], and I think we must sec both figurC1 as inte""l
in c.
s 10 die and that they .
nt to lte lIirn locked up.
Aloot I pentIed lsu.
ult, tile .
scquent accOunt again trealll it u a radio diuemination: 'yO\!
have jest (a ham) beamed list. . . . ill, throuab (a ham pis) bit Iut\ll<ed~'. 'ThenatP. . . . . . """"comis. . of"'"dewfold<<l
? ""n8 of the nightingal. . . . -it- a", Proene and l'hilomenl; m i$ T ereu. , and on the following page Jack me Ripper (36'. ~7-S). The identificationofm wirh the rapi". stimulates new indigno. _
tion from hi. ~u. tomen ('a ilidigiUlrian leg:i<m on druid drdc'), to which he i. obliged to <<ply (36). w--366,30). ? He i. 'Guilty but fellow. culpam! ' A happy faul'--je/ix (u/p<>-wa. indeed fd, hy bim, but be is incapahle of unlifting upfallen girl,. Hi. intentions w. r. mi. und. . . . t<>Od. T beT? ? '" now twenty to twmty_'_ tlwu- sand mailc<la~hes preparinl! : to Ulke 'branch offerdngs' to tbe pott parcel. dcpartmem.
364. 08--'4 ilhmutC'$ m~ l1UIwkidt duline of m in tbi. phase, F. . mnnourW of . . . . '. scbo<:>l, 0, he yearn. to put himself in their
C~)rh. . and leap wilh them, to . how tb. , he too i. bisexual. He makes an 'Atttmption' to imitate their prose (Dear and lest I forg~t Maggy and how do you do, Maggy ? ). If his wife runs cacldinR abou, it lih a hen, h~ remain. ? born gentleman (364- Z9-365. 0S). Furrher, withoutan arom of bia, from m , 0 acquiesced. in the mis- d. meanour (365. '0-. '). Condudinl! : (366. 29-30) that . he Ides of March makes a good day ! O be shot aI, he sulfen yot mou 100$ of prestige. Down w~nl McGin,y to 'he bottom nf the wall, dre'i~din hi. old ,ui'ofdoth. . . And he grew back into hi. gmcery h""inos', and there you Or<:.
Docwnen, No , ~ i, the nextupcet of the Nigb! leller and again oompri. es . ix pain,", of wbi~h the /l. r" t _ a", no. too arcane. In (a ) th~ "'cretaI)' hird -I pretended, amid autt>ougges1iom from Shem Ihe Penman, to write some _rdt, laughing that the ben (1TI'0 wife) would be rhe death of her. In (6) Maggy, the addrC'$$<< (1-) i. alway. hoping for the I. . ,er '0 lum up, which is part and
parcel of rhe s. antc G<:n~ral Po" Office, 00 that tbe latter end of the I~'tct might emerg<: arter a lun.
The remainder or 11. 3 will be oonsidered in chaplen 7 and 9, excepting the Roderick o'Connor fragmenl (380. 07- 3SZ_30) whicb el""es it. This i. the final memberof a . cries offalll (314_07- 9,334. 3I,3S). ZI,366. )Z-3). RoderickO'Connorwum. IUtIrish
Hil/hKing, diiplaced by the Anglo_Norman invade". He i. made heTC t" ltive a ]a. t . upper to an array . ,r earlier colonist. 'that he did not ""'" the royal . pil oul of hi. ""ten,ible moum about. ' They. ", the custome. . . , he is rhe publican. M. er meir departure he collapses from alcoholic ,tupor ,nd hi, mind drift> out to
Progrc. . of rh~ Nightletter 87
? 88 T he Sigla of H""qra~l Wakt- C. as Unity and Triad
It i1 n<:ccaso. ry to examine here the treannen. of C. in the note""""'. In describing hi, overthrowof m we have largely ignortd . he func- tion of -l the""in. But VI,B. <<. 66, written in '936-7, il spc<:ific: ' -t ! x:lrays m 10 1:, and """"ra! omer not. . . Link the th"". s;gla:
Vl. "-4? 1~4 VI. B. 15. 45 VLB. 1S? 163
VLB. J8,19
m 1-1 C. statuegroup marriage oath C. m -t
c. ,ubj \
m vtrb pa"e
-t "bien m-t & c.
frccdom of choi! '" tonight yC1ttrday found
A, t;xplained in chapter I, Joycc appear. to have a. . imilaled the siglum T (Trio",n) into c. , having mad<: King . \brk part of m and Isolde part "f -l Evidmce for a CiA bifurcation in Triotan comes from hi. name at ll]. 19, 'T reestone'. VLB. 31 il a, pain. 10 empha,ize the pun:
VLB. 31. 109 V I . H . ] L I I I
T ri'tan A SlOne
< "~
Stories concerning triangular rtl;nionohips wilh two males, one old, one }"Jung, comprise . he Ailh. da "r Ek>peTI1cnt$ in Idoh folk- lore. " The bc:ot known of mese i, the elopement "f Finn Mac- Coo)", wife Grainn. wim Diarmaid, and numerous parallel. occur in omer cowllrie" for example me rdation,hip of Arthur, Guine-
vereand Lancelot. The . dul"'n:. is frequently me nephew of th. hu. b,md and it i, oflen he who initially enco"rages the old man to consider marrying. In 11. 3 we obsccv. tbe '. hip', husband' arranging m'omarriage, and. , SI Patrick, baptizing m in pr<-para- tion for it. The oonjurIC. ion of I'atrick with T riSlan i. Onc \VI; have alrtady encowl1en:d, in the pcrson of Yawn in lII.
], and I think we must sec both figurC1 as inte""l clements in c. . VI. B. zl. ll8
no'C1 'c. Patrick'.
T h. fulion of C wilh A in 11. 3 i. ccrntinly anticipaled in n . ? -
"A. Ro<> . na B. R _ Cd<i< H";,. ,. (l<>ndoo, n. . m. , and HU<bon '913), <h. XIV.
? 2. We noticed the names 'Mid' . nd 'Nick' melting into 'Mak Nakulon'in258,,0-18. VI,B. ,l. l68hu '~W1lk,. ofind G<n' W. r AnJ! cl V o"vil ov<r'. Far mor<: . triking i. the auribution of the archetypal hilotmitf, or Tri,t:an and Patrick to 'Dolph' in ~87. ? 8- ~9Z. 32. The pon",il of 'Colph, dean of idlers, meager . udding or gerl stoan, though barckdy a balbo$c boy' initially . "",Iga"",(tf, wilh Swifl (abo in 'Ttinathan p:mnick dieudonnay' at 478. 26) and Bttkclty, As in the geometry les. on, I: roaches rebellion-lending Mikes (A) at 287. 28-288. 13, lelling himself the whole damning letter. Then, by references to Strollibow . nd the Dan. ,. , the in_ vader role i, imposed, and the (eaIUI. ,. h<<om. e . bo. e of the National Apostle, roaehing hi. COnverts.
Patrick w u probah ly an Armo,ic Gaul b<lrn near Boulogne. ru a youth he wa. captur<:d and broughllo Ireland, where he served Mikhu. Having . ,. caped and renJfl~dhomc, hi. subS<<lucnt mis_
,ion bad: 10 Ireland i. detailed in ~S8. IJ-289. 24. When he landed in Ireland', Ltins. . . for the second lime he converled its nalives to take offtheir BOrsalino hats whenever they eame within . . . . . -. hot of a Christian temple. He al'" {gught them to pray and hi, rol' ",ill prevails mightily there in spi. e of all 'he religiou, hlood since shed. The people b. :li. -ve in the inotiruti(m' of the miSSionary of the Papal Propagmda,. nd it i. b. :li. -ved that not all sorts ofbribery with lOup and nnt all kind, of gold W(luld ever induce them 10 change back to Iheir ancient W(ll'Ship of the Ihundergod. Patrick apOstrophizes hell. ermon. which bi' descendan" p"tp""ute. A. we {TO\>P along 10 church, lalking of meg>tlonunia and mi. . ioru again", ,nakeworship (Patrick bani. hed the onakcs), of courSe lhis ha' blame all in that Mediterranean world ' 0 do with the judge_ ments enunating from Peter's throne (bence the Paschal con_
We now 'return for ~ momCOt fmm ,he r~ptilc', age 'Qthe cox-
'wain On the first landing. ' The reptiles arc not only Patrick'. 'Creeping Crawleys' but al'" include Ihe dragon slain by Tristan on his. eomd hiolt visit. The Tri. "m element in~ is stressed from thi, point, ahbough 'he due of Patrick', miuion (43Z An) is , uppli<:d a, 190. 0~. 0 " Trist. n'~ /inllanding he was dying from wound. rcceived in hi' fighl with the lri. h champion Marh. ull, bUI 1",lde cured him by the application of herbal prep"ra! ions, 'a Blinkcosop"" cuddlebath ~t hOT proper mitts'.
290,14- 291. 02 considers the second vi,its of botb exemplarS. Pallid<, having heard the voices from the Wood of Foclut, landed atthe mouth ofthe Vanry (290. 1 8-19). Tristan returned to 1",lde with Ihe effect of a cold tku"'" for his object was 'to buy her . . .
~ at Unity and Triad 89
? ? and o. her dud maVOWT. . . . . ns tn pluribl~ numl>cn . . . on behalf 0 ( an ol<kl. abliohcd limuo . . ? of Sain. Yvca by l. andsend oomwcr' (Land', End. , Cornwall). Thill min. hive been I ? . ,. rib" pid'. oornmenu29'. OZ-t},bu. (0 thinkofhislubsequentlymu". ;na ? Moorui1""1dtandtoI<Yto. ""IyJtheruyingroembot<<him- if that is what L. i, circling \OWI. rdl, heaven hdp him (29L')-
291. (4).
Th~ remainder of the ! . I:ntmc~ remind. UI Ihlt, although the
theorem. of Tim. aM W. . ,. rn Man may exist for Our improve- ment, . here i. no point in preachi", any other f2ith here, for all I,e irredeemable Ca,hol;c,. . I'urthe" were you to! ook into C'. head )'Our own hcad wouLd ,,,,,I to ius. fancy the combination. of Itlle words'Hineplac. :. FinoUy,whe. her)'00>'? ? h2ppyorlid,youwill ~v? ? wooonfl~<Iocnme. fromthepolesoflhc'pupiltea- chcrtlu. dupla'. The rew. lutionafy lendency i, connected wilh
the Norweltian ~
Irilh notioru. li. . . . . )" and Ibo with the figu", 0( Swif? ? Th? \IOke
IIIOYnncnl (wllidt shows panll. l. wilh
edIoes the "",II_known quoullion from ParndL'? ? pe<<h In Ccrk on 21 Jln. . . . ry ,885' 'no man hl. l the right to fix th~ boundory (0 . hc march of. nolion. ' The reaclionary lendency, 'the beast of boredom, common OCn! . l:', connec. ed with Vanhomrish via the collu or SS (0<< p. 26 above), and with S. ttlW:, will hush you, insiSlina lIull you mull draw the Ii. . .
have jest (a ham) beamed list. . . . ill, throuab (a ham pis) bit Iut\ll<ed~'. 'ThenatP. . . . . . """"comis. . of"'"dewfold<<l
? ""n8 of the nightingal. . . . -it- a", Proene and l'hilomenl; m i$ T ereu. , and on the following page Jack me Ripper (36'. ~7-S). The identificationofm wirh the rapi". stimulates new indigno. _
tion from hi. ~u. tomen ('a ilidigiUlrian leg:i<m on druid drdc'), to which he i. obliged to <<ply (36). w--366,30). ? He i. 'Guilty but fellow. culpam! ' A happy faul'--je/ix (u/p<>-wa. indeed fd, hy bim, but be is incapahle of unlifting upfallen girl,. Hi. intentions w. r. mi. und. . . . t<>Od. T beT? ? '" now twenty to twmty_'_ tlwu- sand mailc<la~hes preparinl! : to Ulke 'branch offerdngs' to tbe pott parcel. dcpartmem.
364. 08--'4 ilhmutC'$ m~ l1UIwkidt duline of m in tbi. phase, F. . mnnourW of . . . . '. scbo<:>l, 0, he yearn. to put himself in their
C~)rh. . and leap wilh them, to . how tb. , he too i. bisexual. He makes an 'Atttmption' to imitate their prose (Dear and lest I forg~t Maggy and how do you do, Maggy ? ). If his wife runs cacldinR abou, it lih a hen, h~ remain. ? born gentleman (364- Z9-365. 0S). Furrher, withoutan arom of bia, from m , 0 acquiesced. in the mis- d. meanour (365. '0-. '). Condudinl! : (366. 29-30) that . he Ides of March makes a good day ! O be shot aI, he sulfen yot mou 100$ of prestige. Down w~nl McGin,y to 'he bottom nf the wall, dre'i~din hi. old ,ui'ofdoth. . . And he grew back into hi. gmcery h""inos', and there you Or<:.
Docwnen, No , ~ i, the nextupcet of the Nigb! leller and again oompri. es . ix pain,", of wbi~h the /l. r" t _ a", no. too arcane. In (a ) th~ "'cretaI)' hird -I pretended, amid autt>ougges1iom from Shem Ihe Penman, to write some _rdt, laughing that the ben (1TI'0 wife) would be rhe death of her. In (6) Maggy, the addrC'$$<< (1-) i. alway. hoping for the I. . ,er '0 lum up, which is part and
parcel of rhe s. antc G<:n~ral Po" Office, 00 that tbe latter end of the I~'tct might emerg<: arter a lun.
The remainder or 11. 3 will be oonsidered in chaplen 7 and 9, excepting the Roderick o'Connor fragmenl (380. 07- 3SZ_30) whicb el""es it. This i. the final memberof a . cries offalll (314_07- 9,334. 3I,3S). ZI,366. )Z-3). RoderickO'Connorwum. IUtIrish
Hil/hKing, diiplaced by the Anglo_Norman invade". He i. made heTC t" ltive a ]a. t . upper to an array . ,r earlier colonist. 'that he did not ""'" the royal . pil oul of hi. ""ten,ible moum about. ' They. ", the custome. . . , he is rhe publican. M. er meir departure he collapses from alcoholic ,tupor ,nd hi, mind drift> out to
Progrc. . of rh~ Nightletter 87
? 88 T he Sigla of H""qra~l Wakt- C. as Unity and Triad
It i1 n<:ccaso. ry to examine here the treannen. of C. in the note""""'. In describing hi, overthrowof m we have largely ignortd . he func- tion of -l the""in. But VI,B. <<. 66, written in '936-7, il spc<:ific: ' -t ! x:lrays m 10 1:, and """"ra! omer not. . . Link the th"". s;gla:
Vl. "-4? 1~4 VI. B. 15. 45 VLB. 1S? 163
VLB. J8,19
m 1-1 C. statuegroup marriage oath C. m -t
c. ,ubj \
m vtrb pa"e
-t "bien m-t & c.
frccdom of choi! '" tonight yC1ttrday found
A, t;xplained in chapter I, Joycc appear. to have a. . imilaled the siglum T (Trio",n) into c. , having mad<: King . \brk part of m and Isolde part "f -l Evidmce for a CiA bifurcation in Triotan comes from hi. name at ll]. 19, 'T reestone'. VLB. 31 il a, pain. 10 empha,ize the pun:
VLB. 31. 109 V I . H . ] L I I I
T ri'tan A SlOne
< "~
Stories concerning triangular rtl;nionohips wilh two males, one old, one }"Jung, comprise . he Ailh. da "r Ek>peTI1cnt$ in Idoh folk- lore. " The bc:ot known of mese i, the elopement "f Finn Mac- Coo)", wife Grainn. wim Diarmaid, and numerous parallel. occur in omer cowllrie" for example me rdation,hip of Arthur, Guine-
vereand Lancelot. The . dul"'n:. is frequently me nephew of th. hu. b,md and it i, oflen he who initially enco"rages the old man to consider marrying. In 11. 3 we obsccv. tbe '. hip', husband' arranging m'omarriage, and. , SI Patrick, baptizing m in pr<-para- tion for it. The oonjurIC. ion of I'atrick with T riSlan i. Onc \VI; have alrtady encowl1en:d, in the pcrson of Yawn in lII.
], and I think we must sec both figurC1 as inte""l clements in c. . VI. B. zl. ll8
no'C1 'c. Patrick'.
T h. fulion of C wilh A in 11. 3 i. ccrntinly anticipaled in n . ? -
"A. Ro<> . na B. R _ Cd<i< H";,. ,. (l<>ndoo, n. . m. , and HU<bon '913), <h. XIV.
? 2. We noticed the names 'Mid' . nd 'Nick' melting into 'Mak Nakulon'in258,,0-18. VI,B. ,l. l68hu '~W1lk,. ofind G<n' W. r AnJ! cl V o"vil ov<r'. Far mor<: . triking i. the auribution of the archetypal hilotmitf, or Tri,t:an and Patrick to 'Dolph' in ~87. ? 8- ~9Z. 32. The pon",il of 'Colph, dean of idlers, meager . udding or gerl stoan, though barckdy a balbo$c boy' initially . "",Iga"",(tf, wilh Swifl (abo in 'Ttinathan p:mnick dieudonnay' at 478. 26) and Bttkclty, As in the geometry les. on, I: roaches rebellion-lending Mikes (A) at 287. 28-288. 13, lelling himself the whole damning letter. Then, by references to Strollibow . nd the Dan. ,. , the in_ vader role i, imposed, and the (eaIUI. ,. h<<om. e . bo. e of the National Apostle, roaehing hi. COnverts.
Patrick w u probah ly an Armo,ic Gaul b<lrn near Boulogne. ru a youth he wa. captur<:d and broughllo Ireland, where he served Mikhu. Having . ,. caped and renJfl~dhomc, hi. subS<<lucnt mis_
,ion bad: 10 Ireland i. detailed in ~S8. IJ-289. 24. When he landed in Ireland', Ltins. . . for the second lime he converled its nalives to take offtheir BOrsalino hats whenever they eame within . . . . . -. hot of a Christian temple. He al'" {gught them to pray and hi, rol' ",ill prevails mightily there in spi. e of all 'he religiou, hlood since shed. The people b. :li. -ve in the inotiruti(m' of the miSSionary of the Papal Propagmda,. nd it i. b. :li. -ved that not all sorts ofbribery with lOup and nnt all kind, of gold W(luld ever induce them 10 change back to Iheir ancient W(ll'Ship of the Ihundergod. Patrick apOstrophizes hell. ermon. which bi' descendan" p"tp""ute. A. we {TO\>P along 10 church, lalking of meg>tlonunia and mi. . ioru again", ,nakeworship (Patrick bani. hed the onakcs), of courSe lhis ha' blame all in that Mediterranean world ' 0 do with the judge_ ments enunating from Peter's throne (bence the Paschal con_
We now 'return for ~ momCOt fmm ,he r~ptilc', age 'Qthe cox-
'wain On the first landing. ' The reptiles arc not only Patrick'. 'Creeping Crawleys' but al'" include Ihe dragon slain by Tristan on his. eomd hiolt visit. The Tri. "m element in~ is stressed from thi, point, ahbough 'he due of Patrick', miuion (43Z An) is , uppli<:d a, 190. 0~. 0 " Trist. n'~ /inllanding he was dying from wound. rcceived in hi' fighl with the lri. h champion Marh. ull, bUI 1",lde cured him by the application of herbal prep"ra! ions, 'a Blinkcosop"" cuddlebath ~t hOT proper mitts'.
290,14- 291. 02 considers the second vi,its of botb exemplarS. Pallid<, having heard the voices from the Wood of Foclut, landed atthe mouth ofthe Vanry (290. 1 8-19). Tristan returned to 1",lde with Ihe effect of a cold tku"'" for his object was 'to buy her . . .
~ at Unity and Triad 89
? ? and o. her dud maVOWT. . . . . ns tn pluribl~ numl>cn . . . on behalf 0 ( an ol<kl. abliohcd limuo . . ? of Sain. Yvca by l. andsend oomwcr' (Land', End. , Cornwall). Thill min. hive been I ? . ,. rib" pid'. oornmenu29'. OZ-t},bu. (0 thinkofhislubsequentlymu". ;na ? Moorui1""1dtandtoI<Yto. ""IyJtheruyingroembot<<him- if that is what L. i, circling \OWI. rdl, heaven hdp him (29L')-
291. (4).
Th~ remainder of the ! . I:ntmc~ remind. UI Ihlt, although the
theorem. of Tim. aM W. . ,. rn Man may exist for Our improve- ment, . here i. no point in preachi", any other f2ith here, for all I,e irredeemable Ca,hol;c,. . I'urthe" were you to! ook into C'. head )'Our own hcad wouLd ,,,,,I to ius. fancy the combination. of Itlle words'Hineplac. :. FinoUy,whe. her)'00>'? ? h2ppyorlid,youwill ~v? ? wooonfl~<Iocnme. fromthepolesoflhc'pupiltea- chcrtlu. dupla'. The rew. lutionafy lendency i, connected wilh
the Norweltian ~
Irilh notioru. li. . . . . )" and Ibo with the figu", 0( Swif? ? Th? \IOke
IIIOYnncnl (wllidt shows panll. l. wilh
edIoes the "",II_known quoullion from ParndL'? ? pe<<h In Ccrk on 21 Jln. . . . ry ,885' 'no man hl. l the right to fix th~ boundory (0 . hc march of. nolion. ' The reaclionary lendency, 'the beast of boredom, common OCn! . l:', connec. ed with Vanhomrish via the collu or SS (0<< p. 26 above), and with S. ttlW:, will hush you, insiSlina lIull you mull draw the Ii. . .