This shall be
the money-fine in which the man who refuses to
marry shall be mulcted, and as to honour, he shall
receive none from the men, and no young
man shall of his own free-will pay any regard to
him : if he attempt to punish any person, everyone
shall come to the assistance of the person maltreated
and defend him, and whoever is present and fails
• As goddess of marriage.
the money-fine in which the man who refuses to
marry shall be mulcted, and as to honour, he shall
receive none from the men, and no young
man shall of his own free-will pay any regard to
him : if he attempt to punish any person, everyone
shall come to the assistance of the person maltreated
and defend him, and whoever is present and fails
• As goddess of marriage.
Plato - 1926 - Laws