was discovered; the contents of it were as follows: "Caesar bids Cicero hold out. Expect assistance. " Very soon after, a cloud of smoke and dust was seen, the harbinger of his approach, ravaging the country as he advanced. The siege was immediately raised; and Cicero had the satisfaction not only to find himself relieved, but to see his besiegers defeated.
7 # Caesar was advancing with an army of seven thousand men against the Gauls. In order to make his force appear to the enemy less than it really was, he fixed his camp on a confined spot of ground; and with a considerable detachment posted himself on a hill covered with woods, and there lay concealed. A small body of cavalry marched out of the camp, and skirmished with the enemy; who in confidence of their superiority pursued them to their trenches, and began, some to fill the ditch, and others to pull down the palisades. In the mean time, a sudden charge was sounded; the foot soldiers in an entire body sallied out of the camp, and the concealed troops poured down from the heights, where they had been posted, against the enemy's rear. The barbarians, thus vigorously attacked on all sides, were most of them cut to pieces.
8 # Caesar had laid close siege to a fort in Gaul, which the barbarians defended with great resolution. But when a heavy storm of rain and hail happened to fall, Caesar observed that the guards had been driven by it from the walls and battlements. He availed himself of this opportunity, and ordered his men instantly to arm, and mount the walls; which they found undefended, and without loss made themselves masters of the place.
9 # When Caesar undertook an expedition against Gergovia, the largest city in Gaul, Vercingetorix, king of the Gauls, took the field, and encamped against him. Between the two armies lay a large navigable river, which it was impracticable to ford. Convinced of this, Caesar made no open attempt to cross it; which drew on him the contempt of the barbarians, and made them confident that they were safe from attack. But in the night, he detached two legions into some thick woods, who marched up the river, while Caesar distracted the Gauls. Finding the old piles, on which a bridge had formerly been constructed, they rapidly cut down a quantity of timber from the wood where they had been posted, which they threw over the remains of the old bridge, that were still there; and over this temporary bridge they effected a safe passage. They advanced immediately against the Gauls, and easily routed them, because they were astonished at the unexpected approach of an enemy, and unprepared for battle. Caesar with the rest of his army effected a passage by the same way; and by the rapidity of this movement, struck terror into the Gauls.
10 # Caesar advanced to the siege of Gergovia, but found it strongly fortified both by design and nature. The city was situated on a steep hill, that had a flat top. The left side of the hill was covered with thick trees and undergrowth; the right was too steep to be accessible; and one narrow pass led to it, which the defenders of Gergovia commanded with a powerful force. Caesar armed some of the most active and resolute men that he could pick out, and in the night he secretly posted them in the wood, equipped with short javelins, and such small swords as might not inconvenience them by being entangled among the trees. He ordered them not to attempt to advance upright, but to observe all possible silence and creep upon their hands and knees. By break of day they had made good their passage through the wood, and reached the summit of the hill. Caesar then advanced with the rest of his army against the right side, and drew thither the attention of the barbarians; while the troops emerged from the wood formed without being noticed, and made themselves masters of the hill
11 # When Caesar lay before Alesia, the Gauls advanced against him with an army of two hundred and fifty thousand men. In the night he detached three thousand heavy-armed infantry, and all his cavalry, directing them to take different routes, and at about the second hour of the next day to fall upon the enemy's rear, and bring them to a engagement. He himself, as soon as it was light, drew up his army, and offered them battle; a challenge which the barbarians, relying on their numbers, treated with ridicule and contempt. But the detachments, who appeared in their rear and advanced with a shout of exultation, struck them with terror and consternation, when they saw their retreat thus cut off; and there ensued the greatest carnage, which the Gauls till then had ever experienced.
12 Caesar wished to capture Dyrrachium, which then belonged to Pompeius' side, and was protected by a powerful body of cavalry. But great as their force was, Caesar found means to baffle it with a handful of men, and a clever stratagem. He ordered a small body of cavalry to attack them at a handsome gallop; having detached three companies of infantry before them, with orders to do nothing else, but to raise as great a dust with their feet as they possibly could. The immense cloud of dust that was raised, and the confidence with which the cavalry seemed to advance to the attack, convinced the enemy that they were coming in great force; and, struck with a sudden and general alarm, they immediately fled.
13 Caesar, obliged to retreat through a narrow defile, had a lake on his left, and on his right the sea. By occasional halts, quick turns, and sudden sallies he repulsed the enemy who hung upon his rear, without much loss. But on the sea side Pompeius' fleet, that kept alongside him in his march, caused him much harm with their missiles and javelins. Against this attack Caesar ordered his men to carry their shields on their right hands; which had the desired effect. [see also: Caesar, BCiv. 3. 75]
14 When Caesar and Pompeius were in Thessaly, the latter, who was well supplied with provisions, declined to come to battle; while Caesar, who was short of provisions, was accordingly anxious to engage. Caesar used every expedient to irritate the enemy; sometimes shifting his camp, to procure forage, and sometimes retreating. Pompeius' army, taking these frequent movements for signs of timidity, scarcely contained themselves; and pressed Pompeius to lead them against the foe. Caesar continued to retreat before them, till he had drawn them into an open plain; then he faced about, fought them gallantly, and obtained a victory. [see also: Caesar, BCiv. 3. 85]
15 When a sedition appeared to be forming in the camp, as the soldiers clamorously insisted on being discharged from service, Caesar with a composed and cheerful air went into the midst of them; "And what is it," said he, "my fellow-soldiers, that you want? " "To be discharged from service," they replied. "Very well," he said; "but be advised then, citizens, and refrain from sedition. " Piqued at being called citizens, and not fellow-soldiers, they were more clamorous than before; altering their cry of grievance, and saying their title was not citizens, but fellow-soldiers. Caesar with a smile replied, "If we are fellow-soldiers, then let us fight together. " [see also: Frontinus, Str. 4. 5. 2]
16 In a engagement with the younger Pompeius, Caesar, seeing his men give way, jumped from his horse, and called aloud: "Are you not ashamed, my fellow-soldiers, to run away and leave me in the hands of the enemy? " The troops felt the reproof, rallied, and renewed the fight. [see also: Frontinus, Str. 2. 8. 13]
17 Caesar ordered his men to be always in readiness; as in the midst of a festival, or of a storm, by night, or by day, if occasion required, he might at an hour's notice march them out; and therefore never fixed for his movements any distant period, or future day. " [see also: Suetonius, Caes. 65]
18 Caesar's practice was to make his sallies at full speed; thereby never giving the enemy time to assault his rear.
19 Whenever Caesar saw his men apprehensive of the enemy's superiority of force, he never attempted to diminish, but on the contrary exaggerated their strength; that the greater the force of the enemy, his army might see the greater necessity for a vigorous exertion. [see also: Suetonius, Caes. 66]
20 Caesar encouraged his men to have their weapons richly ornamented with gold and silver; not only for the sake of a splendid appearance, but because the more valuable they were, their owners would the more reluctantly part with them. [see also: Suetonius, Caes. 67]
21 Caesar was not very exact in observing, or scrupulous in punishing, petty offences in his men; supposing that to overlook, or pardon a fault, would be a spur to valour. But anyone, who was a leader in a sedition, or had deserted his ranks, was sure not to go unpunished.
22 Caesar used always to call his soldiers, fellow-soldiers; rendering them by that equality of title ready to face dangers, and execute his commands.
23 # On receiving intelligence, that some troops had been butchered in Gaul, Caesar made a vow not to shave his face, till he had taken satisfaction on their murderers. This reaction won him universal esteem.
24 Caesar, when short of provisions, distributed to his men loaves, which were made of grass. One of these loaves fell into the hands of Pompeius, who was then engaged in war against him. Pompeius concealed it, unwilling to produce to his own troops such strong evidence of the resolution and hardiness of the enemy, with whom they were engaged. [see also: Suetonius, Caes. 68]
25 In the battle fought between Caesar and Pompeius on the plains of Pharsalus, Caesar knowing that there were in the enemy's army a great number of elegant young men, who valued themselves on their personal attractions, ordered his men to aim their spears and javelins not at the bodies of their enemy, but at their faces. The dread of being disfigured drove them off the field, and contributed not a little to the success of the day. [see also: Plutarch, Caes. 45]
26 After the defeat at Dyrrachium, Caesar's men surrendered themselves up to be decimated: a punishment however, which he would not suffer to be inflicted. Instead he exhorted them by their future behaviour to retrieve the honour which they had lost. They accordingly in every future engagement, though against superior forces, bore away the palm of victory. [see also: Suetonius, Caes. 68]
27 While Pompeius declared, that he considered all, who attached themselves to neither party, as his enemies; Caesar on the contrary ordered it to be reported, that he esteemed all, who did not appear in arms against him, as his friends. [see also: Suetonius, Caes. 75]
28 Caesar, when he commanded in Spain, made a truce with the enemy; notwithstanding which, they resumed hostilities, and cut many on his men to pieces. Instead of retaliating, he set free some prisoners which he had of theirs, and by that act of humanity much ingratiated himself with the foe.
29 After his victory over Pompeius at Pharsalus, Caesar saw that his soldiers were slaughtering the defeated enemy without mercy, and cried out, "Spare your fellow-citizens. "
30 After Caesar had seen all his enemies subdued, he empowered every one of his soldiers to save the life of any Roman he pleased. By this act of kindness and humanity he ingratiated himself with his soldiers, and restored the exiled citizens to Rome.
31 Caesar ordered that the statues of Pompeius and Sulla, which had been demolished by their enemies, should be replaced. This act of moderation gained him much esteem amongst the Romans.
32 When the auguries were pronounced adverse, to keep up the spirits of his men, Caesar used to say, he could render them auspicious whenever he pleased. [see also: Suetonius, Caes. 77]
33 When a victim had been offered, in which no heart was found, "And where is the wonder," cried Caesar, "that a brute animal should be found without a heart? " His men, who had been alarmed at the inauspicious appearance of the sacrifice, recovered their spirits because of the amusing turn he gave to it.
[24] Augustus.
Augustus did not order a general execution of those who evaded action in battle; but he punished them with decimation. [see also: Suetonius, Aug. 24]
2 To those, who through cowardice suffered themselves to be left behind, he ordered barley to be distributed instead of wheat.
3 In order to punish those, who had committed offences in the army, he ordered them to stay standing before the general's tent without their weapons; and sometimes, to be employed for a whole day in carrying bricks.
4 Augustus directed his generals always to act with caution; and was continually repeating to them Festina lente - be active, but not rash; for a general had better be too cautious, than too confident. [see also: Suetonius, Aug. 25]
5 Augustus always rewarded those, who had performed any signal exploit, with large gifts of silver and gold.
6 In respect to those, who without some good purpose wantonly exposed themselves to danger, Augustus use to say: it was like fishing with a golden hook.
7 Augustus, in his war with Brutus and Cassius, had occasion to cross the Adriatic, when the enemy's fleet under the command of Murcius was stationed at an island near Brundisium, ready to dispute his passage. Augustus advanced in line of battle, directing his course along the coast of Italy on the right of the Adriatic, as if he was heading towards the island with the intention of giving battle to Murcius; and on the transport ships he erected his towers and machines. Murcius concluded from those preparations for action that he intended to fight; and therefore stretched out into the open sea, where he might have room to form his line. But Augustus, instead of engaging, slipped into the port, which Murcius had left. Murcius, having no other port at hand where he could lie safe from storms, was obliged to sail forward to Thesprotis, leaving Augustus to cross the Adriatic without risk; and from there he crosed over into Macedonia. [see also: Appian, BCiv. 4. 86]
[25] The Romans.
After the Celts had made themselves masters of the city, they concluded a treaty with the Romans on the following conditions: that they should pay them tribute, leave a gate open at all times, and give them a portion of land to cultivate. After these terms were acceded to, the Celts fixed their camp; and the Romans, treating them as friends, sent them various presents and supplied them with plenty of wine. The barbarians - for the Celts in particular are strongly addicted to liquor - indulged in the wine so freely, that there was scarcely a man amongst them who could stand upright. The Romans attacked them when they were in that condition, and cut every man to pieces. And that they might in effect appear to have fulfilled the conditions of the treaty, they constructed a gate which was left open on an inaccessible rock. [see also: Appian, Gall. 5]
2 The Trojans, who had survived the destruction of Troy, with Aeneias as their leader anchored at the mouth of the Tiber; and landing there, went up into the country in various directions. In their absence the women held a consultation, and a Trojan woman called Roma thus addressed them: "Whither are we wandering? How long are we to be tossed on the sea? Come on, let us burn the ships; and thereby reduce our husbands to the necessity of settling here. " After saying this, she instantly lit a torch, and set one of the ships on fire; the rest of the women followed her example, and demolished the whole fleet. Then the Trojans were forced to settle in Italy, because they had lost their ships. [see also: Plutarch, Rom. 1]
3 Coriolanus, after he had been banished from Rome, offered his services to the Etruscans; they accepted, and appointed him general of their forces. Under his leadership they defeated the Romans in various engagements; and at last he advanced against Rome, determined to storm the city. A procession of Roman matrons, with Veturia the mother of Coriolanus at their head, advanced to meet the hostile army, and tried with the force of their entreaties to deflect Coriolanus from his purpose. They prostrated themselves before him, and embraced his knees. Veturia thus concluded their supplications: "If however you are determined not to spare your country, first slay your mother, and this venerable band of Roman matrons. " Coriolanus was moved with compassion; he dropped a tear, and retreated, affording an eminent example of filial duty, but fatal to himself. For the Etruscans by a public decree sentenced him to death, for a breach of trust in failing to accomplish a victory which he had in his hands. [see also: Plutarch, Cor. 36]
Following Chapters (26-71)
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Polyaenus: Stratagems
- BOOK 8, Chapters 26-71
Adapted from the translation by R. Shepherd (1793). See key to translations for an explanation of the format.
The Greek text of these chapters is available in archive. org.
CONTENTS: ← Previous Chapters (1-25) 26 Semiramis ; 27 Rhodogune ; 28 Tomyris ; 29 Nitetis ; 30 Philotis ; 31 Cloelia ; 32 Porcia ; 33 Telesilla ; 34 Cheilonis ; 35 Pieria ; 36 Polycrete ; 37 Lampsace ; 38 Aretaphila ; 39 Camma ; 40 Timocleia ; 41 Eryxo ; 42 Pythopolis ; 43 Chrysame ; 44 Polycleia ; 45 Leaena ; 46 Themisto ; 47 Pheretima ; 48 Axiothea ; 49 Archidamis ; 50 Laodice ; 51 Theano ; 52 Deidameia ; 53 Artemisia ; 54 Mania ; 55 Tirgatao ; 56 Amage ; 57 Arsinoe ; 58 Cratesipolis ; 59 The Priestess ; 60 Cynane ; 61 Mysta ; 62 Epicharis ; 63 The Milesian Women ; 64 The Melian Women ; 65 The Phocian Women ; 66 The Chian Women ; 67 The Thasian Women ; 68 The Argive Women ; 69 The Acarnanian Women ; 70 The Women of Cyrene ; 71 The Lacedaemonian Women
[26] Semiramis.
Semiramis received intelligence of the revolt of the Siraces while she was in her bath; and without waiting to have her sandals put on or her hair dressed, she immediately left it and took the field. Her exploits are recorded on pillars, in these words: "Nature made me a woman, but I have raised myself to rivalry with the greatest of men. I swayed the sceptre of Ninus; and extended my dominions to the river Hinamames on the east; on the south, to the country which is fragrant with the production of frankincense and myrrh; and northward to the Saccae and Sogdians. No Assyrian before me ever saw the sea; but distant as the seas are from here, I have seen four. And to their proud waves who can set bounds? I have directed the course of rivers at my will; and my will has directed them where they might prove useful. I have made a barren land produce plenty, and fertilised it with my rivers. I have built walls which are impregnable; and with iron forced a way through inaccessible rocks. At great expense I have formed roads in places, which before not even the wild beasts could traverse. And great and various as my exploits have been, I have always found leisure hours, in which to indulge myself and my friends.
[27] Rhodogune.
Rhodogune was just coming out of her bath, with her hair as yet undressed, when she received intelligence of the revolt of a subject nation. Without waiting to have her hair dressed, she mounted her horse, and put herself at the head of her army. At the same time, she vowed never to have her hair dressed, till she had subdued the rebels; which she eventually achieved after a tedious war. She then bathed, and had her hair dressed. From this circumstance, the seal of the kings of Persia bears on it Rhodogune with dishevelled hair.
[28] Tomyris.
When Cyrus advanced against the Massagetae, Tomyris their queen retreated before him. The Persian army, closely pursuing her, entered and plundered her camp. There they found a great quantity of wine, and all sorts of provisions; on which they indulged immoderately, revelling throughout the night, as if they had obtained a victory. In that situation Tomyris attacked them, and cut them to pieces, while they were partly buried in sleep, and partly so drenched with wine, and surfeited with banqueting, that they could scarcely stand upright; and Cyrus himself was slain. [see also: Herodotus, 1. 211 - however Herodotus attributes this ruse to Cyrus, not to Tomyris. ]
[29] Nitetis.
Cyrus king of Persia asked Amasis king of Egypt for his daughter in marriage. But instead of his own, he sent him Nitetis the daughter of king Apries, whose death had contrived, and whose throne he had usurped. Nitetis long passed for the daughter of Amasis, while she cohabited with Cyrus. But after having borne him children, and made herself mistress of his affections, she informed him, who she was; that her father was Apries, the king and master of Amasis. "And now," she said, "since Amasis is dead, it will be a generous act to revenge the injury of my family on Psammetichus his son. Cyrus consented; but he died before the expedition took place. However his son Cambyses was prevailed on by his mother to undertake the expedition; which he finished successfully, and transferred the sceptre of Egypt once more into the hands of the family of Apries.
[30] Philotis.
The Latins under the command of Postumius made war upon the Romans; at the same time they offered to form an alliance with them, if they would give them their daughters in marriage, which would cement the two nations, as they had themselves done in the case of the Sabines. The Romans were at that time in no condition to engage in a war, and yet were unwilling to part with their daughters. Philotis, a young and handsome slave, proposed to them to dress her, and such other good-looking slaves as they could pick out, and send them to the Latins in place of their daughters; at the same time she engaged to let them know by lighting a torch, at what time in the night the Latins went to rest. Accordingly, as soon as they had retired to repose with their new brides, Philotis lit the torch, and the Romans surprised the Latins in bed, and slew them. [see also: Plutarch, Rom. 29]
[31] Cloelia.
The Romans concluded a treaty with the Etruscans, and sent as hostages for the observance of it the daughters of some of the first families in Rome. Those young women used frequently to go down to the Tiber to bathe; and Cloelia, who was one of them, proposed to the rest that they should tie their clothes around their heads, and swim across the river. The Romans admired their resolution; but according to the faith of the treaty, they sent them all back to the Etruscans. When they were introduced to Porsenna, king of the Etruscans, he asked who was the proposer of so daring an act. To which Cloelia undauntedly replied, that she was. Porsenna was pleased with her manly spirit. He presently her with a richly caparisoned horse, and sent her and her companions back to Rome, with just praise for their courage. [see also: Plutarch, Publ. 19]
[32] Porcia.
Porcia, the daughter of Cato, and wife of Brutus, when she suspected that her husband entertained some designs against Caesar, which he would not venture to communicate to her, cut her thigh with a razor. Thus she gave him proof of the resolution, with which she could inflict the wound, and bear the pain. Brutus no longer hesitated to reveal to her the conspiracy; she carried her own dress to him, and he found a sword privately concealed in it. He used this sword, when with the rest of the conspirators he murdered Caesar. Afterwards, together with Cassius, Brutus fought against Augustus in Macedonia. He was defeated, and fell upon his own sword. Then Porcia at first endeavoured to starve herself. But not being able to achieve that, because of the intervention of her relations and servants, she ordered some fire to be brought to her, under pretence of using some unguents; and seizing the burning coals in her hands, she swallowed them, before anybody who was present had time to prevent it. Thus died Porcia; a memorable instance of resolution and fortitude, and of conjugal affection. [see also: Plutarch, Brut. 53]
[33] Telesilla.
Cleomenes king of Sparta defeated the Argives, of whom more than seven thousand were left dead on the field, and directed his march to Argos, in the hope of making himself master of the city. Then Telesilla, a musician, put herself at the head of the Argive women; they took up arms, and defended the walls so successfully, that they repulsed Cleomenes, and the other king Damaratus, and saved the city. In memory of this exploit of the women, the Argives celebrate a festival at the start of the month of Hermaeus, when the women wear tunics and robes, and the men wear the women's gowns. [see also: Pausanias, 2. 20]
[34] Cheilonis.
When Cheilonis, the daughter of Cleadas, and wife of Theompompus, learnt that her husband was husband was made prisoner by the Arcadians, she travelled into Arcadia to see him. The Arcadians, in consideration of the affection she had displayed, gave her leave to visit him in prison; there she exchanged clothes with him, and by that means he effected his escape, while she in his stead remained in prison. Before long Theopompus found an opportunity to seize a priestess of Artemis, as she was celebrating a procession at Pheneus; and the inhabitants of Tegea released Cheilonis in exchange for her.
[35] Pieria.
After they formed a sedition against the posterity of Neleus, a considerable body of the Ionians, who inhabited Miletus, separated and established themselves at Myus; and there they lived in a state of hostility with their old countrymen, though not in actual war; but they used to meet them at festivals, and public occasions. At the celebration of a solemn festival called Neleis, Pieria, the daughter of Pythus a man of distinction, went to Miletus. Phrygius, one of the descendants of Neleus, met her there; and becoming enamoured of the girl, he asked her how he could most agreeably serve her. "By giving me an opportunity," replied the maid, "of coming here frequently, and with as many companions as I please. " Phrygius understood her meaning; he effected a permanent peace, and a re-establishment of the union of the two states. The love of Phrygius and Pieria became famous ever after in the annals of Milesian history. [See also: Plutarch, Mor. 253]
[36] Polycrete.
The Milesians, assisted by the Erythraeans, made war on the Naxians; and Diognetus, the general of the Milesians, ravaged their country, and brought away considerable booty, besides a number of women, and among them Polycrete. He became enamoured of Polycrete, and cohabited with her not on the terms of a slave, but as his wife. In the Milesian camp a local festival was celebrated, at which the Milesians give themselves up to drinking and pleasure. Polycrete requested Diognetus' permission to send her brothers a small present of the sumptuous fare that was prepared; in a cake she moulded up a piece of lead, and she ordered the bearer to tell her brothers, that it was intended only for their use. On the lead she inscribed, that if they attacked the Milesian camp, they might surprise the enemy in a state of intoxication and sleep. The Naxian generals accordingly made the attack, and succeeded. Polycrete was highly honoured by her citizens for her service; and at her instance they preserved Diognetus, and his possessions. [See also: Plutarch, Mor. 254]
[37] Lampsace.
The Phocaeans under the command of Phoxus marched to the assistance of Mandron, king of the Bebryces, who had been attacked by the neighbouring barbarians. As a reward for their service, Mandron granted to the Phocaeans a part of the country, and city, and invited them to settle there. By their courage and conduct they had obtained many victories, and had enriched themselves with great spoils; which so drew upon them the envy of the barbarians, that in the absence of Mandron, the barbarians formed a resolution to massacre them. But Lampsace, the daughter of Mandron, got intelligence of the plot, and as she could not prevent it, she secretly revealed it to the Greeks. The Phocaeans prepared a magnificent sacrifice in the suburbs, and invited the barbarians to partake of it. They then divided themselves into two groups; one of which secured the walls; and the other slew the banqueters, and made themselves masters of the city. They afterwards rewarded Lampsace with honour, and named the city Lampsacus after her. [See also: Plutarch, Mor. 255]
[38] Aretaphila.
# Nicocrates, tyrant of Cyrene, among a number of other oppressive and atrocious acts, with his own hands slew Melanippus, priest of Apollo, and married Aretaphila his wife, a woman of exquisite beauty. She endeavoured by poison, and various other methods, to take revenge on the tyrant for her distressed country, and her husband's death; of which she was accused, and brought to trial. But, despite the tortures to which she was exposed, she confessed nothing, except that she had administered to him a love potion, in order to win his affections. She was finally acquitted by the tyrant's order; and supposing that she had suffered innocently, he afterwards treated her with marks of great attention and affection. Aretaphila had a daughter, who was extremely beautiful, and she introduced her to Leander, the tyrant's brother. He fell in love with her, and with the consent of Nicocrates married her. Leander was won over by the frequent remonstrances of his mother-in-law, and formed a resolution to free his country by killing the tyrant; which he managed to achieve after much difficulty, with the assistance of the Daphnis, the groom of his chamber.
[39] Camma.
Sinorix and Sinatus possessed tetrarchies in Galatia. Camma, the wife of Sinatus, was esteemed as virtuous, and fair; she was priestess of Artemis, which is an office of the highest rank that a woman can hold in Galatia. Sinorix conceived a passion for her. , which he despaired of gratifying either by force or entreaties, while her husband was alive. He therefore procured the assassination of Sinatus; and not long afterwards, paid his addresses to Camma, who repeatedly rejected his advances. At last however, yielding to the pressing solicitation of her friends and acquaintances, she pretended to consent, on these terms: "Let Sinorix come to the temple of Artemis, and there we will make our marriage vows in the presence of the goddess". On the day, Sinorix, attended by a great number of Gauls, both men and women, waited on her; and she accompanied him to the altar with fond words and tenderness. There she drank to him from a golden cup, and bade him partake with her in the drink. He received it with pleasure, as a token of bridal love, and drank it down. But the bridal cup was a potion of strong poison. As soon as she saw that he had drunk it, she fell down on he knees, and said with a loud voice: "I thank you, venerable Artemis, for granting me in this your temple a glorious revenge for my murdered husband. " After saying this, she dropped down, and expired; and the bridegroom expired with her, at the altar of the goddess. [See also: Plutarch, Mor. 257]
[40] Timocleia.
Timocleia was sister of Theagenes the Theban. Theagenes fought against Philippus at Chaeroneia, and when Philippus called out, "Whither would you pursue me? ", he answered, "Even unto Macedonia". After his death, when Alexander sacked Thebes, and some men were plundering the city in one part, and some in another, a Thracian cavalry leader entered the house of Timocleia; after supper he forced her to his bed, and also insisted on her telling him, where she had deposited her treasures. She acknowledged she had vases, cups, and other pieces of ornamental furniture, which on the city being taken, she said she had deposited in a dry well. The Thracian pressed her immediately to go with him, and show him the place, which she accordingly did; conducting him through the garden, and bringing him to the well. Fearing lest any one should preempt him, he eagerly entered the well: but instead of a treasure, found a shower of stones: which Timocleia and her servants discharged upon him, and buried him under the pile. When the Macedonians learnt of what had happened, they seized her, and carried her before Alexander. She confessed the fact to him, and said, no terrors would make her repent of having so gloriously revenged the brutal violence, that the Thracian had offered to her. Alexander applauded her spirit; and exempted from the public calamity not only her, but all who could prove any relation to her. [see also: Plutarch, Alex. 12]
[41] Eryxo.
Laarchus was declared regent of Cyrene, during the minority of Battus son of Arcesilaus; but intoxicated by power, he soon became not only a king, but a tyrant; and he exercised on the citizens the most atrocious acts of cruelty and injustice. The mother of Battus was Eryxo, a woman of great modesty and exemplary virtue. Laarchus conceived a violent passion for her, and made her proposals of marriage; on which subject, she referred him to her brothers. When they, as had been agreed between them and their sister, demurred upon it, she sent a servant to Laarchus, informing him that her brothers seemed to disapprove of the marriage; but if he would grant them a meeting at her house, she expected that the discussion might remove their present objections. So fair an opening seemed to him to promise a favourable outcome, and he visited Eryxo's house by night without a guard. There he found Polyarchus her eldest brother, together with two youths, armed and waiting to receive him; they immediately fell upon him, and slew him. Then they proclaimed Battus king; and restored to the inhabitants of Cyrene their ancient form of government. [See also: Plutarch, Mor. 260]
[42] Pythopolis.
When Pythes discovered some gold mines in his dominions, he set all his men at work in digging, searching for, and cleaning the ore; no other business was to be carried on, either by land or sea. The people were all uneasy at the land being suffered to lie uncultivated; as in the meantime there was likely be no corn, no fruits, nor anything to be had for the purposes of life. The women entreated Pythopolis, the wife of Pythes, to use her influence with her husband on this subject of general complaint. She bade them not to be uneasy; and assured them that she would. Accordingly, she sent for some goldsmiths, and ordered them to make in gold for her fish, ripe fruits, cakes, and meats of various kinds. Pythes, on his return from a journey, asked if supper was ready. A golden table was placed before him, covered with the resemblance of various foods, all worked up in gold. Pythes much admired the workmanship; then he ordered them to be taken away, and the supper to be brought. Other dishes were accordingly served up, and others after them; but in all of them, only the golden resemblance of foodstuffs was served up. Pythes in a rage told her her to put an end to her show, and let him have his supper; for he was tired and hungry. "You do not consider," replied his wife, "that victuals are difficult to procure. The whole country is employed in ransacking the bowels of the earth for gold; and unless we can eat it, we must all soon starve. " Pythes, convinced of the justness of this remonstrance, ordered the people out of the mines; and ordered them to employ themselves in agriculture, and other useful occupations. [See also: Plutarch, Mor. 262]
[43] Chrysame.
When the Ionian colonists came to Asia, Cnopus, who was descended from the family of the Codridae, made war on the inhabitants of Erythrae. He was directed by the oracle to commit the conduct of the expedition to a Thessalian priestess of Hecate Enodia, and sent an embassy to the Thessalians, which returned with the priestess Chrysame. Possessing great skill in the occult qualities of herbs, she chose out of the herd a large and beautiful bull, gilded his horns, and decorated him with garlands, and purple ribbons embroidered with gold. She mixed in his fodder a medicinal herb that would excite madness, and ordered him to be kept in the stall and fed upon it. The efficacy of this medicine was such, that not only the beast, who ate it, was seized with madness; but also all, who ate the flesh of it, when it was in such a state, were seized with the same insanity. When the enemy encamped against her, she directed an altar to be raised in sight of them; and after every preparation for a sacrifice had been made, the bull was brought forth. Under the influence of the medicine, the bull broke loose; he ran wild into the plain, roaring, and tilting at everything he met. The Erythraeans saw the victim, intended for the enemy's sacrifice, running towards their camp, and considered it as a happy omen. They seized the beast, and offered him up in sacrifice to their gods; everyone, in participation of the sacrifice, ate a piece of the flesh. The whole army was soon afterwards seized with madness, and exhibited the same marks of wildness and frenzy the bull had done. When Chrysame observed this, she directed Cnopus immediately to draw out his forces, and charge the enemy. Incapable of making any defence, the Erythraeans were cut to pieces; but Cnopus made himself master of Erythrae, a great and flourishing city.
[44] Polycleia.
Aeatus the son of Pheidippus had an only sister called Polycleia, was descended like him from the Heracleidae. The oracle had declared that whichever of their family should first cross the Achelous, should possess the city, and occupy the throne. While Aeatus was engaged in a war with the Boeotians, who had formerly settled themselves in Thessaly, and his army was preparing to cross the Achelous, Polycleia bound up her foot, pretending to have hurt it, and requested her brother to carry her across the river. He, not suspecting any deceit, readily complied with her request; he gave his shield to his armour-bearer, and took his sister on his shoulders. But as he approached the opposite bank, she leapt from him onto the shore. Turning to Aeatus, she said: "Remember the oracle, by whose declaration the kingdom must be mine; for I was the first to reach the shore. " Aeatus was pleased with the trick, and captivated by the girl's manner; he married her, and shared the kingdom with her. Their marriage produced a son, whose name was Thessalus; from whom the city was afterwards called Thessalia.
[45] Leaena.
How Aristogeiton and Harmodius delivered Athens from the tyrant's yoke, is known to every Greek. Aristogeiton had a mistress, whose name was Leaena. Hippias ordered her to be examined by torture, as to what she know of the conspiracy; after she had long borne with great resolution the various cruelties that were exercised on her, she cut out her tongue with her own hand, lest the further increase of pain should extort from her any disclosure. The Athenians in memory of her erected in the Propylaea of the Acropolis a statue of a lioness in brass, without a tongue. [see also: Pausanias, 1. 23]
[46] Themisto.
Philon, the son of Phricodemus the tyrant, fell in love with Themisto, daughter of Crithon of Oeanthe. The tyrant demanded her for his son in marriage; and was refused by her father. In resentment of this affront, Phricodemus ordered Crithon's sons to be exposed to wild beasts before the eyes of their father and mother; then he seized the daughter, and gave her in marriage to his son. Themisto, thus forced into his embraces, concealed a sword under her robe. During the night, while the bridegroom was asleep, she dispatched him with the sword so secretly, that not the least noise was heard. She then found means to escape out of the house, and fled to the shore, where she found a boat; she went onto it, and committed herself to the mercy of the wind and waves. She was carried to Helice, a city of Achaea, in which there was a temple of Poseidon, where she took refuge. Thither Phricodemus sent his other son Heracon, the brother of Philon who had been murdered, to demand the girl from the inhabitants of Helice; and they, as the tyrant requested, delivered her up. But the ship had scarcely got under sail, when a violent storm arose, which drove them to Rhium, a town in Achaea. There two Acarnanian vessels made prize of the ship, because the Acarnanians at that time were at open war with the tyrant, and they carried it to Acarnania. The people there, as soon as they were informed of what had happened, bound Heracon, and delivered him up into the power of the girl. The tyrant then sent an embassy to her, requesting his son; she promised to give him up, after she had received her parents. Phricodemus accordingly sent her parents; but nevertheless the Acarnanians would not hand over Heracon, but scourged him, and afterwards put him to death. The tyrant himself not many days afterwards fell by the hands of his citizens. And, what is most remarkable, the citizens of Helice along with their city were not long afterwards engulfed in the sea, which swelled over them in an earthquake. Poseidon thus seemed to have revenged himself on them for the indignity they had offered him, in delivering up a fugitive, who had fled for refuge to his shrine.
[47] Pheretima.
When Arcesilaus son of Battus, king of Cyrene, was driven from his kingdom by a sedition of the people, his mother Pheretima sailed to Cyprus to ask for the assistance of Euelthon, king of Salamis. The Cyprian was deaf to her entreaties, but Arcesilaus at last acquired a number of Greek allies, and recovered his kingdom. However he was too severe in the punishments that he exacted on some of his enemies, and he was slain by the neighbouring barbarians. Amidst all these calamities, Pheretima did not lose her spirit, but applied to Aryandes, the satrap of Egypt, by recounting some obligations which she had formerly been able to confer on Cambyses. Aryandes supplied her with a powerful force, with which she attacked the inhabitants of Cyrene by sea and land; thus she avenged the death of her son, and re-instated her family on the throne.