to chap.
Cambridge History of English Literature - 1908 - v06
195, f. 79.
Another MS of the play with the title Fortunia, from the name of
the heroine, is in the possession of the earl of Ellesmere.
## p. 487 (#505) ############################################
Chapter XII
Timon. MS 52 in Dyce collection.
A Play. Now first printed. Ed. Dyce, A. Shakesp. Soc. 1842.
Wily Beguiled.
A Pleasant Comedie, Called Wily Beguilde. The Chiefe Actors be these :
A poore Scholler, a rich Foole, and a Knave at a shifte. 1606.
Later eds. in 1623, 1630, 1635; there is also an ed. of unknown date,
with a torn title-page, in the Brit. Mus.
Rptd in Origin of E. D. vol. 111, and in Hazlitt's Dodsley, vol. ix
(mod. s. ).
Boas, F. S. The Works of Thomas Kyd. Introduction, pp. xciv-xcv.
Sarrazin, G. Thomas Kyd und sein Kreis. pp. 75-77.
(Both the above discuss Kyd's influence on the play. )
Worke for Cutlers.
Worke for Cutlers. Or, A Merry Dialogue Betweene Sword, Rapier, and
Dagger. Acted in a Shew in the famous Universitie of Cambridge.
Rptd in Harleian Miscell. vol. x, pp. 200-3, ed. Park, T. , 1813 (mod. s. );
Miscell. Antiqua Anglicana, vol. 11, ed. Hindley, C. , 1872; ed. Sieveking,
A. F. , with historical Prologne and glossarial epilogue, 1904. (Sieveking
argues in favour of the authorship of Thomas Heywood. )
Zelotypus. MSS in Emmanuel coll. Cam. , III. 1. 17, and in Trin. coll. Cam. ,
R. 3. 9. From the cast given in both MSS it appears to have been acted
at St John's coll. Cambridge, in 1605/6. (See Smith, G. C. Moore, Notes
on some English University Plays in Mod. Lang. Rev. vol. nii, no. 2, p. 151. )
Synopsis in Jahrbuch, xxxiv, pp. 313-317.
The titles of early editions of masques, pageants and entertainments are
given in Greg's List of Masques; and, less fully, in Fleay's English Drama.
The chief works on the masque have been mentioned already in the biblio-
graphy to chap. 1 (Ben Jonson). See, also, bibliography to chap. x (The
Elizabethan Theatre). In chronological order, they are: Soergel, A. , 1882;
Evans, H. A. , 1897; Brotanek, R. , 1902; and Reyher, A. , 1909. Reyher's
monograph, the most elaborate treatise on the English masque that has yet
appeared, is a contribution to English literary history not less remarkable
than Castelain's Ben Jonson: l'Homme et l'Euvre. Reyher, in his
Bibliographie des ballets de 1603 à 1640, collects under each masque exact
references to all contemporary notices in the state papers, audit office
accounts, Nichols's Progresses and other places. His Index Bibliographique
is very full; to it should be added the bibliography in Schelling's Elizabethan
## p. 488 (#506) ############################################
Drama, vol. 11, pp. 520-3. The fullest account of Jonson's masques, with the
exception of that scattered up and down Les Masques Anglais, is Castelain's
chap. ix, which has the advantage over Reyher of treating Ben Jonson's
work consecutively.
Of English works, see in Ward list of Jonson's masques (vol. II, pp. 393–7);
Schelling, chap. xv, on the English Masque furnishes a full and suggestive
review of the whole field. It cannot be said that Fleay's conjectures
and suggestions have yet received from scholars all the study they merit.
Many rare masques are reprinted in Nichols, J. , The Progresses &c. of
Queen Elizabeth, 1823, and The Progresses &c. of King James, 1828. In
the former is a full account of Sidney's Lady of May.
For earlier entertainments, see bibliography to vol. v, chap. v (Early
English Comedy), ante.
Francis Beaumont.
The Masque of the Inner Temple and Grayes Inne: Grayes Inne and the
Inner Temple, presented before his Majestie, the Queenes Majestie, the
Prince, Count Palatine and the Lady Elizabeth their Highnesses, in
the Banquetting house at White-hall on Saturday the twentieth day of
Februarie, 1612.
Another issue adds By Francis Beaumont, Gent. It was rptd in the
1647 folio of the plays and in all following editions.
Thomas Campion.
The Discription of a Maske, Presented before the Kinges Majestie at White-
Hall, on Twelfth Night last, in honour of the Lord Hayes, and his Bride,
Daughter and Heire to the Honourable the Lord Dennye, their Marriage
having been the same Day at Court solemnized. To this by occasion
other small Poems are adjoyned. Invented and set forth by Thomas
Campion Doctor of Phjsicke. 1607.
A Relation of the late royall Entertainment given by the Right Honorable
the Lord Knowles, at Cawsome-House neere Redding: to our most
Gracious Queene, Queene Anne, in her Progresse toward the Bathe,
upon the seven and eight and twentie dayes of Aprill. 1613. Whereunto
is annexed the Description, Speeches, and Songs of the Lords Maske,
presented in the Banquetting-house on the Mariage night of the High
and Mightie, Count Palatine, and the Royally descended the Ladie
Elizabeth. Written by Thomas Campion. 1613.
The Description of a Maske: Presented in the Banqueting roome at White-
hall, on Saint Stephens night last, At the Mariage of the Right
Honourable the Earle of Somerset: And the right noble the Lady
Frances Howard. Written by Thomas Campion. Whereunto are
annexed divers choyse Ayres composed for this Maske that may be sung
with a single voyce to the Lute or Base-Viall. 1614.
This is known as the Squires' Masque. The masques are rptd in the
modern editions of Campion's works by Bullen, A. H. , 1889, and by
Vivian, P. , 1909.
Thomas Carew.
Coelum Britanicum. A Masque at White-Hall in the Banquetting-house,
on Shrove-Tuesday-night, the 18. of February, 1633. 1634.
Included in the Poems, 1640, and subsequent editions.
George Chapman.
The memorable Masque of the two honourable Houses or Innes of Court; the
Middle Temple, and Lyncolnes Inne. As it was performed before the
## p. 489 (#507) ############################################
Chapter XIII
King at Whitehall on Shrove-Monday at night; being the 15. of Febr.
See bibliography to chap. II, sec. I A (i), ante.
Samuel Daniel.
The true discription of a Royall Masque. Presented at Hampton Court, upon
Sunday night, being the eight of January. 1604. And Personated by
the Queenes most Excellent Majestie, attended by Eleven Ladies of
Honour. 1604. (This edition of the Vision was unauthorised. )
The Vision of the 12. Goddesses, presented in a Maske the 8. of January, at
Hampton Court: By the Queenes most excellent Majestie, and her
Ladies. 1604. Daniel's name is at the end of the dedicatory epistle.
Daniel's second masque is part of The Order and Solemnitie of the
Creation of the High & mightie Prince Henrie, Eldest Sonne to our
sacred Soveraigne, Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornewall, Earle of
Chester, &c. . . . Whereunto is annexed the Royall Maske, presented by
the Queene and her Ladies, on Wednesday at night following. 1610.
This second masque has a separate title-page: Tethys Festival: or the
Queenes Wake. Celebrated at Whitehall, the fifth day of June 1610.
Devised by Samuel Daniel, one of the Groomes of her Majesties most
Honourable privie Chamber. 1610.
Daniel's first masque was rptd with introduction and notes by
Law, E. , 1880.
Sir William D'Avenant.
Salmacida Spolia. A Masque. Presented by the King and Queenes
Majesties at White-hall, On Tuesday the 21. day of January 1639.
Benjamin Jonson.
For Ben Jonson's Masques and Entertainments consult the bibliography
to chap. I; adding to it the modern reprint Masques and Entertainments, by
Ben Jonson, edited by Henry Morley, 1890 (The Carisbrooke Library, no. 1x).
John Milton.
For Milton's Arcades and Comus, consult bibliography in vol. vii, post.
Verity, A. W. , Milton's Arcades and Comus, 1891, contains an excellent essay
on the English Masque.
James Shirley.
The Triumph of Peace. A Masque.
See bibliography to chap. VIII, sec. II A (ii), ante.
English Masques, with an introduction by Evans, H. A. , 1897, contains
ten of Jonson's masques, Daniel's Vision, Campion's Lords' Masque, Beau-
mont's Masque, The Masque of Flowers, Shirley's Triumph of Peace and
D'Avenant's Salmacida Spolia.
A. General Authorities.
Pastoral poetry has been thoroughly treated in Greg, W. W. , Pastoral
Poetry and Pastoral Drama, a Literary Inquiry with Special Reference to
the Pre-Restoration Stage in England, 1906. To Greg's bibliography, add
that in Schelling's Elizabethan Drama, vol. II, pp. 523-6 (1908); Schelling's
chap. xvi notices all surviving pastoral plays of any consequence. Greg's
List of Plays, includes Pastoral Plays. The bibliographies appended to
## p. 490 (#508) ############################################
Jeanette Marks's English Pastoral Drama are useful. Courthope, Ward
and Fleay's English Drama treat pastoral very fully.
Chambers, E. K. English Pastorals. 1895.
Feuillerat, A. John Lyly. Contribution à l'histoire de la Renaissance en
Angleterre. Cambridge, 1910. (pp. 320 ff. )
Laidler, Josephine. History of pastoral drama in England until 1700. In
Engl. Stud. vol. XXXV, part 2. 1905.
Smith, Homer. Pastoral Influence in English Drama. 1897.
Winscheid, Katharina. Die englische Hirtendichtung von 1597–1625. Ein
Beitrag zur Gesch. der engl. Hirtendichtung. Halle, 1895.
The first English translations of Tasso's Aminta are:
The Countesse of Pembrokes Yvychurch. Conteining the affectionate life,
and unfortunate death of Phillis and Amyntas: That in a Pastorall;
This in a Funerall: both in English Hexameters. By Abraham
Fraunce. 1591.
The Lamentations of Amintas for the death of Phillis. Paraphrastically
translated out of Latine into English Hexameters, by Abraham Fraunce.
Newly Corrected. 1596.
Fraunce makes use of Thomas Watson's Latin version of Tasso's play.
There is no other English version until Torquato Tasso's Aminta
Englisht. To this is added Ariadne's Complaint in imitation of Ang-
villara; Written by the Translator of Tasso's Aminta, 1628. This
translation is now given, not to John, but to Henry Reynolds. There is
no other till John Dancer's in 1660. The first English translations of
Guarini's Il Pastor Fido are:
Il Pastor Fido: Or The faithfnll Shepheard. Translated out of
Italian into English. 1602. Another ed. 1633.
This contains a prefatory Sonnet by Daniel. It was the work of a
kinsman of Sir Edward Dymocke.
Il Pastor Fido, The faithfull Shepherd. A Pastorall. Written in
Italian by Baptista Guarini, a Knight of Italie. And now Newly
Translated out of the Original. 1647.
This version was by Richard Fanshawe.
For Peele and Lyly, consult the bibliography to chap. vi of vol. v.
The Maydes Metamorphosis. As it bath bene sundrie times Acted by the
Children of Powles. 1600.
Rptd in Bullen's Old English Plays, 1882, vol. 1, and in Bond's Lyly.
Samuel Daniel.
The Queenes Arcadia. A Pastorall Tragecomedie presented to her Majestie
and her Ladies, by the Universitie of Oxford in Christs Church in August
last, 1605. 1606.
Hymens Triumph. A Pastoral Tragicomaedie. Presented at the Queenes
Court in the Strand at her Majesties magnificent intertainement of the
Kings most excellent Majestie, being at the Nuptials of the Lord
Roxborough. By Samuel Daniel. 1615.
See, also, bibliography of Daniel's works in vol. iv, p. 474, ante.
John Fletcher.
The Faithfull Shepherdesse. This first edition is undated, it was c. 1610.
The Faithfull Shepheardesse. The Second Edition, newly corrected. 1629.
The third edition, with Addition,' was in 1634, after the play had
been acted before the king and queen on Twelfth Night, 1633. Again,
## p. 491 (#509) ############################################
Chapter XIII
1656, 1665. It was not in the 1647 folio; but appeared in the 1679 folio
and in all subsequent editions.
Rptd in the Temple Dramatists, 1897, with introduction by Moor-
man, F. W.
Axon, W. E. A. Milton's Comus and Fletcher's Faithful Shepherdens
compared. Manchester Quarterly, no. III, July 1882.
Thomas Goffe.
The Careles Shepherdess. A Tragi-Comedy Acted before the King &
Queene, And at Salisbury-Court, with great Applause. 1656.
The play was acted about 1629.
Benjamin Jonson.
In The Workes of Benjamin Jonson. The Second Volume, 1640, which
was edited by Sir Kenelm Digby, occurs:
The Sad Shepherd. Or, A Tale of Robin Hood. Written by Ben: Johnson.
The best modern edition and fullest discussions of the play are by
Greg, W. W. , in Bang's Materialien, vol. xi, 1905, and in his Pastoral
Poetry, etc. , cited above. The play was edited with notes and a con-
tinuation by Waldron, F. G. , 1783.
Joseph Rutter.
The Shepheards Holy-Day. A Pastorall Tragi-Comaedie. Acted Before
Both their Majesties At White-hall, by the Queenes Servants. With
An Elegie On The Death of the most noble Lady, the Lady Venetia
Digby. . . . Written by J. R. 1635.
For Fletcher, see bibliography to chap. v; for Jonson, chap. 1; for
Randolph, chap. ix, ante.
Bibliographies of the subject will be found in Thompson, E. N. S. , Controversy
between the Puritans and the Stage, and Symmes, N. S. , Les Débuts de
la Critique Dramatique (see sec. IV, post), while Lowe may also be
referred to. A complete list of Prynne's works is contained in Gardiner's
Documents relating to . . . William Prynne (see ibid. )
Field, Nathaniel. Feild the Players Letter to Mr Sutton Preacher att
St Mary Overs 1616. Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, James I,
Ixxxix, no. 105. Rptd by Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O. , The Remonstrance
of Nathan Field (10 copies printed), 1865; and in his Illustrations of
the Life of Shakespeare, vol. 1. app. xxiii, 1874.
Gager, William. His letters to Rainolds on the subject of stage plays are
to be seen at Oxford in the libraries of Corpus Christi college (MSS
ccclii, 6) and of University college (MSS J. 18).
Remembrancia, a series of records preserved in the office of the Town Clerk
of the City of London. All the documents in this series, bearing upon
the stage, have been reprinted by the Malone Society (Collections, part 1).
The City's Letter Books which extend to 1590, the Journals of the
## p. 492 (#510) ############################################
Common Council and the Repertories of the Court of Aldermen, all
hitherto unexplored, are likely to contain material of interest. Such of
the Burghley papers, among the Lansdowne MSS at the British
Museum, as deal with the stage have also been reprinted in the Malone
Society's Collections.
Actors. The Aotors Remonstrance, or Complaint: For The silencing of their
profession, and banishment from their severall Play-houses. In which is
fully set downe their grievances, for their restraint; especially since
Stage-playes, only of all publike recreations are prohibited; the exercise
at the Beares Colledge, and the motions of Puppets being still in force
and vigour. 1643. Rptd (1) in Hazlitt's English Drama and Stage,
pp. 200-265, 1869; (2) by Hindley, C. , Miscellanea Antiqua Anglicana,
vol. 111, 1871-3.
Agrippa. Henrie Cornelius Agrippa, of the Vanitie and uncertaintie of
Artes and Sciences, Englished by Ja. San. Gent. 1569.
Alley, William. IITNXOMYXEION. The poore mans Librarie. 2 vols. 1565.
Ascham, Roger. The Scholemaster .