ausc he m~de too many thIngs
whereby cluttered the busbn1a11's baggage
vIde the expedItion of Frobc~luS' pupils '1bout 1938
to Auss 'ral1a Quan Jin spoke and thereby cll.
whereby cluttered the busbn1a11's baggage
vIde the expedItion of Frobc~luS' pupils '1bout 1938
to Auss 'ral1a Quan Jin spoke and thereby cll.
Jch IS Doc Flanklm (M1Y 3rd 1783)
a composed man
plaIn EnglIshman Duke and Ambassador Manchester
I told Hartley theIr poltey wIth Holland was wrong all wrong 1? they backed the Stadtholder the Emperor and French wd/ back the republIcans and all Europe enkIndle
~1d now stronger reason to cultIvate Holland and not push up the Bourbon
expedIent that an Intercourse
1nd commerce be opened, laws of Gt BrItaIn on
plantatIon trade contrIved solely to benefit BrItaIn saId Dutch vessels had gone to AmerIca I01ded ~rlth I'nens, duck, saIlcloth etc copper corrodes shIps' Iron
most agreeable day I ever spent at VersaJ. 1les
( I 7 June '83)
SardInIan ambassador saId It was curIOUS
to remark on the progress of commerce furs from Hudson Bay Company
sent to London were sent to SIberIa
OULD not let us brIng theIr sugar to Europe Cwd/ lessen the number of French and of SpanIsh
Generally rode tWIce a day tIll made master of thIs curIOUS forest (BOIS de Boulogne) VIew of Issy and the castle of Meudon
game IS not very plentIful DIned at Amlens
put up at AbbevIlle Dover VIew Mr Johnson
Gt Tower Hul who mforms me
that a vessel wIth one thousand hogshead of tobacco
IS passed by In the Channel from Congress
to Messrs W1ll1ncks 2. 7 Oct '83 Hague June 2. 2, '84
So there IS no drop not AmerIcan In me Aye we have notIced that saId the Ambassador
Sends to Morocco no marIne stores
sends 'em glaces and other thIngs of rIch value
SaId Lord Carmathen wd/ present me
but that I shd/ do busmess wIth Mr PItt very often
Posts not surlendered
are Presq'lsle, Sandusky etc/ DetrOIt MlchllImakinac
St Joseph St Mary's
daughter marrIed less prudently
and they were thInkIng of sendIng her to AmerIca
Presented Mr HamIlton to the Queen at the draWing room
Ml Jefferson
and I went m a post chaIse
Woburn Farm, Stowe, Stratford
Stourbrldge, Woodstock, HIgh Wycombe and back to Grosvenor Sq
A national debt of . 2. 74 mIllIon stg/
? accumulated by Jobs contracts salarIes pensIons 1n the course of a century
mIght easuy produce all thIs magnIficence
Pope's pavIlIon and Thompson's seat made the excurSIon
Shenstone's the most rural of all
19th, Wednesday, annIversary of the battle of LexIngton
and of my receptIon In Holland whIch latter IS considered of no unportance
to VIew the seat of the banker ChIld three houses, In fact, round a square
blOWIng roses, rIpe strawberrIes plums cherrIes etc deer sheep wood-doves gumea-hens peacocks etc
Dr Grey speaks very lightly of Buffon
Mr H prefers the archItecture of thIS house because It
remInds hIm of Palladlo wmdows With mahogany columns
there are two stoves but at neither of them could a student be comfortable In cold weather
July 18th, yesterday, moved all the grass In Stony HIll neld thiS day my new barn was raIsed
theIr songs never more varIOUS than tIllS mornIng Corn by two sorts of worm
HeSSIan fly menaces wheat
Where T has been trlmmmg red cedars
WIth team of 5 cattle brought back 2. 2. cedars
OtiS full of electIon Henry, ]effc. . . rson, Burr
T cutting trees and leaves of whIte oaks
To barley and black grass at the beach
saId one thing wd/ make Rhode Island unammous -meanmg fundmg-
they wanted Hamtlton for VIce preSIdent
I saId nothIng
WHERETOW ARD THE ARGUMENTS HAD BEEN as renouncmg the transactIons of Runmg Mede)
? PrUlce of Orange, klnb -W'llham by the people
that theIr rights be mVlolable
which drove out James Second IS stul actIve
Nothmg less than this seems to have been meditated for us by somebody or other In BrItaIn
reprInted by Thos HollIS
seventeen sixty-five OB PECUNIAE SCARSITATEM
this act, the Stamp Act, wd/ dram cash out of the country and IS, further, UNconstitutional
yrl humanity counterfeit
yrl lIberty cankered With simulatIon Earl Clarendon to Bill Pym m tIle Baastun Gazette
Jan 17th I 7 6 8 Danegeld emptIed the land of all cOin
what are powers of these new admiralty courts In America
per pares et legem terrae
IS there any grand Jury to brIng an IndIctment to :find presentments
any pettt for fact
IS thiS trIal per legem terrae
or by Institutes Digests Roman")
Become attentIve to their liberties
countIes, towns, prIvate clubs and sodalItIes most accurate Judgement
about the real constItutIon whIch IS not of wmd and weather
what IS said there IS rather a character
than a true
definition It IS a Just observation 382
ching mIng
? Jury answer" questIons of fact
thus guard1ng the subject
pompous rItuals theatrical ceremOnle4\
so succe,",sfully used to
delude to terrIfy men out of vIrtue and lIberty
ElIzabeth trIed, James FIrst put out GoodwIn and the Comnl0ns reversed It
(London ChronIcle)
By thIS course) saId one member, free electIon IS taken away common rIghts our ancestors have left us
By thIS course, saId another, the Chancellor
could call a parlIament of only such as he please
After repeal of AmerIcan Stamp Act
we . rave mortt:! ication to see one Act of ParlIament after
another, Inoney collectIng from us contInually without our consent
by an authorIty
In the constItutIon of whIch we l1ave no share
and see the lIttle COIn that remaIned among us transmItted to dIstance
with no hope of return
RESOLUTION to maIntaIn duty and loyalty to our sovrelgn and to ParlIament as legIslatIve In all cases of neceSSIty
to preserve the EmpIre as a whole
17 June, 1768
InstructIons to Braintree's represeIltatives
We mean by 6th Anne chap XXXVll section 9 IT IS ENACTED
no marIner
be retamed on any prIvateer shIp or vessel
In any part of America be Impressed on any ship of Her Majesty's any time after St ValentIne's day 1707
on pain of L 20 per n1an
Small field pIeces happened, saId Governor HutchInson,
to pomt at the door of the Court House 383
? To the Hnbl James OtiS and Thos CushIng EsquIres Mr Sam Adams and John Hancock EsquIre
, , , , demands yr/ fortItude vIrtue and wisdom
to remove anythIng that may appear to awe or Intimidate late attack flagrant and formal
on the constitution Itself
and the ImmunitIes of our charters
Unnecessary to repeat our known sentIments on the revenue
thIs 41st section repeals MAGNA
CHARTA the 29th chapter
as follows the words NO FREEMAN to by hIs peers
and the law of the land Whereon saId Lord Coke, speaking of Empson and Dudley,
the end of these two oppressors
shd/ deter others from comnuttlng the lIke
that they brIng not In absolute and partial trIals by dIrectIon
by every legal measure, SIrs, we recommend you
Natural tendency of the legal profeSSIon to sIde WIth authorIty freeholders and other InhabItants (CambrIdge 2. 1 Dec '72
means for redress natural rIghts charter rIght
money extorted from us, approprIated to the augmentatIon of burdens upon us
mdependent of grants of our commons attest
Andrew Boardman town clerk
Judges salaries shd/ be mdependent both of the king
and of the people great danger 1? commlSSlon hang upon either
a cIvIl commiSSIon gives no new powers tyranny In them to assume It
common lay of England, BIRTHRIGHT of every man here and at home
C not look on my self as m state of nature 384
? and 15 pIty that other man shd/'
Wm/ Brattle It IS the wish of almost all good men, replied Adams
that what Brattle states were good law
But from Edward FIrst's tIme to the present letters patent are otherwIse worded
SIC beneplacttu nostro Ad regIs nutum duratura
says Fortescue
chancellor WIll It be shown that by C Judges' Genl Brattle
means barons of Exchequer'
custos rotolorum and clerk of the peace
were created by statute not erected by common law
SIr Edward Coke, who beIng In KIng's dIspleasure,
was removed from his place by writ of the KIng
recitIng that whereas etc// / appoInted to desIst from
tImId Jurors and Judges who held durIng pleasure
ne\ter faIled to second the VIews of the Crown
he, James Second, was oblIged before he brought Hales' case to dIsplace 4 of hIs Judges
By concerts between King James and SIr Edward
hIs coachman was employed to bring actIon
Jones had the IntegrIty to tell the KIng to hIs fac. . e
that he might make 12. Judges but wd/ scarce find I2 lawyers of hIs opul1on
t WIshIng Genl Brattle success In hIS researches'
J Adams
By another clause (In our Charter)
that the great and general court or assembly
shd/ have power to erect JudIcatorIes courts of record
and other courts
to determIne pleas processes plaInts actions etc!
whereby a law (. 2. WIlham III) have establIshed etc! 385
? and In Edward IV thIs Beauchan1ps commiSSion was, for the uncertaInty, VOln
By letters patent and under great seal
m all shIres, counties palatme and In Wales
and any other domInIons
HEREOF memory of man runneth not to the contrary
Dome Book, Ina, Off, 1. nd Aethelbert, folcrtght
for a thousand years
and I must add that It appears to me extraordInary that a
gentleman educated under the great GamalIel, Mr Read, shd/ adduce the SIngle dIctum of a counsel at bar uttered arguendo, as an ornament to hIs dIscourse, not pertInent to hIS argument, as It thiS settled something
(by the great sages of law formerly and more latterly',
havmg behInd It no colour or pretence of other authorIty Aula regum, In Norman tImes splIt Into 4 courts,
the summus JustlclarlUS was laId by, lest he get Into
the throne as had Capet RegalIa prlnclpls (Saxon)
whence most of the prerogatIves of the Crown are derIved In those ages
JudiCIary a mere deputy of the King
In whose presence hIS (the Judge's) authorIty ceased cum delegans revocarIt (Bracton)
. . . . . . . .
Baastun Gazette '73
as to definItIons
But he (BrattIe) has been extremely unfortunate In haVIng
Bracton, Fortescue, Coke, Foster, Hume, Rapin and Rushworth duectly agaInst hIm
the materials are at the servIce of the publIc
I leave them to Jewelers and lapidarIes to refine
to fabrIcate and to polIsh
de Burgh m a vain hope of perpetuatIng hIS power
1vIr ShIrley In 1754 confided to Dr FranklIn a secret
that IS a scheme for taxIng the colonIes by act of Parliament
? WHERETO Ben saId nuts
In a very accurate manner
C Gevernors' sez he t whose object IS In general to make fortunes'
ShIrley a skunk, Pownall a gentleman honest,
Bernard skIlled enough In the law to do mIschIef
and thus the total government was to be rendered wholly Independent of the people
and the cream to go mto theIr salarIes (governor's, lIeutenant's and Judges ')
(SIgned) Novanglus ThIs preposterous t nnprovement' of Mr GrenvIlle's
has wellnlgh rUln'd the whole OBSTA PRINCIPIIS
the army IS here merely a pubhck nUIsance
Does the SIncere wrIter really belIeve that the desIgn
of unposlng other taxes has been laId aSIde by the mInIstry
and of the new-modellmg of the government"> they had now the governor's salary out of the reveIlue
and a number of penSIons and places I WIsh Massachusetts knew what a democracy 15, what a republIC
Irrltat mulcet et falsls terroribus nnplet
colonIzatIon IS at common law a casus omzssus
no such tItle IS known In that law
no known punIshment at common law even for treasons commItted out of the realm
tIll Hen Vlllth
to catch CardInal Pole 1 e statute
Most fanatIcal that ever got Into human perIcranIum
that he had a rIght to all lands hIS subjects cd/ :6. nd, and even that mfers no rIght In ParlIament or
feudal, had rIght of contract (on that tack)
feudal kIng had no more rIght to absolute over Enghshmen out of the realm than In BrItaIn
In fact the Oily writer now leaps over law 388
? noW over fact now over charters and contracts
there IS no fundamental law that makes a kIng of England absolute anywhere except It be In conquered countrIes,
and an attempt forfeIts hIs rIght even to the lImIted crown for 150 years taxed themselves
and governed theIr Internal concerns Parll'\ment governed theIr trade
Wales was In some thIngs an analogy held of the crown but not parcel
Edwardus Deo GratIa Angllae
Dom lith et Dux AquItanlae terram Waillae cum Incolls BUIS 11l nostrae proprIetatIS dommlum
now partly to dlvert hIS subjects from the murder of Becket lays pretence
that the IrIsh had sold some EnglIsh as slaves AdrIan an EnglIshman by bIrth bemg pontIff
very clearly convInced of hIS own rIght to dIspose of kIngdoms and empIres and by power of pence of Peter
to establIsh an EmpIre of the World
that Henry's demand upon Ireland proceeded from pIOUS
motIves seeds of gospel etcetera fructIfy for Eirets eternal salvatIon
and obhge every house to pay yearly one penny to Rome Macmorral the raper and Rourke of Meath as our Junto and as to how IrIsh m Henry the Vth's tune were let Into
t shall put In surety for theIr good abearmg', contract called Poynlng's law,
consent of the IrIsh NatIon and an act In theIr parlIament (Poynlng's) EDGARDUS ANGLORUM BASILEUS
Insularum oceanl Imperator et domInus gratlam ago
Deo omnlp qUI meum unperlum
SIC ampIlavlt et explIcavlt super regnum patrum meorum concesslt propItla dlvmltatIs
HIbernIa habet parlIamentum (VIde SIr J PJ1kmgton)s case)
? majesty neal the seventy, amIable successor
educated under care of my nearest frIends
mIlItant SpirIt, and the natIon under a very large debt How shall we manage It~ these noblemen and 19noblemen words of Lord Mansfield and hIs admIrer (governor
HutchInson) AMERICAN governments never were erected by parhament
these regalta and JurIsdIctIons not gIven by parlIament a lIttle knowledge of the subject wIll do us no harm Chester a palatme county and had Jure regalza
Great seal dId not run Into Chester
for remedy 3 knIghts of shire
1 burgesses of the CIty estabhshed
Chester In crown and realm exempt from authorIty
how qUIckly granted representatIon when asked It
t In Durham Queen's wrIt hath not run'
25 Charles II be represented by knIghts and by burgesses true our OIly opponent
has here more zeal than knowIng NatIon was not polIte enough
to have Introduced any such phrase or Idea mto our charter not one farthIng ever was voted
or gIven by KIng or hIS Parhament
Style royal'> as kIng over France~ Ireland'> Scotland or
seals, leagues, COIn are prerogatIve absolute seals, leagues, COIn are prerogatIve absolute to the kmg wIthout parlIament
not restraIned to any assent of the people homage, fealty are to the person
can not be to body polItIC
the kmg might have commanded them to return but he dId not
In the Boston Gazette 17th ApJ. Il Hosttlltles at LexIngton commenced on the 19th of AprIl several other papers were wrltten and sent to the prlnt~l
? and probably lost amId that confusloll
(note to the 1819 edltl0:l of NOVANGLUS)
('76 or '75 from Phlladelphy)
to R H Lee of VlIgmla
on sudden emergency
legislative, executive and JudIcial Printer John Dunlap
as lIkewIse to Mr Wythe of VIrgInia some forms are better than others happlness of SOCIety IS theIr aIm
KUNG Zoroaster Socrates and Mahomet
C not to mentIon other authorItIes really sacred'
fear renders men stupId and miserable
honour IS a mere fragment of Vlrtue, yet sacred foundatIon of every government In some prmclple
or passion of the people
ma che SI set/te dzcho
Locke MIlton Nedham NeVIlle Burnet and Hoadly empire of law~ not of men
Be In mInIature a portraIt of the people at lalge (the representatIve body)
of learnIng and experIence of the laws, exemplary morals great patIence calmness attel1tIon
not dependent on any body of men Judges, ExecutIve
secrecy and dIspatch whence
a great assembly can not execute, It IS too clumsy The colonIes under such trIple government wd/ be Unconquerable by all the monarchs of Europe
Ifew of the human race have had opportunIty lIke thIS
to make electIon of government, more than of aIr, sou or cllIXlate
When before have 3 mIllIon people had optIon of the total fOlm of theIr government)
(Pat Henry, thus contInuIng)
I put up WIth the DeclaratIon for unanImIty's sale 391
? It IS not pOinted as I wd/ make It
Colonel Nelson IS carrymg our resolutIon
lest the enemy be before us In ParIS confederacy must precede open allIance
the arguments that delegate Bracton favours
are weak shallow evasIve wd/ to God you and Sam Adams
were here In Vlrgt. nla
1? all yrf features can not be kept here
at least we wIll keep some famIly lIkeness wIll you and S A now and then wrIte
Prmted by John Taylor of Carohne In 1814
To John Penn '76 from J Adams
no more agreeable employment
than the study of the best kInd of government to determIne form you must determIne the end
(that IS purpose)
single assembly IS liable to all the vIces folItes and frailtIes
prerogatIves, badges of slavery
(similarly to Jonathan Sergeant, he
requiring explicit advIce as to takIng up powers of government) FIxed laws of theIr own making
equitable mode of making the laws
Impartial and of apt execution Freeholders of an estate of 3 L / per annum
or any estate to the value of 60 pounds Duty of legIslators and magtstrates
to cherish the Interest of lIterature and prmclples of good humour
(Constitution of Massachusetts) I was apprehensive In partIcular that
c: naturalhistory'and(goodh'llmOUr'wd/bestruckout, Wrote John 34 years later
It 18 slgntficant wrote Chawles FwancIs that persons
? who have SInce been erected have not etc been greatly lIterate
and no publIc man down untIl 1850 expressed doubts of the tmmaculate nature of govvymlnt by the
majOrIty C EIther content wIth the U S constItutIons
or too tImid to speculate on constItutIons at large' representatives of the people susceptible to Improvement
(questIon') )
read Thucydides without horror'> words lost theIr SIgnIficance
Mr Hume has collected massacres from D 5lculus
most pohshed years of Greece
Ephesus three forty kIlled
Cyrenlans 500 nobles
Phaebldas banIshed 3 0 0 Boeotlans
In PhlhaSlQ they kIlled 3 0 0 people
at . . tEgesta, 40,000 men women and chIldren
kIlled for theIr money
take away armIes, the nobles wIll overturn every monarch
In Europe
and set up arIstocraCIes
No mtervIews WIth the gods by those on thIS serVIce
Grosvenor Sq 1787 but as arclutects consultIng VitruvIus and Pailadio
the young gents of lIterature In AmerIca to thIs kmd of enqUIry
doubted by TaCItus though he admIts the theory IS a
good one
factllus laudarl quam InvenIre vel haud dluturna
optnne modice confusa, saId CIcero
concors tamen effiCltul CIVItas consensu 393
? ubI JUStltl1. non est, nec JUs potest csc;e
San MarIno, the founder) a D1lmatlan by birth
and b}r trade a mason Whole hIstory of Geneva
the people have gIven up all balances betraymg thelr own rIghts and those of the magIstrates Into the hands of a fc. . . w prominent familles
nobles to trade In a general way
to carryon velvet, SIlk and cloth m'1nufacturles
Venice at first democratical
Anafeste's real merIt 5 massacred, 5 blInded and eXiled 9 deposed, one kIlled In a foreIgn wal
thus 2. 0 of 50 dages, plus 5 abdIcations
before they thought of lImltmg powers
and another . 200 ye2rs before plannIng a government an aristocracy 15 always more cunnIng
than an assembly of the people collectively armIes gIven to kIngs by the people
to keep down the nobles whereon nobles depend from the Clown
and the people are still under theIr dOmInatIon 2. thousand 5 hundred nobles in VenIce
the stadtholder from father to son
who after Lolme need wrIte of regal republIcs~ recent Instance
the Ukrame Insurrection only In Neuchatel
apXELV ,,0. ,? 4pXEu8al,
as In antlent Rhodes, probably In three branches
Jura orda aeqUltas leges ?
stadtholder, avoyer, alcalde, capitaneo? '> 1? Mons Turgot
has made any dIscovery
orders of officers, not of men In America
no dIstInct separation of legISlatIve, executIve and JudiCIal
heretofore save In England 394
HE phtlosophers say one, the few, the many T RegIs optlmatlum popullque
as Lycurgus In Spart~a, reges, senlores et populus both greeks and ItalIans
archons, su:ffestes or consuls
AthenIans, Spartans, Thebans, Achalans
uSIng the people as Its mere dupe, as an undcr,\\rorkcl
a purchaser In trust for some tYlant dexterous In pulhng down, not In maintainIng Turgot takes a definItIon of the commonwealth
for a definitIon of lIberty
Where ambition IS every man's trade IS no ploughIng
How shall the plow be kept In hands of owners not hIrelIngs') Lycurgus
to the end that no branch by swellIng
to say that some parts of Plato and SIr Thos More
are as wIld as the ravings of Bedlam (found MIlton a dItherIng IdIot, tho' scud thIs wIth
more cIrcumspectIon)
Lowered Interest without annullIng the debt
In thIS transactIon There IS nothIng lIke It In the orIgInal Mr Pope has conformed It to the notIons
of EnglIshmen and AmerIcans
m TaCItus and In Homer, 3 orders, In Greece as In Germany a. nd mankInd dare not yet thInk upon
t No man In AmerIca then belIeved me )
J A on hIS Davda, recollectIng
Be bubbled out of theIr lIbertIes by a few large names,
Hume, probably not havmg read them Whether the kmg of the Franks had a negative on that
? t forwald young man' wrote the CrltIc
on an unsIgned J A (J A beIng then 53 and VIce
Pharamond on the banks of the Sala
here agam the frencll Jargon
not one clear Idea what they mean by
(all authorIty'
MISERIA scrvltus, ubI JUs v'lgum
prunltlve man was gregarIOUS, paSSIons, appetItes and
to be observed, commended esteemed
I take It Mr HIllhouse IS SIncere yet wd/ It not be more representative
to say that every colony had a governor, a counCIl, senate and house
none of which went by heredIty">
E1ntSSarlCS of Blztat1t ana Fra1zce cd/ speak and hold caucuses
CommiSSIon to France '77
C chased enemy half a mIle' (Lafayette headIng some Morgan's rifles)
Henry Laurens t gIve me le1. ve to present you an Introductory letter to
Mons Ie Comtc de BroglIe'
De Klab
( In my entertaInIng them wIth the best correspondence'
(t m the noble cause we are fightIng for')
t novelty of the scene, the mexperlence of the actors
agaInst paYIng for thIngs we haven't ordered'
J Adams
t U S wIll doubtless grant some facilltles to
french prIvateers'
In much larger sums than In the ordInary course of busmess IS needed
De Sartlne
? Congress havIng borrowed large sums of this
paper money from Its possessors
upon Interest
and promIsed payment of that In Europe
B Fr A Lee J A
to Vergennes
to know how you (Beaumarchals) claun the Theresa
as your proper vessel, because M Monthleu claIms her as hIS Demurrage of her, part of whIch we have paid
and John BaptIste
Lazarus agent of Caron de Beaumarchals representatIve of Roderlque Hortalez
C consecrated my house to Dr FranklIn and aSSOCIates was understood I shd/ expect no
I beg leave you permIt thiS to remain
Ray de Chaumont
As to BersolIe, charges for repaIr of the Drake
shd/ be Jones's
supphes or slops to the Ranger
shdl be Jones's (Paul Jones's) as the Chatham belongs 1/2 to the publIC
1/. 1 to the capturers
charges shdl be 112. to mOttle munItions and repairs to the Ranger
to us
B F A Lee J A commISSIoners to Schwelghauser, banker
Whatever vessels of war are sent to AmerIca
shd/ be plentIfully supplIed WIth marme woollen cloths blankets, mIttens
dIfficult WIthout these In cold season
the commISSIoners, FranklIn A Lee J Adams
to de Sartme 397
? It 15 certaIn that a loan of money IS very nluch wanted aflly/ to Master JohnnIe
and belIeve me wIth gt/ esteem, Sir, B, Frankhn
Leghorn, If VIenna receIve an American minIster
also 2. acts of the 4th and 15th ascertainIng yr/ sal'1ry
and makIng provISIon for yrl subsIstence In France HuntIngton, presldent
My Dear General
The skill of our enemy (England)
In forging false news annual custom to send out these cargoes of lIes It IS
their way of paSSIng the winter thus by t appeasing the troubles In Ireland)
by contracts WIth German prlncec; and especially Petersburg 2. 0,000 rUSSIans
I 2. ShIPS of the hne
also Denmark 45 vessels (lIne)
(to La Fayette and to Genet)
t the art of polltlcallYlng In England better than elc;ewhere) 19th (next day)
C no contracts WIth German prInces' Mr Burke's bIll not yet beIng publIc
Mr Fox's severe observations on Govr/ Hutchinson the precise pomt of the solstice
says Bolingbroke they In SinkIng scale do not eaSIly cast off habItual
C For the calling and cancellation of
has In general been well rec'd'
2 0 0 millIon dollars
Elbrldgr Gerry
demands of the treasury generally answered by warrants
Says Vergennes for t;trangers? 398
@$40toI InspeCIe
? <<The deprecIatIon of paper, a ta"t (T, A, X, ta'C) the AmerIcans have laId on themselves
If french be oblIged to submIt they wIll be vIctlm~ of zeal or their rashness In supplyIng the AmerIcans wIth arms, clothes and munItIons'
De Velgennls (I thank yr/ Excellency for the confidence,
do you mean that the ChevalIer de Luzerne has
alJ. eady reed/ such InstructIons or that the)' are on then
way to hlm~
Let me quote you some prIces In Boston, foreIgners have profited by the dIfference between slIver and bIlls of exchange
that IS papel $25 to I of slIver
but no more than 12 paper for One In bIll of exchange also dIfference In paper as between Boston and Phlladplphla If any european merchant can show good cause fot
exceptIon I doubt not we wIll do JustIce to hIm '
MazzeI lIttle hope of success @ so Iowan Interelit
more offered by powers of Europe (to T Jefferson)
Keeps good company, devoted to you, Wythe and the gentlemen of VIrgInIa, know not how you feel toward hIm (Value dl1ferently fron1 yourself, SIr, the
unIon whIch subSIsts between France and the U S and that France may deserve some preference
over other powers
who have no treaty wIth Amellca and who ha"e not even
her Independence '
Army dIsCIplIne greatly Improved Rush
acknowledged de Vergennes
~ If the french fleet shd/ consIstently remaIn on that coast) (to de Vergennes)
(Nat able on reflectIon to see Wh}T 399
? I shd/ not have publIshed my powers 111 February'
(To Vergennes, July 17)
that I had IntentIon of gOIng to Amsterdam
no arguments but force respected In Europe
to show U S the Importance of an early attentlon to language for ascertaInIng the language
ChIng Mlng
Mr BIcker , that I shd/ consider what houses were connected wIth England
and also whIch had (other connectIons'
equally lIkely to hmder the loan or defeat It
(meanIng, I found, the French mInIstry) and whIch not of credIt suffiCIent
(partIcularly Neufvllie) prOVISIon for negotIatIng the capltal 2. %
for undertakers to furnish the capItal 2. % Brokerage 1/2. %expenses stamped paper l/Z amortIzatIon 2 1/4
for 3 mdhon gUIlders
I answered Mr Calkoen's questIons In writIng conversatIon by Interpreters being heavy
and he then read them to a society
and thus began to be known that
wd/ be burdensome for us to go on ten years With the war but for the Enghsh equally so
The takmg of Charleston has not strengthened them
on the contrary
when England borrows each year a sum. equal
to all her exports shd/ we be laughed at for
wantmg to borrow up to 1/12. th (one twelfth)
of our exports?
4? 0
? We shd/ send regular mmlsters
c Lautens, d011t Ia facheuse catastrophe me desole
(captured by England) un parent me temolgne de l'lDclmation d'y placer
vIngt mIlle florIns d'Hollande'
van der Capellen
Yen der Kemp peut etre de grand utilite pour Ie Congres (KIng of Spam so good as to offer hIs surety
for Interest and the capItal ' PSI find the sum he wd/ guarantee IS
B FranklIn 150,000 dollars
payable In 3 years
No consIderable sum here obtamable as Monsieur Necker IS makIng a loan
(meanmg placmg one)
depuls qU'l! (Mr Laurens) est enferme a 1a Tour
(1 e the towYer of London) America IS wIllIng to gIve a Just Interest
t MortIer and Meerkemaer act under Mssrs Staphorst
I am sorry Mr Blomberg IS III
I think them (the two Tenkate) are capable
but found them so lIable to Influence that I never cd/ close Mr Van V! oten 15 at Utrecht'
H BIcker t but have never obtaIned any lnoney
(12. Nov 1780)
nor the least hope of obtamlng ,
JA Whether SIr Jo Yorke after 20 years residence
IS Ignorant of the Dutch constItution or IS merely Insulting
Burgomasters of Amsterdam are one
Integral branch of the sovereignty
and dIslIkIng the french they famIlIarIzed to call 4? 1
? [,ngland the natural ally
KIng of rng11nd demands 1U111,! Jl1U? l1t of the regents
( la persecutlon contre M \11. 11 Bercl"cI
et ses c01nplJces'
de ne pas presser votre depart
les affalres crIse temps pourralt
but des Angla15 outre celul d'alnuscr la repubhque d'Holland
loss of Charleston
Dutch have JOIned the neutrahty tout credlt SOIt d'un peuple SOlt d'un partIculler
de deux chases
l'0plnlon de Ia bonne ? 01
et de la posslblhte
OU 11 se trouve de faire face Aff'aues (Xmas day, Amsterdam) stIll suspended
but stockjobbing goes on uninterruptedly
at coffee houses on Sundays and holIdays when It cannot be held upon 'change
C What they cd! le1. rn from Dutch hIstory
or french of the last . 25 years'
J A 19 years later
4? 2.
Capellen de Pol
? ][
N whIch case a mInIster here from Congress wd/ be useful If the neutralIty, ~ m'l1 t ster to all nl. utral courts
mIght be useful
Dec 3I Amsterdam 1780 1st Jan PhIladelphia I78I
yr/ commISSIon plenipotentIary sent hereWIth Huntmgton, PreSIdent
for a secret address you may send under cover
Madame la veuve de M Henry Schorn
op de Agsterburg wal by de Hoogstraat depreCIatIon of money a TAX on the people
paId In advance and
therefore prevents the publIC from beIng found In debt, true
It IS an unequal tax and causes perplexIty
but by no means dIsables the people from carryIng on the war Merchants, farmers, tradesmen and labourers gaIn
they are the moneyed n1en,
The capItalISts those who have money at 111terest
or those on fixed salarIes
England has Increased her debt 60 mIllion ours IS not over 6 mIllion
who can hold out the longer) the depreCIatIon has not tended to make the people
submit to BrItaIn 1 2 mIllIon
. 200 mIllIon SIX
AmerIcan exports 1774, EnglIsh debt
the AmerIcan debt only
a brItIsh mInIster and stock-Jobber Vergennes IS fixedly resolved to commIt hImself to nothIng not even hIS treaty WIth the U Snow eXlStlng
4? 3
? For the purpose of chlc1nlng the U S out of their hbertv thIs congress proposed at \Tlcnna with the two Elnperors
part of :England's p'llavcr
La Cour de Londres eludera autant et aUSSl long qu'elle peut l'aveu dIrect
OU IndIrect de 1'1ndepcndcn~c des Et:lts UnlS Cornwalhs' fate has emboldened the Hollanders
Crops 1n U S finest known
t 12,000 florIns, J'al honte d'etre Hollandals'
<< 2. burgomasters, 2. schepens and a pensIonary'
t I belIeve thIs set receive ample salaries
to resist AmerIcan loan
BrItIsh mInIsters, Dutch court, and the holders of
EnglIsh stocks' (to Frankhn Jan 25)
that the prOVInce of Friesland and M Berdsma be remembered that Mr Adams be admItted mlnlstel from
the congress of the USN A resolved In the PrOVInce House (Frlesland )
to treat WIth the hanseatIc
I found the old gentleman perfectly sound In hIS
system of politics
very poor opInIon of the new mInistry
and of the precedmg, Insmcerlty duplICity Shelbourne still flatters the
King With Ideas of CONciliatIon all to raise the prIce of stocks
Amsterdam 26 AprIl 1? the houses Flseaux, Hodshon, Crommehns, van Staphorst
5 millIon by August
Le corps des negoclants de cette VIlle
souhaltant JOlndre leurs acclamatIons aceux de toute la natIon J NaUet, Schledam
4? 4
6 J a n
4 Dec '81
? tOn m'a dIt que ces MessIeurs de Schledam donnent ce repas de cent couverts
et qu'll y aura beaucoup de personnes de Rotterdam' Dumas
It IS true I may open a loan for 5 mdhon cash IS not InfinIte In thIS country
WE THEREFORE (May 11th 1780)
accept the terms you propose 4 I 14th%for remedIum
Wllhnck Staphorst FynJe
WII1mck etc
the mInIster of the Emperor IS 90 years of age and
never appears
Oswald's credentIals to treat WIth the t U S A (named speclficly)
after thIS statuum quorum My Dear General (Lafayette)
millIon and a half, of the 3 mullon, In cash Amsterdam Sept 19
Treaty ready by monday (J A. to Jefferson) 7 Oct '82
that France WIll not
be m necessIty of purchaSIng from RUSSIa
after the war as she can then get some from AmerIca' The KIng's loans do not fill
ParIS, 7th November Vergennes certaInly knows thIS or IS not evell
an European statesman 4? 5
the words pIddlmg etc/ once cost me very dear If you wdj open for 3 mIllIon at first
Van Vloten and I have agreed 3000 bonds @ 1000 francs each
? avoId too wcat dependence
on any one po",er In Etlrop<. .
Nous sommes en attendant charmcs de VOIr
que les etats des 1utres pro\Inces et consequelnment Ia repubhque entlcre ont, a l'eJi. cmple des Etats de Frlse
reconnu 'ilgned Le~ membrcs de Ii SOcIete BourgeoIse
de Leeuwarde W W opklns \T Cats
S P Q Arnst faustlss1mo foederc Juncta
(on a medal)
factIons, cabals, and slanders
many thIngs saId to me, false, more I suspect
and yet others wd/ do no good If repeated London May 2. 7 1785
to hIs Majesty In hIS closet
To T J/ of rUInIng our CarrYIng trade 1? thC}T can
(rCm1. 1nlng page clphcled) Bet,,! een St James and Vcrsadlcs
ACT of navlg1tlon 12. Car II, (. . 18 navIgatIon by an AmerJcan master
three fourths of the seamen AmerIcan bubbles of our own philosophlcal liberality
(to Jay, I9 Aug '85 and of the U S which wd/ :find market In Barbary
1? both governments are possessed of the contents of my letter by openmg It In the post office
Mr Pitt said that wd/ surprIse people here for that wars never Interrupted
the Interest of DEBTS Fat of the spermaceti whale
gIves the clearest
and most beautIful lIght of any substance known In nature
? Consequence that Portugal has, for four score years, clothed herself In BrItIsh woolens lIke any BrItIsh colony and has never been able to mtroduce woollen manufacturles
at home
ParIS 1787
(ThIS country wIll WIthIn the next 12. or 15 years come to a pretty good constltutl. On '
Yrs/ Lafayette
To T Jefferson
(You fear the one, I the few'
In thlS matter of redeemIng certIficates that were used paym' the sOJers
vignette 1. 11. 111argZ11e
KIng, Sam Johnson of N Carol1na
SmIth (W ) S CarolIna, Wadsworth (JeremIah J Lawrell~e, BIngham, Carro] of Calrolton gone pIss-rotten for HamIlton
Cabot, FIsher Ames, Thom1s WIUlJ'g
Robt MorrIs, SedgwIck
AND the BrItIsh Islands have drunk no other than Port, LIsbon and MadeIra
Jlthough the WInes of France are much better HIS LordshIp WIshed so too
MIllIon gUIlders new loan from Holland
squad of the pmk-halred snot traItors blacker than Arnold
blacker than Bancroft
per l'argtne szntstra a1en1zo volta behInd that mask Mr Schuyler (FIlIPPo) these the betrayers, these the sdilldes advance guard of hell's oIlIness
In theIr progeny no repentence
ljltltldf, Coelto, Cassto 1nenz,b,~lto 4? 7
11atU1al b1. trella
? Mr lvladlson proposed that the orIginal holders ~hd I get face ,all. 1c.
but not speculators who h'ld bought In the paper for nothIng ov the 64 members ov the House ov rcppyzentatlvs
29 were securIty holders
IaPPln cream that IS, and takln It
off of the veterans
an' Mr MadIson's move wuz DEE-fcated
Maclay and JIm Jackson stood out agaInst dirtiness) smelled thIS stink before MadIson
smelt It or before he told Tom about It
'MYsItuatIon almost the only one In the world where n. rn1ness and patIence are useless'
J A VIce presIdent and presIdent of the senate 179 1
WIll the french refuse to receIve Mr PInckney') Idea of leadIng Mr Adams
Blount (senator) has been speculatIng wIth the EnglIsh surrounded by proJecters and sWIndlers, you WIll be, Gerry,
FrIendshIp, Marshall a plaIn man and the frogs countenance only enemIes of our constItutIon
set our seamen ashore at St ]ago de Cuba
tIll our shIps arm office of Secretary as rIval of preSIdent In aIm to have qUIntuple dIrectory Vervennes' frIends dIslIke the facts laId to hIS charge
HamIlton no command,
too muclllntrIgue McHenry was secretary for war, In 98 We shd/ have frIgates, no European peace can be lastIng
expedIent to recommend war agaInst France? (presupposIng they shall not have declared war agalllst us
(thus to PIckerIng) c Talleyrand
affects utter Ignorance, Mr Gerry has communIcated~although knOWIng that Talleyrand had much greater acquaintance
saId X, Y, Z than has Mr Gerry
WIth the
(SIgned Gerry)
Hague 1St July '98
peculators, cd/ they be aroused to drive out the French
Vans M/ exhausted all things In enormous bribes' (cIphered) Talleyrand, leaVIng however reserves for chIcanery,
and Murray not yet removed from the Hague
about t peace'
? shortly ago W<. . ll howhng fot w,r wIth Brltaln.
aln1cd 1t electIon. ;; \1v appointment of 1vlurray has at le"t I11d open char1cters to me
peace, Wal
c you 1rc hereby dl\<. . . harged '
John ,\dan1s, PresIdent of the UnIted States
to Tln1 PickerIng
to execute office so far ac; to afll'\. seal to eu(. ,losed commISSion John 1vlarshal of VIrglnrl, to be Chief Justice
and cert1fy your own name pro hac vIce HamIlton's total Ignorance (or wllatever)
of practIce and usage of nations
eternal neutrality In all wars of Europe
I leave the state with Its coffers full
Dec 28th 1800 73 for Jefferson
73 for Burr
a few foreIgn hars, no AmerIcans In AmerIca
our federahsts no more AmerIcan than were the antlS And In the mirror of memory, ! oT1nafo loco
My complIments to Mrs Warren
as to the sea nymphs
Hyson, Congo, Bohea, and a few lesser diVinIties
Sirens shd/ be got mto It somehow
TorIes were never so affable
TorIes were never so affable We shall OSCIllate lIke a pendulum
slow starvatIon, a conclave, a divan,
what shall we do when we get there
(first congress of PhIladelphy) a nursery for AmerIcan statesmen
treasons, felonIes, new praemunlres
Vuglnla has sown wheat Instead of tobacco
never happy In large and promISCUOUS companIes 410
? QUIncy's knowledge of Boston harboul, 2. nllll? on lssut. d In bIlls old to bind young unconsentmg, what rIght'>
why exclude women from franchise')
power follows balance of land been months here, and never on horseback
fountain head of JustInian, deep, Bracton, Domat, AyIlffe and Taylor
from '6I here In BraIntree
was averSIon to paper, they preferred to do busIness by barter you are rIght, Rush, our trouble IS Iggurunce
of money especially
are stul stockJobbers to believe EnglIsh reports
t No extravagance IS too great
Ten thousand of General WashIngton's army
gone over to ClInton Count D'Estalng makIng procession
Boston With the Host, and seIZing a meetmg house for a chapel and the deVIl knows what'
40,000 RussIans about to go through
more solicitatIon as to means of obtaining It, than as to
my salary
At any rate send me the news
quaus, partrIdges, squrrreis
God wl1l1ng) I wIll not go to Vermont I must be
(whole of french polIcy) wIthIn scent of
the sea
(merely to strmg us along to keep us from)
(sJnkmg entIrely, to have us strong enough for theIr purpose, but not strong enough for our OWl1, to prevent us from obtaining consIderation In Europe Hence my pleasure
In having set up a standard m Holland 411
amount of
? populaTzser, Jepopularzser
to popularIze Mr Jefferson
and depopularuer General WashIngton, all on system
were our Interest the same as theIrs we mIght better trust them, yet not entirely
for they do not understand even theIr own
I have hItherto paid the Dutch Interest out of capital
(London '8S to Art Lee) Court as putrId as Amsterdam, dIVIne SCIence of polItICS sale of SIX muhon acres to dimInIsh the national debt-
and the SOcIety of a few men of letters
left at New England Coffee House, London
will be brought me by some Boston sea captam
I shall call my brook, HollIS Brook
After generous contest for liberty, Americans forgot
what It conSIsts of
after . 2. 0 years of the strug81e memzntsse 1uvebtt
C seeks InformatIon from all quarters and Judges more Independently than any man I ever met'
J A on G WashIngton that there were AmerIcans IndIfferent to fisherIes
and even some InclIned to gIve them away thiS was my strongest motIve
for tWice gOIng to Europe
:fish boxes were rec'd In my absence
C TheIr constItutIon, experlll1ent, I KNOW that France can not be long governed by It J
To PrIce, 19 AprIl 1790 ann of my life has been to be useful, how small In
any natIon the number who comprehend ANY system of constItutIon or admInIstratIon
and these few do not unite
AmerIcans more rapIdly dIsposed to corruptIon In electIons than I thought m '74
fraudulent use of words monarchy and repubhc 412
? ? ? ? I am for balance
and know not how It IS but mankind have an aversion to any study of government
Thames a mere rivulet In comparison to the Hudson rIver 73 to Jefferson, to Mr Burr 73
DUM SPIRO nec lupo commlttere agnum
so they are against any ratIonal theory DUM SPIRO AMO
GI:RMAN ambassador once told me he cdn't bear
Ahe was, he saId, so hard on fornIcation DIsmissed to the JOY of both parties, I do not curse the day I entered publiC affairs
Now In the :first year before congress (that IS before '74)
I was drying my saddlebags and four yeomen In the bar room were talking politICS t If' says one t they can take
Mr Hancock's wharf and Mr Rowe's wharf
They can take my house and your barn' Rebel'
I was disgusted at their saYing rebel I wd/ meet rebellion when British governors and generals should begtn It,
that IS, theIr rebellIon agaInst prInCIples of the constItution
It and In the mean time bUIld frIgates' (1808 he wrote this as In the beginnIng)
In every principal sea port not to fight squadrons at sea but to have fast sallIng frigates
From England greater lDJuries than from France,
I am for fighting whIchever forces us first Into a war depreciated by the SWIndlIng banks, a multitude
of such SWIndlIng banks have rUln'd OU1 medIum TheIr Issues are against gold or on nothing
In '45 as a boy
I heard of the Cape Breton campaIgn and of
BrItish Ingratitude InjustIce of ShIrley, of Braddock, of AbercrombIe
and of Webb and Lord Loudon especIally
In '59 PItt, Wolf, Amherst entllused me, but It was short In '6I came writs of aSSIstance
St Paul
? No history of the past 2. 0 years without documents especIally the circular letters to
members of congress, without these lIbels no hIstory of these decades '89 to '09
I am totts vzrzbus agaInst any dIVISion By the North RIver
or by the Delaware or by the Potomac I am agamst any diVISIon of the UnIon by any river
or by any chaIn of mountaIns Independence agaInst BrItish pohcy' Independence agaInst french Interference, federal papers hIred by England
When publIC opInIon IS rlghtly Informed, as It now IS not, Vergennes saId to me Mr Adams, newspapers govern the world
Took Matlock, Cannon and Young's constitutIons belIeVIng them FranklIn's, they,
Beaumarchais and Condorcet, have paId They dId not lIke mine I have saId the EnglIsh ConstItutIon for
a great natIon In Europe
An allIance WIth France or England
wd/ put an end to our system of liberty
TheIr InexperIence, so superficIal theIr readIng
Merchants wd/ say the merchants are to do as they please WIthout LOUISIana no hold on the MISSISSIPPi rlv. . . . r
westerners wd/ do any thIng to obtaIn free use of that river they wd/ have unIted WIth England or France
to elucidate the meanIng of words at that tzme
and then determIne IntentIons olIgarchy, Insatiable gulf, IrresIstible
I am a church-goIng animal
but 1? I Inculcate fidelIty to the marrIage bed
they wul say It IS from resentment against General HamIlton and I had forgot the story
of the four English gIrls General Pinct. ~. neywas to hIre 41 5
? ? In England, two for me and two for hImself The number of lIcensed houses
was soon reInstated, you may as well preach against rum to IndIans
Little Turtle petItIoned me
to prohIbit It C because I had lost 3000 of my chIldren m hiS tribe alone In one year'
Funds and Banks I
never approved I abhorred ever our whole bankmg system
but an attempt to abolIsh all fundmg In the present state of the world wd/ be as romantic
as any adventure In Oberon or Don QUIxote Every bank of dIscount IS downrIght corruption taxIng the pubhc for private Individuals' gain
and If I say this m my wlll
the AmerIcan people wd/ pronounce I dIed crazy
theIr wigwams
where I never faIled to be treated wIth whortle berrIes
black berrIes strawbernes apples plums peaches etc
for they had planted a number of frUit trees about them but the girls went out to serVIce and the boys to sea
tul none were left there
and so wul be, belIeve me, whllever we feel IJ. ke colonIsts
dependent on France or England
With wood hemp Iron, saId the Chef d'Escadre
a natIon may do what It please
Taxes laId, war supported ThIS must be
Adams wntlng In Qumcy In 1813 Histories are annmllated or mterpolated or prohIbIted
our It pure uncorrupted uncontamInated unadulterated etc'
SIr Wm KeIth In 1739 proposed such an assembly to the ministry
? aimIng at stamp tax-he beIng then, I believe, In Fleet prIson HIS hInt was taken In '54 and In '64
No gentlemen of talents has undertaken thIS hIstory Thos McKean
can remember no BrItIsh frIendshIp
durIng the years that you IndIcate
(1600 to 1813)
In the Congress of '74 only Pat Henry
had sense of the preCIpIce whereon
and courage to face It French, englIsh, mongrels
we were dIvIded a thIrd to a thIrd Persons who saw that WIth our Independence
theIr salarIes (from the Gospel SOCIety of London) wd/ necessarIly cease
Laws of Charondas, destroyed I presume by Splrlt of party CIVIC polIty eccleSIastIcal bIgotry
destroy everythIng that cd/ gIve true lIght or clear InSIght Into antIquIty
arlstocratlcal and democratical fury
adopted by Moses, by no means account for the facts
entitled acta Sanctorum
whether the prepuce shown at Antwerp be authentiC many a kept mIstress has dared for her lover
hazards and sufferings as you find In the mISSion records or tales of mIlItant glory
C WIll hIs son save 'em (the fishIng rIghts) for a second tlme~ ,
No confidence In Clay, GallatIn, Russell
lake" we should have command of the ocean'
J Bull stIll bellows (July 1814)
I Wish France may not sttll regret Bonaparte
Bull greater tyrant, our treaty of 1783 has not lapsed LIttle Intercourse between the separate states No part of
? ? ? ? ? my admInIstratIon so unpopular, even In Marblehead, as was my fight for the navy
That IS to GET a navy
I belIeve no prmter In Boston wd/ prInt 'em
Adams to L Lloyd, In 181 5)
I do not belIeve they cd/ get prInted even today
m any newspaper In Boston CIrcular letters, the lot of 'en1 are full of as many lIes as the Acta Sanctorum
Mmltes In PennsylvanIa And they belIeved :firmly that
was the t Instrument' to brIng In Mllennlum
chosen of Providence to put an end to the pope
Jefferson knew them all courtIng hIm 15 years
My answer was Col Lyman
It WIll be as you say but rUIn honester men than the lot of 'enl Burr folded It WIth great graVIty, sayIng
Now I have hun all hollow (rei lIst of Hamilton's delegates)
Walcott persIsted for 8% DId they belIeve South AmerIcans
were capable of free government'>
lUCid Interval The Dlrectory had one for that moment
No people In Europe cares anythIng
about constitutIons, 18 I 5, whatsoever
not one of 'em understands or IS capable of understandIng
any consti-damn-tution whatever God forbid that our navy
ever be as England's has been a scourge No mdlan's hatchet raIsed whIle I was preSIdent
? Nor has nature nor has art partItIoned the sea Into empIres or mto countIes or l\. nlght's fees
on It be no farms ornate or unornate, no parks and no gardens FIsh to us, fisherIes, BrItaIn stIll has naVIgatIon rIghts on
money or no money, she can never conquer thIs country
4: They wJ11 prInt anythIng that WIll sell
t Our correspondence IS conSIdered a curIOSIty by both parties'
Adams to Jefferson 18I 5 but I do not thInk that It IS tampered WIth
Your letters seem to get here unopened Price found C gloomy predlctlons ' most unwelcome
when Adams saId the french revolutIon wd/ flop C GIve more for Jefferson's letters
than for all the rest In hIS (Morgan's) volume' speeches, restarted InqUISitIon In Spain
black whIte and pled BrItIsh allIes fleet to protect Paxton, BIrch, Temple
CredIt OtIS WIth a great part of my argument he showed tilegallty, toward destroyIng the charters Poor soldIers knew not what sent 'em
North called 'em Sam Adams two regIments
enormous WIgS that HutchInson blOUght here lIke fleeces BelIeve I had only set
of t State TrIals' In AmerIca at State House WIth my musket and bayonet
under Paddock
even JeSUIts popes sorbonnlsts must have some conSCIence
so had Sylla, so Manus, and If Hancock had vanIty so had I also, 1? he rIled me, I hnn
4 large shIps between Boston and London In ~55 IllS uncle left hIm the bUSIness
and thIS made no change In John Hancock thousand famlhes m hiS dependence
? The people elected him a. nd Sanl Adams approved theIr
111 telhgence
Joseph Hawley, OtIS, Sam Adams, Hancock add Jay, wIthout knowIng theIr actIons
you know not what made us our revolutIon
magIS decora poetlclS fabuhs OtIS wrote on greek prosody
I publIshed what he wrote on the latIn HIs daughter told me he had burnt all his papers
In melancholIa
may be from that swat on the pow
From '74 dates neutralIty
I begged OtIS to prInt It (the greek prosody) He said there were no greek types In AmerIca
and If there were, were no typesetters cd/ use 'em OtiS reSIgned hIS post (Advocate General)
and was beaten up by coffee house bandIts
In good lookIng clothes
OtIS agaInst the wrIts, J A versus JudICIary,
Defended Preston, defended the soldIers,
FisherIes, peace, nomInation of WashIngton, kept peace WIth France 1 8 0 0 Gold, sIlver are but commodItIes
PIty, says Tracy, they ever were stamped save by weIght
They are commoditles as is wheat or is lumber
Keep out of Europe
And thus before CharlIe MordecaI
t not free 'em to somethmg worse' and quoted (consIder what substance allow to, what labour extract from them (slaves) m my mterest whIch WIll work out to thiS
If you work 'em up In SIX years on an average
that most profits the planter' With comment
C and s surely very humane IF we est mate
the coalheaver's expectatIon two years on an average and the 50,000 girls on the streets, at three years' of life
? t for the better securing of the plantatIons' trade whereas dIvers acts 7th and 8th WIlliam Third In preamble for Chapter the twenty second Don't It remInd you of alderman Bekford mstructlng hIs overseers
(treat 'em rough) In the West IndIes Adams to Wilham Tudor
24 years before Hobhouse C Ignorance of COin, credit and cIrculation' J
1raVKpaTES atEl,
ZEV, cPVUEWS apX'fJ'YE, JJOjlov }. LETa 1r411Ta
HE enormous tragedy of the dream In the peasant's ben. t
Manes' Manes was tanned and stuffed, Thus Ben and la Clara a Mzlano
by the heels at MIlano That maggots shd/ eat the dead bullock
DIGONOS, a? yovo~,but the tWice crucified
where In hIstory wIll you find It)
yet say thIS to the Possum a bang, not a whimper, wIth a bang not with a whImper,
To bUild the city of Dloce whose terraces are the colour of stars The suave eyes, qUIet, not scornful,
raIn also 15 of the process What you depart from 15 not the way
and ohve tree blown white In the wInd
washed In the Klang and Han
what whIteness WIll you add to thiS whIteness,
what candor) U the great perlpium brIngs In the stars to our shore"
You who have passed the pillars and outward from Herakles when LucIfer fell I n N CarolIna
1? the suave aIr gIve way to SClrocco
Oy TI~, Oy TI~~ Odysseus
the name of my famIly the wmd also IS of the process,
sorella la luna Fear god and the stupIdity of the populace,
but a precIse definItIon
transmitted thus S1g1smundo
thus DUCCIO, thus Zuan Belhn, or trastevere with La Sposa
Sponsa Crlstlln mosaic till our time / derficatlon of emperors 425
? but a snotty barbarian Ignorant of T'ang hl~toryneed not deceIve one
nor CharlIe Sung's money on 101'1 from 1nonlmo that IS, we suppose CharlIe had some
and In India the rate down to 18 per hundred
but the local loan lice provIded from 1111ported bankers so the total Interest sweated out of the IndIan farmers
rose In ChurchIllIan grandeur
as when, and plus when, he returned to tIle putrId gold standard as was about 19. 15 Oh my England
that free speech wIthout free radIo speech IS as zero
and but one pOInt needed for StalIn
you need not, I e need not take over the nleans of productIon, money to sIgnIfy work done, InSIde a system
and measured and wanted
. it I have not done unnecessary manual labour" says the R C chaplain's field book
(preparation before confessIon) squawky as larks over the death cells
milItarIsm progressIng westward 1m Westen nlchts neues
and the Constitution In Jeopardy
and that state of thIngs not very new either
CC of sapphire, for thIs stone giveth sleep" not words whereto to be faithful
nor deeds that they be resolute
only that bird-hearted equity make tunber
and lay hold of the earth and Rouse found they spoke of ElIas
In tellIng the tales of Odysseus
It I am noman, my name IS noman " but WanJIna IS, shall we say, Ouan Jln or the man with an education
? and whose mouth was removed by his father bec. .
ausc he m~de too many thIngs
whereby cluttered the busbn1a11's baggage
vIde the expedItion of Frobc~luS' pupils '1bout 1938
to Auss 'ral1a Quan Jin spoke and thereby cll. atcd the named
thereby making clutter
the bane of men mOVIng
and so hIs mouth was removed
as you wIll find It removed In hIS pictures
In prU1Clp10 verbum
paraclete or the verbum perfectum Slncerltas
from the death cells In SIght of Mt Tal~han@ Plsa as FUJlyama at Gardone
when the cat walked the top bar of the raIlIng
and the water was still on the \""(7est Side
flOWing toward the VIlla Catullo where WIth sound ever n10vlng
In dImInutIve poluphlolSbolos In the stIllness autlastlng all Vv ars
U La Donna " saId NicolettI
tt ladonna,
U Cosa deve contlnuarei "
U Se casco " s'lld Blanca Capello
tc non casco In glnllocchlon "
and WIth one day's readIng a man may have the key In hIS hands Lute of GaSSlr Hooo Fasa
came a lion-coloured pup bringing fleas
and a bird With whIte markIngs, a stepper
under les SlX potences Absouldre, que tous nous vueI} absoudre
lay there Barabbas and two thIeves lay beside him Infantile synthesIs In Barabbas
minUS HemIngway, minus Anthel1, ebullient
la donna' "
? and by name Thos WIlson
Mr K saId nothIng foolIsh, the whole month nothIng foohsh u 1? we weren't dumb, we wouldn't be here "
and the Lane gang ButterflIes, mInt and Lesbla's sparrows,
the vOIceless wIth bumm dlum and banners,
and the Ideogram of the guard roosts
el trlste penSler 51 volge
ad U5sel A Ventadour
va II conSIre, el tempo rlvolge and at Lunoges the young salesman
bowed wIth such french polIteness tt No that IS ImpossIble" I have forgotten whIch CIty
But the caverns are less enchantIng to the unsk111ed explorer
than the Urochs as shown on the postals, we wul see those old roads agaIn, questIon,
posSIbly but nothIng appears much less lIkely,
Mme PUJol, and there was a smell of mInt under the tent flaps
especIal1y after the raIn
and a whIte ox on the road toward Pisa
as 1? faCIng the tower,
dark sheep In the drIll field and on wet days were clouds
In the mountaIn as 1? under the guard roosts A hzard upheld me
the wIld bIrds wd not eat the whIte bread
from Mt Talshan to the sunset From Carrara stone to the tower
and thIS day the alr was made open for Kuanon of all delIghts,
LInus, Cletus, Clement
whose prayers,
the great scarab IS bowed at the altar the green lIght gleams In hIS shell
42. 8
? plowed In the sacred field and unwound the SIlk worn1S early
In the hght of ltght IS the vtrtu.
cc sunt lumIna" sald Erlgena Scotus I
as of Shun on 1vft Talshan and In the hall of the forebears
as from the beginning of wonders the paraclete that was present In Yao, the preCISIon
In Shun the compaSSIonate In Yu the gUIder of waters
4 gIants at the 4 corners
three young men at the door
and they dlgged a dItch round about me lest the damp gnaw thru my bones
to redeem ZIon WIth JustIce
sd/ IsaIah Not out on Interest saId DavId rex
the prIme sob
LIght tensIle 11llmaculata
the sun's cord unspotted
ct sunt lumIna" saId the Olrlshman to KIng Carolus, ttOMNIA,
all tlungs that are are lIghts "
and they dug hIm up out of sepulture
SOl dlsantly lookIng for Manlchaeans
Les Alblgeols, a problem of hIstory,
and the fleet at SalamIS made With money lent by the state to the
Tempus tacendI, tempus loquendl
Never InSIde the country to raise the standard of lIVIng
but always abroad to Increase the profits of usurers, dIXIt Lenin,
and gun sales lead to more gun sales
they do not clutter the market for gunnery
there IS no saturatIon
In tensIle
? Pisa, in the 23rd year of the effort in sight of the tower and Till was hung yesterday
for murder and rape with trimmings plus Cholkis
plus mythology, thought he was Zeus ram or another one Hey Snag wots in the bib! '?
wot are the books ov the bible?
Name 'en1, don't bullshit 11E. 411! I::I::. -
a man on whom the sun has gone down
the ewe, he said had such a pretty look in her eyes; and the nymph of the Hagoromo came to me,
as a corona of angels one day were clouds banked on T aishan
or in glory of sunset
and tovarish blessed without aim
wept in the rainditch at evening Sunt lumina
that the drama is wholly subjective
stone knowing the form which the carver imparts it the stone knows the form
sia Cythera, sia Ixotta, sia in Santa Maria dei Miracoli
where Pietro Romano has fashioned the bases OY TI:'i
. a man on whom the sun has gone down nor shall diamond die in the avalanche
be it torn from its setting
nrstmust destroy himself ere others destroy him. 4 times was the city rebuilded, HooD Fasa
Gassir, Hooo Fasa dell' Italia tradita now in the mind indestructible, Gassir, Hooao Fasa, W ith the four giants at the four corners
and four gates mid-wall Hooo Fasa
and a terrace the colour of stars
pale as the dawn cloud, la luna
Oy TI~
? thin as De111eter's haIr HoOD Fasa, and In a dallce the renewal
with two larl{s In contI appunto at sunset
a Slnlstla la Torre
seen thru a paIr of breeches
Che sublza es latssa cadeT
between NEI(UIA where are Alcmene and Tyro and the CharybdIs of actIon
to the solItude of Mt T aishan
{emina, {emina, that wd/ not be dragged Into paradise by the hair, under the gray cll:fI In perlplum
the sun dragging her stars
a man on whom the sun has gone down
and the Wind came as hamadryas under the sun-beat Val soli
are never alone amid the slaves learning slavery
and the dull driven back toward the Jungle are never alone &H1\. ION IIEPI HAlON
as the lIght sucks up vapor
and the tides follow Luclna
that had been a hard man In some ways a day as a thousand years
as the leopard sat by hIs water dIsh,
hast ktlled the urochs and tile bison sd/ Bunting
dOIng SIX months after that war was over
as paCifist tempted WIth chicken but dechned to approve of war t t Redtmlculum Metel10rum "
privately printed to the shame of varIOUS critiCS
nevertheless the state can lend money
and the fleet that went out to Salamls
was buIlt by state loan to the bUIlders 431
? hence the attack on classIcal studIes
and In this war were Joe Gould, Bunting and cummings
as agamst thickness and fatness
black that dIe In captIvIty
night green of his pupIl, as grape flesh and sea wave
undyIng lumInous and translucent Est consummatum, Ite,
surrounded by herds and by cohorts looked on Mt T alshan
but In TangIer I saw from dead straw Ignition From a snake bIte
fire came to the straw
from the fakir blOWing
foul straw and an arm-long snake
that bit the tongue of the fakir makIng small holes
and from the blood of the holes
came fire when he stuffed the straw Into hiS mouth dIrty straw that he took from the roadway
first smoke and then the dull flame that wd/ have been In the tIme of Rals Uh
when I rode out to Elson's near the VIlla of Perdicarls or four years before that
elemental he thought the souls of the chIldren, 1? any, but had rented a shelter for travelers
by foot from SlrIa, some of them
nQr IS It for nothIng that the chrysalIds mate In the air
color dlluce
green splendour and as the sun thru pale fingers
Lordly men are to earth o'erglven these the companIons
Fordle that wrote of gIants
? and Wtlilam who dreamed of nobIlIty and JlIl1 the comedian SInging
c t Blarrney castle me darhn'
you're nothIng now but a StOWne " and Plarr talkIng of mathematics
or Jepson lover of Jade MaurIe who wrote hIstorIcal novels
and Newbolt who looked tWIce bathed are to earth o'ergiven
And thIS day the sun was clouded _ u You SIt stIller" saId Kokka
U If whenever you move somethIng Jangles"
and the old Marchesa remembered a receptIon In Petersburg
and Kokka thought there mIght be some SOCIety (good) left m
SpaIn, wd he care to frequent It, my god, no' opInIon In 1924
Slrdar, Bouiller and Les Lllas,
or Dleudonne London, or VOIsin's,
Uncle George stood lIke a statesman 'PEl IIANTA :6. 115 up every hollow
the cake shops In the Nevsky, and Schoners
not to mentIon der Greif at Bolsano la patronne gettIng older Mouquin's or Robert's 40 years after
and La MarqUIse de PIerre had never before met an American Ct and all theIr generatIon "
no It IS not In that chorus
Huddy gOlng out and taller than anyone present
ou sont les heurs of that year Mr James shIeldIng hImself WIth Mrs Hawkesby
as It were a bowl shIeldIng Itself WIth a walkIng stIck as he maneuvered hIS way toward the door
SaId Mr Adams, of the educatIon,
Teach~ at Harvard">
Teach? It cannot be done and thiS I had from the monument
? Haec sunt fastae
Under Talshan quatorze JUlllet wIth the hIlI ablaze north of Talshan
and Amber Rives IS dead, the end of that c. . . hapter see T In1e for June 25th,
Mr Graham hln1self unInlstakeably,
on a horse, an ear and the beard's pOInt showIng
and the Farben works stIll Intact
to the tune of Llhbullero
and they have bItched the AdelphI nIgge. . . s scalIng the obstacle fence
In the rntddle dlstanc. . e
and Mr Edwards superb green and brown
In ward No 4 a Jacent benIgnity, of the Baluba mask U doan you tell no one
I made you that table"
Dlethenamlne eases the urIne
and the greatest IS charIty
to be found among those who have not observed
regulatIons not of course that we 'ldvocate-
and yet petty larceny
In a regime based on grand larceny mIght rank as conformity Dlent' altro with JustIce shall be redeen1ed
who putteth not out hIs money on Interest
et In meteyard In weight or In measure"
XIX LevitIcuS or First ThessalonIans 4, I I
3 0 0 years culture at the mercy of a tack hammer thrown thru the roof
Cloud over mountain, mountaIn over the cloud I surrender neither the empire nor the temples
plural nor the constitutIon nor yet the CIty of Dloce
? each one In hiS god's name
as by Terraclna rose from the sea Zephyr behInd her
and fron1 her manner of walking
as had Anchlses
till the shrIne be agaIn whIte WIth ma' hIe till tIle stone eyes look again seaward
The Wind IS part of the process
The raIn IS part of the process and the Pleiades set In her mIrror
Kuanon, thiS stone brlngeth sleep, offered the WIne bowl
grass nowhere out of place
X86vta y? a, M~T'YJP,
by thy herbs rnenthe thyme and bastllcum,
from whom and to whom,
wIll never be more now than at present being given a new green katydId of a Sunday
emerald, paler than emerald,
mInus Its rIght propeller
thIS tent IS to me and TI(R)ONOI eater of grape pulp
In COltU Inlumloatlo
Manet painted the bar at La Clgnle or at Les Foltes In that year
she dId her hair In small ringlets, a la 1880 It might have been, red, and the dress she wore Drecol or Lanvln
a great goddess, Aeneas knew her forthwith by paInt unmortal as no other age IS unmortal
la France dlxneuvleme Degas Manet Guys unforgettable
a great brute sweatIng paint saId Vanderpyl 40 years later of Vlan'llnck
for thIS stone giveth sleep
starla senza pru scosse
and eucal}ptus that IS for n1emory
under the ollyes, by cypress, mare Tlrreno,
? Past Malmalson In field by the river the tables
Sirdar, Armenonvllle
Or at Ventadour the keys of the chateau,
raIn, UsseI,
To the left of la bella Torre the tower of Ugo1100 In the tower to the left of the tower
chewed hiS son's head
and the only people who did anythIng of any Interest were H, M
FrobenIUS der Gehelmrat
der 1m Baluba das Gewltter gemacht hat
and MonSieur Jean wrote a play now and then or the Possum
pouvrette et anClenne oncques lettre ne Ius I don't know how humanity stands It
WIth a paInted paradIse at the end of It
wIthout a paInted paradIse at the end of It
the dwarf mornIng-glory tWInes round the grass blade
magna NUX anlmae wIth Barabbas and . 2 thieves beSIde me,
the wards lIke a slave ship,
Mr Edwards, Hudson, Henry comes mtser,ae
ComItes Kernes, Green and Tom WIlson God's messenger Whiteside
and the guards op/ of the
was lower than that of the prlc;oners
Ct all them g d m f generals c s all of 'em fasclSts" Ct fer a bag 0) Dukes"
U the thIngs I saye an' dooo "
ac ego In harum
so lay men In CIrce's sWine-sty,
IVIln harum ego ac Vidl cadaveres anlmae
U c'mon small fry" sd/ the lIttle coon to the big black,
of the slaver as seen between decks and all the presIdents
WashIngton Adams Monroe Polk Tyler 436
? plus Carrol (of Carrolton) Crawford
RobbIng the publIc for prIvate Indl'\ldual's gaIn @EArEIN every bank of dIscount IS downrIght InIquIty
robbIng the pubhc for private IndIvidual's gain
nee bcnecomata ! {,lrke, m1h' Kal<tL cf>'-pyah. EBwKEV neither with hons nor leopards attended
but pOlson, veleno
In all the veIns of the commonweal
1? on hIgh, wIll flow downward all thru them
1? on the forge at PredapPIo"> sd/ old Upward
U nottheprIestbuttheVIctIm"
hIS seal Sltalkas, sd/ the old combattant t t VIctIm,
wIthstood them by Thames and by NIger wIth pistol hi NIger wIth a prIntIng press by the Thomas bank"
untIl I end my song
and shot himself,
for praIse of IntaglIos
Matteo and Plsanello out of Babylon they are left us
for roll or plain 1mpact
or cut square In the Jade block
nox anlmae magna from the tent under Talshan amid what was termed the a h of the army theguardsholdIngopInIon AsItweretodreamof morttclans' daughters raddled but amorous
To study with the whIte wlngs of tune passing IS not that our delIght
to have frlends come flom far countries lS not that pleasure
nor to care that we are untrumpeted?
:filIal, fraternal affection IS the root of humaneness
the root of tIle process
nor are elaborate speeches and slIck alacrity
employ men In proper season 437
? not when they are at harvest
E al Trledro, Cunlzza e l'altra Ct 10 son' la Luna"
dry friable earth gOIng from dust to more dust
grass worn from Its root-hold
IS It blacker' was It blacker) Nl~e anllnae'>
IS there a blacker or was It merely San Juan wIth a bellyache
writing ad posteros
In short shall we look for a deeper or IS thIS the bottom)
Ugohno, the tower there on the tree lIne Berlm dysentery phosphorus
la vleille de CandIde
(Hullo Corporal Casey) double X or burocracy)
Le Paraws n'est pas artln. clel
but spezzato apparently
It eXIsts only m fragments unexpected excellent sausage,
the smell of mint, for example,
Ladro the nIght cat,
at Neml waited on the slope above the lake sunken In the pocket
of hIlls awaItIng deCISIon from the old lunch cabin bUilt Ol1t over the shingle,
Zarathustra, now desuete
to Jupiter and to Hermes where now IS the castellaro
no vestIge save In the aIr
In stone IS no ImprInt and the grey walls of no era
under the olIves saeculorum Athenae 1AOlJ', i'Aa;uJ(w1Tf,~,
that which gleams and then does not gleam
as the leaf turns In the air
Boreas Apellota Ilbecclo
tC C'e II babao," said the young motl1er
and the bathers lIke small btrds under hawk's eye 438
? shrank back under the clIff's edge at 11 Pozzetto
al Tlgulho
tt wd " saId the guard u: take everyone of them g d m f generals c s all of 'em fascIsts"
Oedlpus, nepotes Reml magnanIml
so Mr BullIngton lay on his back lIke an ape SIngIng 0 sweet and lovely
o Lady be good"
In harum ac ego IVI Crll11lnals have no Intellectual Interests)
and for three months cUd not know the taste of hIs food In ChI heard Shun's mUSIC
the sharp song wIth sun under Its radiance
AL)'l p'
one tanka entltled the shadow babao, or the hawk's WIng
of no fortune and wIth a name to come Is downrIght InIquIty saId J Adams
at 35 Instead of 21 65
doubtless condItIoned by what hIS father heard In
Byzantluln doubtless condItioned by the spawn of the gt Meyer Anselm
That old H had heard from the ass eared mIlItarIst In Byzantlun1 U Why stop) " << To begIn agaIn when we are stronger"
and young HI the tIp from the augean stables In ParIS WIth Sleff In attendance, or not
as the case may have been,
thus conditlon. . . ng Meyer Anselm, a rrromance, yes, yes certaIn! y
but more fool you 1? you fall for It two centuries later
from theIr seats the blond bastards, and cast 'em the yldd IS a stimulant, and the gOyIm are cattle
In gtl proportIon and go to saleable slaughter WIth the maximum of dOClhty but 1?
? a place be versalzen",)
With Justice,
by the law, from the law or It IS not In the contract
Y u has nothing pinned on Jehoveh
sent and named Shun who to the
autumnal heavens sha-o
with the sun under Its melody
to the compassionate heavens
and there IS also the XIXth LevIticuS
U Thou shalt purchase the field wIth money"
signed JeremIah
from the tower of Hananel unto Goah unto the horse gate $8 50 In Anatoth whIch IS In BenJamIn, $8 67
For the purIty of the air on Chocorua In a land of rnapIe
From the law, by the law, so bUIld yrl temple
with Justice In meteyard and me1sure a black delIcate hand
a whIte's hand like a ham
pass by, seen under the tent-flap on sick call cornman' cornman', sick call comman'
and the two largest rackets are the alternation of the value of money
(0? the unit of money METATHEMENON TE TON KRUMENON
and usury @ 60 or lendmg
that whIch IS made out of nothlI"g
and the state can lend money as was done by Athens for the bUIldIng of the SalamIS fleet
and 1? the packet gets lost In tranSIt ask Churchdl's baclters
where It has got to the state need not borrow nor do the veterans need state guarantees
? for prIvate usurIOUS lendIng
In fact that IS the cat In the woodshed
the state need not borrow
as was shown by the mayor of W orgl
who had a mIlk route
and whose wIfe sold shIrts and short breeches
and on whose book-shelf was the LIfe of Henry Ford and also a copy of the DIVlna Conlmedla
and of the Gedlchte of HeIne
a nIce lIttle town In the Tyrol In a wIde flat-lYIng valley near Innsbruck and when a note of the
small town of W orgl went over a counter In Innsbruck
and the banker saw It go over
all the slobs In Europe were terrIfied
cc no one)) saId the Frau Burgomelster
cc In thIs vIllage who cd/ wrIte a newspaper artIcle Knew It was money but pretended It was not
In order to be on the safe side of the law"
But In RUSSIa they bungled and dId not apparently grasp the Idea of worI\. -ccrtlf1c1te
and started the N E P wIth dIsaster
and the ImmolatIon of men to machInery
and the can'tl work and gt/ mortahty (whIch IS as may be)
and went In for dumpIng In order to trouble the waters In the usurers' hell-a-dlce
all of whIch leads to the death-cells
each In the name of Its god
or longeVIty because as says ArIstotle
philosophy 15 not for young men
theIr Katholou can not be sufficIently derIved from
theIr hekasta
their generalItIes cannot be born from a sufficIent phalanx
of partIculars
? lord of hIs work and n1aster of utte. LJnce
who turneth hIs wOld In Its season and shapes It Yaou chose Shun to longeVIty
who seIzed the extrenlltles and the OpposItes holdIng true course between tht. nl
shIeldIng men from theIr errors
cleavIng to the good they had found holdIng empIre as If not In a mortar WIth It
nor dazzled thereby
wd/ ha"e put the old man, S01l perc on h ,,~houlders
and gone off to some barren seacoast
Says the Japanese sentry Paaah. . yu dJeep over there, some of the best soldIers we have 51) s the captaIn
Dal NIppon BanzaI from the PhIlIppInes
remembermg Kageklyo t ( how stIff the shaft of your nec. k IS U
and they went off each hiS own '\\TUY
cc a better fencer than I was'" s'ud ! <. umasak'l, 1. s111de,
cc I believe In the resurrectIon of Italy qUIa ImpO')Slblle est
4 tnnes to the song of GaSSlr
now In the mInd IndestructIble
KOPH, '~rAAO~'AAAOY Glass-eye Wemyss treadIng water
and addreSSIng the carpcntel fron1 the <ieawaves because of an unpInned sectIon of taff-r 111
we are not so Ignorant as you think 111 the navy Gesell entered the Llndhauer governn1ent
whIch lasted rather less th'ln 5 days
but was acquitted as an Innocent stral1ger
Oh yes, the money IS there,
11 danaro c'e, said PellegrinI
(very peculIar under the clres) musketeers rather more than 20 years later
an old man (or oldish) stIli Jctlve 442.
? servIng small stones fron1 a 13th r lCq uct II? puEq. ,ov? . t4 under Talshan
In sight of the tower che plndc on such a lItter rode PontIus
under such canvass In the ah of the army
In sIght of two red can~ lab<. lcd U
SaId Von Tlrpltz to }us daughll. r bc\vart. of th<. . lr charm ~EIPHNE~thIS cross turns ,vlth the sun
and the gOyIm are undoubt(. . dl\ In gI Celt nunlbers tJttle whereas aJew wIll receive Infollnatlon
he wIll s. ,thcr up lntorn'l3tlon faute de sonlcthlng nlore solId
but not In all cases
~EIPHNE:S had apprCcl1tcd hlS con\ crsatlon
XAPITE~ possIbly In th<. soft aIr WIth the n13st held by tht. . left h l. nd In thiS atr as of I"u1non
enIgma forgettIng the tln,c~ and "'t. 1c;ons
but thIS aIr brought her ashore a Ia tnarlna wIth the great shell borne on the. . scawavcs
nautlhs bl~t1C3~tra
By no means an orderly DJnt(. . \c'ln rl~lng
but as the wInds veer
tlra IlbccLlo now GenJl at Suma , tlf1 lxbccCI0
as the wlnd~veer and the 1aft IS drIven and the VOIces ,TIro, AIcmcne
wIth you IS Europa nee cast~ Paslphae
Eu! us, Apchota as the wInds veer In perlplum 10 son la luna " Cunlzza
as the wInds veer In perlplum and [roIn under the Rupe Tarpela
drunk wIth WIne of the Cast,lll
(( In the name of Its god >> U ')plrltus venl U
? advenl / not to a schen'la
Ct IS not for the young" saId Arry, staglrIte
but as grass under Zephyrus
as the green blade under Apehota
TIme IS not, Tune IS the eVil, beloved Beloved the hours {3poOOOfJ. KT1,Aor;
as agaInst the half-hght of the wIndow
wIth the sea beyond making horIzon Ie COntre-jour the 11ne of the cameo
profile cc to carve Achala "
a dream passIng over the face In the half-light Venere, Cytherea U aut Rhodon "
vento hgure, venI
ct beauty IS dIfncult " sd/ Mr Beardsley
and sd/ Mr Kettlewell looking up from a
pseudo-Beardsley of hIS freshman composltion and speaklng to W Lawrence
PIty you dIdn't finIsh the Job
whIle you were at It "
W L haVIng run Into the future non-sovereIgn Edvardus
on abicycle equally freshman
ad 1910 or about that
beauty IS ddncult
In the days of the BerlIn to Bagdad project
and of Tom L's photos of rock temples In ArabIa Petra but he wd/ not talk of
LL G and the frogbassador, he wanted to talk modern art (T L dId)
but of second rate, not the first rate
beauty IS dIfficult
He saId I protested too much he wanted to start a press and prInt the greek claSSICS periplum
and the very very aged Snow created consIderable hIlarIty quotIng the epalve-T-r-T-TTr-a. l P. OL
In reply to l'aer trel1'/. are
? beauty IS dlffi. cult
But on the other hand the PresIdent of :Nlagdalen
(rhymIng dawdhn') saId there were
too many words In cc The Hound of Heaven" a moddddun opohem he had read
and there was no doubt that the dons hved well
In tre kawledg
It was 1? I remember rIghtly the burn and freeze that the fresh- men
had failed to follow
or else a mere deSire to titter etc and I t IS (In parenthesIs) doubtless
easIer to teach them to roar like gorillas than to scan epa. tv? Tal P. OL
InferIor gorIllas of course, lackIng the wInd sack
and although Slkl was qUIte observable we have not yet calculated the sum
gorilla +bayonet
and there was a good man named Burr
descendant of Aaron durIng the other war
who was amused by the British
but he didn't last long AND
Corporal Casey tells me that StalIn Ie bonhomme Stahne
has no sense of humour (dear I<. oba') and old Rhys, Ernest, was a lover of beauty
and when he was still engIneer In a coal mine
a man passed hIm at hIgh speed radIant In the mine gallery hiS face shining wIth ecstasy
tt A'hv Joost Tommy Luff "
and as Luff was tWice the fellow's SIze, Rhys was puzzled The Muses are daughters of memory
CliO, Terpsichore
and Granville was a lover of beauty and the three ladles all waited
? CC andwIthanametocomeU ECJ'O'OJJ. l. vourL
ara111 vult nemus
Came Madame LucreZla
and on the back of the door In Cesena are, or were, stIll the InItIals
Joh quart d'heure, (nella ~1alatestlana)
Torquato where art thou) to the clIck of hooves on the cobbles by Tevere
and U my fondest knIght he dead" or la Stuarda
U ghosts move about me" cc patched wIth hIstorIes"
but as Mead saId If they were, 'llJhat have they done 10 the Interval,
eh, to arrIve by metempsychosIs at ') and there are also the conjectures of the Fortean Society
Beauty IS difficult the plaIn ground
precedes the colours and thIs grass or whatever here under the tcntflaps
15, IndubItably, ban1boolform representatIve brush strokes wd/ be sImIlar
check bone, by verbal manifestatIon, hereyesasInt( L~Nasclta" whereas the child's face
IS at Capoquadrl1n the fresco square over the doorway centre background
the form beached under Hehos funge la purezza,
and that certaIn nnages be formed In the mInd to remaIn there
fOr11'Zato locho Arachne ml porta fortuna
to rematn there, resurgent EII(OJ\ E~ and stIll1n Trastevere
? for the deIficatIOll of enlpelors and the medallIons
to forge Achala
and as for plaYing checquels wIth blac. . . k Jim
on a barrel top whele now 1~ the RItz-Carlton
and the vOice of Monsieur Fouquet 01 tl,e Napoleon 3rd barblche of Mr Quacl{enbos, or Quackenbush
as I supposed It,
and Mrs ChIttenden's lofty aIr
and the remaIns of the old South tldewashed to Manhattan and brown-stone or (later) the outer front stair
leadIng to Mouquln's
or old Train (FrancIs) on the pavenlent In hiS plain wooden
or a fellow throwing a knife In the market past baskets and bushels of peaches
at $I the bushel
and the cool of the 42nd St tunnel (perlplum)
white-wash and horse cars, the LexIngton Avenue (. 'lble refinement, prIde of tradition, alabaster
Towers of PIsa (alabaster, not Ivory)
coloured photographs of Europa
carved wood from Venice venetIan glass and the samovar and the fire bucket, 1806 Barre Mass'chusetts
and the Charter Oak In Connecticut
or to begin with Cologne Cathedral
the Torwaldsen hon and Paolo Uccello
and thence to Al Hambra, the lion court and el mirador de la rellla LlndaraJa
orlent reaclling to TangIer, the clrffs the Villa of PeldlcarlS Ra1s VII, perlplum
Mr Joyce also preoccupIed with Gibraltar
and the PIllars of Hercules 447
? not wIth my patIo and the wistaria and the tennIS courts or the bugs In Mrs Jevons' hotel
or the quahty of the beer served to saIlors veder Naptoll111 or PavIa the romanesque
being preferable
and by analogy the form of San Zeno the
columns signed by theIr n1aker
the frescoes In S PIetro and the madonna In Ortolo
eC( fadlclaritaraertremare"
as In the manuscrIpt of the Capltolare Trattoria degh Apostol! (dodlel)
u Ecco11teU saidtheheadwalter
In 19I~explainIng Its mysteries to the piccolo with a teapot from another hotel
but coffee came to ASSISl much later
that IS, so one cd/ drInk It
when It was lost In Orleans and France seml-ruln'd
thus the coffee-house facts of VIenna
whereas Mr Carver merIts nlentlon for the
cultivation of peanuts,
arachldl, and the sOJa has yet to save Europe
and the wops do not use maple syrup the useful operatIons of con1merce
stone after stone of beauty cast down and authentICitIes dIsputed by parasites
(made In Ragusa) and what art do you handle? U The best" And the moderns~ce Oh, nothIng modern
we couldn't sell anything modern"
But Herr Bacher's father made madonnas stIll In the traditIon carved wood as you might have found m any cathedral
and another Bacher stIll cut IntaglIOS
such as Salustlo's m the time of Ixotta,
where the masks come from, In the TIrol, In the WInter season
searching every house to drive out the demons 448
? Serenely In the crystal Jet
as the brIght ball that the fountain tosses
(VerlaIne) as dIamond clearness
How soft the wInd under T alshan
where the sea IS remembered out of hell, the pIt
out of the dust and glare eVIl Zephyrus / Apehota
ThIs lIquId IS certaInly a property of the mInd
nee accIdens est but an element
In the mInd's make-up
est agens and functIons dust to a fountaIn pan otherwIse Hast 'ou seen the rose In the steel dust
(or swansdown ever'>>)
so hght IS the urgIng, so ordered the d1rk petals of Iron
we who have passed over Lethe
? ? ? ? ? LXXV
UT of Phlegethon! Oout of Phlegethon,
. . . art thou come forth out of Phlegethon?
with Buxtehude and Klages in your satchel, with the Standcbuch of Sachs in luggage
-not of one bird but of many
~~ t=tr_W~
l $ f t l r f f t l t U i i U ; : I~~ i t I~ I
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . """" 7 /. . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . f=Eib~f/IPo rI;! 1rtJIOr{). ,fait! ;,~
. . . . If.
""-""4. ,. . . . ",,1'
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . -.
~ 1~1"5~~
I Zffl . . . . c;;:, >- <. . . ::::::=-- ?
"":::l- ZAta"" . . . -. . . .
a composed man
plaIn EnglIshman Duke and Ambassador Manchester
I told Hartley theIr poltey wIth Holland was wrong all wrong 1? they backed the Stadtholder the Emperor and French wd/ back the republIcans and all Europe enkIndle
~1d now stronger reason to cultIvate Holland and not push up the Bourbon
expedIent that an Intercourse
1nd commerce be opened, laws of Gt BrItaIn on
plantatIon trade contrIved solely to benefit BrItaIn saId Dutch vessels had gone to AmerIca I01ded ~rlth I'nens, duck, saIlcloth etc copper corrodes shIps' Iron
most agreeable day I ever spent at VersaJ. 1les
( I 7 June '83)
SardInIan ambassador saId It was curIOUS
to remark on the progress of commerce furs from Hudson Bay Company
sent to London were sent to SIberIa
OULD not let us brIng theIr sugar to Europe Cwd/ lessen the number of French and of SpanIsh
Generally rode tWIce a day tIll made master of thIs curIOUS forest (BOIS de Boulogne) VIew of Issy and the castle of Meudon
game IS not very plentIful DIned at Amlens
put up at AbbevIlle Dover VIew Mr Johnson
Gt Tower Hul who mforms me
that a vessel wIth one thousand hogshead of tobacco
IS passed by In the Channel from Congress
to Messrs W1ll1ncks 2. 7 Oct '83 Hague June 2. 2, '84
So there IS no drop not AmerIcan In me Aye we have notIced that saId the Ambassador
Sends to Morocco no marIne stores
sends 'em glaces and other thIngs of rIch value
SaId Lord Carmathen wd/ present me
but that I shd/ do busmess wIth Mr PItt very often
Posts not surlendered
are Presq'lsle, Sandusky etc/ DetrOIt MlchllImakinac
St Joseph St Mary's
daughter marrIed less prudently
and they were thInkIng of sendIng her to AmerIca
Presented Mr HamIlton to the Queen at the draWing room
Ml Jefferson
and I went m a post chaIse
Woburn Farm, Stowe, Stratford
Stourbrldge, Woodstock, HIgh Wycombe and back to Grosvenor Sq
A national debt of . 2. 74 mIllIon stg/
? accumulated by Jobs contracts salarIes pensIons 1n the course of a century
mIght easuy produce all thIs magnIficence
Pope's pavIlIon and Thompson's seat made the excurSIon
Shenstone's the most rural of all
19th, Wednesday, annIversary of the battle of LexIngton
and of my receptIon In Holland whIch latter IS considered of no unportance
to VIew the seat of the banker ChIld three houses, In fact, round a square
blOWIng roses, rIpe strawberrIes plums cherrIes etc deer sheep wood-doves gumea-hens peacocks etc
Dr Grey speaks very lightly of Buffon
Mr H prefers the archItecture of thIS house because It
remInds hIm of Palladlo wmdows With mahogany columns
there are two stoves but at neither of them could a student be comfortable In cold weather
July 18th, yesterday, moved all the grass In Stony HIll neld thiS day my new barn was raIsed
theIr songs never more varIOUS than tIllS mornIng Corn by two sorts of worm
HeSSIan fly menaces wheat
Where T has been trlmmmg red cedars
WIth team of 5 cattle brought back 2. 2. cedars
OtiS full of electIon Henry, ]effc. . . rson, Burr
T cutting trees and leaves of whIte oaks
To barley and black grass at the beach
saId one thing wd/ make Rhode Island unammous -meanmg fundmg-
they wanted Hamtlton for VIce preSIdent
I saId nothIng
WHERETOW ARD THE ARGUMENTS HAD BEEN as renouncmg the transactIons of Runmg Mede)
? PrUlce of Orange, klnb -W'llham by the people
that theIr rights be mVlolable
which drove out James Second IS stul actIve
Nothmg less than this seems to have been meditated for us by somebody or other In BrItaIn
reprInted by Thos HollIS
seventeen sixty-five OB PECUNIAE SCARSITATEM
this act, the Stamp Act, wd/ dram cash out of the country and IS, further, UNconstitutional
yrl humanity counterfeit
yrl lIberty cankered With simulatIon Earl Clarendon to Bill Pym m tIle Baastun Gazette
Jan 17th I 7 6 8 Danegeld emptIed the land of all cOin
what are powers of these new admiralty courts In America
per pares et legem terrae
IS there any grand Jury to brIng an IndIctment to :find presentments
any pettt for fact
IS thiS trIal per legem terrae
or by Institutes Digests Roman")
Become attentIve to their liberties
countIes, towns, prIvate clubs and sodalItIes most accurate Judgement
about the real constItutIon whIch IS not of wmd and weather
what IS said there IS rather a character
than a true
definition It IS a Just observation 382
ching mIng
? Jury answer" questIons of fact
thus guard1ng the subject
pompous rItuals theatrical ceremOnle4\
so succe,",sfully used to
delude to terrIfy men out of vIrtue and lIberty
ElIzabeth trIed, James FIrst put out GoodwIn and the Comnl0ns reversed It
(London ChronIcle)
By thIS course) saId one member, free electIon IS taken away common rIghts our ancestors have left us
By thIS course, saId another, the Chancellor
could call a parlIament of only such as he please
After repeal of AmerIcan Stamp Act
we . rave mortt:! ication to see one Act of ParlIament after
another, Inoney collectIng from us contInually without our consent
by an authorIty
In the constItutIon of whIch we l1ave no share
and see the lIttle COIn that remaIned among us transmItted to dIstance
with no hope of return
RESOLUTION to maIntaIn duty and loyalty to our sovrelgn and to ParlIament as legIslatIve In all cases of neceSSIty
to preserve the EmpIre as a whole
17 June, 1768
InstructIons to Braintree's represeIltatives
We mean by 6th Anne chap XXXVll section 9 IT IS ENACTED
no marIner
be retamed on any prIvateer shIp or vessel
In any part of America be Impressed on any ship of Her Majesty's any time after St ValentIne's day 1707
on pain of L 20 per n1an
Small field pIeces happened, saId Governor HutchInson,
to pomt at the door of the Court House 383
? To the Hnbl James OtiS and Thos CushIng EsquIres Mr Sam Adams and John Hancock EsquIre
, , , , demands yr/ fortItude vIrtue and wisdom
to remove anythIng that may appear to awe or Intimidate late attack flagrant and formal
on the constitution Itself
and the ImmunitIes of our charters
Unnecessary to repeat our known sentIments on the revenue
thIs 41st section repeals MAGNA
CHARTA the 29th chapter
as follows the words NO FREEMAN to by hIs peers
and the law of the land Whereon saId Lord Coke, speaking of Empson and Dudley,
the end of these two oppressors
shd/ deter others from comnuttlng the lIke
that they brIng not In absolute and partial trIals by dIrectIon
by every legal measure, SIrs, we recommend you
Natural tendency of the legal profeSSIon to sIde WIth authorIty freeholders and other InhabItants (CambrIdge 2. 1 Dec '72
means for redress natural rIghts charter rIght
money extorted from us, approprIated to the augmentatIon of burdens upon us
mdependent of grants of our commons attest
Andrew Boardman town clerk
Judges salaries shd/ be mdependent both of the king
and of the people great danger 1? commlSSlon hang upon either
a cIvIl commiSSIon gives no new powers tyranny In them to assume It
common lay of England, BIRTHRIGHT of every man here and at home
C not look on my self as m state of nature 384
? and 15 pIty that other man shd/'
Wm/ Brattle It IS the wish of almost all good men, replied Adams
that what Brattle states were good law
But from Edward FIrst's tIme to the present letters patent are otherwIse worded
SIC beneplacttu nostro Ad regIs nutum duratura
says Fortescue
chancellor WIll It be shown that by C Judges' Genl Brattle
means barons of Exchequer'
custos rotolorum and clerk of the peace
were created by statute not erected by common law
SIr Edward Coke, who beIng In KIng's dIspleasure,
was removed from his place by writ of the KIng
recitIng that whereas etc// / appoInted to desIst from
tImId Jurors and Judges who held durIng pleasure
ne\ter faIled to second the VIews of the Crown
he, James Second, was oblIged before he brought Hales' case to dIsplace 4 of hIs Judges
By concerts between King James and SIr Edward
hIs coachman was employed to bring actIon
Jones had the IntegrIty to tell the KIng to hIs fac. . e
that he might make 12. Judges but wd/ scarce find I2 lawyers of hIs opul1on
t WIshIng Genl Brattle success In hIS researches'
J Adams
By another clause (In our Charter)
that the great and general court or assembly
shd/ have power to erect JudIcatorIes courts of record
and other courts
to determIne pleas processes plaInts actions etc!
whereby a law (. 2. WIlham III) have establIshed etc! 385
? and In Edward IV thIs Beauchan1ps commiSSion was, for the uncertaInty, VOln
By letters patent and under great seal
m all shIres, counties palatme and In Wales
and any other domInIons
HEREOF memory of man runneth not to the contrary
Dome Book, Ina, Off, 1. nd Aethelbert, folcrtght
for a thousand years
and I must add that It appears to me extraordInary that a
gentleman educated under the great GamalIel, Mr Read, shd/ adduce the SIngle dIctum of a counsel at bar uttered arguendo, as an ornament to hIs dIscourse, not pertInent to hIS argument, as It thiS settled something
(by the great sages of law formerly and more latterly',
havmg behInd It no colour or pretence of other authorIty Aula regum, In Norman tImes splIt Into 4 courts,
the summus JustlclarlUS was laId by, lest he get Into
the throne as had Capet RegalIa prlnclpls (Saxon)
whence most of the prerogatIves of the Crown are derIved In those ages
JudiCIary a mere deputy of the King
In whose presence hIS (the Judge's) authorIty ceased cum delegans revocarIt (Bracton)
. . . . . . . .
Baastun Gazette '73
as to definItIons
But he (BrattIe) has been extremely unfortunate In haVIng
Bracton, Fortescue, Coke, Foster, Hume, Rapin and Rushworth duectly agaInst hIm
the materials are at the servIce of the publIc
I leave them to Jewelers and lapidarIes to refine
to fabrIcate and to polIsh
de Burgh m a vain hope of perpetuatIng hIS power
1vIr ShIrley In 1754 confided to Dr FranklIn a secret
that IS a scheme for taxIng the colonIes by act of Parliament
? WHERETO Ben saId nuts
In a very accurate manner
C Gevernors' sez he t whose object IS In general to make fortunes'
ShIrley a skunk, Pownall a gentleman honest,
Bernard skIlled enough In the law to do mIschIef
and thus the total government was to be rendered wholly Independent of the people
and the cream to go mto theIr salarIes (governor's, lIeutenant's and Judges ')
(SIgned) Novanglus ThIs preposterous t nnprovement' of Mr GrenvIlle's
has wellnlgh rUln'd the whole OBSTA PRINCIPIIS
the army IS here merely a pubhck nUIsance
Does the SIncere wrIter really belIeve that the desIgn
of unposlng other taxes has been laId aSIde by the mInIstry
and of the new-modellmg of the government"> they had now the governor's salary out of the reveIlue
and a number of penSIons and places I WIsh Massachusetts knew what a democracy 15, what a republIC
Irrltat mulcet et falsls terroribus nnplet
colonIzatIon IS at common law a casus omzssus
no such tItle IS known In that law
no known punIshment at common law even for treasons commItted out of the realm
tIll Hen Vlllth
to catch CardInal Pole 1 e statute
Most fanatIcal that ever got Into human perIcranIum
that he had a rIght to all lands hIS subjects cd/ :6. nd, and even that mfers no rIght In ParlIament or
feudal, had rIght of contract (on that tack)
feudal kIng had no more rIght to absolute over Enghshmen out of the realm than In BrItaIn
In fact the Oily writer now leaps over law 388
? noW over fact now over charters and contracts
there IS no fundamental law that makes a kIng of England absolute anywhere except It be In conquered countrIes,
and an attempt forfeIts hIs rIght even to the lImIted crown for 150 years taxed themselves
and governed theIr Internal concerns Parll'\ment governed theIr trade
Wales was In some thIngs an analogy held of the crown but not parcel
Edwardus Deo GratIa Angllae
Dom lith et Dux AquItanlae terram Waillae cum Incolls BUIS 11l nostrae proprIetatIS dommlum
now partly to dlvert hIS subjects from the murder of Becket lays pretence
that the IrIsh had sold some EnglIsh as slaves AdrIan an EnglIshman by bIrth bemg pontIff
very clearly convInced of hIS own rIght to dIspose of kIngdoms and empIres and by power of pence of Peter
to establIsh an EmpIre of the World
that Henry's demand upon Ireland proceeded from pIOUS
motIves seeds of gospel etcetera fructIfy for Eirets eternal salvatIon
and obhge every house to pay yearly one penny to Rome Macmorral the raper and Rourke of Meath as our Junto and as to how IrIsh m Henry the Vth's tune were let Into
t shall put In surety for theIr good abearmg', contract called Poynlng's law,
consent of the IrIsh NatIon and an act In theIr parlIament (Poynlng's) EDGARDUS ANGLORUM BASILEUS
Insularum oceanl Imperator et domInus gratlam ago
Deo omnlp qUI meum unperlum
SIC ampIlavlt et explIcavlt super regnum patrum meorum concesslt propItla dlvmltatIs
HIbernIa habet parlIamentum (VIde SIr J PJ1kmgton)s case)
? majesty neal the seventy, amIable successor
educated under care of my nearest frIends
mIlItant SpirIt, and the natIon under a very large debt How shall we manage It~ these noblemen and 19noblemen words of Lord Mansfield and hIs admIrer (governor
HutchInson) AMERICAN governments never were erected by parhament
these regalta and JurIsdIctIons not gIven by parlIament a lIttle knowledge of the subject wIll do us no harm Chester a palatme county and had Jure regalza
Great seal dId not run Into Chester
for remedy 3 knIghts of shire
1 burgesses of the CIty estabhshed
Chester In crown and realm exempt from authorIty
how qUIckly granted representatIon when asked It
t In Durham Queen's wrIt hath not run'
25 Charles II be represented by knIghts and by burgesses true our OIly opponent
has here more zeal than knowIng NatIon was not polIte enough
to have Introduced any such phrase or Idea mto our charter not one farthIng ever was voted
or gIven by KIng or hIS Parhament
Style royal'> as kIng over France~ Ireland'> Scotland or
seals, leagues, COIn are prerogatIve absolute seals, leagues, COIn are prerogatIve absolute to the kmg wIthout parlIament
not restraIned to any assent of the people homage, fealty are to the person
can not be to body polItIC
the kmg might have commanded them to return but he dId not
In the Boston Gazette 17th ApJ. Il Hosttlltles at LexIngton commenced on the 19th of AprIl several other papers were wrltten and sent to the prlnt~l
? and probably lost amId that confusloll
(note to the 1819 edltl0:l of NOVANGLUS)
('76 or '75 from Phlladelphy)
to R H Lee of VlIgmla
on sudden emergency
legislative, executive and JudIcial Printer John Dunlap
as lIkewIse to Mr Wythe of VIrgInia some forms are better than others happlness of SOCIety IS theIr aIm
KUNG Zoroaster Socrates and Mahomet
C not to mentIon other authorItIes really sacred'
fear renders men stupId and miserable
honour IS a mere fragment of Vlrtue, yet sacred foundatIon of every government In some prmclple
or passion of the people
ma che SI set/te dzcho
Locke MIlton Nedham NeVIlle Burnet and Hoadly empire of law~ not of men
Be In mInIature a portraIt of the people at lalge (the representatIve body)
of learnIng and experIence of the laws, exemplary morals great patIence calmness attel1tIon
not dependent on any body of men Judges, ExecutIve
secrecy and dIspatch whence
a great assembly can not execute, It IS too clumsy The colonIes under such trIple government wd/ be Unconquerable by all the monarchs of Europe
Ifew of the human race have had opportunIty lIke thIS
to make electIon of government, more than of aIr, sou or cllIXlate
When before have 3 mIllIon people had optIon of the total fOlm of theIr government)
(Pat Henry, thus contInuIng)
I put up WIth the DeclaratIon for unanImIty's sale 391
? It IS not pOinted as I wd/ make It
Colonel Nelson IS carrymg our resolutIon
lest the enemy be before us In ParIS confederacy must precede open allIance
the arguments that delegate Bracton favours
are weak shallow evasIve wd/ to God you and Sam Adams
were here In Vlrgt. nla
1? all yrf features can not be kept here
at least we wIll keep some famIly lIkeness wIll you and S A now and then wrIte
Prmted by John Taylor of Carohne In 1814
To John Penn '76 from J Adams
no more agreeable employment
than the study of the best kInd of government to determIne form you must determIne the end
(that IS purpose)
single assembly IS liable to all the vIces folItes and frailtIes
prerogatIves, badges of slavery
(similarly to Jonathan Sergeant, he
requiring explicit advIce as to takIng up powers of government) FIxed laws of theIr own making
equitable mode of making the laws
Impartial and of apt execution Freeholders of an estate of 3 L / per annum
or any estate to the value of 60 pounds Duty of legIslators and magtstrates
to cherish the Interest of lIterature and prmclples of good humour
(Constitution of Massachusetts) I was apprehensive In partIcular that
c: naturalhistory'and(goodh'llmOUr'wd/bestruckout, Wrote John 34 years later
It 18 slgntficant wrote Chawles FwancIs that persons
? who have SInce been erected have not etc been greatly lIterate
and no publIc man down untIl 1850 expressed doubts of the tmmaculate nature of govvymlnt by the
majOrIty C EIther content wIth the U S constItutIons
or too tImid to speculate on constItutIons at large' representatives of the people susceptible to Improvement
(questIon') )
read Thucydides without horror'> words lost theIr SIgnIficance
Mr Hume has collected massacres from D 5lculus
most pohshed years of Greece
Ephesus three forty kIlled
Cyrenlans 500 nobles
Phaebldas banIshed 3 0 0 Boeotlans
In PhlhaSlQ they kIlled 3 0 0 people
at . . tEgesta, 40,000 men women and chIldren
kIlled for theIr money
take away armIes, the nobles wIll overturn every monarch
In Europe
and set up arIstocraCIes
No mtervIews WIth the gods by those on thIS serVIce
Grosvenor Sq 1787 but as arclutects consultIng VitruvIus and Pailadio
the young gents of lIterature In AmerIca to thIs kmd of enqUIry
doubted by TaCItus though he admIts the theory IS a
good one
factllus laudarl quam InvenIre vel haud dluturna
optnne modice confusa, saId CIcero
concors tamen effiCltul CIVItas consensu 393
? ubI JUStltl1. non est, nec JUs potest csc;e
San MarIno, the founder) a D1lmatlan by birth
and b}r trade a mason Whole hIstory of Geneva
the people have gIven up all balances betraymg thelr own rIghts and those of the magIstrates Into the hands of a fc. . . w prominent familles
nobles to trade In a general way
to carryon velvet, SIlk and cloth m'1nufacturles
Venice at first democratical
Anafeste's real merIt 5 massacred, 5 blInded and eXiled 9 deposed, one kIlled In a foreIgn wal
thus 2. 0 of 50 dages, plus 5 abdIcations
before they thought of lImltmg powers
and another . 200 ye2rs before plannIng a government an aristocracy 15 always more cunnIng
than an assembly of the people collectively armIes gIven to kIngs by the people
to keep down the nobles whereon nobles depend from the Clown
and the people are still under theIr dOmInatIon 2. thousand 5 hundred nobles in VenIce
the stadtholder from father to son
who after Lolme need wrIte of regal republIcs~ recent Instance
the Ukrame Insurrection only In Neuchatel
apXELV ,,0. ,? 4pXEu8al,
as In antlent Rhodes, probably In three branches
Jura orda aeqUltas leges ?
stadtholder, avoyer, alcalde, capitaneo? '> 1? Mons Turgot
has made any dIscovery
orders of officers, not of men In America
no dIstInct separation of legISlatIve, executIve and JudiCIal
heretofore save In England 394
HE phtlosophers say one, the few, the many T RegIs optlmatlum popullque
as Lycurgus In Spart~a, reges, senlores et populus both greeks and ItalIans
archons, su:ffestes or consuls
AthenIans, Spartans, Thebans, Achalans
uSIng the people as Its mere dupe, as an undcr,\\rorkcl
a purchaser In trust for some tYlant dexterous In pulhng down, not In maintainIng Turgot takes a definItIon of the commonwealth
for a definitIon of lIberty
Where ambition IS every man's trade IS no ploughIng
How shall the plow be kept In hands of owners not hIrelIngs') Lycurgus
to the end that no branch by swellIng
to say that some parts of Plato and SIr Thos More
are as wIld as the ravings of Bedlam (found MIlton a dItherIng IdIot, tho' scud thIs wIth
more cIrcumspectIon)
Lowered Interest without annullIng the debt
In thIS transactIon There IS nothIng lIke It In the orIgInal Mr Pope has conformed It to the notIons
of EnglIshmen and AmerIcans
m TaCItus and In Homer, 3 orders, In Greece as In Germany a. nd mankInd dare not yet thInk upon
t No man In AmerIca then belIeved me )
J A on hIS Davda, recollectIng
Be bubbled out of theIr lIbertIes by a few large names,
Hume, probably not havmg read them Whether the kmg of the Franks had a negative on that
? t forwald young man' wrote the CrltIc
on an unsIgned J A (J A beIng then 53 and VIce
Pharamond on the banks of the Sala
here agam the frencll Jargon
not one clear Idea what they mean by
(all authorIty'
MISERIA scrvltus, ubI JUs v'lgum
prunltlve man was gregarIOUS, paSSIons, appetItes and
to be observed, commended esteemed
I take It Mr HIllhouse IS SIncere yet wd/ It not be more representative
to say that every colony had a governor, a counCIl, senate and house
none of which went by heredIty">
E1ntSSarlCS of Blztat1t ana Fra1zce cd/ speak and hold caucuses
CommiSSIon to France '77
C chased enemy half a mIle' (Lafayette headIng some Morgan's rifles)
Henry Laurens t gIve me le1. ve to present you an Introductory letter to
Mons Ie Comtc de BroglIe'
De Klab
( In my entertaInIng them wIth the best correspondence'
(t m the noble cause we are fightIng for')
t novelty of the scene, the mexperlence of the actors
agaInst paYIng for thIngs we haven't ordered'
J Adams
t U S wIll doubtless grant some facilltles to
french prIvateers'
In much larger sums than In the ordInary course of busmess IS needed
De Sartlne
? Congress havIng borrowed large sums of this
paper money from Its possessors
upon Interest
and promIsed payment of that In Europe
B Fr A Lee J A
to Vergennes
to know how you (Beaumarchals) claun the Theresa
as your proper vessel, because M Monthleu claIms her as hIS Demurrage of her, part of whIch we have paid
and John BaptIste
Lazarus agent of Caron de Beaumarchals representatIve of Roderlque Hortalez
C consecrated my house to Dr FranklIn and aSSOCIates was understood I shd/ expect no
I beg leave you permIt thiS to remain
Ray de Chaumont
As to BersolIe, charges for repaIr of the Drake
shd/ be Jones's
supphes or slops to the Ranger
shdl be Jones's (Paul Jones's) as the Chatham belongs 1/2 to the publIC
1/. 1 to the capturers
charges shdl be 112. to mOttle munItions and repairs to the Ranger
to us
B F A Lee J A commISSIoners to Schwelghauser, banker
Whatever vessels of war are sent to AmerIca
shd/ be plentIfully supplIed WIth marme woollen cloths blankets, mIttens
dIfficult WIthout these In cold season
the commISSIoners, FranklIn A Lee J Adams
to de Sartme 397
? It 15 certaIn that a loan of money IS very nluch wanted aflly/ to Master JohnnIe
and belIeve me wIth gt/ esteem, Sir, B, Frankhn
Leghorn, If VIenna receIve an American minIster
also 2. acts of the 4th and 15th ascertainIng yr/ sal'1ry
and makIng provISIon for yrl subsIstence In France HuntIngton, presldent
My Dear General
The skill of our enemy (England)
In forging false news annual custom to send out these cargoes of lIes It IS
their way of paSSIng the winter thus by t appeasing the troubles In Ireland)
by contracts WIth German prlncec; and especially Petersburg 2. 0,000 rUSSIans
I 2. ShIPS of the hne
also Denmark 45 vessels (lIne)
(to La Fayette and to Genet)
t the art of polltlcallYlng In England better than elc;ewhere) 19th (next day)
C no contracts WIth German prInces' Mr Burke's bIll not yet beIng publIc
Mr Fox's severe observations on Govr/ Hutchinson the precise pomt of the solstice
says Bolingbroke they In SinkIng scale do not eaSIly cast off habItual
C For the calling and cancellation of
has In general been well rec'd'
2 0 0 millIon dollars
Elbrldgr Gerry
demands of the treasury generally answered by warrants
Says Vergennes for t;trangers? 398
@$40toI InspeCIe
? <<The deprecIatIon of paper, a ta"t (T, A, X, ta'C) the AmerIcans have laId on themselves
If french be oblIged to submIt they wIll be vIctlm~ of zeal or their rashness In supplyIng the AmerIcans wIth arms, clothes and munItIons'
De Velgennls (I thank yr/ Excellency for the confidence,
do you mean that the ChevalIer de Luzerne has
alJ. eady reed/ such InstructIons or that the)' are on then
way to hlm~
Let me quote you some prIces In Boston, foreIgners have profited by the dIfference between slIver and bIlls of exchange
that IS papel $25 to I of slIver
but no more than 12 paper for One In bIll of exchange also dIfference In paper as between Boston and Phlladplphla If any european merchant can show good cause fot
exceptIon I doubt not we wIll do JustIce to hIm '
MazzeI lIttle hope of success @ so Iowan Interelit
more offered by powers of Europe (to T Jefferson)
Keeps good company, devoted to you, Wythe and the gentlemen of VIrgInIa, know not how you feel toward hIm (Value dl1ferently fron1 yourself, SIr, the
unIon whIch subSIsts between France and the U S and that France may deserve some preference
over other powers
who have no treaty wIth Amellca and who ha"e not even
her Independence '
Army dIsCIplIne greatly Improved Rush
acknowledged de Vergennes
~ If the french fleet shd/ consIstently remaIn on that coast) (to de Vergennes)
(Nat able on reflectIon to see Wh}T 399
? I shd/ not have publIshed my powers 111 February'
(To Vergennes, July 17)
that I had IntentIon of gOIng to Amsterdam
no arguments but force respected In Europe
to show U S the Importance of an early attentlon to language for ascertaInIng the language
ChIng Mlng
Mr BIcker , that I shd/ consider what houses were connected wIth England
and also whIch had (other connectIons'
equally lIkely to hmder the loan or defeat It
(meanIng, I found, the French mInIstry) and whIch not of credIt suffiCIent
(partIcularly Neufvllie) prOVISIon for negotIatIng the capltal 2. %
for undertakers to furnish the capItal 2. % Brokerage 1/2. %expenses stamped paper l/Z amortIzatIon 2 1/4
for 3 mdhon gUIlders
I answered Mr Calkoen's questIons In writIng conversatIon by Interpreters being heavy
and he then read them to a society
and thus began to be known that
wd/ be burdensome for us to go on ten years With the war but for the Enghsh equally so
The takmg of Charleston has not strengthened them
on the contrary
when England borrows each year a sum. equal
to all her exports shd/ we be laughed at for
wantmg to borrow up to 1/12. th (one twelfth)
of our exports?
4? 0
? We shd/ send regular mmlsters
c Lautens, d011t Ia facheuse catastrophe me desole
(captured by England) un parent me temolgne de l'lDclmation d'y placer
vIngt mIlle florIns d'Hollande'
van der Capellen
Yen der Kemp peut etre de grand utilite pour Ie Congres (KIng of Spam so good as to offer hIs surety
for Interest and the capItal ' PSI find the sum he wd/ guarantee IS
B FranklIn 150,000 dollars
payable In 3 years
No consIderable sum here obtamable as Monsieur Necker IS makIng a loan
(meanmg placmg one)
depuls qU'l! (Mr Laurens) est enferme a 1a Tour
(1 e the towYer of London) America IS wIllIng to gIve a Just Interest
t MortIer and Meerkemaer act under Mssrs Staphorst
I am sorry Mr Blomberg IS III
I think them (the two Tenkate) are capable
but found them so lIable to Influence that I never cd/ close Mr Van V! oten 15 at Utrecht'
H BIcker t but have never obtaIned any lnoney
(12. Nov 1780)
nor the least hope of obtamlng ,
JA Whether SIr Jo Yorke after 20 years residence
IS Ignorant of the Dutch constItution or IS merely Insulting
Burgomasters of Amsterdam are one
Integral branch of the sovereignty
and dIslIkIng the french they famIlIarIzed to call 4? 1
? [,ngland the natural ally
KIng of rng11nd demands 1U111,! Jl1U? l1t of the regents
( la persecutlon contre M \11. 11 Bercl"cI
et ses c01nplJces'
de ne pas presser votre depart
les affalres crIse temps pourralt
but des Angla15 outre celul d'alnuscr la repubhque d'Holland
loss of Charleston
Dutch have JOIned the neutrahty tout credlt SOIt d'un peuple SOlt d'un partIculler
de deux chases
l'0plnlon de Ia bonne ? 01
et de la posslblhte
OU 11 se trouve de faire face Aff'aues (Xmas day, Amsterdam) stIll suspended
but stockjobbing goes on uninterruptedly
at coffee houses on Sundays and holIdays when It cannot be held upon 'change
C What they cd! le1. rn from Dutch hIstory
or french of the last . 25 years'
J A 19 years later
4? 2.
Capellen de Pol
? ][
N whIch case a mInIster here from Congress wd/ be useful If the neutralIty, ~ m'l1 t ster to all nl. utral courts
mIght be useful
Dec 3I Amsterdam 1780 1st Jan PhIladelphia I78I
yr/ commISSIon plenipotentIary sent hereWIth Huntmgton, PreSIdent
for a secret address you may send under cover
Madame la veuve de M Henry Schorn
op de Agsterburg wal by de Hoogstraat depreCIatIon of money a TAX on the people
paId In advance and
therefore prevents the publIC from beIng found In debt, true
It IS an unequal tax and causes perplexIty
but by no means dIsables the people from carryIng on the war Merchants, farmers, tradesmen and labourers gaIn
they are the moneyed n1en,
The capItalISts those who have money at 111terest
or those on fixed salarIes
England has Increased her debt 60 mIllion ours IS not over 6 mIllion
who can hold out the longer) the depreCIatIon has not tended to make the people
submit to BrItaIn 1 2 mIllIon
. 200 mIllIon SIX
AmerIcan exports 1774, EnglIsh debt
the AmerIcan debt only
a brItIsh mInIster and stock-Jobber Vergennes IS fixedly resolved to commIt hImself to nothIng not even hIS treaty WIth the U Snow eXlStlng
4? 3
? For the purpose of chlc1nlng the U S out of their hbertv thIs congress proposed at \Tlcnna with the two Elnperors
part of :England's p'llavcr
La Cour de Londres eludera autant et aUSSl long qu'elle peut l'aveu dIrect
OU IndIrect de 1'1ndepcndcn~c des Et:lts UnlS Cornwalhs' fate has emboldened the Hollanders
Crops 1n U S finest known
t 12,000 florIns, J'al honte d'etre Hollandals'
<< 2. burgomasters, 2. schepens and a pensIonary'
t I belIeve thIs set receive ample salaries
to resist AmerIcan loan
BrItIsh mInIsters, Dutch court, and the holders of
EnglIsh stocks' (to Frankhn Jan 25)
that the prOVInce of Friesland and M Berdsma be remembered that Mr Adams be admItted mlnlstel from
the congress of the USN A resolved In the PrOVInce House (Frlesland )
to treat WIth the hanseatIc
I found the old gentleman perfectly sound In hIS
system of politics
very poor opInIon of the new mInistry
and of the precedmg, Insmcerlty duplICity Shelbourne still flatters the
King With Ideas of CONciliatIon all to raise the prIce of stocks
Amsterdam 26 AprIl 1? the houses Flseaux, Hodshon, Crommehns, van Staphorst
5 millIon by August
Le corps des negoclants de cette VIlle
souhaltant JOlndre leurs acclamatIons aceux de toute la natIon J NaUet, Schledam
4? 4
6 J a n
4 Dec '81
? tOn m'a dIt que ces MessIeurs de Schledam donnent ce repas de cent couverts
et qu'll y aura beaucoup de personnes de Rotterdam' Dumas
It IS true I may open a loan for 5 mdhon cash IS not InfinIte In thIS country
WE THEREFORE (May 11th 1780)
accept the terms you propose 4 I 14th%for remedIum
Wllhnck Staphorst FynJe
WII1mck etc
the mInIster of the Emperor IS 90 years of age and
never appears
Oswald's credentIals to treat WIth the t U S A (named speclficly)
after thIS statuum quorum My Dear General (Lafayette)
millIon and a half, of the 3 mullon, In cash Amsterdam Sept 19
Treaty ready by monday (J A. to Jefferson) 7 Oct '82
that France WIll not
be m necessIty of purchaSIng from RUSSIa
after the war as she can then get some from AmerIca' The KIng's loans do not fill
ParIS, 7th November Vergennes certaInly knows thIS or IS not evell
an European statesman 4? 5
the words pIddlmg etc/ once cost me very dear If you wdj open for 3 mIllIon at first
Van Vloten and I have agreed 3000 bonds @ 1000 francs each
? avoId too wcat dependence
on any one po",er In Etlrop<. .
Nous sommes en attendant charmcs de VOIr
que les etats des 1utres pro\Inces et consequelnment Ia repubhque entlcre ont, a l'eJi. cmple des Etats de Frlse
reconnu 'ilgned Le~ membrcs de Ii SOcIete BourgeoIse
de Leeuwarde W W opklns \T Cats
S P Q Arnst faustlss1mo foederc Juncta
(on a medal)
factIons, cabals, and slanders
many thIngs saId to me, false, more I suspect
and yet others wd/ do no good If repeated London May 2. 7 1785
to hIs Majesty In hIS closet
To T J/ of rUInIng our CarrYIng trade 1? thC}T can
(rCm1. 1nlng page clphcled) Bet,,! een St James and Vcrsadlcs
ACT of navlg1tlon 12. Car II, (. . 18 navIgatIon by an AmerJcan master
three fourths of the seamen AmerIcan bubbles of our own philosophlcal liberality
(to Jay, I9 Aug '85 and of the U S which wd/ :find market In Barbary
1? both governments are possessed of the contents of my letter by openmg It In the post office
Mr Pitt said that wd/ surprIse people here for that wars never Interrupted
the Interest of DEBTS Fat of the spermaceti whale
gIves the clearest
and most beautIful lIght of any substance known In nature
? Consequence that Portugal has, for four score years, clothed herself In BrItIsh woolens lIke any BrItIsh colony and has never been able to mtroduce woollen manufacturles
at home
ParIS 1787
(ThIS country wIll WIthIn the next 12. or 15 years come to a pretty good constltutl. On '
Yrs/ Lafayette
To T Jefferson
(You fear the one, I the few'
In thlS matter of redeemIng certIficates that were used paym' the sOJers
vignette 1. 11. 111argZ11e
KIng, Sam Johnson of N Carol1na
SmIth (W ) S CarolIna, Wadsworth (JeremIah J Lawrell~e, BIngham, Carro] of Calrolton gone pIss-rotten for HamIlton
Cabot, FIsher Ames, Thom1s WIUlJ'g
Robt MorrIs, SedgwIck
AND the BrItIsh Islands have drunk no other than Port, LIsbon and MadeIra
Jlthough the WInes of France are much better HIS LordshIp WIshed so too
MIllIon gUIlders new loan from Holland
squad of the pmk-halred snot traItors blacker than Arnold
blacker than Bancroft
per l'argtne szntstra a1en1zo volta behInd that mask Mr Schuyler (FIlIPPo) these the betrayers, these the sdilldes advance guard of hell's oIlIness
In theIr progeny no repentence
ljltltldf, Coelto, Cassto 1nenz,b,~lto 4? 7
11atU1al b1. trella
? Mr lvladlson proposed that the orIginal holders ~hd I get face ,all. 1c.
but not speculators who h'ld bought In the paper for nothIng ov the 64 members ov the House ov rcppyzentatlvs
29 were securIty holders
IaPPln cream that IS, and takln It
off of the veterans
an' Mr MadIson's move wuz DEE-fcated
Maclay and JIm Jackson stood out agaInst dirtiness) smelled thIS stink before MadIson
smelt It or before he told Tom about It
'MYsItuatIon almost the only one In the world where n. rn1ness and patIence are useless'
J A VIce presIdent and presIdent of the senate 179 1
WIll the french refuse to receIve Mr PInckney') Idea of leadIng Mr Adams
Blount (senator) has been speculatIng wIth the EnglIsh surrounded by proJecters and sWIndlers, you WIll be, Gerry,
FrIendshIp, Marshall a plaIn man and the frogs countenance only enemIes of our constItutIon
set our seamen ashore at St ]ago de Cuba
tIll our shIps arm office of Secretary as rIval of preSIdent In aIm to have qUIntuple dIrectory Vervennes' frIends dIslIke the facts laId to hIS charge
HamIlton no command,
too muclllntrIgue McHenry was secretary for war, In 98 We shd/ have frIgates, no European peace can be lastIng
expedIent to recommend war agaInst France? (presupposIng they shall not have declared war agalllst us
(thus to PIckerIng) c Talleyrand
affects utter Ignorance, Mr Gerry has communIcated~although knOWIng that Talleyrand had much greater acquaintance
saId X, Y, Z than has Mr Gerry
WIth the
(SIgned Gerry)
Hague 1St July '98
peculators, cd/ they be aroused to drive out the French
Vans M/ exhausted all things In enormous bribes' (cIphered) Talleyrand, leaVIng however reserves for chIcanery,
and Murray not yet removed from the Hague
about t peace'
? shortly ago W<. . ll howhng fot w,r wIth Brltaln.
aln1cd 1t electIon. ;; \1v appointment of 1vlurray has at le"t I11d open char1cters to me
peace, Wal
c you 1rc hereby dl\<. . . harged '
John ,\dan1s, PresIdent of the UnIted States
to Tln1 PickerIng
to execute office so far ac; to afll'\. seal to eu(. ,losed commISSion John 1vlarshal of VIrglnrl, to be Chief Justice
and cert1fy your own name pro hac vIce HamIlton's total Ignorance (or wllatever)
of practIce and usage of nations
eternal neutrality In all wars of Europe
I leave the state with Its coffers full
Dec 28th 1800 73 for Jefferson
73 for Burr
a few foreIgn hars, no AmerIcans In AmerIca
our federahsts no more AmerIcan than were the antlS And In the mirror of memory, ! oT1nafo loco
My complIments to Mrs Warren
as to the sea nymphs
Hyson, Congo, Bohea, and a few lesser diVinIties
Sirens shd/ be got mto It somehow
TorIes were never so affable
TorIes were never so affable We shall OSCIllate lIke a pendulum
slow starvatIon, a conclave, a divan,
what shall we do when we get there
(first congress of PhIladelphy) a nursery for AmerIcan statesmen
treasons, felonIes, new praemunlres
Vuglnla has sown wheat Instead of tobacco
never happy In large and promISCUOUS companIes 410
? QUIncy's knowledge of Boston harboul, 2. nllll? on lssut. d In bIlls old to bind young unconsentmg, what rIght'>
why exclude women from franchise')
power follows balance of land been months here, and never on horseback
fountain head of JustInian, deep, Bracton, Domat, AyIlffe and Taylor
from '6I here In BraIntree
was averSIon to paper, they preferred to do busIness by barter you are rIght, Rush, our trouble IS Iggurunce
of money especially
are stul stockJobbers to believe EnglIsh reports
t No extravagance IS too great
Ten thousand of General WashIngton's army
gone over to ClInton Count D'Estalng makIng procession
Boston With the Host, and seIZing a meetmg house for a chapel and the deVIl knows what'
40,000 RussIans about to go through
more solicitatIon as to means of obtaining It, than as to
my salary
At any rate send me the news
quaus, partrIdges, squrrreis
God wl1l1ng) I wIll not go to Vermont I must be
(whole of french polIcy) wIthIn scent of
the sea
(merely to strmg us along to keep us from)
(sJnkmg entIrely, to have us strong enough for theIr purpose, but not strong enough for our OWl1, to prevent us from obtaining consIderation In Europe Hence my pleasure
In having set up a standard m Holland 411
amount of
? populaTzser, Jepopularzser
to popularIze Mr Jefferson
and depopularuer General WashIngton, all on system
were our Interest the same as theIrs we mIght better trust them, yet not entirely
for they do not understand even theIr own
I have hItherto paid the Dutch Interest out of capital
(London '8S to Art Lee) Court as putrId as Amsterdam, dIVIne SCIence of polItICS sale of SIX muhon acres to dimInIsh the national debt-
and the SOcIety of a few men of letters
left at New England Coffee House, London
will be brought me by some Boston sea captam
I shall call my brook, HollIS Brook
After generous contest for liberty, Americans forgot
what It conSIsts of
after . 2. 0 years of the strug81e memzntsse 1uvebtt
C seeks InformatIon from all quarters and Judges more Independently than any man I ever met'
J A on G WashIngton that there were AmerIcans IndIfferent to fisherIes
and even some InclIned to gIve them away thiS was my strongest motIve
for tWice gOIng to Europe
:fish boxes were rec'd In my absence
C TheIr constItutIon, experlll1ent, I KNOW that France can not be long governed by It J
To PrIce, 19 AprIl 1790 ann of my life has been to be useful, how small In
any natIon the number who comprehend ANY system of constItutIon or admInIstratIon
and these few do not unite
AmerIcans more rapIdly dIsposed to corruptIon In electIons than I thought m '74
fraudulent use of words monarchy and repubhc 412
? ? ? ? I am for balance
and know not how It IS but mankind have an aversion to any study of government
Thames a mere rivulet In comparison to the Hudson rIver 73 to Jefferson, to Mr Burr 73
DUM SPIRO nec lupo commlttere agnum
so they are against any ratIonal theory DUM SPIRO AMO
GI:RMAN ambassador once told me he cdn't bear
Ahe was, he saId, so hard on fornIcation DIsmissed to the JOY of both parties, I do not curse the day I entered publiC affairs
Now In the :first year before congress (that IS before '74)
I was drying my saddlebags and four yeomen In the bar room were talking politICS t If' says one t they can take
Mr Hancock's wharf and Mr Rowe's wharf
They can take my house and your barn' Rebel'
I was disgusted at their saYing rebel I wd/ meet rebellion when British governors and generals should begtn It,
that IS, theIr rebellIon agaInst prInCIples of the constItution
It and In the mean time bUIld frIgates' (1808 he wrote this as In the beginnIng)
In every principal sea port not to fight squadrons at sea but to have fast sallIng frigates
From England greater lDJuries than from France,
I am for fighting whIchever forces us first Into a war depreciated by the SWIndlIng banks, a multitude
of such SWIndlIng banks have rUln'd OU1 medIum TheIr Issues are against gold or on nothing
In '45 as a boy
I heard of the Cape Breton campaIgn and of
BrItish Ingratitude InjustIce of ShIrley, of Braddock, of AbercrombIe
and of Webb and Lord Loudon especIally
In '59 PItt, Wolf, Amherst entllused me, but It was short In '6I came writs of aSSIstance
St Paul
? No history of the past 2. 0 years without documents especIally the circular letters to
members of congress, without these lIbels no hIstory of these decades '89 to '09
I am totts vzrzbus agaInst any dIVISion By the North RIver
or by the Delaware or by the Potomac I am agamst any diVISIon of the UnIon by any river
or by any chaIn of mountaIns Independence agaInst BrItish pohcy' Independence agaInst french Interference, federal papers hIred by England
When publIC opInIon IS rlghtly Informed, as It now IS not, Vergennes saId to me Mr Adams, newspapers govern the world
Took Matlock, Cannon and Young's constitutIons belIeVIng them FranklIn's, they,
Beaumarchais and Condorcet, have paId They dId not lIke mine I have saId the EnglIsh ConstItutIon for
a great natIon In Europe
An allIance WIth France or England
wd/ put an end to our system of liberty
TheIr InexperIence, so superficIal theIr readIng
Merchants wd/ say the merchants are to do as they please WIthout LOUISIana no hold on the MISSISSIPPi rlv. . . . r
westerners wd/ do any thIng to obtaIn free use of that river they wd/ have unIted WIth England or France
to elucidate the meanIng of words at that tzme
and then determIne IntentIons olIgarchy, Insatiable gulf, IrresIstible
I am a church-goIng animal
but 1? I Inculcate fidelIty to the marrIage bed
they wul say It IS from resentment against General HamIlton and I had forgot the story
of the four English gIrls General Pinct. ~. neywas to hIre 41 5
? ? In England, two for me and two for hImself The number of lIcensed houses
was soon reInstated, you may as well preach against rum to IndIans
Little Turtle petItIoned me
to prohIbit It C because I had lost 3000 of my chIldren m hiS tribe alone In one year'
Funds and Banks I
never approved I abhorred ever our whole bankmg system
but an attempt to abolIsh all fundmg In the present state of the world wd/ be as romantic
as any adventure In Oberon or Don QUIxote Every bank of dIscount IS downrIght corruption taxIng the pubhc for private Individuals' gain
and If I say this m my wlll
the AmerIcan people wd/ pronounce I dIed crazy
theIr wigwams
where I never faIled to be treated wIth whortle berrIes
black berrIes strawbernes apples plums peaches etc
for they had planted a number of frUit trees about them but the girls went out to serVIce and the boys to sea
tul none were left there
and so wul be, belIeve me, whllever we feel IJ. ke colonIsts
dependent on France or England
With wood hemp Iron, saId the Chef d'Escadre
a natIon may do what It please
Taxes laId, war supported ThIS must be
Adams wntlng In Qumcy In 1813 Histories are annmllated or mterpolated or prohIbIted
our It pure uncorrupted uncontamInated unadulterated etc'
SIr Wm KeIth In 1739 proposed such an assembly to the ministry
? aimIng at stamp tax-he beIng then, I believe, In Fleet prIson HIS hInt was taken In '54 and In '64
No gentlemen of talents has undertaken thIS hIstory Thos McKean
can remember no BrItIsh frIendshIp
durIng the years that you IndIcate
(1600 to 1813)
In the Congress of '74 only Pat Henry
had sense of the preCIpIce whereon
and courage to face It French, englIsh, mongrels
we were dIvIded a thIrd to a thIrd Persons who saw that WIth our Independence
theIr salarIes (from the Gospel SOCIety of London) wd/ necessarIly cease
Laws of Charondas, destroyed I presume by Splrlt of party CIVIC polIty eccleSIastIcal bIgotry
destroy everythIng that cd/ gIve true lIght or clear InSIght Into antIquIty
arlstocratlcal and democratical fury
adopted by Moses, by no means account for the facts
entitled acta Sanctorum
whether the prepuce shown at Antwerp be authentiC many a kept mIstress has dared for her lover
hazards and sufferings as you find In the mISSion records or tales of mIlItant glory
C WIll hIs son save 'em (the fishIng rIghts) for a second tlme~ ,
No confidence In Clay, GallatIn, Russell
lake" we should have command of the ocean'
J Bull stIll bellows (July 1814)
I Wish France may not sttll regret Bonaparte
Bull greater tyrant, our treaty of 1783 has not lapsed LIttle Intercourse between the separate states No part of
? ? ? ? ? my admInIstratIon so unpopular, even In Marblehead, as was my fight for the navy
That IS to GET a navy
I belIeve no prmter In Boston wd/ prInt 'em
Adams to L Lloyd, In 181 5)
I do not belIeve they cd/ get prInted even today
m any newspaper In Boston CIrcular letters, the lot of 'en1 are full of as many lIes as the Acta Sanctorum
Mmltes In PennsylvanIa And they belIeved :firmly that
was the t Instrument' to brIng In Mllennlum
chosen of Providence to put an end to the pope
Jefferson knew them all courtIng hIm 15 years
My answer was Col Lyman
It WIll be as you say but rUIn honester men than the lot of 'enl Burr folded It WIth great graVIty, sayIng
Now I have hun all hollow (rei lIst of Hamilton's delegates)
Walcott persIsted for 8% DId they belIeve South AmerIcans
were capable of free government'>
lUCid Interval The Dlrectory had one for that moment
No people In Europe cares anythIng
about constitutIons, 18 I 5, whatsoever
not one of 'em understands or IS capable of understandIng
any consti-damn-tution whatever God forbid that our navy
ever be as England's has been a scourge No mdlan's hatchet raIsed whIle I was preSIdent
? Nor has nature nor has art partItIoned the sea Into empIres or mto countIes or l\. nlght's fees
on It be no farms ornate or unornate, no parks and no gardens FIsh to us, fisherIes, BrItaIn stIll has naVIgatIon rIghts on
money or no money, she can never conquer thIs country
4: They wJ11 prInt anythIng that WIll sell
t Our correspondence IS conSIdered a curIOSIty by both parties'
Adams to Jefferson 18I 5 but I do not thInk that It IS tampered WIth
Your letters seem to get here unopened Price found C gloomy predlctlons ' most unwelcome
when Adams saId the french revolutIon wd/ flop C GIve more for Jefferson's letters
than for all the rest In hIS (Morgan's) volume' speeches, restarted InqUISitIon In Spain
black whIte and pled BrItIsh allIes fleet to protect Paxton, BIrch, Temple
CredIt OtIS WIth a great part of my argument he showed tilegallty, toward destroyIng the charters Poor soldIers knew not what sent 'em
North called 'em Sam Adams two regIments
enormous WIgS that HutchInson blOUght here lIke fleeces BelIeve I had only set
of t State TrIals' In AmerIca at State House WIth my musket and bayonet
under Paddock
even JeSUIts popes sorbonnlsts must have some conSCIence
so had Sylla, so Manus, and If Hancock had vanIty so had I also, 1? he rIled me, I hnn
4 large shIps between Boston and London In ~55 IllS uncle left hIm the bUSIness
and thIS made no change In John Hancock thousand famlhes m hiS dependence
? The people elected him a. nd Sanl Adams approved theIr
111 telhgence
Joseph Hawley, OtIS, Sam Adams, Hancock add Jay, wIthout knowIng theIr actIons
you know not what made us our revolutIon
magIS decora poetlclS fabuhs OtIS wrote on greek prosody
I publIshed what he wrote on the latIn HIs daughter told me he had burnt all his papers
In melancholIa
may be from that swat on the pow
From '74 dates neutralIty
I begged OtIS to prInt It (the greek prosody) He said there were no greek types In AmerIca
and If there were, were no typesetters cd/ use 'em OtiS reSIgned hIS post (Advocate General)
and was beaten up by coffee house bandIts
In good lookIng clothes
OtIS agaInst the wrIts, J A versus JudICIary,
Defended Preston, defended the soldIers,
FisherIes, peace, nomInation of WashIngton, kept peace WIth France 1 8 0 0 Gold, sIlver are but commodItIes
PIty, says Tracy, they ever were stamped save by weIght
They are commoditles as is wheat or is lumber
Keep out of Europe
And thus before CharlIe MordecaI
t not free 'em to somethmg worse' and quoted (consIder what substance allow to, what labour extract from them (slaves) m my mterest whIch WIll work out to thiS
If you work 'em up In SIX years on an average
that most profits the planter' With comment
C and s surely very humane IF we est mate
the coalheaver's expectatIon two years on an average and the 50,000 girls on the streets, at three years' of life
? t for the better securing of the plantatIons' trade whereas dIvers acts 7th and 8th WIlliam Third In preamble for Chapter the twenty second Don't It remInd you of alderman Bekford mstructlng hIs overseers
(treat 'em rough) In the West IndIes Adams to Wilham Tudor
24 years before Hobhouse C Ignorance of COin, credit and cIrculation' J
1raVKpaTES atEl,
ZEV, cPVUEWS apX'fJ'YE, JJOjlov }. LETa 1r411Ta
HE enormous tragedy of the dream In the peasant's ben. t
Manes' Manes was tanned and stuffed, Thus Ben and la Clara a Mzlano
by the heels at MIlano That maggots shd/ eat the dead bullock
DIGONOS, a? yovo~,but the tWice crucified
where In hIstory wIll you find It)
yet say thIS to the Possum a bang, not a whimper, wIth a bang not with a whImper,
To bUild the city of Dloce whose terraces are the colour of stars The suave eyes, qUIet, not scornful,
raIn also 15 of the process What you depart from 15 not the way
and ohve tree blown white In the wInd
washed In the Klang and Han
what whIteness WIll you add to thiS whIteness,
what candor) U the great perlpium brIngs In the stars to our shore"
You who have passed the pillars and outward from Herakles when LucIfer fell I n N CarolIna
1? the suave aIr gIve way to SClrocco
Oy TI~, Oy TI~~ Odysseus
the name of my famIly the wmd also IS of the process,
sorella la luna Fear god and the stupIdity of the populace,
but a precIse definItIon
transmitted thus S1g1smundo
thus DUCCIO, thus Zuan Belhn, or trastevere with La Sposa
Sponsa Crlstlln mosaic till our time / derficatlon of emperors 425
? but a snotty barbarian Ignorant of T'ang hl~toryneed not deceIve one
nor CharlIe Sung's money on 101'1 from 1nonlmo that IS, we suppose CharlIe had some
and In India the rate down to 18 per hundred
but the local loan lice provIded from 1111ported bankers so the total Interest sweated out of the IndIan farmers
rose In ChurchIllIan grandeur
as when, and plus when, he returned to tIle putrId gold standard as was about 19. 15 Oh my England
that free speech wIthout free radIo speech IS as zero
and but one pOInt needed for StalIn
you need not, I e need not take over the nleans of productIon, money to sIgnIfy work done, InSIde a system
and measured and wanted
. it I have not done unnecessary manual labour" says the R C chaplain's field book
(preparation before confessIon) squawky as larks over the death cells
milItarIsm progressIng westward 1m Westen nlchts neues
and the Constitution In Jeopardy
and that state of thIngs not very new either
CC of sapphire, for thIs stone giveth sleep" not words whereto to be faithful
nor deeds that they be resolute
only that bird-hearted equity make tunber
and lay hold of the earth and Rouse found they spoke of ElIas
In tellIng the tales of Odysseus
It I am noman, my name IS noman " but WanJIna IS, shall we say, Ouan Jln or the man with an education
? and whose mouth was removed by his father bec. .
ausc he m~de too many thIngs
whereby cluttered the busbn1a11's baggage
vIde the expedItion of Frobc~luS' pupils '1bout 1938
to Auss 'ral1a Quan Jin spoke and thereby cll. atcd the named
thereby making clutter
the bane of men mOVIng
and so hIs mouth was removed
as you wIll find It removed In hIS pictures
In prU1Clp10 verbum
paraclete or the verbum perfectum Slncerltas
from the death cells In SIght of Mt Tal~han@ Plsa as FUJlyama at Gardone
when the cat walked the top bar of the raIlIng
and the water was still on the \""(7est Side
flOWing toward the VIlla Catullo where WIth sound ever n10vlng
In dImInutIve poluphlolSbolos In the stIllness autlastlng all Vv ars
U La Donna " saId NicolettI
tt ladonna,
U Cosa deve contlnuarei "
U Se casco " s'lld Blanca Capello
tc non casco In glnllocchlon "
and WIth one day's readIng a man may have the key In hIS hands Lute of GaSSlr Hooo Fasa
came a lion-coloured pup bringing fleas
and a bird With whIte markIngs, a stepper
under les SlX potences Absouldre, que tous nous vueI} absoudre
lay there Barabbas and two thIeves lay beside him Infantile synthesIs In Barabbas
minUS HemIngway, minus Anthel1, ebullient
la donna' "
? and by name Thos WIlson
Mr K saId nothIng foolIsh, the whole month nothIng foohsh u 1? we weren't dumb, we wouldn't be here "
and the Lane gang ButterflIes, mInt and Lesbla's sparrows,
the vOIceless wIth bumm dlum and banners,
and the Ideogram of the guard roosts
el trlste penSler 51 volge
ad U5sel A Ventadour
va II conSIre, el tempo rlvolge and at Lunoges the young salesman
bowed wIth such french polIteness tt No that IS ImpossIble" I have forgotten whIch CIty
But the caverns are less enchantIng to the unsk111ed explorer
than the Urochs as shown on the postals, we wul see those old roads agaIn, questIon,
posSIbly but nothIng appears much less lIkely,
Mme PUJol, and there was a smell of mInt under the tent flaps
especIal1y after the raIn
and a whIte ox on the road toward Pisa
as 1? faCIng the tower,
dark sheep In the drIll field and on wet days were clouds
In the mountaIn as 1? under the guard roosts A hzard upheld me
the wIld bIrds wd not eat the whIte bread
from Mt Talshan to the sunset From Carrara stone to the tower
and thIS day the alr was made open for Kuanon of all delIghts,
LInus, Cletus, Clement
whose prayers,
the great scarab IS bowed at the altar the green lIght gleams In hIS shell
42. 8
? plowed In the sacred field and unwound the SIlk worn1S early
In the hght of ltght IS the vtrtu.
cc sunt lumIna" sald Erlgena Scotus I
as of Shun on 1vft Talshan and In the hall of the forebears
as from the beginning of wonders the paraclete that was present In Yao, the preCISIon
In Shun the compaSSIonate In Yu the gUIder of waters
4 gIants at the 4 corners
three young men at the door
and they dlgged a dItch round about me lest the damp gnaw thru my bones
to redeem ZIon WIth JustIce
sd/ IsaIah Not out on Interest saId DavId rex
the prIme sob
LIght tensIle 11llmaculata
the sun's cord unspotted
ct sunt lumIna" saId the Olrlshman to KIng Carolus, ttOMNIA,
all tlungs that are are lIghts "
and they dug hIm up out of sepulture
SOl dlsantly lookIng for Manlchaeans
Les Alblgeols, a problem of hIstory,
and the fleet at SalamIS made With money lent by the state to the
Tempus tacendI, tempus loquendl
Never InSIde the country to raise the standard of lIVIng
but always abroad to Increase the profits of usurers, dIXIt Lenin,
and gun sales lead to more gun sales
they do not clutter the market for gunnery
there IS no saturatIon
In tensIle
? Pisa, in the 23rd year of the effort in sight of the tower and Till was hung yesterday
for murder and rape with trimmings plus Cholkis
plus mythology, thought he was Zeus ram or another one Hey Snag wots in the bib! '?
wot are the books ov the bible?
Name 'en1, don't bullshit 11E. 411! I::I::. -
a man on whom the sun has gone down
the ewe, he said had such a pretty look in her eyes; and the nymph of the Hagoromo came to me,
as a corona of angels one day were clouds banked on T aishan
or in glory of sunset
and tovarish blessed without aim
wept in the rainditch at evening Sunt lumina
that the drama is wholly subjective
stone knowing the form which the carver imparts it the stone knows the form
sia Cythera, sia Ixotta, sia in Santa Maria dei Miracoli
where Pietro Romano has fashioned the bases OY TI:'i
. a man on whom the sun has gone down nor shall diamond die in the avalanche
be it torn from its setting
nrstmust destroy himself ere others destroy him. 4 times was the city rebuilded, HooD Fasa
Gassir, Hooo Fasa dell' Italia tradita now in the mind indestructible, Gassir, Hooao Fasa, W ith the four giants at the four corners
and four gates mid-wall Hooo Fasa
and a terrace the colour of stars
pale as the dawn cloud, la luna
Oy TI~
? thin as De111eter's haIr HoOD Fasa, and In a dallce the renewal
with two larl{s In contI appunto at sunset
a Slnlstla la Torre
seen thru a paIr of breeches
Che sublza es latssa cadeT
between NEI(UIA where are Alcmene and Tyro and the CharybdIs of actIon
to the solItude of Mt T aishan
{emina, {emina, that wd/ not be dragged Into paradise by the hair, under the gray cll:fI In perlplum
the sun dragging her stars
a man on whom the sun has gone down
and the Wind came as hamadryas under the sun-beat Val soli
are never alone amid the slaves learning slavery
and the dull driven back toward the Jungle are never alone &H1\. ION IIEPI HAlON
as the lIght sucks up vapor
and the tides follow Luclna
that had been a hard man In some ways a day as a thousand years
as the leopard sat by hIs water dIsh,
hast ktlled the urochs and tile bison sd/ Bunting
dOIng SIX months after that war was over
as paCifist tempted WIth chicken but dechned to approve of war t t Redtmlculum Metel10rum "
privately printed to the shame of varIOUS critiCS
nevertheless the state can lend money
and the fleet that went out to Salamls
was buIlt by state loan to the bUIlders 431
? hence the attack on classIcal studIes
and In this war were Joe Gould, Bunting and cummings
as agamst thickness and fatness
black that dIe In captIvIty
night green of his pupIl, as grape flesh and sea wave
undyIng lumInous and translucent Est consummatum, Ite,
surrounded by herds and by cohorts looked on Mt T alshan
but In TangIer I saw from dead straw Ignition From a snake bIte
fire came to the straw
from the fakir blOWing
foul straw and an arm-long snake
that bit the tongue of the fakir makIng small holes
and from the blood of the holes
came fire when he stuffed the straw Into hiS mouth dIrty straw that he took from the roadway
first smoke and then the dull flame that wd/ have been In the tIme of Rals Uh
when I rode out to Elson's near the VIlla of Perdicarls or four years before that
elemental he thought the souls of the chIldren, 1? any, but had rented a shelter for travelers
by foot from SlrIa, some of them
nQr IS It for nothIng that the chrysalIds mate In the air
color dlluce
green splendour and as the sun thru pale fingers
Lordly men are to earth o'erglven these the companIons
Fordle that wrote of gIants
? and Wtlilam who dreamed of nobIlIty and JlIl1 the comedian SInging
c t Blarrney castle me darhn'
you're nothIng now but a StOWne " and Plarr talkIng of mathematics
or Jepson lover of Jade MaurIe who wrote hIstorIcal novels
and Newbolt who looked tWIce bathed are to earth o'ergiven
And thIS day the sun was clouded _ u You SIt stIller" saId Kokka
U If whenever you move somethIng Jangles"
and the old Marchesa remembered a receptIon In Petersburg
and Kokka thought there mIght be some SOCIety (good) left m
SpaIn, wd he care to frequent It, my god, no' opInIon In 1924
Slrdar, Bouiller and Les Lllas,
or Dleudonne London, or VOIsin's,
Uncle George stood lIke a statesman 'PEl IIANTA :6. 115 up every hollow
the cake shops In the Nevsky, and Schoners
not to mentIon der Greif at Bolsano la patronne gettIng older Mouquin's or Robert's 40 years after
and La MarqUIse de PIerre had never before met an American Ct and all theIr generatIon "
no It IS not In that chorus
Huddy gOlng out and taller than anyone present
ou sont les heurs of that year Mr James shIeldIng hImself WIth Mrs Hawkesby
as It were a bowl shIeldIng Itself WIth a walkIng stIck as he maneuvered hIS way toward the door
SaId Mr Adams, of the educatIon,
Teach~ at Harvard">
Teach? It cannot be done and thiS I had from the monument
? Haec sunt fastae
Under Talshan quatorze JUlllet wIth the hIlI ablaze north of Talshan
and Amber Rives IS dead, the end of that c. . . hapter see T In1e for June 25th,
Mr Graham hln1self unInlstakeably,
on a horse, an ear and the beard's pOInt showIng
and the Farben works stIll Intact
to the tune of Llhbullero
and they have bItched the AdelphI nIgge. . . s scalIng the obstacle fence
In the rntddle dlstanc. . e
and Mr Edwards superb green and brown
In ward No 4 a Jacent benIgnity, of the Baluba mask U doan you tell no one
I made you that table"
Dlethenamlne eases the urIne
and the greatest IS charIty
to be found among those who have not observed
regulatIons not of course that we 'ldvocate-
and yet petty larceny
In a regime based on grand larceny mIght rank as conformity Dlent' altro with JustIce shall be redeen1ed
who putteth not out hIs money on Interest
et In meteyard In weight or In measure"
XIX LevitIcuS or First ThessalonIans 4, I I
3 0 0 years culture at the mercy of a tack hammer thrown thru the roof
Cloud over mountain, mountaIn over the cloud I surrender neither the empire nor the temples
plural nor the constitutIon nor yet the CIty of Dloce
? each one In hiS god's name
as by Terraclna rose from the sea Zephyr behInd her
and fron1 her manner of walking
as had Anchlses
till the shrIne be agaIn whIte WIth ma' hIe till tIle stone eyes look again seaward
The Wind IS part of the process
The raIn IS part of the process and the Pleiades set In her mIrror
Kuanon, thiS stone brlngeth sleep, offered the WIne bowl
grass nowhere out of place
X86vta y? a, M~T'YJP,
by thy herbs rnenthe thyme and bastllcum,
from whom and to whom,
wIll never be more now than at present being given a new green katydId of a Sunday
emerald, paler than emerald,
mInus Its rIght propeller
thIS tent IS to me and TI(R)ONOI eater of grape pulp
In COltU Inlumloatlo
Manet painted the bar at La Clgnle or at Les Foltes In that year
she dId her hair In small ringlets, a la 1880 It might have been, red, and the dress she wore Drecol or Lanvln
a great goddess, Aeneas knew her forthwith by paInt unmortal as no other age IS unmortal
la France dlxneuvleme Degas Manet Guys unforgettable
a great brute sweatIng paint saId Vanderpyl 40 years later of Vlan'llnck
for thIS stone giveth sleep
starla senza pru scosse
and eucal}ptus that IS for n1emory
under the ollyes, by cypress, mare Tlrreno,
? Past Malmalson In field by the river the tables
Sirdar, Armenonvllle
Or at Ventadour the keys of the chateau,
raIn, UsseI,
To the left of la bella Torre the tower of Ugo1100 In the tower to the left of the tower
chewed hiS son's head
and the only people who did anythIng of any Interest were H, M
FrobenIUS der Gehelmrat
der 1m Baluba das Gewltter gemacht hat
and MonSieur Jean wrote a play now and then or the Possum
pouvrette et anClenne oncques lettre ne Ius I don't know how humanity stands It
WIth a paInted paradIse at the end of It
wIthout a paInted paradIse at the end of It
the dwarf mornIng-glory tWInes round the grass blade
magna NUX anlmae wIth Barabbas and . 2 thieves beSIde me,
the wards lIke a slave ship,
Mr Edwards, Hudson, Henry comes mtser,ae
ComItes Kernes, Green and Tom WIlson God's messenger Whiteside
and the guards op/ of the
was lower than that of the prlc;oners
Ct all them g d m f generals c s all of 'em fasclSts" Ct fer a bag 0) Dukes"
U the thIngs I saye an' dooo "
ac ego In harum
so lay men In CIrce's sWine-sty,
IVIln harum ego ac Vidl cadaveres anlmae
U c'mon small fry" sd/ the lIttle coon to the big black,
of the slaver as seen between decks and all the presIdents
WashIngton Adams Monroe Polk Tyler 436
? plus Carrol (of Carrolton) Crawford
RobbIng the publIc for prIvate Indl'\ldual's gaIn @EArEIN every bank of dIscount IS downrIght InIquIty
robbIng the pubhc for private IndIvidual's gain
nee bcnecomata ! {,lrke, m1h' Kal<tL cf>'-pyah. EBwKEV neither with hons nor leopards attended
but pOlson, veleno
In all the veIns of the commonweal
1? on hIgh, wIll flow downward all thru them
1? on the forge at PredapPIo"> sd/ old Upward
U nottheprIestbuttheVIctIm"
hIS seal Sltalkas, sd/ the old combattant t t VIctIm,
wIthstood them by Thames and by NIger wIth pistol hi NIger wIth a prIntIng press by the Thomas bank"
untIl I end my song
and shot himself,
for praIse of IntaglIos
Matteo and Plsanello out of Babylon they are left us
for roll or plain 1mpact
or cut square In the Jade block
nox anlmae magna from the tent under Talshan amid what was termed the a h of the army theguardsholdIngopInIon AsItweretodreamof morttclans' daughters raddled but amorous
To study with the whIte wlngs of tune passing IS not that our delIght
to have frlends come flom far countries lS not that pleasure
nor to care that we are untrumpeted?
:filIal, fraternal affection IS the root of humaneness
the root of tIle process
nor are elaborate speeches and slIck alacrity
employ men In proper season 437
? not when they are at harvest
E al Trledro, Cunlzza e l'altra Ct 10 son' la Luna"
dry friable earth gOIng from dust to more dust
grass worn from Its root-hold
IS It blacker' was It blacker) Nl~e anllnae'>
IS there a blacker or was It merely San Juan wIth a bellyache
writing ad posteros
In short shall we look for a deeper or IS thIS the bottom)
Ugohno, the tower there on the tree lIne Berlm dysentery phosphorus
la vleille de CandIde
(Hullo Corporal Casey) double X or burocracy)
Le Paraws n'est pas artln. clel
but spezzato apparently
It eXIsts only m fragments unexpected excellent sausage,
the smell of mint, for example,
Ladro the nIght cat,
at Neml waited on the slope above the lake sunken In the pocket
of hIlls awaItIng deCISIon from the old lunch cabin bUilt Ol1t over the shingle,
Zarathustra, now desuete
to Jupiter and to Hermes where now IS the castellaro
no vestIge save In the aIr
In stone IS no ImprInt and the grey walls of no era
under the olIves saeculorum Athenae 1AOlJ', i'Aa;uJ(w1Tf,~,
that which gleams and then does not gleam
as the leaf turns In the air
Boreas Apellota Ilbecclo
tC C'e II babao," said the young motl1er
and the bathers lIke small btrds under hawk's eye 438
? shrank back under the clIff's edge at 11 Pozzetto
al Tlgulho
tt wd " saId the guard u: take everyone of them g d m f generals c s all of 'em fascIsts"
Oedlpus, nepotes Reml magnanIml
so Mr BullIngton lay on his back lIke an ape SIngIng 0 sweet and lovely
o Lady be good"
In harum ac ego IVI Crll11lnals have no Intellectual Interests)
and for three months cUd not know the taste of hIs food In ChI heard Shun's mUSIC
the sharp song wIth sun under Its radiance
AL)'l p'
one tanka entltled the shadow babao, or the hawk's WIng
of no fortune and wIth a name to come Is downrIght InIquIty saId J Adams
at 35 Instead of 21 65
doubtless condItIoned by what hIS father heard In
Byzantluln doubtless condItioned by the spawn of the gt Meyer Anselm
That old H had heard from the ass eared mIlItarIst In Byzantlun1 U Why stop) " << To begIn agaIn when we are stronger"
and young HI the tIp from the augean stables In ParIS WIth Sleff In attendance, or not
as the case may have been,
thus conditlon. . . ng Meyer Anselm, a rrromance, yes, yes certaIn! y
but more fool you 1? you fall for It two centuries later
from theIr seats the blond bastards, and cast 'em the yldd IS a stimulant, and the gOyIm are cattle
In gtl proportIon and go to saleable slaughter WIth the maximum of dOClhty but 1?
? a place be versalzen",)
With Justice,
by the law, from the law or It IS not In the contract
Y u has nothing pinned on Jehoveh
sent and named Shun who to the
autumnal heavens sha-o
with the sun under Its melody
to the compassionate heavens
and there IS also the XIXth LevIticuS
U Thou shalt purchase the field wIth money"
signed JeremIah
from the tower of Hananel unto Goah unto the horse gate $8 50 In Anatoth whIch IS In BenJamIn, $8 67
For the purIty of the air on Chocorua In a land of rnapIe
From the law, by the law, so bUIld yrl temple
with Justice In meteyard and me1sure a black delIcate hand
a whIte's hand like a ham
pass by, seen under the tent-flap on sick call cornman' cornman', sick call comman'
and the two largest rackets are the alternation of the value of money
(0? the unit of money METATHEMENON TE TON KRUMENON
and usury @ 60 or lendmg
that whIch IS made out of nothlI"g
and the state can lend money as was done by Athens for the bUIldIng of the SalamIS fleet
and 1? the packet gets lost In tranSIt ask Churchdl's baclters
where It has got to the state need not borrow nor do the veterans need state guarantees
? for prIvate usurIOUS lendIng
In fact that IS the cat In the woodshed
the state need not borrow
as was shown by the mayor of W orgl
who had a mIlk route
and whose wIfe sold shIrts and short breeches
and on whose book-shelf was the LIfe of Henry Ford and also a copy of the DIVlna Conlmedla
and of the Gedlchte of HeIne
a nIce lIttle town In the Tyrol In a wIde flat-lYIng valley near Innsbruck and when a note of the
small town of W orgl went over a counter In Innsbruck
and the banker saw It go over
all the slobs In Europe were terrIfied
cc no one)) saId the Frau Burgomelster
cc In thIs vIllage who cd/ wrIte a newspaper artIcle Knew It was money but pretended It was not
In order to be on the safe side of the law"
But In RUSSIa they bungled and dId not apparently grasp the Idea of worI\. -ccrtlf1c1te
and started the N E P wIth dIsaster
and the ImmolatIon of men to machInery
and the can'tl work and gt/ mortahty (whIch IS as may be)
and went In for dumpIng In order to trouble the waters In the usurers' hell-a-dlce
all of whIch leads to the death-cells
each In the name of Its god
or longeVIty because as says ArIstotle
philosophy 15 not for young men
theIr Katholou can not be sufficIently derIved from
theIr hekasta
their generalItIes cannot be born from a sufficIent phalanx
of partIculars
? lord of hIs work and n1aster of utte. LJnce
who turneth hIs wOld In Its season and shapes It Yaou chose Shun to longeVIty
who seIzed the extrenlltles and the OpposItes holdIng true course between tht. nl
shIeldIng men from theIr errors
cleavIng to the good they had found holdIng empIre as If not In a mortar WIth It
nor dazzled thereby
wd/ ha"e put the old man, S01l perc on h ,,~houlders
and gone off to some barren seacoast
Says the Japanese sentry Paaah. . yu dJeep over there, some of the best soldIers we have 51) s the captaIn
Dal NIppon BanzaI from the PhIlIppInes
remembermg Kageklyo t ( how stIff the shaft of your nec. k IS U
and they went off each hiS own '\\TUY
cc a better fencer than I was'" s'ud ! <. umasak'l, 1. s111de,
cc I believe In the resurrectIon of Italy qUIa ImpO')Slblle est
4 tnnes to the song of GaSSlr
now In the mInd IndestructIble
KOPH, '~rAAO~'AAAOY Glass-eye Wemyss treadIng water
and addreSSIng the carpcntel fron1 the <ieawaves because of an unpInned sectIon of taff-r 111
we are not so Ignorant as you think 111 the navy Gesell entered the Llndhauer governn1ent
whIch lasted rather less th'ln 5 days
but was acquitted as an Innocent stral1ger
Oh yes, the money IS there,
11 danaro c'e, said PellegrinI
(very peculIar under the clres) musketeers rather more than 20 years later
an old man (or oldish) stIli Jctlve 442.
? servIng small stones fron1 a 13th r lCq uct II? puEq. ,ov? . t4 under Talshan
In sight of the tower che plndc on such a lItter rode PontIus
under such canvass In the ah of the army
In sIght of two red can~ lab<. lcd U
SaId Von Tlrpltz to }us daughll. r bc\vart. of th<. . lr charm ~EIPHNE~thIS cross turns ,vlth the sun
and the gOyIm are undoubt(. . dl\ In gI Celt nunlbers tJttle whereas aJew wIll receive Infollnatlon
he wIll s. ,thcr up lntorn'l3tlon faute de sonlcthlng nlore solId
but not In all cases
~EIPHNE:S had apprCcl1tcd hlS con\ crsatlon
XAPITE~ possIbly In th<. soft aIr WIth the n13st held by tht. . left h l. nd In thiS atr as of I"u1non
enIgma forgettIng the tln,c~ and "'t. 1c;ons
but thIS aIr brought her ashore a Ia tnarlna wIth the great shell borne on the. . scawavcs
nautlhs bl~t1C3~tra
By no means an orderly DJnt(. . \c'ln rl~lng
but as the wInds veer
tlra IlbccLlo now GenJl at Suma , tlf1 lxbccCI0
as the wlnd~veer and the 1aft IS drIven and the VOIces ,TIro, AIcmcne
wIth you IS Europa nee cast~ Paslphae
Eu! us, Apchota as the wInds veer In perlplum 10 son la luna " Cunlzza
as the wInds veer In perlplum and [roIn under the Rupe Tarpela
drunk wIth WIne of the Cast,lll
(( In the name of Its god >> U ')plrltus venl U
? advenl / not to a schen'la
Ct IS not for the young" saId Arry, staglrIte
but as grass under Zephyrus
as the green blade under Apehota
TIme IS not, Tune IS the eVil, beloved Beloved the hours {3poOOOfJ. KT1,Aor;
as agaInst the half-hght of the wIndow
wIth the sea beyond making horIzon Ie COntre-jour the 11ne of the cameo
profile cc to carve Achala "
a dream passIng over the face In the half-light Venere, Cytherea U aut Rhodon "
vento hgure, venI
ct beauty IS dIfncult " sd/ Mr Beardsley
and sd/ Mr Kettlewell looking up from a
pseudo-Beardsley of hIS freshman composltion and speaklng to W Lawrence
PIty you dIdn't finIsh the Job
whIle you were at It "
W L haVIng run Into the future non-sovereIgn Edvardus
on abicycle equally freshman
ad 1910 or about that
beauty IS ddncult
In the days of the BerlIn to Bagdad project
and of Tom L's photos of rock temples In ArabIa Petra but he wd/ not talk of
LL G and the frogbassador, he wanted to talk modern art (T L dId)
but of second rate, not the first rate
beauty IS dIfficult
He saId I protested too much he wanted to start a press and prInt the greek claSSICS periplum
and the very very aged Snow created consIderable hIlarIty quotIng the epalve-T-r-T-TTr-a. l P. OL
In reply to l'aer trel1'/. are
? beauty IS dlffi. cult
But on the other hand the PresIdent of :Nlagdalen
(rhymIng dawdhn') saId there were
too many words In cc The Hound of Heaven" a moddddun opohem he had read
and there was no doubt that the dons hved well
In tre kawledg
It was 1? I remember rIghtly the burn and freeze that the fresh- men
had failed to follow
or else a mere deSire to titter etc and I t IS (In parenthesIs) doubtless
easIer to teach them to roar like gorillas than to scan epa. tv? Tal P. OL
InferIor gorIllas of course, lackIng the wInd sack
and although Slkl was qUIte observable we have not yet calculated the sum
gorilla +bayonet
and there was a good man named Burr
descendant of Aaron durIng the other war
who was amused by the British
but he didn't last long AND
Corporal Casey tells me that StalIn Ie bonhomme Stahne
has no sense of humour (dear I<. oba') and old Rhys, Ernest, was a lover of beauty
and when he was still engIneer In a coal mine
a man passed hIm at hIgh speed radIant In the mine gallery hiS face shining wIth ecstasy
tt A'hv Joost Tommy Luff "
and as Luff was tWice the fellow's SIze, Rhys was puzzled The Muses are daughters of memory
CliO, Terpsichore
and Granville was a lover of beauty and the three ladles all waited
? CC andwIthanametocomeU ECJ'O'OJJ. l. vourL
ara111 vult nemus
Came Madame LucreZla
and on the back of the door In Cesena are, or were, stIll the InItIals
Joh quart d'heure, (nella ~1alatestlana)
Torquato where art thou) to the clIck of hooves on the cobbles by Tevere
and U my fondest knIght he dead" or la Stuarda
U ghosts move about me" cc patched wIth hIstorIes"
but as Mead saId If they were, 'llJhat have they done 10 the Interval,
eh, to arrIve by metempsychosIs at ') and there are also the conjectures of the Fortean Society
Beauty IS difficult the plaIn ground
precedes the colours and thIs grass or whatever here under the tcntflaps
15, IndubItably, ban1boolform representatIve brush strokes wd/ be sImIlar
check bone, by verbal manifestatIon, hereyesasInt( L~Nasclta" whereas the child's face
IS at Capoquadrl1n the fresco square over the doorway centre background
the form beached under Hehos funge la purezza,
and that certaIn nnages be formed In the mInd to remaIn there
fOr11'Zato locho Arachne ml porta fortuna
to rematn there, resurgent EII(OJ\ E~ and stIll1n Trastevere
? for the deIficatIOll of enlpelors and the medallIons
to forge Achala
and as for plaYing checquels wIth blac. . . k Jim
on a barrel top whele now 1~ the RItz-Carlton
and the vOice of Monsieur Fouquet 01 tl,e Napoleon 3rd barblche of Mr Quacl{enbos, or Quackenbush
as I supposed It,
and Mrs ChIttenden's lofty aIr
and the remaIns of the old South tldewashed to Manhattan and brown-stone or (later) the outer front stair
leadIng to Mouquln's
or old Train (FrancIs) on the pavenlent In hiS plain wooden
or a fellow throwing a knife In the market past baskets and bushels of peaches
at $I the bushel
and the cool of the 42nd St tunnel (perlplum)
white-wash and horse cars, the LexIngton Avenue (. 'lble refinement, prIde of tradition, alabaster
Towers of PIsa (alabaster, not Ivory)
coloured photographs of Europa
carved wood from Venice venetIan glass and the samovar and the fire bucket, 1806 Barre Mass'chusetts
and the Charter Oak In Connecticut
or to begin with Cologne Cathedral
the Torwaldsen hon and Paolo Uccello
and thence to Al Hambra, the lion court and el mirador de la rellla LlndaraJa
orlent reaclling to TangIer, the clrffs the Villa of PeldlcarlS Ra1s VII, perlplum
Mr Joyce also preoccupIed with Gibraltar
and the PIllars of Hercules 447
? not wIth my patIo and the wistaria and the tennIS courts or the bugs In Mrs Jevons' hotel
or the quahty of the beer served to saIlors veder Naptoll111 or PavIa the romanesque
being preferable
and by analogy the form of San Zeno the
columns signed by theIr n1aker
the frescoes In S PIetro and the madonna In Ortolo
eC( fadlclaritaraertremare"
as In the manuscrIpt of the Capltolare Trattoria degh Apostol! (dodlel)
u Ecco11teU saidtheheadwalter
In 19I~explainIng Its mysteries to the piccolo with a teapot from another hotel
but coffee came to ASSISl much later
that IS, so one cd/ drInk It
when It was lost In Orleans and France seml-ruln'd
thus the coffee-house facts of VIenna
whereas Mr Carver merIts nlentlon for the
cultivation of peanuts,
arachldl, and the sOJa has yet to save Europe
and the wops do not use maple syrup the useful operatIons of con1merce
stone after stone of beauty cast down and authentICitIes dIsputed by parasites
(made In Ragusa) and what art do you handle? U The best" And the moderns~ce Oh, nothIng modern
we couldn't sell anything modern"
But Herr Bacher's father made madonnas stIll In the traditIon carved wood as you might have found m any cathedral
and another Bacher stIll cut IntaglIOS
such as Salustlo's m the time of Ixotta,
where the masks come from, In the TIrol, In the WInter season
searching every house to drive out the demons 448
? Serenely In the crystal Jet
as the brIght ball that the fountain tosses
(VerlaIne) as dIamond clearness
How soft the wInd under T alshan
where the sea IS remembered out of hell, the pIt
out of the dust and glare eVIl Zephyrus / Apehota
ThIs lIquId IS certaInly a property of the mInd
nee accIdens est but an element
In the mInd's make-up
est agens and functIons dust to a fountaIn pan otherwIse Hast 'ou seen the rose In the steel dust
(or swansdown ever'>>)
so hght IS the urgIng, so ordered the d1rk petals of Iron
we who have passed over Lethe
? ? ? ? ? LXXV
UT of Phlegethon! Oout of Phlegethon,
. . . art thou come forth out of Phlegethon?
with Buxtehude and Klages in your satchel, with the Standcbuch of Sachs in luggage
-not of one bird but of many
~~ t=tr_W~
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. . . . If.
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"":::l- ZAta"" . . . -. . . .