The Origin o
Thought about th Body, the Mind, the Soul, the
World, Time, and Fate.
World, Time, and Fate.
Brett Bourbon - 1996 - Constructing a Replacement for the Soul
MacMillan, 1965(1787).
. Groundingfo r the Metaphysics o fMorals. Trans. James W. Ellingtion.
Indianapolis: HackettPub. , 1981.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
? ____________. Prolegomena To Any Future Metaphysics. Trans. James W. Ellington. Indianapolis: Hackett, 1977.
____________. TheoreticalPhilosophy 1755-1770, tr. and ed. David Walford and Ralf Meerbote (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1992) 373-416.
Keats, John. Complete Poems. Ed. Jack Stillinger. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1978, 1982. ________ . The Letters o fJohn Keats. Ed. Buxton Forman. London: Reeves and Turner,
Kenny, Anthony. Aquinas on Mind. NY: Routledge, 1993.
_____________. "Wittgenstein on the Nature ofPhilosophy". In Wittgenstein and his
Times. Ed. Brian McGuinness. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1982.
Kierkegaard, Soren. Concluding Unscientific Postscript. Trans. David F. Swenson and
Walter Lowrie. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1941. ________________. Either/Or. Trans. DavidF. SwensonandWalterLowrie. Princeton:
PrincetonUP, 1974.
________________. ThePointofViewforMy WorkasanAuthor. Trans. Walter
Lowrie. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1939.
Kisel, Theodore. The Genesis o fHeidegger's Being and Time. Berkeley: U of California
P, 1993.
Klemke, E. D. "The Ontology of Wittgenstein's Tranctatus". In Essays on Wittgenstein.
Ed. E. D. Klemke. Urbana, 111. : 1971.
Kretzman, Norman. "Philosophy o f Mind". In The Cambridge Companion to Aquinas.
Ed. Norman Kretzman and Eleonore Stump. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1993, 128-159.
Lacoue-Labarthe, Philippe and Jean-Luc Nancy. The Literary Absolute: The Theory o f Literature in German Romanticism. Trans. P. Barnard and C. Lester. Albany: SUNYP, 1988.
Lejewski, C. "On Lesniewski's Ontology". Ratio I (1958), 150-76.
Lem, Stanislaus. MortalEngines. Trans. Michael Kandel. NY: HBJ, 1977.
Liddell, H. G. and R. Scott. Greek-English Lexicon. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1871. Locke, John. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. Ed. A. D. Woozley. NY:
New American Library, 1964.
_________. Two Treatises o f Government. Ed. Peter Laslett. NY: New American
Library, 1960.
Lucretius. On The Nature o f The Universe. Trans. R. E. Latham. NY: Penguin Bks. , 1951. MacIntyre, Alasdair. After Virtue: A Study in Moral Theory. London: Duckworth,
________________. Against the Self-Images o f the Age: Essays on Ideology and
Philosophy. Notre Dame: U ofNotre Dame, 1978.
Maddy, Penelope. Realism in Mathematics. Oxford: Clarendon, 1990.
Marcovich, M. "Heraclitus" In Realencyclopadie der classischen Alterumswissenschqft.
Ed. A. F. von Pauly, G. Wissowa, et al. Stuttgart 1894-1974.
Marshack, Alexander. The Roots o f Civilization. NY: Moyer Bell, ltd. , 1991. McCulloch, Warren. Embodiments o fMind. Cam: MIT Press, 1988.
McCarthy, Patrick. The Riddles o fFinnegans Wake. Rutherford, NJ: Associated UP,
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
? McHugh, Roland. Anmotations to Finnegans Wake. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins P, 1980. _____________. TheSiglaofFinnegansWake. Austin: UofTexasP, 1987. McTaggart, J. McT. E. The Nature o fExistence, vol. n . Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1927. Melville, Herman. "Bartleby". In Billy Budd and Other Stories. NY: Penguin Bks. 1984.
Millikan, Ruth Garrett. Language, Thought, and Other Biological Categories.
Cambridge: MIT P, 1984.
Milton, John. John Milton: Complete Poems andMajor Prose. Ed. Merritt Y. Hughes.
NY: The Odyssey P, 1957.
Mink, Louis O. A Finnegans Wake Gazetteer. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1979. Minsky, Marvin. The Society o fMind. NY: Touchstone Bks, 1986.
Nagel, Ivan. Autonomy andMercy: Reflections on Mozart's Operas. Cambridge:
Harvard UP, 1991.
Nagy, Gregory. Pindar's Homer: The Lyric Possession o fan Epic Past. Baltimore: The
Johns Hopkins P, 1990.
The New Oxford Annotated Bible (New Revised Standard Version). Ed. Bruce M.
Metzger and Roland E. Murphy. New York: Oxford UP, 1991.
Ockham. Philosophical Writings. Ed. and Trans. Philotheus Boehner. Indianopolis:
Hackett Pub, 1990.
Onians, R. B.
The Origin o fEuropean Thought about th Body, the Mind, the Soul, the
World, Time, and Fate. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1951.
Onions, C. T. et al. The OxfordDictionary ofEnglish Etymology. Oxford: Oxford UP,
OxfordEnglish Dictionary. Compact Ed. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1971. Parmenides. Parmenides o fElea: Fragments, A Text and Translation with an
Introduction. Trans. David Gallop. Toronto: U o f Toronto P, 1984.
Partiridge, Eric. Origins: A Short Etymological Dictionary o f the English Language. NY:
Macmillan, 1959.
Plotinus. The Enneads. Trans. Stephen MacKenna. London: Penguin Books, 1991. Plotinus. Plotinus, 7 volumes. Trans. A. H. Armstrong. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1966-88. Pokomy, Julius. Indogermcmisches Etymologisches Woterbuch. Bern, 1959.
Pollock, John. How To Build A Person: A Prolegomenon. Cambridge. MIT Press, 1989. Putnam,Hilary. TheManyFacesofRealism. Salle,HI. :OpenCourt, 1987.
Premack, David, '"Does the Chimpanzee have a Theory o f Mind? ' revisited". In
MachiavellianIntelligence: SocialExpertiseandtheEvolutionofIntellectin Monkeys, Apes, andHumans. Ed. R. Byrne and A. Whiten. (Oxford: Clarendon
Press, 1988).
Pylyshyn, Z. Ed. The Robot's Dilemma: The Frame Problem in Artificial Intelligence.
Norwood: Ablex, 1987.
Pynchon, Thomas. Gravity's Rainbow. NY: Bantam, 1973.
Quine, Willard Van Orman. Quiddities. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1987. ______________________. Wordand Object. Cambridge: MIT P, 1960.
Ramsey, Frank P. "Review o f'Tractatus'". In Essays on Wittgenstein's Tractatus. Ed.
Irving M. Copi and Robert W. Beard. NY: Hafiier P, 1973. pp. 9-24. Ransom, John Crowe. The W orld's Body. NY: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1938.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
? Rahner, Karl. Foundations o f Christian Faith. London: Darton, Longman, and Todd, 1978.
Rosen, Charles. The Romantic Generation. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1995.
Russell, Bertrand. The Principles o fMathematics. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1903. Schank, Roger and Lawrence Bimbaum, "Memory, Meaning, and Syntax". In Talking
Minds: ThestudyofLanguageinCognitiveScience. Ed. Bever,Carroll,and Miller. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1984.
Scholem, Gershom. "The Idea of the Golem" in On the Kabbalah and its Symbolism. Trans. R. Manheim. NY: Schoken, 158-204.
_____________. "The Name o f God and the Linguistic o f the Kabbalah," Diogenes, vol. 79 (1979) 59-80, vol. 80 (1973) 164-94.
Schrodinger,Erwin. WhatisLife? andMindandMatter. Cambridge: CambridgeUP, 1969.
Schopenhauer, Arthur. The Worldas WillandRepresentation (in Two Volumes). Trans. E. F. J. Payne. NY: Dover, 1969.
Schreber, Daniel Paul. Memoirs o fMy Nervous Illness. Trans. Ida Macalpine and Richard A. Hunter. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1988.
Shelly, Mary. Frankenstein. (1818). Ed. J. Rieger. Indianapolis: Bobbs Merrill, 1974. Sherwin, Byron L. The Legend o f the Golem: Origins and Implications. NY: UP of
America, 1985.
Shipley, Joseph T. The Origins o fEnglish Words: A Discursive Dictionary o fIndo-
European Roots. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1984. Simon,HerbertA. "MachineasMind". InAndroidEpistemology. Ed. KennethM. Ford,
Clark Glymour, and Patrick J. Hayes. Cambridge: MIT P, 1995, 23-40. ______________. The Sciences o f the Artificial. 2 ed. Cambridge: MIT P, 1969, 1981. Skeat,WilliamWalter. AnEtymologicalDictionaryoftheEnglishLanguage. Oxford:
Oxford UP, 1910.
Sorabji, Richard. Time, Creation, and the Continuum. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1983. Sparshott, F. E. Lookingfo r Philosophy. Montreal: McGill-Queen's UP, 1972. Spearing, A. C. MedievalDream-Poetry. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1976. Spinoza, Benedict. Ethics. On the Improvement o f the Understanding; The
Correspondence. Trans. R. H. M. Elwes. NY: Dover, 1977
Steams, John B. Studies o f the Dream as a Technical Device in Latin Epic and Drama.
Lancaster: Lancaster P, 1927.
Stein, Gertrude. "Tender Buttons". In Selected Writings o f Gertrude Stein. Ed. C. Van
Vechten. NY: Vintage Books, 1962.
Stein, H. "On the Paradoxical Time-Structures ofGodel," Philosophy ofScience, 37
(1970), 589-601.
Steiner, George. "The Pythagorean Genre". In Language and Silence: Essays on
Language, Literature, and the Inhuman. NY: Athenaeum, 1967, pp. 78-91. Stevens, Wallace. The Collected Poems. NY: Vintage, 1954.
Tanakh: The Holy Scriptures. NY: The Jewish Pub. Society, 1988.
Thoreau, Henry D. Walden and Resistance to Civil Government. Ed. William Rossi.
NY: WW Norton, 1992.
Tomlinson, Charles. The Flood. NY: Oxford UP, 1981.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
MacMillan, 1965(1787).
. Groundingfo r the Metaphysics o fMorals. Trans. James W. Ellingtion.
Indianapolis: HackettPub. , 1981.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
? ____________. Prolegomena To Any Future Metaphysics. Trans. James W. Ellington. Indianapolis: Hackett, 1977.
____________. TheoreticalPhilosophy 1755-1770, tr. and ed. David Walford and Ralf Meerbote (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1992) 373-416.
Keats, John. Complete Poems. Ed. Jack Stillinger. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1978, 1982. ________ . The Letters o fJohn Keats. Ed. Buxton Forman. London: Reeves and Turner,
Kenny, Anthony. Aquinas on Mind. NY: Routledge, 1993.
_____________. "Wittgenstein on the Nature ofPhilosophy". In Wittgenstein and his
Times. Ed. Brian McGuinness. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1982.
Kierkegaard, Soren. Concluding Unscientific Postscript. Trans. David F. Swenson and
Walter Lowrie. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1941. ________________. Either/Or. Trans. DavidF. SwensonandWalterLowrie. Princeton:
PrincetonUP, 1974.
________________. ThePointofViewforMy WorkasanAuthor. Trans. Walter
Lowrie. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1939.
Kisel, Theodore. The Genesis o fHeidegger's Being and Time. Berkeley: U of California
P, 1993.
Klemke, E. D. "The Ontology of Wittgenstein's Tranctatus". In Essays on Wittgenstein.
Ed. E. D. Klemke. Urbana, 111. : 1971.
Kretzman, Norman. "Philosophy o f Mind". In The Cambridge Companion to Aquinas.
Ed. Norman Kretzman and Eleonore Stump. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1993, 128-159.
Lacoue-Labarthe, Philippe and Jean-Luc Nancy. The Literary Absolute: The Theory o f Literature in German Romanticism. Trans. P. Barnard and C. Lester. Albany: SUNYP, 1988.
Lejewski, C. "On Lesniewski's Ontology". Ratio I (1958), 150-76.
Lem, Stanislaus. MortalEngines. Trans. Michael Kandel. NY: HBJ, 1977.
Liddell, H. G. and R. Scott. Greek-English Lexicon. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1871. Locke, John. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. Ed. A. D. Woozley. NY:
New American Library, 1964.
_________. Two Treatises o f Government. Ed. Peter Laslett. NY: New American
Library, 1960.
Lucretius. On The Nature o f The Universe. Trans. R. E. Latham. NY: Penguin Bks. , 1951. MacIntyre, Alasdair. After Virtue: A Study in Moral Theory. London: Duckworth,
________________. Against the Self-Images o f the Age: Essays on Ideology and
Philosophy. Notre Dame: U ofNotre Dame, 1978.
Maddy, Penelope. Realism in Mathematics. Oxford: Clarendon, 1990.
Marcovich, M. "Heraclitus" In Realencyclopadie der classischen Alterumswissenschqft.
Ed. A. F. von Pauly, G. Wissowa, et al. Stuttgart 1894-1974.
Marshack, Alexander. The Roots o f Civilization. NY: Moyer Bell, ltd. , 1991. McCulloch, Warren. Embodiments o fMind. Cam: MIT Press, 1988.
McCarthy, Patrick. The Riddles o fFinnegans Wake. Rutherford, NJ: Associated UP,
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
? McHugh, Roland. Anmotations to Finnegans Wake. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins P, 1980. _____________. TheSiglaofFinnegansWake. Austin: UofTexasP, 1987. McTaggart, J. McT. E. The Nature o fExistence, vol. n . Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1927. Melville, Herman. "Bartleby". In Billy Budd and Other Stories. NY: Penguin Bks. 1984.
Millikan, Ruth Garrett. Language, Thought, and Other Biological Categories.
Cambridge: MIT P, 1984.
Milton, John. John Milton: Complete Poems andMajor Prose. Ed. Merritt Y. Hughes.
NY: The Odyssey P, 1957.
Mink, Louis O. A Finnegans Wake Gazetteer. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1979. Minsky, Marvin. The Society o fMind. NY: Touchstone Bks, 1986.
Nagel, Ivan. Autonomy andMercy: Reflections on Mozart's Operas. Cambridge:
Harvard UP, 1991.
Nagy, Gregory. Pindar's Homer: The Lyric Possession o fan Epic Past. Baltimore: The
Johns Hopkins P, 1990.
The New Oxford Annotated Bible (New Revised Standard Version). Ed. Bruce M.
Metzger and Roland E. Murphy. New York: Oxford UP, 1991.
Ockham. Philosophical Writings. Ed. and Trans. Philotheus Boehner. Indianopolis:
Hackett Pub, 1990.
Onians, R. B.
The Origin o fEuropean Thought about th Body, the Mind, the Soul, the
World, Time, and Fate. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1951.
Onions, C. T. et al. The OxfordDictionary ofEnglish Etymology. Oxford: Oxford UP,
OxfordEnglish Dictionary. Compact Ed. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1971. Parmenides. Parmenides o fElea: Fragments, A Text and Translation with an
Introduction. Trans. David Gallop. Toronto: U o f Toronto P, 1984.
Partiridge, Eric. Origins: A Short Etymological Dictionary o f the English Language. NY:
Macmillan, 1959.
Plotinus. The Enneads. Trans. Stephen MacKenna. London: Penguin Books, 1991. Plotinus. Plotinus, 7 volumes. Trans. A. H. Armstrong. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1966-88. Pokomy, Julius. Indogermcmisches Etymologisches Woterbuch. Bern, 1959.
Pollock, John. How To Build A Person: A Prolegomenon. Cambridge. MIT Press, 1989. Putnam,Hilary. TheManyFacesofRealism. Salle,HI. :OpenCourt, 1987.
Premack, David, '"Does the Chimpanzee have a Theory o f Mind? ' revisited". In
MachiavellianIntelligence: SocialExpertiseandtheEvolutionofIntellectin Monkeys, Apes, andHumans. Ed. R. Byrne and A. Whiten. (Oxford: Clarendon
Press, 1988).
Pylyshyn, Z. Ed. The Robot's Dilemma: The Frame Problem in Artificial Intelligence.
Norwood: Ablex, 1987.
Pynchon, Thomas. Gravity's Rainbow. NY: Bantam, 1973.
Quine, Willard Van Orman. Quiddities. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1987. ______________________. Wordand Object. Cambridge: MIT P, 1960.
Ramsey, Frank P. "Review o f'Tractatus'". In Essays on Wittgenstein's Tractatus. Ed.
Irving M. Copi and Robert W. Beard. NY: Hafiier P, 1973. pp. 9-24. Ransom, John Crowe. The W orld's Body. NY: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1938.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
? Rahner, Karl. Foundations o f Christian Faith. London: Darton, Longman, and Todd, 1978.
Rosen, Charles. The Romantic Generation. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1995.
Russell, Bertrand. The Principles o fMathematics. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1903. Schank, Roger and Lawrence Bimbaum, "Memory, Meaning, and Syntax". In Talking
Minds: ThestudyofLanguageinCognitiveScience. Ed. Bever,Carroll,and Miller. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1984.
Scholem, Gershom. "The Idea of the Golem" in On the Kabbalah and its Symbolism. Trans. R. Manheim. NY: Schoken, 158-204.
_____________. "The Name o f God and the Linguistic o f the Kabbalah," Diogenes, vol. 79 (1979) 59-80, vol. 80 (1973) 164-94.
Schrodinger,Erwin. WhatisLife? andMindandMatter. Cambridge: CambridgeUP, 1969.
Schopenhauer, Arthur. The Worldas WillandRepresentation (in Two Volumes). Trans. E. F. J. Payne. NY: Dover, 1969.
Schreber, Daniel Paul. Memoirs o fMy Nervous Illness. Trans. Ida Macalpine and Richard A. Hunter. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1988.
Shelly, Mary. Frankenstein. (1818). Ed. J. Rieger. Indianapolis: Bobbs Merrill, 1974. Sherwin, Byron L. The Legend o f the Golem: Origins and Implications. NY: UP of
America, 1985.
Shipley, Joseph T. The Origins o fEnglish Words: A Discursive Dictionary o fIndo-
European Roots. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1984. Simon,HerbertA. "MachineasMind". InAndroidEpistemology. Ed. KennethM. Ford,
Clark Glymour, and Patrick J. Hayes. Cambridge: MIT P, 1995, 23-40. ______________. The Sciences o f the Artificial. 2 ed. Cambridge: MIT P, 1969, 1981. Skeat,WilliamWalter. AnEtymologicalDictionaryoftheEnglishLanguage. Oxford:
Oxford UP, 1910.
Sorabji, Richard. Time, Creation, and the Continuum. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1983. Sparshott, F. E. Lookingfo r Philosophy. Montreal: McGill-Queen's UP, 1972. Spearing, A. C. MedievalDream-Poetry. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1976. Spinoza, Benedict. Ethics. On the Improvement o f the Understanding; The
Correspondence. Trans. R. H. M. Elwes. NY: Dover, 1977
Steams, John B. Studies o f the Dream as a Technical Device in Latin Epic and Drama.
Lancaster: Lancaster P, 1927.
Stein, Gertrude. "Tender Buttons". In Selected Writings o f Gertrude Stein. Ed. C. Van
Vechten. NY: Vintage Books, 1962.
Stein, H. "On the Paradoxical Time-Structures ofGodel," Philosophy ofScience, 37
(1970), 589-601.
Steiner, George. "The Pythagorean Genre". In Language and Silence: Essays on
Language, Literature, and the Inhuman. NY: Athenaeum, 1967, pp. 78-91. Stevens, Wallace. The Collected Poems. NY: Vintage, 1954.
Tanakh: The Holy Scriptures. NY: The Jewish Pub. Society, 1988.
Thoreau, Henry D. Walden and Resistance to Civil Government. Ed. William Rossi.
NY: WW Norton, 1992.
Tomlinson, Charles. The Flood. NY: Oxford UP, 1981.
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