Arthur Schlesinger - Colonial Merchants and the American Revolution
London Merchants trading to America and all the American
Merchants trading with Britain," said " Reclusus," "must
highly resent such a Monopoly, considered only as it effects
their private Interest" and without regard to the fact that
everyone who buys the tea will be paying tribute to the
"harpy Commissioners" and to Parliament; the newly-
appointed tea consignees " can't seriously imagine that the
Merchants will quietly see themselves excluded from a con-
siderable branch of Trade .
London Merchants trading to America and all the American
Merchants trading with Britain," said " Reclusus," "must
highly resent such a Monopoly, considered only as it effects
their private Interest" and without regard to the fact that
everyone who buys the tea will be paying tribute to the
"harpy Commissioners" and to Parliament; the newly-
appointed tea consignees " can't seriously imagine that the
Merchants will quietly see themselves excluded from a con-
siderable branch of Trade .