us to light, i.
Augustine - Exposition on the Psalms - v6
world, ii. 391, &c. (see Babylon, Jerusalem. ) kingdom ofheaven, how to be bought, v. 264. for a cup of cold water, if we have no more, ii. 348.
Kings, were anointed, vi. 438. Christ anointed as King, ib. the higher they are in earthly things, the more they ought to humble themselves before God, vi. 183. earthly kings beneath the King of heaven, iii. 56. Christians are to honour and obey
unjust and unbelieving kings, v. 450, 542. the Jews wrong, not in saying Csesar was their king, but in refusing Christ, iii. 55. Christ is our King, i. 192.
Christ, rather than the Father, or the Holy Ghost, called a King in Scripture, i. 24.
Kings, metaphorically, those who rule the lusts of the flesh, iii. 333 ; iv. 23.
Kishon, meaning of the name, iv. 144. mystically applied, ib.
Knowledge, the moon a symbol of, vi. 156. distinguished from wisdom, ib. that useful which teaches a man his own deserts, and God's gifts to him, v. 385. that which is accompanied by charity and humility, vi. 283. the
sum of knowledge to know that we are nothing, and that all come from
threefold, given in Paradise, im planted by nature, written in letters, v. 425. God's Law His "Will, ii. 52. Christ is the Law, i. 126. the Holy Spirit, i. 135.
Of nature, implanted in all, iii. 97 ; v. 425. written, why given in addition to the natural, iii. 97. typi fied by Elisha's staff, iii. 428. a firmament, iv. 349. given fifty days after the passover, a type of the descent of the Holy Ghost, iv. 308. offered temporal rewards, but veiled spiritual ones under them, iv. 281.
those who sin under the law to perish, v. 423. how called weak, iii. 321. because unable to justify, iii. 427. without grace is a stumbling-stone, iv. 309. increases, not takes away, sin, v. 421. avails to convict of sin, not to give salvation, iii. 427; iv. 52 ; v. 434. why such a law given, iv. 159; v. 434 ; vi. 64. drives man to seek grace, v. 425. cannot be fulfilled without grace, ii. 168; vi. 296. distinction between the new
and old law, iv. 48 ; v. 355. rites of the law abolished, vi. 296.
The Gospel, the law of faith, v. 352. of mercy, i. 206; vi. 64. ful filled by love, not fear, i. 314; iii. 338; iv. 55; v. 355, 411. when truly remembered, iii. 149; v. 327. no,
law needed in heaven hereafter, iv.
349; v. 101. (see Grace, Works. ) Lawsuits, to go to law, even before
Resurrection, i. 399. love, our true life, iii. 33, 36. a good life the pre paration for Christ's coming, iii. 310. our life should follow, where our hope is, vi. 176. a good life, a pen writing on our hearts, iv. 382. an evil life blasphemes God, vi. 359. we should praise God by our lives, ib. (see Praise. } the life of the good, hidden, vi. 430. the miseries of this life little matter, if we attain to eternal life, ii. 313. the hope of eternal life, the life of this life, v. 145.
Everlasting life, Christ's death a pledge of, vi. 422. less incredible than that God should die, ib. alone to be called life, v. 396. none fit for, who prepare not themselves now, vi. 415. signified by length of days, iv. 311. how called one day, i. 195. (see Eternity. )
their own judges, a fault in Chris tians, iv. 131 ; v. sis. the lawsuits of Christians, a burden to the Bishops who had to decide them, v. 418. Episcopal judgments maintained by the civil law, i. 186.
Lazarus, means ' aided,' iii. 402. a type of the Church, ib. his raising a type of repentance, his loosing of absolution, v. 20. Lazarus in the Parable, his merit not poverty, but godliness, ii. 402. Lazarus and the rich man change places after death, ii. 312.
Lent, a type of the misery of this life, v. 256; vi. 416.
INDEX. 487
Lie, a, has no existence, i. 27. no lie,
where no duplicity, i. 28. to lie and
to conceal the truth, not the same,
i. 27. every sin, a lie, iv. 319; vi. Light, two kinds of, the light of the
23. we may not lie to a Pagan more than to a Christian, i. 176. lies in jest, not so sinful as others, yet not
good, i. 28. when spoken in kindness, for another's safety, excusable, i. 27. but the better way not to lie even in this way, ib. lying generally arises from flattery, i. 30. the toil of lying, vi. 230.
Life, man's, two-fold, according to the flesh, and the spirit, i. 34; iii. 435. the soul, the life of the body; God, of the soul, ib. a present and a future life, iii. 178. the first set forth by the number forty, the latter, by fifty, v. 257. such as we depart from this life, such shall we be in the next, ii. 12. the old life and the new life, iv. 281.
sun, and the light of God for the righteous, iv. 432. Christ the Light of God, ii. 202. God's making light on the first day, a type of Christ's Resurrection, ii. 286. the soul learns from the light of God, vi. 341. the soul enlightened by God that it may do good works, iv. 343. God the Light of the heart, i. 202. which none but the pure in heart see, ib. iii. 302.
repentance restores us to light, i. 137. one abandoned to sin is shut out from the inward light of God, i. 40. the good heathen has eyes open, but in darkness: the wicked Christian is in light, but with eyes shut, i. 187. rising before the light, rising without Christ, vi. 21.
This life is death, v. 396 ; vi. 342. Likeness, to God, brings us near to
is all sickness, v. 41. the folly of thinking that life consists in earthly enjoyments, ii. 312. the ungodly only seem to live, iii. 123. is all temptation and trial, ii. 326; iv. 27, 210; v. 515. trial, whether we are in prosperity or adversity, vi. 306. tribulation, even in prosperity, to one who loves God, vi. 186. not to be trusted in, iii. 299. is night, be fore the day of eternity, iv. 27, 279; vi. 203. is a stage play, vi. 46. its pleasures a trap, v. 533; vi. 258. is an inn, not a home, i. 380. its short ness, i. 243; ii. 31; iv. 63, 322. hope of life, makes it seem long, i. 43. the shortness of life, compared with that of the patriarchs, no proof of God's greater anger now, iv. 274.
The new life, signified by Christ's
Him, i. 395; iv. 383, 467. if we would be like God, we must not withdraw from Him, iii. 438. con fession restores the likeness of God, which sin destroyed, iv. 6. (see
Image. )
Lion, used as a type in opposite ways,
of Christ or of devils, ii. 362; v. 124, 125. lions' whelps, the Jewish people, iii. 87. lion in his den, Anti christ, i. 88. Christ, the Lamb, con quered the lion, vi. 446.
Lips, of the inner and outer man, iii. 446. deceitful lips lay up store of punishment hereafter, i. 268. our lips should utter what the heart holds, ii. 148. toil of the lips, pride and falsehood, vi. 230.
Locust, mystically represents malice, iv. 70.
488 INDEX.
Long, eternity long, all that ends, short, iv. 311. what seems long to us is soon to God, ii. 6. (see Eternity, Life. )
yet, because we see Him not, iv. 348. God maketh Himself lovely to us, by praising Himself, that we may love Him, for our good, vi. 314. woundeth our heart to make it love
Longing, the desire of things absent,
v. 344. the thirst of the soul, iii. Him, v. 464. the beauty of creation
216. the mind reacheth forth in longing for what it desires, ii. 132. the longing of the righteous, to see God, i. 190. this longing not grati fied, that it may increase, iv. 149. should increase till it gain what it longs for, iv. 279. is increased by tribulations, ii. 327. we must long now, if we would rejoice hereafter,
v. 524; vi. 419. longing for eternal life, our armour against temptation,
vi. 177. all holy men have longed for Christ from the beginning of the world, v. 399. longing is secret prayer; by it we can pray without ceasing, ii. 82. God promises to hear true longings, v. 5; vi. 342. nothing prevents our serving God, save want of longing, v. 345.
Lot, means ' declining,' iv. 143. chil dren of Lot, fallen angels, ib. Lot's wife a warning to others, iv. 149. Lot's daughters, a type of those who misuse the law, iii. 171.
Lot>>, casting, an appeal to God, i. 261. why grace is called lots, ib.
Love, the foot of the soul, i. 83. whereby we run for the prize of our calling, ii. 143. the glue which fastens us to God, iii 228. the soul's excellence, v. 90. the might of the City of God, ii. 298. our root, ii. 322, 398 the root of all good, iv. 289. a light burden, iii. 329. compared to water, v. 90. to a ship, vi. 65. Christ's garment woven from above, i. 157. the upper part of the heavens, as being the more excellent way, v.
75. the exceeding broad command ment, v. 405. the law of the City of God,iv. 448. the fruit exalted above Libanus, iii. 463. is life; hatred, death, iii. 33.
God's, for us, greater than ours for Him, v. 90. God loves us always, whether He caress or threaten us, iv. 315. His own death, and the gift of the Spirit, pledges of Christ's love for us, iv. 312. Christ's love the only love we can be sure of, iv. 494.
Of God. God to be loved with a chaste love, iii. 23, 72, 488; v. 167. tests of the purity of our love of God, v. 39. what it is to love God for nought, ib. vi. 135. the good love, the wicked hate, Christ for nought, v. 209. we cannot love God fully
excites to love of God, vi. 341, 348. in the creature, we should learn to love the Creator, ii. 140. he loves not God who would be content with out the sight of God, iv. 197. we should love God, as our Father: the Church, as our Mother, iv. 269. we should endeavour to make others love GoJ,iii. 489. loveof God raises us, of the world lowers us, v. 507. we rise by loving God, fall by loving the world, vi. 17. the more we love, the more we rise, iv. 158. we are in heaven, though on earth, if we love
God, iv. 190. it is for our own good, not for His, that we love God, vi. 437. God will be none the worse if we love Him not, ib. we must not divide our love between Christ and avarice, iv. 430.
Is set forth in Scripture as the most excellent way, v. 76. greater than faith and hope, and why, iv. 314. the great and marvel lous way, vi. 268. must be accom panied by humility, ib.