This event
I happened, however, in latitude 35° 30' north, longitude
I fji° ao' V'^*'] ^" d at no very great d is-
\unce fro m tlip Rpr miida Tslands^ Augustus therefore
endeavored to console himself with the idea that the
boat might either succeed in reaching the land, or
come suificiently near to be fallen in with by vessels
o£E the coast.
I happened, however, in latitude 35° 30' north, longitude
I fji° ao' V'^*'] ^" d at no very great d is-
\unce fro m tlip Rpr miida Tslands^ Augustus therefore
endeavored to console himself with the idea that the
boat might either succeed in reaching the land, or
come suificiently near to be fallen in with by vessels
o£E the coast.
Poe - v05