1hon a year And yet the South HAD four staples
(Sardegna 1954, queery) RIce, cotton, IndIgo and tobacco,
Has exported for 800 millIon,
In value to ~ the gold cOIned In MeXIco
from Cortez' tinle UlltJ.
(Sardegna 1954, queery) RIce, cotton, IndIgo and tobacco,
Has exported for 800 millIon,
In value to ~ the gold cOIned In MeXIco
from Cortez' tinle UlltJ.
To have, wIth decency, l\.
nocked That a Blunt should open
To have gathered fronl the a r a live tradItIon or from a fine old eye the unconquered flame
ThIs IS not vanIty
Here ertor IS all In the not done, all In the dIffidence that faltered
52 2
-_ . . . . . . . . . '~r'HEN wIth his huntIng dog I see a cloud
cc Guten Morgen, Meln Herr" yells the black boy from the Jo-cart
(Jeffers, Lovell and Harley
also Mr Walls who has lent me a razor Persha, Nadaskv and Harbell)
SWInburne my only mISS
and I dIdn't know he'd been to see Landor
a1zd they told me thI~ that an' tother and when old Mathews went he saw the three teacups
two for Watts Dunton who lIked to let hIs tea cool, So old Elkin had only one glory
He dId carry Algernon's stllt case once when he, ElkIn, first came to London
But gIven what I know now I'd have got thru It somehow Dlrce's shade
or a blackjack
When the french fishermen hauled 111m out he
recIted 'em
mIght have been Aeschyh. ~s
tIll they got Into Le Portel, or wherever In the orIginal
CC On the Atreldes' roof" tt lIke a dog and a good Job
EMO~ nO~I~ XlsP02
hac dextera m O l tus
dead by thIS hand beheve Lytton first saw Blunt In the bull rIng
? as It mIght have been brother Packard and U our brother Percy"
BaSlnlO'S manuscrIpt WIth the greek moulds In the margIn
OtIS, Sonclno,
the cc Inarble men" shall pass Into nothIngness,
Three bIrds on the WIre
so requested Mr Clowes to sleep on the same
and as to who wd/ p'ly for the composItIon If same were not used
(ElkIn Mathews, my bantam) After all " saId Mr BIrrell, tt It IS only the old story
of Tom Moore and Rogers "
Her LadyshIp arose 10 the nIght and moved all the furniture
(that IS her LadyshIp YX)
her LadyshIp Z dIslIked dInIng alone and
The proud shall not he by the proud
amId dIm green lIghted with candles
Mabel Beardsley's red head for a glory Mr Masefield murmurIng Death
and Old Neptune meanIng somethlng unseizable
In a diSCUSSIon of Flaubert
MISS Tomczyk, the medIum
baffhng the SOcIety for metaphysIcal research
and the Idea that CONversatIon
should not utterly wIther even I can remember
at I 8 Woburn BUIldIngs SaId Mr Tancred
of the Jerusalem and SICily Tancreds, to Yeats, tt If you would read us one of your own chOIce
and perfect
? lyrIcs"
and more's the pIty that Dickens died tWice
wIth the dIsappearance of Tancred
and for all that old Ford's conversatIon was better,
consIstmg 111 res non verba,
despIte WIlham's anecdotes, In that Fordle
never dented an Idea~for a phrase's sake
and had more humamtas
(<:ythera C:ythera)
WIth DIrce In one bark convey'd
Be glad poor beaste, love follows after thee Till the crIcket hops
but does not chIrrp In the drIll field 8th day of September
? ?
Terreus' Terreus'
there are no rIghteous wars In U The SprIng and Au- tumn"
that IS, perfectly rIght on one sIde or the other total rIght on either sIde of the battle lme
and the news 18 a long tIme moving a long tune m arrIvIng
thru the 1IIlpenetrable crystallme, mdestructible
Ignorance of localIty
The news was qUIcker In Troy's tIme
a match on Cnidos, a glow worm on MItylene,
TIll forty years SInce, Relthmuller IndIgnant
52 5
wrIte the bIrds In theIr treble scale
? (C Fvy' In Tdaenmarck efen dh' beasantz gnow hrrn," meaning WhItman, exotIc, stIll suspect
four mIles from Camden
u 0 troubled reflectIon
(( 0 Throat, 0 throbbIng heart"
How drawn, 0 GEA TERRA, what draws as thou drawest
tIll one sInk Into thee by an arm's width embracIng thee Drawest,
truly thou drawest WIsdom lIes next thee,
SImply, past metaphor Where I lie let the thyme rise
and basIhcum
let the herbs rIse In April abundant
By Ferrara was burled naked, fu Nicolo e dl qua dlIa del Po,
Wind 'E/l(,V TQV o. l8pa.
he Into earth to the breast bone, to the left shoulder
KIplIng suspected It
to the heIght of ten Inches or over
man, earth two halves of the tally
but I WIll come out of thIS knOWing no one neIther they me
connublum terrae
flUId X@ONO~ o'erflowed me lay In the flUid X(R)ONO~,
that lIe under the aIr's solldlty
l cf>a,TO. '7f'6al. t; Ep. or; X@)ONIO~, mysterlum
drunk WIth 'IXOP of X(R)ONIO~
flUid X(R)ONO~, strong as the undertow
of the wave recedIng
but that a man should live m that further terror, and live
? the lonelIness of death came upon me
(at 3 P M , for an Instant) 8a. Kp,)WV
? vTcv8EV
three solemn half notes
theIr whIte downy chests black-rImmed
on the mIddle WIre
Gemlsto stemmed all from Neptune
hence the Rlmlnl bas rehefs
Sd TvIr Yeats (\Yf B) U NothIng affects these people
Except our conversatIon "
lux enlnl
IgnIs est accIdens and,
wrote the prete In hIs edItIon of Scotus l-Illarltas the vIrtue hzlarttas
the queen stItched KIng Carolus' shIrts or whatever whIle Erlgena put greek tags In hIS excellent verses
In fact an excellent poet, ParIS touJours ParI'
(Charles Ie Chauve)
and you mIght find a bIt of enamel a bIt of true blue enamel
on a metal pyx or whatever
om11Ia) quae sunt, lumIna sunt, or whatever
so they dug up hIs bones In the tIme of De Montfort (Sunon)
Le Paradis n'est pas artt:6clel
and Uncle WIlham dawdlIng around Notre Dame
In search of whatever
paused to admIre the symbol
WIth Notre Dame standIng InSIde It Whereas In St EtIenne
? or why not DCI Mlracoll mermaIds, that carVIng,
In the drenched tent there 15 qUIet sered eyes are at rest
the raIn beat as wIth colour of feldspar blue as the flyIng fish off Zoagh
pax, t oop
the sage dehghteth In water
the humane man has amIty WIth the hIlls
as the grass grows by the welrs
thought Uncle WIlham conSZ10S
as the gr1. SS on the roof of St What's hIs name near ct Cane e Gatto"
soIl deLne LIebe seln
It would be about a-level the wIndows
the glass would, or I dare say above that when they bless the wax for the PallO
Ohm de Malatestls
wIth Marla's face there In the fresco
paInted two centurIes sooner,
at least that before she wore It
As Montlno's
In that famIly group of about I820
not wholly Hardy's materIal
as he was standIng below the altars of the spIrIts of raIn
? C t When every hollow IS full It moves forward "
to the phantom mountain above the cloud But In the caged panther's eyes
U Nothing NothIng that you can do "
green pool, under green of the Jungle,
caged ce Nothing, nothIng that you can do "
6. pvo. rs, your eyes are ! lke clouds
Nor can who has passed a month In the death cells beheve In capItal punIshment
No man who has passed a month In the death cells beheves In cages for beasts
t1ptJo. ~,your eyes are lIke the clouds over Talshan \Vhen sonle of the rain has fallen
and 11alf remains yet to fall
The roots go down to the river's edge and the hIdden CIty moves upward
white Ivory under the bark
With clouds over Talshan-Chocorua when the blackberry ripens
and now the new moon faces T alsl1an one must count by the dawn star
Dryad, thy peace IS lIke water There IS September sun on the pools
Plura dlafana
Hel1ads 11ft the mist from the young Willows
there IS no base seen under Talshan 53?
? but the brIghtness of fudor vawp the poplar tipS float m brIghtness
only the stockade posts stand
And now the ants seem to stagger
as the dawn sun has trapped theIr shad. ov/s,
thIs breath wholly covers the mountalns It shInes and dIvIdes
It nourIshes by Its rectItude
does no InjUry
overstandlng the earth It fills the nIne fields
to heaven
Boon companIon to eqUIty It JOIns WIth the process
lackIng It, there IS InanItion
When the eqUIties are gathered together as bllds alIghtIng
It sprlngeth up vItal
If deeds be not ensheaved and garnered In the heart there IS InanItion
(have I perchance a debt to a man named Clower)
that he eat of the barley corn and move WIth the seed's breath
the sun as a golden eye
between dark cloud and the mountaIn
ce Non combaattere" saId Glovc1. nna
meaning, as before stated, don't work so hard
? don't
as It stands In the Kung-Sun Chow San GregorIo, San Trovaso
Old Zlovan raced at seventy after Ius glorIes and came In long last
and the family eyes stayed the same AdrIatic for three generatIons (San VIO)
and was, I suppose, last month the Redentore as usual
Will I ever see the Gludecca agaIn)
or the lIghts against It, Ca' Foscar! , Ca' Glustmlan
or the Ca', as they say, of Desdemona
or the two towers where are the cypress no more
or the boats moored off Ie Zattere
or the north qual of the Sensarla DAKRUON AAKPYON
and Brother Wasp IS bUilding a very neat house
of four rooms, one shaped lIke a squat IndIan bottle La vespa, ltl vespa, mud, swallow system
so that dreammg of Bracelonde and of Perugla and the great fountaIn In the Piazza
or of old Bulagalo's cat that With a well tImed leap
could turn the lever-shaped door handle
It comes over me that Mr Walls must be a ten-strIke WIth the sIgnorInas
and In the warmth after cht11 sunrIse
an Infant, green as new grass,
? has stuck Its head or tIp
out of Madame La Vespa's bottle
mint sprIngs up agaIn
In spite of Jones' rodents
as had the clover by the gorIlla cage WIth a four-leaf
When the mInd sWIngs by a grass-blade an ant's forefoot shall save you
the clover leaf smells and tastes as Its flower
The Infant has descended,
from mud on the tent roof to Tellus, hke to lIke colour he goes amId grass-blades
greeting them that dwell under XTHONOS 01 X00NIOI, to carry our news
E:iS XOOJlLOVi to them that dwell under the earth, begotten of aIr, that shall SIng In the bower
of Kare,
and have speech With Tireslas, Thebae
CrIsto Re, DIO Sole
In about ~ a day she has made her adobe (la vespa) the tiny mud-flask
and that day I wrote no further
TI? PUf. epOV? LQ,
There IS fatIgue deep as the grave
The Kakemono grows In flat land out of mIst
sun rIses lop-sided over the mountaIn
so that I recalled the nOIse In the chnnney
as It were the WInd In the chImney
but was m realIty Uncle WIllIam
? downstaIrs composIng
that had made a great Peeeeacock
In the proicle ov his olye
had made a great peeeeeeecock In the made a great peacock
In the prolde of hIS oyyee
prolcle ov hIS oy-ee
as Indeed he had, and perdurable
a great peacock aere perennIUS
or as In the advice to the young man to
breed and get married (or not)
as you choose to regard It
at Stone Cottage In Sussex by the waste moor (or whatever) and the holly bush
who would not eat ham for dInner because peasants eat ham for dinner
despite the excellent qualIty and the pleasure of haVing It hot
well those days are gone forever
and the travehng rug wIth the coon-skin tabs
and hIS hearIng nearly all Wordsworth for the sake of hiS conscience but
preferring Ennemosor on WItches
did we ever get to the end of Doughty The Dawn In Brltaln)
perhaps not Summons withdrawn, SIr )
(beIn' alIens In prohIbIted area)
? clouds 11ft theIr small mountaIns before the elder hIlls
A fat moon rIses lop-sIded over the mountaIn The eyes, thIs tIme my world,
But pass and look fron~ mIne between my lIds
sea, sky, and pool alternate
pool, sky, sea,
mornIng moon agaInst sunrIse
ltke a bIt of the best al1tIent greek COInage
~11r sagen
DIe Damen Du bIst GreIS,
. . '. \nd that a Madonna novecento
cd! be as a Madonna quattrocento ThIS I learned In the Tirol
and as perfect
where they paInt the houses outsIde WIth figures and the deep Inner courts run back trIple
tt Das hels' \Valterplatz "
heard In Bozen (Bolzano)
and In my mother's time It was respectable, It was socIal, apparently,
to SIt In the Senate gallery 535
? or even In that of the House
to hear the fire-works of the senators
(and possIbly reprcst. ntatlves)
as was stIll done In Westmlnster In my time and a very poor show from the once I saw It)
but If Senator Edwards cd; speak
and have hIS tropes stay In the mcn10ry 40 years, 60 years) In short; the descent
has not been of advantage eIther
to the Senate or to t t SOcIety "
or to the people
The States have passed thru a dam'd supercIlIous era
Down, Derry-down /
Oh let an old man rest
8th October
51 tUlt 11 doIh eIh plor
Angold TEfJV1]I<E tUlt 10 pro, tUlt 10 bes
Angold -rtfJV'Y}I<E
U an' doan you thInk he chop an' change all the tIme stubborn az a mule, sah, stubborn as a MULE,
got th' eastern Idea about money n
Thus Senator Bankhead cc am sure I don't know what a man lIke you
would :find to do here "
saId Senator Borah
Thus the solons, In WashIngton,
on the executIve, and on the country, a d 1939
ye spotted lambe
that IS both blacke and whIte
IS yeven to us for the eyes' dehght
and now Richardson, Roy RIchardson, says he 15 different
wIll I mentIon hIS name'>
and Demattia IS checkIng out
WhIte, FazzIo, Bedell, benedIct"
Sarnone, two Washmgtons (dark) J and M Bassler, Starcher, H Crowder and
no soldIer he although hiS name IS Slaughter
thIS day October the whateverth Mr Coxey aged 91 has mentioned bonds and theIr
? apparently as a basIs of Issue and Mr SIne LewIs has not
and Bart6k has left us
and Mr Beard In hiS admirable condensatIon
(Mr Chas Beard) has gIven one hne to the currency at about page 426 u The Young RepublIc"
We will be about as popular as Mr John Adams
and less widely perused
and the he leopard lay on hIs back playIng wIth straw In sheer boredom,
(MemOIrs of the Roman zoo)
In sheer boredom
IncefJ. se to Apollo
against stone-whIte
on the mountaIn
and as who passed the gorges between sheer chffs as It might be by, IS It the Garonne)
where one walks Into Spagna
that TCao Chtlen heard the old Dynasty's mUSIC as It might he at the Peach-blossom FountaIn
where are smooth lawns wIth the clear stream between them, slIver, dIvIdIng,
and at Ho Cl~Udestroyed the whole town for hIding a woman, Kv87Jpa, 8ELJla
and as Carson the desert rat said
tC whenwecameoutwehad
80 thousand dollars~worth " (U of experIence ")
that was from mmlng
havIng spent thelr capItal on eqUIpment
but not cal'lated the time for return
snow on the marble
? and myoId great aunt did lIkewise wIth that too large hotel
but at least she saVl damn all Europe
and rode on that mule In TangIers
and In general had a run for her money
U perhaps more than was In It " Under white clouds, clelo dl Plsa
out of all thIS beauty somethIng must come,
o moon my pin-up, chronometer
\Vel, Chi and PI-kan
Ym had these three men full of humanltas (manhood)
Xalre Alessandro
or Jen2
Xalre Fernando, e 11 Capo,
PIerre, Vldkun, Henrlot
and as to gradations
who went out of mdustrlals Into Government
when the slump was In the offing
as against whom, prepense, got OUT of In1perlal Chemicals In 1938
so as not to be nourIshed by blood-bath)
quand vos venetz al som de ! 'escal1na
~80f; gradations
These are dIstInctions In clarIty
mmg2 . ! nthese are dll>ClOctlOns 539
? John Adams, the Brothers Adam there IS our norm of SpIrIt
whereto we may pay our Salth MIcah
Each In the name of
So that lookIng at the sputtermg tank. of nicotlne and
stale whIskey
(on Its way out)
Kumrad Koba remarked
I wtll belIeve the American
Berlin I945
the last appearance of Winston PM In that connection
e pOliO dlSSl alIa sorella della pastorella del SUInl
e questl amerlcanl)
81 conducono bene'
ed ella ed 10
Poco, poco
pegglo del tedeschl')
ed ella uguale, thru the barbed WIre
you can, saId Stef (Llncoln Steffens) do nothing wIth revolutIonaries
unttl they are at the end of tIlelr tether
and that Vandenberg has read Stalin, or StalIn, John Adams IS, at the mIldest, unproven
If the hoar frost grip thy tent
Thou Wilt gIve thanks when nIght IS spent
Our dynasty came in because of a great sensibility. All there by the time ofI Yin
All roots by the time of I Yin. Galileo index'd 16I6, Wellington's peace after Vaterloo
a gnomon, Our science is from the watching of shadows;
That Queen Bess translated Ovid,
Cleopatra wrote of the currency,
Versus who scatter old records ignoring the hsien2 form
? eccellenza
and Jump to the wmnmg side (turbae)
have scopes and beginnIngs
tchoung cheu
II 9
2 Jen
are called chungJ - 4
f--: "Jif (J. 508, Mathews)
no mere epItome WIthOut orgamzaoon The sun under It all
Justice, d'urbamte, de prudence
weI heou,
the sheltered grass hopes, chueh, cohere
N at led of lustmg, not of conmvmg but IS as the grass and tree
not led of lusting,
not of the worm, contnvmg
Hulled rIce and silk at easter
(WIth the bacht held under their aprons
From T'ang's tIme unci now)
That you lean 'gamst the tree ofheaven,
and know YgdrasaI1
po, sluh2
"BIrds and terrapIn hved under HJ. a,
beast and fish held theIr order,
NeIther flood nor flame falling m excess"
mona pou gnmg
PerspIcax qUI excoht se Ipsum,
Their wntmgs Wlther because they have no cunoslty, TIns I(leader", gouged pumpkm
that they hOlst on a pole, 545
or foundattons
? But If you wIll follow thIs process
not a lot of signs, but the one sign etcetera
plus always Texv'Y)
and from TexvYJ back to crecx. u1"6v Neither by chmks, nor by soplusts,
nor by hmdoo Immatuntles, Dante, out of St VIctor (Rtchardus),
Erlgena WIth greek tags m lus verses Y Ym sent the young kmg mto seclusion by T'ang Tomb to thmk tlungs over,
that they make total war on CONTEMPLATIO Not to pamper tlus squlrrel-headedness
"In T'oung loco palatlum"
and not to bItch thiS whole generatIon In fish-traps
k'o tchoWlg iun
put some elbow-grease mto It the clurd seu
Nor by vam dlsputatlons
mB szu'
Mat 5592
? nor SIttIng down on a Job that IS done 1 Jenn IUen
whereby, m the long run,
. . R chen
reddIdIt gubermum Imperatorl
ttl ch'8n
As the pIvot perceIved by Y Ym
quam snnplex ammus Imperatons
that the drlFerent clans say BIgob' He sazd It III 6 Xl, RIght here IS the BIll of RIghts
? Three hundred years untJ. 1 P'an
Baros metetz en gatge'
Alexander paId the debts of lus troops
Not serenmplty
but to spread
te thru the people
The pusillammous
wantmg all men cut down to worm-Slze
Mr Roosevelt chose DexterWlute As agamst culture as qUlck-sand
after tl'48" (1848)
P'an Keng
? plulology subdIvIded, Nap III had the compOSItIon dIvIded,
to each compositor m the prInt shop a very few hnes,
none seemg the whole ProclamatIon Keep 'em off the market four years
and leave 'em WIthout understandmg, No claSSICS,
no Amencan lustory,
no centre, no general root,
No prezzo glusto as core
Alexander paid the debts of Ius solchery
WishIng to bnng back T'ang's state of awareness
TSOUNG 1324 1265 a c
Whetstone wIurlmg to gnnd, JOU tso
cymba et remlS Trees prop up clouds,
Praecogmta bonum ut te moveas and then consider the time
? cheu ~
"Faogare m sacns
dlcltur non reveren
ill Vlll, 11
FOll lue
m ntes not flame-headed
l'Up to then, I Just hadn't caught on "
chung wang hSlen
Imperator Slcut vmum ac mustum brew up thIS dlrectlo, tcheu,
fermentum et gernuna,
study WIth the nund ofa grandson and watch the time lIke a hawk
ta6 tSl %research and %
Tex'n) % observanon, % TeX'J"l) % trammg, TeXY"l)
You will go a long way WIthout shppmg, 55?
Tch'eng T'ang for gwde
? wIthout sloppmg over NISI cum saplentlbus non reglt,
nor sage feed from pOIsoned trough 200 years after
"Best you retIre but as for me, nunquam ego
~ wang It pou
Kt went mto Corea, "ablre decere", lest the hne be no more
And m sprmg time
assembled at Meng-ford
ta houel Meng tSffi,
that had from Heou TSI under Shun by the three streams, the three rivers,
Pmg, Foung were their cIties, and North-East to Mount K. t
Tan Fou, to Kmg Wan
"Our dynasty came m because of a great sensibility " Les mreurs furent reformees,
Nat after tlus dynasty "
la vertu fleunt
Ad Meng vadum,
south bank of the Yellow RIver,
Huang Ho
? Heaven and Earth begat the perceIver, ceeh' e' dltta dentro"
& Cheou demlttlt aerumnas Llng2
was basIs of rule
mlng 11 tso luen
Che6u deInlttlt aerumnas "Gendemen from the West,
Heaven's process IS qUIte coherent and Its maln pomts perfectly clear
f t l i hSIen iRM
Wu it leant on the yellow halbard
m lus nght, the wlute SIgnal tatl
"e canta la gallina,
" he IS ganged up WIth racketeers fa 6 steps or 7, reform
Ie 4, S, 7 strokes, reassemble
? nat tcheu t'sl
ll. : cheu t'sl
and do not chase fugItIves " Che6u's host was hke a forest m Mu plaIn,
quasI sI1vam convemt
"LIkmg some, dlshkmg others, domg IDJusoce to no man II
The 4th part margmaha
LIU dogs, serendIpIty;) No
P'J t ' o u n g
kouan 96
T'oung kouan nal chenn
? not water, Oll lU ChOUll
m nun
13: There be thy nurrour In men
k'l p'eng
lIen 1012
tp J!
1m 554
Tan lue
, pel
Odysseus "to no man"
? tcho
and you can know the SIncere That Tch'eng T'ang
PraestanoSSlmos regere
from Tch'eng T'ang to Tl I
nullus non splendIdas fecIt,
nullus non se SOClavlt k'l tche, ut benefaceret
Tcheau neIther watchIng Ius
own mSIdes, nor respectIng the workmgs Our Dynasty came In because of great Lmg2
? - . . . . ::=. .
'M& -~~! . -
overthrew lIla
? ~
The arrow has not two pOInts
J\ "0 nombreux officlers
, P1
pOll eul cheu pu erh4
Imperator alt
. . .
T cognovIt aerumnas
TSOU KIA reIgned 33 years
au TING 1324 1265
--. . . J Iterum dico
T'AIMEOU 1637 1562
? lE Z,
XV II ~ naught above Just contrIbutIon
IDVlcem docentes :Ie SIU F=J
that IS Sagetneb
~ ngo W e flop If we cannot mamtam the awareness
Dlutuma cogttes
respect the awareness and
tram the fit men
IJJJmingngotslon {I
chun4 1727 Mat
XVI 4 10
'-- a? -
cluao, I
hsu, m the first tone
XVI 20
? Cdn't see It (mlng) could
. . extend to the people's Subsldla,
that It was m some fine way tIed up wIth the people "And don't pester your officers"
"Don't get into small dog-fights
Hto kouJOll kouan
"Get the mot Juste before actIon"
XIX 18
touan cf The Ta Sen
Awareness restful & fake IS faogumg
XXI 7 nor laws as a means of oppreSSIon
Not all tlungs from one man
That IS, In some cases, charIty IOU loung te nat ta
JJ beau The S laws have root m an awareness
,he Junge
awareness extended chong XXI, 14
? "One of those days", said BrancusI,
Ilwhen I would not have given
"IS nunutes of my tIme
for anything under heaven "
Dead In the Plazzale Loreto,
In Holohan's case, murder protected
Jury trial was m Athens Tyrants resIsted
OU 't'<Xu"C'rx xcxxoLen 8e:r. AL<<V Kmg Owen had men about mm
Prmce of KOllO,
Houng leo, San I Cheng
as the hand gnps the wheat, RIsked the smoke to go forward
NOTE Kung slUd he had added notlung Canto 85 18 a somewhat detaUed con fbmatlon of Kung S VIew that the basic pnnclples of government are found In the Shu the HIstory ClassIc The numencal references are to Couvreur 8 Chou Kmg Meanmg of the Ideograms 1S usually given In the Enghsh text, transhteratl0ns as 10 Couvreur and Mathews
apenens tIbl ammum
? W I T H solIcItude
that InlrrOurl. d turbatlonem,
BIsmarck forgotten, fantaSIa \vlchout balance-wheel,
'No more wars after '70" (BIsmarck) "Dunlmhelt, nlcht Boshelt/' saId old Margherlta
(or Elenor~ dowager)
tltl Sono tuttI eretlcl, Santo Padre,
ma non sono cattlvl "
MInd (the Kalser's) hke loose dIce m a box Ballin saId "If I had known,
wdj Indeed have stuffed all Hamburg wIth graIn" Bulow belIeved rum But Talleyrand set up BelgIum, Two dynastIes, two buffer states,
wdj have set Poland
So that BelgIum saved Frogland, SVlzzera neutral XVI 20 only two of us who will roll up our sleeves And BranCUSl repeatmg Je peux commencer
une chose tous les Jours, mats funl111r
~ hstanga
Lostthefedofthepeople ? XVlll, 19
? way repeatedly not clean, nOIsy, & your hearts loveless 2. 2 Get men, It will grow
Milites Instar ursorum, XXlll, 5, men strong as bears
Not m two nunds
ta seu tel. wUn te1 taluun
Joung touan
Qws erudtet WIthout documenta>
even barbarIans who button theIr coats t'other way on 13 Non penturum
MenCIUS, chI4 (453, Mathews)
hue sm (XXIV, IS)
leadIng to
(XXlV, II)
repeating the
f~ ~
Kmg MOll
to K1un la,
3rd of hIS lIne m office "TheIr names are banner'd,
year'd on the T'al Tch'ang
Now my turn for thm lee and tIgers Live up to your hne
and the constitution ?
etlam habitus msplclendus
? A
It may depend on one man
as In the case of Edwardus
and von Hoesch on the telephone to good for three years,
or to eVIl
Eva's pa heard that on the telephone,
but forgetful of BIsmarck,
lost to all 14
"No wars after '70"
"NICht Boshelt, DummheltJ"
"Sono tuttI eretICl, Santo Padre, ma non sono cattlvl "
It can't be all m one language"
"They are all prots YR HOLINESS, but not bad
? Yes yr/ HolIness, they are all of thcnl prats"
fewdj have filled Halnburg \Vlth grain "
"No, MISS Wl'let, on account of blschruz relations" 20 years to crush Bonaparte,
gold through France Into Spaul The purchase and sale of
and Buchanan's remark about monarchies
(18so to PIerce)
mentlolllng only those on the ContInent questIon;l England not yet sold for the Suez- That would have been 20 years later,
or was It '74>
At any rate, sold down the rIver,
passed over Parhament, "whatever else he belIeved In,
It was not representatIve govemmept' Nor vIsible responslbultles
All, that has been, IS as It should have been, but what wJ. 11 they trust In
"AlIa non della", In the Verona statement 00 ~tXU't'C't xC'tx. o! crt
Sectlon Rock Drill
Alexander patd the debts of hIs soldIery
thought there was a catch In It somewhere, but he set up
the tables
at camp's edge, "Any note will be paid" OBIT apud Babylomos
? (date out of Arrlan) And 111 the great Hamurabl InscrIptIon
That IS the Reglus ProfessorshIps
(apud Chris Hollis)
to falsIfy hIstory
and Impose the WhIg pOInt of VIew
"Such hatred"
wrote Bowers,
and La Spagnuola saymg
"We are perfectly useless, on top,
but they la. lled the baker and cobbler"
"Don't wnte me any more thIngs to tell hIm (scrIpslt Woodward, WE)
CIon these occaSIons
talks" (End quote) "What" (Cato speakmg) ctdo you thInk of
But some Habsburg or other ploughed Ius Impenal furrow,
And old Theresa's road IS still there m BelgIum Tree-shadowed
and her thalers were current In AfrIca,
standard m our tIme,
"characters by theIr COInage" , Cleopatra wrote of her comage
(Joseph two, verIfy) ploughed Ins furrow)
? Up out of Tuscanv, LeopoldIne "We don't hate anybody "
Quoted Konody, We fight when our Emperor says so "
(AustrIans 1914) "Decent chaps" (Schwartz'43)
'a shame that we have to fight 'em " U MalS Ie prusslen'
Le prUSSlen
c'est un clue homme "
SaId the aged femme de menage WIth four teeth out
"Vous voullez me rouler,
mats ous ne me
roulerez pas, upaaasque Je SOlS trop rosse "
htlgant1um dona
non coelum non In medIa
but man IS under Fortuna
~ that IS a forced translationr La donna che volgo
Man under Fortune,
. . - ---. ~ - . . . . .
~-- --~
1~? -
? Iou Wang, 770
Kmg Jou
hlled by barbarIans
and a red bow
wIth a hundred arrows
m angustns me defendIstl, "Millet wme, fragrant,
and a black bow
and a hundred arrows
ne muttle qwescas ' "Will not rustle cattle,
will not take oxen and horses, will close all traps and pItfalls
end quote
that they have set for wlld game"
Pe fa K'in ?
order for mobilizatIon agamst msurrecoon by trtbes from t'other s1de of the HOU31 rIver
? m tIme of
WIll not traIpse Into peoples' fields chasulg fugItives, real or
U m eleven days we Will go Into SUI, prepare your provISIons"
end quote
ClOn these occaSIons
talks" end quote, Woodward '36
Eleven lIterates
and I suppose DWIght L Morrow" re Senate enrollment
Br c g questIon> about '32
01 hysterIC preSIdIng over It all" '39 House, ForeIgn RelatIons
Bellum cano perenne
1115-1? 78
between the usurer and any man who wants to do a good Job
(perenne) WIthout regard to productlon-
a charge
for the use of money or credIt "Why do you want to
- perche SI vuol mettere- your Ideas In order~"
Date '32
OrGrock au~a~ (J'a1 une Idee)
Groek au s:a~
Berchtold as If been blown up by dynanute,
Calm on the surface
If I had known more then,
cd/ have asked hIm,
as Varclu- one wantmg the facts Of Roanoke, EIGHTEEN 3I
"NatIon SIlly to borrow Its own " Polk, Tyler, an honour roll
paldeuma fadmg,
Buchanan still fairly clean,
InfantIlIsm lncreasIng cll our tIme,
attentIon to outlet, no attentIon to source,
That IS the problem of Issue
? Who Issues It) How'
And after the year 1600 Nakac TOJl
carrIed WaI' Ya'
(name worn out In SOIne dlalc. . . cts)
MIn's lamp to NIppon The total dIrt that was Roosevelt,
and the farce that was ChurchIll
(vIde Grenfell ref phoney war)
"But", saId Antonlnus,
"Law rules the sea' I I And that dle state shdj have benefit
from prIvate mIsfortune,
not In my tIme, not under me '
UntIl Salmaslus, wantmg preCISion
Want, xpe(lX, 'tCommon practice'" sdjArl re bUSIness,
"Cogltatlo, meditatiO, contemplatlo" Wrote RIchardus, and Dante read hIm
Centrum clrcuh
Remove the mythologIes before they estabhsh clean values "Europe" sald Plcabla
"exhausted by the conquest of Alsace-Lorrame " Vlamlnck 't IS local II (I Art IS "
The pusillanImous wantIng all men cut down to worm size W ops, maggots, crumbled from sImple dIshonesty
~ ,~
Ver novum
are protected of course,
hte est medium
,~, 't:' e . . . . qUIa ImpossIbl1e est
Eoea't"ov e~ cx. lJTOU <:p r,ver. 7tpoc; xa. XOLar.
? Was not unanImous
,A6&. va. broke tIe, That IS 6 Jurors agaInst 6 Jurors
needed 'A6cXvcx RIght, all ofIt, was under Shang
save what came m Athens Y YIn, Ocellus, Erlgena
"All tlungs are lIghts II Greek tags In Engena's verses
And when they bumped off Alexander m Babylon that wrecked, SaId Golhevskl "a good deal"
Greece had no Quattrocento ]ustmlan's codes meffiClent
"abblamo fatto un mucchlO (a haystack oflaws on paper)
Mus VIva voce "We ask 'em to settle between 'em
If they can't, the State Intervenes" They deny, of course, but It percolates, Ocellus
JIh a
the faInt green In sprIng tIme
The play c;haped from cPAoy",6JLEVOJl
gospoda . 6. 'YjavE? pa, AaJL1Tpa uVJLfial,VEL 571
chlh In the 3rdj tone and a radIcal
? From the dawn blaze to sunset "What has been, should have
tAll nletal as barter' Destutt or whomso,
"PIty to stamp save by weIght" Always the undertow,
gold-bugs agaInst ANY ordLr, SeekIng the common (as Arl says)
for squeeze
directio voluntatis It An mstrument of pohcy
even more than a measure" SaId Douglas (C H) and the squlrmcrs plunder ll1en's ll11nd,
wantmg all nlen cut down to worm-SIze itA few" said Jean C
m poelu,
"gros lcgunlcs '
causa motuum,
pIne seed sphttlng chff's edge
Only sequoIas are slow enough BmBul tllS beauty
"Slowness IS beauty " from the
to Polctlers
? The tower whereIn, at one pOInt, IS no shadow, and Jacques de Molay, IS where>
and the "SectIon", the proportIons,
lendIng, perhaps, not at Interest, but reSIstIng
Then false fronts, barocco
"We have", saId Menclus, ((but phenomena"
monumenta In nature are sIgnatures needIng no verbal tradItIon,
oak leaf never plane leaf John Heydon ~eAAo( sleep there on the ground
And old Jarge held there was a tradItion, that was not mere epIstemology
Mohamedans will remam,- naturally- unconverted If you remove houns from ParadIse
as to hSIn
In short, the cosmos contmues
and there IS an observatIon somewhere m Mornson
leachng to Remy)
Bombs fell, but not qUIte on Sant'AmbrogIo
Baccin saId I planted that
tree, and that tree (UhVl)
MonSIeur F saw lus mentor composed almost wholly of hght
(Wmdeler's VISIon lus letter file the SIze of 2 lumps of sugar,
but the sheet legIble Santa Teresa
Butchers of lesser cattle, theIr villam the gram god Fell between horns, but up
and the murmur "salta sm barra,"
? There IS no such play for a goat
Tho' Mr PaIge has descrIbed LIgurIan butchery, And the huntIng trIbes require some preparatIon Mont Segur, sacred to Hchos,
and for what had been, San Btrtrand de Commmges "Whtrcvtr"
saId Frobemus ((we fmd thcst. . drawings, we find water at not more than 6 feet,
And the headless clay hons leave place for the head" SqwrrI1s wlute, perhaps before a hard WInter, oak cats, Inchans say when hIgh weeds
As the water-bug casts a flower 011 stolle
nel batro,
One InteractIon Te I i InteractIon A shadow~
t Bomb mmdown He comes up agam" saId the sergeant detaIled perhaps to Impress me
Und tey vere dhere, shentlcnlClill,
mIt tearsz hroiling tdown dhere vaces
"Gentleinennn, ShlIln bones' t"
ecstacy at a mathematIcal congress, ottocento
The bone IS In fact constructed,
accordmg to trIgonometrlcal wluchwhat Shinbones'
Wmch Illustrated Speech as a medium, the problem of order
But an econOmIC Idea wIll not (Mencken auctor) go mto them In less than a geologIcal epoch
ctNowt better than share (Menclus) nor worse than a fixed" charge "
That IS the great chapter, Menclus III, I, fiI, 6
? T'ang Wan Kung -. l: pu erh "Why must say profit
llJ (the gram cut) Who leave the sun out of
RehgIon;l WIth no dancIng gIrls at the altar~ REhgIon~
VIde Neruda's comment,
but focus, can they even ammadvert on focus;l
or true edItIonS)
"or even the use of process) That fme old word"
sdj "Stmk' Saunders,
"An mdependence"
The nOmlgnolo not reflectmg on character but at that tIme, 1900 or thereabouts, apphed to all professors of chermstry
And they COWlt on the amount ofcoherence, the amount of endurance,
duratIons, Henry's remarks on "dissolvmg VIew"
No chchotomy
Should be regIstered
ChIefs' names on a monument,
? Seepage,
the elan, the block,
Or as Henry agaIn "we have, In a manner ofspeakIng, arrived
Got to, I thm. k he says "got to, all got to "
The UblClty, ascertainIng
Was De Molay makIng loans WIthout mterest~ Church councl1s bumbhng Fanatics do not understand
mterest justtce, dIrectIo voluntatIs,
or contemplatlo as RJchardus defined It m BenJamm Major Old crocks to che In a bug-house
Gallagher (Patnck) mentioned London loans to TIbet,
an old colonel turned agamst masonry
And as to what old T F saw m the Treasury probably nothmg
TIgers mourn SIkandar
It was Saturday the 1st day o f AprIl, toward noon, the Senate not beIng that day In seSSIon
came to my room at Brown's askmg was I Mrs Clay's blood-relatIon>
Prompt m agreeIng to meet exact m protestIng Clay's nght to callIum 'Col Tatnall, the bearer,
IS authorIzed
Was defiance of Adams, not Clay,
In the senate speech, but to Jessup had SaId
He would WaIve prIvIlege,
wruch constItutes a very palpable dtfference
Vague report that he had saId that Salazar's letter bore earmarks
WInch led to absolute challenge absolutely accepted,
By whIch tIme It had become "forgery" (Jessup to Tatnall)
'Forged or manufactured"
(Tatnall quotmg lus prIncIple Charlotte Jury W dj find presumptIve strong hkeness
,In pomts of style to other papers,
Not proof but SUspICIon, for whIch he dechned to offer
Adams and Clay were for entanglement
RIght bank, whIch IS m VIrgIwa *
above brIdge of the LIttle Falls
ten paces
? * where there was a law agaInst du<. . lhng
I alone knew how he meant to avoId that
I went to Clay's on the FrIday, the youngest chtld
went to sleep on the sofa
Mrs Clay, as always Since the death of her daughter,
the pIcture of desolatIon But calm and conversable
Clay and I parted at midnIght Saturday, Randolph's, Georgetown, Could not ask hIm
but menttoned the cluld asleep on the sofa He sald
"I shall do nothing to cUsturb Its sleep or the repose of Its mother',
and went on makmg COdlCllS for thmgs of shght value, To Macon, some enghsll shdhngs to
keep game when he played whIst, YOWlg Bryan sent back to school to
save hIm shock If and so forth Wanted gold, coms not then m cIrculatIon,
sent Johnny to Branch bank to get a few pIeces, who returned, saYIng they had none
"They are hars from the begnung My HORSE'" which was brought rum, for he never rode Johnny's Down Penn Avenue to what IS now Corcoran, RJ. ggs,
Johnny behmd mm at 40 paces Asked for the state of his account The teller
took up packages of bills and
asked 1n what size notes he wd/ have It
? 'I want money "
saId Mr Randolph
The teller, begImng to understand lum, saId Suver~ liMy MONEY'" saId Mr Randolph
'Have you a cart, Mr Randolph~11 By that orne the casluer
told hIm there was a nustake m the answer to Johnny and that he shdj have what he wanted
He got It, and closed the account, Returned and gave me an envelope
to open If he were kl1led,
And a shp to read before I got to the ground
to feel m Ius breeches pocket
nme pIeces, I thInk It was,
3 for me, Tamall, Hanulton, each
to make seals of, as mementos We were all three then at hIS lodgmgs
He and the seconds took carrIage, I followed on horseback
HIs (R's) stepfather
brought out a "Blackstone"
The place was a tluck forest m whIch a htcle depreSSIon or baSIS
Bellum perenne
1694 on what It creates out of notlung 1750 shut down on coloma! paper Lexmgton,
'64 "greatest blessmg ' sald Lmcoln
1878 I n CIrculatIon as currency sangue,fattca, ill our tIme
(a D 1804)
? And thert l~, undoubtldl), blood on theIr slIver, WIthout honour I11tn sUlk. Into servItude ResponsIble, or lrrtSpOnSlblc govcrnment'
MlmnlUlll of land \\ Ithout surveIllance And as to plcragc
I Edward VI, c 12
lords of parhalllcnt and plcrs of the rcalm, havIng place and voys In parhanlcnt Illav have bencfit of theIr peerage, equlv/ that of clclgy, for first offence, thot gh they cannot read, and \\rIthout beIng burned In the hand, for all offences then clergyable and also for housebreakIng for robbery on the hIgh-ways, horse stealIng and robbIng of churches
Hal P C 377 The books of a scholar, hIs countenance (walnagIum)
that of a VIllc111 That these are the HIstorIes
Thus recapItulate
That T'ang opened tht. copp<. . r nunc
(dlstrlbutlVl. functIon of nlont. . . y)
Notlung all whIch he l<. . alls, tht. chuntze, under heaven
should have nothing on which he leans, Or monopoly, Thales, comlnon pr1. ctIce, but dIrty, Antonlnus lent money at four percent
that belng the summit of EmpIre (Roman)
"Trymg",hesaId, "to keep some ofthe non-
mterest-bearmg natIonal debt m CIrculation as currency one, eight, seven, eIght,
Menclus on tIthIng,
? Cano perenne,
I belIeve the Dal Gaku Belasclo or Topaze, and not have It sqush,
a "throne", somethmg God can SIt on without haVIng It sqush,
WIth greek tags ill Ius excellent verses, Erlgena,
In reign of Carolus CalvllS "Captans annonam
maledlctus m plebe SIt'"
that was Ambrose
"Hoggers of harvest'" Delcrolx (properly) "always the same"
Get the meamng across and then qwt
SaId BaCCIn "That tree, and that tree,
II Yes, I planted that tree
Under the olIves Some saecular, some half-saecular
trees, condUIts, CIsterns, ad maJorem Dum ad Ambroslam scandet,
sacro nemon
altra che tactta
cl<pp~'t"6)p, cl6elLLcrt'Oc;, &vea't"to~
To the all-men as to the Emperor
Antonmus as apex, but on slavery and on bhoogery Not un-man, my Esthn, but all-men
mthe4th tone
? To respect the vegetal powers
Or Mhfe however small" (Hlndoustanl)
Make hIm of wood W Ith steel sprIngs"
p to act that, trammg the chIld as
p sluh, In the ISt tone
Pere Henn Jacques still
speaks WIth the senmn on Rokku,
-These people" SaId Mr Teheou "should
be hke brothers They read the same books"
meamng chmese and Japanese Marse Adams done tor 'em
The Major done told 'em
having '\ FIrst Folto (Sh"\. ) III hI") lock-bo'\.
could afford WaItIng to see It "Every etc
downrIght corruptIon" "To the consumer" Waal, they bust the abundance
and had to pay Europe,
an' Anatole tor 'em
"no exportl No need to make war n lIe des PlnqoUll1S,
So that Perry ? opened" Japan Use of foreIgn com unw 18. 19
ExceptIon Spamsh nulled dollars,
every dealer occupIed In exportmg them, theIr exclusIon an unconsotutlonal fraud
A currency of mtrmslC value FOR WHICH
page 446
? They paId mterest to NOBODY
( ThIrty Years' , Benton) Is suppressed In favour of fluctuatIon,
thIs country a thoroughfare
page 446 column two
OBEUNT 1826, July 4
Not battlements, but that the land go to the settlers, Tanff' MonSIeur de Tocqueville
may pass tn Europe for AmerIcan lustory
Macon, Gullford "Renewal has fatled to achIeve that end In England, salt tax overthrown
Andy vetoed the Maysville Road bill tUlconvertable paper
nunes now yIeldIng
Prospects, as Peru, now ~ millIon per annum
and what IS still better, have exports Geryon's prIze pup, NIcholas BIddle
Mr Benton then proposed an amendment on Imported IndIgo 25 cents toward
prodUCIng a home supply In a valuable staple, FIrst planted In Carohnas, In or about 1740
encouraged by George, Number 2,
at outbreak of revolutIon over one m. I1hon pounds, BrItaIn then turned to IndIa and the Carolmas' product
dechned 1814 40 thousand
Our manufacturers seek It, now seek It, abroad and pay ready money at
two fifty per pound
? You cannot carry cloth wIthout Indigo,
Cotton, woolen, Importation already 2 IIll.
1hon a year And yet the South HAD four staples
(Sardegna 1954, queery) RIce, cotton, IndIgo and tobacco,
Has exported for 800 millIon,
In value to ~ the gold cOIned In MeXIco
from Cortez' tinle UlltJ. 1 now
The tarIff of 1816 murdered lndigo
Freemen do not look upward for bountIes
Freeholds, MIrza Mohammed on the perSIan Abbas' authorIty
"for productIon of barley, rIce, cotton
free of tax or of any contrIbutIon whatsodam ))
July 8, 1823 Jackson 183 to 83 for Mr Adams
no Jealousy m the North at that tIme Stay laws, stop laws, replevm
And he has abohshed the natIonal debt DId not care for relIevIng one part of the country
by taxmg another,
And New Orleans occurred In 18IS, MonSIeur de TocqueVllle may pass In Europe for AmerIcan history
m a foreIgn tongue GUIlford
Made Yorktown possIble In 1828 Macon retIred Used plough and hoe unci he was SIXty
r&v &cp6ttrov a. x<X~&:t'<Xv &7tO-rpUE"C'CXr. And to receIve all guests m Ins house,
Drew a kmfe to defend Mr Randolph Unnecessary duratIon of wInch (1 e DEBT)
IS IncompatIble WIth real mdependence,
? Counteract proflIgacy publIc and prIvate wlnch profuse outpourIng IS apt to engender
Confirmed MartIn Van Buren, Jas Hamuton son of
the late General HamIlton, Ingham, BerrIen, Barry
For defence, not for conquest,
dIrect trade wIth the West IndIes
And at the foundatIon o f the northwestern states
Nathan Dane drew It, excludmg serVItude Save It were by the will of the servmg
passed not by the North alone
Repeal of the salt tax
And has already been shown by A J's first message
then vetoed the MaySVIlle Road To pull down, InsuffiCIent
WtilIng to see a currency ofhard money (under CIrcumstance A T that tIme)
as France SInce the tIme o f mandats and assignats Filled France WIth metals,
haVIng neIther mInes In her land, nor yet exports WInch command otllers' speCIe
Ours yIeld half a ml1hon per annum, Our nunes do,
and above mInes we have exports HIs reference to
Parnells, Humes, Elllces, Wm Pultneys Was laId on the table
but prmted
"Was now actmg as pawn-broker
? on systcln entIrely contrary to InstitutIon's 111tentl0l1 SaId Mr HUlnc (Joseph)
"PrivIleges" sdj EllIce
tcwhlCh belonged to 110 other contraption'
Mr Benton proceedIng AmerIcan
part of the stockholders, I would not n. ,ply to foreIgn
Must have known thIs They
have laId up real estate of three trulhon
pecuhar prlvJ1eges enabled them to make profits stock-holders ought to be grateful
at 46 m the hundred SCIRE FACIAS
InstItutIon too great and too powerful, The VIce President directed that Mr Benton proceed DIrect power prodIgIous boundless emISSIOns,
To whom IS thIS power granted ~
In a renlote corner, a company
By whom dIrected;)
By seven, by four, nont. . . by thc people elected
Nor responSible to them
EncroachIng on power of States,
monopoly absolute Gt Brltall1 m '95, had been noted
((WIsh of the Court of Directors" Pohncal as well as pecumary Such
a bank tends to subjugate government, It tends to collUSIons,
to borrow 50 and pay back one hundred, It tends to crc. . ate pubhc DEBT
? 1694 Loan One MIllion 200,000 Interest 80,000, EApenscs 4
GERM, nucleus, and IS now 900 MIllIon It tends to beget and prolong useless wars,
aggravate InequahtIes, make and break fortunes "To carry on trade of bankmg
upon the revenues,
and In the name of the
Umted States,
to pay revenues to the
In Its own (the bank's own) notes ofpronuse To
Hold Umted States moneys
m depOSIt, WIthout makIng compensatIon,
To dIscredIt other banks and dIsparage 'em, to hold real estate, and retaIn a
body of tenantry, To
set branches In States WIthout theIr consent or approval, to be exempt from habIhty If they fau,
To have the U S for a partner, and to have partners outSIde tIns country,
To be exempt from the regular admUl1stratlon ofjusnce, and to have all thIS In
Y eas
Barnard, Benton, to 2 0 Nays 23Webster,Wll- ley
That It faIled to produce a unIform currency, Issued illegal and VICIOUS paper
"payable at Phtladelphy"
? LXXXIX T o know the hlstorltS
And know whom to trust
ChI crescera (ParadIso)
to know good from evIl
ChIng Hao
('of SOcIetIes" saId Emanuel Swedenborg Mr Jefferson luung up for LOUIS PlulIppe,
a fact wInch shd have been known to M de Tocquev111t
PrIvIlege to serVt WIth KIng and Macon & JOh11 Taylor of CarolIne
Entanghng allIance WIth nOIlL,
would be from th<. . lr cultIvation,
That IS to say revenue [roln the waste lands would be Freedom not favoured by tenantry,
conlpare as above Abbas MIrza "wheat, cotton, barley" July 1823
As to whether law cd/ be abohshed by IndIan treaty to whIch the c'enhghtened classes" had sunk
Macon mentIoned lulisides for grave yards Mr Webster erroneous
ObIt Plcabla 2 Dec '53
? And paper cd/ be left to the states Filled France wIth precIous metals
when England WIth her overgrown bank and France had no mInes for these metals
PublIc debt Increased (England) 400 nullion
Debt born of the Bank of England by paper, when the Bank, on Its own declaratIon,
had not a s1ulhng
Profuse Issues,
Sudden contractIons
By power of "construction"
Branch forced on Alabama,
trade m bills Ersatz for products
Hence WAR, 30 years later
Prototype m Threadneedle St faIled overtradmg
Our OWN money lent 'em and WE
paId one and one half millIon mterest
and more serIOUS the POhtlcal aspect
As agamst Its hug as well as Its blow,
I speak of SIr W llham Pulteney Narne for name, lang for kIng
:? wang
:? wang
ForeIgners own 7 mdhon usury at 46 In ViolatIon,
If benefiCIal, why not several) 591
? Adams match for ~ the House tIll the last, Randolph scourge of corruptIon
"An advantage, Mr Van Buren"
2 buffer states and 3 dynastIes
(Aukland at Talleyrand's)
Ca'OUT, tiSSt/ore
Auctor Good God you don't mean they're worse than the
Borah ('Eh e No,
I eh can't say that e
('BorrowIng Its own
(the NatIon's own)
SaId Randolph of Roanoke,
"And payIng Interest"
TarIff promoted sectIonal feelIng
ExceSSIve Issues, all on pubhc deposlt~
Treasury wdj pay one hundred Cents on the $
for what cdj be had for odd 60 As IndIan stiver m our tlD1C
21 but the suckers paId 7S
Catron (I thInk It was) had shown horse-sense If our government must
70 nulhon,
~ehercule ventuDl' WIth bOWIe kmves
pre- not ex-officIo
Do our cottons sold In Canton & Calcutty
sell mOl1opohes' sd/ Andy Jackson
other gang~
? need such protectIon at home ~ And do not tax salt, said Aurehan
Mr Taney
Burr dId hJ. s Job 20 years late MonSIeur Vebbstalr voulalt lezarder
Ut moveat, ut doceat, ut dllectet & J Q A objectIng to slavery
Roman law 2/3rds hogswoggled by same
Old John on fundmg, old John, VIde Infra, qUIte a wa. y,
on depreCIatIon,
or on bemg mercantl1e,
llAnd If the bills be bottomed " sd/ Mr Jefferson loc Cit to Crawford 1816
From our own mInes, metal
1824 5,000 N Carohna
1833 868,000 (SIX states)
and m '34 presumably will be 2 Inlllyum
and a greater source 15 our foreIgn commerce From Napoleon Consulllto tIns day '34"
have been speCIe payments
Mr Hamllton set IS to one, IS stiver one gold, when m Spam, Portugal It was SIxteen,
From Natchez and N'Yoleans doubloons
and to suppose metal will stay WIth us when the exporter
can gaIn one buck on every 15 carrIed out doubloons, gUIneas, half-Joes
and; to depart from the great senator's most courteous language,
6 suspenSIons till 1819,
exclUSion of foreIgn COIn part of the system
? a currencv (foreIgn cOIn ,vas) for whIch they paId trIbute to no one" au TIS
NottlIng In course of exchanges to
cart") SpCCl<" fronl AtlantIc States to the West
Page refs/ to 'ThIrty yC'ar~ VIl\V'
and as for the Adanlscs, Brooks and Henry,
tIlly '"cnt back to theIr grandfather, dratt 'em, and not back to old Jolm
Under headIng DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES EXPORTED $ TWO MILLION oh five eIght four seven four
the lughest and most delIcate sovrelgnty
tho charter forbade 'em dealm In com
POWER vested not In one, but m 3 parts of government
Every CIty protect Its o\\n commerce Gold pontlfex, SlIver wangled, Bronze was to certalIl cItIes,
vld MOlnmsen
And sovrclgnty m the power to Issue
Benton's when) when there was metal
Benton's why no Interest to be paId The Government ceases to be mdependent
when currency IS at wIll of a company page 450 I
All property IS at theIr mercy
eel have a fnend" SaId Voltalre
Drove out not gods, but the Emperor, Imperator remarked Del Mar
"rattos m Rome and m the Onent"
Government wanted <<of deposit, not cIrculatIon"
? WIthout mstorlc black-out
they cannot mamtaln perpetual wars
Tmey ('34) showed an Increase
m all branches of revenue
Benton b 1782, d 1858
"'How often had they been told trade was paralyzed
& shIps Idle;J
"HId the books but cd/ not Jude weekly statements" "In speCIe and WIthout mterest
Agamst whIch such a bank IS a nUIsance"
16 to I for above 300 years In the Spamsh domimons AgaInst BIddle one mllhon and some clucken feed
for winch no vouchers are found Levan facIas LOUIS Philippe suggested that
Jackson stand :firm and not sugar lus language
Pubhc debt was extmgwshed 1834
8 yueh4-S 595
? ThIS quotatIon IS not [rOIn Mr Webster
Clay opposed mInts 111 New Orleans and North Carohna The CIvIl War rooted In tarIff
Pluladelphla dId not diffuse,
France had ten mInts, and m Me>. J. co there are 8, Every CItizen now more or less cheated
Mr B said he had but two bank-notes both of them counterfeIt
French currency had stood two revolutIons, one conquest, 20 mIllIons entered that country,
no Interest was paid for Its use Land not safe agaInst 'Issue"
Crops not safe agamst "Issue"
Sovrelgnty IS In the rIght over COInage
"All that It (the Bank) creates out ofnothIng IJ 600 banks to be broken,
FIctItIOUS woe, and the Senate's organized sorrow "My fellow slave-holder"
sdj Mr Randolph
(masnatosque hberavlt) "Ef my bull-dog" SaId Mr BIshop
to a co-detenuto "had a face hlce yours, hang'd If
I wouldn't shave Ius arse and make hIm walk: backwards" And In the tIme ofMr Randolph, Mr Benton, Mr Van Buren
he, Andy Jackson
wInch mIght end tlus canto, and rhyme WIth Slglsmundo
Commander Rogers observed that the sea was sprInkled WIth fragments of West IndIa frUIt
? and followLd that vestige
GIles talked and lIstened,
more lIstened, and dId not read
Y oung ]l. SSlC dId not forward dIspatches
so Frt. I110nt proctedcd to,vard the North West and ,",c ultlnlat<Jy enlbraced Cahforny
The COlllIlg\Vood I11anncd 80 guns 'Those who wIsh to talk
May leave now" saId ROSSIIll,
"Madame Blleau IS gomg to play"
tlTrade, trade,
Sang Lamer
Van Buren already In '37 ullsmeanng Talleyrand And the elderly AIda, then a gIrl of 16, In the '905, \tlsltlng SOUle very stIff frIends In New England
gIggled (and thereby provoked sour expressIons)
when some chl1dren crossed the front lawn with
a bottlt. , ofwater strung on a strIng between them and chantmg
"MartIn Van Buren, a bottle of urIne"
Sagetrleb, or the
oral tradItIon
"Ten men", saId Ubaldo, "who will charge a nest of machme
for one who will put Ius name on crut " ,tNo dog, no goat"
saId Pumpelly 597
? SaId Bonaparte ImagInatIon 220 rIflemen and one pIece of artIllery "To enVIron us" saId Mr DIX
liThe IrIsh are devout, moral, IndustrIoUS" he even SaId soher
KIt Carson sea-sIck Cludad de los Angeles
That g sounded as h 3 days WIth no food but rosebuds,
Che taIga 10 stato
Don Jesus broke hIs parole
Guadalupe ('48) HIdalgo
Out of von Humboldt AgassIz, Del Mar and Frohemus
The wrong way about It despaIr (I thmk that IS In Benton)
Randolph of Roanoke Charlotte Court House, '32, Henry's paSSIon fiddlIng, dancIng and pleasantry
(PatrIck Henry)
'We ought not to have turned you out"
saId some old crump to Van Buren
"Great blackguard from Tennessee, by name ofJackson"
No auctIon of slaves here In the CapItal' T~v ~wv o:Acuv ocpX~v
Slave labour IS very expensIve
But for PrIce, Sloat mIght damn well have lost It
Quam parva saplentia regltur
Macauley somewhat extravagant In conclUSions, Palmerston never expressIng what he dId not belIeve
? "was pltascd 25 ytars later to find hIm
at thl head of the gOVl. rnment "
Jury [rOIn thl vlcl11agL
And Dlsrach sold the brlt fools down the rIver
It was a. Tory not a Llblral \\"ho gave up the rIght ofsearch
Galileo fronl Mang tzu
cahglnem vespertmam
7tUpc. ucrL\I . ICXL 1'~~ Soc) &. "C'1'"'1)~
cCAnd here arc Caleb Johnson and two others
as demure" (saId T H B) as three whores at a christemng " That Calhoun called hIm a quadruped
FIrm taste for good company
eVInced by both Benton and Mr Van Buren, and men even 111 our tlnle (survIvals)
as DOlnvlle and dlgh Ubertl
"HIS agreeable nIece, la Duchesse de Dino "
Betrayed Mlhallovltch, assaSslnatld Henriot and GentIle
"ChIna, the longest, and wIth the lowest per cent of burocracy
200 ycar~" saId the Enlp(,. ror 'and no trouble' Benton no trouble, no treaty
,cAnd mark Inc, wrote Cambrlhng,
c'lf S/ don't default In four years
'(I'll swallow the Treasury " Tazewell
wdj see more fun pItchIng qUOIts than standing round the Court of St James
"Of great suavity and gentleness of deportment, Mr Van Buren"
? An experIment on hIS nerves was resolved 011, Had Crab such crystal, WInter were as a day You cannot make marIners out of slaves
and the mud, mud, SaId GUInicelh Mr Tyler
Jln A
4(even Ifan mdependent press cd/ be found to attempt It"
M Hotttnguer aParts
Vlcountess BarrIngton Lady Bloomfield
defended by Theslger and other emInent counsel and they got 14 years transportatIon,
The sub-treasury was revIved
Lows Plllhppe wdj not let them cut down theIr notes to 200
From '34 to '41 our speCIe rose to 100 mIllIon,
ad valorem ' InvolVIng a horde of appraIsers
W rIght spoke to mInd not to paSSIons and he It was brought In Polk
QUlditas, remarked D Ahghlerl Under head of ('medICIne" whtskey, coal, harness,
hay, corn, stoves, beef & mutton a'&v&pW1t<OV t8ev
Fremont, WIth small arms and one howItzer,
So that after two hours entered der Schwlegersohn,
conSIdered the famIly's low In IntellIgence (tWas sagt er~"
Herr Marcher Der Jud will Geld
? 4 NeIther by force nor by fraud, that there be no co(. rC1011, either by force or by fraud,
That IS law'~ purpose, or should be t Ae~\I'1 s\vung the hung JUry
tuan, there are four ofthem
chen, beyond ataraXIa
From Charlemagne's graIn prIce, Vemce, Hansa, to the forged DonatIon l I of ConstantIne" Perche In ardIne" (vuol metter Ie sue Idee)
saId Mussol1Il1 Thalers from Marla Teresa,
a road stIll there In BelgIum The Emperor's furrow,
Ant0111nUS Law rules the sea, nleall111g Lex Rhedl,
they mIxed In money rent, and Insurance,
ThIS section IS labled R o c k DrIll
W dj have packed Hanlburg wIth grain Bulow belIeved lum
And to young WIndsor we owe three years' peace "What he meant to us In those days"
saId old Image (Selwyn) referrIng to Ruskm Tasso, KIdd, RaleIgh, allJaIled
My father (General Fremont) sald that Ifanyone shot Napoleon It ought not to be from lus (Fremont's) wmdow
My grandfather boosted Morse' telegraph
? ltPlge-mol Ie type" saId old Gustav
qUI VOllS pelndra un fautcull carthaglnols
Henry J had Coburn take photographs
I need add nothIng, wrote Van Buren, to the descrIptIon
by Col Benton
'Good-bye Tazewell, good-by Van Buren'"
(that was Randolph)
I on borrowed capItal, very unmercantlIc,
saId John Adams Judge Marshall, father of war
Agamemnon lalled that stag, against huntmg rItes "Leave the Duke, go for gold "
And they forged those thalers, In our tIme, quest'oggl
BrIts dId, nacherly BrIts dId
"Benton has begun understandmg me"
In VenIce the bread prIce was stable,
shIp models stIll there In DanzIg
Alex saId set up the tables,
any soldIer's note wIll be paId
Gold was under the PontIfex, Caesar usurped that
Bezants were stable till Dandolo broke mto Stamboul, there had been some arab uneaSIness
The forgery was froDl Ignorance, Valla found It
I2 to one, Roma, and about half that In KarachI And the Portagoose, as we cease not to mention,
uprooted SpIce trees
? Orage remarked on the "receSSIon of power"
Uncle George saId he knew when he came out
(Lodge, Knox) that there wdj be one hell of a row m the Se- nate
"offensIve, defensIve"
and there was one
,50 moclang bIrds, 40 robIns,? ? wrote Randolph
and "construe all our lIbertIes from us" Mazzlnl Doverl
, XCX:t'lX acpocycXc;'? N' Yoleanz syrop proof 8
West indIes IS at 16
Not that I object to moralIty
Yes, It was Catron, had already told Jackson Shdjhave shot Clay and hung John Calhoun . ,
A J's sole repentence
And of Antorunus very bttle record remaIns
semIna motuum
Deluged the old hawk at RIp Raps, Mr BIddle pInchIng the baby,
? YOl1 damn sadIst'" saId mr cummings, ? 'you try to make people dunk"
Yes, Mr Van Buren, the Bank: IS tryIng to kIll me "
Mr Taney's statement was never refuted And as to expungmg)
that IS perhaps prose,
you can find It In Benton
SecurIng hIS (A J's) admIratIon by the ma. Jesty
Aug '33
? of Ius (Dante's) m'elect I'No clvlhzatlon" saId Kmttl,
"they got no stone" (Hrooshla) Make dIstress, on system, In order to use It
"The angrIer, the cooler he (Benton) became" We have had one "assumptIon"
EnglIsh debt could have been paId by the tIme of George Second
they prefer to send It down to posterIty
And when "EXPUNGED", A J sent back the bullet,
wluch IS, I suppose, part of parhamentary lustory dull or not, as you choose to regard It
I want Fremont lookmg at mountaIns or, Ifyou hke, Reck, at Lake Blwa,
? "From the colour the nature
& by the nature the sIgn'J)
BeatIfic spirIts weldIng together
as In one ash-tree m YgdrasaJ1
Baucls, Plulemon
Animus humanus amor non est sed ab IpSO arnor procedlt, et Ideo selpso non chhglt, sed amore
Castaha IS the name o f that fount i l l the hill's fold, the sea below,
narrow beach Templum aedlficans, not yet marble,
And from the San Ku . - A
to the room m POltlers where one can stand castmg no shadow,
That IS Sagetrleb,
that IS tradItion Bwlders had kept the proportion, chd Jacques de Molay
know these porportIons) and was Erlgena ours"
Moon's barge over Illl1k:-blue water
qUI selpso procedlt
? Kuthera 8tt. vcX Kuthera scmplterna
UbI amor, IbI oculus Vae qUI cogltatls InutIle
qualn In nobIs slnl1htudlnc dlvlnae reperctur Imago
"Mother Earth 111 thy lap'
saId Randolph ~Y&. 7n)(jev 1tOAO
hberavlt masnatos
CastalIa lIke the moonlIght
and the waves rIse and fall,
EVlta, beer-halls, semIna motuum,
to parched grass, no\v IS ralll
not arrogant from habIt,
but furIous from perceptIon,
from under the rubble heap
n1' clevastl from the dulled edge beyond paIn,
m'clevastl out of Erebus, the deep-lYIng
from the WInd under the earth, m'elLvastl
from the dulled aIr and the dust, m'elevastl
by the great flIght,
ISIS Kuanon from the cusp of the moon,
? the VIper stIrs In the dust,
the blue serpent
glIdes from the rock pool
And they take lIghts now down to the water
the lamps float from the rowers
the sea's claw drawIng them outward
"De fondo" saId Juan Ramon, hke a mermaId, up'\\- ard,
but the hght perpendicular, upward and to Castaha,
water Jets from the rock and In the flat pool as Arethusa's
a hush In papyrI
Grove hath Its altar
under elms, m that temple, m sIlence
a lone nymph by the pool
WeI and Han rushtng together
two nvers together
brIght fish and flotsam
tom bough In the flood
and the waters clear W ith the flowmg
Out of heaVIness where no mmd moves at all "bIrds for the mInd" sald R. 1chardus,
Ilbeasts as to body, for know-how'l GalO' GaIO'
To Zeus W Ith the SIX seraphs before hIm The arclutect from the pamter,
the stone under elm
Takmg form now,
the rlhevl,
the curled stone at the marge
? Faunus, Slrenes,
the stone takIng form In the aIr
ac ferae, cerVI,
the great cats approaching Pardus, leopard! , Bagheera
drawn luther from woodland, woodland e7tt X6ov(
the trees rIse
and there IS a wIde sward between them
ot X66vr,OL myrrh and ohbanum on the altar stone gIVIng perfume,
and where was nothmg now IS furry assembla. ge
and In the boughs now are VOIces
grey WIng, black WIng, black wmg shot WIth crImson and the umbrella pInes
as In PalatIne, as In pIneta XeAL8&>v, XeAL8&lV
For the processIon of Corpus
come now banners
comes flute tone
at X66v~o~
to new forest,
duck smoke, purple, rIsmg
brIght fla. me now on the altar
the crystal funnel of aIr
out of Erebus, the dehvered,
Tyro, Alcmene, free now, ascendIng
e 1cavaherI, ascendIng,
no shades more,
? lIghts among them, enkIndled, and the dark shade of courage
'H:A? x'"t"pcx
bowed still WIth the wrongs of Aeglsthus
Trees dIe & the dream remaIns
Not love but that love flows from It
ex ammo
& cannot ergo delIght In Itself
but only In the love flowmg from It UBI AMOR IBI OCULUS EST
? & Helen of Tyre
(If It was Apollo1llus)
by Plthagoras
? I II ?
ab 10 dolchor qu'al cor fil val
? -?
that the body of lIght come forth
from the body of fire
And that your eyes CaDle to the surface
from the deep whereIn they were sunken,
Rema-for 300 years,
and now sunken
That your eyes come forth from theIr caves &bght then
as the holly-leaf qw laborat, orat
Thus Undme came to the rock,
by Clrceo and the stone eyes again lookIng seaward
Thus Apollonlus
by Ocellus
(puot-:6. sh, et hbldlWS expers, of Tyre,
? justlluan, Theodora
from brown leaf and tWIg The GREAT CRYSTAL
doublIng the pIne, and to cloud pensar dl hels m'es rlpaus
MISS Tudor moved them wIth galleons from deep eye, versus arlnada
from the green deep
he saw It, ln the green deep of an eye
Crystal waves weaVIng together toward the gtJ healIng
LIght compenetrans of the SpIrIts The PrIncess Ra-Set has chmbed
to the great knees of stone, She enters protectIon,
the great cloud IS about her, She has entered the protectIon of crystal
conVIen che 51 mova la Inente, amanda
LIght & the flOWIng crystal
never gIn In cut glass had such clarIty
That Drake saw the splendour and wreckage In that clarIty
Gods movIng m crystal
Ichor, amor
Secretary of Nature, J Heydon
Here ApollonIus, Heydon
hIther Ocellus
'to thIs khan"
XXVI, 34
? The golden sun boat
by oar, not by saIl Love movmg the stars 1t'OCpa. ~W~LO"
by the altar slopt.
lTamuz' Tamuz" They set lIghts now In the sea
and the sea's claw gathers them outward The peasant WIves lude cocoons now
That the sun's suk hSlen
under theIr aprons for Tamuz
be clear CEAeVtXu<; That Drake saw the armada
& sea caves Ra-Set over crystal
m the Queen's eye the reflectIon & sea-wrack-
ne quaesarls
green deep of the sea-cave
He asked not
nor wavered, seemg, nor had fear ofthe wood-queen, ArteInls
that 15 DIana
nor had lo. lled save by the huntIng rIte,
Thus sang It
Leafdl DIana, leave DIana
? Heye DIana, help me to neode WItte me thurh crafte
whuder lch mael hdhan to wonsom Jonde
Rome th'llke tyme was noght So that he spread a deer-rude near the altar,
Now Lear mJanus' temple IS laId
? tunmg the thunder
Nor Constance hath lus hood agam, Merhn's fader may no man know Merhn's moder IS made a nun
Lord, thaet seop the dayes hhte,
all that she knew was a spInt brIght,
A movement that moved m cloth of gold mto her chamber
"By the whIte dragon, under a stone Merlm's fader IS known to none II
Lay me by Aurehe, at the east end of Stonehenge where lIe my bndred
Over harm Over hate
overfloodmg, hght over light And yuden he gon rere
(Athelstan before a D 940) the hght :Bowmg, whelmmg the stars
In the barge of Ra-Set On over of crystal
So hath Slbue a boken lsette
Democraczes electtng thetr sewage
? tIll there tS no clear thought about holltless
a dung flow from 1913
and, tn thIs, thetr ktkeryfilllcttOfUd, Mart, Freud
and the amerlCa1' bearzerzes Filth %"nderfilth,
Marttatn, Hute/tlns, or as Betzda remarked U La trahtson'
and damn all
I wdj hke to see Vcrona agaIn
(Iecco 11 te"
said the head walter- en calcalre, quarante quattre gradms, "DodICI Aposto! l" (trattorIa)
and the affable putana wantIng to adjust the spellmg of GUIdo as It IS Itot In the C1Capltolare"
CCCome rassembra al martlre' sdj the pIccolo clthere were french here,
but they fOWld some dead m the street one morning, they dId not come back agam"
(That was that war Battista nlartlrc) m Ortolo, San Zeno, San PIetro
and the htll-cats, "quel naszhong" said the ganun to Ed
ref the bronze doors of San Zeno "buy columns now by the gross"
as for the four porphery
Wlth the stone-loop
NalUU (Torquato) dtd 3 years WIth BattIsta and wasn't shot till after Sal"
Threw lumself I n front o f a frIend (Arplnatl)
but cd/ not save hIm
? Farlnata pudg'd still there In the cloIster,
Can Grande's grIn hke Tommy Cochran's, pleno d'alegre<ra
Rapunzel dId not And as donors Adah Lee, Ida
(for an altar pIece) narrow lace at her collar ill moummg
((A SpIrIt In cloth of gold" so Merhn's moder saId,
or dId not say,
left the qwdtty
but remembered & from fire to crystal
VIa the body of lIght,
the gold wmgs assemble
That Rhea's hons protect her
(to the tough guy Musomus honour) Rose, azure,
the hghts slow movmg round her, Zephyrus, turmng,
the petals lIght on the air
BrIght hawk whom no hood shall cham, They who are skIlled In fire
shall read tan)the dawn
Walvmg no Jot of the arcanum
(haVIng Ius own rmnd to stand by ! um)
As the sea-gull K&. 8[. LoU . &uycX. 'nlP sald to Odysseus KADMOU THUGATER
"get rId ofparapernaha" TLEMOUSUNE
? And that even In the tIme of Domttlan
one young man declmed to be buggar'd
'fls thIS a bath-house)"
a. AAOTE 8'avT' Evpo~ ZEcPVpCl) Et,aUI<E 8L(~ICELV 'Or a Court House)"
Asked Apollomus
to ascend those hIgh places
stnnng and changeable
wrote Heydon
who spoke to the hon chantas msuperabws
"hght fightmg for speed>> and If honour and pleasure will not be ruled
yet the mmd come to that HIgh CIty who WIth Pythagoras at Taornuna
Souls be the water-nymphs o f PorphyrIus
NUK~OC; 3'cx. ~'i:'o:. t. &1)p 't'e xcx. t ~tLep(X. Z1)'IOC; TCup6c; FormalIty Heydon polluted Apollonlus unpolluted
and the whole creatIon concerned WIth "FOUR" 'my blkml IS worth your raft"
And there be who say there 15 no road to fehclty tho' swallows eat celandIne
"before my eyes mto the aether of Nature" The water-bug's mIttens
petal the rock beneath, The natrlx ghdes sapplure mto the rock-pool
NUTT overarchmg "mand'lo a la Plnella"
sdj Gwdo
? "Ghosts dIp m the crystal, adorned"
That the tone change from elegy
"Et Jehanne" (the Lorraine girl)
A lost kInd ofexperience~ scarcely,
o Queen Cytherea,
che '1 terzo clel movete
And from thIs Mount \'\crc hIo\'n sled
and that every plant hath It') ~ccd so \\ III tht \VtasLI cat rue,
and the swallo\v~ IUp celandIne. . . and as cngraveIl on gold, to bt unity but dualIty, brass
and trIne to mercurIal shall a. tetrad be suver
wIth the smoke of llutmeg and frankIncense and froin tms a sea-change'
And honour)
FItzgerald i l I ,vas" When he freed a man
who had not bet-Il at the Po~t Office (OlI'eland 1916) or ('SIgnorI,
10 facevo la selltl11<. . lla;t
o non facevo la sentmella)"
accused of not takll1g cover durIng bombardn1ent
((A emstlma (GUlcclarmm)
l'onore aS$al(e
& from pool of the sl1ver clrclet
1S calm as the sapphlre Ra-Set m her barge now
('Gran dlSPltto "
over deep sapphIre 618
? but the chtld played under wave e plove d'arnor
In llUl
a great rIver, the ghosts dlppmg m crystal & to Pinella
But "Her love' sd/ Hewlett
"lIke a cage hath bars
that break Iny head, seekIng to touch the stars " To another the raIn fell as of SlIver
La Luna Regma Not gold as In Ecbatan
o AnubIS, guard tlus portal
as the cellula, Mont Segur
that no blood sully thts altar
ex aqws nata
'rOC ex "Ci:Jv u8oc'C'{Uv ye,,6~e:voc
"In questa lumera appresso"
Folquet, nel terzo CIcIo
ClAnd IfI see her not,
no SIght IS worth the beauty of my thought II
Then knelt WIth the sphere of crystal That she should touch WIth her hands,
eoch RegIna,
The four altars at the four cOlgns of that place,
But In the great love, bewIldered farfalla In tempesta
under ram In the dark
many wmgs frague
Nymphahdae, basuarch, and lycaena, Ausomdcs, euchloe, and erynnls
? And from far
For a flash,
for an hour Then agony,
then an hour,
11 tremolar della marIna
ehh ehh
the pebbles turn With the wave
ebb ch'u
"ful chlamat'
e qUI refuIgo" Le ParadIS n'est pas artlficlcl
then agony,
HIlary stumbles, but the Dlvme MInd IS abundant
and that the hee turned from the mamfestto overlookmg the detaIl
and theIr futh now observes mere dynanuc, That the Pontlfex ceased to be holy
- that was In Caesar's tIme- who wa. s buggar'd
and the com ceased to be holy, and, of course,
they worshIped the emperor Margarethe von Taufers
and Uncle Carlo both trIed a clean-up,
6. 20
but IS Jagged,
? hence, In a way, the RImlDl bas-rehefs
and Semele's personalIty shot to atoms
Even you were happy last Wednesday '10 porto"
sdj Deicrolx
lila cecIta" for I forget how many
ten thousand ItalIans
"Two evils
usury In the bank rot & theft In les socj anonymes"
Grabbed hIS phone and called un mIrustro BottaI also phoned TorIno
mstanter, to dIg out VIvaldI, And 1l11D1strI went to the fightIng hne as dId old Marmettl
"Hans Sachs"
sdj Schmtz Brandt
war eln Schuh-
macher und poet dazu "
Yet, havmg seen the armada
turn back='
That wdj scarcely from sea-caves
300 years
Nem' aber m Wolken And agaInst usury
and the degradatIon of sacraments, For 40 years I have seen tlus,
now flood as the Yang tse also desensItIzatIon
25 hundred years desenSItIzatIon
? 2 thousand years, desensItIzatIon After Apollomus, desenSltIzatlon
& a httle hght from the borders Erigena,
AVIcenna, RIchardus
Htlary looked at an oak leaf or holly, or rowan
as agamst the brown oll and corpse sweat
& then cannon to take the cmnks OpIum
& the Portagoose uprootIng SpIce-trees CIa common"
sez Arl "custom m trade"
"A man's paradIse IS lus good nature"
sdj Katl
"pams angehcus" Antef two %s of a seal
haVIng lus own nund to stand by lum
KcX8~ou &uy&~?
Apollomus made hIs peace WIth the ammals,
so the arCIvescovo fumbled round under Ins
ample overcloaks as to what mIght have been
a left-hand back pocket of CIVIl. clothmg
and produced a cornucopIa from "La Tour"
or as Augustme saId, or as the Pope wrote to AugustIne
"eaSIer to convert after you feed 'em" but tlus was before St Peter's
m move toward a carrozza from the mternal horrors (mosaIC)
en route to Santa Sabma
& San Domemco
where the spIrIt IS clear In the stone as agaInst
Fl1th of the Hyksos, butchers of lesser cattle Narrow alabaster m sunlIght
In Classe, m San Domemco
(Yes, my OndIne, It IS SO god-damned dry on these rocks)
? "The waves rIse, and the waves fall But you are hke the moon-lIght
Always there'" Old Grinell had remembered that
By ohbanum, the pohte salutatIon, the smoke sIgn, Do not pester the spIrIts
"non fosse CIve"
Dant' had It, Some sense of cIvility
& from Avon (whence they do not suspect It) As ill "dragons' spleens",
or "a peltIng farm", LIqwdity from the alum at Tolfa
- Papal, that was
And the MedIcI faued
From acceptmg excess deposIts
'fTe valla, mon Bourlenne JJ
corrent' attratttva,
WIth the ureus, azure
that IS from turquoIse and gold, ISlde, out of turquoIse and gold
Peltz traJ. pena d'arnor Que Trlstans l'amador Qu'a suffrl mamta dolor
FIrst petals
FIrst petals
per Iseutz la bionda
and then cool raIn sward Castaha agam
Peltz tral pena d'arnor Que Tnstans l'amador Qu'a suIfr! matnta dolor
Per Iseutz la bionda
? and then cool raIn By sward Castaha agam
The sUIcIde IS not serIous from convIctIon One should first bump off some nUIsance
From sheer phYSIcal depressIon, c'est autre chose San CrIstofaro provIded transport
WIth a lIttle ChrIsto grIppmg Ius haIr the mIst domed over Gardasee
the east lobe bluer from sulphur dove slede Pescluera
no such blue north of Sorrento Cortesla, onestade
out of the Ureus Nme knowledges about
AVIcenna and Aigazel
The 8th bemg natural SCIence, 9th moral
8th the concrete, 9th the agenda,
AgaSSIZ WIth the fixed stars, Kung to the crystaltne, To Queen Nephertarl thiS mcense
To ISIS tlus Incense
"quest' umre tequale e dentro l'amma
veggendo dl fuorl quelh che ama"
From the sea-caves
degh occh! Mamfest and not abstract
R. J. splende
? In the tIme of Numa Pompilius che Pltagora 51 cluanlo "non scmpre" (m the 3rd of Convlvlo)
or as above stated I Jagged" l'arnor che tl fa bella
Clut facIas" - Goddeschalk- 'pulchram") That love IS the uform' of phIlosophy,
IS Its shape (e forma dl Filosofia) and that men are naturally frIendly
at any rate from ms (Dant's) pOInt of VIew tho' he puts knowledge hIgher than I should and, elsewhere "her" belta,
Cloe morahtade,
rams flakes o f fire" ,
but IS not speakmg of knowledge
Though Jacopo Sellalo Included It "e solo In lealta far SI duetta"
e Cld'uchr prode" both of antlent tImes and our own, and on another pomt
600 years before Beaumarchals 38 hundred years after KATI
"compagnevole ammale"
or ctperch6" saId the Boss r,vuo! mettere Ie sue Idee m ordmer"
repel mlO poema " bellezza (outsIde Perugla,
seated on three sacks of laundry, pargoletta
Clonestade rlsplende" Dlo, la prIma bontade
? wInch can be wrItten
? 1 (four)
whence salth Augustme
Alessandro & SaladIn & Galasso dt Montefeltro
and mentIons dIstrIbutIve Justice, Dante does, In ConvlVlo Four, eleven
"CUI adoma esta bontade" Know agenda, to the utmost of Its VIrtu,
ofIts own
All ov whIch may be a httle slow for the reader or seem platltudmous
und kem Weekend-Spass Mr Hoeph sent a small brochure to SVltzerland
and Ius banker frIend replIed "urgente" "destroy It e farlo sparire"
ShIvers has receIved (agam) nomInatIon and "Alfalfa" IS no longer In Who's Who,
current Issue
Grenfell's death was (hke some others)
SUSpICIously sudden
The Bard of Avon mentIoned the subject, Dante mentIoned the subject,
and the lIt profs dISCUSS other passages m abulela
or In total unconsCIousness
Four thousand years after KATI
Taffy went putty-colour when I mentioned Zaharoff (I914) And general WhOOSlS, when he read the name, Aquarone,
3a years later
? or as Ub saId ('ten to charge a nest of macmne guns for one who will put his name on a chIt
The autumn leaves blow from my hand, agltante calescemus
and the wind cools toward autumn Lux m dlafana,
CreatrlX, oro
Ursula benedetta, oro
By the hours of paSSIon,
Ysolt, Ydone,
per dJ. 1ettevole ore, gUlde your successor,
have compaSSIon,
Plcarda, compassion
By the wmg'd head,
by the caduceus,
By the horns ofISis-Luna,
compassion The black panther hes under Ius rose-tree
J'aI eu pltle des autres
Pas assez' Pas assez'
For me nothIng But that the chIld walk. m peace m her basilica,
The hght there almost sohd
62. 8
? holchng that energy IS near to benevolence Au bOIs dormant,
not yet , Not yet'
do not awaken
The trees sleep, and the stags, and the grass,
The boughs sleep unmovIng "Krr' Krr' J from the starlmg "mal tardl
"per l'Ignoto"
and the soul's Job ~ (Ocellus)
"Renew" as on the T'ang tub
JIb n hsm
renew Plus the lummous eye
62. 9
? the terror of all four-flushers
& there IS no doubt that D'Annunzlo
could move the crowd In a theatre or that the stone rose m Brescia,
And yet for Venus and Roma
a wraith moved m alr
And Raplcavoh lost for a horse-Jump Quarta Sponda
tranSient as alr Waste after Carthage
not yet' not yet'
Do not awaken
Came then Flora Castaha
"Air hath no petals now,
where shall come leaf on bough naught IS but air
"pone metum, Cermthe,
Nee deus laed1t
and the Lorrame girl heard In the fields Tho' the skater move fast or slow
the Ice must be sohd
Pone metum, Cermthe volucres delphmasque ad audltum
tone, ode, tide
1f the tone draw the dolphIn
e t1 fiammegglo
Iii hSlen nuova vita
? Such lIght IS In sea-caves e la bella Clprlgna
where copper throws back the flame from pInned eyes, the flames rIse to fade
In green air A foot-print ~ aleun vestiglo ~
thus was It for sthousand years thus Salth ~C-:-~~J(Kan)
and as for the trigger-happy mmd amid stars
alDld dangers, abysses gomg SIX ways a Sunday,
how shall plulologers;t A butcher's block for bIographers,
Have they heard ofIt)
"Qh you," as Dante says
"In the dmghy astern there"
There must be Incogmta and In sea-caves
un lume plen' dl spIrIt! and of memorIes,
Shall two know the same In their knowing ~ You who dare Persephone's threshold, Beloved, do not fall apart In my hands
E "cmcrescera" they would be mmvlduals Swedenborg sald "of SOCieties"
by attractIon
ccBlmd c:yes and shadows"
? to enter the presence at sunrIse up out of hell, from the labyrInth
the path wIde as a haIr & as to mental velOCItIes
Yeats on Ian HamIlton "So stupId he
couldn't thmk unless there were a caml0nade gomg on "
The duratIon
m ref mental velocIty
as to antennae
as to malevolence
Sr~ ways to once
of a Sunday VelocIty
WIthout gUIdes, havmg nothing but courage Shall audacIty last mto fortItude:.
You are tender as a marshmallow, my Love, I cannot use you as a fulcrum
You have stIrred my mmd out of dust Flora CastalIa, your petals drIft thIU the aIr,
theWIndIS ~hghtedWIth pollen dlafana,
e Manna Vanna tu nu fa1 rimembrar
I Brederode"
(to Rush, Ap 4 1790)
treatIes of commerce only, Blue Jay, my blue Jay
that she should take wIng In the Illght by the Kmgdom of
W u
I~I : \ ,
. :r
as mentIoned m RollIn, ref LIncoln, 14th May 1810
'or whose depreCIatIons are to the favour ofthe whole people" Mr Adams saw thru the bank hoax
& Suvltch a century plus 20 years later 'd- d- d- dIna- mIte'
d-d- dinamite'
& the MedIcI fal1ed from acceptmg too many depOSIts Alex , a respectable
or at least merItorIOUS BIddle,
alIve 1890
? "& consequently the corruptIon of hIstory" J A to Rush
18 'leven
Beyond CIVIC order
Was It Frate EgldlO- 'per la mente"
loolang down and reprovIng
"who shdj mIstake the eye for the mInd" Above prana, the lIght,
past hght, the crystal Above crystal, the Jade'
The clover endurmg,
basalt crumbled wIth time "Are they the same leaves""
that was an mtelligent questIon And that all gates are holy
(Pandects I 8 out of Galus) chvlDl et humamJurIS commumcatlo
and to the hIghest mtegrlty
Ius Itahcum (DIgest FIfty, xv)
Antonmus gave tIns to Tyre (Paulus, two)
Consul for the fourth tIme, 7th December & Paulus m Constantmople
& then the fun starts
with the "Code"
I 3, TItle
The Bulgar was trymg to hold onto horse sense
& an ImpreSSIon
perhaps m too general language, that
ConstantIne was a louse ('BUT by the new law,"
"feed 'um"
? 127
"from affection alone"
CODE V 27, the paragraph precedmg 2 Code V IV, 23,5 called also "fuss-cat"
To Kung, to avoId theIr encIrclement, To the Odes to escape abstract yatter,
to Menclus, Dante, and AgassIz for Gestalt seed,
pity, yes, for the mfected,
let the hght pour
but mamtam antiSepSIS,
ApolloIllUS made peace with the anImals
Was no blood on the Cyprian's altars
Justuuan mserted that sentence
"from affection" the novel, 127
From the hawk-lang
Goth, Agdu
Prabbu of Kopt, Queen Ash may ISIS preserve thee
Maws paId for the land
I bur 60 measures, 10 stalO, I mana of sIlver
as IS sald on the black obehsk
somewhere about 27 0 4
m the long boats east of Abydos
darkness, do you want %the year to get tm-
darkness, cahglnei
Agada, Gana
? % the year to get tIn
Swans came to the meadow 7tOAAOUt; "C'Lf. L~" 1tLO'~e6(a)v at OA(rOt~
For styrax to Pampluha,
and Apollomus saId to Kmg Huey
? Leang
? a ?
It wua ?
13 a
pao3 ?
Phraotes' tIgers worshIp the sun
WtJ. <p6A1)'7n"Ot
~ciXXOt 'tOU vf)<petv 636
rhymed m Ta. xJ. 1a
? G~vov ~tdpt:tV
~6io" ~o" x6a~ov yap ~CI)o)'o,,? t 1tcXV1"(x
~p6)~ci taxEL )(<<1 ~uv(a1"'l)aL"
III 34 F P
no full trans/ ttll ISII,
remarks F C Conybeare, the preleetor,
who says It IS (SIC) "hghtly wrItten" although no theologIan touches It NO' not even R. 1chardus
Apollomus & RJ. chardus
or, as Swedenborg says "ofSOCIeties"
well ,
& that gnffins dIg rocks spotted WIth gold and the phoemx
1tP01tEIL~P(OUt; is(. Lvou~ t:t~~Cii &3? LV
as do swans for those havmg ear
By the nymphs and have ecstasy, sober and that the umverse IS ahve
IpCa)~<< toxcL
& keepmg the Ganges on Ius nght hand
went down ten days toward the sea
& the "red
not from Its colour, the cyamne
VJLa~ 8e8cdKa. 'TE TTjV 8t! A. aTTav EppwlT8e BaIara full of myrtles and date palms
a place well watered by spnngs
1trtp<< ~or:t; ~v aoep? cxv ~L! L~ar. v
and they bell the boat to keep offthe seals Grant, 0 Muses,
XtXl epcxa6~VtXt ItXA~ACJ)V
sea named after Erythras
? that was Smyrna,
but fOWld Ephesus full of pIpers, buggars & nOIse
"We are the plant' saId Hugo Rennert or
as Homer says
1CoIJ. . CXL~ t8eC't. tC; not merely set stone
1Cp&. "t"'t'e~v ! xtXG't'OV o? 1"r. 8UVC't:t"CXL snt "t"~v vexuv EC11tepC't. ~ ~8'rJ
embarkmg at sunset
That he passed the mght on the mOWld of Achilles ? 'master of tempest and fire"
& he set up Palamedes an Image that I, Phuostratus, sa. w
and a shrme that will hold ten people drmkmg CClt was not by dltch-dIggmg and sheep's-guts
"rn Aeohs close to Methymna"
m the summer lIghtnIng, close upon cock-crow So that walkmg here under the larches o f ParadIse the stream was exceedIngly clear
& almost level Its margIn
"was thrown m my way a touch-stone
reXp ~ctatXVOC; xcx6cxpov xa. t cX. 1t) ou8&voc; 6v1)"t"ou "HIe soot leones",
on the North sIde (fas gold from the Hellads' poplar"
and at Gadara (CadIz) sumerIan capItals to theIr pillars 8e 'rotc; 6ar. ~ 7tpcX. 1:'''rouO't
for the doers of hohness y~v (. Lev 1ttXO"eXv &aepcxA~
they may slnp or SWIm, beIng secure v 17
? We have already raIsed our stele to Musomus, the man WIth the spade
Five, twenty two
formo nuevos arcmvos
BUT dtd not show good sense m Greece
"Law rules the sea"
meanmg lex Rhom Daughter of a sun prIest m Babylon
told Plulostratus to set down tins record of TYana
~Glv ? tXU't"ou 7tcx? 3CJ)v U7tO 't"o! c; 6e:oit;
not partlcular about theoretIcal orgamzatlons
V 3S worth attentIon
E'7T? VOVV EA(JOV ? lp~(j? Tat
? l rqv tfrox. ~vrqv lJL7JV epKEIS
as yung chung
? & do not mow the lugh stalks ANTONINUS reIgned 138 to 161 SEVERUS and Juha Domna about 198
? ?
E:AA7)V(~OV~tx~ ~e:v tEAA"1)VLX(;iV
as agaInst that schnorrer Euphrates and he sald to DIan
Set It to mUSIC and sent the hon up country
after sacnfice to AmaSlS
ETt' a. u~Cl t! 8ov't'e~
& keepmg the NIle on theIr rIght hand about ten ofthem went WIth Apol1011lUS ((lL~ O~OAOC; O~OAOV 1;'ex"tl"
"WhIch IS all nuts" saId Apollomus,
('The AfrIcans have more sense than the greeks"
book SIX, chap 2 'Hql6,) Mt~VO'VLMemnon of the Dawn
the one word meanmg to burn and be warm
'1:'" ,, ,
It. ' '6'
't'UX't} ex cx. VtXTOc; 'YJ TL [. Le"t"ct ~~Of. atV &:Cl>V ~t[. L~Teov
That It IS of thrones, *
and above them Jusace
Acre, agam,
? WIth an Eleanor
who sucked the venom out of Ius wound,
and came up VIa Padua, for a balance of wme & wool,
dIstraInt and tolls not unbridled
and m 1288 a thunderbolt passed between them
thJ. s wdf be m the tIme of FederICO Secondo, Alfonso, St LOUIS, and Magnus of Norway
and two years later she died and lus luck went out,
Edwardus, who played Ballol agamst the Bruce and brought the stone down to London
where It IS seen to thIS day PACTUM SERVA
Be Tralst
As agaInst anyone who takes hIs blessmgs mto a comer,
and after that we will go up to the Cataracts xexJ. XEAOC8ou'Joc; &:xouaoc~
<Pocv"t"cxa(cx aocpoo1"epcx (. LL~~crecu~ not baffled by terror,
and wanted to keep Sparta, Sparta,
that the kmg shdj be kmg
not a meltIng pot
& when Athens exceded the tnbutes set by AnstIdes, Coke, after he got mto Parhament,
The boat of Ra-Set moves WIth the sun
To have gathered fronl the a r a live tradItIon or from a fine old eye the unconquered flame
ThIs IS not vanIty
Here ertor IS all In the not done, all In the dIffidence that faltered
52 2
-_ . . . . . . . . . '~r'HEN wIth his huntIng dog I see a cloud
cc Guten Morgen, Meln Herr" yells the black boy from the Jo-cart
(Jeffers, Lovell and Harley
also Mr Walls who has lent me a razor Persha, Nadaskv and Harbell)
SWInburne my only mISS
and I dIdn't know he'd been to see Landor
a1zd they told me thI~ that an' tother and when old Mathews went he saw the three teacups
two for Watts Dunton who lIked to let hIs tea cool, So old Elkin had only one glory
He dId carry Algernon's stllt case once when he, ElkIn, first came to London
But gIven what I know now I'd have got thru It somehow Dlrce's shade
or a blackjack
When the french fishermen hauled 111m out he
recIted 'em
mIght have been Aeschyh. ~s
tIll they got Into Le Portel, or wherever In the orIginal
CC On the Atreldes' roof" tt lIke a dog and a good Job
EMO~ nO~I~ XlsP02
hac dextera m O l tus
dead by thIS hand beheve Lytton first saw Blunt In the bull rIng
? as It mIght have been brother Packard and U our brother Percy"
BaSlnlO'S manuscrIpt WIth the greek moulds In the margIn
OtIS, Sonclno,
the cc Inarble men" shall pass Into nothIngness,
Three bIrds on the WIre
so requested Mr Clowes to sleep on the same
and as to who wd/ p'ly for the composItIon If same were not used
(ElkIn Mathews, my bantam) After all " saId Mr BIrrell, tt It IS only the old story
of Tom Moore and Rogers "
Her LadyshIp arose 10 the nIght and moved all the furniture
(that IS her LadyshIp YX)
her LadyshIp Z dIslIked dInIng alone and
The proud shall not he by the proud
amId dIm green lIghted with candles
Mabel Beardsley's red head for a glory Mr Masefield murmurIng Death
and Old Neptune meanIng somethlng unseizable
In a diSCUSSIon of Flaubert
MISS Tomczyk, the medIum
baffhng the SOcIety for metaphysIcal research
and the Idea that CONversatIon
should not utterly wIther even I can remember
at I 8 Woburn BUIldIngs SaId Mr Tancred
of the Jerusalem and SICily Tancreds, to Yeats, tt If you would read us one of your own chOIce
and perfect
? lyrIcs"
and more's the pIty that Dickens died tWice
wIth the dIsappearance of Tancred
and for all that old Ford's conversatIon was better,
consIstmg 111 res non verba,
despIte WIlham's anecdotes, In that Fordle
never dented an Idea~for a phrase's sake
and had more humamtas
(<:ythera C:ythera)
WIth DIrce In one bark convey'd
Be glad poor beaste, love follows after thee Till the crIcket hops
but does not chIrrp In the drIll field 8th day of September
? ?
Terreus' Terreus'
there are no rIghteous wars In U The SprIng and Au- tumn"
that IS, perfectly rIght on one sIde or the other total rIght on either sIde of the battle lme
and the news 18 a long tIme moving a long tune m arrIvIng
thru the 1IIlpenetrable crystallme, mdestructible
Ignorance of localIty
The news was qUIcker In Troy's tIme
a match on Cnidos, a glow worm on MItylene,
TIll forty years SInce, Relthmuller IndIgnant
52 5
wrIte the bIrds In theIr treble scale
? (C Fvy' In Tdaenmarck efen dh' beasantz gnow hrrn," meaning WhItman, exotIc, stIll suspect
four mIles from Camden
u 0 troubled reflectIon
(( 0 Throat, 0 throbbIng heart"
How drawn, 0 GEA TERRA, what draws as thou drawest
tIll one sInk Into thee by an arm's width embracIng thee Drawest,
truly thou drawest WIsdom lIes next thee,
SImply, past metaphor Where I lie let the thyme rise
and basIhcum
let the herbs rIse In April abundant
By Ferrara was burled naked, fu Nicolo e dl qua dlIa del Po,
Wind 'E/l(,V TQV o. l8pa.
he Into earth to the breast bone, to the left shoulder
KIplIng suspected It
to the heIght of ten Inches or over
man, earth two halves of the tally
but I WIll come out of thIS knOWing no one neIther they me
connublum terrae
flUId X@ONO~ o'erflowed me lay In the flUid X(R)ONO~,
that lIe under the aIr's solldlty
l cf>a,TO. '7f'6al. t; Ep. or; X@)ONIO~, mysterlum
drunk WIth 'IXOP of X(R)ONIO~
flUid X(R)ONO~, strong as the undertow
of the wave recedIng
but that a man should live m that further terror, and live
? the lonelIness of death came upon me
(at 3 P M , for an Instant) 8a. Kp,)WV
? vTcv8EV
three solemn half notes
theIr whIte downy chests black-rImmed
on the mIddle WIre
Gemlsto stemmed all from Neptune
hence the Rlmlnl bas rehefs
Sd TvIr Yeats (\Yf B) U NothIng affects these people
Except our conversatIon "
lux enlnl
IgnIs est accIdens and,
wrote the prete In hIs edItIon of Scotus l-Illarltas the vIrtue hzlarttas
the queen stItched KIng Carolus' shIrts or whatever whIle Erlgena put greek tags In hIS excellent verses
In fact an excellent poet, ParIS touJours ParI'
(Charles Ie Chauve)
and you mIght find a bIt of enamel a bIt of true blue enamel
on a metal pyx or whatever
om11Ia) quae sunt, lumIna sunt, or whatever
so they dug up hIs bones In the tIme of De Montfort (Sunon)
Le Paradis n'est pas artt:6clel
and Uncle WIlham dawdlIng around Notre Dame
In search of whatever
paused to admIre the symbol
WIth Notre Dame standIng InSIde It Whereas In St EtIenne
? or why not DCI Mlracoll mermaIds, that carVIng,
In the drenched tent there 15 qUIet sered eyes are at rest
the raIn beat as wIth colour of feldspar blue as the flyIng fish off Zoagh
pax, t oop
the sage dehghteth In water
the humane man has amIty WIth the hIlls
as the grass grows by the welrs
thought Uncle WIlham conSZ10S
as the gr1. SS on the roof of St What's hIs name near ct Cane e Gatto"
soIl deLne LIebe seln
It would be about a-level the wIndows
the glass would, or I dare say above that when they bless the wax for the PallO
Ohm de Malatestls
wIth Marla's face there In the fresco
paInted two centurIes sooner,
at least that before she wore It
As Montlno's
In that famIly group of about I820
not wholly Hardy's materIal
as he was standIng below the altars of the spIrIts of raIn
? C t When every hollow IS full It moves forward "
to the phantom mountain above the cloud But In the caged panther's eyes
U Nothing NothIng that you can do "
green pool, under green of the Jungle,
caged ce Nothing, nothIng that you can do "
6. pvo. rs, your eyes are ! lke clouds
Nor can who has passed a month In the death cells beheve In capItal punIshment
No man who has passed a month In the death cells beheves In cages for beasts
t1ptJo. ~,your eyes are lIke the clouds over Talshan \Vhen sonle of the rain has fallen
and 11alf remains yet to fall
The roots go down to the river's edge and the hIdden CIty moves upward
white Ivory under the bark
With clouds over Talshan-Chocorua when the blackberry ripens
and now the new moon faces T alsl1an one must count by the dawn star
Dryad, thy peace IS lIke water There IS September sun on the pools
Plura dlafana
Hel1ads 11ft the mist from the young Willows
there IS no base seen under Talshan 53?
? but the brIghtness of fudor vawp the poplar tipS float m brIghtness
only the stockade posts stand
And now the ants seem to stagger
as the dawn sun has trapped theIr shad. ov/s,
thIs breath wholly covers the mountalns It shInes and dIvIdes
It nourIshes by Its rectItude
does no InjUry
overstandlng the earth It fills the nIne fields
to heaven
Boon companIon to eqUIty It JOIns WIth the process
lackIng It, there IS InanItion
When the eqUIties are gathered together as bllds alIghtIng
It sprlngeth up vItal
If deeds be not ensheaved and garnered In the heart there IS InanItion
(have I perchance a debt to a man named Clower)
that he eat of the barley corn and move WIth the seed's breath
the sun as a golden eye
between dark cloud and the mountaIn
ce Non combaattere" saId Glovc1. nna
meaning, as before stated, don't work so hard
? don't
as It stands In the Kung-Sun Chow San GregorIo, San Trovaso
Old Zlovan raced at seventy after Ius glorIes and came In long last
and the family eyes stayed the same AdrIatic for three generatIons (San VIO)
and was, I suppose, last month the Redentore as usual
Will I ever see the Gludecca agaIn)
or the lIghts against It, Ca' Foscar! , Ca' Glustmlan
or the Ca', as they say, of Desdemona
or the two towers where are the cypress no more
or the boats moored off Ie Zattere
or the north qual of the Sensarla DAKRUON AAKPYON
and Brother Wasp IS bUilding a very neat house
of four rooms, one shaped lIke a squat IndIan bottle La vespa, ltl vespa, mud, swallow system
so that dreammg of Bracelonde and of Perugla and the great fountaIn In the Piazza
or of old Bulagalo's cat that With a well tImed leap
could turn the lever-shaped door handle
It comes over me that Mr Walls must be a ten-strIke WIth the sIgnorInas
and In the warmth after cht11 sunrIse
an Infant, green as new grass,
? has stuck Its head or tIp
out of Madame La Vespa's bottle
mint sprIngs up agaIn
In spite of Jones' rodents
as had the clover by the gorIlla cage WIth a four-leaf
When the mInd sWIngs by a grass-blade an ant's forefoot shall save you
the clover leaf smells and tastes as Its flower
The Infant has descended,
from mud on the tent roof to Tellus, hke to lIke colour he goes amId grass-blades
greeting them that dwell under XTHONOS 01 X00NIOI, to carry our news
E:iS XOOJlLOVi to them that dwell under the earth, begotten of aIr, that shall SIng In the bower
of Kare,
and have speech With Tireslas, Thebae
CrIsto Re, DIO Sole
In about ~ a day she has made her adobe (la vespa) the tiny mud-flask
and that day I wrote no further
TI? PUf. epOV? LQ,
There IS fatIgue deep as the grave
The Kakemono grows In flat land out of mIst
sun rIses lop-sided over the mountaIn
so that I recalled the nOIse In the chnnney
as It were the WInd In the chImney
but was m realIty Uncle WIllIam
? downstaIrs composIng
that had made a great Peeeeacock
In the proicle ov his olye
had made a great peeeeeeecock In the made a great peacock
In the prolde of hIS oyyee
prolcle ov hIS oy-ee
as Indeed he had, and perdurable
a great peacock aere perennIUS
or as In the advice to the young man to
breed and get married (or not)
as you choose to regard It
at Stone Cottage In Sussex by the waste moor (or whatever) and the holly bush
who would not eat ham for dInner because peasants eat ham for dinner
despite the excellent qualIty and the pleasure of haVing It hot
well those days are gone forever
and the travehng rug wIth the coon-skin tabs
and hIS hearIng nearly all Wordsworth for the sake of hiS conscience but
preferring Ennemosor on WItches
did we ever get to the end of Doughty The Dawn In Brltaln)
perhaps not Summons withdrawn, SIr )
(beIn' alIens In prohIbIted area)
? clouds 11ft theIr small mountaIns before the elder hIlls
A fat moon rIses lop-sIded over the mountaIn The eyes, thIs tIme my world,
But pass and look fron~ mIne between my lIds
sea, sky, and pool alternate
pool, sky, sea,
mornIng moon agaInst sunrIse
ltke a bIt of the best al1tIent greek COInage
~11r sagen
DIe Damen Du bIst GreIS,
. . '. \nd that a Madonna novecento
cd! be as a Madonna quattrocento ThIS I learned In the Tirol
and as perfect
where they paInt the houses outsIde WIth figures and the deep Inner courts run back trIple
tt Das hels' \Valterplatz "
heard In Bozen (Bolzano)
and In my mother's time It was respectable, It was socIal, apparently,
to SIt In the Senate gallery 535
? or even In that of the House
to hear the fire-works of the senators
(and possIbly reprcst. ntatlves)
as was stIll done In Westmlnster In my time and a very poor show from the once I saw It)
but If Senator Edwards cd; speak
and have hIS tropes stay In the mcn10ry 40 years, 60 years) In short; the descent
has not been of advantage eIther
to the Senate or to t t SOcIety "
or to the people
The States have passed thru a dam'd supercIlIous era
Down, Derry-down /
Oh let an old man rest
8th October
51 tUlt 11 doIh eIh plor
Angold TEfJV1]I<E tUlt 10 pro, tUlt 10 bes
Angold -rtfJV'Y}I<E
U an' doan you thInk he chop an' change all the tIme stubborn az a mule, sah, stubborn as a MULE,
got th' eastern Idea about money n
Thus Senator Bankhead cc am sure I don't know what a man lIke you
would :find to do here "
saId Senator Borah
Thus the solons, In WashIngton,
on the executIve, and on the country, a d 1939
ye spotted lambe
that IS both blacke and whIte
IS yeven to us for the eyes' dehght
and now Richardson, Roy RIchardson, says he 15 different
wIll I mentIon hIS name'>
and Demattia IS checkIng out
WhIte, FazzIo, Bedell, benedIct"
Sarnone, two Washmgtons (dark) J and M Bassler, Starcher, H Crowder and
no soldIer he although hiS name IS Slaughter
thIS day October the whateverth Mr Coxey aged 91 has mentioned bonds and theIr
? apparently as a basIs of Issue and Mr SIne LewIs has not
and Bart6k has left us
and Mr Beard In hiS admirable condensatIon
(Mr Chas Beard) has gIven one hne to the currency at about page 426 u The Young RepublIc"
We will be about as popular as Mr John Adams
and less widely perused
and the he leopard lay on hIs back playIng wIth straw In sheer boredom,
(MemOIrs of the Roman zoo)
In sheer boredom
IncefJ. se to Apollo
against stone-whIte
on the mountaIn
and as who passed the gorges between sheer chffs as It might be by, IS It the Garonne)
where one walks Into Spagna
that TCao Chtlen heard the old Dynasty's mUSIC as It might he at the Peach-blossom FountaIn
where are smooth lawns wIth the clear stream between them, slIver, dIvIdIng,
and at Ho Cl~Udestroyed the whole town for hIding a woman, Kv87Jpa, 8ELJla
and as Carson the desert rat said
tC whenwecameoutwehad
80 thousand dollars~worth " (U of experIence ")
that was from mmlng
havIng spent thelr capItal on eqUIpment
but not cal'lated the time for return
snow on the marble
? and myoId great aunt did lIkewise wIth that too large hotel
but at least she saVl damn all Europe
and rode on that mule In TangIers
and In general had a run for her money
U perhaps more than was In It " Under white clouds, clelo dl Plsa
out of all thIS beauty somethIng must come,
o moon my pin-up, chronometer
\Vel, Chi and PI-kan
Ym had these three men full of humanltas (manhood)
Xalre Alessandro
or Jen2
Xalre Fernando, e 11 Capo,
PIerre, Vldkun, Henrlot
and as to gradations
who went out of mdustrlals Into Government
when the slump was In the offing
as against whom, prepense, got OUT of In1perlal Chemicals In 1938
so as not to be nourIshed by blood-bath)
quand vos venetz al som de ! 'escal1na
~80f; gradations
These are dIstInctions In clarIty
mmg2 . ! nthese are dll>ClOctlOns 539
? John Adams, the Brothers Adam there IS our norm of SpIrIt
whereto we may pay our Salth MIcah
Each In the name of
So that lookIng at the sputtermg tank. of nicotlne and
stale whIskey
(on Its way out)
Kumrad Koba remarked
I wtll belIeve the American
Berlin I945
the last appearance of Winston PM In that connection
e pOliO dlSSl alIa sorella della pastorella del SUInl
e questl amerlcanl)
81 conducono bene'
ed ella ed 10
Poco, poco
pegglo del tedeschl')
ed ella uguale, thru the barbed WIre
you can, saId Stef (Llncoln Steffens) do nothing wIth revolutIonaries
unttl they are at the end of tIlelr tether
and that Vandenberg has read Stalin, or StalIn, John Adams IS, at the mIldest, unproven
If the hoar frost grip thy tent
Thou Wilt gIve thanks when nIght IS spent
Our dynasty came in because of a great sensibility. All there by the time ofI Yin
All roots by the time of I Yin. Galileo index'd 16I6, Wellington's peace after Vaterloo
a gnomon, Our science is from the watching of shadows;
That Queen Bess translated Ovid,
Cleopatra wrote of the currency,
Versus who scatter old records ignoring the hsien2 form
? eccellenza
and Jump to the wmnmg side (turbae)
have scopes and beginnIngs
tchoung cheu
II 9
2 Jen
are called chungJ - 4
f--: "Jif (J. 508, Mathews)
no mere epItome WIthOut orgamzaoon The sun under It all
Justice, d'urbamte, de prudence
weI heou,
the sheltered grass hopes, chueh, cohere
N at led of lustmg, not of conmvmg but IS as the grass and tree
not led of lusting,
not of the worm, contnvmg
Hulled rIce and silk at easter
(WIth the bacht held under their aprons
From T'ang's tIme unci now)
That you lean 'gamst the tree ofheaven,
and know YgdrasaI1
po, sluh2
"BIrds and terrapIn hved under HJ. a,
beast and fish held theIr order,
NeIther flood nor flame falling m excess"
mona pou gnmg
PerspIcax qUI excoht se Ipsum,
Their wntmgs Wlther because they have no cunoslty, TIns I(leader", gouged pumpkm
that they hOlst on a pole, 545
or foundattons
? But If you wIll follow thIs process
not a lot of signs, but the one sign etcetera
plus always Texv'Y)
and from TexvYJ back to crecx. u1"6v Neither by chmks, nor by soplusts,
nor by hmdoo Immatuntles, Dante, out of St VIctor (Rtchardus),
Erlgena WIth greek tags m lus verses Y Ym sent the young kmg mto seclusion by T'ang Tomb to thmk tlungs over,
that they make total war on CONTEMPLATIO Not to pamper tlus squlrrel-headedness
"In T'oung loco palatlum"
and not to bItch thiS whole generatIon In fish-traps
k'o tchoWlg iun
put some elbow-grease mto It the clurd seu
Nor by vam dlsputatlons
mB szu'
Mat 5592
? nor SIttIng down on a Job that IS done 1 Jenn IUen
whereby, m the long run,
. . R chen
reddIdIt gubermum Imperatorl
ttl ch'8n
As the pIvot perceIved by Y Ym
quam snnplex ammus Imperatons
that the drlFerent clans say BIgob' He sazd It III 6 Xl, RIght here IS the BIll of RIghts
? Three hundred years untJ. 1 P'an
Baros metetz en gatge'
Alexander paId the debts of lus troops
Not serenmplty
but to spread
te thru the people
The pusillammous
wantmg all men cut down to worm-Slze
Mr Roosevelt chose DexterWlute As agamst culture as qUlck-sand
after tl'48" (1848)
P'an Keng
? plulology subdIvIded, Nap III had the compOSItIon dIvIded,
to each compositor m the prInt shop a very few hnes,
none seemg the whole ProclamatIon Keep 'em off the market four years
and leave 'em WIthout understandmg, No claSSICS,
no Amencan lustory,
no centre, no general root,
No prezzo glusto as core
Alexander paid the debts of Ius solchery
WishIng to bnng back T'ang's state of awareness
TSOUNG 1324 1265 a c
Whetstone wIurlmg to gnnd, JOU tso
cymba et remlS Trees prop up clouds,
Praecogmta bonum ut te moveas and then consider the time
? cheu ~
"Faogare m sacns
dlcltur non reveren
ill Vlll, 11
FOll lue
m ntes not flame-headed
l'Up to then, I Just hadn't caught on "
chung wang hSlen
Imperator Slcut vmum ac mustum brew up thIS dlrectlo, tcheu,
fermentum et gernuna,
study WIth the nund ofa grandson and watch the time lIke a hawk
ta6 tSl %research and %
Tex'n) % observanon, % TeX'J"l) % trammg, TeXY"l)
You will go a long way WIthout shppmg, 55?
Tch'eng T'ang for gwde
? wIthout sloppmg over NISI cum saplentlbus non reglt,
nor sage feed from pOIsoned trough 200 years after
"Best you retIre but as for me, nunquam ego
~ wang It pou
Kt went mto Corea, "ablre decere", lest the hne be no more
And m sprmg time
assembled at Meng-ford
ta houel Meng tSffi,
that had from Heou TSI under Shun by the three streams, the three rivers,
Pmg, Foung were their cIties, and North-East to Mount K. t
Tan Fou, to Kmg Wan
"Our dynasty came m because of a great sensibility " Les mreurs furent reformees,
Nat after tlus dynasty "
la vertu fleunt
Ad Meng vadum,
south bank of the Yellow RIver,
Huang Ho
? Heaven and Earth begat the perceIver, ceeh' e' dltta dentro"
& Cheou demlttlt aerumnas Llng2
was basIs of rule
mlng 11 tso luen
Che6u deInlttlt aerumnas "Gendemen from the West,
Heaven's process IS qUIte coherent and Its maln pomts perfectly clear
f t l i hSIen iRM
Wu it leant on the yellow halbard
m lus nght, the wlute SIgnal tatl
"e canta la gallina,
" he IS ganged up WIth racketeers fa 6 steps or 7, reform
Ie 4, S, 7 strokes, reassemble
? nat tcheu t'sl
ll. : cheu t'sl
and do not chase fugItIves " Che6u's host was hke a forest m Mu plaIn,
quasI sI1vam convemt
"LIkmg some, dlshkmg others, domg IDJusoce to no man II
The 4th part margmaha
LIU dogs, serendIpIty;) No
P'J t ' o u n g
kouan 96
T'oung kouan nal chenn
? not water, Oll lU ChOUll
m nun
13: There be thy nurrour In men
k'l p'eng
lIen 1012
tp J!
1m 554
Tan lue
, pel
Odysseus "to no man"
? tcho
and you can know the SIncere That Tch'eng T'ang
PraestanoSSlmos regere
from Tch'eng T'ang to Tl I
nullus non splendIdas fecIt,
nullus non se SOClavlt k'l tche, ut benefaceret
Tcheau neIther watchIng Ius
own mSIdes, nor respectIng the workmgs Our Dynasty came In because of great Lmg2
? - . . . . ::=. .
'M& -~~! . -
overthrew lIla
? ~
The arrow has not two pOInts
J\ "0 nombreux officlers
, P1
pOll eul cheu pu erh4
Imperator alt
. . .
T cognovIt aerumnas
TSOU KIA reIgned 33 years
au TING 1324 1265
--. . . J Iterum dico
T'AIMEOU 1637 1562
? lE Z,
XV II ~ naught above Just contrIbutIon
IDVlcem docentes :Ie SIU F=J
that IS Sagetneb
~ ngo W e flop If we cannot mamtam the awareness
Dlutuma cogttes
respect the awareness and
tram the fit men
IJJJmingngotslon {I
chun4 1727 Mat
XVI 4 10
'-- a? -
cluao, I
hsu, m the first tone
XVI 20
? Cdn't see It (mlng) could
. . extend to the people's Subsldla,
that It was m some fine way tIed up wIth the people "And don't pester your officers"
"Don't get into small dog-fights
Hto kouJOll kouan
"Get the mot Juste before actIon"
XIX 18
touan cf The Ta Sen
Awareness restful & fake IS faogumg
XXI 7 nor laws as a means of oppreSSIon
Not all tlungs from one man
That IS, In some cases, charIty IOU loung te nat ta
JJ beau The S laws have root m an awareness
,he Junge
awareness extended chong XXI, 14
? "One of those days", said BrancusI,
Ilwhen I would not have given
"IS nunutes of my tIme
for anything under heaven "
Dead In the Plazzale Loreto,
In Holohan's case, murder protected
Jury trial was m Athens Tyrants resIsted
OU 't'<Xu"C'rx xcxxoLen 8e:r. AL<<V Kmg Owen had men about mm
Prmce of KOllO,
Houng leo, San I Cheng
as the hand gnps the wheat, RIsked the smoke to go forward
NOTE Kung slUd he had added notlung Canto 85 18 a somewhat detaUed con fbmatlon of Kung S VIew that the basic pnnclples of government are found In the Shu the HIstory ClassIc The numencal references are to Couvreur 8 Chou Kmg Meanmg of the Ideograms 1S usually given In the Enghsh text, transhteratl0ns as 10 Couvreur and Mathews
apenens tIbl ammum
? W I T H solIcItude
that InlrrOurl. d turbatlonem,
BIsmarck forgotten, fantaSIa \vlchout balance-wheel,
'No more wars after '70" (BIsmarck) "Dunlmhelt, nlcht Boshelt/' saId old Margherlta
(or Elenor~ dowager)
tltl Sono tuttI eretlcl, Santo Padre,
ma non sono cattlvl "
MInd (the Kalser's) hke loose dIce m a box Ballin saId "If I had known,
wdj Indeed have stuffed all Hamburg wIth graIn" Bulow belIeved rum But Talleyrand set up BelgIum, Two dynastIes, two buffer states,
wdj have set Poland
So that BelgIum saved Frogland, SVlzzera neutral XVI 20 only two of us who will roll up our sleeves And BranCUSl repeatmg Je peux commencer
une chose tous les Jours, mats funl111r
~ hstanga
Lostthefedofthepeople ? XVlll, 19
? way repeatedly not clean, nOIsy, & your hearts loveless 2. 2 Get men, It will grow
Milites Instar ursorum, XXlll, 5, men strong as bears
Not m two nunds
ta seu tel. wUn te1 taluun
Joung touan
Qws erudtet WIthout documenta>
even barbarIans who button theIr coats t'other way on 13 Non penturum
MenCIUS, chI4 (453, Mathews)
hue sm (XXIV, IS)
leadIng to
(XXlV, II)
repeating the
f~ ~
Kmg MOll
to K1un la,
3rd of hIS lIne m office "TheIr names are banner'd,
year'd on the T'al Tch'ang
Now my turn for thm lee and tIgers Live up to your hne
and the constitution ?
etlam habitus msplclendus
? A
It may depend on one man
as In the case of Edwardus
and von Hoesch on the telephone to good for three years,
or to eVIl
Eva's pa heard that on the telephone,
but forgetful of BIsmarck,
lost to all 14
"No wars after '70"
"NICht Boshelt, DummheltJ"
"Sono tuttI eretICl, Santo Padre, ma non sono cattlvl "
It can't be all m one language"
"They are all prots YR HOLINESS, but not bad
? Yes yr/ HolIness, they are all of thcnl prats"
fewdj have filled Halnburg \Vlth grain "
"No, MISS Wl'let, on account of blschruz relations" 20 years to crush Bonaparte,
gold through France Into Spaul The purchase and sale of
and Buchanan's remark about monarchies
(18so to PIerce)
mentlolllng only those on the ContInent questIon;l England not yet sold for the Suez- That would have been 20 years later,
or was It '74>
At any rate, sold down the rIver,
passed over Parhament, "whatever else he belIeved In,
It was not representatIve govemmept' Nor vIsible responslbultles
All, that has been, IS as It should have been, but what wJ. 11 they trust In
"AlIa non della", In the Verona statement 00 ~tXU't'C't xC'tx. o! crt
Sectlon Rock Drill
Alexander patd the debts of hIs soldIery
thought there was a catch In It somewhere, but he set up
the tables
at camp's edge, "Any note will be paid" OBIT apud Babylomos
? (date out of Arrlan) And 111 the great Hamurabl InscrIptIon
That IS the Reglus ProfessorshIps
(apud Chris Hollis)
to falsIfy hIstory
and Impose the WhIg pOInt of VIew
"Such hatred"
wrote Bowers,
and La Spagnuola saymg
"We are perfectly useless, on top,
but they la. lled the baker and cobbler"
"Don't wnte me any more thIngs to tell hIm (scrIpslt Woodward, WE)
CIon these occaSIons
talks" (End quote) "What" (Cato speakmg) ctdo you thInk of
But some Habsburg or other ploughed Ius Impenal furrow,
And old Theresa's road IS still there m BelgIum Tree-shadowed
and her thalers were current In AfrIca,
standard m our tIme,
"characters by theIr COInage" , Cleopatra wrote of her comage
(Joseph two, verIfy) ploughed Ins furrow)
? Up out of Tuscanv, LeopoldIne "We don't hate anybody "
Quoted Konody, We fight when our Emperor says so "
(AustrIans 1914) "Decent chaps" (Schwartz'43)
'a shame that we have to fight 'em " U MalS Ie prusslen'
Le prUSSlen
c'est un clue homme "
SaId the aged femme de menage WIth four teeth out
"Vous voullez me rouler,
mats ous ne me
roulerez pas, upaaasque Je SOlS trop rosse "
htlgant1um dona
non coelum non In medIa
but man IS under Fortuna
~ that IS a forced translationr La donna che volgo
Man under Fortune,
. . - ---. ~ - . . . . .
~-- --~
1~? -
? Iou Wang, 770
Kmg Jou
hlled by barbarIans
and a red bow
wIth a hundred arrows
m angustns me defendIstl, "Millet wme, fragrant,
and a black bow
and a hundred arrows
ne muttle qwescas ' "Will not rustle cattle,
will not take oxen and horses, will close all traps and pItfalls
end quote
that they have set for wlld game"
Pe fa K'in ?
order for mobilizatIon agamst msurrecoon by trtbes from t'other s1de of the HOU31 rIver
? m tIme of
WIll not traIpse Into peoples' fields chasulg fugItives, real or
U m eleven days we Will go Into SUI, prepare your provISIons"
end quote
ClOn these occaSIons
talks" end quote, Woodward '36
Eleven lIterates
and I suppose DWIght L Morrow" re Senate enrollment
Br c g questIon> about '32
01 hysterIC preSIdIng over It all" '39 House, ForeIgn RelatIons
Bellum cano perenne
1115-1? 78
between the usurer and any man who wants to do a good Job
(perenne) WIthout regard to productlon-
a charge
for the use of money or credIt "Why do you want to
- perche SI vuol mettere- your Ideas In order~"
Date '32
OrGrock au~a~ (J'a1 une Idee)
Groek au s:a~
Berchtold as If been blown up by dynanute,
Calm on the surface
If I had known more then,
cd/ have asked hIm,
as Varclu- one wantmg the facts Of Roanoke, EIGHTEEN 3I
"NatIon SIlly to borrow Its own " Polk, Tyler, an honour roll
paldeuma fadmg,
Buchanan still fairly clean,
InfantIlIsm lncreasIng cll our tIme,
attentIon to outlet, no attentIon to source,
That IS the problem of Issue
? Who Issues It) How'
And after the year 1600 Nakac TOJl
carrIed WaI' Ya'
(name worn out In SOIne dlalc. . . cts)
MIn's lamp to NIppon The total dIrt that was Roosevelt,
and the farce that was ChurchIll
(vIde Grenfell ref phoney war)
"But", saId Antonlnus,
"Law rules the sea' I I And that dle state shdj have benefit
from prIvate mIsfortune,
not In my tIme, not under me '
UntIl Salmaslus, wantmg preCISion
Want, xpe(lX, 'tCommon practice'" sdjArl re bUSIness,
"Cogltatlo, meditatiO, contemplatlo" Wrote RIchardus, and Dante read hIm
Centrum clrcuh
Remove the mythologIes before they estabhsh clean values "Europe" sald Plcabla
"exhausted by the conquest of Alsace-Lorrame " Vlamlnck 't IS local II (I Art IS "
The pusillanImous wantIng all men cut down to worm size W ops, maggots, crumbled from sImple dIshonesty
~ ,~
Ver novum
are protected of course,
hte est medium
,~, 't:' e . . . . qUIa ImpossIbl1e est
Eoea't"ov e~ cx. lJTOU <:p r,ver. 7tpoc; xa. XOLar.
? Was not unanImous
,A6&. va. broke tIe, That IS 6 Jurors agaInst 6 Jurors
needed 'A6cXvcx RIght, all ofIt, was under Shang
save what came m Athens Y YIn, Ocellus, Erlgena
"All tlungs are lIghts II Greek tags In Engena's verses
And when they bumped off Alexander m Babylon that wrecked, SaId Golhevskl "a good deal"
Greece had no Quattrocento ]ustmlan's codes meffiClent
"abblamo fatto un mucchlO (a haystack oflaws on paper)
Mus VIva voce "We ask 'em to settle between 'em
If they can't, the State Intervenes" They deny, of course, but It percolates, Ocellus
JIh a
the faInt green In sprIng tIme
The play c;haped from cPAoy",6JLEVOJl
gospoda . 6. 'YjavE? pa, AaJL1Tpa uVJLfial,VEL 571
chlh In the 3rdj tone and a radIcal
? From the dawn blaze to sunset "What has been, should have
tAll nletal as barter' Destutt or whomso,
"PIty to stamp save by weIght" Always the undertow,
gold-bugs agaInst ANY ordLr, SeekIng the common (as Arl says)
for squeeze
directio voluntatis It An mstrument of pohcy
even more than a measure" SaId Douglas (C H) and the squlrmcrs plunder ll1en's ll11nd,
wantmg all nlen cut down to worm-SIze itA few" said Jean C
m poelu,
"gros lcgunlcs '
causa motuum,
pIne seed sphttlng chff's edge
Only sequoIas are slow enough BmBul tllS beauty
"Slowness IS beauty " from the
to Polctlers
? The tower whereIn, at one pOInt, IS no shadow, and Jacques de Molay, IS where>
and the "SectIon", the proportIons,
lendIng, perhaps, not at Interest, but reSIstIng
Then false fronts, barocco
"We have", saId Menclus, ((but phenomena"
monumenta In nature are sIgnatures needIng no verbal tradItIon,
oak leaf never plane leaf John Heydon ~eAAo( sleep there on the ground
And old Jarge held there was a tradItion, that was not mere epIstemology
Mohamedans will remam,- naturally- unconverted If you remove houns from ParadIse
as to hSIn
In short, the cosmos contmues
and there IS an observatIon somewhere m Mornson
leachng to Remy)
Bombs fell, but not qUIte on Sant'AmbrogIo
Baccin saId I planted that
tree, and that tree (UhVl)
MonSIeur F saw lus mentor composed almost wholly of hght
(Wmdeler's VISIon lus letter file the SIze of 2 lumps of sugar,
but the sheet legIble Santa Teresa
Butchers of lesser cattle, theIr villam the gram god Fell between horns, but up
and the murmur "salta sm barra,"
? There IS no such play for a goat
Tho' Mr PaIge has descrIbed LIgurIan butchery, And the huntIng trIbes require some preparatIon Mont Segur, sacred to Hchos,
and for what had been, San Btrtrand de Commmges "Whtrcvtr"
saId Frobemus ((we fmd thcst. . drawings, we find water at not more than 6 feet,
And the headless clay hons leave place for the head" SqwrrI1s wlute, perhaps before a hard WInter, oak cats, Inchans say when hIgh weeds
As the water-bug casts a flower 011 stolle
nel batro,
One InteractIon Te I i InteractIon A shadow~
t Bomb mmdown He comes up agam" saId the sergeant detaIled perhaps to Impress me
Und tey vere dhere, shentlcnlClill,
mIt tearsz hroiling tdown dhere vaces
"Gentleinennn, ShlIln bones' t"
ecstacy at a mathematIcal congress, ottocento
The bone IS In fact constructed,
accordmg to trIgonometrlcal wluchwhat Shinbones'
Wmch Illustrated Speech as a medium, the problem of order
But an econOmIC Idea wIll not (Mencken auctor) go mto them In less than a geologIcal epoch
ctNowt better than share (Menclus) nor worse than a fixed" charge "
That IS the great chapter, Menclus III, I, fiI, 6
? T'ang Wan Kung -. l: pu erh "Why must say profit
llJ (the gram cut) Who leave the sun out of
RehgIon;l WIth no dancIng gIrls at the altar~ REhgIon~
VIde Neruda's comment,
but focus, can they even ammadvert on focus;l
or true edItIonS)
"or even the use of process) That fme old word"
sdj "Stmk' Saunders,
"An mdependence"
The nOmlgnolo not reflectmg on character but at that tIme, 1900 or thereabouts, apphed to all professors of chermstry
And they COWlt on the amount ofcoherence, the amount of endurance,
duratIons, Henry's remarks on "dissolvmg VIew"
No chchotomy
Should be regIstered
ChIefs' names on a monument,
? Seepage,
the elan, the block,
Or as Henry agaIn "we have, In a manner ofspeakIng, arrived
Got to, I thm. k he says "got to, all got to "
The UblClty, ascertainIng
Was De Molay makIng loans WIthout mterest~ Church councl1s bumbhng Fanatics do not understand
mterest justtce, dIrectIo voluntatIs,
or contemplatlo as RJchardus defined It m BenJamm Major Old crocks to che In a bug-house
Gallagher (Patnck) mentioned London loans to TIbet,
an old colonel turned agamst masonry
And as to what old T F saw m the Treasury probably nothmg
TIgers mourn SIkandar
It was Saturday the 1st day o f AprIl, toward noon, the Senate not beIng that day In seSSIon
came to my room at Brown's askmg was I Mrs Clay's blood-relatIon>
Prompt m agreeIng to meet exact m protestIng Clay's nght to callIum 'Col Tatnall, the bearer,
IS authorIzed
Was defiance of Adams, not Clay,
In the senate speech, but to Jessup had SaId
He would WaIve prIvIlege,
wruch constItutes a very palpable dtfference
Vague report that he had saId that Salazar's letter bore earmarks
WInch led to absolute challenge absolutely accepted,
By whIch tIme It had become "forgery" (Jessup to Tatnall)
'Forged or manufactured"
(Tatnall quotmg lus prIncIple Charlotte Jury W dj find presumptIve strong hkeness
,In pomts of style to other papers,
Not proof but SUspICIon, for whIch he dechned to offer
Adams and Clay were for entanglement
RIght bank, whIch IS m VIrgIwa *
above brIdge of the LIttle Falls
ten paces
? * where there was a law agaInst du<. . lhng
I alone knew how he meant to avoId that
I went to Clay's on the FrIday, the youngest chtld
went to sleep on the sofa
Mrs Clay, as always Since the death of her daughter,
the pIcture of desolatIon But calm and conversable
Clay and I parted at midnIght Saturday, Randolph's, Georgetown, Could not ask hIm
but menttoned the cluld asleep on the sofa He sald
"I shall do nothing to cUsturb Its sleep or the repose of Its mother',
and went on makmg COdlCllS for thmgs of shght value, To Macon, some enghsll shdhngs to
keep game when he played whIst, YOWlg Bryan sent back to school to
save hIm shock If and so forth Wanted gold, coms not then m cIrculatIon,
sent Johnny to Branch bank to get a few pIeces, who returned, saYIng they had none
"They are hars from the begnung My HORSE'" which was brought rum, for he never rode Johnny's Down Penn Avenue to what IS now Corcoran, RJ. ggs,
Johnny behmd mm at 40 paces Asked for the state of his account The teller
took up packages of bills and
asked 1n what size notes he wd/ have It
? 'I want money "
saId Mr Randolph
The teller, begImng to understand lum, saId Suver~ liMy MONEY'" saId Mr Randolph
'Have you a cart, Mr Randolph~11 By that orne the casluer
told hIm there was a nustake m the answer to Johnny and that he shdj have what he wanted
He got It, and closed the account, Returned and gave me an envelope
to open If he were kl1led,
And a shp to read before I got to the ground
to feel m Ius breeches pocket
nme pIeces, I thInk It was,
3 for me, Tamall, Hanulton, each
to make seals of, as mementos We were all three then at hIS lodgmgs
He and the seconds took carrIage, I followed on horseback
HIs (R's) stepfather
brought out a "Blackstone"
The place was a tluck forest m whIch a htcle depreSSIon or baSIS
Bellum perenne
1694 on what It creates out of notlung 1750 shut down on coloma! paper Lexmgton,
'64 "greatest blessmg ' sald Lmcoln
1878 I n CIrculatIon as currency sangue,fattca, ill our tIme
(a D 1804)
? And thert l~, undoubtldl), blood on theIr slIver, WIthout honour I11tn sUlk. Into servItude ResponsIble, or lrrtSpOnSlblc govcrnment'
MlmnlUlll of land \\ Ithout surveIllance And as to plcragc
I Edward VI, c 12
lords of parhalllcnt and plcrs of the rcalm, havIng place and voys In parhanlcnt Illav have bencfit of theIr peerage, equlv/ that of clclgy, for first offence, thot gh they cannot read, and \\rIthout beIng burned In the hand, for all offences then clergyable and also for housebreakIng for robbery on the hIgh-ways, horse stealIng and robbIng of churches
Hal P C 377 The books of a scholar, hIs countenance (walnagIum)
that of a VIllc111 That these are the HIstorIes
Thus recapItulate
That T'ang opened tht. copp<. . r nunc
(dlstrlbutlVl. functIon of nlont. . . y)
Notlung all whIch he l<. . alls, tht. chuntze, under heaven
should have nothing on which he leans, Or monopoly, Thales, comlnon pr1. ctIce, but dIrty, Antonlnus lent money at four percent
that belng the summit of EmpIre (Roman)
"Trymg",hesaId, "to keep some ofthe non-
mterest-bearmg natIonal debt m CIrculation as currency one, eight, seven, eIght,
Menclus on tIthIng,
? Cano perenne,
I belIeve the Dal Gaku Belasclo or Topaze, and not have It sqush,
a "throne", somethmg God can SIt on without haVIng It sqush,
WIth greek tags ill Ius excellent verses, Erlgena,
In reign of Carolus CalvllS "Captans annonam
maledlctus m plebe SIt'"
that was Ambrose
"Hoggers of harvest'" Delcrolx (properly) "always the same"
Get the meamng across and then qwt
SaId BaCCIn "That tree, and that tree,
II Yes, I planted that tree
Under the olIves Some saecular, some half-saecular
trees, condUIts, CIsterns, ad maJorem Dum ad Ambroslam scandet,
sacro nemon
altra che tactta
cl<pp~'t"6)p, cl6elLLcrt'Oc;, &vea't"to~
To the all-men as to the Emperor
Antonmus as apex, but on slavery and on bhoogery Not un-man, my Esthn, but all-men
mthe4th tone
? To respect the vegetal powers
Or Mhfe however small" (Hlndoustanl)
Make hIm of wood W Ith steel sprIngs"
p to act that, trammg the chIld as
p sluh, In the ISt tone
Pere Henn Jacques still
speaks WIth the senmn on Rokku,
-These people" SaId Mr Teheou "should
be hke brothers They read the same books"
meamng chmese and Japanese Marse Adams done tor 'em
The Major done told 'em
having '\ FIrst Folto (Sh"\. ) III hI") lock-bo'\.
could afford WaItIng to see It "Every etc
downrIght corruptIon" "To the consumer" Waal, they bust the abundance
and had to pay Europe,
an' Anatole tor 'em
"no exportl No need to make war n lIe des PlnqoUll1S,
So that Perry ? opened" Japan Use of foreIgn com unw 18. 19
ExceptIon Spamsh nulled dollars,
every dealer occupIed In exportmg them, theIr exclusIon an unconsotutlonal fraud
A currency of mtrmslC value FOR WHICH
page 446
? They paId mterest to NOBODY
( ThIrty Years' , Benton) Is suppressed In favour of fluctuatIon,
thIs country a thoroughfare
page 446 column two
OBEUNT 1826, July 4
Not battlements, but that the land go to the settlers, Tanff' MonSIeur de Tocqueville
may pass tn Europe for AmerIcan lustory
Macon, Gullford "Renewal has fatled to achIeve that end In England, salt tax overthrown
Andy vetoed the Maysville Road bill tUlconvertable paper
nunes now yIeldIng
Prospects, as Peru, now ~ millIon per annum
and what IS still better, have exports Geryon's prIze pup, NIcholas BIddle
Mr Benton then proposed an amendment on Imported IndIgo 25 cents toward
prodUCIng a home supply In a valuable staple, FIrst planted In Carohnas, In or about 1740
encouraged by George, Number 2,
at outbreak of revolutIon over one m. I1hon pounds, BrItaIn then turned to IndIa and the Carolmas' product
dechned 1814 40 thousand
Our manufacturers seek It, now seek It, abroad and pay ready money at
two fifty per pound
? You cannot carry cloth wIthout Indigo,
Cotton, woolen, Importation already 2 IIll.
1hon a year And yet the South HAD four staples
(Sardegna 1954, queery) RIce, cotton, IndIgo and tobacco,
Has exported for 800 millIon,
In value to ~ the gold cOIned In MeXIco
from Cortez' tinle UlltJ. 1 now
The tarIff of 1816 murdered lndigo
Freemen do not look upward for bountIes
Freeholds, MIrza Mohammed on the perSIan Abbas' authorIty
"for productIon of barley, rIce, cotton
free of tax or of any contrIbutIon whatsodam ))
July 8, 1823 Jackson 183 to 83 for Mr Adams
no Jealousy m the North at that tIme Stay laws, stop laws, replevm
And he has abohshed the natIonal debt DId not care for relIevIng one part of the country
by taxmg another,
And New Orleans occurred In 18IS, MonSIeur de TocqueVllle may pass In Europe for AmerIcan history
m a foreIgn tongue GUIlford
Made Yorktown possIble In 1828 Macon retIred Used plough and hoe unci he was SIXty
r&v &cp6ttrov a. x<X~&:t'<Xv &7tO-rpUE"C'CXr. And to receIve all guests m Ins house,
Drew a kmfe to defend Mr Randolph Unnecessary duratIon of wInch (1 e DEBT)
IS IncompatIble WIth real mdependence,
? Counteract proflIgacy publIc and prIvate wlnch profuse outpourIng IS apt to engender
Confirmed MartIn Van Buren, Jas Hamuton son of
the late General HamIlton, Ingham, BerrIen, Barry
For defence, not for conquest,
dIrect trade wIth the West IndIes
And at the foundatIon o f the northwestern states
Nathan Dane drew It, excludmg serVItude Save It were by the will of the servmg
passed not by the North alone
Repeal of the salt tax
And has already been shown by A J's first message
then vetoed the MaySVIlle Road To pull down, InsuffiCIent
WtilIng to see a currency ofhard money (under CIrcumstance A T that tIme)
as France SInce the tIme o f mandats and assignats Filled France WIth metals,
haVIng neIther mInes In her land, nor yet exports WInch command otllers' speCIe
Ours yIeld half a ml1hon per annum, Our nunes do,
and above mInes we have exports HIs reference to
Parnells, Humes, Elllces, Wm Pultneys Was laId on the table
but prmted
"Was now actmg as pawn-broker
? on systcln entIrely contrary to InstitutIon's 111tentl0l1 SaId Mr HUlnc (Joseph)
"PrivIleges" sdj EllIce
tcwhlCh belonged to 110 other contraption'
Mr Benton proceedIng AmerIcan
part of the stockholders, I would not n. ,ply to foreIgn
Must have known thIs They
have laId up real estate of three trulhon
pecuhar prlvJ1eges enabled them to make profits stock-holders ought to be grateful
at 46 m the hundred SCIRE FACIAS
InstItutIon too great and too powerful, The VIce President directed that Mr Benton proceed DIrect power prodIgIous boundless emISSIOns,
To whom IS thIS power granted ~
In a renlote corner, a company
By whom dIrected;)
By seven, by four, nont. . . by thc people elected
Nor responSible to them
EncroachIng on power of States,
monopoly absolute Gt Brltall1 m '95, had been noted
((WIsh of the Court of Directors" Pohncal as well as pecumary Such
a bank tends to subjugate government, It tends to collUSIons,
to borrow 50 and pay back one hundred, It tends to crc. . ate pubhc DEBT
? 1694 Loan One MIllion 200,000 Interest 80,000, EApenscs 4
GERM, nucleus, and IS now 900 MIllIon It tends to beget and prolong useless wars,
aggravate InequahtIes, make and break fortunes "To carry on trade of bankmg
upon the revenues,
and In the name of the
Umted States,
to pay revenues to the
In Its own (the bank's own) notes ofpronuse To
Hold Umted States moneys
m depOSIt, WIthout makIng compensatIon,
To dIscredIt other banks and dIsparage 'em, to hold real estate, and retaIn a
body of tenantry, To
set branches In States WIthout theIr consent or approval, to be exempt from habIhty If they fau,
To have the U S for a partner, and to have partners outSIde tIns country,
To be exempt from the regular admUl1stratlon ofjusnce, and to have all thIS In
Y eas
Barnard, Benton, to 2 0 Nays 23Webster,Wll- ley
That It faIled to produce a unIform currency, Issued illegal and VICIOUS paper
"payable at Phtladelphy"
? LXXXIX T o know the hlstorltS
And know whom to trust
ChI crescera (ParadIso)
to know good from evIl
ChIng Hao
('of SOcIetIes" saId Emanuel Swedenborg Mr Jefferson luung up for LOUIS PlulIppe,
a fact wInch shd have been known to M de Tocquev111t
PrIvIlege to serVt WIth KIng and Macon & JOh11 Taylor of CarolIne
Entanghng allIance WIth nOIlL,
would be from th<. . lr cultIvation,
That IS to say revenue [roln the waste lands would be Freedom not favoured by tenantry,
conlpare as above Abbas MIrza "wheat, cotton, barley" July 1823
As to whether law cd/ be abohshed by IndIan treaty to whIch the c'enhghtened classes" had sunk
Macon mentIoned lulisides for grave yards Mr Webster erroneous
ObIt Plcabla 2 Dec '53
? And paper cd/ be left to the states Filled France wIth precIous metals
when England WIth her overgrown bank and France had no mInes for these metals
PublIc debt Increased (England) 400 nullion
Debt born of the Bank of England by paper, when the Bank, on Its own declaratIon,
had not a s1ulhng
Profuse Issues,
Sudden contractIons
By power of "construction"
Branch forced on Alabama,
trade m bills Ersatz for products
Hence WAR, 30 years later
Prototype m Threadneedle St faIled overtradmg
Our OWN money lent 'em and WE
paId one and one half millIon mterest
and more serIOUS the POhtlcal aspect
As agamst Its hug as well as Its blow,
I speak of SIr W llham Pulteney Narne for name, lang for kIng
:? wang
:? wang
ForeIgners own 7 mdhon usury at 46 In ViolatIon,
If benefiCIal, why not several) 591
? Adams match for ~ the House tIll the last, Randolph scourge of corruptIon
"An advantage, Mr Van Buren"
2 buffer states and 3 dynastIes
(Aukland at Talleyrand's)
Ca'OUT, tiSSt/ore
Auctor Good God you don't mean they're worse than the
Borah ('Eh e No,
I eh can't say that e
('BorrowIng Its own
(the NatIon's own)
SaId Randolph of Roanoke,
"And payIng Interest"
TarIff promoted sectIonal feelIng
ExceSSIve Issues, all on pubhc deposlt~
Treasury wdj pay one hundred Cents on the $
for what cdj be had for odd 60 As IndIan stiver m our tlD1C
21 but the suckers paId 7S
Catron (I thInk It was) had shown horse-sense If our government must
70 nulhon,
~ehercule ventuDl' WIth bOWIe kmves
pre- not ex-officIo
Do our cottons sold In Canton & Calcutty
sell mOl1opohes' sd/ Andy Jackson
other gang~
? need such protectIon at home ~ And do not tax salt, said Aurehan
Mr Taney
Burr dId hJ. s Job 20 years late MonSIeur Vebbstalr voulalt lezarder
Ut moveat, ut doceat, ut dllectet & J Q A objectIng to slavery
Roman law 2/3rds hogswoggled by same
Old John on fundmg, old John, VIde Infra, qUIte a wa. y,
on depreCIatIon,
or on bemg mercantl1e,
llAnd If the bills be bottomed " sd/ Mr Jefferson loc Cit to Crawford 1816
From our own mInes, metal
1824 5,000 N Carohna
1833 868,000 (SIX states)
and m '34 presumably will be 2 Inlllyum
and a greater source 15 our foreIgn commerce From Napoleon Consulllto tIns day '34"
have been speCIe payments
Mr Hamllton set IS to one, IS stiver one gold, when m Spam, Portugal It was SIxteen,
From Natchez and N'Yoleans doubloons
and to suppose metal will stay WIth us when the exporter
can gaIn one buck on every 15 carrIed out doubloons, gUIneas, half-Joes
and; to depart from the great senator's most courteous language,
6 suspenSIons till 1819,
exclUSion of foreIgn COIn part of the system
? a currencv (foreIgn cOIn ,vas) for whIch they paId trIbute to no one" au TIS
NottlIng In course of exchanges to
cart") SpCCl<" fronl AtlantIc States to the West
Page refs/ to 'ThIrty yC'ar~ VIl\V'
and as for the Adanlscs, Brooks and Henry,
tIlly '"cnt back to theIr grandfather, dratt 'em, and not back to old Jolm
Under headIng DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES EXPORTED $ TWO MILLION oh five eIght four seven four
the lughest and most delIcate sovrelgnty
tho charter forbade 'em dealm In com
POWER vested not In one, but m 3 parts of government
Every CIty protect Its o\\n commerce Gold pontlfex, SlIver wangled, Bronze was to certalIl cItIes,
vld MOlnmsen
And sovrclgnty m the power to Issue
Benton's when) when there was metal
Benton's why no Interest to be paId The Government ceases to be mdependent
when currency IS at wIll of a company page 450 I
All property IS at theIr mercy
eel have a fnend" SaId Voltalre
Drove out not gods, but the Emperor, Imperator remarked Del Mar
"rattos m Rome and m the Onent"
Government wanted <<of deposit, not cIrculatIon"
? WIthout mstorlc black-out
they cannot mamtaln perpetual wars
Tmey ('34) showed an Increase
m all branches of revenue
Benton b 1782, d 1858
"'How often had they been told trade was paralyzed
& shIps Idle;J
"HId the books but cd/ not Jude weekly statements" "In speCIe and WIthout mterest
Agamst whIch such a bank IS a nUIsance"
16 to I for above 300 years In the Spamsh domimons AgaInst BIddle one mllhon and some clucken feed
for winch no vouchers are found Levan facIas LOUIS Philippe suggested that
Jackson stand :firm and not sugar lus language
Pubhc debt was extmgwshed 1834
8 yueh4-S 595
? ThIS quotatIon IS not [rOIn Mr Webster
Clay opposed mInts 111 New Orleans and North Carohna The CIvIl War rooted In tarIff
Pluladelphla dId not diffuse,
France had ten mInts, and m Me>. J. co there are 8, Every CItizen now more or less cheated
Mr B said he had but two bank-notes both of them counterfeIt
French currency had stood two revolutIons, one conquest, 20 mIllIons entered that country,
no Interest was paid for Its use Land not safe agaInst 'Issue"
Crops not safe agamst "Issue"
Sovrelgnty IS In the rIght over COInage
"All that It (the Bank) creates out ofnothIng IJ 600 banks to be broken,
FIctItIOUS woe, and the Senate's organized sorrow "My fellow slave-holder"
sdj Mr Randolph
(masnatosque hberavlt) "Ef my bull-dog" SaId Mr BIshop
to a co-detenuto "had a face hlce yours, hang'd If
I wouldn't shave Ius arse and make hIm walk: backwards" And In the tIme ofMr Randolph, Mr Benton, Mr Van Buren
he, Andy Jackson
wInch mIght end tlus canto, and rhyme WIth Slglsmundo
Commander Rogers observed that the sea was sprInkled WIth fragments of West IndIa frUIt
? and followLd that vestige
GIles talked and lIstened,
more lIstened, and dId not read
Y oung ]l. SSlC dId not forward dIspatches
so Frt. I110nt proctedcd to,vard the North West and ,",c ultlnlat<Jy enlbraced Cahforny
The COlllIlg\Vood I11anncd 80 guns 'Those who wIsh to talk
May leave now" saId ROSSIIll,
"Madame Blleau IS gomg to play"
tlTrade, trade,
Sang Lamer
Van Buren already In '37 ullsmeanng Talleyrand And the elderly AIda, then a gIrl of 16, In the '905, \tlsltlng SOUle very stIff frIends In New England
gIggled (and thereby provoked sour expressIons)
when some chl1dren crossed the front lawn with
a bottlt. , ofwater strung on a strIng between them and chantmg
"MartIn Van Buren, a bottle of urIne"
Sagetrleb, or the
oral tradItIon
"Ten men", saId Ubaldo, "who will charge a nest of machme
for one who will put Ius name on crut " ,tNo dog, no goat"
saId Pumpelly 597
? SaId Bonaparte ImagInatIon 220 rIflemen and one pIece of artIllery "To enVIron us" saId Mr DIX
liThe IrIsh are devout, moral, IndustrIoUS" he even SaId soher
KIt Carson sea-sIck Cludad de los Angeles
That g sounded as h 3 days WIth no food but rosebuds,
Che taIga 10 stato
Don Jesus broke hIs parole
Guadalupe ('48) HIdalgo
Out of von Humboldt AgassIz, Del Mar and Frohemus
The wrong way about It despaIr (I thmk that IS In Benton)
Randolph of Roanoke Charlotte Court House, '32, Henry's paSSIon fiddlIng, dancIng and pleasantry
(PatrIck Henry)
'We ought not to have turned you out"
saId some old crump to Van Buren
"Great blackguard from Tennessee, by name ofJackson"
No auctIon of slaves here In the CapItal' T~v ~wv o:Acuv ocpX~v
Slave labour IS very expensIve
But for PrIce, Sloat mIght damn well have lost It
Quam parva saplentia regltur
Macauley somewhat extravagant In conclUSions, Palmerston never expressIng what he dId not belIeve
? "was pltascd 25 ytars later to find hIm
at thl head of the gOVl. rnment "
Jury [rOIn thl vlcl11agL
And Dlsrach sold the brlt fools down the rIver
It was a. Tory not a Llblral \\"ho gave up the rIght ofsearch
Galileo fronl Mang tzu
cahglnem vespertmam
7tUpc. ucrL\I . ICXL 1'~~ Soc) &. "C'1'"'1)~
cCAnd here arc Caleb Johnson and two others
as demure" (saId T H B) as three whores at a christemng " That Calhoun called hIm a quadruped
FIrm taste for good company
eVInced by both Benton and Mr Van Buren, and men even 111 our tlnle (survIvals)
as DOlnvlle and dlgh Ubertl
"HIS agreeable nIece, la Duchesse de Dino "
Betrayed Mlhallovltch, assaSslnatld Henriot and GentIle
"ChIna, the longest, and wIth the lowest per cent of burocracy
200 ycar~" saId the Enlp(,. ror 'and no trouble' Benton no trouble, no treaty
,cAnd mark Inc, wrote Cambrlhng,
c'lf S/ don't default In four years
'(I'll swallow the Treasury " Tazewell
wdj see more fun pItchIng qUOIts than standing round the Court of St James
"Of great suavity and gentleness of deportment, Mr Van Buren"
? An experIment on hIS nerves was resolved 011, Had Crab such crystal, WInter were as a day You cannot make marIners out of slaves
and the mud, mud, SaId GUInicelh Mr Tyler
Jln A
4(even Ifan mdependent press cd/ be found to attempt It"
M Hotttnguer aParts
Vlcountess BarrIngton Lady Bloomfield
defended by Theslger and other emInent counsel and they got 14 years transportatIon,
The sub-treasury was revIved
Lows Plllhppe wdj not let them cut down theIr notes to 200
From '34 to '41 our speCIe rose to 100 mIllIon,
ad valorem ' InvolVIng a horde of appraIsers
W rIght spoke to mInd not to paSSIons and he It was brought In Polk
QUlditas, remarked D Ahghlerl Under head of ('medICIne" whtskey, coal, harness,
hay, corn, stoves, beef & mutton a'&v&pW1t<OV t8ev
Fremont, WIth small arms and one howItzer,
So that after two hours entered der Schwlegersohn,
conSIdered the famIly's low In IntellIgence (tWas sagt er~"
Herr Marcher Der Jud will Geld
? 4 NeIther by force nor by fraud, that there be no co(. rC1011, either by force or by fraud,
That IS law'~ purpose, or should be t Ae~\I'1 s\vung the hung JUry
tuan, there are four ofthem
chen, beyond ataraXIa
From Charlemagne's graIn prIce, Vemce, Hansa, to the forged DonatIon l I of ConstantIne" Perche In ardIne" (vuol metter Ie sue Idee)
saId Mussol1Il1 Thalers from Marla Teresa,
a road stIll there In BelgIum The Emperor's furrow,
Ant0111nUS Law rules the sea, nleall111g Lex Rhedl,
they mIxed In money rent, and Insurance,
ThIS section IS labled R o c k DrIll
W dj have packed Hanlburg wIth grain Bulow belIeved lum
And to young WIndsor we owe three years' peace "What he meant to us In those days"
saId old Image (Selwyn) referrIng to Ruskm Tasso, KIdd, RaleIgh, allJaIled
My father (General Fremont) sald that Ifanyone shot Napoleon It ought not to be from lus (Fremont's) wmdow
My grandfather boosted Morse' telegraph
? ltPlge-mol Ie type" saId old Gustav
qUI VOllS pelndra un fautcull carthaglnols
Henry J had Coburn take photographs
I need add nothIng, wrote Van Buren, to the descrIptIon
by Col Benton
'Good-bye Tazewell, good-by Van Buren'"
(that was Randolph)
I on borrowed capItal, very unmercantlIc,
saId John Adams Judge Marshall, father of war
Agamemnon lalled that stag, against huntmg rItes "Leave the Duke, go for gold "
And they forged those thalers, In our tIme, quest'oggl
BrIts dId, nacherly BrIts dId
"Benton has begun understandmg me"
In VenIce the bread prIce was stable,
shIp models stIll there In DanzIg
Alex saId set up the tables,
any soldIer's note wIll be paId
Gold was under the PontIfex, Caesar usurped that
Bezants were stable till Dandolo broke mto Stamboul, there had been some arab uneaSIness
The forgery was froDl Ignorance, Valla found It
I2 to one, Roma, and about half that In KarachI And the Portagoose, as we cease not to mention,
uprooted SpIce trees
? Orage remarked on the "receSSIon of power"
Uncle George saId he knew when he came out
(Lodge, Knox) that there wdj be one hell of a row m the Se- nate
"offensIve, defensIve"
and there was one
,50 moclang bIrds, 40 robIns,? ? wrote Randolph
and "construe all our lIbertIes from us" Mazzlnl Doverl
, XCX:t'lX acpocycXc;'? N' Yoleanz syrop proof 8
West indIes IS at 16
Not that I object to moralIty
Yes, It was Catron, had already told Jackson Shdjhave shot Clay and hung John Calhoun . ,
A J's sole repentence
And of Antorunus very bttle record remaIns
semIna motuum
Deluged the old hawk at RIp Raps, Mr BIddle pInchIng the baby,
? YOl1 damn sadIst'" saId mr cummings, ? 'you try to make people dunk"
Yes, Mr Van Buren, the Bank: IS tryIng to kIll me "
Mr Taney's statement was never refuted And as to expungmg)
that IS perhaps prose,
you can find It In Benton
SecurIng hIS (A J's) admIratIon by the ma. Jesty
Aug '33
? of Ius (Dante's) m'elect I'No clvlhzatlon" saId Kmttl,
"they got no stone" (Hrooshla) Make dIstress, on system, In order to use It
"The angrIer, the cooler he (Benton) became" We have had one "assumptIon"
EnglIsh debt could have been paId by the tIme of George Second
they prefer to send It down to posterIty
And when "EXPUNGED", A J sent back the bullet,
wluch IS, I suppose, part of parhamentary lustory dull or not, as you choose to regard It
I want Fremont lookmg at mountaIns or, Ifyou hke, Reck, at Lake Blwa,
? "From the colour the nature
& by the nature the sIgn'J)
BeatIfic spirIts weldIng together
as In one ash-tree m YgdrasaJ1
Baucls, Plulemon
Animus humanus amor non est sed ab IpSO arnor procedlt, et Ideo selpso non chhglt, sed amore
Castaha IS the name o f that fount i l l the hill's fold, the sea below,
narrow beach Templum aedlficans, not yet marble,
And from the San Ku . - A
to the room m POltlers where one can stand castmg no shadow,
That IS Sagetrleb,
that IS tradItion Bwlders had kept the proportion, chd Jacques de Molay
know these porportIons) and was Erlgena ours"
Moon's barge over Illl1k:-blue water
qUI selpso procedlt
? Kuthera 8tt. vcX Kuthera scmplterna
UbI amor, IbI oculus Vae qUI cogltatls InutIle
qualn In nobIs slnl1htudlnc dlvlnae reperctur Imago
"Mother Earth 111 thy lap'
saId Randolph ~Y&. 7n)(jev 1tOAO
hberavlt masnatos
CastalIa lIke the moonlIght
and the waves rIse and fall,
EVlta, beer-halls, semIna motuum,
to parched grass, no\v IS ralll
not arrogant from habIt,
but furIous from perceptIon,
from under the rubble heap
n1' clevastl from the dulled edge beyond paIn,
m'clevastl out of Erebus, the deep-lYIng
from the WInd under the earth, m'elLvastl
from the dulled aIr and the dust, m'elevastl
by the great flIght,
ISIS Kuanon from the cusp of the moon,
? the VIper stIrs In the dust,
the blue serpent
glIdes from the rock pool
And they take lIghts now down to the water
the lamps float from the rowers
the sea's claw drawIng them outward
"De fondo" saId Juan Ramon, hke a mermaId, up'\\- ard,
but the hght perpendicular, upward and to Castaha,
water Jets from the rock and In the flat pool as Arethusa's
a hush In papyrI
Grove hath Its altar
under elms, m that temple, m sIlence
a lone nymph by the pool
WeI and Han rushtng together
two nvers together
brIght fish and flotsam
tom bough In the flood
and the waters clear W ith the flowmg
Out of heaVIness where no mmd moves at all "bIrds for the mInd" sald R. 1chardus,
Ilbeasts as to body, for know-how'l GalO' GaIO'
To Zeus W Ith the SIX seraphs before hIm The arclutect from the pamter,
the stone under elm
Takmg form now,
the rlhevl,
the curled stone at the marge
? Faunus, Slrenes,
the stone takIng form In the aIr
ac ferae, cerVI,
the great cats approaching Pardus, leopard! , Bagheera
drawn luther from woodland, woodland e7tt X6ov(
the trees rIse
and there IS a wIde sward between them
ot X66vr,OL myrrh and ohbanum on the altar stone gIVIng perfume,
and where was nothmg now IS furry assembla. ge
and In the boughs now are VOIces
grey WIng, black WIng, black wmg shot WIth crImson and the umbrella pInes
as In PalatIne, as In pIneta XeAL8&>v, XeAL8&lV
For the processIon of Corpus
come now banners
comes flute tone
at X66v~o~
to new forest,
duck smoke, purple, rIsmg
brIght fla. me now on the altar
the crystal funnel of aIr
out of Erebus, the dehvered,
Tyro, Alcmene, free now, ascendIng
e 1cavaherI, ascendIng,
no shades more,
? lIghts among them, enkIndled, and the dark shade of courage
'H:A? x'"t"pcx
bowed still WIth the wrongs of Aeglsthus
Trees dIe & the dream remaIns
Not love but that love flows from It
ex ammo
& cannot ergo delIght In Itself
but only In the love flowmg from It UBI AMOR IBI OCULUS EST
? & Helen of Tyre
(If It was Apollo1llus)
by Plthagoras
? I II ?
ab 10 dolchor qu'al cor fil val
? -?
that the body of lIght come forth
from the body of fire
And that your eyes CaDle to the surface
from the deep whereIn they were sunken,
Rema-for 300 years,
and now sunken
That your eyes come forth from theIr caves &bght then
as the holly-leaf qw laborat, orat
Thus Undme came to the rock,
by Clrceo and the stone eyes again lookIng seaward
Thus Apollonlus
by Ocellus
(puot-:6. sh, et hbldlWS expers, of Tyre,
? justlluan, Theodora
from brown leaf and tWIg The GREAT CRYSTAL
doublIng the pIne, and to cloud pensar dl hels m'es rlpaus
MISS Tudor moved them wIth galleons from deep eye, versus arlnada
from the green deep
he saw It, ln the green deep of an eye
Crystal waves weaVIng together toward the gtJ healIng
LIght compenetrans of the SpIrIts The PrIncess Ra-Set has chmbed
to the great knees of stone, She enters protectIon,
the great cloud IS about her, She has entered the protectIon of crystal
conVIen che 51 mova la Inente, amanda
LIght & the flOWIng crystal
never gIn In cut glass had such clarIty
That Drake saw the splendour and wreckage In that clarIty
Gods movIng m crystal
Ichor, amor
Secretary of Nature, J Heydon
Here ApollonIus, Heydon
hIther Ocellus
'to thIs khan"
XXVI, 34
? The golden sun boat
by oar, not by saIl Love movmg the stars 1t'OCpa. ~W~LO"
by the altar slopt.
lTamuz' Tamuz" They set lIghts now In the sea
and the sea's claw gathers them outward The peasant WIves lude cocoons now
That the sun's suk hSlen
under theIr aprons for Tamuz
be clear CEAeVtXu<; That Drake saw the armada
& sea caves Ra-Set over crystal
m the Queen's eye the reflectIon & sea-wrack-
ne quaesarls
green deep of the sea-cave
He asked not
nor wavered, seemg, nor had fear ofthe wood-queen, ArteInls
that 15 DIana
nor had lo. lled save by the huntIng rIte,
Thus sang It
Leafdl DIana, leave DIana
? Heye DIana, help me to neode WItte me thurh crafte
whuder lch mael hdhan to wonsom Jonde
Rome th'llke tyme was noght So that he spread a deer-rude near the altar,
Now Lear mJanus' temple IS laId
? tunmg the thunder
Nor Constance hath lus hood agam, Merhn's fader may no man know Merhn's moder IS made a nun
Lord, thaet seop the dayes hhte,
all that she knew was a spInt brIght,
A movement that moved m cloth of gold mto her chamber
"By the whIte dragon, under a stone Merlm's fader IS known to none II
Lay me by Aurehe, at the east end of Stonehenge where lIe my bndred
Over harm Over hate
overfloodmg, hght over light And yuden he gon rere
(Athelstan before a D 940) the hght :Bowmg, whelmmg the stars
In the barge of Ra-Set On over of crystal
So hath Slbue a boken lsette
Democraczes electtng thetr sewage
? tIll there tS no clear thought about holltless
a dung flow from 1913
and, tn thIs, thetr ktkeryfilllcttOfUd, Mart, Freud
and the amerlCa1' bearzerzes Filth %"nderfilth,
Marttatn, Hute/tlns, or as Betzda remarked U La trahtson'
and damn all
I wdj hke to see Vcrona agaIn
(Iecco 11 te"
said the head walter- en calcalre, quarante quattre gradms, "DodICI Aposto! l" (trattorIa)
and the affable putana wantIng to adjust the spellmg of GUIdo as It IS Itot In the C1Capltolare"
CCCome rassembra al martlre' sdj the pIccolo clthere were french here,
but they fOWld some dead m the street one morning, they dId not come back agam"
(That was that war Battista nlartlrc) m Ortolo, San Zeno, San PIetro
and the htll-cats, "quel naszhong" said the ganun to Ed
ref the bronze doors of San Zeno "buy columns now by the gross"
as for the four porphery
Wlth the stone-loop
NalUU (Torquato) dtd 3 years WIth BattIsta and wasn't shot till after Sal"
Threw lumself I n front o f a frIend (Arplnatl)
but cd/ not save hIm
? Farlnata pudg'd still there In the cloIster,
Can Grande's grIn hke Tommy Cochran's, pleno d'alegre<ra
Rapunzel dId not And as donors Adah Lee, Ida
(for an altar pIece) narrow lace at her collar ill moummg
((A SpIrIt In cloth of gold" so Merhn's moder saId,
or dId not say,
left the qwdtty
but remembered & from fire to crystal
VIa the body of lIght,
the gold wmgs assemble
That Rhea's hons protect her
(to the tough guy Musomus honour) Rose, azure,
the hghts slow movmg round her, Zephyrus, turmng,
the petals lIght on the air
BrIght hawk whom no hood shall cham, They who are skIlled In fire
shall read tan)the dawn
Walvmg no Jot of the arcanum
(haVIng Ius own rmnd to stand by ! um)
As the sea-gull K&. 8[. LoU . &uycX. 'nlP sald to Odysseus KADMOU THUGATER
"get rId ofparapernaha" TLEMOUSUNE
? And that even In the tIme of Domttlan
one young man declmed to be buggar'd
'fls thIS a bath-house)"
a. AAOTE 8'avT' Evpo~ ZEcPVpCl) Et,aUI<E 8L(~ICELV 'Or a Court House)"
Asked Apollomus
to ascend those hIgh places
stnnng and changeable
wrote Heydon
who spoke to the hon chantas msuperabws
"hght fightmg for speed>> and If honour and pleasure will not be ruled
yet the mmd come to that HIgh CIty who WIth Pythagoras at Taornuna
Souls be the water-nymphs o f PorphyrIus
NUK~OC; 3'cx. ~'i:'o:. t. &1)p 't'e xcx. t ~tLep(X. Z1)'IOC; TCup6c; FormalIty Heydon polluted Apollonlus unpolluted
and the whole creatIon concerned WIth "FOUR" 'my blkml IS worth your raft"
And there be who say there 15 no road to fehclty tho' swallows eat celandIne
"before my eyes mto the aether of Nature" The water-bug's mIttens
petal the rock beneath, The natrlx ghdes sapplure mto the rock-pool
NUTT overarchmg "mand'lo a la Plnella"
sdj Gwdo
? "Ghosts dIp m the crystal, adorned"
That the tone change from elegy
"Et Jehanne" (the Lorraine girl)
A lost kInd ofexperience~ scarcely,
o Queen Cytherea,
che '1 terzo clel movete
And from thIs Mount \'\crc hIo\'n sled
and that every plant hath It') ~ccd so \\ III tht \VtasLI cat rue,
and the swallo\v~ IUp celandIne. . . and as cngraveIl on gold, to bt unity but dualIty, brass
and trIne to mercurIal shall a. tetrad be suver
wIth the smoke of llutmeg and frankIncense and froin tms a sea-change'
And honour)
FItzgerald i l I ,vas" When he freed a man
who had not bet-Il at the Po~t Office (OlI'eland 1916) or ('SIgnorI,
10 facevo la selltl11<. . lla;t
o non facevo la sentmella)"
accused of not takll1g cover durIng bombardn1ent
((A emstlma (GUlcclarmm)
l'onore aS$al(e
& from pool of the sl1ver clrclet
1S calm as the sapphlre Ra-Set m her barge now
('Gran dlSPltto "
over deep sapphIre 618
? but the chtld played under wave e plove d'arnor
In llUl
a great rIver, the ghosts dlppmg m crystal & to Pinella
But "Her love' sd/ Hewlett
"lIke a cage hath bars
that break Iny head, seekIng to touch the stars " To another the raIn fell as of SlIver
La Luna Regma Not gold as In Ecbatan
o AnubIS, guard tlus portal
as the cellula, Mont Segur
that no blood sully thts altar
ex aqws nata
'rOC ex "Ci:Jv u8oc'C'{Uv ye,,6~e:voc
"In questa lumera appresso"
Folquet, nel terzo CIcIo
ClAnd IfI see her not,
no SIght IS worth the beauty of my thought II
Then knelt WIth the sphere of crystal That she should touch WIth her hands,
eoch RegIna,
The four altars at the four cOlgns of that place,
But In the great love, bewIldered farfalla In tempesta
under ram In the dark
many wmgs frague
Nymphahdae, basuarch, and lycaena, Ausomdcs, euchloe, and erynnls
? And from far
For a flash,
for an hour Then agony,
then an hour,
11 tremolar della marIna
ehh ehh
the pebbles turn With the wave
ebb ch'u
"ful chlamat'
e qUI refuIgo" Le ParadIS n'est pas artlficlcl
then agony,
HIlary stumbles, but the Dlvme MInd IS abundant
and that the hee turned from the mamfestto overlookmg the detaIl
and theIr futh now observes mere dynanuc, That the Pontlfex ceased to be holy
- that was In Caesar's tIme- who wa. s buggar'd
and the com ceased to be holy, and, of course,
they worshIped the emperor Margarethe von Taufers
and Uncle Carlo both trIed a clean-up,
6. 20
but IS Jagged,
? hence, In a way, the RImlDl bas-rehefs
and Semele's personalIty shot to atoms
Even you were happy last Wednesday '10 porto"
sdj Deicrolx
lila cecIta" for I forget how many
ten thousand ItalIans
"Two evils
usury In the bank rot & theft In les socj anonymes"
Grabbed hIS phone and called un mIrustro BottaI also phoned TorIno
mstanter, to dIg out VIvaldI, And 1l11D1strI went to the fightIng hne as dId old Marmettl
"Hans Sachs"
sdj Schmtz Brandt
war eln Schuh-
macher und poet dazu "
Yet, havmg seen the armada
turn back='
That wdj scarcely from sea-caves
300 years
Nem' aber m Wolken And agaInst usury
and the degradatIon of sacraments, For 40 years I have seen tlus,
now flood as the Yang tse also desensItIzatIon
25 hundred years desenSItIzatIon
? 2 thousand years, desensItIzatIon After Apollomus, desenSltIzatlon
& a httle hght from the borders Erigena,
AVIcenna, RIchardus
Htlary looked at an oak leaf or holly, or rowan
as agamst the brown oll and corpse sweat
& then cannon to take the cmnks OpIum
& the Portagoose uprootIng SpIce-trees CIa common"
sez Arl "custom m trade"
"A man's paradIse IS lus good nature"
sdj Katl
"pams angehcus" Antef two %s of a seal
haVIng lus own nund to stand by lum
KcX8~ou &uy&~?
Apollomus made hIs peace WIth the ammals,
so the arCIvescovo fumbled round under Ins
ample overcloaks as to what mIght have been
a left-hand back pocket of CIVIl. clothmg
and produced a cornucopIa from "La Tour"
or as Augustme saId, or as the Pope wrote to AugustIne
"eaSIer to convert after you feed 'em" but tlus was before St Peter's
m move toward a carrozza from the mternal horrors (mosaIC)
en route to Santa Sabma
& San Domemco
where the spIrIt IS clear In the stone as agaInst
Fl1th of the Hyksos, butchers of lesser cattle Narrow alabaster m sunlIght
In Classe, m San Domemco
(Yes, my OndIne, It IS SO god-damned dry on these rocks)
? "The waves rIse, and the waves fall But you are hke the moon-lIght
Always there'" Old Grinell had remembered that
By ohbanum, the pohte salutatIon, the smoke sIgn, Do not pester the spIrIts
"non fosse CIve"
Dant' had It, Some sense of cIvility
& from Avon (whence they do not suspect It) As ill "dragons' spleens",
or "a peltIng farm", LIqwdity from the alum at Tolfa
- Papal, that was
And the MedIcI faued
From acceptmg excess deposIts
'fTe valla, mon Bourlenne JJ
corrent' attratttva,
WIth the ureus, azure
that IS from turquoIse and gold, ISlde, out of turquoIse and gold
Peltz traJ. pena d'arnor Que Trlstans l'amador Qu'a suffrl mamta dolor
FIrst petals
FIrst petals
per Iseutz la bionda
and then cool raIn sward Castaha agam
Peltz tral pena d'arnor Que Tnstans l'amador Qu'a suIfr! matnta dolor
Per Iseutz la bionda
? and then cool raIn By sward Castaha agam
The sUIcIde IS not serIous from convIctIon One should first bump off some nUIsance
From sheer phYSIcal depressIon, c'est autre chose San CrIstofaro provIded transport
WIth a lIttle ChrIsto grIppmg Ius haIr the mIst domed over Gardasee
the east lobe bluer from sulphur dove slede Pescluera
no such blue north of Sorrento Cortesla, onestade
out of the Ureus Nme knowledges about
AVIcenna and Aigazel
The 8th bemg natural SCIence, 9th moral
8th the concrete, 9th the agenda,
AgaSSIZ WIth the fixed stars, Kung to the crystaltne, To Queen Nephertarl thiS mcense
To ISIS tlus Incense
"quest' umre tequale e dentro l'amma
veggendo dl fuorl quelh che ama"
From the sea-caves
degh occh! Mamfest and not abstract
R. J. splende
? In the tIme of Numa Pompilius che Pltagora 51 cluanlo "non scmpre" (m the 3rd of Convlvlo)
or as above stated I Jagged" l'arnor che tl fa bella
Clut facIas" - Goddeschalk- 'pulchram") That love IS the uform' of phIlosophy,
IS Its shape (e forma dl Filosofia) and that men are naturally frIendly
at any rate from ms (Dant's) pOInt of VIew tho' he puts knowledge hIgher than I should and, elsewhere "her" belta,
Cloe morahtade,
rams flakes o f fire" ,
but IS not speakmg of knowledge
Though Jacopo Sellalo Included It "e solo In lealta far SI duetta"
e Cld'uchr prode" both of antlent tImes and our own, and on another pomt
600 years before Beaumarchals 38 hundred years after KATI
"compagnevole ammale"
or ctperch6" saId the Boss r,vuo! mettere Ie sue Idee m ordmer"
repel mlO poema " bellezza (outsIde Perugla,
seated on three sacks of laundry, pargoletta
Clonestade rlsplende" Dlo, la prIma bontade
? wInch can be wrItten
? 1 (four)
whence salth Augustme
Alessandro & SaladIn & Galasso dt Montefeltro
and mentIons dIstrIbutIve Justice, Dante does, In ConvlVlo Four, eleven
"CUI adoma esta bontade" Know agenda, to the utmost of Its VIrtu,
ofIts own
All ov whIch may be a httle slow for the reader or seem platltudmous
und kem Weekend-Spass Mr Hoeph sent a small brochure to SVltzerland
and Ius banker frIend replIed "urgente" "destroy It e farlo sparire"
ShIvers has receIved (agam) nomInatIon and "Alfalfa" IS no longer In Who's Who,
current Issue
Grenfell's death was (hke some others)
SUSpICIously sudden
The Bard of Avon mentIoned the subject, Dante mentIoned the subject,
and the lIt profs dISCUSS other passages m abulela
or In total unconsCIousness
Four thousand years after KATI
Taffy went putty-colour when I mentioned Zaharoff (I914) And general WhOOSlS, when he read the name, Aquarone,
3a years later
? or as Ub saId ('ten to charge a nest of macmne guns for one who will put his name on a chIt
The autumn leaves blow from my hand, agltante calescemus
and the wind cools toward autumn Lux m dlafana,
CreatrlX, oro
Ursula benedetta, oro
By the hours of paSSIon,
Ysolt, Ydone,
per dJ. 1ettevole ore, gUlde your successor,
have compaSSIon,
Plcarda, compassion
By the wmg'd head,
by the caduceus,
By the horns ofISis-Luna,
compassion The black panther hes under Ius rose-tree
J'aI eu pltle des autres
Pas assez' Pas assez'
For me nothIng But that the chIld walk. m peace m her basilica,
The hght there almost sohd
62. 8
? holchng that energy IS near to benevolence Au bOIs dormant,
not yet , Not yet'
do not awaken
The trees sleep, and the stags, and the grass,
The boughs sleep unmovIng "Krr' Krr' J from the starlmg "mal tardl
"per l'Ignoto"
and the soul's Job ~ (Ocellus)
"Renew" as on the T'ang tub
JIb n hsm
renew Plus the lummous eye
62. 9
? the terror of all four-flushers
& there IS no doubt that D'Annunzlo
could move the crowd In a theatre or that the stone rose m Brescia,
And yet for Venus and Roma
a wraith moved m alr
And Raplcavoh lost for a horse-Jump Quarta Sponda
tranSient as alr Waste after Carthage
not yet' not yet'
Do not awaken
Came then Flora Castaha
"Air hath no petals now,
where shall come leaf on bough naught IS but air
"pone metum, Cermthe,
Nee deus laed1t
and the Lorrame girl heard In the fields Tho' the skater move fast or slow
the Ice must be sohd
Pone metum, Cermthe volucres delphmasque ad audltum
tone, ode, tide
1f the tone draw the dolphIn
e t1 fiammegglo
Iii hSlen nuova vita
? Such lIght IS In sea-caves e la bella Clprlgna
where copper throws back the flame from pInned eyes, the flames rIse to fade
In green air A foot-print ~ aleun vestiglo ~
thus was It for sthousand years thus Salth ~C-:-~~J(Kan)
and as for the trigger-happy mmd amid stars
alDld dangers, abysses gomg SIX ways a Sunday,
how shall plulologers;t A butcher's block for bIographers,
Have they heard ofIt)
"Qh you," as Dante says
"In the dmghy astern there"
There must be Incogmta and In sea-caves
un lume plen' dl spIrIt! and of memorIes,
Shall two know the same In their knowing ~ You who dare Persephone's threshold, Beloved, do not fall apart In my hands
E "cmcrescera" they would be mmvlduals Swedenborg sald "of SOCieties"
by attractIon
ccBlmd c:yes and shadows"
? to enter the presence at sunrIse up out of hell, from the labyrInth
the path wIde as a haIr & as to mental velOCItIes
Yeats on Ian HamIlton "So stupId he
couldn't thmk unless there were a caml0nade gomg on "
The duratIon
m ref mental velocIty
as to antennae
as to malevolence
Sr~ ways to once
of a Sunday VelocIty
WIthout gUIdes, havmg nothing but courage Shall audacIty last mto fortItude:.
You are tender as a marshmallow, my Love, I cannot use you as a fulcrum
You have stIrred my mmd out of dust Flora CastalIa, your petals drIft thIU the aIr,
theWIndIS ~hghtedWIth pollen dlafana,
e Manna Vanna tu nu fa1 rimembrar
I Brederode"
(to Rush, Ap 4 1790)
treatIes of commerce only, Blue Jay, my blue Jay
that she should take wIng In the Illght by the Kmgdom of
W u
I~I : \ ,
. :r
as mentIoned m RollIn, ref LIncoln, 14th May 1810
'or whose depreCIatIons are to the favour ofthe whole people" Mr Adams saw thru the bank hoax
& Suvltch a century plus 20 years later 'd- d- d- dIna- mIte'
d-d- dinamite'
& the MedIcI fal1ed from acceptmg too many depOSIts Alex , a respectable
or at least merItorIOUS BIddle,
alIve 1890
? "& consequently the corruptIon of hIstory" J A to Rush
18 'leven
Beyond CIVIC order
Was It Frate EgldlO- 'per la mente"
loolang down and reprovIng
"who shdj mIstake the eye for the mInd" Above prana, the lIght,
past hght, the crystal Above crystal, the Jade'
The clover endurmg,
basalt crumbled wIth time "Are they the same leaves""
that was an mtelligent questIon And that all gates are holy
(Pandects I 8 out of Galus) chvlDl et humamJurIS commumcatlo
and to the hIghest mtegrlty
Ius Itahcum (DIgest FIfty, xv)
Antonmus gave tIns to Tyre (Paulus, two)
Consul for the fourth tIme, 7th December & Paulus m Constantmople
& then the fun starts
with the "Code"
I 3, TItle
The Bulgar was trymg to hold onto horse sense
& an ImpreSSIon
perhaps m too general language, that
ConstantIne was a louse ('BUT by the new law,"
"feed 'um"
? 127
"from affection alone"
CODE V 27, the paragraph precedmg 2 Code V IV, 23,5 called also "fuss-cat"
To Kung, to avoId theIr encIrclement, To the Odes to escape abstract yatter,
to Menclus, Dante, and AgassIz for Gestalt seed,
pity, yes, for the mfected,
let the hght pour
but mamtam antiSepSIS,
ApolloIllUS made peace with the anImals
Was no blood on the Cyprian's altars
Justuuan mserted that sentence
"from affection" the novel, 127
From the hawk-lang
Goth, Agdu
Prabbu of Kopt, Queen Ash may ISIS preserve thee
Maws paId for the land
I bur 60 measures, 10 stalO, I mana of sIlver
as IS sald on the black obehsk
somewhere about 27 0 4
m the long boats east of Abydos
darkness, do you want %the year to get tm-
darkness, cahglnei
Agada, Gana
? % the year to get tIn
Swans came to the meadow 7tOAAOUt; "C'Lf. L~" 1tLO'~e6(a)v at OA(rOt~
For styrax to Pampluha,
and Apollomus saId to Kmg Huey
? Leang
? a ?
It wua ?
13 a
pao3 ?
Phraotes' tIgers worshIp the sun
WtJ. <p6A1)'7n"Ot
~ciXXOt 'tOU vf)<petv 636
rhymed m Ta. xJ. 1a
? G~vov ~tdpt:tV
~6io" ~o" x6a~ov yap ~CI)o)'o,,? t 1tcXV1"(x
~p6)~ci taxEL )(<<1 ~uv(a1"'l)aL"
III 34 F P
no full trans/ ttll ISII,
remarks F C Conybeare, the preleetor,
who says It IS (SIC) "hghtly wrItten" although no theologIan touches It NO' not even R. 1chardus
Apollomus & RJ. chardus
or, as Swedenborg says "ofSOCIeties"
well ,
& that gnffins dIg rocks spotted WIth gold and the phoemx
1tP01tEIL~P(OUt; is(. Lvou~ t:t~~Cii &3? LV
as do swans for those havmg ear
By the nymphs and have ecstasy, sober and that the umverse IS ahve
IpCa)~<< toxcL
& keepmg the Ganges on Ius nght hand
went down ten days toward the sea
& the "red
not from Its colour, the cyamne
VJLa~ 8e8cdKa. 'TE TTjV 8t! A. aTTav EppwlT8e BaIara full of myrtles and date palms
a place well watered by spnngs
1trtp<< ~or:t; ~v aoep? cxv ~L! L~ar. v
and they bell the boat to keep offthe seals Grant, 0 Muses,
XtXl epcxa6~VtXt ItXA~ACJ)V
sea named after Erythras
? that was Smyrna,
but fOWld Ephesus full of pIpers, buggars & nOIse
"We are the plant' saId Hugo Rennert or
as Homer says
1CoIJ. . CXL~ t8eC't. tC; not merely set stone
1Cp&. "t"'t'e~v ! xtXG't'OV o? 1"r. 8UVC't:t"CXL snt "t"~v vexuv EC11tepC't. ~ ~8'rJ
embarkmg at sunset
That he passed the mght on the mOWld of Achilles ? 'master of tempest and fire"
& he set up Palamedes an Image that I, Phuostratus, sa. w
and a shrme that will hold ten people drmkmg CClt was not by dltch-dIggmg and sheep's-guts
"rn Aeohs close to Methymna"
m the summer lIghtnIng, close upon cock-crow So that walkmg here under the larches o f ParadIse the stream was exceedIngly clear
& almost level Its margIn
"was thrown m my way a touch-stone
reXp ~ctatXVOC; xcx6cxpov xa. t cX. 1t) ou8&voc; 6v1)"t"ou "HIe soot leones",
on the North sIde (fas gold from the Hellads' poplar"
and at Gadara (CadIz) sumerIan capItals to theIr pillars 8e 'rotc; 6ar. ~ 7tpcX. 1:'''rouO't
for the doers of hohness y~v (. Lev 1ttXO"eXv &aepcxA~
they may slnp or SWIm, beIng secure v 17
? We have already raIsed our stele to Musomus, the man WIth the spade
Five, twenty two
formo nuevos arcmvos
BUT dtd not show good sense m Greece
"Law rules the sea"
meanmg lex Rhom Daughter of a sun prIest m Babylon
told Plulostratus to set down tins record of TYana
~Glv ? tXU't"ou 7tcx? 3CJ)v U7tO 't"o! c; 6e:oit;
not partlcular about theoretIcal orgamzatlons
V 3S worth attentIon
E'7T? VOVV EA(JOV ? lp~(j? Tat
? l rqv tfrox. ~vrqv lJL7JV epKEIS
as yung chung
? & do not mow the lugh stalks ANTONINUS reIgned 138 to 161 SEVERUS and Juha Domna about 198
? ?
E:AA7)V(~OV~tx~ ~e:v tEAA"1)VLX(;iV
as agaInst that schnorrer Euphrates and he sald to DIan
Set It to mUSIC and sent the hon up country
after sacnfice to AmaSlS
ETt' a. u~Cl t! 8ov't'e~
& keepmg the NIle on theIr rIght hand about ten ofthem went WIth Apol1011lUS ((lL~ O~OAOC; O~OAOV 1;'ex"tl"
"WhIch IS all nuts" saId Apollomus,
('The AfrIcans have more sense than the greeks"
book SIX, chap 2 'Hql6,) Mt~VO'VLMemnon of the Dawn
the one word meanmg to burn and be warm
'1:'" ,, ,
It. ' '6'
't'UX't} ex cx. VtXTOc; 'YJ TL [. Le"t"ct ~~Of. atV &:Cl>V ~t[. L~Teov
That It IS of thrones, *
and above them Jusace
Acre, agam,
? WIth an Eleanor
who sucked the venom out of Ius wound,
and came up VIa Padua, for a balance of wme & wool,
dIstraInt and tolls not unbridled
and m 1288 a thunderbolt passed between them
thJ. s wdf be m the tIme of FederICO Secondo, Alfonso, St LOUIS, and Magnus of Norway
and two years later she died and lus luck went out,
Edwardus, who played Ballol agamst the Bruce and brought the stone down to London
where It IS seen to thIS day PACTUM SERVA
Be Tralst
As agaInst anyone who takes hIs blessmgs mto a comer,
and after that we will go up to the Cataracts xexJ. XEAOC8ou'Joc; &:xouaoc~
<Pocv"t"cxa(cx aocpoo1"epcx (. LL~~crecu~ not baffled by terror,
and wanted to keep Sparta, Sparta,
that the kmg shdj be kmg
not a meltIng pot
& when Athens exceded the tnbutes set by AnstIdes, Coke, after he got mto Parhament,
The boat of Ra-Set moves WIth the sun