Generated for (University of
on 2014-12-26 11:50 GMT / http://hdl.
Latin - Carey - Clavis Metrico-Virgiliana
M. 8, 639
Capitol (ii) . . .
M. 9, 448
Clus(ii) . . .
M. 10, 167
Mezent(ii) . . .
JE. 11,7
-- 01
Pr(oi)nde \'"
JE. 11,383
. . . . 400
--U equivalent
to V or W--
ia . . .
G. 1, 397
. G. 2, 121
is . . .
. G. 4, 38
a . . . .
. . M. 5, 432
a . . .
JE. 12, 905
-- UE --
Suesco, and its compounds,
every where in Virgil, have
Sue a single syllable.
-- UI --
C(ui) E. 1,38
H(ui)c 21
In every place where Virgil has
either of these iixrds beginning afoot,
it is accounted as a long monosyllabic
by synarresis: in other positions,
? ? sometimes uncertain. See Preface.
Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-26 11:50 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/hvd. 32044085250439 Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd-google
? [ 45 ]
(C5* For the convenience of those readers who may desire
more ample information on various points in Prosody than
they can derive from Lilys brief rules, the following refe-
rences are given from those rules to the pages in my "Latin
Prosody made easy," where the subject of each rule is more
largely and minutely discussed. -- The pages are those of the
third Edition, printed in the present year, 1819.
Prosodia est pars Graram page 1
Tempus est syllabae proferenda: mensura 6
Pes duarum syllabarum 228
Spondeus est dissyllabus 228
Dactylus est trisyllabus 228 ,,. , .
Scansio est 230
Synalospha est elisio vocalis 183 ? *
At Heu et O nunquam intercipiuntur 183
Ecthlipsis est, quoties M. 187
Synceresis est duarum syllabarum 166
Diceresis est, ubi ex una syllaba 176
Ccesura est, cum, post ped. absol 159,160, 314
Versus heroicus. . . . . . 231, 307 ,'
Reperitur aliquando Spondeus 232, 343
Ultima cujuscumque versus 211,248,295
Versus Elegiacus 237
Vocalis ante duas consonantes, aut duplicem 17
Quod si consonans priorem. 18
At si prior dictio 18, 19
Vocalis brevis ante mutam 31
Longa vero non mutatur 33
Vocalis ante alteram in eadem - 8
{Eton Pros. Must. ) C
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-26 11:50 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/hvd. 32044085250439 Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd-google
? 46 References from Lily's
Excipias genitivos in IUS? . . . . 9
Excipiendi sunt etiam gen. et dat. 5tae 9
Fi etiam in Fio. . . . . . '8
Divsr. . Diana. ~. . . 8, 11
Ohe, interjectio 11
Vocalis ante alteram in Gratis 11
Et iii possessivis Graecis 12
Omnia diphthdngus. . . . . . 18
Derfvativa eanulem. . . . . . 34
Excipiuntur tamen pauca 'M
Et contra sunt, quae, a longis 37
Composita simplicium 38
Excipiuntur tamen haec brevia 39
Omne praeteritum dissyllabum 53 .
Excipias tamen Bibi 53
Primam praeteriti geminantia 54
Supinum dissyllabum 55
Excipe Datum, Itum 56
A finita producuntur 98
Excipias Puta, Ita 98, 99, 100
Prseter vocativos a Graecis in AS. . . . . . 100, 101
Et'ablativum primae 100
Numeralia mfiinta 104
In B, D, T, desinentia brevia sunt 122
In C desinentia producuntur. . . . . . 126
Sed duo in C corripiuntur 126
Tria sunt communia 126, 127
E finita brevia sunt 105
Excipiendae sunt omnes voces 5tae 106
Et secundae item personae sing. 2dae 107
Producuntur etiam monosyllaba in E 109
Praeter Que, Ne, Ve 109
Quin et adverbia in E 108
Quibus accedunt Fernte, Fere 107
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-26 11:50 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/hvd. 32044085250439 Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd-google
? to Carey's Prosody. 47
Bene tamen et Male corripiuntur. . . . . . 108^
Postremo, quae a Grascis per Eta 106, 107
I finita longa, sunt. . . . . . 11(C) i v.
Prater Mihi, Tibi 113
Nisi vero, et Quasi 110
Cujus etiam sortis sunt dativi. . . . ? - 111
L finita corripiuntur. . . . . . 129
Praeter Nil Sal, et Sol. . . . . . 129 *
Et Hebraea quaedam in EL. . . . . . 130
iV finita producuntur. 135'
Excipe Forsan, Forsitan 136
Accedunt his et voces illae, quae apoc' 136
In AN quoque, a nominativis in A <<. . . 137
In AN, a nominativis in AS~. . ? 135
Nomina item in EN. 136
Quaedam etiam in IN et in YN. 137
Graeca etiam in QN per O parvum. . . . . . 137
O finita communia sunt. . . . . . 114
Sic . Docendo, Legendo 116
Sed obliqui casus in 0 117 . . ,
Et adverbia ab adjectivis derivata 119
Caeterum Modo et Quomodo 119
Cito quoque, ut et Ambo 114, 119
Monosyllaba tamen "in 0 117
Item Graeca per O-mega 117
Sic et . Ergo, pro Causd 114
H finita corripiuntur. . . . . . 138
Producuntur autem Far 139'
Graeca etiam in ER 139
AS finita producuntur 141
Praeter Graeca, quorum genitivus 142
Et praeter accusativos plurales 142
ES finita longa sunt 143
Excipiuntur nomina in ES 3tim 144
? ?
Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-26 11:50 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/hvd. 32044085250439 Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd-google
? 48 References to Carey's Prosody.
Sed Aries, Abies 144
ES quoque a Sum Quibus Penes 145, 147
Item neutra, et nominativi plurales 146, 147
IS finita brevia sunt 148
Excipe obliquos casus plurales 149
Item producentia penult, genitivi crescentis 152
Adde hue, quae in IS, contracta ex EIS 152
Et monosyllaba item omnia 151, 152
Prater Is et Quis nom et Bis 148
Istis accedunt 2dae persona; sing 151
Una cum futuris optativi in RIS 87, 152
OS finita producuntur 153
Prater Compos, Impos 154
Et Graeca per O parvum >> 154
US finita corripiuntur 155
Excipiuntur producentia penult, gen. cresc 157
Longae sunt etiam onirics voces 4tae 157
His accedunt etiam monosyllaba 156
Et Graeca item per OYS diphthongum 158
Atque piis cunctis 159
U finita producuntur 121
[Yfinita] Ill
[YS finita] 148, 149
West Square, 1
June SO, 1819. )
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? i pm
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? ? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-26 11:50 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/hvd. 32044085250439 Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd-google
? ? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-26 11:50 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/hvd. 32044085250439 Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd-google
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? V 19. 1 JU
lavis metrico. Virgiliana.
fidener Library
3 2044 085 250 439
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-26 11:50 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/hvd. 32044085250439 Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www. hathitrust.
M. 8, 639
Capitol (ii) . . .
M. 9, 448
Clus(ii) . . .
M. 10, 167
Mezent(ii) . . .
JE. 11,7
-- 01
Pr(oi)nde \'"
JE. 11,383
. . . . 400
--U equivalent
to V or W--
ia . . .
G. 1, 397
. G. 2, 121
is . . .
. G. 4, 38
a . . . .
. . M. 5, 432
a . . .
JE. 12, 905
-- UE --
Suesco, and its compounds,
every where in Virgil, have
Sue a single syllable.
-- UI --
C(ui) E. 1,38
H(ui)c 21
In every place where Virgil has
either of these iixrds beginning afoot,
it is accounted as a long monosyllabic
by synarresis: in other positions,
? ? sometimes uncertain. See Preface.
Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-26 11:50 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/hvd. 32044085250439 Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd-google
? [ 45 ]
(C5* For the convenience of those readers who may desire
more ample information on various points in Prosody than
they can derive from Lilys brief rules, the following refe-
rences are given from those rules to the pages in my "Latin
Prosody made easy," where the subject of each rule is more
largely and minutely discussed. -- The pages are those of the
third Edition, printed in the present year, 1819.
Prosodia est pars Graram page 1
Tempus est syllabae proferenda: mensura 6
Pes duarum syllabarum 228
Spondeus est dissyllabus 228
Dactylus est trisyllabus 228 ,,. , .
Scansio est 230
Synalospha est elisio vocalis 183 ? *
At Heu et O nunquam intercipiuntur 183
Ecthlipsis est, quoties M. 187
Synceresis est duarum syllabarum 166
Diceresis est, ubi ex una syllaba 176
Ccesura est, cum, post ped. absol 159,160, 314
Versus heroicus. . . . . . 231, 307 ,'
Reperitur aliquando Spondeus 232, 343
Ultima cujuscumque versus 211,248,295
Versus Elegiacus 237
Vocalis ante duas consonantes, aut duplicem 17
Quod si consonans priorem. 18
At si prior dictio 18, 19
Vocalis brevis ante mutam 31
Longa vero non mutatur 33
Vocalis ante alteram in eadem - 8
{Eton Pros. Must. ) C
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-26 11:50 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/hvd. 32044085250439 Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd-google
? 46 References from Lily's
Excipias genitivos in IUS? . . . . 9
Excipiendi sunt etiam gen. et dat. 5tae 9
Fi etiam in Fio. . . . . . '8
Divsr. . Diana. ~. . . 8, 11
Ohe, interjectio 11
Vocalis ante alteram in Gratis 11
Et iii possessivis Graecis 12
Omnia diphthdngus. . . . . . 18
Derfvativa eanulem. . . . . . 34
Excipiuntur tamen pauca 'M
Et contra sunt, quae, a longis 37
Composita simplicium 38
Excipiuntur tamen haec brevia 39
Omne praeteritum dissyllabum 53 .
Excipias tamen Bibi 53
Primam praeteriti geminantia 54
Supinum dissyllabum 55
Excipe Datum, Itum 56
A finita producuntur 98
Excipias Puta, Ita 98, 99, 100
Prseter vocativos a Graecis in AS. . . . . . 100, 101
Et'ablativum primae 100
Numeralia mfiinta 104
In B, D, T, desinentia brevia sunt 122
In C desinentia producuntur. . . . . . 126
Sed duo in C corripiuntur 126
Tria sunt communia 126, 127
E finita brevia sunt 105
Excipiendae sunt omnes voces 5tae 106
Et secundae item personae sing. 2dae 107
Producuntur etiam monosyllaba in E 109
Praeter Que, Ne, Ve 109
Quin et adverbia in E 108
Quibus accedunt Fernte, Fere 107
? ? Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-26 11:50 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/hvd. 32044085250439 Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd-google
? to Carey's Prosody. 47
Bene tamen et Male corripiuntur. . . . . . 108^
Postremo, quae a Grascis per Eta 106, 107
I finita longa, sunt. . . . . . 11(C) i v.
Prater Mihi, Tibi 113
Nisi vero, et Quasi 110
Cujus etiam sortis sunt dativi. . . . ? - 111
L finita corripiuntur. . . . . . 129
Praeter Nil Sal, et Sol. . . . . . 129 *
Et Hebraea quaedam in EL. . . . . . 130
iV finita producuntur. 135'
Excipe Forsan, Forsitan 136
Accedunt his et voces illae, quae apoc' 136
In AN quoque, a nominativis in A <<. . . 137
In AN, a nominativis in AS~. . ? 135
Nomina item in EN. 136
Quaedam etiam in IN et in YN. 137
Graeca etiam in QN per O parvum. . . . . . 137
O finita communia sunt. . . . . . 114
Sic . Docendo, Legendo 116
Sed obliqui casus in 0 117 . . ,
Et adverbia ab adjectivis derivata 119
Caeterum Modo et Quomodo 119
Cito quoque, ut et Ambo 114, 119
Monosyllaba tamen "in 0 117
Item Graeca per O-mega 117
Sic et . Ergo, pro Causd 114
H finita corripiuntur. . . . . . 138
Producuntur autem Far 139'
Graeca etiam in ER 139
AS finita producuntur 141
Praeter Graeca, quorum genitivus 142
Et praeter accusativos plurales 142
ES finita longa sunt 143
Excipiuntur nomina in ES 3tim 144
? ?
Generated for (University of Chicago) on 2014-12-26 11:50 GMT / http://hdl. handle. net/2027/hvd. 32044085250439 Public Domain, Google-digitized / http://www. hathitrust. org/access_use#pd-google
? 48 References to Carey's Prosody.
Sed Aries, Abies 144
ES quoque a Sum Quibus Penes 145, 147
Item neutra, et nominativi plurales 146, 147
IS finita brevia sunt 148
Excipe obliquos casus plurales 149
Item producentia penult, genitivi crescentis 152
Adde hue, quae in IS, contracta ex EIS 152
Et monosyllaba item omnia 151, 152
Prater Is et Quis nom et Bis 148
Istis accedunt 2dae persona; sing 151
Una cum futuris optativi in RIS 87, 152
OS finita producuntur 153
Prater Compos, Impos 154
Et Graeca per O parvum >> 154
US finita corripiuntur 155
Excipiuntur producentia penult, gen. cresc 157
Longae sunt etiam onirics voces 4tae 157
His accedunt etiam monosyllaba 156
Et Graeca item per OYS diphthongum 158
Atque piis cunctis 159
U finita producuntur 121
[Yfinita] Ill
[YS finita] 148, 149
West Square, 1
June SO, 1819. )
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? i pm
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? V 19. 1 JU
lavis metrico. Virgiliana.
fidener Library
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