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That it would have been possible for a Phoenician fleet of any desired strength to effect a landing at Locri or Croton, especially as long as the port of Syracuse remained open
to the Carthaginians and the fleet at Brundisium was kept in check by Macedonia, is shown by the unopposed dis embarkation at Locri of 4000 Africans, whom Bomilcar about this time brought over from Carthage to Hannibal, and still more by Hannibal's           embarkation, when all had been already lost But after the first impression of the victory of Cannae had died away, the peace party in Carthage, which was at all times ready to purchase the downfall of its political opponents at the expense of its country, and which found faithful allies in the shortsightedness and indolence of the citizens, refused the entreaties of the general for more decided support with the half- simple, half- malicious reply, that he in fact
needed no help inasmuch as he was really victor; and thus contributed not much less than the Roman senate to save Rome.