of increasing contemplative expenence nyams gong-'phel-ba, 339, 371 ,
of :'eaching the limit of awareness ng-pa tshad-phebs, 339, 371
vital energy rlung, Skt.
of :'eaching the limit of awareness ng-pa tshad-phebs, 339, 371
vital energy rlung, Skt.
Dudjom Rinpoche - Fundamentals and History of the Nyingmapa
dhatu, 27, 29, 82-3, 153,
159, 174, 180, 192, 199; see also
nucleus and seminal point(s)
of buddhahood sangs-rgyas-kyi khams,
203; see also seed, virtuous of
beginningless reality
that is enlightened mind khams byang-
chub sems, 20, 124, 362
of enlightenment byang-chub-kyi khams
828, 927, 928
five kinds of phyag-rgya rigs-lnga, 357 four phyag-rgya bzhi, 33, 35, 272, 295-6
301, 355-6
four, indicative of the transmitted
precepts bka'-rtags-kyi phyag-rgya
bzhi, 16, 70-1
Great phyag-rgya chen-po, Skt.
in the form of nectar khams bdud-rtsi 115
' '
mahtimudra, 258, 272, 291, 356, 365 461,476,481,545,547,564,569, 689, 762, 908-9, 922, 925, 926, 929, 931, 936, 973; of buddha-body which secures the ground-of-all as the mirror-like pristine cognition me- long kun-gzhi sku phyag-chen 356
of pristine cognition ye-shes Skt. jnanamudra, 301
secret gsang-rgya, 810, 842
single phyag-rgya gcig-pa: according to
Mahayoga, 278-81
subtle and. coarse phyag-rgya phra-rags:
accordmg to Mahayoga, 360 phyag-rgya gsum: impurity,
Impermanence and suffering, or the four seals indicative of the transmitted precepts with the exception of nirvaf. la, 71
secret mantra gsang-sngags, Skt. guhya- mantra: defined, 257-62; 47, 75, 77, 82, 122, 185-6, 257-62; 271, 273, 302, 454, 609, 613; see also gnostic mantras/spells, lineage(s), mantra(s), mantra syllables, pitaka, tantra(s) and vehicle(s)
ancient tradition of gsang-sngags mying- ma, 441; see also Ancient Translation School
with causal vehicles, 243-56 mner and ou. ter classes/traditions of gsang-
sngags-kYl phYl-nang lugs, 475, 762; see also unaer mantra(s) and vehicle(s)
liberation thar-pa'i sa-bon, 787, 829 VIrtuous, of beginningless reality thog- med-nas chos-nyid-kyi khams dge-ba,
194, 197-8; see also seed of
seed-syllables 'bru-yig, Skt. b'ijaksara 33
275,287,351,356; see , mantra(s), mantra syllables, recitation and syllables
which have eight dimensions of radiance and constancy yig-'bru'i gsal-brtan-gyi tshad brgyad, 279
self bdag, Skt. atma, 16,20, 25, 53, 68, 71, 158-9, 187, 199,212-13,218,
true bdag-nyid chen-po, Skt. paramatma: the transcendence of the dichotomy of self and non-self, 142, 186,212; for the significance of this term in the vehicle of indestructible reality, see also mdestructible reality, embodiment of and supreme identity
self-centred buddha rang-rgyal/rang sangs- rgyas, Skt. pratyekabuddha: defined, 227; 24-5, 35, 82-3, 153, 159, 174, 180, 186,227,294,302, 315,411, 908, 913, 932
selfhood bdag-nyid, Skt. atma, 28, 62, 229 two concepts of bdag-gnyis, 184
selflessness bdag-med, Skt. nairarmya, 35, 153, 159, 180, 185-6, 212-13, 218, 226-7, 294
two kinds of bdag-med don mam-gnyis, 108,208,216,231,234,237
of the individual gang-zag-gi bdag-med, Skt. pudgalanairatmya, 18,25,223- 4, 229, 234
of phenomena chos-kyi bdag-med, Skt. dharmanairatmya, 18, 181, 224-5, 234
376 Index of Technical Tenns
self-manifesting rang-snang: see manifest in and of itself
seminal fluids, male and female khu-rdul: khu meaning sperm and rdul meaning ovum, 279
seminal point(s) thig-Ie, Skt. bindu: the nucleus or seed of the enlightened mind, which comprises a range of meanings, from the white and red seminal fluids of the physical body to the seminal points of light which appear during All-Surpassing Realisation, 20, 38, 186,264,277, 290,302,312,337,339-40,362,584
blazing and secretion of thig-le'i 'bar- 'dzag, 277
great thig-le chen-po: the great buddha- body of reality, 306, 337, 339, 370
pulse of the seminal point of great desire
'dod-chags chen-po'i thig-le'i 'gros, 258 sole/unique thig-le nyag-gcig, 763; see also buddha-body, (great) of reality
and seminal point, great
white and red thig-le dkar-dmar, 142, 341
seminal retention thig-le dbab-bzung, 489 Senmo spirits bsen-mo: female spirits who
manifest through lust and
attachment, 565, 939 sensations, four nyams-bzhi: the
consciousnesses of the four senses- seeing, hearing, smelling and tasting-excluding the fifth, i. e. touch, 20, 125
sense objects, (four) yul(-bzhi) , 20, 125, 257, 449
sense (organs) dbang-po, Skt. indriya. , 21, 93, 102, 126, 131, 156, 257, 309, 423, 424, 449
five dbang-po lnga/sgo lnga, Skt. paiicadvtira: lit. "five gates", 56, 463
four dbang-po bzhi, 20, 125
of the intellect yid-kyi dbang-po, 56 six dbang-po drug, 55-6
sensory perceptions, five sgo-lnga'i shes-pa, Skt. paiicadvtirajiitina, 12, 55; see also consciousness of the five senses
sensual raptures, five 'dod-pa'i longs-spyod lnga, 258: see also desired qualities and (perfect) rapture
sensum rnam-pa, Skt. tiktira, 25, 158, 225 sentient beings sems-can, Skt. sattva: these
are of six classes, passim; see also families
sevenfold service yan-lag bdun-pa, 865 shang gshang: a Ponpo musical instrument,
Shangpa Kagyil shangs-pa bka'-brgyud, 395,
802, 833, 853, 929, 952 Shing-go-chen-pa shing-sgo chen-pa: lord of
the land of wooden doors (Tibet), an epithet for Til'i Situ Cangcup Gyeltsen, 592
signs mtshan/rtags, passim
of success, 822, 861; see also
accomplishment, signs of
ten, of inner radiance 'od-gsal rtags-bcu,
signlessness mtshan-ma med-pa-nyid, Skt.
animittam: one of the three approaches to liberation, 23, 153-4, 218, 316-17,423,898,947
simile dpe, Skt. upamti: in poetics, 105 skilful means thabs, Skt. uptiya, 22, 31,32,
33,45, 69, 84, 120, 122, 129, 143, 168, 192,232,236,245-8,253,258- 60,262,269-70,273-4,276-7,286, 290, 292, 296, 302, 306, 313, 321, 323, 347-8, 352, 359-60, 362-3, 368- 70,414,425,571, 591, 618, 905, 911, 936, 969
perfection of thabs-kyi pha-rol-tu phyin- pa, Skt. uptiyaptiramitti, 902
sky-cord dmu-thag, 507
sky-farer mkha'-spyod-pa, Skt. khecara,
535,536,543,547,803; see also
under awareness-holder
sophist rtog-ge-ba, Skt. ttirkika, 94, 314,
416,421, 744
sophistry rtog-ge, Skt. tarka, 103, 181, 275,
309, 314, 594,641, 907
eight categories of dialectical rtog-ge'i
tshig-don brgyad, 101
five sophistic schools of the extremist
masters rtog-ge sde-lnga, 64 sorcerer nus-pa-can/mngon-spyod-pa, Skt.
abhictirin, 604, 615
sorceress (spirit) phra-men-ma: a demoness
in human form with prophetic powers, sometimes equated with the pisticf class of deities, 486-7
sorcery mngon-spyod-kyi las, Skt. abhictira, 603,612,615,661,662,663,661, 681,682, 710, 713, 764, 767, 775, 822; see also rites ofwrath
Southern Treasures lho-gter: especially those discovered by Pema Lingpa, 919
Self-manifesting - SUffering 377 spiritual and temporal well-being phan-bde,
Skt. hitasukha, 403, 405, 726, 811,
830, 831, 970
spiritual warrior sems-dpa', Skt. satlva, 75,
877, 912, 913, 928 Spontaneous presence lhun-grub, Skt.
antibhoga: an attribute in particular of All-Surpassing Realisation, 55, 116-17, 124, 146, 184,252,282, 317, 342-3, 370-1, 454, 550, 619, 679,877
stages, two rim-gnyis, 204, 254, 320, 475, 476, 496, 877, 879, 923; see also creation stage and perfection stage
Sthavira gnas-brtan-pa, 429-30
stiipa(s) mchod-rten: a reliquary symbolic of
buddha-mind, 99, 433, 434, 435, 436,456,471,493, 508, 549, 550, 623, 624, 637, 661, 685, 757, 797, 809,815,831, 851, 900, 915; see also reliquary
eight mchod-rten brgyad, 427
styles of appraisal/exegesis of the scriptures,
four jal-byed tshul-bzhi, 35, 206, 292-3
subject-object dichotomy gzung-'dzin, Skt. grahyagrahaka, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 33, 37, 56, 127, 158, 181, 206, 215,221,224-5,236,295-6,309, 320,336,343-4, 357, 421, 903
sublime (being) 'phags-pa, Skt. tirya: this term generally indicates one who has attained the path of seeing, whether as a pious attendant, self-centred buddha, or bodhisattva, passim
four classes of 'phags-bzhi, 72, 908 three lower kinds of 'phags-pa 'og-ma
gsum, 175
sublime wealth 'phags-pa'i nor: its seven
aspects are listed in the Glossary of
Enumerations, 568, 575 Subsequent Yoga ry"es-su rnal- 'byor: see
substance dngos-po, Skt. vastu, 16, 52, 156,
158, 163, 168,201, 214, 225, 264,
314, 322-3, 337, 349,906 substantial existence rang-bzhin, Skt.
svabhtiva, 769, 896,915; see also
independent/inherent existence suffering sdug-bsngal, Skt. dulJkha, 12, 13,
16, 18, 23, 51, 53, 57-8, 69, 70-1, 88,117-18,133,153,186-7,193-4,
Spatial Class of the Great Perfection klong-gi sde, 37, 326-9, 371, 494, 538-53, 665,697, 734, 919
four categories of klong-sde bzhi, 37, 326-7
three branches of klong-sde dkar-nag- khra gsum, 539
speech ngag, Skt. vtik: especially of a mundane being, passim
twelve different fetters of ('gro-ba'z) ngag-gi bcings-pa mi-'dra-ba bcu-gnyis,
speech gsung, Skt. vtik: especially of a
buddha, see buddha-speech
spheres (of existence), three srid-pa/sa gsum,
Skt. tribhuvana/tribhava, 45, 212,
301, 405, 971
spheres, three 'khor-gsum, Skt. tn"mandala:
those of the subject, object an'ci their
interaction, 316, 588, 619 spheres, three 'khor-lo gsum: those of
exegesis, attainment and work, or of renunciation, study and work, 720, 724, 736, 738, 783, 824, 830, 833, 835, 840, 848, 852
spiritual ascetic dge-sbyong, Skt. sramalJa: see ascetic
spiritual benefactor dge(-ba'i) bshes(-gnyen) , Skt. kalytilJamitra, 59, 147,226,231, 525,526,545,571,595,640,641,
643, 648, 656, 665, 675, 678, 684, 700, 713, 730, 748, 753, 754, 805, 831, 850, 852, 861, 868, 871, 872, 879, 890
spirituality thugs-rje: the counterpart in buddhahood to compassion (snying-
ry'e), which is similar to the quality cultivated on the path by bodhisattvas. In the Great Perfection, this is the dynamic aspect of primordial enlightenment giving rise to the emanational body, 32, 75, 127, 141, 264, 299, 332, 342,403,
414,610,616,856,887,923 spiritual maturation/maturity and liberation smin-sgrol: see maturation and
spiritual and philosophical system grub-
mtha', Skt. siddhtinta: see philo-
sophical (and spiritual) system(s)/tenets spiritual son thugs-sras, passim
spiritual and temporal laws chos-khrims-dang rgyal-khrims, 939
Index of Technical Terms
199, 213, 224, 226, 252, 303, 322-4, 419,571,639,659,769,900,911, 923; see also under truth(s)
of change 'gyur-ba'i sdug-bsngal, Skt. viparilJdmaduhkhatd, 197, 419 embraced by conditions of mundane
existence 'du-byed-kyi sdug-bsngal,
Skt. sa1f/skdraduMhatd, 419
of pain itself sdug-bsngal-gyi sdug-bsngal,
Skt. duhkhaduMhatd, 419
suffixes ulJd, Skt. ulJddi: in grammar, 101 sugata bde-bar gshegs-pa: lit. "one who
has gone to bliss", i. e. a buddha,
nucleus of bde-gshegs snying-po, Skt.
sugatagarbha: the nucleus of enlightenment present in all sentient beings, 27,116,127,146,171,173,
178, 189, 194,263,909 supernormal cognitive power(s) mngon-shes,
Skt. abhijiid, 288, 465, 473, 516, 548, 567, 572, 579, 609, 615, 648, 656,660, 709, 793, 801, 811, 812, 829, 853
of clairvoyance and exhaustion of corruption lha'i mig-dang zag-pa zad- pa'i mngon-shes, 421, 454,705
five (mundane) mngon-shes lnga, Skt. paiicdbhijiid, 61, 259, 515
six mngon-shes drug, Skt. 21, 132,415
supreme identity bdag-nyid chen-po, Skt. mahatmd, 322, 346-7; see also heruka and deities, meditational; for the significance of this term in the sutra
tradition, see self, true
axiom of gtan-tshigs bdag-nyid chen-po:
according to Mahayoga, 275-6 supreme transformation 'pho-ba chen-po,
Skt. *mahasahkrdnti, 919, 968; see also under buddha-body(ies) and transference of consciousness
sutra(s) mdo: defined, 79; passim; see also under pi{aka and vehicle(s)
profounder zab-mo'i mdo-sde: those of the Greater Vehicle which focus on buddha-attributes, 414
contrasted with tantra, 142-8, 243-56, 441, 909
and mantra/tantra, passim tradition/transmission, 153-237,689,
693, 809, 822, 823, 827, 836, 842, 848
Suffixes - Time Moment 379 Ubhayatantra gnyis-ka'i rgyud: see under
Unsurpassed Yogatantra bla-med rnal-
'byor-gyi rgyud, Skt. Anuuarayoga-
tantra: see under vehicle(s)
verbal, of the Great Perfection rdzogs-
chen tshig-rgyud: those concealed by Garap Dorje, 493, 927; see also Great Perfection
Yogatantra rnal-'byor-gyi rgyud: see under vehicle(s)
Yogin! rnal-'byor-ma'i rgyud, 503
Taoist ha-shang, 936
tathagata(s) de-bzhin gshegs-pa: lit. "one who
has gone thus to nirval)a", i. e. a
buddha, passim
male and female de-bzhin gshegs-pa-dang
gshegs-ma, 125
nucleus of de-gshegs snying-po, Skt.
tathdgatagarbha: the nucleus of enlightenment present in all sentient beings, 20, 27, 29, 32, 95, 147, 154, 171, 173-7, 186-7, 194, 198,236, 291,424
Teacher stan-pa, Skt. sdstr: in general this refers to those teachers endowed with the three buddha-bodies, specifically it refers to Sakyamuni Buddha, 111-48 and passim
teaching bstan-pa, Skt. sdsana: i. e. Buddhism, passim
duration of, 134-5
temporal ages, four dus-bzhi, Skt. caturyuga,
temporal dimensions/times, four dus-bzhi:
the three times with the addition of
indefinite time, 20, 125 thread-cross mdos: a ritual utilising a
wooden-framed structure crossed with many layers of thread or silk as a device for trapping and exorcising evil forces. This implement is also called nam-mkha', 666, 669, 762, 765
rites of the Matarabs' vengeance ma-mo 'khang-phab-kyi mdos, 669
Tibetan bod-skad: i. e. the language, 11, 393,496, 515, 522, 526, 705, 773, 917,921
ti-shih ti-shri: an imperial preceptor, 719, 823, 830
time moment, indivisible dus-kyi skad-cig- ma, Skt. 24, 25, 224-5
Svatantrika-Madhyamaka dbu-ma rang- rgyud, 26, 28, 162-4, 167, 169,906
Svatantrika-Madhyamika dbu-ma rang- rgyud-pa, 164, 206, 234
syllablesyi-ge, Skt, 271, 287, 368, 837; see also mantra(s), mantra syllables and seed-syllables
symbols/symbolic convention/symbolism brda', Skt. sa1f/keta, 290, 393, 460, 545,660, 664, 917; see also intentional symbols
symbolic hand implements phyag-mtshan: the emblems held by the deities which symbolise their buddha-mind,
137, 352, 356
symbolic script brda'-yig: see under ejdkinfs sympathetic joy dga'-ba, Skt. muditd: one of
the four immeasurables cultivated by
a bodhisattva, 13, 106
synonym don-gcig-Ia ming du-ma, 106 synonymics mngon-brjod, Skt. abhidhana-
vidyd, 18, 103, 106, 821
Taklungpa stag-Iung-pa, 823, 830, 847, 850,
867, 868, 929
Takpo Kagyli dvags-po bka'-brgyud, 929,
Taming temples: see n. 543
Border mtha'-'dullha-khang, PIs. 45,47, 102; 510
Further yang-'dullha-khang, PI. 44; 510, 760
District Controlling temples ru-gnon lha- khang, PIs. 38,46; 510
Tamsi demons/spirits dam-sri: nine sibling spirits who violated their
commitments, said to pose a particular danger to infant children, 589,590,811,939
tantra(s) rgyud: see also continuum! continua,
lineage(s), mantra(s) , pi{aka and
Anuyoga anu-yo-ga'i rgyud-rnams: see
under vehicle(s)
Atiyoga ati-yo-ga'i rgyud-rnams: see
under vehicle(s)
Caryatantra spyod-pa'i rgyud: see under
contrasted with sutra, 142-8, 243-56,
distinctions between the inner tantras,
exegetical bshad-rgyud, Skt. dkhydtantra,
619,658 and passim
Father pha-rgyud, Skt. yogitantra: a class of Unsurpassed Yogatantra, 136, 274, 358, 362, 936
five distinctions between the outer and inner phyi-rgyud-dang nang-rgyud-kyi khyad-par lnga, 346-8
four tantrapitakalclasses of tantra rgyud- sde bzhi, 32-4,96,203, 263, 268-74, 473
inner nang-rgyud: Mahayoga, Anuyoga and Atiyoga, 207, 461, 522, 608, 794
Kriyatantra bya-ba'i rgyud/kriyd: see under vehicle(s)
Mahayoga ma-hd-yo-ga'i rgyud-rnams: see under vehicle(s)
Mother ma-rgyud, Skt. yoginftantra: a class of Unsurpassed Yogatantra, 136, 274, 643, 936
new rgyud gsar-ma, 562; see also new translation school(s)
Non-Dual gnyis-med rgyud, Skt. advayatantra, 274, 936, 972
outer/lower phyi-rgyud: i. e. Kriyatantra, Ubhayatantra and Yogatantra, 207, 348, 458, 459, 608
response to criticisms of the Nyingma, 887-95
root rtsa-rgyud, passim
six classes of rgyud-sde drug: the three
outer tantras-Kriyatantra, Ubhayatantra and Yogatantra-and the three inner tantras- Mahayoga, Anuyoga and Atiyoga, 96
of skilful means thabs-kyi rgyud, 273 and sutra, passim
tantrapitaka rgyud-sde, 65, 73, 78, 136,
186,214,246,261,441-2,462,463, 619,674,675,852,861,862,887, 894, 898, 914, 927, 944
ten categories of tantralouter and inner mantras rgyud-don-gyi dngos-po bcu/ sngags phyi-nang-gi de-nyid bcu, 266, 303-5,308,347,349-50,358
text rgyud, passim; see also pitaka
three inner classes of tantraltantrapitaka
nang rgyud-sde gsum, 396-7, 529-96,
604, 918
three kinds of rgyud-gsum: according to
the Guhyasamdja Tantra, 262 three outer/lower classes of tantral
tantrapitaka phyi rgyud-sde ('og-ma) gsum: Kriyatantra, Ubhayatantra and Yogatantra, 83-4, 268-73, 348-57
380 Index of Technical Tenns
four dus-bzhi: see temporal dimensions/
times, four
three dus-gsum, Skt. trikiila, 157-8,633
torma gtor-ma Skt. naivedyalbali: offering cakes ceremonially presented to deities or spiritual beings for diverse purposes connected with rites of service and attainment, 292, 304, 545, 546, 581, 588, 589, 621, 624, 625, 627, 630, 636, 645, 654, 662, 666, 736, 766, 767
empowerment gtor-dbang, 752
malign zor: a form of sorcery in which
the torma itself becomes the
instrument of wrathful action, 669 offering dance gtor-'chams, 581, 669 sculpture bca', 727
water chu-gtor: an offering of water
specifically consecrated to the tormented spirits, who would otherwise suffer from thirst, 545, 654
tormented spirits yi-dvags, Skt. preta, 14, 130, 609
total presence cog-bzhag: the immovable presence of fundamental reality in Cutting Through Resistance, 902; see also Cutting Through Resistance
tradition lugs, passim
doctrinal chos-lugs: in this context the
term has the sense of behaviour or
conduct, 51-3 trainings spong-balbslab-pa
four correct yang-dag spong-bzhi, Skt. catvari praharJani: among the thirty- seven branches of enlightenment, these concern the renunciation and acceptance in which a bodhisattva must correctly train, 236
three (precious) correct (yang-dag-pa'i) bslab-pagsum, Skt. trisik$ii, 70-1, 73, 79,88,322,403,423,707,879,898, 900
tranquillity zhi-gnas, Skt. samatha, 13, 23, 61,79,226,236, 247, 254-5, 286, 359, 905
Transcendent Lady bcom-ldan-'das-ma, Skt. Bhagavatf: used here as a title for Kurukullii, 824
Transcendent Lord bcom-ldan-'das, Skt. bhagavan: a buddha such as
Sakyamuni; lit. one who has subdued
obscurations (bcom), possesses the enlightened attributes (ldan), and has passed into nirviiI). a ('das), passim
transcendental perfection(s) pha-rol-tu phyin-pa, Skt. paramita, 94, 237, 245,249,261,266,441,475,524, 546, 577, 650, 730, 731, 80S, 850, 861,901,936,971
of enlightened attributes yon-tan-gyi pha- roZ-tu phyin-pa, Skt. gUrJaparamita, 212; see also enlightened attributes,
six phar-phyin drug, Skt. $atparamita, 36,
235-6, 255, 260, 300, 302, 306, 308,
320, 656
ten phar-phyin bcu, Skt. dasaparamita,
transference of consciousness 'pho-ba, Skt.
*saizkriinti: the transference at death into a higher realm of existence, 306, 473; see also under buddha-body of great/supreme transformation and supreme transformation
transgressions nyes-byas, Skt. dU$krta forty-six nyes-byas zhe-drug, 95
and natural offences bcas-pa-dang rang-
bzhin(-gyi ltung-ba), Skt. prajiiapti- savadya and prakrtisavadya: the former are evil deeds caused by the transgression of vows, and the latter are natural evils such as the ten non- virtues and the five inexpiable sins, 423
ten rung-ba ma-yin-pa'i gzhi bcu, 429 translation sgra-bsgyur: see Ancient Translation School and new
translation school(s)
translator(s) lo-tsa-ba: the Tibetan term is
said to be derived from Skt. loka- cak$u/J, lit. "eye of the world", 22, 47, 393,405, 509, SIS, 522, 526, 547,601,603, 605, 607, 609, 633, 643, 671, 675, 696, 708, 709, 725, 728,733,821,838,859,887,889- 90, 938, 950
transmission(s) lung, Skt. iigama, 39, 71-2, 155,211,375,442, 564, 577,580, 584, 619, 620, 651, 656, 672, 673, 674,675,677,678,679,681,682, 683,699,701,706, 720, 721, 723, 724, 727, 730, 731, 734, 736, 737, 738, 751, 778, 789, 794, 795, 799, 808,809,821,827,828,835,841,
850, 854, 861, 862, 866, 867, 874,
876, 918, 930
exegetical bshad-lung: see exegesis literary lung, 16, 208, 290, 305
two methods of, in the Nyingma school:
the distant lineage of transmitted precepts (n'ng-brgud bka'-ma) and close lineage of the treasures (nye- brgyud gter-ma), 396, 397 and passim
transmitted precepts bka', Skt. subha$ita/ pravacana, 12, 16, 17-18,37,68,72- 93, 186,216-17,259,300,331,395, 409-10,428-31,432,441,451,460, 462, 468, 475-81, 537, 554,675, 678, 679, 680, 683, 696, 699, 710, 720, 722, 723, 724, 727, 728, 731,
733-9, 746, 750, 757-9, 762, 764, 770,805,808,811,818,822,823, 827, 828, 829, 830, 831, 835, 836, 838, 842, 845, 850, 856, 860, 861, 862, 863, 871, 873, 874, 890-1, 893,
894,910,921,926,931,965; see
also doctrinal wheel(s) compilation of bka' bsdu-ba, 153-5,
428-31, 451-7; in Tibet, 515, 523, 917
distant lineage of ring-brgyud bka'-ma, 39,41,396,397,398,597-739, 745, 845
final bka' tha-ma, 182, 186, 189, 424, 905,931
five classifications of bka '-la dbye-ba lnga, 74-87
four great rivers of bka'i chu-babs chen- po bzhi, 601
four bka' bzhi: of the Kagyiipa, 853 four special qualities of bka'i khyad-par
bzhi, 73
given in oral teaching zhal-nas gsungs-
ba'i bka', 17, 74-5
intermediate bka' bar-ma, 182, 189,423,
Kham tradition of khams-Iugs, 397, 649,
654,658,688-701,706,725,727 NyanglRong tradition of nyang/rong-lugs,
397,616,617-87; see also Zur
sealed bka'-rgya(-ma), 865
of secret mantra, 445, 451; see also
seven successions of bka'-babs bdun,
751-2, 844-7, 854, 855-8 succession to bka'-babs, 863
Times - Treasure 381 three kinds of bka' gsum, 74; see also
doctrinal wheel(s)
three Successive promulgations of bka'
rim-pa gsum, 18, 188; see also
doctrinal wheel(s)
treasure(s) gter-ma: teachings which have
been concealed and rediscovered: defined, 743-9; 396, 397, 475, 476, 482-3,498,511,516,518,519,556, 558, 573, 584, 585, 586, 612, 662, 675, 677, 678, 679, 680, 683, 695,
696, 699, 713, 714, 720, 722, 723, 724,727,731,736,741-881,926, 927-8, 934-5
attainment of gter-sgrub, 810, 842, 844 chest gter-sgrom, 747, 756, 781, 796,
834, 856
close lineage of nye-brgyud gter-ma, 39,
396, 397, 741-881 doctrine/doctrinal gter-chos, 561, 567,
679, 719, 727, 730, 743, 744, 745, 750, 763, 764, 765, 777, 778, 787, 791, 798, 812, 848, 857, 927; see also inventory of treasure doctrines
earth sa-gter, 744, 746-7, 845-6, 856-63
eight great, (of brilliance) (spobs-pa'i) gter chen-po brgyad, 666, 705, 871
four inexhaustible great gter-chen mi-zad- pa bzhi, 743
guardian/protector gter-srung, 747, 785, 864, 866
of intentiOn/mind dgongs-gter, 574, 586, 744, 747-8, 764, 822, 839, 844, 846, 857, 877, 880, 922
lord of gter-bdag, Skt. nidhipati, 662, 745, 764, 927-8
material rdzas-gter, 786
profound zab-gter, 744, 746, 747, 749,
751,752,770,776,781,782,784, 814, 815, 838, 843, 844, 845, 862, 863,867,919
protector gter-srung: see treasure guardian/protector
public khrom-gter, 662, 811, 828, 846 of recollection rjes-dran-gyi gter, 844,
reconcealed yang-gter, 844, 846, 856-7 secret gsang-gter, 810, 811
site gter-kha, 743, 755, 786, 789, 790,
811, 864; see also treasure trmJes treasure-finder gter-ston, 397, 482-3,
382 Index of Technical Terms
730, 733, 734, 736, 737, 745, 748,
troves gter-kha, 582, 732, 745, 746, 747,
748, 757, 764, 777, 790, 793, 796, 798, 816, 819, 821, 844, 881, see also treasure site; ancient and new gter-kha gsar-rnying, 859
treatise(s) bstan-bcos, Skt. {dstra, 17, 18, 39, 40-1,64,66,72,88-119, 169, 184, 186,217,292,440,461,464,476-7, 484,488,496,502, 515, 523, 537, 552,591,612,675,676,679,703, 705,708, 727, 732, 775, 850, 851, 861, 894, 910, 917, 921
€xegetical gzhung-bshad, 552, 666, 681 four kinds of bstan-bcos rnam-pa bzhi, 89 four special attributes of bstan-bcos-kyi
khyad-chos bzhi, 18, 88
nine kinds of bstan-bcos rnam-dgu, 89 quantitative ji-snyed-pa ston-pa'i bstan-
bcos, 18,97-107
qualitative ji-lta-ba ston-pa'i bstan-bcos,
18, 108
teaching liberation and omniscience
thar-pa-dang thams-cad mkhyen-pa (thob-pa'i thabs) ston-pa'i bstan bcos, 108-9
treasures in the form of dgongs-gter bstan-bcos-su bkod-pa, 877, 880
Tretayuga gsum-ldan: the second age of the aeon, which is ideally suited to the practice of Ubhayatantra, 268
trichiliocosm stong-gsum-gyi stong chen-po, Skt. trisahasramahdsahasra: one billion worlds, 113, 120, 124, 131, 409, 414
Tripirakalthree piraka sde-snod gsum, 76, 78- 80, 203, 259, 405, 428, 429, 436, 437, 441, 468, 511, 560,619, 888, 893
troll grul-bum, Skt. 132
true acquisitions, ten de-nyid thob-pa bcu, 928
truth(s) bden-pa, Skt. satya, passim
of cessation 'gog-pa'i bden-pa, Skt.
nirodhasatya, 16,27,29,32,35, 71-
2, 153, 192, 196,224,226,257,294 conventional tha-snyad(-kyi bden-pa), Skt. vyavahdrasatya, 207, 209-10,
906, 907, 909
declaration of bden-lshig, 589, 611, 662,
713, 745
four bden-pa bzhi, 23-4, 137, 153, 188, 224-7,230,421,423,946-7; four moments as they apply to bden-bzhi'i rnam-pa bzhi, 158, 230
indivisible gnyis-med bden-pa: according to Mahayoga, 32, 34, 207, 209, 249, 359-61
of the origin of suffering kun-byung bden- pa, Skt. samudayasatya, 32, 93, 153, 213, 224, 226, 257, 303
of the path lam-gyi bden-pa, Skt. mdrga- satya, 17,27,29,32,36,37,71-2, 85,93,153, 157,224,226,257,302, 307,319,901
relative kun-rdzob bden-pa, Skt. sa1? 1- vrtisatya, 26, 29, 57, 162-3, 166, 178,200,206,209,215,217-18, 232,234,247,249-51,354,897, 901; correct yang-dag-pa'i kun-rdzob bden-pa, Skt. tathydsa1? 1vrtisatya, 162, 166, 233, 350, 354; erroneous! incorrect log-pa'i kun-rdzob bden-pa, Skt. mithydsa1? 1vrtisatya, 162, 166, 233, 350, 354
sixteen minor bden-chung bcu-drug, 24, 226
of suffering sdug-bsngal-gyi bden-pa, Skt. dufzkhasatya, 32, 93, 153, 213, 224, 226, 257, 303
two bden-pa gnyis, Skt. satyadvaya: relative and ultimate, 26, 29-30, 32, 34, 35, 76, 162, 168, 200, 204, 206- 16, 232, 245, 248, 294, 296, 303, 320,349,351,354,897,901
ultimate don-dam bden-pa, Skt. para- mdrthasatya, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 33, 57, 153, 162-5, 167, 174-6, 178-9, 185, 193,206,208,215,217,232-4, 247,250,270,278,309,314,320-1, 349-50, 354,360,897,898,901, 906, 924, 931, see also ultimate reality; which employs synonyms rnam-grangs-dang ldan-pa'i don-dam bden-pa, Skt. parydyaparamdrtha- satya, 24, 162, 200, 208, 233; seven aspects of the spiritual wealth of don- dam bden-pa dkor-bdun, 153, 248-9; without synonyms rnam-grangs min- pa'i don-dam bden-pa, Skt. aparydyaparamdrthasatya, 24, 154,
tsampa rtsam-pa: parched barley flour, 629,
630, 655, 696
Tsangpa (dominion/governors) gtsang-pa, 955, 956
Tsen spirits btsan: a group of demons headed by tsi'u dmar-po. See R. de Nebesky-Wojkowitz, Oracles and Demons of Tibet, (pp. 166ff. ), 491, 694
Tsharpa tshar-pa: a division of the Sakyapa school, 850
Tshurpu calendrical system, 400 Ubhayatantra upa'i rgyud: see under
udumbara u-dum-va-ra: a mythical lotus of
a huge size, blooming once in five
hundred years, 426, 763, 967 ultimate reality don-dam, Skt. paramdrtha,
28, 33, 35, 76, 127, 140, 159, 171-2, 177, 179, 188, 197,201,207-8,210, 215-16,219-20,224-5,233-4,245,
249, 252, 254, 271, 294-5, 309, 314, 322, 355-6, 582, 907; see also truth, ultimate
definitive vehicles of don-dam nges-pa'i theg-pa: the vehicles from that of the bodhisattva upwards, 285, 454
ultimate truth don-dam bden-pa, Skt. paramdrthasatya: see under truth(s)
uncompounded (nature) 'dus-ma-byas, Skt. asa1? 1skrta, 51, 139, 146, 156-8, 196- 8, 206-7, 302, 321, 328, 898
union zung-'jug, Skt. yuganaddha: see coalescence
union, seven branches of kha-sbyor yan-lag bdun, Skt. saptasampu(a, 266 universal emperor! monarch 'khor-lo bsgyur-
ba, Skt. cakravartin, 60, 132, 191,
196,417,450,894,913 Unsurpassed (Yoga)tantra bla-na med-pa'i
(rnal-'byor-gyi) rgyud, Skt. Anuttarayogatantra: see under vehicle(s)
twelve excellent divisions of bla-med rgyud-kyi rab-tu dbye-ba bcu-gnyis, 274
Upayogatantra upa-yoga: see Ubhayatantra upper demons steng-gdon, 594
l1rl)akeSa mdzod-spu: the hair ringlet
between eyebrows of a buddha-
one of the thirty-two major marks, 912
u:;;I)Isa gtsug-lor: the protuberance on the head of a bUddha-one of the thirty- two major marks, 271
Treatise - Vehicle 383 UttaraphalgunI khre'u zla-ba: early April,
Vaibha:;;ika bye-brag-tu smra-ba, 24, 25, 90-
1,93,155-8, 160, 162,225,411,911 Vaisakha sa-ga zla-ba: May to June, 946-7 Vaise:;;ika bye-brag-pa, 16, 65
Vai:;;l)ava khyab- 'jug-pa, 16, 65-6
vajra rdo-ry'e: see also indestructible reality
and bell rdo-rje dril-bu, Skt. vajraghalJta, 305, 350, 634, 645
crossed-vajra rdo-rje rgya-gram, Skt. vifvavajra, 494, 601, 690
(emblem) (mtshan-pa'l) rdo-rje, 120-2, 198, 340, 356, 468, 535,609,616, 623, 646, 787
hand-sized rdo-ry'e phyag gang-ba: the emanational teaching of the Great Perfection, 134-5
master rdo-rje slob-dpon, Skt. vajracdrya, 494; see also master of indestructible reality
secret gsang-ba'i rdo-rje: the penis, 567, 766
vajra-holder rdo-rje 'dzin-pa, Skt. vajradhrk: an exponent of the vehicle of indestructible reality, 680, 823, 923; see also indestructible reality, holder of
vajra-like contemplation rdo-rje lta-bu'i ting-nge-'dzin, Skt. vajropama- samadhi, 159, 198
Vajra Queen rdo-ry'e btsun-mo, Skt. vajra- 125, 404, 449
valid cognition tshad-ma, Skt. pramalJa of inference, 312; see also inference three kinds of (all-embracing) (kun-
khyab) tshad-ma gsum, 73, 275, 970 vast/vastness rgyas: the attribute of skilful
means in contrast to profound! profundity (zab) which is the attribute of discriminative awareness, 28, 170,247,331,344, 584, 707, 726, 830, 839, 845, 871
vehicle(s) {heg-pa, Skt. ydna: defined, 80-7; passim
of Anuyoga rjes-su rnal-'byor-gyi theg-pa, 17, 32, 34-5, 36,40,81,86-7, 137, 264, 284-9, 294, 297, 358-9, 363-9, 396,397,460,461,485-9,531,537,
of Atiyoga shin-tu rnal-'byor-gyi theg-pa:
defined, 311-18; 17, 19,29, 32, 34, 35-9, 40, 81, 86-7, 264, 274, 284,
Index of Technical Tenns
294-345, 347, 358-9, 365, 369-72, 396,397,461,490-504,531,537, 558_96,707,746,762,820,861, 897, 907, 923; see also Great
of the awareness-holders rig-'dzin lheg-
pa, Skt. *vidyadharayana: the
vehicle of indestructible reality/secret
mantra, 81, 248
basic, of gods and humans sor-bzhag lha-
mi'i theg-pa, 57-61, 69, 81-2, 86,97 of bodhisattvas byang-chub sems-dpa'i
lheg-pa, Skt. bodhisattvayana, 17, 30,
286, 295
of Brahma tshangs-pa'i lheg-pa, Skt.
Brahmayana, 13,54,57,61-2,82,86 of Caryatantra: see vehicle of Ubhaya-
(causal/outer), of dialectics rgyu mtshan-
nyid/phyi'i lheg-pa, Skt. yana, 12,23-30,36,41,81,144-5,
151_237,243-56,273,282,285-6, 292,348,425,441,577,604,861, 908; three rgyu mtshan-nyid/phyi'i theg-pa gsum, 81, 83, 911
definitive, of ultimate reality don-dam nges-pa'i lheg-pa: the vehicles from that of the bodhisattva upwards,
of dialectics/dialectical mtshan-nyid theg-
pa: see vehicles, (causal! outer) of dialectics
of direction from the cause of suffering kun-'byung 'dren-pa'i theg-pa: the three causal vehicles of dialectics, 81
effortless, bya-rtsol med-pa'i theg-pa: Atiyoga, 538, 971
of extremists mu-slegs-pa'i lheg-pa: non- Buddhist traditions, 261
five theg-pa lnga, 17, 81-2, 133
greater lheg-pa chen-po, Skt. mahayana,
23, 24, 25-30, 64, 73, 81-5, 95, 115, 131, 153-5, 160-222, 231-7, 243-4, 395,396,410,412-13,415,430-1, 440,441,442,449,455,456,481, 503, 504, 522, 564, 619, 641-2, 656,
664,849,869,892,908,912,913, 931, 944; causal rgyu'i lheg-pa chen- po: i. e. the vehicle of bodhisattvas,
82, 84, 113, 142-4, 305
of the Indestructible Nucleus of Inner
Vehicle - View 385 the outer tantras/mantras of austere
of transcendental perfection pha-rol-tu
phyin-pa'i theg-pa, Skt. paramita- yana: the vehicle of bodhisattvas,
243, 249, 306, 503, 895
two theg-pa gnyis, 17,81,83
of UbhayatantraiCaryatantra upa'i/gnyis-
ka'i/spyod-pa'i rgyud-kyi theg-pa, 17, 31,32,33,35,81,86-7,246,264, 268-9, 271-2, 292, 295-6, 305, 348, 352-3,449,456, 502, 531,604, 893, 936
of Unsurpassed (Yoga)tantra bla-na med- pa'i (rgyud-kyi) lheg-pa, Skt. anuttaralantrayana, 32, 33-4, 81, 83- 4, 142,214, 252, 266, 268-9, 273-4, 301,340,376,448,451,456-7, 502, 516, 531, 674, 893, 895, 913, 944, 947
of Yogatantra rnal- 'byor-gyi rgyud-kyi theg-pa, Skt. yogalanlrayana, 17, 31, 32,33,35,81,86-7,252,264,268, 271-3,295-6,348,352-7, 364,450, 465,468,469,488,502,503,531, 604,643, 827, 893, 936
verse tshig-bcad, Skt. padya: in poetics, 76, 105-7
mixed, and prose spel-ma, Skt. misra, 105
vibhanga rnam-par 'byed-pa: here, the analytical texts of Maitreya, 95
view lta-ba, Skt. dmi, passim
of Anuyoga, 284-6, 365-7
of Atiyoga, 294-345, 370
of the bodhisattvas, 95, 234-5 of the Brahma vehicle, 61
of the Great Madhyamaka, 169-216, 234 of Kriyarantra, 269-70, 349-50
of Mahayoga, 275-6, 360-1
of the Mind-OnlyNijnanavada School,
160-2, 234
of the mundane vehicle, 58
of the pious attendants, 158-9, 224-5 of the Prasangika-Madhyamika, 164-9,
profound zab-mo lta-ba, 431
of the Sautrantika, 158, 225
of the self-centred buddhas, 159, 229 of the Svatantrika-Madhyamika, 162-4,
of Ubhayatantra, 271, 352
of the Vaibha:;;ika, 156-7, 225
Radiance 'od-gsal rdo-rje snying-po'i
lheg-pa: the All-Surpassing Real-
isation of the Great Perfection, 115 of indestructible reality rdo-rje theg-pa, Skt. vajrayana: defined, 260-1; 12,
31,83,85,109,148,189,223,237, 241,244,246,249,260-1,293, 305- 6,372,400,401,409,442,445,454, 504,527,577,596,599,624,689, 705, 706, 739, 746, 748, 854, 862,
of (the inner tantras of) skilful means
nang-pa thabs-kyi rgyud-kyi theg-pa:
Mahayoga, Anuyoga and Atiyoga, 84, 245-6,252, 286, 346, 357-72, 493; see also vehicles of overpowering (skilful) means
irreversible phyir mi-zlog-pa'i theg-pa:
the vehicle of the final promulgation
of the sutras, 947
of Kriyatantra bya-ba'i rgyud-kyi theg-pa,
17,29,31,32,33,35,81,86-7,137, 245_6,252,264,268-71,292,295-6, 305, 348-52, 353,449,456, 502, 531,604,618,619,827,893,936
lesser lheg-pa chung-ba/theg-dman, Skt. hfnayana, 23, 24-5, 81, 83, 153, 155- 9,223_31,248,411-56,481,504,
of Mahayoga rnal-'byor chen-po'i lheg-pa,
17,32,34,35-6,40,77,81,86-7, 264, 274-83, 294-7, 358-63, 396, 397,458-83,531,533-7,746
mundane 'jig-rten-pa'i theg-pa, Skt. _ laukikayana: the vehicle of Brahma and the basic vehicles of gods and humans, 13, 54, 57-61
nine (sequences of) lheg-pa('i rim-pa) dgu, 12, 13, 17,28,30,34,35,40,
4l, 81, 86, 364-5,625,638-9,861
outer, of dialectics: see vehicles, (causal! outer) of dialectics
of the outer tantras/mantras of austere awareness phyi dka'-thub rig-pa'i rgyud-kyi theg-pa: Kriyatantra, Ubhayatantra and Yogatantra, 32-3,
81,286,346-57,493,895,913; three
phyi dka'-thub rig-pa'i rgyud-kYl theg- pa gsum, 84, 269, see also dialectlcS,
three classes of
of Outsiders phyi-rol-pa'i theg-pa: the
vehicles of non-Buddhists, 306
of overpowering (skilful) means bsgyur thabs-kyi theg-pa: the vehIcles
of the inner tantras of skilful means, Mahayoga, Anuyoga and Atiyoga, 33,81,245,269,273-4
of pious attendants nyan-thos lheg-pa, Skt. sravakayana, 17,24,30,81-7, 155, 161, 190,227-31,261,286, 306, 913
of pristine cognition ye-shes-kyi lheg-pa: Atiyoga, 85
resultant, (of secret mantra) (gsang- sngags) 'bras-bu theg-pa, Skt. *phalayana: the vehicle of indestructible reality, 12, 23, 29, 30- 9,81,85,113,142,171,185,203, 239-372,412-13,442
of secret mantra gsang-sngags-kyi theg-pa, Skt. guhyamantrayana: the vehicle of indestructible reality, 28, 83-4, 243- 372,412,443-504, 531-95,608,618, 619,641,648,651,671,689,691, 692, 703, 706, 707, 728, 748, 757, 794, 800, 802, 809, 822, 823, 836, 842, 843, 848, 854, 878, 887, 888, 891,892-3,911,914,926,931,935, 944, 954, 960, 962, 972
of self-centred buddhas rang sangs-rgyas- kyi theg-pa, Skt. pratyekabuddha- yana, 17,24-5,30,81-7, 155, 161, 261, 286, 306, 913
of skilful means: see vehicles of (the inner tantras oj) skilful means
single theg-pa gcig, Skt. ekayana, 80-3, 85-6, 143, 188,207,320
six, of definitive attainment nges-pa thob- pa'i theg-pa drug: the greater vehicle, 295
supramundane 'jig-rten-Ias 'das-pa'i theg- pa, Skt. lokottarayana: the Buddhist vehicles, 68, 70-2
supreme theg-mchog: Atiyoga, 404, 406, 413-14, 566, 908, 949, 967, 970
of the tathagatas de-bzhin gshegs-pa'i
theg-pa: the vehicle of bodhisattvas,
whose result is Buddhahood, 82 three theg-pa gsum, Skt. triyana, 17, 81-
three, of inner tantras of skilful means
nang-rgyud thabs-kyi theg-pa gsum:
Mahayoga, Anuyoga and Atiyoga,
three, of the outer tantras of austere
awareness phyi dka'-thub rig-pa'i rgyud-kyi theg-pa gsum: see vehicles of
386 Index of Technical Tenns
of Yogatantra, 272, 354-5
VijiUinavada rnam-rig smra-ba, 25, 27, 30,
Vinaya 'dul-ba: defined, 80; 93,137,187, 429, 498, 524, 526, 552, 569, 576, 688, 730, 731, 748, 80S, 806, 850,
861, 874; see also under
instruction(s), ordination, and vows
Lower Tibetan Lineage of smad-'dul-gyi brgyud-pa, 525,688, 729
piTaka 'dul-ba'i sde-snod: see under
virtue(s) dge-ba, Skt. kusala, 56, 193, 199, 214, 302-3, 320, 322,604,625, 899,
900, 901, 903, 944 fundamental dge-ba'i rtsa-ba, Skt,
kusalamula, 85, 302, 307, 898, 900, 90S, 908, 912
a ten (divine) dge-ba bcu, Skt. dasakusal ,
ten, "endowed with corruption" zag-
bcas-kyi dge-ba bcu, 60 " visarga: usually the sign of final
but here it refers to final punctuation
kotakhya, 292
and mind rlung-sems, 288, 341,643, 721 of pristine cognition ye-shes-kyi rlung,
115, 341
ten kinds of rlung bcu, 292
Vivarta script bi-barta, 70S, 729
vows sdom-pa, Skt. saltlvara, 70, 80, 729
and passim; see also commitment(s) ,
moral discipline and ordination bodhisattva byang-chub sems-dpa'i sdom-
pa, Skt. bodhisattvasaltlvara , 78, 423,
of celibacy tshangs-spyod, Skt. brahma-
carya, 422, 760
inner, of the awareness-holders rig-'dzin
nang-gi sdom-pa, 78, 729; see also commitment(s)
lay-vowS dge-bsnyen, Skt. upasaka, 70, 226, 784, 827, 911; see also layman
mantra sngags-kyi sdom-pa, 849; see also commitment(s)
monastic sdom-brtsonlrab-byung, 526, 887; see also ordination
novitiate dge-tshul, Skt. sramalJera: see under ordination
of Pon bon-gyi sdom-pa, 690 911
so-thar sdom-pa: the vows of pious attendants and self-centred buddhas, 78, 235, 729, eight so-thar sdom-brgyad, 158, 226
of the purificatory fast bsnyen-gnas, Skt. upavasa, 58, 226; eight gso-sbyongl yan-lag brgyad(-pa'i khrims), 513
vara 78
of inexhaustible ornament mi-zad-pa'i rgyan-gyi 'khor-lo, 126; five mi- zad-pa'i rgyan-gyi 'khor-lo lnga, 866
thirty-six actions of the wheels of the inexhaustible ornaments of body, speech and mind sku-gsung-thugs mi- zad-pa rgyan-gyi 'khor-lo'i mdzad-pa sum-cu-rtsa-drug, 121
Wish-fulfilling Gem yid-bzhin nor-bu, Skt. CintamalJi, 133, 147, 195, 198,468-9
Wishing Tree dpag-bsam-gyi shing, Skt. 133, 148, 198 (world) realms ('jig-rten-gyi) khams, Skt.
(loka)dhatu, passim
six, of existence 'jig-rten-gyi khams drug,
three khams-gsum, 13, 31, 38, 51, 56,
73,202,259,302,321, 337, 339-40, 363,418,458,490,491, 575, 907, 930
worldly concerns, eight 'jig-rten chos brgyad, 723, 852
wrong understanding, those of log-par rtogs- pa, Skt. vipratipanna, 13, 16, 54, 62- 7, 873
gnod-sbyin: a very large class of nature spirits, many of which are associated with mountains, trees, forests, rocks, abandoned buildings, etc. In India they are frequently related to vegetation, 75, 132, 135-6,433, 435, 451,452-3,454,466,492,609,614, 754, 889
gnod-sbyin-mo: a female 465, 480,481
year signs and elements lo-rtags-dang khams: the twelve animals and five elements marking the years of a sexagenary cycle, 959, n. 1330
yoga(s) rnal-'byor: lit. "union in funda- mental reality", 35, 39, 102, 184, 248, 254, 256, 270, 276, 295, 312, 320,343-5,357,360,368,413,423, 459, 490, 547, 579, 588, 630, 653, 709, 715, 735, 769, 813, 829, 832, 853, 867, 876, 877, 897, 900, 907, 926
of another's body as the seal gzhan-lus phyag-rgya, 818; see also under seal(s) and door
daytime nyin-gyi rnal-'byor, 280 dream rmi-lam, 548
Vijiitinavtida - Zandre 387 five rnal-'byor lnga: according to
Mahayoga, 363
five rnal-'byor lnga: i. e. the five paths of
Anuyoga, 288, 369
four rnal-'byor bzhi, 33, 272; see also
miracles, four
of one's own body as the means rang-Ius
thabs-ldan, 818; see also under door preliminary, of accumulation and
purification sngon-'gro bsags-sbyong-gi rnal-'byor, 862; see also preliminary practice
Six-limbed sbyor-ba yan-lag drug-pa: of the Kalacakra Tantra, 301, 546, 577- 8,674, 853
three rnal-'byor gsum: according to Anuyoga, 285-6
three classes ofyo-ga'i sde gsum: the vehicles of the inner tantras of skilful means, 746
Yogacara rnal-'byor spyod-pa: this term may originally refer to the conduct of the bodhisattva path in general, rather than to the mentalist school alone, 315,911; see also Mind Only and Vijfianavada
Yogacara-Madhyamaka rnal-'byor spyod-pa'i dbu-ma: Great Madhyamaka, 169
Yogatantra rnal-'byor-gyi rgyud: see under and vehicle(s)
yogic exercises 'phrul-'khor, Skt. yantra, 606 yogin rnal-'byor-pa: a male practitioner of
yoga, 115, 184, 195,201,270,281, 304, 313, 335, 344, 353, 356, 394, 447,473,504, 511, 545, 547, 566, 573,575,580,581,583,585,586, 588,630,638,641,643, 755, 839, 854, 903, 926
twelve orders of dzo-ki sde-tshan bcu- gnyis: followers of 504
yoginI rnal-'byor-ma: a female practitioner of yoga, 460, 494,538,547,573, 580,585,586,588,620,630,631, 700, 772, 773, 859
YoginI tantras rnal-'byor-ma'i rgyud, 503 yojana dpag-tshad: a measurement of distance; defined, n. 518; 490
youthful vase body gzhon-nu bum-pa'i sku: the great buddha-body of reality: see under buddha-body(ies)
Yungdrung Pon tradition gYung-drung bon- lugs, 852; see also Pan
zandre za-'dre: a vampire demon, 711
60-3 178, 189,234,301
Vijiianavadin rnam-ng smra-ba, 35, 16 ,
marks (tig), 916
vision, pure dag-snang: see under
Surpassing Realisation, 337,
of the cessation of clinging to reahty or
of the cessation/exhaustion of (apparitional) reality chos-nyid-du"
'dzin-pa'i zad-palchos-nYld zad-pa 1 snang-ba, 337, 339, 371, 594; see also under cessation
of the direct perception of reality chos- nyid mngon-sum, 339, 371
four snang-ba bzhi, 38, 332, 341, 343, 371,971 .
of increasing contemplative expenence nyams gong-'phel-ba, 339, 371 ,
of :'eaching the limit of awareness ng-pa tshad-phebs, 339, 371
vital energy rlung, Skt. vayu, 24, 115, 362, 489, 536, 578, 618, 669, 676; see also energy channels, currents and seminal points
active las-kyi rlung, 877; see also pulse of the active energy currents
of great life-breath srog chen-po'i rlung: ignorance, 291
visionary appearance(s) snang-ba: m All-
three sdom-pa gsum, S t. lnsaltl 300,302,827,831,861
Vinaya nyi-brgya lnga-bcu'i 'dul-. khrims: the vows of a fully-ordamed monk, 230; see also under
, two hundred and fifty disciplines of the
warnor a-, . '
in terms of spiritual commitment,
. dp' bo Skt VIm' an heroic bemg
k .
. 404,460,469,581,588,593,653;
see also qaka
water of life tshe-chu: see under elixir wheel(s) 'khor-lo, Skt. cakm: see
centre(s) , " ' i cloud-mass, of syllables Yl-ge 1 spnn-gy
'khor-lo, 877
f the doctrine chos-kyi 'khor-lo, Skt.
dharmacakra: see doctrinal wheel(s) and promulgation of the doctnnal wheel
388 Index of Technical Terms
Zhalupa zhva-Iu-pa, 850
zho zho: a half tola of gold (approximately
5. 85g. ), ten of which equal one
srang, 768
zi-stone gzi: a species of etched agate,
highly valued in Tibet, 483
zombie ro-Iangs, SkI. vetiila: lit. "standing corpse", 535
Zur tradition zur-Iugs, l39, 266, 617-49, 665, 668, 671, 672, 679, 691, 700-2, 725, 727, 730; see also NyanglRong tradition
Index of Personal Names
In Indian and Tibetan Buddhist literature, great historical figures are often referred to by a diversity of names and epithets. This partly reflects the tendency of Buddhist masters to extend their sphere of activity through diverse geographical regions, where they are then known by diverse names (Padmsambhava being a notable example), and partly also the custom of receiving new names to mark increasingly advanced stages of meditative attainment or ordination: bodhisattva and mantra. In the case of Dalai Lama V, for example: Dalai Lama V refers to his position in the line of incarnations to which he belongs; PadmapaI). i indicates his status as an incarnation of AvalokiteSvara; Lozang Gyamtso and Ngagi Wangcuk indicate his gradual acceptance of monastic ordination; Dorje Thokmetsel indicates his prowess as a treasure-finder and mantra adept; and popularly he is referred to as the Great Fifth (lnga-pa chen-po) on account of his supremacy as a spiritual and temporal leader. This custom of confer- ring names and titles continues to the present day.
The word order in Tibetan and Sanskrit names is important. Titles, such as scholar (par;ejita), master (slob-dpon, Skt. acarya), lord of accomplished masters (grub-dbang, Skt. siddhefvara), lord of doctrine (chos-rye, Skt. dharmasvamin), treasure-finder (gter-ston) and so forth, often precede the personal name. Epithets or titles indicative of clan, lineage, place of birth or residence, or incarnation line, may also be conjoined with personal names, or replace them altogether.
In this index, for the benefit of those unfamiliar with Tibetan conventions, we have listed most of the variations that occur in the text separately and referred the reader to one main entry (usually the most well-known form) where all these variations appear as sub- entries along with their page references.
Names are listed in English alphabetical order and letter by letter, except on those occasions when we have attempted to list diverse incarnations within their proper numerical sequences. Entries begin- ning with "Sakya" follow those beginning with "Sakya". Parentheses
392 Index of Personal Names
have generally been used to indicate elements omitted in shortened forms of a name, however it has not been possible to apply this
convention exhaustively.
Dates have been supplied utilising information given in the body of
the text or gathered from other Tibetan historical sources: it is hoped that further research will succeed in resolving many of the chrono- logical uncertainties. Where enumerated categories of names occur, these are cross-referenced against the Glossary of Enumerations when-
ever more information is to be found there. Readers should also consult the Notes for occasional biographical information, which has
not been cross-referenced here.
Sanskrit names have been restored with reference to original extant
texts and dictionaries. In the case of a few deities, entered under their Sanskrit names - for example Guhyasamaja, Cakrasamvara and Kalacakra - it is not always clear from the context whether these
refer to actual deities or to texts/teaching cycles. In such cases, readers should also consult the first part of the Bibliography.
Finally, line drawings illustrating many of the major figures de- scribed in the History appear throughout Volume One, and page references for these are listed in bold face.
Index of Personal Names
Abhayakaragupta (c. 1100) 'jigs-med 'byung- gnas sbas-pa, 477
Acadru family a-lcags 'gru'i rigs, 841 Acala mi-gYo-ba, 577
Acintyaprabhasa slOn-pa khye'u snang-ba
dam-pa bsam-gyis mi-khyab-pa: the first emanational teacher according to the Great Perfection, l36, 897
Adhicitta, the deva sems-Ihag-canllhag-sems- can, 453, 490
Advayavajra gnyis-med rdo-rye, 200; see Maitripli
Agayana, the envoy gser-yig-pa a-ga-ya-na '
Agni, drang-srong agni, 65
Agnisuci, the deer ri-dvags me'i gtsang-sbra-
can, 214
Gyen a-kurtZ rgyan, 784 A! aneyabalaha cang-shes bha-Ia-ha, l33 AJatasatru, king ma-skyes-dgra, 428, 433,
Ajita, (conqueror/regent) (rgyal-ba/rgyal-
lshab) ma-pham-pa, 98, 128, 129, _. __ 170-1,838,930,932; see Maitreya
kun-shes, 115
Matisiia Ii-dkar mali-shi-la 510
Ak-- ' asagarbha nam(-mkha'i) snying(-po), 125
Akhu Pelbar a-khu dpal-'bar, 545 rkang-mig, 65
mi-bskyod-palmi-'khrugs-pa, 20,
ston-pa khye'u 'od mi- 'khrugs-pa: the second emanational teacher according to the Great Perfection, 136,904
mi-bskyod rdo-rje 416 All-Positive King kun-bzang 317;
Aloka mar-me-ma, 125
AlokabhasvatI, queen of OQQiyana snang-ba
gsal-ba'i 'od-Idan-ma, 490 Amarasirpha 'chi-med seng-ge, 106 Amitabha (Buddha) (sangs-rgyas) 'od-
dpag(-lU) med(-pa)lsnang-ba mtha'- yas, PI. 11; 20,125,274,355,468, 479, 746
Amitayus lshe-dpag-med, 470, 549, 564, 624 Lord of Immortality and his consort 'chi-med mgon-po yab-yum, 855
sugata Amitayus bde-bar gshegs-pa lshe- dpag-med, 691
Amoghasiddhi don(-yod) grub(-pa), 20, 125, 274,355,481,766
Amoghavajra, the elder don-yod rdo-rje che- ba,479
Amoghavajra, the younger don-yod rdo-ry"e chung-bala-mo-gha-badzra, 479, 708
bdud-rtsi sman(-lha), 452; see also Avalokitesvara
sman-bla/sman-gyi bla-ma 591, 691 J
Amnakul)Qalin bdud-rtsi 'khyil, 548, 623 bdud-rtsi zas, 434
Ananda kun-dga'-bo, 75, 421, 428, 432, 433,
_ 434, 434-5,438, 859, 908, 928, 946 Ananda, the nun kun-dga'-mo: a teacher of
Vimalamitra (see bairo 'dra-'bag,
Ch. 5),469
Anandagarbha kun-dga' snying-po, 272 Anantagul)a dakinI (the pakinI of Limitless
Virtues) . yon-tan mlha'-yas-pa'i
mkha'- 'gro-ma, 493 Anathapil)Qada mgon-med zas-sbyin, 137,
Andzom Drukpa (1842-1924) a-'dzom 'brug-
see Samantabhadra
pa, 879
394 Index of Personal Names dpe-med 'tsho, 674
Aparajita a-dzi, 548
Ara4a(kalama) ring-'phur, 419, 422 Archer mda'-ba/mda'-bsnun, 197; see
Arhat Suvar1). aprabhasa dgra-bcom-pa gser-
'od dam-pa: the eighth emanational·· teacher according to the Great Perfection, 136
Ariboga (or Arikbugha) a-re-bho-ga: the younger brother of Qubilai Qan, to whom in 1264 he conceded defeat, 661,662
Aro (Yeshe Jungne) a-ro (ye-shes 'byung- gnas), 231-2, 571, 673,675, 706
king (of Sahor) rgyal-po gtsug- lag 'dzin, 470, 972
Aryadeva 'phags-pa lha/arya de-ba, 165, 167,309,413,440,464,498,502, 596,641, 899
Aryasura dpa'-bo, 703; see Sura
Arya Tara 'phags-ma sgrol-ma, 466; see
T ara
Asailga thogs(-med), 18,28,91, 108,169,
182, 184, 189,300-1,404,440,441,
463, 849, 919, 931
"Ashen Zombie" ro-Iangs thal-mdog, Skt.
*Vetala Bhasmavar1). a, 477, 493; see
Garap Dorje
Asoka, the religious king chos-rgyal mya-
ngan med, 429, 435, 948 Dharmasoka, king rgyal-po dharma sva-
Asvottama (or Asvavarapada) rta-mchog:
teacher of Vi1). apa, 927 AsvottamaiSupreme Horse rta-mchog, 274,
534; see Hayagr'iva
Atisa, (lord/master) (982-1054) (jo-bo-rje/
slob-dpon) a-ti-sha, 184, 198,205, 395,546,548,550,706,853,889, 891-2,905-6,914,950,951
Dlparpkara di-palfl-ka-ra, 914 Atmaprakasa bdag-nyid gsal-rigs-ma, 498 Atreya, drang-srong rgyun-shes-kyi bu/
e-tra'i bu, 66, 99
Avadhuti a-ba-dhu-ti-pa, 477 AvalokiteSvara spyan-ras-gzigs, Pl. 12; 75,
466, 497, 498, 507, 510, 564, 567, 572,617,698,757,758,784,791, 798,802,821,823,826,841; see also and Lords of the Three (Enlightened) Families
Avalokitesvara in the form of the "King of Space" spyan-ras gzigs nam-mkha' rgyal-po, Skt. Gaganaraja, 591
eleven-faced Avalokitesvara zhal-bcu- gcig-pa, 791
Great Compassionate One thugs-rje chen- po, Skt. Mahakaru1). ika, 507, 511, 560, 564, 565, 569, 659, 677, 755, 762, 765, 770, 784, 828, 829
LokesvaraiLord of the World (dpa'-bo) 'jigs-rten dbang-phyug, 47, 404, 916
Padmapa1). i lag-na padma, 564
Sublime One 'phags-pa, 510 Aviddhakar1). a rna ma-phug-pa, 65
Ba Getong, spiritual benefactor dge-bshes
sba dge-mthong, 640
Bagom Tikma 'ba'-sgom dig-ma, 642 Bagom (Yeshe Cangcup) sba-sgom (ye-shes
byang-chub), 542-3, 545-6, 548
Baka Klinzang Rikdzin Dorje rba-kha kun-
bzang rig-'dzin rdo-rje, 735
Baka Rikdzin Khamsum Yongdrol rba-kha
rig-'dzin khams-gsum yongs-grol, 735 Baka Triilku Choki Gyamtso rba-kha sprul-
sku chos-kyi rgya-mtsho, 817
Puwo Baka Triilku Rikdzin Choki Gyamtso spu-bo rba-kha sprul-sku rig- 'dzin chos-kyi rgya-mtsho, 812
Balabhadra, king of Bharpdva rgyal-po ba-la bha-dra, 504
Balahaka, bodhisattva byang-chub sems-dpa' sprin-gyi shugs-can, 136
Balapada byis-pa'i zhabs, 462; see Jalandharipa
BangWn Cakyu sbangs-ston lcags-kyu, 649 Ba-ratna rba rat-na, 515, 524; see Ba Trhizi
of the Zhang family Barton 'bar-ston, 549
Barza Lhayang 'bar-bza' lha-dbyangs, 537 Ba Selnang sba gsal-snang, 509, 515
Yeshe Wangpo ye-shes dbang-po, 515 Ba Trhizi of the Zhang family zhang-blon
dad-pa-can rba khri-gzigs, 515 Ba-ratna rba ratna, 515, 524 Pelyang dpal-dbyangs, 515
Ben 'ban, 650
Bhadra bzang-po, 429
Bhadrapala, bodhisattva bzang-skyong, 423 Bhadrapala, the deva de-ba bzang-skyong,
Bhadrika rab-bzang, 115
Bhagavat (mgon-po) legs-ldan, 624; see Lekden Degu
Bhairava 'jigs-byed, 449, 936 sman-blajsman-gyi bla-ma)
591,691; see Amrtabhai$ajya Bhallika bzang-skyong, 421
Bha1). Ta (or BhaTa) bhat:zta, 435 Bharadvaja bha-ra-dva-dza, 64
Bharata bha-ra-ta, 106
Bharo Tsukdzin, the Newar bha-ro gtsug-
'dzin, 766-8, 780
drang-srong bha-shi-ta, 466
Anupamarak$ita - Buddha 395 898, 900, 910, 931, 933, 943-8, 944
949, 959 '
Bodhisattva byang-chub sems-dpa', 416- 21
Conqueror rgyal-ba, Skt. Jina, 47, 68, 73,88, 113, 120, 127-8, 143, 146, 151,278, 307, 308, 312, 315, 324, 376, 404, 405, 406, 409, 427, 431,
442, 507, 522, 527, 610, 736, 748, 824, 859, 874, 877, 894, 930, 943, 945, 948, 967, 969, 972
Fourth Guide rnam-'dren bzhi-pa, 409, 943
Gautama gau-ta-ma, 422-3
Lord of Sages/Munindra thub-pa'i
dbang-po,_ 11, 128, 503, 768, 894 Lord of the Sakyas sa-kya'i mgon, 130 Sage thub-pa, Skt. Muni 73 77 103
184, 200, 204, 300, '427: 555:
705, 894, 969 971
Sakya King rgyal-po, 405, 746 Sakyamuni (Buddha) sa-kya thub-pa, 11,
17,26,36, 115, 137, 153, 193,221, 312,396,411-27,430,434,454, 564, 573, 590, 656, 659, 672, 696, 768, 894, 946-8 972
Sakyendra, the Lord sa- kya dbang-po, 755
Sarvarthasiddha don-thams-cad grub-pa 417 '
Siddhartha, (prince) (rgyaZ-bu) don-grub, 412, 575, 946
Sugata bde-bar gshegs-pa, 22, 138, 186, 218, 268, 300, 409, 871, 873, 896
Bhaskara, the boy khye'u snang-byed, 193
BhaTa Hor bhata-hor, 519
Bhanarika rje-btsun-ma, 572
Bhavya, master slob-dpon bha-vya or skal-
ldan/legs-ldan, 169, 184, 905 Bhelaklrti bhe-la kirti, 497
Bhrgu, drang-srong ngan-spong, 65 BhrkuTl khro-gnyer-can-ma, 466, 510 Bhusukuchok bhu-su-ku mchog, 605 black-hat Karmapa zhva-nag karma-pa, 811;
see Karmapa X
"Blue-skirted Pa1). 4ita" pat:zq,ita sham-thabs
sngon-po-can, 918
Bodhisattva byang-chub sems-dpa', 416-21;
see Buddha
Bodhisattva (mkhan-po) bo-dhi sa-tva, 405,
513-15, 601; see Santaraksita Bodhivajra byang-chub rdo-tie, 478 Bodhi ZhangWn bo-dhi zhang-ston, 689 Brahma tshang-pa, 16,66, 132,417,422
Brahmaratnaprabha tshang-pa rin-chen 'od
452 ' Brahmasarvatara tshang-pa kun-sgrol, 452 Brahmasikhandara tshang-pa gtsug-phung
'dzin, 452
Brahma Sikhin tshang-pa ral-pa-can 214
four-faced Brahma tshang-pa gdong bzhi-
Brhaspati (Guru of the Gods) Phur-bu 197
Tathagata de-bzhin gshegs-pa, 99, 103, 146, 153-5, 172, 179-80, 189, 192, 195, 216, 253, 292, 316, 334, 340,
471,626, 786, 947
Teacher ston-pa, Skt. Sastr, 47, 68, 71,
73-6, 78, 88, 90-1, 104, 109, 113-48, 153-5, 193,218,231,409,411,413,
428,429,430,432,434,435,436, 437,438,439,440, 441, 452, 454, 458, 613, 637, 705, 894, 906, 946
Transcendent Lord (Buddha) bcom- ldan-'das, Skt. Bhagavan, 75-6, 175, 186, 188, 190, 215, 303, 312, 363,
428,433,454,455, 747, 898, 944, 945
British dbyin1i, 958
BUddha sangs-rgyas: Sakyamuni, PIs. 37,
41; 16, 23,47, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 80, 83, 91, 120, 129, 138, 147, 154, 190, 195, 196-7, 199, 212, 213, 226 244, 289, 295, 299, 307, 313, 315, '
318, 322, 336, 393, 394, 400, 409, 417, 411-27, 430, 433,435, 440, 441, 454, 456, 472, 504, 518, 583 605, 610, 622, 643, 644, 646, 648' 716,747,762, 837, 859, 890-1, 8;3,
Svetaketu, holy dam-pa tog-dkar, 412 416
' '
396 Index of Personal Names Buddhaguhya sangs-rgyas gsang-ba, 39, 40,
92,96, 123, 249, 270, 462, 465, 464-
Buddhajfiiina (ratna) buddha dznya-na, 607;
see Nup(cen) Sangye Yeshe Buddhajfianapada (sangs-rgyas) ye-shes
zhabs, 252, 313,412,442,453,464,
465,475,495,494-6,497,921,931 Buddha Kalyal)amati sangs-rgyas dge-ba'i
blo-gros, 121
Buddhakarabhadra bu-ddha a-ka-ra bha-
dra, 708
Buddha Kasyapa sangs-rgyas 'od-srnngs, 430,
Kasyapa, the teacher, the elder stan-pa
'od-srnng bgres-po: the tenth emanational teacher according to the Great Perfection, 137
Buddha sangs-rgyas me-tag mdzes-pa chen-po, 120
Buddhasanti sangs-rgyas zhi-ba, 464, 465 Buddhas of the Five Enlightened Families
rgyal-ba rigs-lnga, 11, 123,623 Conquerors of the Five (Enlightened)
Families rgyal-ba rigs lnga, 122,561, 572,660
Five Conquerors/Teachers rgyal-ba/stan- pa lnga, 125, 128
Herukas of the Five Enlightened Families he-rn-ka rigs-lnga, 672
Tathagatas of the Five (Enlightened)
Families de-bzhin gshegs-pa rigs-lnga,
Teachers of the Five Buddha!
Enlightened Families rigs-lnga'i stan-
pa rnams, 19, 21, 117, 448 Buddhas of the Hundred Authentic
Families dam-pa rigs-brgya, 591 Buddhas of the Past, Three 'das-pa'i sangs-
rgyas gsum, 423
BuddhasrI (Sangyepel) bu-ddha shri (sangs-
rgyas dpal), 592; see Sangye Pelrin BuddhasrIsanti of Oggiyana sangs-rgyas dpal
zhi-ba, 477
Buddha Sucarita<. :akra sangs-rgyas 'khor-lo
legs-par spyod-pa, 120
Buddhas, the Thousand sangs-rgyas stang-
rtsa: the thousand supreme emanational bodies, 136, 409, 624, 938, 944
blo-sems 'lsho, 509 Bumbar 'bum-'bar, 709
Cangcupmen of the Drom family, the royal consort btsun-mo 'brom-bza' byang- chub sman, 554
Cangcup Pelwa byang-chub dpal-ba: i. e. Katokpa Gyeltsap V, 695 Cangcup Senge byang-chub seng-ge: i. e.
Katokpa Gyeltsap IX, 696 Cangcup Senge, lama bla-ma byang-chub
seng-ge, 688
(Cangdak) Perna Trhinle (byang-bdag)
padma phrin-las, 41, 956; see Dorje Trak Rikdzin IV
Cangne Terton byang-nas gter-stan, 590 Cangpa Rikdzin Ngagiwangpo byang-pa rig-
'dzin ngag-gi dbang-po, 679, 681, 683, 719, 821; see DoYje Trak Rikdzin III
Cangpa Trashi Topgyel (1550-1602) byang- pa bkra-shis stobs-rgyal, 824
ChOgyel Wangpoide chos-rgyal dbang- po'i sde, 808
Trashi Topgyel (Wangpbide, the master of the Northern Treasure) (byang- bdag) bkra-shis stabs-rgyal (dbang-po'i sde), 783, 808, 822
Caraka tsa-ra-ka, 65
Carlndra spyod-'chang dbang-po, 693, 927;
Carme Tshtilrin byar-med tshul-rin, 552 Catang Sonam Ozer bya-btang bsod-nams
'od-zer, 595
Catri Tsenpo bya-khri blsan-po: the middle
son of Drigum Tsenpo who fled to
Puworong, 972
Cegom, lama bla-ma lce-sgom, 559; see
Rongnangda Cegom Nakpo Cegom Nakpo lce-sgom nag-po, 571; see Rongnangda Cegom Nakpo
Cegom Sakyagyellce-sgom sakya-rgyal, 622
Cel (Lotsawa) Ktinga Dorje dpyal (lo-lsa-ba) kun-dga' rdo-rje, 359, 653
Lharje Celpa lha-rje dpyal-pa, 348 Celuka tsi-lu-pa, 442
Cendrenpa spyan-'dren-pa, 710
Ce-nga Choki Trakpa spyan-snga chos-kyi
grags-pa, 553; see Zhamarpa IV Ce-nga (Mangpu)wa Sonam Bumpa spyan- snga (mang-phu-)ba bsod-nams 'bum-
pa: i. e. Katokpa Gyeltsap III, 694-5 Ce-nga Neljor spyan-snga rnal-'byor, 547 Ce-nga Rinpoche spyan-snga rin-po-che, 675-
6; see Zhamarpa IV
Buddhaguhya - Chddrak 397 Cenye, the great preceptor spyan-gYas
mkhan-chen, 674
Cerpa Wangtung of Ze gzad-kyi gcer-pa
wang-lhung, 651
Ce Sakya Gyeltsen lee sa-kya rgyal-mlshan,
Ceshak-chok of Gegong dge-gong-gi lce-shag-
mchog, 619
Ce Thupei Wangpo of Nyangro Nyentso
nyang-ro gnyan-lsho lee lhub-pa'i
dbang-po, 557
Ceton Drupabum lee-stan grub-pa 'bum, 665 Ceton Gyanak (1094-1148) lee-slon rgya-nag,
648, 650-1
Co-se of upper Nyang jo-sras nyang-slod-
Je Lhakangpa lje lha-khang-pa, 650 Lharje Gyanak lha-rje rgya-nag, 650,
Cetstin Senge Wangcuk lce-blsun seng-ge
dbang-phyug, PI. 29; 556, 558, 557-9 Cetstin, the great lce-blsun chen-po, 561,
Chak Lotsawa (Dracom) (1153-1216) chags
lo-tsii-ba (dgra-bcom): uncle of the
following, 758
Chak Lotsawa (Chbje Pel) (1197-1264) chag
lo-tsii-ba (chos-rje dpal), 758, 891 Chale jo-mo phya-le: consort of Dzeng
Chamdo Gyelwa Phakpa Lha chab-mdo
rgyal-ba 'phags-pa lha, 833 Chandaka 'dun-pa, 417, 418
Chapa ChOki Senge (1109-69) phya-pa chos- kyi seng-ge, 550
Char Thtilcen, the accomplished master of Dokam grub-thob phvar-thul-can, 804
Chetsenkye of Bru-sha bru-sha'i che-btsan skyes, 489,537,607,609
Chim Carok, the "Crow of Chim" mchims bya-rog, 602, 603
Chim, the deity of mchims-lha, 603
·Chim Dorje Peucung mchims rdo-rje spre'u
chung, 753
Chime Tenyi Yungdrung Lingpa 'chi-med
bstan-gnyis gYung-drnng gling-pa, 863;
see Jamgon KonglrUl (Lodro Thaye) Chimo Trashi-tsho mchims-mo bkra-shis
mtsho, 607
Chodenpa Gbnpo Dorje chos-ldan-pa mgon-
po rdo-rje, 686
Chodrak, father a-pha chos-grags, 706; see
Rongzompa (Choki Zangpo)
Bumrampa Orgyen Kelzang 'bum-ram-pa o-rgyan skal-bzang, 833
Buyantu, the emperor (reigned 1311-20)
gong-ma bu-yan-thu gan, 669
Ca Chenpo: see Ca DUldzin Chenpo Cadrel Ktinga Pelden bya-bral kun-dga'
dpal-ldan, 919
Ca Dtildzin Chenpo (1091-1166) bya 'dul-
'dzin chen-po, 952
Ca Chenpo bya chen-po, 685
Cakrasarpvara lsa-kra sambaral'khor-lo bde- mchog/bde-mchog, 449, 549, 591, 936; see also Bibliography
sixty-two deities of the Cakrasarpvara mal)gala bde-mchog drng-cu rtsa-gnyis,
Cakyungpa Pelden Senge bya-khyung-pa
dpal-ldan seng-ge, 788
Camgon Rinpoche of Phurbucok phur-lcogs
byams-mgon rin-po-che, 778
(Camgon Ta'i) Situ Perna Nyinje Wangpo
(1774-1853) (byams-mgon ta'i) si-lU padma nyin-byed dbang-po: i. e. Ta'i
Situ IX, 842, 861
Campabum (1179-1252) byams-pa 'bum: i. e.
Katokpa Gyeltsap II, 693-4, 694, 695,699
Campa Rinpoche byams-pa rin-po-che, 694
Campapel, the translator of Trhopu
(b. 1172/3) khro-lo byams-pa dpal,
Trhopu Lotsawa khro-phu IO-lsa-ba, 564
Campa Phtintsok, lama of Derge sde-dge bla-ma byams-pa phun-lshogs, 816
Campa Rinpoche byams-pa rin-po-che, 694; see Campabum
Campa Senge byams-pa seng-ge, 663-5; see (Zur) Campa Senge
Canak clan bya-nag-gi rigs, 719
Cal)akya lsa-r}-a-ka, 97
Candragomin tsa-ndra go-mi, 92, 100, 108,
441,455, 703, 730, 871
Candraklrti zla(-ba) grags(-pa), 164-5, 309,
464, 577
the king of Ogivisa zla-ba
srnng, 441
Cangcup Dorje, the preceptor/lama mkhan-
po/bla-ma byang-chub rdo-rje, 784 Cangcup Gyeltsen byang-chub rgyal-mtshan:
i. e. Katokpa Gyeltsap XII, 696 Cangcup Lodro byang-chub blo-gros: i. e.
Katokpa Gyeltsap X, 696
398 Index of Personal Names Chodrak Gyamtso chos-grags rgya-mtsho,
Chogyel Phakpa (1235-80) chos-rgyal 'phags-
pa, 953
Phakpa (Rinpoche, lama) (bla-ma)
'phags-pa (rin-po-che), 662, 695, 712 Chogyel Tendzin chos-rgyal bstan-'dzin,
727-8; see (Locen) GhOgyel Tendzin ChOgyel Wangpoide chos-rgyal dbang-po'i
sde, 808; see Gangpa Trashi Topgyel Chogyur (Decen Zhikpo) Lingpa, the great
treasure finder (1829-70) gter-chen mchog-gyur (bde-chen zhig-po) gling- pa, 738, 842,841-8,856, 863, 864-5, 867,958
Norbu Tendzin nor-bu bstan-'dzin, 841 Padmailkusa, bodhisattva byang-chub
sems-dpa' padma'i myu-gu, 848 ChOje Drukpa chos-rje 'brug-pa: the first
Drukcen, 835; see Tsangpa Gyare Choje Lingpa chos-rje 'gling-pa, 751, 835;
see (Rikdzin) GhOje Lingpa
ChOje Tsharpa (1502-6617) chos-rje tshar-pa:
i. e. Lodro Gyeltsen (blo-gros rgyal- mtshan), 922
Chokdrupde, the king of Kungtang gung- thang rgyal-po mchog-grub sde, 782
Ch6ki Lama chos-kyi bia-ma, 694; see Karmapa II
Choki Lodro, lama bla-ma chos-kyi blo-gros, 784
ChOki Lodro of Sheldrak shel-brag chos-kyi blo-gros, 553
Choki Shenyen chos-kyi bshes-gnyen, 854; see (Jamyang) Khyentse Wangpo
Choki Sherap, the translator of Korup go- rub lo-tsa-ba dge-slong chos-kyi shes- rab, 708; see Korup Lotsawa
Ch6ki Trakpa Yeshe Pelzangpo chos-kyi grags-pa ye-shes dpal-bzang-po, 675;
see Zhamarpa IV
Chokme Cangsem phyogs-med byang-sems,
Chokyong Gonpo chos-skyong mgon-po, 809
Chokyong Zangpo, great translator of Zhalu
(1441-1527) zha-lu chos-skyong bzang- po, 955
Choling Karwang Chime Dorje (b. 1763) chos-gling gar-dbang ,chi-med rdo-rje,
Ch6rin sras-po chos-rin, 552
Chowang Kunzang chos-dbang kun-bzang, 553
572,660; see Buddhas of the Five
Enlightened Families
Co-se (Dzeng) jo-sras, 549, 565, 649; see
Dzeng Go-se
Cosema Dorjekyi jo-sras-ma rdo-rje sk"id
548 , Cosemo Damo Tsuktorcam jo-sras-mo mda'-
mo gtsug-tor-Icam, 645
Co-se Temdrel jo-sras rten-'brel, 929
Co-se of upper Nyang jo-sras nyang-stod-pa,
650; see Geton Gyanak
Co-se Zhanglakyap of Traci gra-phyi'i jo-sras
zhang-la-skyabs, 551
Co-so of Central Tibet (b. 1168) dbus-pa jo-
bsod, 656, 657
Cotsun Dorjetra sras-jo-btsun rdo-ry'e grags:
son of Dropukpa, 650
Dakcen Lodro Gyeltsen (1444-95) bdag-chen
blo-gros rgyal-mtshan, 922
I)aki Ktinzang Chonyi Dekyong Wangmo
qa-ki kun-bzang chos-nyid bde-skyong
dbang-mo, 919
(Dalai Lama I,) Gendtin Trupa (1391-1474)
dge-'dun grub-pa, 954
(Dalai Lama II,) Gendtin Gyamtso (1476-
1542) dge-'dun rgya-mtsho 955
(Dalai Lama IV,) Yonten Gyam:so (1589- 1617) yon-tan rgya-mtsho, 821
Dalai Lama V, Lozang Gyamtso (1617-82) blo-bzang rgya-mtsho, 822, 956
Dalai Lama XIV, Tendzin Gyamtso
(b. 6 July 1935) mnga'-bdag sku- phreng bcu-bzhi-pa chen-po bstan-'dzin rgya-mtsho, 959
Great Fourteenth bcu-bzhi-pa chen-po '
mche-sde, 944
Danak Tsuktor Wangcuk mda'-nag gtsug-tor
dbang-phyug, 648
DanasIia da-na-shi-Ia, 515, 522 DaQQ. apaQi lag-na be-con, 418
DaQQ. in dbyug-pa-canlda1J4i, 104, 705 Dangma (Lhiindrup GyeJtsen, the elder)
(gnas-brtan) ldang-ma (lhun-grub
rgyal-mtshan), 556-7, 557, 558, 919 Dao Zh6nu zla-'od gzhon-nu, 931; see
Dapzang Triilku, the great preceptor and bodhisattva mkhan-chen byang-sems zla-bzang sprul-pa'i sku, 842
DarcarupaiDarcarwa 'dar-phya-ru-bal'dar- phyar-ba, 714-16 920
Da mda' sak;a 'phel, 663, 665 Datlk (Co-sak of Nakmore) (nag-mo-re'i)
mda'-tig (jo-sak)lmdal-tig (jo-sak),
358, 642, 645, 647
Dawabum gcung-po zla-ba 'bum, 563 Dawa (Gyeltsen) zla-ba (rgyal-mtshan): the
spiritual son of Pema Lingpa, 722,
735, 798, 799
Dawa Trakpa zla-ba grags-pa, 595
De, eight middle kings called bar-gyi Ide
brgyad: listed in the Glossary of
Enumerations, 508, n. 535
(DeIties of the) Eight Transmitted Precepts
(of Great Attainment) (sgrub-chen) bka'-brgyad(-kyi lha-tshogs), Pis. 5, 17-24; 591, 828; see also listed separ- ately as Hayagfiva, Malign Mantra Mundane Praise, Vajrakfla, VaJramrta, Yamantaka, Yangdak Heruka and as the deity which consumes all these Mahottara
Ch6wang Rinpoche chos-dbang rin-po-che, 838; see Guru Ghdwang
ChOyingpa chos-dbyings-pa, 791
Choying Rangdrol (chos-dbyings rang-grol),
679-83, 684; see (Zurcen) GhOying
Chumikpa chu-mig-pa, 564
Chusor Namkabum chu-gsor nam-mkha' 'bum, 696
Cington of Tsang gtsang-pa bying-ston, 660 Cobuma jo-'bum-ma, 757
Cog6n jo-mgon, 552
Cokro Lotsawa cog-ro lo-tsa-ba, 688 Cokro Lui Gyeltsen lcog-ro klu'i rgyal-
mtshan, 515, 522, 527, 555, 800, 889,893
Cokro pucungmen cog-ro bu-chung sman, 514
Cokroza (Cangcupmen) cog-ro-bza' (byang- chub sman), 537, 711-12
Cokro Zangkar Dzokur cog-ro zangs-dkar mdzod-khur, 706
(Comden) Rikpei Reldri (bcom-ldan) rig-pa'i ral-grilrig-ral, 827, 894,914-17, 930
Como Dangla jo-mo mdangs-lha: the protector, 581
Como Gyagar jo-mo rgya-gar, 562
Como Kangmo jo-mo gang-mo, 543 Como Menmo (1248-83) jo-mo sman-mo,
772, 771-4, 953
Pema Tshokyi padma mtsho-skyid, 771
Como Namar jo-mo sna-dmar: a local divinity, 622
Como Nyangmo jo-mo nyang-mo, 651 Como(wa) jo-mo(-ba) , 545, 546 Como Wangmo jo-mo wang-mo, 653 Como Yumo jo-mo gYu-mo, 637
Conang Kunzi T61popa jo-nang kun-gzigs
dol-bo-pa, 953; see TolbupalTolpopa
(Sherap Gyeltsen)
Conang Sherap Gyeltsen jo(-nang shes-rab
rgyal-mtshan), 905; see Tijlbupal Tolpopa (Sherap Gyeltsen)
Conqueror rgyal-ba, Skt. Jina: Sakyamuni Buddha, 47, 68, 73, 88,113,120,
127_8,143,146,151,278,307,308, 312, 315, 324, 376,404,405,406, 409,427,431,442,507,522,527, 610, 736, 748, 824, 859, 874, 877,
972; see Buddha
Conquerors of the Five Enlightened
Families rgyal-ba rigs Inga, 122, 561,
Dorje Thokmetsel rdo-rje thogs-med rtsal 821
Chddrak Gyamtso - Derge Yilungpa Sonam Namgyel 399
' (Great) Fifth (Dalai Lama) lnga-pa (chen-
po), 682-4, 688, 719, 720, 728, 736- 7,821-4,826,830,831,832-3,926
Lozang Gyamtso blo-bzang rgya-mtsho
Ngagi Wangcuk ngag-gi dbang-ph\! ug
PadmapaQi, the Great Fifth Dalai Lama
. phyag-na padma lnga-pa chen-po, 678
(Dalal Lama VI,) Tshangyang Gyamtso
(1683-1706) tshangs-dbyangs rgya-
mtsho, 824
Dalai Lama VII, Kelzang Gyamtso (1708-
57) skal-bzang rgya-mtsho 957
Dalai Lama IX, Lungtok Gyam;so (1805- 15) lung-rlogs rgya-mtsho 957
Dalai Lama XIII, Thupten (1876- 1933). thub-bstan rgya-mtsho, 958 Great Thmeenth (Dalai Lama) bcu-
gsum-pa chen-po, 777-8
deities, peaceful and wrathful zhi-khro: see peaceful and wrathful deities
Den-gom Ch6ki Trakpa of Dokam mdo- khams-pa 'dan-sgom chos-kyi grags-pa 595
Denma Tsemang ldan-ma rtse-mang, 535 756
' Derge Yilungpa Sonam Namgyel (d. 1952) sde-dge yid-lhung-pa bsod-nams rnam-
400 Index of Personal Names Deshek Gyawo(pa) bde-gshegs rgya-bo(-pa),
635, 641; see Zurcung(pa Sherap-tra) Deshek Zurcungpa bde-gshegs zur-chung-pa,
643; see Zurcung(pa Sherap-tra) Deshek Zurpoche bde-gshegs zur-po-che,
918; see (Zurpoche) Siikya Jungne Deu Gangpa, the preceptor mkhan-po lde'u
sgang-pa, 565
Devadatta lhas-byin, 418, 420 Devakaracandra de-ba-ga-ra tsa-ntra, 708 Devasarman lha-skyid, 90
Devendra lha-yi dbang-po/lha-dbang, 400,
401, 575, 593
Indra brgya-byin: i. e. Satakratu, 417,
Indraraja dbang-po'i rgyal-po, 913 Indrasakra dbang-po brgya-byin, 452 Sakra, (lord) (dbang-po) brgya-byin: i. e.
Satakratu, 130, 624, 768 Surendra lha-dbang, 128
Devourers and Slaughterers za-gsod: pro- tectors associated with VajrakIla, 713
Dewacam, the benefactress yon-bdag-mo bde-ba-Icam, 617
Dewachenpo bde-ba-chen-po, 972; see Guru Rinpoche
Dewarshekpa, lama bla-ma bde-bar gshegs- pa, 691; see Katok(pa) Tampa Deshek
Dhanadhala dha-na-dha-Ia, 607, 614 D dha-na-rak$ila/dharmarak$ita,
488-9, 607, 609
Dhanasarpskna dha-na-saJ? l-skri-ta, 483,
Dharmabhadra dharma bha-dra, 708; see
Rongzompa (Chdki Zangpo) Dharmabodhi (of Magadha) dhar-ma bo-dhi,
489, 537, 607, 609
Dharmaklrti chos-grags, 92, 102, 103, 440,
Dharmamitra chos-kyi bshes-gnyen, 128 Dharmapala, king (reigned c. 770-810)
rgyal-po dharma pii-la, 478, 501, 892,
Dharmaraja(pala) dharma rii-dza (pii-la),
489, 607, 609
Dharmasoka, king rgyal-po dharma sva-ka,
429; see Asoka
DharmasrI, the great translator lo-chen
dharma-shri 526, 733; see Locen
Dharmatasiia dharma-la shi-Ia, 522 Dharmodgata, bodhisattva byang-chub sems-
dpa' chos- 'phags, 624
DhatvIsvarI dbyings-kyi dbang-phyug-ma, 20, 125
DhItika dhi-dhi-ka, 437
Dhupa bdug-spos-ma, 125
Dignaga phyogs-kyi giang-po, 91, 92, 101,
102, 108, 189,440, 703
Dlparpkara di-paJ? l-ka-ra, 914; see Alisa Dlparpkarabhadra mar-me mdzad bzang-po,
Dlparpkara (Buddha) (sangs-rgyas) mar-me
mdzad, 416, 624 Dode Tar mdo-sde dar, 793
Dodrup I, Jikme Trhinle Ozer (1745-1821)
rdo-grub 'jigs-med phrin-Ias 'od-zer,
Trupwang Jikme Trhinle Ozer grub-
dbang 'jigs-med phrin-Ias 'od-zer, 839 Dodrup Ill, Jikme Tenpei Nyima (1865-
1926) rdo-grub 'jigs-med bstan-pa'i
nyi-ma, 375, 879
Do Khyungpo Hurp-nying mdo'i khyung-po
hUJ? l-snying, 708
pombI Heruka 40mbi he-ru-ka, 253, 471 Do-nga Lingpa mdo-sngags gling-pa, 854; see
(Jamyang) Khyentse Wangpo Do-nga Tendzin mdo-sngags bstan-'dzin,
595, 724
Do-nga Tendzin Norbu, the Dokam
Kyangkar Trtilku mdo-khams gyang- mkhar sprul-sku mdo-sngags bstan- 'dzin nor-bu, 734
Dong, family of ldong-gi rigs, 722
Dong Gonpakyap ldong dgon-pa skyabs,
Dongkar Tshoje (Physician of Dongkar)
gdong-khar 'tsho-byed, 722; see
Sodokpa Lodrij Gyeltsen Dongkarwa, the aristocrat sde-pa gdong-
khar-ba, 722
Dongton Dorje Nyingpo ldong-ston rdo-rje
snying-po, 689
Donyen Menbu rdo-gnyan rman-bu: a local
divinity, 690
Dorjebum rdo-rje 'bum, 667; see Yung-
tdn(pa) Dorjepel
Dorje Gyelpo rdo-rje rgyal-po, 771
Dorje Gyeltsen, myriarch of Yamdrok yar-
'brog khri-dpon rdo-rje rgyal-mtshan,
Dorje Gyeltsen rdo-rje rgyal-mtshan, 686-7 Dorje Lekpa, (the Oath-bound One/
protector) rdo-rje legs-pa/dam-can (rdo-rje legs-pa), Skt. Vajrasadhu,
Deshek Gyawo - Dre Trhocung 401 Rikdzin Perna Trhinle rig-'dzin padma
phrin-Ias, 398, 683, 730, 823, 824, 828, 833
Rikdzin IV, Zhapdrung Perna Trhinle
n'g-'dzin bzhi-pa zhabs-drung padma
phrin-las, 783
Dorje Trak Rikdzin V, Kelzang Perna
WangcUk (1719/20-70) rdo-rje brag rig-'dzin skal-bzang padma dbang- phyug: see Supreme Emanation ofthe Dorje Trak Rikdzin
Dorje Trhitsuk rdo-rje khri-gtsug, 607; see Nup(cen) Sangye Yeshe
Dorje TroW (Vajra Pot-belly) rdo-rje gro- (bo-)lod: Guru Rinpoche's
manifestation during the eleventh
month, 519, 519; see Guru RinptJche
Dorje Wangcuk, the layman of Yolcak yol-
lcags dge-bsnyen rdo-rje dbang-phyug,
(Dorje) Yangwangter (rdo-rye) yang-dbang
gter, 607, 613; see Nup(cen) Sangye Yeshe
(Dorje) Yudronma (rdo-rje) gYu-sgron-ma: her "seven sisters" are unidentified, 581-2, 584, 586, 587, 588
Dorje ZhOnu, lama bla-ma rdo-rje gzhon-nu, 802
Dorje Ziji, the all-knowing kun-mkhyen rdo- ry'e gzi-bry'id, 734; see (Jamyang) Khyentse Wangpo
Dorta the Black, (the Mongol) (horlrgya) do- rta nag-po, 766, 953
Dotokpa Sangye-tra rdo-thogs-pa sangs-rgyas grags, 685-6
Doton Senge mdo-ston seng-ge, 707
Dra Dorje Zhonu sgra rdo-ry'e gzhon-nu,
Drangsong TrhOpei Gyelpo drang-srong
khros-pa'i rgyal-po: the seventh emanational teacher according to the Great Perfection, 136
Drghasamiidana, the king of lions yi-dam brtan-pa, 132
Dre Atsara (Nuru) 'bre a-tsa-ra (nu-ru), 712, 713
Dre Atsara Sale 'bre a-tsa-ra sa-le, 712 Dre Gyelwei Lodro 'bre rgyal-ba'j blo-gros,
Drenpa Koncok Gyeltsen 'dren-pa dkon-
mchog rgyal-mtshan, 813
Dre Trhocung of upper Nyang nyang-slOd-
555,556,560,560-1, 572, 581, 589, 591,661
Dorje Lingpa rdo-rje gling-pa (1346-1405), 790, 789-92, 954
Jampel Choki Shenyen 'jam-dpal chos- kyi bshes-gnyen, 791
Kiinkyong Lingpa kun-skyong gling-pa, 791
Orgyen Zangpo o-rgyan bzang-po, 789 Perna Lingpa padma gling-pa, 791 Yungdrung Lingpa yung-drung gling-pa,
Dorje Namgyel, the great spiritual warriorl
bodhisattva of Tarlung sems-dpa' chen-polbyang-chub sems-dpa' dar- lung-pa rdo-rje rnam-rgyal, 697, 701
Dorje Senge rdo-rje seng-ge, 722
Dorje Thokmetsel rdo-rje thogs-med rtsal,
821; see Dalai Lama V Dorje Trakpotsel (Expression of the
Ferocious Vajra) rdo-rje drag-po rtsal: Guru Rinpoche's wrathful manifestation during the fourth month, also known as Perna Dorje Trakpotsel, 469; see Guru Rinpoche
Dorje Trak Rikdzin I, Godemcen (1337-
1409) rdo-rje brag rig-'dzin rgod-ldem- can, 781
Ngodrup Gyeltsen dngos-grub rgyal- mtshan, 780-3
Rikdzin Godemcen rig-'dzin rgod-Idem- can, 780-3, 813, 919
Rikdzinje rig-'dzin-rje, 719
DorjeTrak Rikdzin II, Lekdenje (1488-1569)
rdo-rje brag rig-'dzin legs-ldan-rje, 718 Lekden Dorje legs-ldan rdo-rje, 807 Rikdzin II, Lekdenje rig-'dzin legs-ldan-
rje, 717, 783, 807
Dorje Trak Rikdzin III, Ngagiwangpo
(1580-1639) rdor-brag rig-'dzin ngag-
gi dbang-po, 782, 812
Cangpa Rikdzin Ngagiwangpo byang-pa
rig-'dzin ngag-gi dbang-po, 679, 681,
683, 719, 821
Rikdzin III, Ngagiwangpo rig-'dzin
ngag-gi dbang-po, 783
Dorje Trak Rikdzin IV, Perna Trhinle
(1641-1717) rdor-brag n'g-'dzin padma
phrin-las, 719, 719-20
(Cangdak) Perna Trhinle (byang-bdag)
padma phrin-las, 41, 956 Kiinzang Perna Trhinle kun-bzang
padma phrin-las, 720
kyi 'bre khro-chung, 619
402 Index of Personal Names
Drigung Choki Gyelpo (b. 1335) 'bri-gung chos-kyi rgyal-po, 787
Drigung Choki Trakpa (b. 1595) 'bri-gung chos-kyi grags-pa: the twenty-first gdan-rabs of Drigung, 812
Drigung Koncok Trhinle Zangpo 'bri- gung dkon-mchog phrin-las bzang-po,
Drigung Kyopa (1143-1219) 'bri-gung skyob-
pa, 761, 952
Drigungpa emanations, the two 'bri-gung
sprul-sku gnyis: i. e. Chetsang and Chungtsang ('bri-gung che-tshang chung-tshang), 839
Drigung (Zurpa) Rincen Phtintsok (1509-
57) 'bri-gung-pa chos-rgyal (zur-pa) rin-chen phun-tshogs: the sixteenth gdan-rabs of Drigung, 571, 595, 676- 7, 681, 798, 807
Drigung Zurpa Ratna 'bri-gung zur-pa rat-na, 681
Drocam Trhompagyen 'bro-lcam khrom-pa rgyan, 805
Dro, the deity of 'gro-lha, 605
Drodtil Lingpa 'gro-'dul gling-pa, 794; see
Ratna Lingpa
Drogon Namka Ozer 'gro-mgon nam-mkha'
'od-zer, 757
(Drogon) Namka Pelwa ('gro-mgon) nam-
mkha' dpal-ba, 757, 758
Ngadak Drogon mnga'-bdag 'gro-mgon,
763, 765
Drokben Khyeucung Lotsawa 'brog-ban
khye'u chung lo-tsa-ba, 535, 813 Drokmi (Sakya Yeshe), the translator (993-
1050) 'brog-mi lo-tsa-ba (sa-kya ye-
shes), 395,633,930,951 DroicenlDrolmawa Samdrup Dorje (1295-
1376) sgrol-chenlsgrol-ma-ba bsam- 'grub rdo-rye, 348, 672, 700, 717, 720, 721; see Tanak Drolmawa Samdrup Dorye
(Droicen) Sangye Rincen (1350-1431) (sgrol-
chen) sangs-rgyas rin-chen, 672-4,
Sangye Rincen Gyeltsen Pelzangpo
sangs-rgyas rin-chen rgyal-mtshan
dpal-bzang-po, 672
Drolgom, the spiritual benefactor dge-bshes
sgrol-sgom, 546
Drolmawa Samdrup Dorje sgrol-ma-ba
bsam-'grub rdo-rye, 672; see Tanak Drolmawa Samdrup Dorye
Dromton (Gyelwei Jungne) (1004-64) 'bram-
stan rgyal-ba'i 'byung-gnas, 550, 575,
950, 951
Dromza Pamti Chenmo 'brom-bza' spam-ti
chen-mo, 537
Dromza Sonamgyen 'brom-bza' bsod-nams
rgyan, 575
Dron Kungtangpa mgron gung-thang-pa, 777 Dropukpa, (the lord of secrets) (gsang-bdag)
sgro-phug-pa, 346,646-9,650,651, 660,677,685, 701, 728, 952; see Zur (Drapukpa) Sakya Senge
Dro Rincen Barwa 'bra rin-chen 'bar-ba, 556
Drosechung 'gra-sras chung, 603, 605 Dro Tarseng of lower Nyang nyang-smad
sgro-dar-seng, 651 Drotonpa sgro-stan-pa, 632
Dru Gomgying gru sgom-'gying, 622
Drukpa (Paksam Wangpo), the all-knowing
(1593-1641) 'brug-pa (thams-cad mkhyen-pa) dpag-bsam dbang-po: the fifth Drukcen, 809, 812, 833
Drukt6n Trakpa of Kharak kha-rag 'brug- stan grags-pa, 562
Drupcenpa, lama bla-ma sgrub-chen-pa, 721; see (Rikdzin) Yudruk Dorye
Drutsagangpa 'bru-tsha sgang-pa, 698 Dudjom Rinpoche, (His Holiness) (1904- 87), Pl. 99; 11, 35, 39,41-2, 394,
398, 400, 888
Dtijom Trtilku bdud-'joms sprul-sku, 972 Jikdrel Yeshe Dorje (Gelek Nampar
Gyelweide) (Fearless Indestructible Reality of Pristine Cognition, the Victorious Army of All that is Good)
'jigs- 'bral ye-shes rdo-rye (dge-legs rnam-par rgyal-ba'i sde) , 377-8, 379,
Tshojung Gyepei Langtso Tsuklak
Mawei Nyima (Joyous Youth of the Lake-born Lotus, the Sun amongst Proponents of Scripture) mtsho-byung dgyes-pa'i lang-tsho gtsug-lag smra-ba'i
nyi-ma, 972
Dtidtil Dorje, (the great treasure-finder)
(1615-72) (gter-chen) bdud-'dul rdo-
rye, 812, 956; see Rikdzin Diidiil
Dtidtil, master slob-dpon bdud-'dul, 780 Dtijom Lingpa, the great treasure-finder
(1835-1904) gter-chen bdud-'joms gling-pa, 919, 920, 958
Dtijom Trtilku bdud-'joms sprul-sku, 972; see Dudjom Rinpoche
Dtiltsangma, the nagini klu-mo 'dul-tshang- ma,452
Dumpa Tondrup Wangyelldum-pa don-grub dbang-rgyal, 729-30
Dumpopa ldum-po-ba, 821
Dzaborwa rdza-bor-ba, 546
Dzamton (Drowei Gonpo) 'dzam-ston ('gro-
ba'i mgon-po), 688, 689
Dzemza Lhamo 'dzem-bza' lha-mo, 537 Dzeng Co-se 'dzeng jo-sras, 550-1, 552
Co-se (Dzeng) jo-sras, 549, 565, 649 "Mad" Co-se, the younger Dzeng jo-sras
'dzeng-chung smyon-pa, 551
Dzeng (Dharmabodhi) (1052-1136) 'dzeng (dha-rma bo-dhi), 544, 543-50, 551,
Pawo Dzengcung dpa'-bo 'dzeng-chung,
Dzokcen Gemang rdzogs-chen dge-mang,
879; see Gyelse Zhenpen Thaye (of
Dzokcenpa Drukdra Zangpo rdzogs-chen-pa
'brug-sgra bzang-po, 724
Dzokcen I, Perna Rikdzin (1625-97) rdzogs-
chen-pa padma rig-'dzin, 817, 737 Perna Rikdzin of Dzokcen rdzogs-chen
padma rig-'dzin, 736-7
Dzokcen Perna Rikdzin II, Gyurme Thekcok Tendzin rdzogs-chen gnyis- pa 'gyur-med theg-mchog bstan-'dzin, 833
Dzokcen IV, Mingyur Namkei Dorje
(b. 1793) rdzogs-chen sprul-sku bzhi- pa mi-'gyur nam-mkha'i rdo-rye, 737
Dzokcen Trtilku V, Thupten ChOki Dorje
(1872-1935) rdzogs-chen lnga-pa thub-
bstan chos-kyi rdo-rye, 879, 958 Dzongsar Ngari ChOje Ktinga Jamyang
rdzong-gsar mnga'-ris chos-rye kun-dga'
'jam-dbyangs, 868 Dzungar(s) jun-gar-pa, 957
(Eight) Closest Sons nye-sras (brgyad): listed in the Glossary of Enumerations, 624,864
Eighteen "Secret Liberators" gsang-ba'i sgrol-ging bco-brgyad: listed in the Glossary of Enumerations, 620
Eight Emanations of the Guru/Guru Padmasambhava's Eight Emanations gu-ru mtshan brgyad: listed in the Glossary of Enumerations under
Eight Emanations (of Padmasam- bhava), Pl. 16; 858, 893; see Guru Rinpoche
eightfold group of the Monpa, mounted on tigers stag-zhon mon-pa sde-brgyad, 628
"Eight-footed Lion", the Shing-go-chen-pa
shing-sgo chen-pa seng-ge rkang-pa brgyad-pa, 592; see Ta'i Situ (Cangcup Gyeltsen)
Eight Gauri gau-ri brgyad: listed in the Glossary of Enumerations, 623, 639 "eight glorious adepts of Vajrakila" phur-pa
mkhan-po-dag dpal brgyad, 605
eight glorious disciples (of Nyak JiUinakumara) (gnyag dznya-na kumara'i) slob-ma dpal brgyad, 608, 918
eight great accomplished masters grub-pa'i slob-dpon chen-po brgyad: listed in the Glossary of Enumerations, 482-3; see also following entry
eight (great) awareness-holders rig-'dzin (chen-po) brgyad, 470, 757, 791; see also preceding entry
eight "rafters" gding-ma brgyad: students of Zurcungpa, 640, 642
Eight Transmitted Precepts bka-'brgyad, 828; see (Deities ofthe) Eight Transmitted Precepts (of Great Attainment)
Eight Wrathful Goddesses khro-mo brgyad, 628
eighty-four accomplished masters grub-thob brgyad-cu rtsa-bzhi, 442
EkajaTi, (the mantra protectress) e-ka-dza-ti (sngags-bdaglsngags-srung-ma),561, 570,570,572,580,587,591,609, 843, 849, 865
elixir goddess sman-gyi lha-mo, 757
E Yeshe Gyelwa dbas ye-shes rgyal-ba, 526 Fifth Dalai Lama rgyal-mchog lnga-pa: see
Dalai Lama V
Fifth Guide rnam-'dren lnga-pa, 749, 971;
see M aitreya
Fifty-eight Blood-drinkers khrag-thunglkhro-
bo lnga-bcu nga-brgyad: listed in the Glossary of Enumerations, 623; see also peaceful and wrathful deities
fifty-five realised ones of Yangdzong yang- rdzong-gi rtogs-Idan nga-lnga, 537
Five-arrowed One mda'-lnga, Skt. Paficasara, 421; see Kama
Drigung ChiJki Gyelpo - Five-arowed One 403
404 Index of Personal Names Five Conquerors/Teachers rgyal-ba/ston-pa
lnga: listed in the Glossary of Enumerations under Five Teachers, 125; see Buddhas of the Five Enlightened Families
five emanational brothers of Yarlung yar- klung sprul-sku mched-lnga, 686
five kingly treasure-finders gter-ston rgyal-po lnga: listed in the Glossary of Enumerations, 755, 760, 789, 796, 849
five (noble) companions lnga-sde bzang-po: listed in the Glossary of
Enumerations, 153, 419, 422, 423,
five noble ones rigs-can lnga: listed in the
Glossary of Enumerations, 454-5,
four "teachers" ston-pa bzhi: students of Dropukpa, 648-9
Fourth Guide mam-'dren bzhi-pa, 409, 943; see Buddha
Ga, the awareness-holder of Nyo gnyos-kyi rig-'dzin sga: the father of Khyentse Rinpoche, 854
Gagasiddhi ga-ga si-ddhi, 489
Gaje Wangcuk, son of the gods lha'i bu
dga'-byed dbang-phyug, 136 Gampo Choktrtil Zangpo Dorje sgam-po
mchog-sprul bzang-po rdo-rye, 833 Gampopa Orgyen Drodtil Lingpa sgam-po-
pa o-rgyan 'gro-'dul gling-pa, 957
Gampopa, (the physician of Takpo) 00? 9-
1153) sgam-po-pa (dvags-po lha-rye):
his emanations who were hierachs of Taklha Gampo (dvags-lha sgam-po) in chronological order include: Gampo Trashi Namgyel, Gampopa Zhapdrung Norbu Gyenpa, Gampo Choktrtil Zangpo Dorje, Gampopa Orgyen Drodtil Lingpa, 200, 547, 908
Dao ZhOnu zla-'od gzhon-nu, 931 Nyiwa Rincen snyi-ba rin-chen, 200 Takpo (Dao Zhonu) dvags-po (zla-'od
gzhon-nu), 931, 952
Takpo Lharje dvags-po lha-rje, 649, 853,
Gampopa Trashi Namgyel 0512/13-87)
sgam-po-pa bkra-shis mam-rgyal, 955
Gampopa (Zhapdrung) Norbu Gyenpa
0588/99-1633) sgam-po-pa (zhabs-
drung) nor-bu rgyan-pa, 809, 811, 956 Gal). apati tshogs-bdag, 713
Gandha dri-chab-ma, 125
Gar, the religious minister chos-blon mgar,
Garap Dorje, (the emanation) (sprul-sku).
dga'-rab rdo-ry'e, Skt. *PramodavaJra, 39,358,371,451,477,487,491, 490-4, 503, 539,922,927, 949, 960
"Ashen Zombie" ro-langs thal-mdog, Skt. *Vetala Bhasmavarl). a, 477, 493
Prajfiabhava shes-rab 'byung-gnas/pra- dzya-bha-ba, 493
Sukha the "Zombie" ro-langs bde-ba, 487-8, 493 ,.
"Zombie" Sukhasiddhi ro-langs bde-ba z dngos-grub, 466
Garton Tshtiltrim Zangpo 'gar-stan tshul- khrims bzang-po, 703
Five Conquerors - Guhyajiiana 405 Gompa Ktinrin of Drigung 'bri-gung sgom-
pa kun-rin, 591-2 Ktinga kun-dga', 591
Gompa Sonam Nyingpo sgom-pa bsod-nams snying-po, 622
Gonkyap, master slob-dpon mgon-skyabs, 552 Gonpo Sonam Chokden (of Nesar) 0603-
59) (gnas-gsar-ba) mgon-po bsod-nams
mchog-ldan, 683, 720, 724-5 Kangyurwa Gonpo Sonam Chokden
bka'-'gyur-ba mgon-po bsod-nams mchog-ldan, 812
Gonpo Targye of the Lha clan of Ju 'ju lha- rigs mgon-po dar-rgyas, 869
Gontse Trtilku of Tshona in Mon mon mtsho-sna dgon-rtse sprul-sku, 839
Gopa sa-'tsho-ma, 418
Goriwa, master slob-dpon go-ri-ba, 552
GoWn Jungne Dorje 'gos-ston 'byung-gnas rdo-ry'e, 674
Gotsangpa 0 189-1258) rgod-tshang-pa: i. e. Gonpo Dorje (mgon-po rdo-ry'e), 922
Go Tsiiungpa 'gos rtsi-Iung-pa, 700
Go ZhOnupei 'gos gzhon-nu-dpal, 687; see
GOlo(tsawa) Zhonupel
Great AII-Pervader khyab-'jug chen-po, Skt.
447; see Samantabhadra Great Compassionate One thugs-ry'e chen-po,
Skt. Mahakarul). ika, 507, 511, 560, 564, 565, 569, 677, 659, 755, 762, 765, 770, 784, 828, 829; see
(Great) Fifth (Dalai Lama) lnga-pa (chen-
po), 682-4, 688, 719, 720, 728, 736- 7, 821-4, 830, 831, 832-3, 926, 931, 966; see Dalai Lama V
Great Glorious (Yangdak Heruka) dpal- chen-po (yang-dag he-ru-ka), 617, 621,623,625-8,630,631-2,634_5, 639, 643, 644; see Yangdak Heruka
great kings of the four directions phyogs- bzhi'i rgyal-chen, 421; see four guardian kings
Great Mother yum-chen-mo: Prajfiaparamita, 623-4
Great Thirteenth (Dalai Lama) bcu-gsum-pa chen-po, 777-8; see Dalai Lama XI/I Great Translator of Sakya sa-lo chen-po, 642,
n. 781
Guhyajfiana, the <;lakinI of pristine cognition
ye-shes mkha'-'gro-ma gsang-ba ye- shes, 469
458, 948
five sons who were successors to the
Garu<;la khyung-po, 545
Gautama gau-ta-ma, 422-3; see Buddha Gayadhara, (the pal). <;lita) (pa1J,qita) ga-ya-
dha-ra, 633, 930
Gejong Losel Gyamtso dge-sbyong blo-gsal
rgya-mtsho, 833
GelaWn dge-Ia-ston, 603; see (Nyak) Geton Gelong Pelden dge-slong dpal-Idan, 572; see
Gemang II, Thupwang Tenpei Nyima dge-
mang gnyis-pa thub-dbang bstan-pa'i nyi-ma: the second Dzokcen Gemang, 919
Gendtin Gyamtso 0476-1542) dge-'dun rgya- mtsho: i. e. Dalai Lama II, 955 Gendtin Gyeltsen, the doctrine master chos-
ry'e dge-'dun rgyal-mtshan, 678 Gendtin Trupa (1391-1474) dge-'dun grub-
pa: i. e. Dalai Lama I, 954
Geshe Locungpa dge-bshes lo-chung-ba, 761;
see PangtO"n Trupei Nyingpo Geshe Po dge-bshes spo, 545
Gewei Yicen (Virtuous-minded), the householder dge-ba'i yid-can: father of SrI Sirnha, 497
Ghamapada dnl(-bu-pa), 404
Ghare (of Minyak) (mi-nyag) gha-ras, 661-2,
GIta glu-ma, 125
Glorious HerukaiSrIheruka dpal he-ru-ka, 475-7, 534, 691; see Yangdak Heruka
Gocatsha 'go-bya-tsha, 642, 643
Gocung Wange 'go-chung dbang-nge, 642,
Go (Khukpa Lhetse, the translator) gos(-lo
khug-pa lhas-btsas), 643, 709
Go Lhetse 'gos lhas-btsas, 708, 914, 916,
Go Lotsawa 'gos lo-tsa-ba, 689
Go Lotsawa: see preceding entry
Golo Yezang Tsepa: see following entry Golo(tsawa) ZhOnupel 0392-1481) 'gos-lo
gzhon-nu dpall'gos lo-tsa-ba, 398, 553, 616, 673, 674-5, 676, 709,914, 921, 954, 965
(Golo) Yezang Tsepa ('gos-lo) ye-bzang rtse-pa, 673-4, 675
Go Zhonupel 'gos gzhon-nu-dpal, 687 GomadevI, daughter sras-mo go-ma-de-
Goma Neijorma sgom-ma mal-'byor-ma, 655
Gomdar, attendant nye-gnas sgom-dar, 572 Gompa, master slob-dpon sgom-pa, 571
. transmitted precepts bka'-babs-kyz
bu-lnga: students of Nyang-rel
Nyima Ozer, 759
Forty-two (Peaceful) Buddhas/Deities . (zhz-
ba'i) sangs-rgyas/lha zhe-gnyzs: hsted in the Glossary of Enumerations, 125-6,623,644, 691; see also peaceful and wrathful deities
four "black ones" nag-po bzhi: students of Dropukpa, 648 . four female earth spirits sa-bdag-mo bzhz:
listed in the Glossary of Enumera-
tions, 481
four "grandfathers" mes-po bzhi: students of
Dropukpa, 648-9
four guardian kings rgyal-chen bzhi, Skt.
Caturmaharajika: listed in the
Glossary of Enumerations, 419
great kings of the four directions phyogs-
bzhi'i rgyal-chen, 421
Four Mahakrodha khro-bo chen-po bzhi:
wrathful male deities, listed in the
Glossary of Enumerations, 125-6 Four MahakrodhI khro-mo bzhi: wrathful
female deities, listed in the Glossary
of Enumerations, 126
four "pillars" ka-ba bzhi: students of
Zurcungpa, 346, 640-2, 645, 647 four sons who were prophesied lung-bscan
bu-bzhi: students of Katokpa Tampa
four "summits" rtse-mo bzhi: students of
Zurpoche, 622, 623, 625, 631, 635, 638
406 Index of Personal Names GuhyapatilLord of Secrets gsang(-ba'i)
bdag(-po), 282, 377, 405, 430, 441, 451,454,458,459,460,485,490, 609,645,648,734,728,923,925,
948; see Vajrapii1J,i
Guhyaputra gu-hya-pu-tri: the son of King
Ja, 485
Guhyasamaja gsang(-ba) 'dus(-pa): see
nineteen-deity mal)Qala of Mafijuvajra
'jam-pa'i rdo-rje lha bcu-dgu'i dkyil- 'khor: listed in the Glossary of Enumerations, 496
Guluk, emperor go-lug rgyal-po, 671 GUl)aprabha yon-tan 'od, 441 , Guniru, the yoginI rnal-'byor-ma gu-m-ru,
Gupta sbas, 435, 436
Gurkha(s) 838, 957
(Guru) Chowang or Choki Wangcuk (1212-
70) (gu-ru) chos(-kyi) dbang(-phyug) , 695,719,758,761,760-70,773, 789,807,698,835,953
Chowang Rinpoche chos-dbang rin-po- che, 838
Guru Cober 0172-1231) gu-rujo-'ber, 563, 563-4, 565
Guru Khyungdra gu-ru khyung-grags, 662
Guru Rinpoche gu-ru rin-po-che: Padmasam- bhava, Pis, 16, 26, 58, 78; 468-74, 470, 512-21, 585, 676, 746, 755, 757,766, 789, 791, 793, 814, 841,
842, 845, 846, 854, 856, 857, 858,
863, 864, 865,939-40,972
Eight Emanations of the Guru/Guru,
Padmasambhava's Eight Emanations gu-ru mtshan brgyad: listed in the Glossary of Enumerations, PI. 16;
858, 893
The twelve manifestations of Guru
Rinpoche which correspond to the
twelve months are:
1) (Preserver of Peace) sha-
nta-raksita, 469
2) Loden Chokse (Intelligent Boon-
seeker) blo-ldan mchog-sred, 470 and
2) Sakyasiqlha (Lion of the Sakyas) sii- kya seng-ge, 469, 488
3) Padmakara (Lotus-origin) padma 'byung-gnas, 469, 517, 787, 889, 892, 927, 944, 948
4) (Perna) Dorje Trakpotsel (Expression
of the Ferocious Vajra) rdo-rje drag-
po rtsal, 469
5) SiqlhanadaiSenge Dradrok (Lion's Roar) seng-ge sgra-sgrog, 472, 845
6) (Guru) Saroruhavajra (Vajra of the ,
Lake-born Lotus) mtsho-skyes rdo-rye,
469, 857, 855-6, 866
7) Khyeucung Khadingtsel (Youth who
Flies like GaruQa) khye'u chung
mkha'-lding rtsal, 471
8) Suryarasmi (Sunbeam) nyi-ma 'od-zer,
9) Perna (Dorje) Thotrengtsel (Lotus
whose Expression is a Garland of
Skulls) padma thod-phreng-rtsal, 471 10) Padmasambhava, (the great master) (slob-dpon chen-po) padma (sam-bha- ba): also used as a general name for Guru Rinpoche, 38, 39, 40, 63, 96,
265, 342, 394, 396, 397,455,470, 468-74,481,483,488,498, 504, 512_21,522,532,533,534,535,
554-5,568, 569, 573, 575, 582, 583, 584, 585, 587, 591, 595, 601, 605, 607,676,677,706,710,711,712, 714, 715, 728, 745, 746, 747, 749,
757, 760, 768, 771, 773, 784, 785, 797, 802, 809, 821, 825, 828, 829, 844, 848, 852, 856, 864, 866, 887, 888,890,892,893,894,917,921,
922, 927, 930, 934-5, 938-40, 949- 50,951,972 ,
11) Dorje Trolo (Vajra Pot-belly) rdo-rye gro-(bo-)lod, 519, 519
12) Perna Gyelpo/Padmaraja (Lotus King) padma rgyal-po, 471, 854
Other manifestations/names include: Dewachenpo bde-ba-chen-po, 972
Guru Trakpo gu-ru drag-po, 519, 589, 590, 591
King Sikhin (Crested King) rgyal-po thor-cog-can, 469
master slob, 968, 973 , Orgyen Dorje Chang o-rgyan rdo-rye
'chang, 45
Orgyen (Rinpochelthe precious) o-rgyan
(rin-po-che): Guru Rinpoche of Oddiyana, 557, 746, 751, 764, 765, 76'6', 774, 775, 784, 786, 789, 790, 793,796, 809, 837, 841, 847,859,
860, 863, 935
peaceful and wrathful Guru bla-ma zhi- drag, 828
Perna Rikdzin padma rig-'dzin, 866 Tavihrca ta-bi-hri-tsa: a Ponpo teacher
identified as a form of Guru
Rinpoche, 473
Thukdrup thugs-sgrub, 586
Wangcuk Dorje dbang-phyug rdo-rje, 755
Guru of Suvarl)advIpa gser-gling-pa: Dharmapala, the guru of Atisa, 184, n, 174
Guru Trakpo gu-ru drag-po, 519, 589, 590, 591; see Guru Rinpoche
Guru Yeshe Rapjam gu-ru ye-shes rab- 'byams, 595
Gushri Tendzin ChOgyel, the Mongolian (b. 1582) sog-po gu-shri bstan-'dzin chos-rgyal, 823
Gushri Trakpelpa, the preceptor mkhan-po gu-shri grags-dpal-pa, 675
Gyacing Rupa rgya-'chings ru-ba, 685 Gyadrakpa rgya-brag-pa, 835
Gya Gyeltstil rgya rgyal-tshul, 708 Gyakap Kongpa, lama bla-ma rgya-khab
gong-pa, 660
Gyanyonpa Tonden rgya-smyon-pa don-ldan,
Gyapton Dorje Gonpo rgyab-ston rdo-ry'e
mgon-po, 649 Gyare rgya-ras, 547
Gyari, the minister rgya-ri dpon-sa, 727 Gyat6n rgya-ston, 649
Gyat6n Lodro rgya-ston blo-gros, 619 Gyaton Sak-ye rgya-ston silk-ye, 634 Gyatrtil Perna Do-nga Tendzin rgya-sprul
padma mdo-sngags bstan-'dzin, 738 Gyatsang Korwa of upper Nyang nyang-
stod-kyi rgya-rtsang skor-ba, 651
Gya Tsonseng rgya brtson-seng, 650
Gya Yeshe Gonpo rgya ye-shes mgon-po, 686;
see (Phungpo) Gya Yeshe Gonpo
Gya Zhangtrom rgya zhang-khrom, 765; see
(Tumpa) Gya Zhangtrom
Gyedor, lama bla-ma dgyes-rdor, 568 Gyelkangtsewa Peljor Gyamtso rgyal-khang
rtse-ba dpal-'byor rgya-mtsho, 678 Gyelmodzom rgyal-mo 'dzom, 677 Gyelmoyang rgyal-mo gYang, 561
Gyelmo Yudra Nyingpo rgyal-mo(-rong-gi)
gYu-grags snying-po, 535; see Yudra
Gyelse Lekpa of Sho (b. 1290) sho'i rgyal-
sras legs-pa, 574, 590
Guhyapati - Gyurme Dorje 407 Gyelse Lharje rgyal-sras lha-ry'e: the second
son of Mutik Tsepo, refer to the Glossary of Enumerations for his thirteen incarnations, 751, 805, 835, 849
Lhase Chokdrup Gyelpo lha-sras mchog- grub rgyal-po, 775
Gyelse Norbu Wangyel rgyal-sras nor-bu dbang-rgyal, 735
Gyelse Norbu Yongdra rgyal-sras nor-bu yongs-grags, 817
Gyelse Rincen Namgyel rgyal-sras rin-chen rnam-rgyal: i. e. Minling Trhicen III, 733, 734
Trincen Rincen Namgyel drin-chen rin- chen rnam-rgyal, 833
Gyelse Tenpei Nyima rgyal-sras bstan-pa'i nyi-ma: DharmasrI's elder brother, 730
Gyelse Zhenpen Thaye (of Dzokcen)
(b. 1800 or 1740) (rdzogs-chen) rgyal-sras gzhan-phan mtha'-yas: founder of SrI Siqlha College at Dzokcen, 737, 957
Dzokcen Gemang rdzogs-chen dge-mang, 879
Gyelse Zopa rgyal-sras bzod-pa, 593, 595 Gyeltsap IV, Trakpa Tondrup (of Tshurpu)
(c. 1550-1617) rgyal-tshab grags-pa
don-grub, 812
Gyeltsap V, Trakpa Choyang (of Tshurpu)
(1618-58) rgyal-tshab grags-pa mchog-
dbyangs, 724
Gyeltsen Pelzang rgyal-mtshan dpal-bzang,
Gyelwa Choyang rgyal-ba mchog-dbyangs,
535, 536, 575,675 J ta dznya-na-indra-rakshi-
ta, 575
Ngenlam Gyelwa Choyang ngan-lam
rgyal-ba mchog-dbyangs, 515 Yeshe Wangposung ye-shes dbang-po
srung, 575
Gyelwa Poton rgyal-ba spo-ston, 547 Gyelwei Lodro rgyal-ba'i blo-gros, 601; see
also Nyak Jfiiinakumilra
Gyepak Sherap dgyes-'phags shes-rab, 605 Gyi-phan gyi-phan, 524
Gyurme Chokdrup Pelbar 'gyur-med mchog-
grub dpal-'bar: i. e. Lhodrak Thukse
Dawa Gyeltsen V, 735 Spiritual Son thug-sras, 839
Gyurme Dorje, (the great treasure-finder of MindrOling) (smin-gling gter-chen)
408 Index of Personal Names 'gyur-med rdo-rje, 726, 728, 729, 730,
731, 734, 735, 956, 966; see
(Rikdzin) Terdak Lingpa
Gyurme Dorjetsel 'gyur-med rdo-rje rtsal: see
(Rikdzin) Terdak Lingpa, 828
Gyurme Ngedon Wangpo, pervading lord) (khyab-bdag) gyur- med nges-don dbang-po, 734, 868, 919
His Presence, the Karmapa sku-mdun karma-pa, 579; see Karmapa III
Ho-shang Mo-ho-yen holhva-shang mahiiyana, 511, 896, 899,905,
Hraza Sonam DrOima dbra-bza' bsod-nams
sgrol-ma, 675
Hlilegli hu-Ie-gu: the brother of and
founder of the Ilkhan dynasty m Persia, 664
Humkara hun:r-ka-ralhun:r-mdzad, 475-7,
. 476,483,489,516,533,829,864,
HUqlkara, the wrathful deity khro-bo hun:r-
Humnak Mebar, the mantra adept hiln:r-nag
Jalandharipa dza-lan-dha-ri-pa, 459, 462, 473, 494, 603, 693
Balapada byis-pa'i zhabs, 462 Jambhala rmugs-'dzinldzam-bha-Ia, 494,
Jamgon Khyentse Wangpo jam-mgon
mkhyen-brtse'i dbang-po, 738; see
(Jamyang) Khyenlse Wangpo
Jamgon Kongtrlil (Lodro Thaye) (1813-99)
'jam-mgon kong-sprul (blo-gros mtha'- yas), 41,375,398,735,842,857, 860, 859-68, 871, 958
Chime Tenyi Yungdrung Lingpa 'chi- med bstan-gnyis gYung-drung gling-pa, 863
Jamgon Yonten Gyamtso (Lodro Thaye)
'jam-mgon yon-tan rgya-mtsho (blo-
gros mtha'-yas), 859, 875, 966 Jamgon Lozang Trakpa jam-mgon blo-bzang
grags-pa, 954; see Tsongkapa
Jamgon Mipham Mawei Senge (1846-1912) 'jam-mgon mi-pham smra-ba'i seng-ge,
375; see Mipham Gyamtso
Jamgon Tsongkapa 'jam-mgon tsong-kha-pa,
925, 930; see Tsongkapa
Jamgon Yonten Gyamtso (Lodro Thaye) 'jam-mgon yon-tan rgya-mtsho (blo-
gros mlha'-yas), 859, 875, 966; see
Jamgon Kongtrnl (Lodro Thaye) Jampel ChOki Shenyen jam-dpal chos-kyi bshes-gnyen, 791; see Dorje Lingpa
Jampel Dewei Nyima, (lord of the maI). qala circle) ('khor-lo'i mgon-po) 'jam-dpal bde-ba'i nyi-ma, 734,919; see Gyurme Phendei Qzer
Jamyang, the attendant nye-gnas 'jam- dbyangs, 669
Jamyang ChOkyong 'jam-dbyangs chos- skyong, 805
Jamyang Khyentse Wangcuk (b. 1524)
'jam-dbyangs mkhyen-brtse dbang- phyug, 717, 824, 922
(Jamyang) Khyentse Wangpo (1820-92)
'jam-dbyangs mkhyen-brtse'i dbang-po,
PI. 32; 41, 734, 751, 777, 792, 843, 848, 850, 849-58, 861, 863, 864, 865, 867-8, 871, 958
Choki Shenyen chos-kyi bshes-gnyen, 854 Do-nga Lingpa mdo-sngags gling-pa, 854 Dorje Ziji, the all-knowing kun-mkhyen
rdo-rje gzi-brjid, 734
Jamgon Khyentse Wangpo 'jam-mgon
mkhyen-brtse'i dbang-po, 738
Khyentse Rinpoche mkhyen-brrse rin-po- che, 752, 844, 845, 846, 84g, 849-58, 863-6, 871, 873, 874-5, 876-7
Osel Trlilpei Dorje 'od-gsal sprul-pa'i rdo-rje, 854
Perna Osel Do-nga Lingpa padma 'od- gsal mdo-sngags gling-pa, 751, 774, 778, 804, 849-58, 871
Jamyang Lodropel jam-dbyangs blo-gros dpal,806
Jamyang Rincen Gyeltsen 'jam-dbyangs rin- chen rgyal-mtshan, 805
Utsewa Jamyang Rincen Gyeltsen (of Ngari) dbu-rtse-ba'i 'jam-dbyangs rin- chen rgyal-mtshan, 717
Jamyang Sakya PaI). qita 'jam-dbyangs sa-skya pa1J4ita, 806; see Sakya Pa1J4ita
Jamyang Samdrup Dorje 'jam-dbyangs bsam-grub rdo-rje, 671, 721; see Tanak DrOlmawa Samdrup Dorje
Jang, the king of 'jang rgyal-po, 696 Japa Do-nga 'ja'-pa mdo-sngags, 875-6 Jatson Nyingpo 'ja'-tshon snying-po, 813,
814, 820; see (Rikdzin) Jatsijn
Nyingpo Javaripa dza-bi-ra, 676
Jedrung Trhinle Campei Jungne rje-drung phrin-las byams-pa'i 'byung-gnas, 734, 868
Je Guru rje gu-ru, 925; see Tsongkapa
Je Lhakangpa rje lha-khang-pa, 650; see
CetOn Gyanak
Jesus Christ phyi-gling-pa'i ston-pa ye-shu
ma-shi-ka, 949 Jetari dze-la-ri, 233, 478
Je Tsongkapa rje tsong-kha-pa, 395; see Tsongkapa
Jetslin Hak rje-btsun hags, 657
Jetslin (Klinga) Drolcok (1507-66) rje-btsun
(kun-dga') grol-mchog, 852, 955 Jetslin Sonam Tsemo of Sakya (1142-82) sa-
skya-pa rje-btsun bsod-nams rtse-mo,
(Jetslin) Taranatha (1575-1634) (rje-btsun)
ta-ra-na-tha, 892, 956, 965 Jikdrel Yeshe Dorje (Gelek Nampar
Gyelweide) (Fearless Indestructible Reality of Pristine Cognition, the Victorious Army of All that is Good) 'jigs- 'bral ye-shes rdo-rje (dge-Iegs rnam-par rgyal-ba'i sde) , 377-8, 379, 400, 972; see Dudjom Rinpoche
Gyurme Phendei Ozer 'khor-Io'i mgon-po 'gyur-med phan-bde'i 'od-zer: one of the Minling Trhicens and a teacher of the Author, 734
Jampel Dewei Nyima, (lord of the mandala circle) ('khor-Io'i mgon-po) bde-ba'i nyi-ma, 734, 919
Gyurme Sangye Klinga, the Trhicen of Mindroling smin-gling khn-chen sangs-rgyas kun-dga': i. e. Minling Trhicen VII, 849
Trhi Sangye Klinga khri sangs-rgyas kun- dga', 733
Gyurme Thutop Namgyel of Zhecen zhe- chen-palze-chen 'gyur-med mthu-stobs rnam-rgyal, 849, 860
GyurrneTshewang Chokdrup (pandita of Katok) (kah-thog pa1Jq,tta) tshe-dbang mchog-grub, 41, 375,398,736
Katok PaI). qita Gyurme Tshewang Chokdrup kah-thog pa1J4ita 'gyur-med tshe-dbang mchog-grub, 966
Gyurzang 'gyur-bzang: the maternal uncle of Mipham Rinpoche, 870
Haranandin 'phrog-byed dga'-bo, 715, 920 Haribhadra seng-ge bzang-po, 184 Haribhadra, king rgyal-po seng-ge bzang-po,
Haribhala, master slob-dpon ha-ri-bha-la,
HayagrTva rta-mgrin, PI. 18; 473, 479, 535,
784, 802, 828; see also Bibliography AsvottamaiSupreme Horse rta-mchog,
274, 534
MaheSvara dbang-chen, 535
Heruka he-ru-ka, 274, 404, 442, 534, 545,
626,628,893,931; see Yangdak
Herukas of the Five Enlightened Families he-ru-ka rigs-lnga, 672; see Buddhas of the Five Enlightened Families
Hevajra he-badzralkye-rdo-rjeldgyes-pa rdo- rje,449,464,473, 568, 591,911
Ilkhan(s) stod-hor, 664; see Upper Mongol(s) Immortal Wish-granting Wheel 'chi-med
yid-bzhin 'khor-Io: a form of White Tara, 857; see Tara
Indra brgya-byin: i. e. Satakratu, 417,422; see Devendra
Indrabhiiti indra bhu-ti, 252, 277, 300, 346, 460,462,485,487,921; see Ja
Indrabhuti, (the Great) indra bhu-ti (chen- po): the king of Oqqiyana, perhaps to be identified with Ja, 441,458-9,
468, 503
Indrabhuti, the intermediate indra bhu-ti
bar-pa, 459, n. 472, 502; see Ja Indrabhuti, the Younger indra bhu-ti chung-
ba! chen-po'i sras, 462, 485-7; see
Indranala brgya-byin sdong-po, 534 Indraraja dbang-po'i rgyal-po, 913; see
Indrasakra dbang-po brgya-byin: Indra, 452;
see Devendra
Indrasena dbang-po'i sde, 471
Isvara dbang-phyug: Siva, 16, 65, 132 Isvarasena dbang-phyug sde, 440
Ja king (of Sahor) (za-hor) rgyal-po dza,
me-'bar, 809; see (Rikdzin) Jatson Nyingpo
39,458,459,460,462,466,485, 487, 502, 613, 948; see also Indrabhuti, (the Great)
Indrabhuti indra bhu-ti, 252, 277, 300, 346,460,462, 485, -ti
Indrabhuti, the intermediate Indra bhu bar-pa, 459, 502 .
VyakaraI). avajra lung-bstan rdo-rye, 485 Jaladatta drva-ba sbyin, 423
Gyurme Dorjelsel-Jikdrel Yeshe DorJe 409
410 Index of Personal Names Jikme Gyelwei Nyugu 'jigs-med rgyal-ba'i
myu-gu, 839
Jikme Ktindrol, the learned and
accomplished master of Mon mon
mkhas-grub 'jigs-med kun-grol, 839 Jikme Lingpa jigs-med gling-pa, 41, 92,
835-40, 965; see (Rikdzin) Jikme Lingpa
Jinamitra dzi-na-mi-tra, 515, 526 Jinasagara rgyal-ba rgya-mtsho, 591 Jftanacandra ye-shes zla-ba, 183 Jftanaketu dznya-na ke-tu, 303
Jftanaketu (mkhas-grub) dznya-na ke-tu, 696; see (Khedrup) Yeshe Gyeltsen (of
Jftanaklrti, master slob-dpon ye-shes grags-pa,
Jftanakumara, the translator of Nyak
gnyags-lo dznyana ku-mti-ra, 696; see Nyak Jiitinakumtira
Jftananatha ye-shes mgon-po, 849; see Lord of Pristine Cognition
Jftanasena, the translator lo-tsti-wa dznya-na se-na, 522; see Zhang Yeshe De
Jftanasiitra ye-shes mdo, 39,497-501,499 Jftanavajra bram-ze ye-shes rdo-rje, 478 Jftanen ta dznya-na-indra-rakshi-ta,
575; see Gyelwa Choyang
Jora Trtilku, holder of the Podongpa
teaching bo-dong-pa'i bstan-'dzin
sbyor-ra sprul-sku, 839
Ju-on Jikme Dorje, the spiritual benefactor
dge-bshes 'ju-dbon jigs-med rdo-rje,
Jvalamukha kha(-la) (me-)'bar, 130 Kadb Yeshe Nyingpo bka'-sdod ye-shes
snying-po, 619
Kalacakra dus-kyi 'khor-lo, 449; see also
Kalacakrapada, the elder and younger dus-
'khor zhabs-pa che-chung, 442 KalagrIva, the naga king klu-rgyal mgrin-pa
nag-po, 452
Kalantaka ka-lanta-ka: a bird, 455
KalyaI). a dge-ba, 440
KalyaI). acitta dge-ba'i sems-can ma, 498 Kama, flower-arrowed me-tog mda'-can,
Five-arrowed One mda'-lnga, Skt.
Paftcasara, 421 Smara dran-pa, 421
Kamalaslla ka-ma-la-shi-la, 607, 906 Kambalapada lva-ba zhabs, 459, 485-7, 486
Karmapa IX, Wangcuk Dorje (1554-1603)
karma dbang-phyug rdo-rje, 956
Karmapa X, Chbying Dorje (1605-74)
karma-pa chos-dbyings rdo-rje, 956 black-hat Karmapa zhva-nag karma-pa
811 ' Karmapa XI, Yeshe Dorje (1676-1702)
karma-pa ye-shes rdo-rje, 957
Karmapa XIII, Diidiil Dorje (1734-97)
karma-pa bdud-'dul rdo-rje, 957
Karmapa XIV, Thekcok Dorje (1797-1867)
karma-pa bcu-bzhi-pa theg-mchog rdo-
rye, 868
Karmapa XV, Khakyap Dorje (1871-1922)
karma-pa bco-lnga-pa mkha'-khyab
rdo-rje, 868, 958
Karmapa ,XVI, Rikpei Dorje (1924-81) rig-
Katokpa Gyeltsap IV, Uwbpa Yeshebum (b. 1254) kalJ,-thog-pa rgyal-tshab dbu- 'od-pa ye-shes 'bum: see Uwopa Yeshebum
Katokpa Gyeltsap V, Cangcup Pelwa kah- thog-pa rgyal-tshab byang-chub dpa'l- ba: see Cangcup Pelwa
Katokpa Gyeltsar VI, Sonam Zangpo kah- thog-pa rgyal-tshub bsod-nams po: see Sonam Zangpo
Katokpa Gyeltsap VII, Ktinga Bumpa kah- thog-pa rgyal-tshab kun-dga' see Kiinga Bumpa
Katokpa Wangcuk Pelwa kalJ,-thog-pa dbang-phyug dpal-ba: see Wangcuk Pelwa and Glossary of Enumerations under thirteen generations o f the gurus of Katok for an explanation of this listing
Katokpa Gyeltsap VIII, Lodrb Bumpa kah- thog-pa rgyal-tshab bio-gros 'bum-pa:' see Lodrii Bumpa
Katokpa Gyeltsap IX, Lodro Senge kah- thog-pa rgyal-tshab bio-gros seng-;e: see Lodrii Senge
Katokpa Gyeltsap X, Cangcup Lodro kah- thog-pa rgyal-tshab byang-chub bio-' gros: see Cangcup Lodro
Katokpa Gyeltsap XI, Cangcup Senge kalJ,- thog-pa rgyal-tshab byang-chub seng- ge: see Cangcup Senge
Katokpa Gyeltsap XII, Cangcup Gyeltsen
kalJ,-thog-pa rgyal-tshab byang- chub rgyal-mtshan: see Cangcup Gyeltsen
Katokpa Gyeltsap XIII, Yeshe Gyeltsen
kalJ,-thog-pa rgyal-tshab ye-shes rgyal- mtshan: see (Khedrup) Yeshe Gyeltsen (of Pubor)
(Katokpa) Moktbn Dorje Pelzang(po) (kalJ,- thog-pa) rmog-ston rdo-rje dpal- bzang(-po), 696, 700-1
Katokpa Namdrol Zangpo kalJ,-thog-pa rnam-grol bzang-po, 699
Katok PaI). Qita Gyurme Tshewang Chokdrup kalJ,-thog pa1J4ita 'gyur-med tshe-dbang mchog-grub, 966; see Gyurme Tshewang Chokdrup
Katokpa Perna Lodro kalJ,-thog-pa padma bio-gros, 723; see Tabla Padmamati
Katok(pa) Tampa Deshek (1122-92) kah- thog(-pa) dam-pa bde-gshegs, 689'- 688-91, 693, 698, 952
Indrabhiiti, the Younger indra bhu-ti chung-balchen-po'i sras, 462, 485-7
Sakraputra sa-kraltra-putri, 462, 485 Kam Choki Yeshe kam chos-kyi ye-shes,
Kam Lotsawa (b. 1119) kam lo-tsti-ba, 688 Kam Yeshe Gyeltsen kam ye-shes rgyal-
mtshan, 578 KaI). ada gzeg-zan, 65
Kangkar Shame gangs-dkar sha-me: a protector, 791
Kangpa Sakbum gangs-pa stik-'bum, 665, 666
Kangyurwa Gonpo Sonam Chokden bka'- 'gyur-ba mgon-po bsod-nams mchog- ldan, 812; see Gonpo Sonam Chokden (of Nesar)
KaI). hapa(da) ka-1Jha-pa, 455, 693; see
king 429, 430, 456 KaI). thaka bsngags-ldan, 417, 419 Kapila, the drang-srong ser-skya, 64-5
KapilabhadrI ser-skya bzang-mo, 432
Kargi Wangmo, the QakinI mkha'-'gro gar-
gyi dbang-mo, 760
Karma Chakme (c. 1605-70) karma chags-
Karma Lingpa karma gling-palkar-gling,
679, 800, 800-1
Karmapa I, Ttisum Khyenpa (1110-93)
rje dus-gsum mkhyen-pa, 689, 952 Use, the venerable rje dbu-se, 689
Karmapa II, Karma Pakshi (1204-83) karma pak-shi, 633, 694, 922
Chbki Lama chos-kyi bla-ma, 694 Karmapa III, Rangjung Dorje (1284-1339)
(rje-drunglchos-rje) rang-byung rdo-rje,
569, 570, 571,573, 572-4, 578, 584,
His Presence, the Karmapa sku-mdun
karma-pa, 579
Karmapa IV, Rolpei Dorje (1340-83) rgyal-
dbang rol-pa'i rdo-rje, 784, 787, 791 Karmapa V, Tezhinshekpa (1384-1415)
karma-pa de-bzhin gshegs-pa, 674,
Karmapa VI, Thongwa Tonden (1416-53)
karma-pa mthong-ba don-ldan, 954
Karmapa VII, ChOdrak Gyamtso (1454-
1506) (rje bdun-palkarma-pa) chos-
grags rgya-mtsho, 203,675,676,931 Karmapa VIII, Mikyo Dorje (1507-54) mi-
bskyod rdo-rje, 931, 955
pa 1 rdo-rje, 958
Karma Phtintsok Wangpo, the nobleman
sde-pa karma phun-tshogs dbangs-po
Karmogyen dkar-mo rgyan, 789 Karpopa dkar-po-pa, 676; see Khawa
Karpowa Namka Gyamtso
Karwang Tshtiltrim Gyeltsen of Ponlung
bon-lung-pa gar-dbang tshul-khrims
rgyal-mtshan, 735
Karza Gonkyi dkar-bza' mgon-skyid 760 Kasyapa 'od-srung, 83, 172, 432-4, 906,
932; see Mahiiktisyapa
Kasyapa, the teacher, the elder ston-pa 'od-
srungs bgres-po: the tenth emanational
teacher according to the Great
_, Perfection, 137; see Buddha Ktisyapa
Kasyapa, the monk dge-slong 'od-srung 440
' (Katok Gyelse) Sonam Detsen (kalJ,-thog
rgyal-sras) bsod-nams lde'u-btsan 736
833 ', Katokpa Choki Senge kalJ,-thog-pa chos-kyi
seng-ge, 699
Katokpa Gyeltsap I, Tsangtbnpa Dorje Gyeltsen (1126-1216) kalJ,-thog-pa rgyal-tshab gtsang-ston-pa rdo-rje rgyal-mtshan: see Tsangtonpa
Katokpa Gyeltsap II, Campabum (1179-
1252) kalJ,-thog-pa rgyal-tshab byams- pa 'bum: see Campabum
Katokpa Gyaltsap III, Ce-nga Mangpuwa Sonam Bumpa (b. 1223) kalJ,-thog-pa rgyal-tshab spyan-snga mang-phu-ba bsod-nams 'bum-pa: see Ce-nga (Mangpu)wa Sonam Bumpa
Jikme Gylewei Nyugu - Katokpa Tampa Deshek 411
412 Index of Personal Names
Dewarshekpa, lama bla-ma bde-bar gshegs-pa, 691
Matisara, the bodhisattva byang-chub sems-dpa' blo-gros snying-po, 691
Sharwa Popathaye, lama bla-ma shar-ba spobs-pa mtha'-yas, 688
Sherap Senge shes-rab seng-ge, 688 Tampa Deshek dam-pa bde-gshegs, 698,
Tampa Dewarshekpa of Katok
pa dam-pa bde-bar gshegs-pa, 688 Tampa Rinpoche dam-pa rin-po-che, 698
Katok Situ (Chbki Gyamtso) (1880-1925) si-tu (chos-kyi rgya-mtsho): a nephew of Khyentse Rinpoche, 879, 958
Situ Ktinzi Chbki Gyamtso sl-tu kun- gzigs chos-kyi rgya-mtsho, 736
Katyayanaputra ka-tya'i bu, 90
Kausika kau-shi-ka, 176
Kawa O-chokdra ka-ba 'od-mchog-grags, 524 Kawa Peltsek ska-ba dpal-brtsegs, 40, 96,
224-5, 515, 522, 526, 527, 535, 555,
889, 893
Keldenpa skal-ldan-pa, 686
Keldenpa Chbki Senge skal-ldan-pa chos-kyi seng-ge, 569
Kesamisra skra-'dres-ma, 421
Ke-wang hva-shang ke-wang, 524 Khampalungpa (b. 1025) khams-pa lung-pa:
a disciple of Atisa, 546
Khamtrtil III, Ngawang Ktinga Tendzin
(1680-1728) khams-sprul gsum-pa
ngag-dbang kun-dga' bstan-'dzin, 957
Ngawang Ktinga Tendzin of Dokam
mdo-khams-pa ngag-dbang kun-dga'
bstan-'dzin, 833
Khamzhik Taklung Nybnpa khams-zhig
stag-lung smyon-pa, 784
Khandro Yeshe Tshogyel mkha'-'gro ye-shes
mtsho-rgyal, 554; see (Yeshe) Tshogyel Khandtilma, the naginI klu-mo kha-'dul-ma,
Kharak Gomcung kha-rag sgom-chung, 557,
Kharak Nyingpo kha-rag snying-po, 701
Lharje Kharakpa lha-rje kha-rag-pa, 347 Kharak Tbnying kha-rag stan-snying, 657 Kharap Zhelngane Kbncok Tendzin kha-
rab zhal-snga-nas dkon-mchog bstan-
'dzin, 729
Kharcen Pelgi Wangcuk mkhar-chen dpal-
gyi dbang-phyug, 535, 706, 711
Kharcen(-za) Yeshe Tshogyel mkhar- chen(-bza') ye-shes mtsho-rgyal, 535, 536, 710-11, 714; see (Yeshe) Tshogyel
Khawa Karpowa Namka Gyamtso kha-ba dkar-po-ba nam-mkha' rgya-mtsho, 697
Karpopa dkar-po-pa, 676
KhecarI mkha'-spyod-ma, 828
Khecok Ngawang Lodrb mkhas-mchog ngag-
dbang bio-gros, 965
Khedrup Chbki Trakpa mkhas-grub chos-kyi
grags-pa, 594-5
Khedrup Chbkyong Gyeltsen mkhas-grub
chos-skyong rgyal-mtshan, 730 Khedrup Chbpel mkhas-grub chos-dpal, 686 Khedrup Delek Gyamtso of Zhoktarling
zhog-thar gling mkhas-grub bde-legs
rgya-mtsho, 594
Khedrup Lodrb Gyeltsen Pelzangpo mkhas-
grub blo-gros rgyal-mtshan dpal bzang- po, 722-3; see Sodokpa Lodro Gyeltsen
Khedrup Khyapdel Lhtindrup mkhas-grub khyab-brdal Ihun-grub, 595
(Khedrup) Yeshe Gyeltsen (of Pubor) (spu- bor-ba mkhas-grub) ye-shes rgyal- mtshan: i. e. Katokpa Gyeltsap XIII, 696-7, 698
Jfianaketu mkhas-grub dznya-na ke-tu, 696
Puborwa Khedrup Yeshe Gyeltsen spu- bor-ba mkhas-grub ye-shes rgyal- mtshan, 699
Sukhailkusa, the bodhisattva byang-sems bde-ba'i smyu-gu, 697
Sukhasara bde-ba'i snying-po, 697 Khenpo Lhakawa mkhan-po la-kha-ba, 552 Khepa Conam mkhas-pa jo-nam, 656
Khbn family 'khon-rigs, 395
Khan Kancok Gyelpo (1034-1102) 'khon
dkon-mchog rgyal-po, 951
Khan Ltiiwangpo (Sungwa) 'khon klu'i
dbang-po (srung-ba), 515, 712, 922,
Khbnrok Sherap Tshtiltrim 'khon-rag shes-
rab tshul-khrims, 951
(Khbntan) Peljor Lhtindrup (1561-1637) (,khon-ston) dpal- 'byor lhun-grub, 677- 80, 822
Phawangkhapa (Peljor Lhtindrup) pha- wang-kha-pa (dpaZ-'byor lhun-grub), 681, 926
KhOn Trakpa Gyeltsen (l147-1216) 'khon- grags-pa rgyal-mtshan, 562
Khu Cangcup-a khu byang-chub 'od, 707 Khugyur Selweichok khu-'gyur gsal-ba'i
mchog, 541-2
Khulung Yonten Gyamtso khu-Iung-pa yon-
tan rgya-mtsho, 613, 614-15; see Nup
Khulungpa (YO-men Gyamtso) Khurbupa, venerable lje 'khur-bu-pa 709 Khuton Sonam Gyeltsen khu-ston bs;d-nams
rgyal-mtshan, 789
Khuton Tarma-tra yar-lung-gi dge-bshes khu-
stan dar-ma grags, 753
Khuwo Phajo khu-bo pha-jo, 551
Khuza Peltstinma khu-bza' dpal-btsun-ma 537 '
Khyapdak Gyurme Ngedon Wangpo khyab- bdag 'gyur-med nges-don dbang-po,
? 19; see Gyurme Ngediin Wangpo KhyapJuk (Chenpo) khyab-'jug (chen-po),
59I, 681, 775; see Riihula
Khyentse Rinpoche mkhyen-brtse rin-po-che,
752, 844, 845, 846, 848, 849-58, 863-6, 871, 873, 874-5, 876-7; see (Jamyang) Khyentse Wangpo
Khyentse Wangpo mkhyen-brtse'i dbang-po: see (Jamyang) Khyentse Wangpo
Khyeucung Khadingtsel (Youth who Flies like Garuga) khye'u chung mkha'- Iding rtsal: Guru Rinpoche's mani- festation of the seventh month, 471
Khyung clan of accomplished masters
khyung-rgyal grub-rigs, 859 Khyung Nakshadar khyung nag-zhag-dar 569 '
Khyungpo Neljor(pa) (Tshtiltrim Gbnpo)
khyung-po rnal-'byor(-pa) (tshul- khrims mgon-po), 395, 853, 950 951
952 ' , Khyungpo Tshtiltrim Gonpo khyung-po
tshul-khrims mgon-po, 929 Khyungpo Trase dge-bshes khyung-po
grags-se, 640-2, 650
Khyungpo Trhowo khyung-po khro-bo, 685 Khyungpo Tshultrim Ganpo khyung-po
tshul-khrims mgon-po, 929; see
Khyungpo Neljor(pa)
Yik-o khyung-po dbyig-'od, 707
hyung-truk Khace rta khyung-phrug kha- che: a horse, 655
Khyungtsangpa/wa (Trhiizhi) Lodro Pelden
khyung-tshang-palba 'khrul-zhig blo- gros dpal-ldan, 553, 701
413 dkon-mchog chos-'phel, 681, 821
Katok Situ - Kumaradza Koncok ChOpel (of Lingme) (gling-smad-pa)
Kongcen Namka Pelden kong-chen nam- mkha'dpal-ldan, 807
Kong-ra Locen (Zhenpen Dorje) (1594-
1654) gong-ra lo-chen (gzhan-phan rdo-rje), 718, 723-4, 725, 726
Locen Zhenpen Dorje lo-chen gzhan- phan rdo-rje, 718, 724
Kong Rikdzin Nyingpo kong rig-'dzin snying-po, 788
Kongtsiin Sherap Yeshe kong-btsun shes-rab ye-shes, 616
Konjo Dakpo go-'jo bdag-po, 686 Korampa (Sonam Senge) (1429-89)
go(-rams-pa bsod-nams seng-ge),
929, 955
Konon Radza kor-ston ra-dza, 551
Korup Lotsawa go-rub Zo-tsii-ba, 708, 709
ChOki Sherap, the translator of Korup
go-rub lo-tsii-ba chos-kyi shes-rab, 708
a bear-like creature, 490
Krkl, king rgyal-po kri-kri, 430
Krmivarman srin-bu go-cha, 418
lord jo-bo a pandita 708. s e e . . , ,
of PaJaliputra, the sublime phags-pa nag-po dmar-bu-can, 437
nag-po spyod-palnag, 404, 462, 471,473,603, 693, 706
Carlndra spyod-'chang dbang-po, 693 927 '
Kat:lhapa(da) ka-r;,ha-pa, 455, 693 minister of righteousness chos-
blon 469 a pat:lgita, 708
lord jo-bo 708 sa-snying, 125
Kubjita sgur-po, 93
Kukkuraja ku-ku-rii-dza, 39,461, 458-62, 466, 533, 736
Kukkuripa ku-ku-ri-pa, 442
Kuttaraja ku-ta-rii-dza, 460 Kukkuraja, the later ku-ku-rii-dza phyi-ma
487 ' ku-ku-ri-pa, 442; see Kukkuriija Kuhkas ngs-ldan-gyi rabs: the dynastic kings
of Shambhala, 948
Kumaradza (1266-1343) ku-mii-rii-dza, 40,
568,568-72,573, 579, 580, 581,
588, 594, 679
Gelong Pelden dge-slong dpal-ldan, 572
414 Index of Personal Names Rikdzin Kumaradza riR-'dzin ku-mii-rii-
dza, 953
Tharpagyen thar-pa rgyan, 568 Zhonu Gyelpo gzhon-nu rgyal-po, 569
Kumaravlrabalin gzhon-nu dpa'-bo stobs- ldan: the sixth emanational teacher according to the Great Perfection,
Ktindrolbum sras-mo kun-grol-'bum, 698 Ktinga kun-dga', 591; see Compa Kilnrin of
Ktinga Bumpa kun-dga' 'bum-pa: i. e.
Katokpa Gyeltsap VII, 695 Ktinga Bumpa, the Qakinl mkha-'gro-ma
kun-dga' 'bum-pa, 846
Ktinga Dawa kun-dga' zla-ba, 697
Ktinga Gyamtso, accomplished master of
Derge sde-dge grub-thob kun-dga'
rgya-mtsho, 812, 813
Ktinga Lekpa, the Drukpa madman (1455-
1529) 'brug-pa smyon-pa kun-dga' legs-pa, 955
Ktinga Lhadze sras-mo kun-dga' lha-mdzes, 821
Ktinga, master slob-dpon kun-dga', 567 Ktinga Ozer, master slob-dpon kun-dga' 'od-
zer, 576
Ktinga Sonam Chopak kun-dga' bsod-nams
chos-'phags, 813; see Rikdzin Dildill Dorye
Ktinga of Tingri (1062-1124) ding-ri kun- dga', 547
Ktinga Trhinle Wangyel, the lord and throne-holder of the Drolma Palace of Sakya (b. 1945) sa-skya sgrol-ma- pa'i bdag-khri kun-dga' phrin-las dbang-rgyal: the Sakya Trhicen, 959
Ktinga Zangpo, the madman of Central Tibet (b. 1458) dbus-smyon-pa kun- dga' bzang-po, 955
Kungtang Pal)cen (Shenyen Namgyel)
gung-thang palJ-chen (bshes-gnyen
rnam-rgyal), 729, 730
Ktinkyen Choje kun-mkhyen chos-rye, 590;
see Longcen Rapjampa
Ktinkyen Sherap Gyelpo kun-mkhyen shes-
rab rgyal-po, 760
Ktinkyong Lingpa kun-skyong gling-pa, 791;
see Dorye Lingpa
Ktinpang Doringpa kun-spangs rdo-ring-pa,
Kilnpang Tonyo Gyeltsen kun-spangs don-
yod rgyal-mtshan, 802
Kyiben Cangcup Rincen skyi-ban byang- chub rin-chen, 714
Kyi Nyima Dorje skyi nyi-ma rdo-rye, 77 KyitOn Tshering Wangpo skyi-ston tshe-ring
dbang-po, 717, 718
Kyo Kongbupa skyo gong-bu-pa, 358; see
Kyotiin Siik-ye of Kungbu
Kyoton skyo-ston, 640-1, 647; see Kyb'lon
Siik-ye ofKungbu
KyotOn Choseng skyo-ston chos-seng, 642 KyotOn Sak-ye of KungbulKongbu gung-bul
gong-bu skyo-ston siik-ye, 358,640-1,
Kyo Kongbupa skyo gong-bu-pa, 358 KyotOn skyo-ston, 640-1, 647
Kyura family skyu-ra rigs, 676 Labrangpa Chopel Gyeltsen bla-brang-pa
chos-dpal rgyal-mtshan, 577 Lacen Dorjechang Trakpa Rincen bla-
chen rdo-rye 'chang grags-pa rin-chen,
Lacen (Gongpa Rapsel) bla-chen (dgongs-pa
rab-gsal), 524, 526, 618, 706, 821,
Muzu Labar dmu-gzugs la-'bar, 524 Sakya Gewarapsel sii-kya dge-ba rab-gsal,
Lado bla-'dos, 655
Laketsewa the Ponpo bon-po la-ke-rtse-ba, 632
king rgyal-po 456 Lala Zicen la-la gzi-chen, 642
Lalitavajra rol-pa'i rdo-rye, 477, 487
Lamcok Pelgi Dorje lam-mchog dpal-gyi rdo-
lje, 605
(Langcen) Pelgi Senge (rlangs-chen) dpal-gyi
seng-ge, 535, 839
Langdarma (Udumtsen), king (b. 817) glang
dar-ma ('u-dum btsan), 40, 394, 523,
609,612,614,918,921,950 Langdro (Koncok Jungne) lang-gro dkon-
mchog 'byung-gnasldkon-'byung, 536,
720, 734, 793,
Langdro Konjung lang-gro dkon-'byung,
Langdro Konjung: see preceding entry Lang Khampa Gocha rlang kham-pa go-cha,
Langlap Cancup Dorje lang-lab byang-chub
rdo-rje, 712, 713-14
Langton Tarma Sonam of Shang Lhabu
shangs lha-bu'i langs-ston dar-ma bsod-nams, 649
Kumaravfrabalin - Len Selwa 415 Lankajayabhadra lankii rgyal-ba bzang-po,
Lapdronma lab-sgron-ma, 546; see Macik
Lapkyapgon Wangcen Gyerap Dorje lab
skyabs-mgon dbang-chen dgyes-rab rdo-
rye, 870
Lapton Namka Rincen lab-ston nam-mkha'
rin-chen, 697
Laru Pende of upper Onak 'on-nag stod-pa
gla-ru ban-de, 552
Lasum Gyelwa Cangcup la-gsum rgyal-ba
byang-chub, 515, 536, 738 Lasya sgeg-mo, 125
Layak Dzawar, the great minister of la-yag rdza-bar-gyi dpon-chen, 760
Lekden Degti bka'-srung legs-ldan lde-gus, 644,644
Bhagavat (mgon-po) legs-ldan, 624 Lekden Dorje legs-ldan rdo-rye, 807; see
Dorye Trak Rikdzin II
Lek, six earthly kings called sa'i legs drug:
listed in the Glossary of
Enumerations, 507-8, n. 535
Leki Dorje (1326-1401) las-kyi rdo-rye, 923,
Namka Gyeltsen, accomplished master
of Lhodrak lho-brag grub-thob nam-
mkha' rgyal-mtshan, 923
Lekpa Pelzang legs-pa dpal-bzang, 717 Lekpei Dronme legs-pa'i sgron-me, 613; see
(Sutiin) Lekpei Drtjnme
Lelmik Woktsen glal-mig 'og-btsan, 602 Lencap Parwa glan-chab bar-ba, 358 Len clan gdung-rus glan, 666
Len Chogyel glan chos-rgyal, 687
Len Nyatselpa Sonam Gonpo glan
nya-tshal-pa bsod-nams mgon-po,
Lharje Len Nyatselpa lha-rye glan nya-
tshal-pa, 657
Len Sakya Cangcup glan sii-kya byang-chub,
Lensak Cangcup glan-siik byang-chub,
Lensak Cangcup: see preceding entry Len Sakya Opo glan sii-kya 'od-po, 686 Len Sakya Zangpo (of Chuwar) (chu-bar-
gyi) glan sii-kya bzang-po, 358, 642,
647, 701
Lenton Sakya Zangpo glan-ston sa-kya
bzang-po, 641
Len Selwa glan gsal-ba, 668
Ktinpangpa, lama bla-ma kun-spangs-pa, 671
Ktinzang, (master) (slob-dpon) kun-bzang, 550, 551-2
Ktinzang Dorje kun-bzang rdo-rye, 595 Ktinzang Khyapdel Lhtindrup kun-bzang
khyab-brdallhun-grub, 817 Ktinzang Namgyel kun-bzang rnam-rgyal,
818; see Lhatsiln N amka Jikme Ktinzang Peljor, the holder of mantras/
mantra adept sngags-'chang kun-bzang
dpal-'byor, 701, 725
Ktinzang Perna Trhinle kun-bzang padma
phrin-las, 720; see Dorye Trak
Rikdzin IV
Ktinzang Tenpei Gyeltsen (1763-1817) kun-
bzang bstan-pa'i rgyal-mtshan: i. e.
Lhodrak Sungtrtil VI, 735
Speech Emanation of Lhodrak lho-brag
gsung-sprul, 839
Ktinzang Tenpei Nyima (1843-91) kun-
bzang bstan-pa'i nyi-ma: i. e. Lhodrak
Sungtrtil VIII, 735
Ktinzang Wangyel, the ancestral throne-
holder of Mindroling (b. 1931) smin- gling khri-chen kun-bzang dbang-rgyal: the present Minling Trhicen, 959
Ktinzhon, the governor dpon-chen kun- gzhon, 664
Kurap, the aristocrat sku-rabs sde-pa, 777 Lord Kurap sku-rabs sde-dpon, 687
Kurser, the Horpa King hor gur-ser rgyal-po, 780
Kurukulla rig-byed-ma, 824
Vidya, the transcendent lady bcom-ldan-
'das-ma rig-byed-ma, 824
Kurup Yangdak of Yamdrok yar-'brog-pa
gu-rub yang-dag, 712
Kusara, master slob-dpon ku-sa-ra, 511 Kutsa, doctor ku-tsha sman-pa, 765 Kuttaraja ku-ta-rii-dza, 460; see Kukkuriija Kyebuchenpo, the oath-bound protector
dam-can skyes-bu chen-po, 587 Kyere Chokyong kye-re mchog-skyong, 533 Kyetse Yeshe Wangcuk skye-tshe ye-shes
dbang-phyug, 552
Kyiben Cangcup Rincen skyi-ban byang-
chub rin-chen, 714; see Kyi Kyangyel (of Mongu)
Kyi Choki Senge skyi chos-kyi seng-ge, 685-6
Kyi Kyangyel (of Mongu) (mong-dgu'i) skyi gyang-sgyel,714
416 Index of Personal Names
All-Knowing Master from Shang shangs- pa kun-mkhyen, 668
Lenton Sakya Zangpo glan-ston sli-kya bzang-po, 641; see Len 5likya Zangpo (of Chuwar)
Lerap Lingpa, the treasure-finder (1856-
1926) gter-stan las-rab gling-pa, 864,
868, 879, 958
Sogyel, the treasure finder gter-ston bsod-'
rgyal, 879
Letro Lingpa, the treasure-finder gter-ston
las-'phro gling-pa, 809; see (Rikdzin)
Jatson Nyingpo Lha, lama bla-ma lha, 552
Lhabumen lha-bu sman, 515
Lhadrowa ChOki Wangpo lha-bro-ba chos-
kyi dbang-po, 699
Lhakangpa, (lama) (bla-ma) lha-khang-pa,
655, 659; see Yontenzung
Lhakii Ponpo lha-khud bon-po, 666
Lha Lama, uncle and nephew lha bla-ma
khu-dbon: Yeshe-o and Cangcup-o,
Lhalung Pelgi Dorje lha-lung dpal-gyi rdo-
rje, 523, 524, 525, 526, 536, 540,
612, 950
Lhandzin Yangcen Drolma lha-'dzin
dbyangs-can sgrol-ma, 825 Lhapdrema Kongpa lhab-dres-ma gong-pa,
Lha Pelgi Yeshe lha dpal-gyi ye-shes, 604;
see Sogdian Pelgi Yeshe Lharipel lha-n"-dpal, 565
Lharje Celpa lha-rje dpyal-pa, 348; see Cel (Lotsliwa) Kiinga Dorje
Lharje Da Senge lha-rje mda' seng-ge, 685 Lharje Dropukpa lha-rje sgro-phug-pa, 648; see Zur (Dropukpa) 5likya
Lharje Gyanak lha-ry"e rgya-nag, 650, 651,
652; see Ceton Gyanak
Lharje Horpo Dropukpa lha-rje hor-po sgro-
phug-pa, 649; see Zur (Dropukpa)
5likya Senge
Lharje HOrpcung lha-rje h11rrz-chung, 615 Lharje Kharakpa lha-rje kha-rag-pa, 347;
see Kharak Nyingpo
Lharje Nupme lha-ry"e gnubs-smad, 655 Lharje Nyariwa lha-ry"e nya-ri-ba, 701; see
Zur (Dropukpa) 5likya Senge
Lharje Len Nyatselpa lha-rje glan nya-tshal-
pa, 657; see Len Nyatselpa Sonam Giinpo
Lharje Rok Sherap-o lha-ry"e rog shes-rab 'od, 358; see Rok Sherap-o
Lharje Shangnak lha-ry"e shangs-nag, 647 Lharje Ukpalungpa lha-rje 'ug-pa lung-pa,
632; see (Zurpoche) 5akya Jungne Lharje Zurpoche (Sakya Jungne) lha-ry"e zur- po-che (sli-kya 'byung-gnas), 616,617-
35; see (Zurpoche) 5likya Jungne Lhase Chokdrup Gyelpo lha-sras mchog-grub
rgyal-po, 775; see Gyelse Lhary"e Lhase Tamdzin Rolpa Yeshetsellha-sras
dam-'dzin rol-pa ye-shes rtsal, 784; see
Murnp Tsepo (Yeshe RiJ'lpatsel) Lhasung mes-po lha-srnng, 575
Lha Thotori Nyentsen lha tho-tho-ri gnyan-
btsan, 393, 508, 508, 949
Lha Tsepo, family of lha-btsad-po'i rigs, 818 Lhatsiin Kiinzang Namgyel: see following
LhatsiinNamkaJikme (1597-1652) lha-btsun
nam-mkha' 'jigs-med, 718, 727, 812, 816,819, 818-20,956
(Lhatsiin) Kiinzang Namgyel (lha-btsun) kun-bzang rnam-rgyal, 724, 725, 818
Lhodrak Guru lho-brag gu-rn, 807 Lhodrak Sungtriil (III, Tshiiltrim Dorje)
(1598-1669) lho-brag gsung-sprnl
(tshul-khrims rdo-rje), 681
(Sungtriil) Tshiiltrim Dorje (gsung-sprnl)
tshul-khrims rdo-rje, 723, 724, 727,
735, 956
Lhodrak Sungtriil IV, Ngawang Kiinzang
Dorje (1680-1723) lho-brag gsung- sprnl ngag-dbang kun-bzang rdo-ry"e: see Ngawang Kiinzang Dorje
Lhodrak Sungtriil VI, Kiinzang Tenpei Gyeltsen (1763-1817) lho-brag gsung- sprnl kun-bzang bstan-pa'i rgyal- mtshan: see Kiinzang Tenpei Gyeltsen
Lhodrak Sungtriil VIII, Kiinzang Tenpei Nyima (1843-91) lho-brag gsung-sprnl kun-bzang bstan-pa'i nyi-ma: see Kiinzang Tenpei Nyima
Lhodrak Thukse Dawa Gyeltsen lho-brag thugs-sras zla-ba rgyal-mtshan: the spiritual son of Perna Lingpa, see Dawa (Gyeltsen)
Lhodrak (Thuk)-se IV, Tendzin Gyurme Dorje (b, 1641) lho-brag sras bstan- 'dzin 'gyur-med rdo-rje, 824
Peling Thukse Tendzin Gyurme Dorje
pad-gling thugs-sras bstan-'dzin 'gyur- med rdo-rje, 956
Lenton Sakya Zangpo - Longcen Rabjampa 417 Tendzin Gyurme Dorje bstan-'dzin
'gyur-med rdo-ry"e, 735
Lhodrak Thukse Dawa Gyeltsen V, Gyurme Chokdrup Pelbar lho-brag sras zla-ba rgyal-mtshan 'gyur-med mchog-grub dpal-'bar: see Gyurme Chokdrnp Pelbar
Lhodruk Zhapdrung Ngawang Namgyel
lho- 'brng zhabs-drnng ngag-dbang
rnam-rgyal, 956; see Zhapdrnng I Licchavi li-tsli-bi, 454, 460, 485,507,510 LIlavajra sgeg-pa rdo-rjelsgeg-pa'i zhabs, 40,
63, 96, 462, 463, 463-4, 465, 494 Srlmad Uttamabodhibhagavat dpal-ldan
byang-chub mchog-gi skal-ba dang- ldan-pa, 464
SOryavat nyi-ma-dang 'dra-ba, 463, 464
VisvarOpa sna-tshogs gzugs-can, 463, 464 Ling clan gling-gi rigs, 813
Lingje Kesar 0038-1124) gling-ry"e ge-sar, 952
Lingje Repa (Perna Dorje) (1128-88) gling- rje ras-pa (padma rdo-rje), 773, 952
Ling Lama ChOjor Gyamtso gling-bla-ma chos-'byor rgya-mtsho, 876
Lingpas gling-pa: the great treasure-finders, 934
Ling, the royal house of glzng-tshang, 816 Lingter III, Gyurme Perna Tendzin gling-
gter gsum-pa 'gyur-med padma bstan- 'dzin, 919
Lingtsang Dzapa Trashi Ozer of Dokam
0859-1935) mdo-khams gling-tshang
rdza-pa bkra-shis 'od-zer, 919 Locana spyan-ma, 20, 125
(Locen) Chogyel Tendzin 0631-1708)
(lo-chen) chos-rgyal bstan-'dzin,
Locen DharmasrI, Ngawang Chopel
(Gyamtso) 0654-1717) lo-chen dharma-shri ngag-dbang chos-'phel (rgya-mtsho), 41, 198, 375,684, 729, 728-32,824,833,879,957,965
DharmasrI, the great translator lo-chen dharma-shri, 526, 733
Ngawang Chopel ngag-dbang chos- 'phel, 728
Tendzin Jamyang Wangpo bstan-'dzin 'jam-dbyangs dbang-po, 728
Locen Ngagiwangpo lo-chen ngag-gi dbang- po, 723
Locen Rincen Zangpo lo-chen rin-chen bzang-po, II; see Rincen Zangpo
Locen Zhenpen Dorje lo-chen gzhan-phan rdo-rje, 718, 724; see Kongra Locen (Zhenpen Dory"e)
Loden Chokse (Intelligent Boon-seeker) blo- ldan mchog-sred: one of Guru Rinpoche's manifestations during
the second month, 470; see Gurn Rinpoche
Lodro Bumpa blo-gros 'bum-pa: i. e. Katokpa Gyeltsap VIII, 696
Lodrochok blo-gros mchog, 594; see Longcen Rabjampa
Lodro Gyamtso, the physician of Zurkar (b. 1508) zur-mkhar sman-pa blo-gros rgya-mtsho, 955
Lodro Gyeltsen, the regent (d. 1937) rgyal- tshab blo-gros rgyal-mtshan, 919
Lodro Senge blo-gros seng-ge: i. e. Katokpa Gyeltsap IX, 696
Lodro Zangpo, master slob-dpon blo-gros bzang-po, 595
Loke:§varaiLord of the World (dpa'-bo) 'jigs- rten dbang-phyug, 47, 404, 916; see AvalokiteSvara
LoktOn Gendiinkyap klog-ston dge-'dun skyabs, 552
Loncen Phakpa blon-chen 'phags-pa, 613; see (pagor) Ujncen Phakpa Longcen RabjampaiLongcenpa, (the a11-
knowing) (1308-63) (kun-mkhyen) klong-chen rab-'byams-palklong-chen- pa, PIs. 30, 66; 18, 29, 40, 41, 47, 91, 139, 141, 196-8,208-10,359, 375, 396, 397, 555, 571, 572, 576,
575-96,676,677,681,702,707, 724, 727, 730, 796, 827, 829, 835, 837,839,876,919,954,965
Kiinkyen Choje kun-mkhyen chos-rje, 590
Lodrochok blo-gros mchog, 594
Longcen Rabjam Zangpo klong-chen rab-
'byams bzang-po, 837
Samye Lungmangwa bsam-yas lung-
mang-ba, 577
Second Samantabhadra kun-tu bzang-po gnyis-pa, 586
Tathagata Sumerudlpadhvaja de-bzhin gshegs-pa ri-rab mar-me'i rgyal- mtshan, 590
Trime Ozer dri-med 'od-zer, 375, 796, 818
Tshiiltrim Lodro lshul-khrims blo-gros, 576
418 Index of Personal Names Longcen Rabjam Zangpo: see preceding
Longsel Nyingpo klong-gsal snying-po, 736;
see (Rikdzin) Longsel Nymgpo
Lo Pelgi Lodro lo dpal-gyi . Lord of Immortality and his consort Chl-
med mgon-po yab-yum, 855; see
Lord Kurap sku-rabs sde-dpon, 687; see
lord of Neudong, the great sne-gdong gong-
ma chen-po: a successor of Ta'i Situ
Cangcup Gyeltsen, 787
Lord of Neudong sne-gdong gong-ma,
595; see Tii'i Situ (Cangcup
Lord Nyang mnga'-bdag nyang, 511,661,
662; see Nyang-rel Nyima Ozer Lord Nyang, father and son mnga'-bdag
nyang yab-sras, 661, n. 809; see
Nyang-rel Nyima Qzer
Lord of Pristine Cognition, six-armed
ye-shes mgon-po phyag-drug-pa:
}flananatha, 849
Lord of Sages/Munlndra thub-pa'i dbang-
po, 11, 128,503,768,894; see
Lord of the Sakyas iii-kya'i mgon, 130; see
Lord of Secrets/Guhyapati gsang(-ba'i)
bdag(-po), 282, 377, 405, 430, 441, 451, 454, 458, 459, 460, 485, 490, 609, 645, 648, 728, 734, 923, 925, 948; see VajrapiitJi
Lord of the WorldiLokeSvara 'jig-rten dbang-phyugs, 47, 404, 916; see Avalokiteivara
Lords of the Three (Enlightened) Families rigs-gsum mgon-po, Skt. trfkulaniitha, 137, 270, 352, 453, 624, 698, 758, 798, 889; see also listed separately as Avalokiteivara, Manjuirf and VajrapiitJi
(Loro) Recungpa (1084-1161) (10-:0) ras- chung-pa: i. e. Recung DOfJe-tra (ras- chung rdo-rje grags), 657
Loton Dorje Wangcuk lo-ston rdo-rje dbang- phyug, 524
Lotuses of the Lake mtsho-nang-gi padma: the two wives of Songtsen Gampo, Pl. 39; 510
Trhitslin, the Nepalese princess bal-mo- bza' khri-blsun, 510
Longcen Rabjam Zangpo - Ma Rincen-chok 419
Wen-ch'eng K'ong-jo, the Chinese princess rgya-mo-bza' 'un-shing kong-
jo, 510
Lowo Lotsawa glo-bo lo-tsii-ba, 712, 806 Lozang Gyamtso blo-bzang rgya-mtsho, 821;
see Dalai Lama V
Lozang Rapsel, the supreme scholar mkhas-
mchog blo-bzang rab-gsal, 874 Ludrup klu-sgrub, 813
Liiipa W. ('i-pa), 404
Luken Sonam Senge glu-mkhan bsod-nams
seng-ge, 595
Lume (Tshtiltrim Sherap) klu-mes (tshul-
khrims shes-rab), 524, 525-6, 753,
Lung-ham Chenpo rlung-ham chen-po, 546 Lungre rlung-ras, 547 .
Ma (Choki Sherap) rma (chos-kYl shes-rab),
Macik Lapdron (b. 1031, 1049 or 1055;
159, 174, 180, 192, 199; see also
nucleus and seminal point(s)
of buddhahood sangs-rgyas-kyi khams,
203; see also seed, virtuous of
beginningless reality
that is enlightened mind khams byang-
chub sems, 20, 124, 362
of enlightenment byang-chub-kyi khams
828, 927, 928
five kinds of phyag-rgya rigs-lnga, 357 four phyag-rgya bzhi, 33, 35, 272, 295-6
301, 355-6
four, indicative of the transmitted
precepts bka'-rtags-kyi phyag-rgya
bzhi, 16, 70-1
Great phyag-rgya chen-po, Skt.
in the form of nectar khams bdud-rtsi 115
' '
mahtimudra, 258, 272, 291, 356, 365 461,476,481,545,547,564,569, 689, 762, 908-9, 922, 925, 926, 929, 931, 936, 973; of buddha-body which secures the ground-of-all as the mirror-like pristine cognition me- long kun-gzhi sku phyag-chen 356
of pristine cognition ye-shes Skt. jnanamudra, 301
secret gsang-rgya, 810, 842
single phyag-rgya gcig-pa: according to
Mahayoga, 278-81
subtle and. coarse phyag-rgya phra-rags:
accordmg to Mahayoga, 360 phyag-rgya gsum: impurity,
Impermanence and suffering, or the four seals indicative of the transmitted precepts with the exception of nirvaf. la, 71
secret mantra gsang-sngags, Skt. guhya- mantra: defined, 257-62; 47, 75, 77, 82, 122, 185-6, 257-62; 271, 273, 302, 454, 609, 613; see also gnostic mantras/spells, lineage(s), mantra(s), mantra syllables, pitaka, tantra(s) and vehicle(s)
ancient tradition of gsang-sngags mying- ma, 441; see also Ancient Translation School
with causal vehicles, 243-56 mner and ou. ter classes/traditions of gsang-
sngags-kYl phYl-nang lugs, 475, 762; see also unaer mantra(s) and vehicle(s)
liberation thar-pa'i sa-bon, 787, 829 VIrtuous, of beginningless reality thog- med-nas chos-nyid-kyi khams dge-ba,
194, 197-8; see also seed of
seed-syllables 'bru-yig, Skt. b'ijaksara 33
275,287,351,356; see , mantra(s), mantra syllables, recitation and syllables
which have eight dimensions of radiance and constancy yig-'bru'i gsal-brtan-gyi tshad brgyad, 279
self bdag, Skt. atma, 16,20, 25, 53, 68, 71, 158-9, 187, 199,212-13,218,
true bdag-nyid chen-po, Skt. paramatma: the transcendence of the dichotomy of self and non-self, 142, 186,212; for the significance of this term in the vehicle of indestructible reality, see also mdestructible reality, embodiment of and supreme identity
self-centred buddha rang-rgyal/rang sangs- rgyas, Skt. pratyekabuddha: defined, 227; 24-5, 35, 82-3, 153, 159, 174, 180, 186,227,294,302, 315,411, 908, 913, 932
selfhood bdag-nyid, Skt. atma, 28, 62, 229 two concepts of bdag-gnyis, 184
selflessness bdag-med, Skt. nairarmya, 35, 153, 159, 180, 185-6, 212-13, 218, 226-7, 294
two kinds of bdag-med don mam-gnyis, 108,208,216,231,234,237
of the individual gang-zag-gi bdag-med, Skt. pudgalanairatmya, 18,25,223- 4, 229, 234
of phenomena chos-kyi bdag-med, Skt. dharmanairatmya, 18, 181, 224-5, 234
376 Index of Technical Tenns
self-manifesting rang-snang: see manifest in and of itself
seminal fluids, male and female khu-rdul: khu meaning sperm and rdul meaning ovum, 279
seminal point(s) thig-Ie, Skt. bindu: the nucleus or seed of the enlightened mind, which comprises a range of meanings, from the white and red seminal fluids of the physical body to the seminal points of light which appear during All-Surpassing Realisation, 20, 38, 186,264,277, 290,302,312,337,339-40,362,584
blazing and secretion of thig-le'i 'bar- 'dzag, 277
great thig-le chen-po: the great buddha- body of reality, 306, 337, 339, 370
pulse of the seminal point of great desire
'dod-chags chen-po'i thig-le'i 'gros, 258 sole/unique thig-le nyag-gcig, 763; see also buddha-body, (great) of reality
and seminal point, great
white and red thig-le dkar-dmar, 142, 341
seminal retention thig-le dbab-bzung, 489 Senmo spirits bsen-mo: female spirits who
manifest through lust and
attachment, 565, 939 sensations, four nyams-bzhi: the
consciousnesses of the four senses- seeing, hearing, smelling and tasting-excluding the fifth, i. e. touch, 20, 125
sense objects, (four) yul(-bzhi) , 20, 125, 257, 449
sense (organs) dbang-po, Skt. indriya. , 21, 93, 102, 126, 131, 156, 257, 309, 423, 424, 449
five dbang-po lnga/sgo lnga, Skt. paiicadvtira: lit. "five gates", 56, 463
four dbang-po bzhi, 20, 125
of the intellect yid-kyi dbang-po, 56 six dbang-po drug, 55-6
sensory perceptions, five sgo-lnga'i shes-pa, Skt. paiicadvtirajiitina, 12, 55; see also consciousness of the five senses
sensual raptures, five 'dod-pa'i longs-spyod lnga, 258: see also desired qualities and (perfect) rapture
sensum rnam-pa, Skt. tiktira, 25, 158, 225 sentient beings sems-can, Skt. sattva: these
are of six classes, passim; see also families
sevenfold service yan-lag bdun-pa, 865 shang gshang: a Ponpo musical instrument,
Shangpa Kagyil shangs-pa bka'-brgyud, 395,
802, 833, 853, 929, 952 Shing-go-chen-pa shing-sgo chen-pa: lord of
the land of wooden doors (Tibet), an epithet for Til'i Situ Cangcup Gyeltsen, 592
signs mtshan/rtags, passim
of success, 822, 861; see also
accomplishment, signs of
ten, of inner radiance 'od-gsal rtags-bcu,
signlessness mtshan-ma med-pa-nyid, Skt.
animittam: one of the three approaches to liberation, 23, 153-4, 218, 316-17,423,898,947
simile dpe, Skt. upamti: in poetics, 105 skilful means thabs, Skt. uptiya, 22, 31,32,
33,45, 69, 84, 120, 122, 129, 143, 168, 192,232,236,245-8,253,258- 60,262,269-70,273-4,276-7,286, 290, 292, 296, 302, 306, 313, 321, 323, 347-8, 352, 359-60, 362-3, 368- 70,414,425,571, 591, 618, 905, 911, 936, 969
perfection of thabs-kyi pha-rol-tu phyin- pa, Skt. uptiyaptiramitti, 902
sky-cord dmu-thag, 507
sky-farer mkha'-spyod-pa, Skt. khecara,
535,536,543,547,803; see also
under awareness-holder
sophist rtog-ge-ba, Skt. ttirkika, 94, 314,
416,421, 744
sophistry rtog-ge, Skt. tarka, 103, 181, 275,
309, 314, 594,641, 907
eight categories of dialectical rtog-ge'i
tshig-don brgyad, 101
five sophistic schools of the extremist
masters rtog-ge sde-lnga, 64 sorcerer nus-pa-can/mngon-spyod-pa, Skt.
abhictirin, 604, 615
sorceress (spirit) phra-men-ma: a demoness
in human form with prophetic powers, sometimes equated with the pisticf class of deities, 486-7
sorcery mngon-spyod-kyi las, Skt. abhictira, 603,612,615,661,662,663,661, 681,682, 710, 713, 764, 767, 775, 822; see also rites ofwrath
Southern Treasures lho-gter: especially those discovered by Pema Lingpa, 919
Self-manifesting - SUffering 377 spiritual and temporal well-being phan-bde,
Skt. hitasukha, 403, 405, 726, 811,
830, 831, 970
spiritual warrior sems-dpa', Skt. satlva, 75,
877, 912, 913, 928 Spontaneous presence lhun-grub, Skt.
antibhoga: an attribute in particular of All-Surpassing Realisation, 55, 116-17, 124, 146, 184,252,282, 317, 342-3, 370-1, 454, 550, 619, 679,877
stages, two rim-gnyis, 204, 254, 320, 475, 476, 496, 877, 879, 923; see also creation stage and perfection stage
Sthavira gnas-brtan-pa, 429-30
stiipa(s) mchod-rten: a reliquary symbolic of
buddha-mind, 99, 433, 434, 435, 436,456,471,493, 508, 549, 550, 623, 624, 637, 661, 685, 757, 797, 809,815,831, 851, 900, 915; see also reliquary
eight mchod-rten brgyad, 427
styles of appraisal/exegesis of the scriptures,
four jal-byed tshul-bzhi, 35, 206, 292-3
subject-object dichotomy gzung-'dzin, Skt. grahyagrahaka, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 33, 37, 56, 127, 158, 181, 206, 215,221,224-5,236,295-6,309, 320,336,343-4, 357, 421, 903
sublime (being) 'phags-pa, Skt. tirya: this term generally indicates one who has attained the path of seeing, whether as a pious attendant, self-centred buddha, or bodhisattva, passim
four classes of 'phags-bzhi, 72, 908 three lower kinds of 'phags-pa 'og-ma
gsum, 175
sublime wealth 'phags-pa'i nor: its seven
aspects are listed in the Glossary of
Enumerations, 568, 575 Subsequent Yoga ry"es-su rnal- 'byor: see
substance dngos-po, Skt. vastu, 16, 52, 156,
158, 163, 168,201, 214, 225, 264,
314, 322-3, 337, 349,906 substantial existence rang-bzhin, Skt.
svabhtiva, 769, 896,915; see also
independent/inherent existence suffering sdug-bsngal, Skt. dulJkha, 12, 13,
16, 18, 23, 51, 53, 57-8, 69, 70-1, 88,117-18,133,153,186-7,193-4,
Spatial Class of the Great Perfection klong-gi sde, 37, 326-9, 371, 494, 538-53, 665,697, 734, 919
four categories of klong-sde bzhi, 37, 326-7
three branches of klong-sde dkar-nag- khra gsum, 539
speech ngag, Skt. vtik: especially of a mundane being, passim
twelve different fetters of ('gro-ba'z) ngag-gi bcings-pa mi-'dra-ba bcu-gnyis,
speech gsung, Skt. vtik: especially of a
buddha, see buddha-speech
spheres (of existence), three srid-pa/sa gsum,
Skt. tribhuvana/tribhava, 45, 212,
301, 405, 971
spheres, three 'khor-gsum, Skt. tn"mandala:
those of the subject, object an'ci their
interaction, 316, 588, 619 spheres, three 'khor-lo gsum: those of
exegesis, attainment and work, or of renunciation, study and work, 720, 724, 736, 738, 783, 824, 830, 833, 835, 840, 848, 852
spiritual ascetic dge-sbyong, Skt. sramalJa: see ascetic
spiritual benefactor dge(-ba'i) bshes(-gnyen) , Skt. kalytilJamitra, 59, 147,226,231, 525,526,545,571,595,640,641,
643, 648, 656, 665, 675, 678, 684, 700, 713, 730, 748, 753, 754, 805, 831, 850, 852, 861, 868, 871, 872, 879, 890
spirituality thugs-rje: the counterpart in buddhahood to compassion (snying-
ry'e), which is similar to the quality cultivated on the path by bodhisattvas. In the Great Perfection, this is the dynamic aspect of primordial enlightenment giving rise to the emanational body, 32, 75, 127, 141, 264, 299, 332, 342,403,
414,610,616,856,887,923 spiritual maturation/maturity and liberation smin-sgrol: see maturation and
spiritual and philosophical system grub-
mtha', Skt. siddhtinta: see philo-
sophical (and spiritual) system(s)/tenets spiritual son thugs-sras, passim
spiritual and temporal laws chos-khrims-dang rgyal-khrims, 939
Index of Technical Terms
199, 213, 224, 226, 252, 303, 322-4, 419,571,639,659,769,900,911, 923; see also under truth(s)
of change 'gyur-ba'i sdug-bsngal, Skt. viparilJdmaduhkhatd, 197, 419 embraced by conditions of mundane
existence 'du-byed-kyi sdug-bsngal,
Skt. sa1f/skdraduMhatd, 419
of pain itself sdug-bsngal-gyi sdug-bsngal,
Skt. duhkhaduMhatd, 419
suffixes ulJd, Skt. ulJddi: in grammar, 101 sugata bde-bar gshegs-pa: lit. "one who
has gone to bliss", i. e. a buddha,
nucleus of bde-gshegs snying-po, Skt.
sugatagarbha: the nucleus of enlightenment present in all sentient beings, 27,116,127,146,171,173,
178, 189, 194,263,909 supernormal cognitive power(s) mngon-shes,
Skt. abhijiid, 288, 465, 473, 516, 548, 567, 572, 579, 609, 615, 648, 656,660, 709, 793, 801, 811, 812, 829, 853
of clairvoyance and exhaustion of corruption lha'i mig-dang zag-pa zad- pa'i mngon-shes, 421, 454,705
five (mundane) mngon-shes lnga, Skt. paiicdbhijiid, 61, 259, 515
six mngon-shes drug, Skt. 21, 132,415
supreme identity bdag-nyid chen-po, Skt. mahatmd, 322, 346-7; see also heruka and deities, meditational; for the significance of this term in the sutra
tradition, see self, true
axiom of gtan-tshigs bdag-nyid chen-po:
according to Mahayoga, 275-6 supreme transformation 'pho-ba chen-po,
Skt. *mahasahkrdnti, 919, 968; see also under buddha-body(ies) and transference of consciousness
sutra(s) mdo: defined, 79; passim; see also under pi{aka and vehicle(s)
profounder zab-mo'i mdo-sde: those of the Greater Vehicle which focus on buddha-attributes, 414
contrasted with tantra, 142-8, 243-56, 441, 909
and mantra/tantra, passim tradition/transmission, 153-237,689,
693, 809, 822, 823, 827, 836, 842, 848
Suffixes - Time Moment 379 Ubhayatantra gnyis-ka'i rgyud: see under
Unsurpassed Yogatantra bla-med rnal-
'byor-gyi rgyud, Skt. Anuuarayoga-
tantra: see under vehicle(s)
verbal, of the Great Perfection rdzogs-
chen tshig-rgyud: those concealed by Garap Dorje, 493, 927; see also Great Perfection
Yogatantra rnal-'byor-gyi rgyud: see under vehicle(s)
Yogin! rnal-'byor-ma'i rgyud, 503
Taoist ha-shang, 936
tathagata(s) de-bzhin gshegs-pa: lit. "one who
has gone thus to nirval)a", i. e. a
buddha, passim
male and female de-bzhin gshegs-pa-dang
gshegs-ma, 125
nucleus of de-gshegs snying-po, Skt.
tathdgatagarbha: the nucleus of enlightenment present in all sentient beings, 20, 27, 29, 32, 95, 147, 154, 171, 173-7, 186-7, 194, 198,236, 291,424
Teacher stan-pa, Skt. sdstr: in general this refers to those teachers endowed with the three buddha-bodies, specifically it refers to Sakyamuni Buddha, 111-48 and passim
teaching bstan-pa, Skt. sdsana: i. e. Buddhism, passim
duration of, 134-5
temporal ages, four dus-bzhi, Skt. caturyuga,
temporal dimensions/times, four dus-bzhi:
the three times with the addition of
indefinite time, 20, 125 thread-cross mdos: a ritual utilising a
wooden-framed structure crossed with many layers of thread or silk as a device for trapping and exorcising evil forces. This implement is also called nam-mkha', 666, 669, 762, 765
rites of the Matarabs' vengeance ma-mo 'khang-phab-kyi mdos, 669
Tibetan bod-skad: i. e. the language, 11, 393,496, 515, 522, 526, 705, 773, 917,921
ti-shih ti-shri: an imperial preceptor, 719, 823, 830
time moment, indivisible dus-kyi skad-cig- ma, Skt. 24, 25, 224-5
Svatantrika-Madhyamaka dbu-ma rang- rgyud, 26, 28, 162-4, 167, 169,906
Svatantrika-Madhyamika dbu-ma rang- rgyud-pa, 164, 206, 234
syllablesyi-ge, Skt, 271, 287, 368, 837; see also mantra(s), mantra syllables and seed-syllables
symbols/symbolic convention/symbolism brda', Skt. sa1f/keta, 290, 393, 460, 545,660, 664, 917; see also intentional symbols
symbolic hand implements phyag-mtshan: the emblems held by the deities which symbolise their buddha-mind,
137, 352, 356
symbolic script brda'-yig: see under ejdkinfs sympathetic joy dga'-ba, Skt. muditd: one of
the four immeasurables cultivated by
a bodhisattva, 13, 106
synonym don-gcig-Ia ming du-ma, 106 synonymics mngon-brjod, Skt. abhidhana-
vidyd, 18, 103, 106, 821
Taklungpa stag-Iung-pa, 823, 830, 847, 850,
867, 868, 929
Takpo Kagyli dvags-po bka'-brgyud, 929,
Taming temples: see n. 543
Border mtha'-'dullha-khang, PIs. 45,47, 102; 510
Further yang-'dullha-khang, PI. 44; 510, 760
District Controlling temples ru-gnon lha- khang, PIs. 38,46; 510
Tamsi demons/spirits dam-sri: nine sibling spirits who violated their
commitments, said to pose a particular danger to infant children, 589,590,811,939
tantra(s) rgyud: see also continuum! continua,
lineage(s), mantra(s) , pi{aka and
Anuyoga anu-yo-ga'i rgyud-rnams: see
under vehicle(s)
Atiyoga ati-yo-ga'i rgyud-rnams: see
under vehicle(s)
Caryatantra spyod-pa'i rgyud: see under
contrasted with sutra, 142-8, 243-56,
distinctions between the inner tantras,
exegetical bshad-rgyud, Skt. dkhydtantra,
619,658 and passim
Father pha-rgyud, Skt. yogitantra: a class of Unsurpassed Yogatantra, 136, 274, 358, 362, 936
five distinctions between the outer and inner phyi-rgyud-dang nang-rgyud-kyi khyad-par lnga, 346-8
four tantrapitakalclasses of tantra rgyud- sde bzhi, 32-4,96,203, 263, 268-74, 473
inner nang-rgyud: Mahayoga, Anuyoga and Atiyoga, 207, 461, 522, 608, 794
Kriyatantra bya-ba'i rgyud/kriyd: see under vehicle(s)
Mahayoga ma-hd-yo-ga'i rgyud-rnams: see under vehicle(s)
Mother ma-rgyud, Skt. yoginftantra: a class of Unsurpassed Yogatantra, 136, 274, 643, 936
new rgyud gsar-ma, 562; see also new translation school(s)
Non-Dual gnyis-med rgyud, Skt. advayatantra, 274, 936, 972
outer/lower phyi-rgyud: i. e. Kriyatantra, Ubhayatantra and Yogatantra, 207, 348, 458, 459, 608
response to criticisms of the Nyingma, 887-95
root rtsa-rgyud, passim
six classes of rgyud-sde drug: the three
outer tantras-Kriyatantra, Ubhayatantra and Yogatantra-and the three inner tantras- Mahayoga, Anuyoga and Atiyoga, 96
of skilful means thabs-kyi rgyud, 273 and sutra, passim
tantrapitaka rgyud-sde, 65, 73, 78, 136,
186,214,246,261,441-2,462,463, 619,674,675,852,861,862,887, 894, 898, 914, 927, 944
ten categories of tantralouter and inner mantras rgyud-don-gyi dngos-po bcu/ sngags phyi-nang-gi de-nyid bcu, 266, 303-5,308,347,349-50,358
text rgyud, passim; see also pitaka
three inner classes of tantraltantrapitaka
nang rgyud-sde gsum, 396-7, 529-96,
604, 918
three kinds of rgyud-gsum: according to
the Guhyasamdja Tantra, 262 three outer/lower classes of tantral
tantrapitaka phyi rgyud-sde ('og-ma) gsum: Kriyatantra, Ubhayatantra and Yogatantra, 83-4, 268-73, 348-57
380 Index of Technical Tenns
four dus-bzhi: see temporal dimensions/
times, four
three dus-gsum, Skt. trikiila, 157-8,633
torma gtor-ma Skt. naivedyalbali: offering cakes ceremonially presented to deities or spiritual beings for diverse purposes connected with rites of service and attainment, 292, 304, 545, 546, 581, 588, 589, 621, 624, 625, 627, 630, 636, 645, 654, 662, 666, 736, 766, 767
empowerment gtor-dbang, 752
malign zor: a form of sorcery in which
the torma itself becomes the
instrument of wrathful action, 669 offering dance gtor-'chams, 581, 669 sculpture bca', 727
water chu-gtor: an offering of water
specifically consecrated to the tormented spirits, who would otherwise suffer from thirst, 545, 654
tormented spirits yi-dvags, Skt. preta, 14, 130, 609
total presence cog-bzhag: the immovable presence of fundamental reality in Cutting Through Resistance, 902; see also Cutting Through Resistance
tradition lugs, passim
doctrinal chos-lugs: in this context the
term has the sense of behaviour or
conduct, 51-3 trainings spong-balbslab-pa
four correct yang-dag spong-bzhi, Skt. catvari praharJani: among the thirty- seven branches of enlightenment, these concern the renunciation and acceptance in which a bodhisattva must correctly train, 236
three (precious) correct (yang-dag-pa'i) bslab-pagsum, Skt. trisik$ii, 70-1, 73, 79,88,322,403,423,707,879,898, 900
tranquillity zhi-gnas, Skt. samatha, 13, 23, 61,79,226,236, 247, 254-5, 286, 359, 905
Transcendent Lady bcom-ldan-'das-ma, Skt. Bhagavatf: used here as a title for Kurukullii, 824
Transcendent Lord bcom-ldan-'das, Skt. bhagavan: a buddha such as
Sakyamuni; lit. one who has subdued
obscurations (bcom), possesses the enlightened attributes (ldan), and has passed into nirviiI). a ('das), passim
transcendental perfection(s) pha-rol-tu phyin-pa, Skt. paramita, 94, 237, 245,249,261,266,441,475,524, 546, 577, 650, 730, 731, 80S, 850, 861,901,936,971
of enlightened attributes yon-tan-gyi pha- roZ-tu phyin-pa, Skt. gUrJaparamita, 212; see also enlightened attributes,
six phar-phyin drug, Skt. $atparamita, 36,
235-6, 255, 260, 300, 302, 306, 308,
320, 656
ten phar-phyin bcu, Skt. dasaparamita,
transference of consciousness 'pho-ba, Skt.
*saizkriinti: the transference at death into a higher realm of existence, 306, 473; see also under buddha-body of great/supreme transformation and supreme transformation
transgressions nyes-byas, Skt. dU$krta forty-six nyes-byas zhe-drug, 95
and natural offences bcas-pa-dang rang-
bzhin(-gyi ltung-ba), Skt. prajiiapti- savadya and prakrtisavadya: the former are evil deeds caused by the transgression of vows, and the latter are natural evils such as the ten non- virtues and the five inexpiable sins, 423
ten rung-ba ma-yin-pa'i gzhi bcu, 429 translation sgra-bsgyur: see Ancient Translation School and new
translation school(s)
translator(s) lo-tsa-ba: the Tibetan term is
said to be derived from Skt. loka- cak$u/J, lit. "eye of the world", 22, 47, 393,405, 509, SIS, 522, 526, 547,601,603, 605, 607, 609, 633, 643, 671, 675, 696, 708, 709, 725, 728,733,821,838,859,887,889- 90, 938, 950
transmission(s) lung, Skt. iigama, 39, 71-2, 155,211,375,442, 564, 577,580, 584, 619, 620, 651, 656, 672, 673, 674,675,677,678,679,681,682, 683,699,701,706, 720, 721, 723, 724, 727, 730, 731, 734, 736, 737, 738, 751, 778, 789, 794, 795, 799, 808,809,821,827,828,835,841,
850, 854, 861, 862, 866, 867, 874,
876, 918, 930
exegetical bshad-lung: see exegesis literary lung, 16, 208, 290, 305
two methods of, in the Nyingma school:
the distant lineage of transmitted precepts (n'ng-brgud bka'-ma) and close lineage of the treasures (nye- brgyud gter-ma), 396, 397 and passim
transmitted precepts bka', Skt. subha$ita/ pravacana, 12, 16, 17-18,37,68,72- 93, 186,216-17,259,300,331,395, 409-10,428-31,432,441,451,460, 462, 468, 475-81, 537, 554,675, 678, 679, 680, 683, 696, 699, 710, 720, 722, 723, 724, 727, 728, 731,
733-9, 746, 750, 757-9, 762, 764, 770,805,808,811,818,822,823, 827, 828, 829, 830, 831, 835, 836, 838, 842, 845, 850, 856, 860, 861, 862, 863, 871, 873, 874, 890-1, 893,
894,910,921,926,931,965; see
also doctrinal wheel(s) compilation of bka' bsdu-ba, 153-5,
428-31, 451-7; in Tibet, 515, 523, 917
distant lineage of ring-brgyud bka'-ma, 39,41,396,397,398,597-739, 745, 845
final bka' tha-ma, 182, 186, 189, 424, 905,931
five classifications of bka '-la dbye-ba lnga, 74-87
four great rivers of bka'i chu-babs chen- po bzhi, 601
four bka' bzhi: of the Kagyiipa, 853 four special qualities of bka'i khyad-par
bzhi, 73
given in oral teaching zhal-nas gsungs-
ba'i bka', 17, 74-5
intermediate bka' bar-ma, 182, 189,423,
Kham tradition of khams-Iugs, 397, 649,
654,658,688-701,706,725,727 NyanglRong tradition of nyang/rong-lugs,
397,616,617-87; see also Zur
sealed bka'-rgya(-ma), 865
of secret mantra, 445, 451; see also
seven successions of bka'-babs bdun,
751-2, 844-7, 854, 855-8 succession to bka'-babs, 863
Times - Treasure 381 three kinds of bka' gsum, 74; see also
doctrinal wheel(s)
three Successive promulgations of bka'
rim-pa gsum, 18, 188; see also
doctrinal wheel(s)
treasure(s) gter-ma: teachings which have
been concealed and rediscovered: defined, 743-9; 396, 397, 475, 476, 482-3,498,511,516,518,519,556, 558, 573, 584, 585, 586, 612, 662, 675, 677, 678, 679, 680, 683, 695,
696, 699, 713, 714, 720, 722, 723, 724,727,731,736,741-881,926, 927-8, 934-5
attainment of gter-sgrub, 810, 842, 844 chest gter-sgrom, 747, 756, 781, 796,
834, 856
close lineage of nye-brgyud gter-ma, 39,
396, 397, 741-881 doctrine/doctrinal gter-chos, 561, 567,
679, 719, 727, 730, 743, 744, 745, 750, 763, 764, 765, 777, 778, 787, 791, 798, 812, 848, 857, 927; see also inventory of treasure doctrines
earth sa-gter, 744, 746-7, 845-6, 856-63
eight great, (of brilliance) (spobs-pa'i) gter chen-po brgyad, 666, 705, 871
four inexhaustible great gter-chen mi-zad- pa bzhi, 743
guardian/protector gter-srung, 747, 785, 864, 866
of intentiOn/mind dgongs-gter, 574, 586, 744, 747-8, 764, 822, 839, 844, 846, 857, 877, 880, 922
lord of gter-bdag, Skt. nidhipati, 662, 745, 764, 927-8
material rdzas-gter, 786
profound zab-gter, 744, 746, 747, 749,
751,752,770,776,781,782,784, 814, 815, 838, 843, 844, 845, 862, 863,867,919
protector gter-srung: see treasure guardian/protector
public khrom-gter, 662, 811, 828, 846 of recollection rjes-dran-gyi gter, 844,
reconcealed yang-gter, 844, 846, 856-7 secret gsang-gter, 810, 811
site gter-kha, 743, 755, 786, 789, 790,
811, 864; see also treasure trmJes treasure-finder gter-ston, 397, 482-3,
382 Index of Technical Terms
730, 733, 734, 736, 737, 745, 748,
troves gter-kha, 582, 732, 745, 746, 747,
748, 757, 764, 777, 790, 793, 796, 798, 816, 819, 821, 844, 881, see also treasure site; ancient and new gter-kha gsar-rnying, 859
treatise(s) bstan-bcos, Skt. {dstra, 17, 18, 39, 40-1,64,66,72,88-119, 169, 184, 186,217,292,440,461,464,476-7, 484,488,496,502, 515, 523, 537, 552,591,612,675,676,679,703, 705,708, 727, 732, 775, 850, 851, 861, 894, 910, 917, 921
€xegetical gzhung-bshad, 552, 666, 681 four kinds of bstan-bcos rnam-pa bzhi, 89 four special attributes of bstan-bcos-kyi
khyad-chos bzhi, 18, 88
nine kinds of bstan-bcos rnam-dgu, 89 quantitative ji-snyed-pa ston-pa'i bstan-
bcos, 18,97-107
qualitative ji-lta-ba ston-pa'i bstan-bcos,
18, 108
teaching liberation and omniscience
thar-pa-dang thams-cad mkhyen-pa (thob-pa'i thabs) ston-pa'i bstan bcos, 108-9
treasures in the form of dgongs-gter bstan-bcos-su bkod-pa, 877, 880
Tretayuga gsum-ldan: the second age of the aeon, which is ideally suited to the practice of Ubhayatantra, 268
trichiliocosm stong-gsum-gyi stong chen-po, Skt. trisahasramahdsahasra: one billion worlds, 113, 120, 124, 131, 409, 414
Tripirakalthree piraka sde-snod gsum, 76, 78- 80, 203, 259, 405, 428, 429, 436, 437, 441, 468, 511, 560,619, 888, 893
troll grul-bum, Skt. 132
true acquisitions, ten de-nyid thob-pa bcu, 928
truth(s) bden-pa, Skt. satya, passim
of cessation 'gog-pa'i bden-pa, Skt.
nirodhasatya, 16,27,29,32,35, 71-
2, 153, 192, 196,224,226,257,294 conventional tha-snyad(-kyi bden-pa), Skt. vyavahdrasatya, 207, 209-10,
906, 907, 909
declaration of bden-lshig, 589, 611, 662,
713, 745
four bden-pa bzhi, 23-4, 137, 153, 188, 224-7,230,421,423,946-7; four moments as they apply to bden-bzhi'i rnam-pa bzhi, 158, 230
indivisible gnyis-med bden-pa: according to Mahayoga, 32, 34, 207, 209, 249, 359-61
of the origin of suffering kun-byung bden- pa, Skt. samudayasatya, 32, 93, 153, 213, 224, 226, 257, 303
of the path lam-gyi bden-pa, Skt. mdrga- satya, 17,27,29,32,36,37,71-2, 85,93,153, 157,224,226,257,302, 307,319,901
relative kun-rdzob bden-pa, Skt. sa1? 1- vrtisatya, 26, 29, 57, 162-3, 166, 178,200,206,209,215,217-18, 232,234,247,249-51,354,897, 901; correct yang-dag-pa'i kun-rdzob bden-pa, Skt. tathydsa1? 1vrtisatya, 162, 166, 233, 350, 354; erroneous! incorrect log-pa'i kun-rdzob bden-pa, Skt. mithydsa1? 1vrtisatya, 162, 166, 233, 350, 354
sixteen minor bden-chung bcu-drug, 24, 226
of suffering sdug-bsngal-gyi bden-pa, Skt. dufzkhasatya, 32, 93, 153, 213, 224, 226, 257, 303
two bden-pa gnyis, Skt. satyadvaya: relative and ultimate, 26, 29-30, 32, 34, 35, 76, 162, 168, 200, 204, 206- 16, 232, 245, 248, 294, 296, 303, 320,349,351,354,897,901
ultimate don-dam bden-pa, Skt. para- mdrthasatya, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 33, 57, 153, 162-5, 167, 174-6, 178-9, 185, 193,206,208,215,217,232-4, 247,250,270,278,309,314,320-1, 349-50, 354,360,897,898,901, 906, 924, 931, see also ultimate reality; which employs synonyms rnam-grangs-dang ldan-pa'i don-dam bden-pa, Skt. parydyaparamdrtha- satya, 24, 162, 200, 208, 233; seven aspects of the spiritual wealth of don- dam bden-pa dkor-bdun, 153, 248-9; without synonyms rnam-grangs min- pa'i don-dam bden-pa, Skt. aparydyaparamdrthasatya, 24, 154,
tsampa rtsam-pa: parched barley flour, 629,
630, 655, 696
Tsangpa (dominion/governors) gtsang-pa, 955, 956
Tsen spirits btsan: a group of demons headed by tsi'u dmar-po. See R. de Nebesky-Wojkowitz, Oracles and Demons of Tibet, (pp. 166ff. ), 491, 694
Tsharpa tshar-pa: a division of the Sakyapa school, 850
Tshurpu calendrical system, 400 Ubhayatantra upa'i rgyud: see under
udumbara u-dum-va-ra: a mythical lotus of
a huge size, blooming once in five
hundred years, 426, 763, 967 ultimate reality don-dam, Skt. paramdrtha,
28, 33, 35, 76, 127, 140, 159, 171-2, 177, 179, 188, 197,201,207-8,210, 215-16,219-20,224-5,233-4,245,
249, 252, 254, 271, 294-5, 309, 314, 322, 355-6, 582, 907; see also truth, ultimate
definitive vehicles of don-dam nges-pa'i theg-pa: the vehicles from that of the bodhisattva upwards, 285, 454
ultimate truth don-dam bden-pa, Skt. paramdrthasatya: see under truth(s)
uncompounded (nature) 'dus-ma-byas, Skt. asa1? 1skrta, 51, 139, 146, 156-8, 196- 8, 206-7, 302, 321, 328, 898
union zung-'jug, Skt. yuganaddha: see coalescence
union, seven branches of kha-sbyor yan-lag bdun, Skt. saptasampu(a, 266 universal emperor! monarch 'khor-lo bsgyur-
ba, Skt. cakravartin, 60, 132, 191,
196,417,450,894,913 Unsurpassed (Yoga)tantra bla-na med-pa'i
(rnal-'byor-gyi) rgyud, Skt. Anuttarayogatantra: see under vehicle(s)
twelve excellent divisions of bla-med rgyud-kyi rab-tu dbye-ba bcu-gnyis, 274
Upayogatantra upa-yoga: see Ubhayatantra upper demons steng-gdon, 594
l1rl)akeSa mdzod-spu: the hair ringlet
between eyebrows of a buddha-
one of the thirty-two major marks, 912
u:;;I)Isa gtsug-lor: the protuberance on the head of a bUddha-one of the thirty- two major marks, 271
Treatise - Vehicle 383 UttaraphalgunI khre'u zla-ba: early April,
Vaibha:;;ika bye-brag-tu smra-ba, 24, 25, 90-
1,93,155-8, 160, 162,225,411,911 Vaisakha sa-ga zla-ba: May to June, 946-7 Vaise:;;ika bye-brag-pa, 16, 65
Vai:;;l)ava khyab- 'jug-pa, 16, 65-6
vajra rdo-ry'e: see also indestructible reality
and bell rdo-rje dril-bu, Skt. vajraghalJta, 305, 350, 634, 645
crossed-vajra rdo-rje rgya-gram, Skt. vifvavajra, 494, 601, 690
(emblem) (mtshan-pa'l) rdo-rje, 120-2, 198, 340, 356, 468, 535,609,616, 623, 646, 787
hand-sized rdo-ry'e phyag gang-ba: the emanational teaching of the Great Perfection, 134-5
master rdo-rje slob-dpon, Skt. vajracdrya, 494; see also master of indestructible reality
secret gsang-ba'i rdo-rje: the penis, 567, 766
vajra-holder rdo-rje 'dzin-pa, Skt. vajradhrk: an exponent of the vehicle of indestructible reality, 680, 823, 923; see also indestructible reality, holder of
vajra-like contemplation rdo-rje lta-bu'i ting-nge-'dzin, Skt. vajropama- samadhi, 159, 198
Vajra Queen rdo-ry'e btsun-mo, Skt. vajra- 125, 404, 449
valid cognition tshad-ma, Skt. pramalJa of inference, 312; see also inference three kinds of (all-embracing) (kun-
khyab) tshad-ma gsum, 73, 275, 970 vast/vastness rgyas: the attribute of skilful
means in contrast to profound! profundity (zab) which is the attribute of discriminative awareness, 28, 170,247,331,344, 584, 707, 726, 830, 839, 845, 871
vehicle(s) {heg-pa, Skt. ydna: defined, 80-7; passim
of Anuyoga rjes-su rnal-'byor-gyi theg-pa, 17, 32, 34-5, 36,40,81,86-7, 137, 264, 284-9, 294, 297, 358-9, 363-9, 396,397,460,461,485-9,531,537,
of Atiyoga shin-tu rnal-'byor-gyi theg-pa:
defined, 311-18; 17, 19,29, 32, 34, 35-9, 40, 81, 86-7, 264, 274, 284,
Index of Technical Tenns
294-345, 347, 358-9, 365, 369-72, 396,397,461,490-504,531,537, 558_96,707,746,762,820,861, 897, 907, 923; see also Great
of the awareness-holders rig-'dzin lheg-
pa, Skt. *vidyadharayana: the
vehicle of indestructible reality/secret
mantra, 81, 248
basic, of gods and humans sor-bzhag lha-
mi'i theg-pa, 57-61, 69, 81-2, 86,97 of bodhisattvas byang-chub sems-dpa'i
lheg-pa, Skt. bodhisattvayana, 17, 30,
286, 295
of Brahma tshangs-pa'i lheg-pa, Skt.
Brahmayana, 13,54,57,61-2,82,86 of Caryatantra: see vehicle of Ubhaya-
(causal/outer), of dialectics rgyu mtshan-
nyid/phyi'i lheg-pa, Skt. yana, 12,23-30,36,41,81,144-5,
151_237,243-56,273,282,285-6, 292,348,425,441,577,604,861, 908; three rgyu mtshan-nyid/phyi'i theg-pa gsum, 81, 83, 911
definitive, of ultimate reality don-dam nges-pa'i lheg-pa: the vehicles from that of the bodhisattva upwards,
of dialectics/dialectical mtshan-nyid theg-
pa: see vehicles, (causal! outer) of dialectics
of direction from the cause of suffering kun-'byung 'dren-pa'i theg-pa: the three causal vehicles of dialectics, 81
effortless, bya-rtsol med-pa'i theg-pa: Atiyoga, 538, 971
of extremists mu-slegs-pa'i lheg-pa: non- Buddhist traditions, 261
five theg-pa lnga, 17, 81-2, 133
greater lheg-pa chen-po, Skt. mahayana,
23, 24, 25-30, 64, 73, 81-5, 95, 115, 131, 153-5, 160-222, 231-7, 243-4, 395,396,410,412-13,415,430-1, 440,441,442,449,455,456,481, 503, 504, 522, 564, 619, 641-2, 656,
664,849,869,892,908,912,913, 931, 944; causal rgyu'i lheg-pa chen- po: i. e. the vehicle of bodhisattvas,
82, 84, 113, 142-4, 305
of the Indestructible Nucleus of Inner
Vehicle - View 385 the outer tantras/mantras of austere
of transcendental perfection pha-rol-tu
phyin-pa'i theg-pa, Skt. paramita- yana: the vehicle of bodhisattvas,
243, 249, 306, 503, 895
two theg-pa gnyis, 17,81,83
of UbhayatantraiCaryatantra upa'i/gnyis-
ka'i/spyod-pa'i rgyud-kyi theg-pa, 17, 31,32,33,35,81,86-7,246,264, 268-9, 271-2, 292, 295-6, 305, 348, 352-3,449,456, 502, 531,604, 893, 936
of Unsurpassed (Yoga)tantra bla-na med- pa'i (rgyud-kyi) lheg-pa, Skt. anuttaralantrayana, 32, 33-4, 81, 83- 4, 142,214, 252, 266, 268-9, 273-4, 301,340,376,448,451,456-7, 502, 516, 531, 674, 893, 895, 913, 944, 947
of Yogatantra rnal- 'byor-gyi rgyud-kyi theg-pa, Skt. yogalanlrayana, 17, 31, 32,33,35,81,86-7,252,264,268, 271-3,295-6,348,352-7, 364,450, 465,468,469,488,502,503,531, 604,643, 827, 893, 936
verse tshig-bcad, Skt. padya: in poetics, 76, 105-7
mixed, and prose spel-ma, Skt. misra, 105
vibhanga rnam-par 'byed-pa: here, the analytical texts of Maitreya, 95
view lta-ba, Skt. dmi, passim
of Anuyoga, 284-6, 365-7
of Atiyoga, 294-345, 370
of the bodhisattvas, 95, 234-5 of the Brahma vehicle, 61
of the Great Madhyamaka, 169-216, 234 of Kriyarantra, 269-70, 349-50
of Mahayoga, 275-6, 360-1
of the Mind-OnlyNijnanavada School,
160-2, 234
of the mundane vehicle, 58
of the pious attendants, 158-9, 224-5 of the Prasangika-Madhyamika, 164-9,
profound zab-mo lta-ba, 431
of the Sautrantika, 158, 225
of the self-centred buddhas, 159, 229 of the Svatantrika-Madhyamika, 162-4,
of Ubhayatantra, 271, 352
of the Vaibha:;;ika, 156-7, 225
Radiance 'od-gsal rdo-rje snying-po'i
lheg-pa: the All-Surpassing Real-
isation of the Great Perfection, 115 of indestructible reality rdo-rje theg-pa, Skt. vajrayana: defined, 260-1; 12,
31,83,85,109,148,189,223,237, 241,244,246,249,260-1,293, 305- 6,372,400,401,409,442,445,454, 504,527,577,596,599,624,689, 705, 706, 739, 746, 748, 854, 862,
of (the inner tantras of) skilful means
nang-pa thabs-kyi rgyud-kyi theg-pa:
Mahayoga, Anuyoga and Atiyoga, 84, 245-6,252, 286, 346, 357-72, 493; see also vehicles of overpowering (skilful) means
irreversible phyir mi-zlog-pa'i theg-pa:
the vehicle of the final promulgation
of the sutras, 947
of Kriyatantra bya-ba'i rgyud-kyi theg-pa,
17,29,31,32,33,35,81,86-7,137, 245_6,252,264,268-71,292,295-6, 305, 348-52, 353,449,456, 502, 531,604,618,619,827,893,936
lesser lheg-pa chung-ba/theg-dman, Skt. hfnayana, 23, 24-5, 81, 83, 153, 155- 9,223_31,248,411-56,481,504,
of Mahayoga rnal-'byor chen-po'i lheg-pa,
17,32,34,35-6,40,77,81,86-7, 264, 274-83, 294-7, 358-63, 396, 397,458-83,531,533-7,746
mundane 'jig-rten-pa'i theg-pa, Skt. _ laukikayana: the vehicle of Brahma and the basic vehicles of gods and humans, 13, 54, 57-61
nine (sequences of) lheg-pa('i rim-pa) dgu, 12, 13, 17,28,30,34,35,40,
4l, 81, 86, 364-5,625,638-9,861
outer, of dialectics: see vehicles, (causal! outer) of dialectics
of the outer tantras/mantras of austere awareness phyi dka'-thub rig-pa'i rgyud-kyi theg-pa: Kriyatantra, Ubhayatantra and Yogatantra, 32-3,
81,286,346-57,493,895,913; three
phyi dka'-thub rig-pa'i rgyud-kYl theg- pa gsum, 84, 269, see also dialectlcS,
three classes of
of Outsiders phyi-rol-pa'i theg-pa: the
vehicles of non-Buddhists, 306
of overpowering (skilful) means bsgyur thabs-kyi theg-pa: the vehIcles
of the inner tantras of skilful means, Mahayoga, Anuyoga and Atiyoga, 33,81,245,269,273-4
of pious attendants nyan-thos lheg-pa, Skt. sravakayana, 17,24,30,81-7, 155, 161, 190,227-31,261,286, 306, 913
of pristine cognition ye-shes-kyi lheg-pa: Atiyoga, 85
resultant, (of secret mantra) (gsang- sngags) 'bras-bu theg-pa, Skt. *phalayana: the vehicle of indestructible reality, 12, 23, 29, 30- 9,81,85,113,142,171,185,203, 239-372,412-13,442
of secret mantra gsang-sngags-kyi theg-pa, Skt. guhyamantrayana: the vehicle of indestructible reality, 28, 83-4, 243- 372,412,443-504, 531-95,608,618, 619,641,648,651,671,689,691, 692, 703, 706, 707, 728, 748, 757, 794, 800, 802, 809, 822, 823, 836, 842, 843, 848, 854, 878, 887, 888, 891,892-3,911,914,926,931,935, 944, 954, 960, 962, 972
of self-centred buddhas rang sangs-rgyas- kyi theg-pa, Skt. pratyekabuddha- yana, 17,24-5,30,81-7, 155, 161, 261, 286, 306, 913
of skilful means: see vehicles of (the inner tantras oj) skilful means
single theg-pa gcig, Skt. ekayana, 80-3, 85-6, 143, 188,207,320
six, of definitive attainment nges-pa thob- pa'i theg-pa drug: the greater vehicle, 295
supramundane 'jig-rten-Ias 'das-pa'i theg- pa, Skt. lokottarayana: the Buddhist vehicles, 68, 70-2
supreme theg-mchog: Atiyoga, 404, 406, 413-14, 566, 908, 949, 967, 970
of the tathagatas de-bzhin gshegs-pa'i
theg-pa: the vehicle of bodhisattvas,
whose result is Buddhahood, 82 three theg-pa gsum, Skt. triyana, 17, 81-
three, of inner tantras of skilful means
nang-rgyud thabs-kyi theg-pa gsum:
Mahayoga, Anuyoga and Atiyoga,
three, of the outer tantras of austere
awareness phyi dka'-thub rig-pa'i rgyud-kyi theg-pa gsum: see vehicles of
386 Index of Technical Tenns
of Yogatantra, 272, 354-5
VijiUinavada rnam-rig smra-ba, 25, 27, 30,
Vinaya 'dul-ba: defined, 80; 93,137,187, 429, 498, 524, 526, 552, 569, 576, 688, 730, 731, 748, 80S, 806, 850,
861, 874; see also under
instruction(s), ordination, and vows
Lower Tibetan Lineage of smad-'dul-gyi brgyud-pa, 525,688, 729
piTaka 'dul-ba'i sde-snod: see under
virtue(s) dge-ba, Skt. kusala, 56, 193, 199, 214, 302-3, 320, 322,604,625, 899,
900, 901, 903, 944 fundamental dge-ba'i rtsa-ba, Skt,
kusalamula, 85, 302, 307, 898, 900, 90S, 908, 912
a ten (divine) dge-ba bcu, Skt. dasakusal ,
ten, "endowed with corruption" zag-
bcas-kyi dge-ba bcu, 60 " visarga: usually the sign of final
but here it refers to final punctuation
kotakhya, 292
and mind rlung-sems, 288, 341,643, 721 of pristine cognition ye-shes-kyi rlung,
115, 341
ten kinds of rlung bcu, 292
Vivarta script bi-barta, 70S, 729
vows sdom-pa, Skt. saltlvara, 70, 80, 729
and passim; see also commitment(s) ,
moral discipline and ordination bodhisattva byang-chub sems-dpa'i sdom-
pa, Skt. bodhisattvasaltlvara , 78, 423,
of celibacy tshangs-spyod, Skt. brahma-
carya, 422, 760
inner, of the awareness-holders rig-'dzin
nang-gi sdom-pa, 78, 729; see also commitment(s)
lay-vowS dge-bsnyen, Skt. upasaka, 70, 226, 784, 827, 911; see also layman
mantra sngags-kyi sdom-pa, 849; see also commitment(s)
monastic sdom-brtsonlrab-byung, 526, 887; see also ordination
novitiate dge-tshul, Skt. sramalJera: see under ordination
of Pon bon-gyi sdom-pa, 690 911
so-thar sdom-pa: the vows of pious attendants and self-centred buddhas, 78, 235, 729, eight so-thar sdom-brgyad, 158, 226
of the purificatory fast bsnyen-gnas, Skt. upavasa, 58, 226; eight gso-sbyongl yan-lag brgyad(-pa'i khrims), 513
vara 78
of inexhaustible ornament mi-zad-pa'i rgyan-gyi 'khor-lo, 126; five mi- zad-pa'i rgyan-gyi 'khor-lo lnga, 866
thirty-six actions of the wheels of the inexhaustible ornaments of body, speech and mind sku-gsung-thugs mi- zad-pa rgyan-gyi 'khor-lo'i mdzad-pa sum-cu-rtsa-drug, 121
Wish-fulfilling Gem yid-bzhin nor-bu, Skt. CintamalJi, 133, 147, 195, 198,468-9
Wishing Tree dpag-bsam-gyi shing, Skt. 133, 148, 198 (world) realms ('jig-rten-gyi) khams, Skt.
(loka)dhatu, passim
six, of existence 'jig-rten-gyi khams drug,
three khams-gsum, 13, 31, 38, 51, 56,
73,202,259,302,321, 337, 339-40, 363,418,458,490,491, 575, 907, 930
worldly concerns, eight 'jig-rten chos brgyad, 723, 852
wrong understanding, those of log-par rtogs- pa, Skt. vipratipanna, 13, 16, 54, 62- 7, 873
gnod-sbyin: a very large class of nature spirits, many of which are associated with mountains, trees, forests, rocks, abandoned buildings, etc. In India they are frequently related to vegetation, 75, 132, 135-6,433, 435, 451,452-3,454,466,492,609,614, 754, 889
gnod-sbyin-mo: a female 465, 480,481
year signs and elements lo-rtags-dang khams: the twelve animals and five elements marking the years of a sexagenary cycle, 959, n. 1330
yoga(s) rnal-'byor: lit. "union in funda- mental reality", 35, 39, 102, 184, 248, 254, 256, 270, 276, 295, 312, 320,343-5,357,360,368,413,423, 459, 490, 547, 579, 588, 630, 653, 709, 715, 735, 769, 813, 829, 832, 853, 867, 876, 877, 897, 900, 907, 926
of another's body as the seal gzhan-lus phyag-rgya, 818; see also under seal(s) and door
daytime nyin-gyi rnal-'byor, 280 dream rmi-lam, 548
Vijiitinavtida - Zandre 387 five rnal-'byor lnga: according to
Mahayoga, 363
five rnal-'byor lnga: i. e. the five paths of
Anuyoga, 288, 369
four rnal-'byor bzhi, 33, 272; see also
miracles, four
of one's own body as the means rang-Ius
thabs-ldan, 818; see also under door preliminary, of accumulation and
purification sngon-'gro bsags-sbyong-gi rnal-'byor, 862; see also preliminary practice
Six-limbed sbyor-ba yan-lag drug-pa: of the Kalacakra Tantra, 301, 546, 577- 8,674, 853
three rnal-'byor gsum: according to Anuyoga, 285-6
three classes ofyo-ga'i sde gsum: the vehicles of the inner tantras of skilful means, 746
Yogacara rnal-'byor spyod-pa: this term may originally refer to the conduct of the bodhisattva path in general, rather than to the mentalist school alone, 315,911; see also Mind Only and Vijfianavada
Yogacara-Madhyamaka rnal-'byor spyod-pa'i dbu-ma: Great Madhyamaka, 169
Yogatantra rnal-'byor-gyi rgyud: see under and vehicle(s)
yogic exercises 'phrul-'khor, Skt. yantra, 606 yogin rnal-'byor-pa: a male practitioner of
yoga, 115, 184, 195,201,270,281, 304, 313, 335, 344, 353, 356, 394, 447,473,504, 511, 545, 547, 566, 573,575,580,581,583,585,586, 588,630,638,641,643, 755, 839, 854, 903, 926
twelve orders of dzo-ki sde-tshan bcu- gnyis: followers of 504
yoginI rnal-'byor-ma: a female practitioner of yoga, 460, 494,538,547,573, 580,585,586,588,620,630,631, 700, 772, 773, 859
YoginI tantras rnal-'byor-ma'i rgyud, 503 yojana dpag-tshad: a measurement of distance; defined, n. 518; 490
youthful vase body gzhon-nu bum-pa'i sku: the great buddha-body of reality: see under buddha-body(ies)
Yungdrung Pon tradition gYung-drung bon- lugs, 852; see also Pan
zandre za-'dre: a vampire demon, 711
60-3 178, 189,234,301
Vijiianavadin rnam-ng smra-ba, 35, 16 ,
marks (tig), 916
vision, pure dag-snang: see under
Surpassing Realisation, 337,
of the cessation of clinging to reahty or
of the cessation/exhaustion of (apparitional) reality chos-nyid-du"
'dzin-pa'i zad-palchos-nYld zad-pa 1 snang-ba, 337, 339, 371, 594; see also under cessation
of the direct perception of reality chos- nyid mngon-sum, 339, 371
four snang-ba bzhi, 38, 332, 341, 343, 371,971 .
of increasing contemplative expenence nyams gong-'phel-ba, 339, 371 ,
of :'eaching the limit of awareness ng-pa tshad-phebs, 339, 371
vital energy rlung, Skt. vayu, 24, 115, 362, 489, 536, 578, 618, 669, 676; see also energy channels, currents and seminal points
active las-kyi rlung, 877; see also pulse of the active energy currents
of great life-breath srog chen-po'i rlung: ignorance, 291
visionary appearance(s) snang-ba: m All-
three sdom-pa gsum, S t. lnsaltl 300,302,827,831,861
Vinaya nyi-brgya lnga-bcu'i 'dul-. khrims: the vows of a fully-ordamed monk, 230; see also under
, two hundred and fifty disciplines of the
warnor a-, . '
in terms of spiritual commitment,
. dp' bo Skt VIm' an heroic bemg
k .
. 404,460,469,581,588,593,653;
see also qaka
water of life tshe-chu: see under elixir wheel(s) 'khor-lo, Skt. cakm: see
centre(s) , " ' i cloud-mass, of syllables Yl-ge 1 spnn-gy
'khor-lo, 877
f the doctrine chos-kyi 'khor-lo, Skt.
dharmacakra: see doctrinal wheel(s) and promulgation of the doctnnal wheel
388 Index of Technical Terms
Zhalupa zhva-Iu-pa, 850
zho zho: a half tola of gold (approximately
5. 85g. ), ten of which equal one
srang, 768
zi-stone gzi: a species of etched agate,
highly valued in Tibet, 483
zombie ro-Iangs, SkI. vetiila: lit. "standing corpse", 535
Zur tradition zur-Iugs, l39, 266, 617-49, 665, 668, 671, 672, 679, 691, 700-2, 725, 727, 730; see also NyanglRong tradition
Index of Personal Names
In Indian and Tibetan Buddhist literature, great historical figures are often referred to by a diversity of names and epithets. This partly reflects the tendency of Buddhist masters to extend their sphere of activity through diverse geographical regions, where they are then known by diverse names (Padmsambhava being a notable example), and partly also the custom of receiving new names to mark increasingly advanced stages of meditative attainment or ordination: bodhisattva and mantra. In the case of Dalai Lama V, for example: Dalai Lama V refers to his position in the line of incarnations to which he belongs; PadmapaI). i indicates his status as an incarnation of AvalokiteSvara; Lozang Gyamtso and Ngagi Wangcuk indicate his gradual acceptance of monastic ordination; Dorje Thokmetsel indicates his prowess as a treasure-finder and mantra adept; and popularly he is referred to as the Great Fifth (lnga-pa chen-po) on account of his supremacy as a spiritual and temporal leader. This custom of confer- ring names and titles continues to the present day.
The word order in Tibetan and Sanskrit names is important. Titles, such as scholar (par;ejita), master (slob-dpon, Skt. acarya), lord of accomplished masters (grub-dbang, Skt. siddhefvara), lord of doctrine (chos-rye, Skt. dharmasvamin), treasure-finder (gter-ston) and so forth, often precede the personal name. Epithets or titles indicative of clan, lineage, place of birth or residence, or incarnation line, may also be conjoined with personal names, or replace them altogether.
In this index, for the benefit of those unfamiliar with Tibetan conventions, we have listed most of the variations that occur in the text separately and referred the reader to one main entry (usually the most well-known form) where all these variations appear as sub- entries along with their page references.
Names are listed in English alphabetical order and letter by letter, except on those occasions when we have attempted to list diverse incarnations within their proper numerical sequences. Entries begin- ning with "Sakya" follow those beginning with "Sakya". Parentheses
392 Index of Personal Names
have generally been used to indicate elements omitted in shortened forms of a name, however it has not been possible to apply this
convention exhaustively.
Dates have been supplied utilising information given in the body of
the text or gathered from other Tibetan historical sources: it is hoped that further research will succeed in resolving many of the chrono- logical uncertainties. Where enumerated categories of names occur, these are cross-referenced against the Glossary of Enumerations when-
ever more information is to be found there. Readers should also consult the Notes for occasional biographical information, which has
not been cross-referenced here.
Sanskrit names have been restored with reference to original extant
texts and dictionaries. In the case of a few deities, entered under their Sanskrit names - for example Guhyasamaja, Cakrasamvara and Kalacakra - it is not always clear from the context whether these
refer to actual deities or to texts/teaching cycles. In such cases, readers should also consult the first part of the Bibliography.
Finally, line drawings illustrating many of the major figures de- scribed in the History appear throughout Volume One, and page references for these are listed in bold face.
Index of Personal Names
Abhayakaragupta (c. 1100) 'jigs-med 'byung- gnas sbas-pa, 477
Acadru family a-lcags 'gru'i rigs, 841 Acala mi-gYo-ba, 577
Acintyaprabhasa slOn-pa khye'u snang-ba
dam-pa bsam-gyis mi-khyab-pa: the first emanational teacher according to the Great Perfection, l36, 897
Adhicitta, the deva sems-Ihag-canllhag-sems- can, 453, 490
Advayavajra gnyis-med rdo-rye, 200; see Maitripli
Agayana, the envoy gser-yig-pa a-ga-ya-na '
Agni, drang-srong agni, 65
Agnisuci, the deer ri-dvags me'i gtsang-sbra-
can, 214
Gyen a-kurtZ rgyan, 784 A! aneyabalaha cang-shes bha-Ia-ha, l33 AJatasatru, king ma-skyes-dgra, 428, 433,
Ajita, (conqueror/regent) (rgyal-ba/rgyal-
lshab) ma-pham-pa, 98, 128, 129, _. __ 170-1,838,930,932; see Maitreya
kun-shes, 115
Matisiia Ii-dkar mali-shi-la 510
Ak-- ' asagarbha nam(-mkha'i) snying(-po), 125
Akhu Pelbar a-khu dpal-'bar, 545 rkang-mig, 65
mi-bskyod-palmi-'khrugs-pa, 20,
ston-pa khye'u 'od mi- 'khrugs-pa: the second emanational teacher according to the Great Perfection, 136,904
mi-bskyod rdo-rje 416 All-Positive King kun-bzang 317;
Aloka mar-me-ma, 125
AlokabhasvatI, queen of OQQiyana snang-ba
gsal-ba'i 'od-Idan-ma, 490 Amarasirpha 'chi-med seng-ge, 106 Amitabha (Buddha) (sangs-rgyas) 'od-
dpag(-lU) med(-pa)lsnang-ba mtha'- yas, PI. 11; 20,125,274,355,468, 479, 746
Amitayus lshe-dpag-med, 470, 549, 564, 624 Lord of Immortality and his consort 'chi-med mgon-po yab-yum, 855
sugata Amitayus bde-bar gshegs-pa lshe- dpag-med, 691
Amoghasiddhi don(-yod) grub(-pa), 20, 125, 274,355,481,766
Amoghavajra, the elder don-yod rdo-rje che- ba,479
Amoghavajra, the younger don-yod rdo-ry"e chung-bala-mo-gha-badzra, 479, 708
bdud-rtsi sman(-lha), 452; see also Avalokitesvara
sman-bla/sman-gyi bla-ma 591, 691 J
Amnakul)Qalin bdud-rtsi 'khyil, 548, 623 bdud-rtsi zas, 434
Ananda kun-dga'-bo, 75, 421, 428, 432, 433,
_ 434, 434-5,438, 859, 908, 928, 946 Ananda, the nun kun-dga'-mo: a teacher of
Vimalamitra (see bairo 'dra-'bag,
Ch. 5),469
Anandagarbha kun-dga' snying-po, 272 Anantagul)a dakinI (the pakinI of Limitless
Virtues) . yon-tan mlha'-yas-pa'i
mkha'- 'gro-ma, 493 Anathapil)Qada mgon-med zas-sbyin, 137,
Andzom Drukpa (1842-1924) a-'dzom 'brug-
see Samantabhadra
pa, 879
394 Index of Personal Names dpe-med 'tsho, 674
Aparajita a-dzi, 548
Ara4a(kalama) ring-'phur, 419, 422 Archer mda'-ba/mda'-bsnun, 197; see
Arhat Suvar1). aprabhasa dgra-bcom-pa gser-
'od dam-pa: the eighth emanational·· teacher according to the Great Perfection, 136
Ariboga (or Arikbugha) a-re-bho-ga: the younger brother of Qubilai Qan, to whom in 1264 he conceded defeat, 661,662
Aro (Yeshe Jungne) a-ro (ye-shes 'byung- gnas), 231-2, 571, 673,675, 706
king (of Sahor) rgyal-po gtsug- lag 'dzin, 470, 972
Aryadeva 'phags-pa lha/arya de-ba, 165, 167,309,413,440,464,498,502, 596,641, 899
Aryasura dpa'-bo, 703; see Sura
Arya Tara 'phags-ma sgrol-ma, 466; see
T ara
Asailga thogs(-med), 18,28,91, 108,169,
182, 184, 189,300-1,404,440,441,
463, 849, 919, 931
"Ashen Zombie" ro-Iangs thal-mdog, Skt.
*Vetala Bhasmavar1). a, 477, 493; see
Garap Dorje
Asoka, the religious king chos-rgyal mya-
ngan med, 429, 435, 948 Dharmasoka, king rgyal-po dharma sva-
Asvottama (or Asvavarapada) rta-mchog:
teacher of Vi1). apa, 927 AsvottamaiSupreme Horse rta-mchog, 274,
534; see Hayagr'iva
Atisa, (lord/master) (982-1054) (jo-bo-rje/
slob-dpon) a-ti-sha, 184, 198,205, 395,546,548,550,706,853,889, 891-2,905-6,914,950,951
Dlparpkara di-palfl-ka-ra, 914 Atmaprakasa bdag-nyid gsal-rigs-ma, 498 Atreya, drang-srong rgyun-shes-kyi bu/
e-tra'i bu, 66, 99
Avadhuti a-ba-dhu-ti-pa, 477 AvalokiteSvara spyan-ras-gzigs, Pl. 12; 75,
466, 497, 498, 507, 510, 564, 567, 572,617,698,757,758,784,791, 798,802,821,823,826,841; see also and Lords of the Three (Enlightened) Families
Avalokitesvara in the form of the "King of Space" spyan-ras gzigs nam-mkha' rgyal-po, Skt. Gaganaraja, 591
eleven-faced Avalokitesvara zhal-bcu- gcig-pa, 791
Great Compassionate One thugs-rje chen- po, Skt. Mahakaru1). ika, 507, 511, 560, 564, 565, 569, 659, 677, 755, 762, 765, 770, 784, 828, 829
LokesvaraiLord of the World (dpa'-bo) 'jigs-rten dbang-phyug, 47, 404, 916
Padmapa1). i lag-na padma, 564
Sublime One 'phags-pa, 510 Aviddhakar1). a rna ma-phug-pa, 65
Ba Getong, spiritual benefactor dge-bshes
sba dge-mthong, 640
Bagom Tikma 'ba'-sgom dig-ma, 642 Bagom (Yeshe Cangcup) sba-sgom (ye-shes
byang-chub), 542-3, 545-6, 548
Baka Klinzang Rikdzin Dorje rba-kha kun-
bzang rig-'dzin rdo-rje, 735
Baka Rikdzin Khamsum Yongdrol rba-kha
rig-'dzin khams-gsum yongs-grol, 735 Baka Triilku Choki Gyamtso rba-kha sprul-
sku chos-kyi rgya-mtsho, 817
Puwo Baka Triilku Rikdzin Choki Gyamtso spu-bo rba-kha sprul-sku rig- 'dzin chos-kyi rgya-mtsho, 812
Balabhadra, king of Bharpdva rgyal-po ba-la bha-dra, 504
Balahaka, bodhisattva byang-chub sems-dpa' sprin-gyi shugs-can, 136
Balapada byis-pa'i zhabs, 462; see Jalandharipa
BangWn Cakyu sbangs-ston lcags-kyu, 649 Ba-ratna rba rat-na, 515, 524; see Ba Trhizi
of the Zhang family Barton 'bar-ston, 549
Barza Lhayang 'bar-bza' lha-dbyangs, 537 Ba Selnang sba gsal-snang, 509, 515
Yeshe Wangpo ye-shes dbang-po, 515 Ba Trhizi of the Zhang family zhang-blon
dad-pa-can rba khri-gzigs, 515 Ba-ratna rba ratna, 515, 524 Pelyang dpal-dbyangs, 515
Ben 'ban, 650
Bhadra bzang-po, 429
Bhadrapala, bodhisattva bzang-skyong, 423 Bhadrapala, the deva de-ba bzang-skyong,
Bhadrika rab-bzang, 115
Bhagavat (mgon-po) legs-ldan, 624; see Lekden Degu
Bhairava 'jigs-byed, 449, 936 sman-blajsman-gyi bla-ma)
591,691; see Amrtabhai$ajya Bhallika bzang-skyong, 421
Bha1). Ta (or BhaTa) bhat:zta, 435 Bharadvaja bha-ra-dva-dza, 64
Bharata bha-ra-ta, 106
Bharo Tsukdzin, the Newar bha-ro gtsug-
'dzin, 766-8, 780
drang-srong bha-shi-ta, 466
Anupamarak$ita - Buddha 395 898, 900, 910, 931, 933, 943-8, 944
949, 959 '
Bodhisattva byang-chub sems-dpa', 416- 21
Conqueror rgyal-ba, Skt. Jina, 47, 68, 73,88, 113, 120, 127-8, 143, 146, 151,278, 307, 308, 312, 315, 324, 376, 404, 405, 406, 409, 427, 431,
442, 507, 522, 527, 610, 736, 748, 824, 859, 874, 877, 894, 930, 943, 945, 948, 967, 969, 972
Fourth Guide rnam-'dren bzhi-pa, 409, 943
Gautama gau-ta-ma, 422-3
Lord of Sages/Munindra thub-pa'i
dbang-po,_ 11, 128, 503, 768, 894 Lord of the Sakyas sa-kya'i mgon, 130 Sage thub-pa, Skt. Muni 73 77 103
184, 200, 204, 300, '427: 555:
705, 894, 969 971
Sakya King rgyal-po, 405, 746 Sakyamuni (Buddha) sa-kya thub-pa, 11,
17,26,36, 115, 137, 153, 193,221, 312,396,411-27,430,434,454, 564, 573, 590, 656, 659, 672, 696, 768, 894, 946-8 972
Sakyendra, the Lord sa- kya dbang-po, 755
Sarvarthasiddha don-thams-cad grub-pa 417 '
Siddhartha, (prince) (rgyaZ-bu) don-grub, 412, 575, 946
Sugata bde-bar gshegs-pa, 22, 138, 186, 218, 268, 300, 409, 871, 873, 896
Bhaskara, the boy khye'u snang-byed, 193
BhaTa Hor bhata-hor, 519
Bhanarika rje-btsun-ma, 572
Bhavya, master slob-dpon bha-vya or skal-
ldan/legs-ldan, 169, 184, 905 Bhelaklrti bhe-la kirti, 497
Bhrgu, drang-srong ngan-spong, 65 BhrkuTl khro-gnyer-can-ma, 466, 510 Bhusukuchok bhu-su-ku mchog, 605 black-hat Karmapa zhva-nag karma-pa, 811;
see Karmapa X
"Blue-skirted Pa1). 4ita" pat:zq,ita sham-thabs
sngon-po-can, 918
Bodhisattva byang-chub sems-dpa', 416-21;
see Buddha
Bodhisattva (mkhan-po) bo-dhi sa-tva, 405,
513-15, 601; see Santaraksita Bodhivajra byang-chub rdo-tie, 478 Bodhi ZhangWn bo-dhi zhang-ston, 689 Brahma tshang-pa, 16,66, 132,417,422
Brahmaratnaprabha tshang-pa rin-chen 'od
452 ' Brahmasarvatara tshang-pa kun-sgrol, 452 Brahmasikhandara tshang-pa gtsug-phung
'dzin, 452
Brahma Sikhin tshang-pa ral-pa-can 214
four-faced Brahma tshang-pa gdong bzhi-
Brhaspati (Guru of the Gods) Phur-bu 197
Tathagata de-bzhin gshegs-pa, 99, 103, 146, 153-5, 172, 179-80, 189, 192, 195, 216, 253, 292, 316, 334, 340,
471,626, 786, 947
Teacher ston-pa, Skt. Sastr, 47, 68, 71,
73-6, 78, 88, 90-1, 104, 109, 113-48, 153-5, 193,218,231,409,411,413,
428,429,430,432,434,435,436, 437,438,439,440, 441, 452, 454, 458, 613, 637, 705, 894, 906, 946
Transcendent Lord (Buddha) bcom- ldan-'das, Skt. Bhagavan, 75-6, 175, 186, 188, 190, 215, 303, 312, 363,
428,433,454,455, 747, 898, 944, 945
British dbyin1i, 958
BUddha sangs-rgyas: Sakyamuni, PIs. 37,
41; 16, 23,47, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 80, 83, 91, 120, 129, 138, 147, 154, 190, 195, 196-7, 199, 212, 213, 226 244, 289, 295, 299, 307, 313, 315, '
318, 322, 336, 393, 394, 400, 409, 417, 411-27, 430, 433,435, 440, 441, 454, 456, 472, 504, 518, 583 605, 610, 622, 643, 644, 646, 648' 716,747,762, 837, 859, 890-1, 8;3,
Svetaketu, holy dam-pa tog-dkar, 412 416
' '
396 Index of Personal Names Buddhaguhya sangs-rgyas gsang-ba, 39, 40,
92,96, 123, 249, 270, 462, 465, 464-
Buddhajfiiina (ratna) buddha dznya-na, 607;
see Nup(cen) Sangye Yeshe Buddhajfianapada (sangs-rgyas) ye-shes
zhabs, 252, 313,412,442,453,464,
465,475,495,494-6,497,921,931 Buddha Kalyal)amati sangs-rgyas dge-ba'i
blo-gros, 121
Buddhakarabhadra bu-ddha a-ka-ra bha-
dra, 708
Buddha Kasyapa sangs-rgyas 'od-srnngs, 430,
Kasyapa, the teacher, the elder stan-pa
'od-srnng bgres-po: the tenth emanational teacher according to the Great Perfection, 137
Buddha sangs-rgyas me-tag mdzes-pa chen-po, 120
Buddhasanti sangs-rgyas zhi-ba, 464, 465 Buddhas of the Five Enlightened Families
rgyal-ba rigs-lnga, 11, 123,623 Conquerors of the Five (Enlightened)
Families rgyal-ba rigs lnga, 122,561, 572,660
Five Conquerors/Teachers rgyal-ba/stan- pa lnga, 125, 128
Herukas of the Five Enlightened Families he-rn-ka rigs-lnga, 672
Tathagatas of the Five (Enlightened)
Families de-bzhin gshegs-pa rigs-lnga,
Teachers of the Five Buddha!
Enlightened Families rigs-lnga'i stan-
pa rnams, 19, 21, 117, 448 Buddhas of the Hundred Authentic
Families dam-pa rigs-brgya, 591 Buddhas of the Past, Three 'das-pa'i sangs-
rgyas gsum, 423
BuddhasrI (Sangyepel) bu-ddha shri (sangs-
rgyas dpal), 592; see Sangye Pelrin BuddhasrIsanti of Oggiyana sangs-rgyas dpal
zhi-ba, 477
Buddha Sucarita<. :akra sangs-rgyas 'khor-lo
legs-par spyod-pa, 120
Buddhas, the Thousand sangs-rgyas stang-
rtsa: the thousand supreme emanational bodies, 136, 409, 624, 938, 944
blo-sems 'lsho, 509 Bumbar 'bum-'bar, 709
Cangcupmen of the Drom family, the royal consort btsun-mo 'brom-bza' byang- chub sman, 554
Cangcup Pelwa byang-chub dpal-ba: i. e. Katokpa Gyeltsap V, 695 Cangcup Senge byang-chub seng-ge: i. e.
Katokpa Gyeltsap IX, 696 Cangcup Senge, lama bla-ma byang-chub
seng-ge, 688
(Cangdak) Perna Trhinle (byang-bdag)
padma phrin-las, 41, 956; see Dorje Trak Rikdzin IV
Cangne Terton byang-nas gter-stan, 590 Cangpa Rikdzin Ngagiwangpo byang-pa rig-
'dzin ngag-gi dbang-po, 679, 681, 683, 719, 821; see DoYje Trak Rikdzin III
Cangpa Trashi Topgyel (1550-1602) byang- pa bkra-shis stobs-rgyal, 824
ChOgyel Wangpoide chos-rgyal dbang- po'i sde, 808
Trashi Topgyel (Wangpbide, the master of the Northern Treasure) (byang- bdag) bkra-shis stabs-rgyal (dbang-po'i sde), 783, 808, 822
Caraka tsa-ra-ka, 65
Carlndra spyod-'chang dbang-po, 693, 927;
Carme Tshtilrin byar-med tshul-rin, 552 Catang Sonam Ozer bya-btang bsod-nams
'od-zer, 595
Catri Tsenpo bya-khri blsan-po: the middle
son of Drigum Tsenpo who fled to
Puworong, 972
Cegom, lama bla-ma lce-sgom, 559; see
Rongnangda Cegom Nakpo Cegom Nakpo lce-sgom nag-po, 571; see Rongnangda Cegom Nakpo
Cegom Sakyagyellce-sgom sakya-rgyal, 622
Cel (Lotsawa) Ktinga Dorje dpyal (lo-lsa-ba) kun-dga' rdo-rje, 359, 653
Lharje Celpa lha-rje dpyal-pa, 348 Celuka tsi-lu-pa, 442
Cendrenpa spyan-'dren-pa, 710
Ce-nga Choki Trakpa spyan-snga chos-kyi
grags-pa, 553; see Zhamarpa IV Ce-nga (Mangpu)wa Sonam Bumpa spyan- snga (mang-phu-)ba bsod-nams 'bum-
pa: i. e. Katokpa Gyeltsap III, 694-5 Ce-nga Neljor spyan-snga rnal-'byor, 547 Ce-nga Rinpoche spyan-snga rin-po-che, 675-
6; see Zhamarpa IV
Buddhaguhya - Chddrak 397 Cenye, the great preceptor spyan-gYas
mkhan-chen, 674
Cerpa Wangtung of Ze gzad-kyi gcer-pa
wang-lhung, 651
Ce Sakya Gyeltsen lee sa-kya rgyal-mlshan,
Ceshak-chok of Gegong dge-gong-gi lce-shag-
mchog, 619
Ce Thupei Wangpo of Nyangro Nyentso
nyang-ro gnyan-lsho lee lhub-pa'i
dbang-po, 557
Ceton Drupabum lee-stan grub-pa 'bum, 665 Ceton Gyanak (1094-1148) lee-slon rgya-nag,
648, 650-1
Co-se of upper Nyang jo-sras nyang-slod-
Je Lhakangpa lje lha-khang-pa, 650 Lharje Gyanak lha-rje rgya-nag, 650,
Cetstin Senge Wangcuk lce-blsun seng-ge
dbang-phyug, PI. 29; 556, 558, 557-9 Cetstin, the great lce-blsun chen-po, 561,
Chak Lotsawa (Dracom) (1153-1216) chags
lo-tsii-ba (dgra-bcom): uncle of the
following, 758
Chak Lotsawa (Chbje Pel) (1197-1264) chag
lo-tsii-ba (chos-rje dpal), 758, 891 Chale jo-mo phya-le: consort of Dzeng
Chamdo Gyelwa Phakpa Lha chab-mdo
rgyal-ba 'phags-pa lha, 833 Chandaka 'dun-pa, 417, 418
Chapa ChOki Senge (1109-69) phya-pa chos- kyi seng-ge, 550
Char Thtilcen, the accomplished master of Dokam grub-thob phvar-thul-can, 804
Chetsenkye of Bru-sha bru-sha'i che-btsan skyes, 489,537,607,609
Chim Carok, the "Crow of Chim" mchims bya-rog, 602, 603
Chim, the deity of mchims-lha, 603
·Chim Dorje Peucung mchims rdo-rje spre'u
chung, 753
Chime Tenyi Yungdrung Lingpa 'chi-med
bstan-gnyis gYung-drnng gling-pa, 863;
see Jamgon KonglrUl (Lodro Thaye) Chimo Trashi-tsho mchims-mo bkra-shis
mtsho, 607
Chodenpa Gbnpo Dorje chos-ldan-pa mgon-
po rdo-rje, 686
Chodrak, father a-pha chos-grags, 706; see
Rongzompa (Choki Zangpo)
Bumrampa Orgyen Kelzang 'bum-ram-pa o-rgyan skal-bzang, 833
Buyantu, the emperor (reigned 1311-20)
gong-ma bu-yan-thu gan, 669
Ca Chenpo: see Ca DUldzin Chenpo Cadrel Ktinga Pelden bya-bral kun-dga'
dpal-ldan, 919
Ca Dtildzin Chenpo (1091-1166) bya 'dul-
'dzin chen-po, 952
Ca Chenpo bya chen-po, 685
Cakrasarpvara lsa-kra sambaral'khor-lo bde- mchog/bde-mchog, 449, 549, 591, 936; see also Bibliography
sixty-two deities of the Cakrasarpvara mal)gala bde-mchog drng-cu rtsa-gnyis,
Cakyungpa Pelden Senge bya-khyung-pa
dpal-ldan seng-ge, 788
Camgon Rinpoche of Phurbucok phur-lcogs
byams-mgon rin-po-che, 778
(Camgon Ta'i) Situ Perna Nyinje Wangpo
(1774-1853) (byams-mgon ta'i) si-lU padma nyin-byed dbang-po: i. e. Ta'i
Situ IX, 842, 861
Campabum (1179-1252) byams-pa 'bum: i. e.
Katokpa Gyeltsap II, 693-4, 694, 695,699
Campa Rinpoche byams-pa rin-po-che, 694
Campapel, the translator of Trhopu
(b. 1172/3) khro-lo byams-pa dpal,
Trhopu Lotsawa khro-phu IO-lsa-ba, 564
Campa Phtintsok, lama of Derge sde-dge bla-ma byams-pa phun-lshogs, 816
Campa Rinpoche byams-pa rin-po-che, 694; see Campabum
Campa Senge byams-pa seng-ge, 663-5; see (Zur) Campa Senge
Canak clan bya-nag-gi rigs, 719
Cal)akya lsa-r}-a-ka, 97
Candragomin tsa-ndra go-mi, 92, 100, 108,
441,455, 703, 730, 871
Candraklrti zla(-ba) grags(-pa), 164-5, 309,
464, 577
the king of Ogivisa zla-ba
srnng, 441
Cangcup Dorje, the preceptor/lama mkhan-
po/bla-ma byang-chub rdo-rje, 784 Cangcup Gyeltsen byang-chub rgyal-mtshan:
i. e. Katokpa Gyeltsap XII, 696 Cangcup Lodro byang-chub blo-gros: i. e.
Katokpa Gyeltsap X, 696
398 Index of Personal Names Chodrak Gyamtso chos-grags rgya-mtsho,
Chogyel Phakpa (1235-80) chos-rgyal 'phags-
pa, 953
Phakpa (Rinpoche, lama) (bla-ma)
'phags-pa (rin-po-che), 662, 695, 712 Chogyel Tendzin chos-rgyal bstan-'dzin,
727-8; see (Locen) GhOgyel Tendzin ChOgyel Wangpoide chos-rgyal dbang-po'i
sde, 808; see Gangpa Trashi Topgyel Chogyur (Decen Zhikpo) Lingpa, the great
treasure finder (1829-70) gter-chen mchog-gyur (bde-chen zhig-po) gling- pa, 738, 842,841-8,856, 863, 864-5, 867,958
Norbu Tendzin nor-bu bstan-'dzin, 841 Padmailkusa, bodhisattva byang-chub
sems-dpa' padma'i myu-gu, 848 ChOje Drukpa chos-rje 'brug-pa: the first
Drukcen, 835; see Tsangpa Gyare Choje Lingpa chos-rje 'gling-pa, 751, 835;
see (Rikdzin) GhOje Lingpa
ChOje Tsharpa (1502-6617) chos-rje tshar-pa:
i. e. Lodro Gyeltsen (blo-gros rgyal- mtshan), 922
Chokdrupde, the king of Kungtang gung- thang rgyal-po mchog-grub sde, 782
Ch6ki Lama chos-kyi bia-ma, 694; see Karmapa II
Choki Lodro, lama bla-ma chos-kyi blo-gros, 784
ChOki Lodro of Sheldrak shel-brag chos-kyi blo-gros, 553
Choki Shenyen chos-kyi bshes-gnyen, 854; see (Jamyang) Khyentse Wangpo
Choki Sherap, the translator of Korup go- rub lo-tsa-ba dge-slong chos-kyi shes- rab, 708; see Korup Lotsawa
Ch6ki Trakpa Yeshe Pelzangpo chos-kyi grags-pa ye-shes dpal-bzang-po, 675;
see Zhamarpa IV
Chokme Cangsem phyogs-med byang-sems,
Chokyong Gonpo chos-skyong mgon-po, 809
Chokyong Zangpo, great translator of Zhalu
(1441-1527) zha-lu chos-skyong bzang- po, 955
Choling Karwang Chime Dorje (b. 1763) chos-gling gar-dbang ,chi-med rdo-rje,
Ch6rin sras-po chos-rin, 552
Chowang Kunzang chos-dbang kun-bzang, 553
572,660; see Buddhas of the Five
Enlightened Families
Co-se (Dzeng) jo-sras, 549, 565, 649; see
Dzeng Go-se
Cosema Dorjekyi jo-sras-ma rdo-rje sk"id
548 , Cosemo Damo Tsuktorcam jo-sras-mo mda'-
mo gtsug-tor-Icam, 645
Co-se Temdrel jo-sras rten-'brel, 929
Co-se of upper Nyang jo-sras nyang-stod-pa,
650; see Geton Gyanak
Co-se Zhanglakyap of Traci gra-phyi'i jo-sras
zhang-la-skyabs, 551
Co-so of Central Tibet (b. 1168) dbus-pa jo-
bsod, 656, 657
Cotsun Dorjetra sras-jo-btsun rdo-ry'e grags:
son of Dropukpa, 650
Dakcen Lodro Gyeltsen (1444-95) bdag-chen
blo-gros rgyal-mtshan, 922
I)aki Ktinzang Chonyi Dekyong Wangmo
qa-ki kun-bzang chos-nyid bde-skyong
dbang-mo, 919
(Dalai Lama I,) Gendtin Trupa (1391-1474)
dge-'dun grub-pa, 954
(Dalai Lama II,) Gendtin Gyamtso (1476-
1542) dge-'dun rgya-mtsho 955
(Dalai Lama IV,) Yonten Gyam:so (1589- 1617) yon-tan rgya-mtsho, 821
Dalai Lama V, Lozang Gyamtso (1617-82) blo-bzang rgya-mtsho, 822, 956
Dalai Lama XIV, Tendzin Gyamtso
(b. 6 July 1935) mnga'-bdag sku- phreng bcu-bzhi-pa chen-po bstan-'dzin rgya-mtsho, 959
Great Fourteenth bcu-bzhi-pa chen-po '
mche-sde, 944
Danak Tsuktor Wangcuk mda'-nag gtsug-tor
dbang-phyug, 648
DanasIia da-na-shi-Ia, 515, 522 DaQQ. apaQi lag-na be-con, 418
DaQQ. in dbyug-pa-canlda1J4i, 104, 705 Dangma (Lhiindrup GyeJtsen, the elder)
(gnas-brtan) ldang-ma (lhun-grub
rgyal-mtshan), 556-7, 557, 558, 919 Dao Zh6nu zla-'od gzhon-nu, 931; see
Dapzang Triilku, the great preceptor and bodhisattva mkhan-chen byang-sems zla-bzang sprul-pa'i sku, 842
DarcarupaiDarcarwa 'dar-phya-ru-bal'dar- phyar-ba, 714-16 920
Da mda' sak;a 'phel, 663, 665 Datlk (Co-sak of Nakmore) (nag-mo-re'i)
mda'-tig (jo-sak)lmdal-tig (jo-sak),
358, 642, 645, 647
Dawabum gcung-po zla-ba 'bum, 563 Dawa (Gyeltsen) zla-ba (rgyal-mtshan): the
spiritual son of Pema Lingpa, 722,
735, 798, 799
Dawa Trakpa zla-ba grags-pa, 595
De, eight middle kings called bar-gyi Ide
brgyad: listed in the Glossary of
Enumerations, 508, n. 535
(DeIties of the) Eight Transmitted Precepts
(of Great Attainment) (sgrub-chen) bka'-brgyad(-kyi lha-tshogs), Pis. 5, 17-24; 591, 828; see also listed separ- ately as Hayagfiva, Malign Mantra Mundane Praise, Vajrakfla, VaJramrta, Yamantaka, Yangdak Heruka and as the deity which consumes all these Mahottara
Ch6wang Rinpoche chos-dbang rin-po-che, 838; see Guru Ghdwang
ChOyingpa chos-dbyings-pa, 791
Choying Rangdrol (chos-dbyings rang-grol),
679-83, 684; see (Zurcen) GhOying
Chumikpa chu-mig-pa, 564
Chusor Namkabum chu-gsor nam-mkha' 'bum, 696
Cington of Tsang gtsang-pa bying-ston, 660 Cobuma jo-'bum-ma, 757
Cog6n jo-mgon, 552
Cokro Lotsawa cog-ro lo-tsa-ba, 688 Cokro Lui Gyeltsen lcog-ro klu'i rgyal-
mtshan, 515, 522, 527, 555, 800, 889,893
Cokro pucungmen cog-ro bu-chung sman, 514
Cokroza (Cangcupmen) cog-ro-bza' (byang- chub sman), 537, 711-12
Cokro Zangkar Dzokur cog-ro zangs-dkar mdzod-khur, 706
(Comden) Rikpei Reldri (bcom-ldan) rig-pa'i ral-grilrig-ral, 827, 894,914-17, 930
Como Dangla jo-mo mdangs-lha: the protector, 581
Como Gyagar jo-mo rgya-gar, 562
Como Kangmo jo-mo gang-mo, 543 Como Menmo (1248-83) jo-mo sman-mo,
772, 771-4, 953
Pema Tshokyi padma mtsho-skyid, 771
Como Namar jo-mo sna-dmar: a local divinity, 622
Como Nyangmo jo-mo nyang-mo, 651 Como(wa) jo-mo(-ba) , 545, 546 Como Wangmo jo-mo wang-mo, 653 Como Yumo jo-mo gYu-mo, 637
Conang Kunzi T61popa jo-nang kun-gzigs
dol-bo-pa, 953; see TolbupalTolpopa
(Sherap Gyeltsen)
Conang Sherap Gyeltsen jo(-nang shes-rab
rgyal-mtshan), 905; see Tijlbupal Tolpopa (Sherap Gyeltsen)
Conqueror rgyal-ba, Skt. Jina: Sakyamuni Buddha, 47, 68, 73, 88,113,120,
127_8,143,146,151,278,307,308, 312, 315, 324, 376,404,405,406, 409,427,431,442,507,522,527, 610, 736, 748, 824, 859, 874, 877,
972; see Buddha
Conquerors of the Five Enlightened
Families rgyal-ba rigs Inga, 122, 561,
Dorje Thokmetsel rdo-rje thogs-med rtsal 821
Chddrak Gyamtso - Derge Yilungpa Sonam Namgyel 399
' (Great) Fifth (Dalai Lama) lnga-pa (chen-
po), 682-4, 688, 719, 720, 728, 736- 7,821-4,826,830,831,832-3,926
Lozang Gyamtso blo-bzang rgya-mtsho
Ngagi Wangcuk ngag-gi dbang-ph\! ug
PadmapaQi, the Great Fifth Dalai Lama
. phyag-na padma lnga-pa chen-po, 678
(Dalal Lama VI,) Tshangyang Gyamtso
(1683-1706) tshangs-dbyangs rgya-
mtsho, 824
Dalai Lama VII, Kelzang Gyamtso (1708-
57) skal-bzang rgya-mtsho 957
Dalai Lama IX, Lungtok Gyam;so (1805- 15) lung-rlogs rgya-mtsho 957
Dalai Lama XIII, Thupten (1876- 1933). thub-bstan rgya-mtsho, 958 Great Thmeenth (Dalai Lama) bcu-
gsum-pa chen-po, 777-8
deities, peaceful and wrathful zhi-khro: see peaceful and wrathful deities
Den-gom Ch6ki Trakpa of Dokam mdo- khams-pa 'dan-sgom chos-kyi grags-pa 595
Denma Tsemang ldan-ma rtse-mang, 535 756
' Derge Yilungpa Sonam Namgyel (d. 1952) sde-dge yid-lhung-pa bsod-nams rnam-
400 Index of Personal Names Deshek Gyawo(pa) bde-gshegs rgya-bo(-pa),
635, 641; see Zurcung(pa Sherap-tra) Deshek Zurcungpa bde-gshegs zur-chung-pa,
643; see Zurcung(pa Sherap-tra) Deshek Zurpoche bde-gshegs zur-po-che,
918; see (Zurpoche) Siikya Jungne Deu Gangpa, the preceptor mkhan-po lde'u
sgang-pa, 565
Devadatta lhas-byin, 418, 420 Devakaracandra de-ba-ga-ra tsa-ntra, 708 Devasarman lha-skyid, 90
Devendra lha-yi dbang-po/lha-dbang, 400,
401, 575, 593
Indra brgya-byin: i. e. Satakratu, 417,
Indraraja dbang-po'i rgyal-po, 913 Indrasakra dbang-po brgya-byin, 452 Sakra, (lord) (dbang-po) brgya-byin: i. e.
Satakratu, 130, 624, 768 Surendra lha-dbang, 128
Devourers and Slaughterers za-gsod: pro- tectors associated with VajrakIla, 713
Dewacam, the benefactress yon-bdag-mo bde-ba-Icam, 617
Dewachenpo bde-ba-chen-po, 972; see Guru Rinpoche
Dewarshekpa, lama bla-ma bde-bar gshegs- pa, 691; see Katok(pa) Tampa Deshek
Dhanadhala dha-na-dha-Ia, 607, 614 D dha-na-rak$ila/dharmarak$ita,
488-9, 607, 609
Dhanasarpskna dha-na-saJ? l-skri-ta, 483,
Dharmabhadra dharma bha-dra, 708; see
Rongzompa (Chdki Zangpo) Dharmabodhi (of Magadha) dhar-ma bo-dhi,
489, 537, 607, 609
Dharmaklrti chos-grags, 92, 102, 103, 440,
Dharmamitra chos-kyi bshes-gnyen, 128 Dharmapala, king (reigned c. 770-810)
rgyal-po dharma pii-la, 478, 501, 892,
Dharmaraja(pala) dharma rii-dza (pii-la),
489, 607, 609
Dharmasoka, king rgyal-po dharma sva-ka,
429; see Asoka
DharmasrI, the great translator lo-chen
dharma-shri 526, 733; see Locen
Dharmatasiia dharma-la shi-Ia, 522 Dharmodgata, bodhisattva byang-chub sems-
dpa' chos- 'phags, 624
DhatvIsvarI dbyings-kyi dbang-phyug-ma, 20, 125
DhItika dhi-dhi-ka, 437
Dhupa bdug-spos-ma, 125
Dignaga phyogs-kyi giang-po, 91, 92, 101,
102, 108, 189,440, 703
Dlparpkara di-paJ? l-ka-ra, 914; see Alisa Dlparpkarabhadra mar-me mdzad bzang-po,
Dlparpkara (Buddha) (sangs-rgyas) mar-me
mdzad, 416, 624 Dode Tar mdo-sde dar, 793
Dodrup I, Jikme Trhinle Ozer (1745-1821)
rdo-grub 'jigs-med phrin-Ias 'od-zer,
Trupwang Jikme Trhinle Ozer grub-
dbang 'jigs-med phrin-Ias 'od-zer, 839 Dodrup Ill, Jikme Tenpei Nyima (1865-
1926) rdo-grub 'jigs-med bstan-pa'i
nyi-ma, 375, 879
Do Khyungpo Hurp-nying mdo'i khyung-po
hUJ? l-snying, 708
pombI Heruka 40mbi he-ru-ka, 253, 471 Do-nga Lingpa mdo-sngags gling-pa, 854; see
(Jamyang) Khyentse Wangpo Do-nga Tendzin mdo-sngags bstan-'dzin,
595, 724
Do-nga Tendzin Norbu, the Dokam
Kyangkar Trtilku mdo-khams gyang- mkhar sprul-sku mdo-sngags bstan- 'dzin nor-bu, 734
Dong, family of ldong-gi rigs, 722
Dong Gonpakyap ldong dgon-pa skyabs,
Dongkar Tshoje (Physician of Dongkar)
gdong-khar 'tsho-byed, 722; see
Sodokpa Lodrij Gyeltsen Dongkarwa, the aristocrat sde-pa gdong-
khar-ba, 722
Dongton Dorje Nyingpo ldong-ston rdo-rje
snying-po, 689
Donyen Menbu rdo-gnyan rman-bu: a local
divinity, 690
Dorjebum rdo-rje 'bum, 667; see Yung-
tdn(pa) Dorjepel
Dorje Gyelpo rdo-rje rgyal-po, 771
Dorje Gyeltsen, myriarch of Yamdrok yar-
'brog khri-dpon rdo-rje rgyal-mtshan,
Dorje Gyeltsen rdo-rje rgyal-mtshan, 686-7 Dorje Lekpa, (the Oath-bound One/
protector) rdo-rje legs-pa/dam-can (rdo-rje legs-pa), Skt. Vajrasadhu,
Deshek Gyawo - Dre Trhocung 401 Rikdzin Perna Trhinle rig-'dzin padma
phrin-Ias, 398, 683, 730, 823, 824, 828, 833
Rikdzin IV, Zhapdrung Perna Trhinle
n'g-'dzin bzhi-pa zhabs-drung padma
phrin-las, 783
Dorje Trak Rikdzin V, Kelzang Perna
WangcUk (1719/20-70) rdo-rje brag rig-'dzin skal-bzang padma dbang- phyug: see Supreme Emanation ofthe Dorje Trak Rikdzin
Dorje Trhitsuk rdo-rje khri-gtsug, 607; see Nup(cen) Sangye Yeshe
Dorje TroW (Vajra Pot-belly) rdo-rje gro- (bo-)lod: Guru Rinpoche's
manifestation during the eleventh
month, 519, 519; see Guru RinptJche
Dorje Wangcuk, the layman of Yolcak yol-
lcags dge-bsnyen rdo-rje dbang-phyug,
(Dorje) Yangwangter (rdo-rye) yang-dbang
gter, 607, 613; see Nup(cen) Sangye Yeshe
(Dorje) Yudronma (rdo-rje) gYu-sgron-ma: her "seven sisters" are unidentified, 581-2, 584, 586, 587, 588
Dorje ZhOnu, lama bla-ma rdo-rje gzhon-nu, 802
Dorje Ziji, the all-knowing kun-mkhyen rdo- ry'e gzi-bry'id, 734; see (Jamyang) Khyentse Wangpo
Dorta the Black, (the Mongol) (horlrgya) do- rta nag-po, 766, 953
Dotokpa Sangye-tra rdo-thogs-pa sangs-rgyas grags, 685-6
Doton Senge mdo-ston seng-ge, 707
Dra Dorje Zhonu sgra rdo-ry'e gzhon-nu,
Drangsong TrhOpei Gyelpo drang-srong
khros-pa'i rgyal-po: the seventh emanational teacher according to the Great Perfection, 136
Drghasamiidana, the king of lions yi-dam brtan-pa, 132
Dre Atsara (Nuru) 'bre a-tsa-ra (nu-ru), 712, 713
Dre Atsara Sale 'bre a-tsa-ra sa-le, 712 Dre Gyelwei Lodro 'bre rgyal-ba'j blo-gros,
Drenpa Koncok Gyeltsen 'dren-pa dkon-
mchog rgyal-mtshan, 813
Dre Trhocung of upper Nyang nyang-slOd-
555,556,560,560-1, 572, 581, 589, 591,661
Dorje Lingpa rdo-rje gling-pa (1346-1405), 790, 789-92, 954
Jampel Choki Shenyen 'jam-dpal chos- kyi bshes-gnyen, 791
Kiinkyong Lingpa kun-skyong gling-pa, 791
Orgyen Zangpo o-rgyan bzang-po, 789 Perna Lingpa padma gling-pa, 791 Yungdrung Lingpa yung-drung gling-pa,
Dorje Namgyel, the great spiritual warriorl
bodhisattva of Tarlung sems-dpa' chen-polbyang-chub sems-dpa' dar- lung-pa rdo-rje rnam-rgyal, 697, 701
Dorje Senge rdo-rje seng-ge, 722
Dorje Thokmetsel rdo-rje thogs-med rtsal,
821; see Dalai Lama V Dorje Trakpotsel (Expression of the
Ferocious Vajra) rdo-rje drag-po rtsal: Guru Rinpoche's wrathful manifestation during the fourth month, also known as Perna Dorje Trakpotsel, 469; see Guru Rinpoche
Dorje Trak Rikdzin I, Godemcen (1337-
1409) rdo-rje brag rig-'dzin rgod-ldem- can, 781
Ngodrup Gyeltsen dngos-grub rgyal- mtshan, 780-3
Rikdzin Godemcen rig-'dzin rgod-Idem- can, 780-3, 813, 919
Rikdzinje rig-'dzin-rje, 719
DorjeTrak Rikdzin II, Lekdenje (1488-1569)
rdo-rje brag rig-'dzin legs-ldan-rje, 718 Lekden Dorje legs-ldan rdo-rje, 807 Rikdzin II, Lekdenje rig-'dzin legs-ldan-
rje, 717, 783, 807
Dorje Trak Rikdzin III, Ngagiwangpo
(1580-1639) rdor-brag rig-'dzin ngag-
gi dbang-po, 782, 812
Cangpa Rikdzin Ngagiwangpo byang-pa
rig-'dzin ngag-gi dbang-po, 679, 681,
683, 719, 821
Rikdzin III, Ngagiwangpo rig-'dzin
ngag-gi dbang-po, 783
Dorje Trak Rikdzin IV, Perna Trhinle
(1641-1717) rdor-brag n'g-'dzin padma
phrin-las, 719, 719-20
(Cangdak) Perna Trhinle (byang-bdag)
padma phrin-las, 41, 956 Kiinzang Perna Trhinle kun-bzang
padma phrin-las, 720
kyi 'bre khro-chung, 619
402 Index of Personal Names
Drigung Choki Gyelpo (b. 1335) 'bri-gung chos-kyi rgyal-po, 787
Drigung Choki Trakpa (b. 1595) 'bri-gung chos-kyi grags-pa: the twenty-first gdan-rabs of Drigung, 812
Drigung Koncok Trhinle Zangpo 'bri- gung dkon-mchog phrin-las bzang-po,
Drigung Kyopa (1143-1219) 'bri-gung skyob-
pa, 761, 952
Drigungpa emanations, the two 'bri-gung
sprul-sku gnyis: i. e. Chetsang and Chungtsang ('bri-gung che-tshang chung-tshang), 839
Drigung (Zurpa) Rincen Phtintsok (1509-
57) 'bri-gung-pa chos-rgyal (zur-pa) rin-chen phun-tshogs: the sixteenth gdan-rabs of Drigung, 571, 595, 676- 7, 681, 798, 807
Drigung Zurpa Ratna 'bri-gung zur-pa rat-na, 681
Drocam Trhompagyen 'bro-lcam khrom-pa rgyan, 805
Dro, the deity of 'gro-lha, 605
Drodtil Lingpa 'gro-'dul gling-pa, 794; see
Ratna Lingpa
Drogon Namka Ozer 'gro-mgon nam-mkha'
'od-zer, 757
(Drogon) Namka Pelwa ('gro-mgon) nam-
mkha' dpal-ba, 757, 758
Ngadak Drogon mnga'-bdag 'gro-mgon,
763, 765
Drokben Khyeucung Lotsawa 'brog-ban
khye'u chung lo-tsa-ba, 535, 813 Drokmi (Sakya Yeshe), the translator (993-
1050) 'brog-mi lo-tsa-ba (sa-kya ye-
shes), 395,633,930,951 DroicenlDrolmawa Samdrup Dorje (1295-
1376) sgrol-chenlsgrol-ma-ba bsam- 'grub rdo-rye, 348, 672, 700, 717, 720, 721; see Tanak Drolmawa Samdrup Dorye
(Droicen) Sangye Rincen (1350-1431) (sgrol-
chen) sangs-rgyas rin-chen, 672-4,
Sangye Rincen Gyeltsen Pelzangpo
sangs-rgyas rin-chen rgyal-mtshan
dpal-bzang-po, 672
Drolgom, the spiritual benefactor dge-bshes
sgrol-sgom, 546
Drolmawa Samdrup Dorje sgrol-ma-ba
bsam-'grub rdo-rye, 672; see Tanak Drolmawa Samdrup Dorye
Dromton (Gyelwei Jungne) (1004-64) 'bram-
stan rgyal-ba'i 'byung-gnas, 550, 575,
950, 951
Dromza Pamti Chenmo 'brom-bza' spam-ti
chen-mo, 537
Dromza Sonamgyen 'brom-bza' bsod-nams
rgyan, 575
Dron Kungtangpa mgron gung-thang-pa, 777 Dropukpa, (the lord of secrets) (gsang-bdag)
sgro-phug-pa, 346,646-9,650,651, 660,677,685, 701, 728, 952; see Zur (Drapukpa) Sakya Senge
Dro Rincen Barwa 'bra rin-chen 'bar-ba, 556
Drosechung 'gra-sras chung, 603, 605 Dro Tarseng of lower Nyang nyang-smad
sgro-dar-seng, 651 Drotonpa sgro-stan-pa, 632
Dru Gomgying gru sgom-'gying, 622
Drukpa (Paksam Wangpo), the all-knowing
(1593-1641) 'brug-pa (thams-cad mkhyen-pa) dpag-bsam dbang-po: the fifth Drukcen, 809, 812, 833
Drukt6n Trakpa of Kharak kha-rag 'brug- stan grags-pa, 562
Drupcenpa, lama bla-ma sgrub-chen-pa, 721; see (Rikdzin) Yudruk Dorye
Drutsagangpa 'bru-tsha sgang-pa, 698 Dudjom Rinpoche, (His Holiness) (1904- 87), Pl. 99; 11, 35, 39,41-2, 394,
398, 400, 888
Dtijom Trtilku bdud-'joms sprul-sku, 972 Jikdrel Yeshe Dorje (Gelek Nampar
Gyelweide) (Fearless Indestructible Reality of Pristine Cognition, the Victorious Army of All that is Good)
'jigs- 'bral ye-shes rdo-rye (dge-legs rnam-par rgyal-ba'i sde) , 377-8, 379,
Tshojung Gyepei Langtso Tsuklak
Mawei Nyima (Joyous Youth of the Lake-born Lotus, the Sun amongst Proponents of Scripture) mtsho-byung dgyes-pa'i lang-tsho gtsug-lag smra-ba'i
nyi-ma, 972
Dtidtil Dorje, (the great treasure-finder)
(1615-72) (gter-chen) bdud-'dul rdo-
rye, 812, 956; see Rikdzin Diidiil
Dtidtil, master slob-dpon bdud-'dul, 780 Dtijom Lingpa, the great treasure-finder
(1835-1904) gter-chen bdud-'joms gling-pa, 919, 920, 958
Dtijom Trtilku bdud-'joms sprul-sku, 972; see Dudjom Rinpoche
Dtiltsangma, the nagini klu-mo 'dul-tshang- ma,452
Dumpa Tondrup Wangyelldum-pa don-grub dbang-rgyal, 729-30
Dumpopa ldum-po-ba, 821
Dzaborwa rdza-bor-ba, 546
Dzamton (Drowei Gonpo) 'dzam-ston ('gro-
ba'i mgon-po), 688, 689
Dzemza Lhamo 'dzem-bza' lha-mo, 537 Dzeng Co-se 'dzeng jo-sras, 550-1, 552
Co-se (Dzeng) jo-sras, 549, 565, 649 "Mad" Co-se, the younger Dzeng jo-sras
'dzeng-chung smyon-pa, 551
Dzeng (Dharmabodhi) (1052-1136) 'dzeng (dha-rma bo-dhi), 544, 543-50, 551,
Pawo Dzengcung dpa'-bo 'dzeng-chung,
Dzokcen Gemang rdzogs-chen dge-mang,
879; see Gyelse Zhenpen Thaye (of
Dzokcenpa Drukdra Zangpo rdzogs-chen-pa
'brug-sgra bzang-po, 724
Dzokcen I, Perna Rikdzin (1625-97) rdzogs-
chen-pa padma rig-'dzin, 817, 737 Perna Rikdzin of Dzokcen rdzogs-chen
padma rig-'dzin, 736-7
Dzokcen Perna Rikdzin II, Gyurme Thekcok Tendzin rdzogs-chen gnyis- pa 'gyur-med theg-mchog bstan-'dzin, 833
Dzokcen IV, Mingyur Namkei Dorje
(b. 1793) rdzogs-chen sprul-sku bzhi- pa mi-'gyur nam-mkha'i rdo-rye, 737
Dzokcen Trtilku V, Thupten ChOki Dorje
(1872-1935) rdzogs-chen lnga-pa thub-
bstan chos-kyi rdo-rye, 879, 958 Dzongsar Ngari ChOje Ktinga Jamyang
rdzong-gsar mnga'-ris chos-rye kun-dga'
'jam-dbyangs, 868 Dzungar(s) jun-gar-pa, 957
(Eight) Closest Sons nye-sras (brgyad): listed in the Glossary of Enumerations, 624,864
Eighteen "Secret Liberators" gsang-ba'i sgrol-ging bco-brgyad: listed in the Glossary of Enumerations, 620
Eight Emanations of the Guru/Guru Padmasambhava's Eight Emanations gu-ru mtshan brgyad: listed in the Glossary of Enumerations under
Eight Emanations (of Padmasam- bhava), Pl. 16; 858, 893; see Guru Rinpoche
eightfold group of the Monpa, mounted on tigers stag-zhon mon-pa sde-brgyad, 628
"Eight-footed Lion", the Shing-go-chen-pa
shing-sgo chen-pa seng-ge rkang-pa brgyad-pa, 592; see Ta'i Situ (Cangcup Gyeltsen)
Eight Gauri gau-ri brgyad: listed in the Glossary of Enumerations, 623, 639 "eight glorious adepts of Vajrakila" phur-pa
mkhan-po-dag dpal brgyad, 605
eight glorious disciples (of Nyak JiUinakumara) (gnyag dznya-na kumara'i) slob-ma dpal brgyad, 608, 918
eight great accomplished masters grub-pa'i slob-dpon chen-po brgyad: listed in the Glossary of Enumerations, 482-3; see also following entry
eight (great) awareness-holders rig-'dzin (chen-po) brgyad, 470, 757, 791; see also preceding entry
eight "rafters" gding-ma brgyad: students of Zurcungpa, 640, 642
Eight Transmitted Precepts bka-'brgyad, 828; see (Deities ofthe) Eight Transmitted Precepts (of Great Attainment)
Eight Wrathful Goddesses khro-mo brgyad, 628
eighty-four accomplished masters grub-thob brgyad-cu rtsa-bzhi, 442
EkajaTi, (the mantra protectress) e-ka-dza-ti (sngags-bdaglsngags-srung-ma),561, 570,570,572,580,587,591,609, 843, 849, 865
elixir goddess sman-gyi lha-mo, 757
E Yeshe Gyelwa dbas ye-shes rgyal-ba, 526 Fifth Dalai Lama rgyal-mchog lnga-pa: see
Dalai Lama V
Fifth Guide rnam-'dren lnga-pa, 749, 971;
see M aitreya
Fifty-eight Blood-drinkers khrag-thunglkhro-
bo lnga-bcu nga-brgyad: listed in the Glossary of Enumerations, 623; see also peaceful and wrathful deities
fifty-five realised ones of Yangdzong yang- rdzong-gi rtogs-Idan nga-lnga, 537
Five-arrowed One mda'-lnga, Skt. Paficasara, 421; see Kama
Drigung ChiJki Gyelpo - Five-arowed One 403
404 Index of Personal Names Five Conquerors/Teachers rgyal-ba/ston-pa
lnga: listed in the Glossary of Enumerations under Five Teachers, 125; see Buddhas of the Five Enlightened Families
five emanational brothers of Yarlung yar- klung sprul-sku mched-lnga, 686
five kingly treasure-finders gter-ston rgyal-po lnga: listed in the Glossary of Enumerations, 755, 760, 789, 796, 849
five (noble) companions lnga-sde bzang-po: listed in the Glossary of
Enumerations, 153, 419, 422, 423,
five noble ones rigs-can lnga: listed in the
Glossary of Enumerations, 454-5,
four "teachers" ston-pa bzhi: students of Dropukpa, 648-9
Fourth Guide mam-'dren bzhi-pa, 409, 943; see Buddha
Ga, the awareness-holder of Nyo gnyos-kyi rig-'dzin sga: the father of Khyentse Rinpoche, 854
Gagasiddhi ga-ga si-ddhi, 489
Gaje Wangcuk, son of the gods lha'i bu
dga'-byed dbang-phyug, 136 Gampo Choktrtil Zangpo Dorje sgam-po
mchog-sprul bzang-po rdo-rye, 833 Gampopa Orgyen Drodtil Lingpa sgam-po-
pa o-rgyan 'gro-'dul gling-pa, 957
Gampopa, (the physician of Takpo) 00? 9-
1153) sgam-po-pa (dvags-po lha-rye):
his emanations who were hierachs of Taklha Gampo (dvags-lha sgam-po) in chronological order include: Gampo Trashi Namgyel, Gampopa Zhapdrung Norbu Gyenpa, Gampo Choktrtil Zangpo Dorje, Gampopa Orgyen Drodtil Lingpa, 200, 547, 908
Dao ZhOnu zla-'od gzhon-nu, 931 Nyiwa Rincen snyi-ba rin-chen, 200 Takpo (Dao Zhonu) dvags-po (zla-'od
gzhon-nu), 931, 952
Takpo Lharje dvags-po lha-rje, 649, 853,
Gampopa Trashi Namgyel 0512/13-87)
sgam-po-pa bkra-shis mam-rgyal, 955
Gampopa (Zhapdrung) Norbu Gyenpa
0588/99-1633) sgam-po-pa (zhabs-
drung) nor-bu rgyan-pa, 809, 811, 956 Gal). apati tshogs-bdag, 713
Gandha dri-chab-ma, 125
Gar, the religious minister chos-blon mgar,
Garap Dorje, (the emanation) (sprul-sku).
dga'-rab rdo-ry'e, Skt. *PramodavaJra, 39,358,371,451,477,487,491, 490-4, 503, 539,922,927, 949, 960
"Ashen Zombie" ro-langs thal-mdog, Skt. *Vetala Bhasmavarl). a, 477, 493
Prajfiabhava shes-rab 'byung-gnas/pra- dzya-bha-ba, 493
Sukha the "Zombie" ro-langs bde-ba, 487-8, 493 ,.
"Zombie" Sukhasiddhi ro-langs bde-ba z dngos-grub, 466
Garton Tshtiltrim Zangpo 'gar-stan tshul- khrims bzang-po, 703
Five Conquerors - Guhyajiiana 405 Gompa Ktinrin of Drigung 'bri-gung sgom-
pa kun-rin, 591-2 Ktinga kun-dga', 591
Gompa Sonam Nyingpo sgom-pa bsod-nams snying-po, 622
Gonkyap, master slob-dpon mgon-skyabs, 552 Gonpo Sonam Chokden (of Nesar) 0603-
59) (gnas-gsar-ba) mgon-po bsod-nams
mchog-ldan, 683, 720, 724-5 Kangyurwa Gonpo Sonam Chokden
bka'-'gyur-ba mgon-po bsod-nams mchog-ldan, 812
Gonpo Targye of the Lha clan of Ju 'ju lha- rigs mgon-po dar-rgyas, 869
Gontse Trtilku of Tshona in Mon mon mtsho-sna dgon-rtse sprul-sku, 839
Gopa sa-'tsho-ma, 418
Goriwa, master slob-dpon go-ri-ba, 552
GoWn Jungne Dorje 'gos-ston 'byung-gnas rdo-ry'e, 674
Gotsangpa 0 189-1258) rgod-tshang-pa: i. e. Gonpo Dorje (mgon-po rdo-ry'e), 922
Go Tsiiungpa 'gos rtsi-Iung-pa, 700
Go ZhOnupei 'gos gzhon-nu-dpal, 687; see
GOlo(tsawa) Zhonupel
Great AII-Pervader khyab-'jug chen-po, Skt.
447; see Samantabhadra Great Compassionate One thugs-ry'e chen-po,
Skt. Mahakarul). ika, 507, 511, 560, 564, 565, 569, 677, 659, 755, 762, 765, 770, 784, 828, 829; see
(Great) Fifth (Dalai Lama) lnga-pa (chen-
po), 682-4, 688, 719, 720, 728, 736- 7, 821-4, 830, 831, 832-3, 926, 931, 966; see Dalai Lama V
Great Glorious (Yangdak Heruka) dpal- chen-po (yang-dag he-ru-ka), 617, 621,623,625-8,630,631-2,634_5, 639, 643, 644; see Yangdak Heruka
great kings of the four directions phyogs- bzhi'i rgyal-chen, 421; see four guardian kings
Great Mother yum-chen-mo: Prajfiaparamita, 623-4
Great Thirteenth (Dalai Lama) bcu-gsum-pa chen-po, 777-8; see Dalai Lama XI/I Great Translator of Sakya sa-lo chen-po, 642,
n. 781
Guhyajfiana, the <;lakinI of pristine cognition
ye-shes mkha'-'gro-ma gsang-ba ye- shes, 469
458, 948
five sons who were successors to the
Garu<;la khyung-po, 545
Gautama gau-ta-ma, 422-3; see Buddha Gayadhara, (the pal). <;lita) (pa1J,qita) ga-ya-
dha-ra, 633, 930
Gejong Losel Gyamtso dge-sbyong blo-gsal
rgya-mtsho, 833
GelaWn dge-Ia-ston, 603; see (Nyak) Geton Gelong Pelden dge-slong dpal-Idan, 572; see
Gemang II, Thupwang Tenpei Nyima dge-
mang gnyis-pa thub-dbang bstan-pa'i nyi-ma: the second Dzokcen Gemang, 919
Gendtin Gyamtso 0476-1542) dge-'dun rgya- mtsho: i. e. Dalai Lama II, 955 Gendtin Gyeltsen, the doctrine master chos-
ry'e dge-'dun rgyal-mtshan, 678 Gendtin Trupa (1391-1474) dge-'dun grub-
pa: i. e. Dalai Lama I, 954
Geshe Locungpa dge-bshes lo-chung-ba, 761;
see PangtO"n Trupei Nyingpo Geshe Po dge-bshes spo, 545
Gewei Yicen (Virtuous-minded), the householder dge-ba'i yid-can: father of SrI Sirnha, 497
Ghamapada dnl(-bu-pa), 404
Ghare (of Minyak) (mi-nyag) gha-ras, 661-2,
GIta glu-ma, 125
Glorious HerukaiSrIheruka dpal he-ru-ka, 475-7, 534, 691; see Yangdak Heruka
Gocatsha 'go-bya-tsha, 642, 643
Gocung Wange 'go-chung dbang-nge, 642,
Go (Khukpa Lhetse, the translator) gos(-lo
khug-pa lhas-btsas), 643, 709
Go Lhetse 'gos lhas-btsas, 708, 914, 916,
Go Lotsawa 'gos lo-tsa-ba, 689
Go Lotsawa: see preceding entry
Golo Yezang Tsepa: see following entry Golo(tsawa) ZhOnupel 0392-1481) 'gos-lo
gzhon-nu dpall'gos lo-tsa-ba, 398, 553, 616, 673, 674-5, 676, 709,914, 921, 954, 965
(Golo) Yezang Tsepa ('gos-lo) ye-bzang rtse-pa, 673-4, 675
Go Zhonupel 'gos gzhon-nu-dpal, 687 GomadevI, daughter sras-mo go-ma-de-
Goma Neijorma sgom-ma mal-'byor-ma, 655
Gomdar, attendant nye-gnas sgom-dar, 572 Gompa, master slob-dpon sgom-pa, 571
. transmitted precepts bka'-babs-kyz
bu-lnga: students of Nyang-rel
Nyima Ozer, 759
Forty-two (Peaceful) Buddhas/Deities . (zhz-
ba'i) sangs-rgyas/lha zhe-gnyzs: hsted in the Glossary of Enumerations, 125-6,623,644, 691; see also peaceful and wrathful deities
four "black ones" nag-po bzhi: students of Dropukpa, 648 . four female earth spirits sa-bdag-mo bzhz:
listed in the Glossary of Enumera-
tions, 481
four "grandfathers" mes-po bzhi: students of
Dropukpa, 648-9
four guardian kings rgyal-chen bzhi, Skt.
Caturmaharajika: listed in the
Glossary of Enumerations, 419
great kings of the four directions phyogs-
bzhi'i rgyal-chen, 421
Four Mahakrodha khro-bo chen-po bzhi:
wrathful male deities, listed in the
Glossary of Enumerations, 125-6 Four MahakrodhI khro-mo bzhi: wrathful
female deities, listed in the Glossary
of Enumerations, 126
four "pillars" ka-ba bzhi: students of
Zurcungpa, 346, 640-2, 645, 647 four sons who were prophesied lung-bscan
bu-bzhi: students of Katokpa Tampa
four "summits" rtse-mo bzhi: students of
Zurpoche, 622, 623, 625, 631, 635, 638
406 Index of Personal Names GuhyapatilLord of Secrets gsang(-ba'i)
bdag(-po), 282, 377, 405, 430, 441, 451,454,458,459,460,485,490, 609,645,648,734,728,923,925,
948; see Vajrapii1J,i
Guhyaputra gu-hya-pu-tri: the son of King
Ja, 485
Guhyasamaja gsang(-ba) 'dus(-pa): see
nineteen-deity mal)Qala of Mafijuvajra
'jam-pa'i rdo-rje lha bcu-dgu'i dkyil- 'khor: listed in the Glossary of Enumerations, 496
Guluk, emperor go-lug rgyal-po, 671 GUl)aprabha yon-tan 'od, 441 , Guniru, the yoginI rnal-'byor-ma gu-m-ru,
Gupta sbas, 435, 436
Gurkha(s) 838, 957
(Guru) Chowang or Choki Wangcuk (1212-
70) (gu-ru) chos(-kyi) dbang(-phyug) , 695,719,758,761,760-70,773, 789,807,698,835,953
Chowang Rinpoche chos-dbang rin-po- che, 838
Guru Cober 0172-1231) gu-rujo-'ber, 563, 563-4, 565
Guru Khyungdra gu-ru khyung-grags, 662
Guru Rinpoche gu-ru rin-po-che: Padmasam- bhava, Pis, 16, 26, 58, 78; 468-74, 470, 512-21, 585, 676, 746, 755, 757,766, 789, 791, 793, 814, 841,
842, 845, 846, 854, 856, 857, 858,
863, 864, 865,939-40,972
Eight Emanations of the Guru/Guru,
Padmasambhava's Eight Emanations gu-ru mtshan brgyad: listed in the Glossary of Enumerations, PI. 16;
858, 893
The twelve manifestations of Guru
Rinpoche which correspond to the
twelve months are:
1) (Preserver of Peace) sha-
nta-raksita, 469
2) Loden Chokse (Intelligent Boon-
seeker) blo-ldan mchog-sred, 470 and
2) Sakyasiqlha (Lion of the Sakyas) sii- kya seng-ge, 469, 488
3) Padmakara (Lotus-origin) padma 'byung-gnas, 469, 517, 787, 889, 892, 927, 944, 948
4) (Perna) Dorje Trakpotsel (Expression
of the Ferocious Vajra) rdo-rje drag-
po rtsal, 469
5) SiqlhanadaiSenge Dradrok (Lion's Roar) seng-ge sgra-sgrog, 472, 845
6) (Guru) Saroruhavajra (Vajra of the ,
Lake-born Lotus) mtsho-skyes rdo-rye,
469, 857, 855-6, 866
7) Khyeucung Khadingtsel (Youth who
Flies like GaruQa) khye'u chung
mkha'-lding rtsal, 471
8) Suryarasmi (Sunbeam) nyi-ma 'od-zer,
9) Perna (Dorje) Thotrengtsel (Lotus
whose Expression is a Garland of
Skulls) padma thod-phreng-rtsal, 471 10) Padmasambhava, (the great master) (slob-dpon chen-po) padma (sam-bha- ba): also used as a general name for Guru Rinpoche, 38, 39, 40, 63, 96,
265, 342, 394, 396, 397,455,470, 468-74,481,483,488,498, 504, 512_21,522,532,533,534,535,
554-5,568, 569, 573, 575, 582, 583, 584, 585, 587, 591, 595, 601, 605, 607,676,677,706,710,711,712, 714, 715, 728, 745, 746, 747, 749,
757, 760, 768, 771, 773, 784, 785, 797, 802, 809, 821, 825, 828, 829, 844, 848, 852, 856, 864, 866, 887, 888,890,892,893,894,917,921,
922, 927, 930, 934-5, 938-40, 949- 50,951,972 ,
11) Dorje Trolo (Vajra Pot-belly) rdo-rye gro-(bo-)lod, 519, 519
12) Perna Gyelpo/Padmaraja (Lotus King) padma rgyal-po, 471, 854
Other manifestations/names include: Dewachenpo bde-ba-chen-po, 972
Guru Trakpo gu-ru drag-po, 519, 589, 590, 591
King Sikhin (Crested King) rgyal-po thor-cog-can, 469
master slob, 968, 973 , Orgyen Dorje Chang o-rgyan rdo-rye
'chang, 45
Orgyen (Rinpochelthe precious) o-rgyan
(rin-po-che): Guru Rinpoche of Oddiyana, 557, 746, 751, 764, 765, 76'6', 774, 775, 784, 786, 789, 790, 793,796, 809, 837, 841, 847,859,
860, 863, 935
peaceful and wrathful Guru bla-ma zhi- drag, 828
Perna Rikdzin padma rig-'dzin, 866 Tavihrca ta-bi-hri-tsa: a Ponpo teacher
identified as a form of Guru
Rinpoche, 473
Thukdrup thugs-sgrub, 586
Wangcuk Dorje dbang-phyug rdo-rje, 755
Guru of Suvarl)advIpa gser-gling-pa: Dharmapala, the guru of Atisa, 184, n, 174
Guru Trakpo gu-ru drag-po, 519, 589, 590, 591; see Guru Rinpoche
Guru Yeshe Rapjam gu-ru ye-shes rab- 'byams, 595
Gushri Tendzin ChOgyel, the Mongolian (b. 1582) sog-po gu-shri bstan-'dzin chos-rgyal, 823
Gushri Trakpelpa, the preceptor mkhan-po gu-shri grags-dpal-pa, 675
Gyacing Rupa rgya-'chings ru-ba, 685 Gyadrakpa rgya-brag-pa, 835
Gya Gyeltstil rgya rgyal-tshul, 708 Gyakap Kongpa, lama bla-ma rgya-khab
gong-pa, 660
Gyanyonpa Tonden rgya-smyon-pa don-ldan,
Gyapton Dorje Gonpo rgyab-ston rdo-ry'e
mgon-po, 649 Gyare rgya-ras, 547
Gyari, the minister rgya-ri dpon-sa, 727 Gyat6n rgya-ston, 649
Gyat6n Lodro rgya-ston blo-gros, 619 Gyaton Sak-ye rgya-ston silk-ye, 634 Gyatrtil Perna Do-nga Tendzin rgya-sprul
padma mdo-sngags bstan-'dzin, 738 Gyatsang Korwa of upper Nyang nyang-
stod-kyi rgya-rtsang skor-ba, 651
Gya Tsonseng rgya brtson-seng, 650
Gya Yeshe Gonpo rgya ye-shes mgon-po, 686;
see (Phungpo) Gya Yeshe Gonpo
Gya Zhangtrom rgya zhang-khrom, 765; see
(Tumpa) Gya Zhangtrom
Gyedor, lama bla-ma dgyes-rdor, 568 Gyelkangtsewa Peljor Gyamtso rgyal-khang
rtse-ba dpal-'byor rgya-mtsho, 678 Gyelmodzom rgyal-mo 'dzom, 677 Gyelmoyang rgyal-mo gYang, 561
Gyelmo Yudra Nyingpo rgyal-mo(-rong-gi)
gYu-grags snying-po, 535; see Yudra
Gyelse Lekpa of Sho (b. 1290) sho'i rgyal-
sras legs-pa, 574, 590
Guhyapati - Gyurme Dorje 407 Gyelse Lharje rgyal-sras lha-ry'e: the second
son of Mutik Tsepo, refer to the Glossary of Enumerations for his thirteen incarnations, 751, 805, 835, 849
Lhase Chokdrup Gyelpo lha-sras mchog- grub rgyal-po, 775
Gyelse Norbu Wangyel rgyal-sras nor-bu dbang-rgyal, 735
Gyelse Norbu Yongdra rgyal-sras nor-bu yongs-grags, 817
Gyelse Rincen Namgyel rgyal-sras rin-chen rnam-rgyal: i. e. Minling Trhicen III, 733, 734
Trincen Rincen Namgyel drin-chen rin- chen rnam-rgyal, 833
Gyelse Tenpei Nyima rgyal-sras bstan-pa'i nyi-ma: DharmasrI's elder brother, 730
Gyelse Zhenpen Thaye (of Dzokcen)
(b. 1800 or 1740) (rdzogs-chen) rgyal-sras gzhan-phan mtha'-yas: founder of SrI Siqlha College at Dzokcen, 737, 957
Dzokcen Gemang rdzogs-chen dge-mang, 879
Gyelse Zopa rgyal-sras bzod-pa, 593, 595 Gyeltsap IV, Trakpa Tondrup (of Tshurpu)
(c. 1550-1617) rgyal-tshab grags-pa
don-grub, 812
Gyeltsap V, Trakpa Choyang (of Tshurpu)
(1618-58) rgyal-tshab grags-pa mchog-
dbyangs, 724
Gyeltsen Pelzang rgyal-mtshan dpal-bzang,
Gyelwa Choyang rgyal-ba mchog-dbyangs,
535, 536, 575,675 J ta dznya-na-indra-rakshi-
ta, 575
Ngenlam Gyelwa Choyang ngan-lam
rgyal-ba mchog-dbyangs, 515 Yeshe Wangposung ye-shes dbang-po
srung, 575
Gyelwa Poton rgyal-ba spo-ston, 547 Gyelwei Lodro rgyal-ba'i blo-gros, 601; see
also Nyak Jfiiinakumilra
Gyepak Sherap dgyes-'phags shes-rab, 605 Gyi-phan gyi-phan, 524
Gyurme Chokdrup Pelbar 'gyur-med mchog-
grub dpal-'bar: i. e. Lhodrak Thukse
Dawa Gyeltsen V, 735 Spiritual Son thug-sras, 839
Gyurme Dorje, (the great treasure-finder of MindrOling) (smin-gling gter-chen)
408 Index of Personal Names 'gyur-med rdo-rje, 726, 728, 729, 730,
731, 734, 735, 956, 966; see
(Rikdzin) Terdak Lingpa
Gyurme Dorjetsel 'gyur-med rdo-rje rtsal: see
(Rikdzin) Terdak Lingpa, 828
Gyurme Ngedon Wangpo, pervading lord) (khyab-bdag) gyur- med nges-don dbang-po, 734, 868, 919
His Presence, the Karmapa sku-mdun karma-pa, 579; see Karmapa III
Ho-shang Mo-ho-yen holhva-shang mahiiyana, 511, 896, 899,905,
Hraza Sonam DrOima dbra-bza' bsod-nams
sgrol-ma, 675
Hlilegli hu-Ie-gu: the brother of and
founder of the Ilkhan dynasty m Persia, 664
Humkara hun:r-ka-ralhun:r-mdzad, 475-7,
. 476,483,489,516,533,829,864,
HUqlkara, the wrathful deity khro-bo hun:r-
Humnak Mebar, the mantra adept hiln:r-nag
Jalandharipa dza-lan-dha-ri-pa, 459, 462, 473, 494, 603, 693
Balapada byis-pa'i zhabs, 462 Jambhala rmugs-'dzinldzam-bha-Ia, 494,
Jamgon Khyentse Wangpo jam-mgon
mkhyen-brtse'i dbang-po, 738; see
(Jamyang) Khyenlse Wangpo
Jamgon Kongtrlil (Lodro Thaye) (1813-99)
'jam-mgon kong-sprul (blo-gros mtha'- yas), 41,375,398,735,842,857, 860, 859-68, 871, 958
Chime Tenyi Yungdrung Lingpa 'chi- med bstan-gnyis gYung-drung gling-pa, 863
Jamgon Yonten Gyamtso (Lodro Thaye)
'jam-mgon yon-tan rgya-mtsho (blo-
gros mtha'-yas), 859, 875, 966 Jamgon Lozang Trakpa jam-mgon blo-bzang
grags-pa, 954; see Tsongkapa
Jamgon Mipham Mawei Senge (1846-1912) 'jam-mgon mi-pham smra-ba'i seng-ge,
375; see Mipham Gyamtso
Jamgon Tsongkapa 'jam-mgon tsong-kha-pa,
925, 930; see Tsongkapa
Jamgon Yonten Gyamtso (Lodro Thaye) 'jam-mgon yon-tan rgya-mtsho (blo-
gros mlha'-yas), 859, 875, 966; see
Jamgon Kongtrnl (Lodro Thaye) Jampel ChOki Shenyen jam-dpal chos-kyi bshes-gnyen, 791; see Dorje Lingpa
Jampel Dewei Nyima, (lord of the maI). qala circle) ('khor-lo'i mgon-po) 'jam-dpal bde-ba'i nyi-ma, 734,919; see Gyurme Phendei Qzer
Jamyang, the attendant nye-gnas 'jam- dbyangs, 669
Jamyang ChOkyong 'jam-dbyangs chos- skyong, 805
Jamyang Khyentse Wangcuk (b. 1524)
'jam-dbyangs mkhyen-brtse dbang- phyug, 717, 824, 922
(Jamyang) Khyentse Wangpo (1820-92)
'jam-dbyangs mkhyen-brtse'i dbang-po,
PI. 32; 41, 734, 751, 777, 792, 843, 848, 850, 849-58, 861, 863, 864, 865, 867-8, 871, 958
Choki Shenyen chos-kyi bshes-gnyen, 854 Do-nga Lingpa mdo-sngags gling-pa, 854 Dorje Ziji, the all-knowing kun-mkhyen
rdo-rje gzi-brjid, 734
Jamgon Khyentse Wangpo 'jam-mgon
mkhyen-brtse'i dbang-po, 738
Khyentse Rinpoche mkhyen-brrse rin-po- che, 752, 844, 845, 846, 84g, 849-58, 863-6, 871, 873, 874-5, 876-7
Osel Trlilpei Dorje 'od-gsal sprul-pa'i rdo-rje, 854
Perna Osel Do-nga Lingpa padma 'od- gsal mdo-sngags gling-pa, 751, 774, 778, 804, 849-58, 871
Jamyang Lodropel jam-dbyangs blo-gros dpal,806
Jamyang Rincen Gyeltsen 'jam-dbyangs rin- chen rgyal-mtshan, 805
Utsewa Jamyang Rincen Gyeltsen (of Ngari) dbu-rtse-ba'i 'jam-dbyangs rin- chen rgyal-mtshan, 717
Jamyang Sakya PaI). qita 'jam-dbyangs sa-skya pa1J4ita, 806; see Sakya Pa1J4ita
Jamyang Samdrup Dorje 'jam-dbyangs bsam-grub rdo-rje, 671, 721; see Tanak DrOlmawa Samdrup Dorje
Jang, the king of 'jang rgyal-po, 696 Japa Do-nga 'ja'-pa mdo-sngags, 875-6 Jatson Nyingpo 'ja'-tshon snying-po, 813,
814, 820; see (Rikdzin) Jatsijn
Nyingpo Javaripa dza-bi-ra, 676
Jedrung Trhinle Campei Jungne rje-drung phrin-las byams-pa'i 'byung-gnas, 734, 868
Je Guru rje gu-ru, 925; see Tsongkapa
Je Lhakangpa rje lha-khang-pa, 650; see
CetOn Gyanak
Jesus Christ phyi-gling-pa'i ston-pa ye-shu
ma-shi-ka, 949 Jetari dze-la-ri, 233, 478
Je Tsongkapa rje tsong-kha-pa, 395; see Tsongkapa
Jetslin Hak rje-btsun hags, 657
Jetslin (Klinga) Drolcok (1507-66) rje-btsun
(kun-dga') grol-mchog, 852, 955 Jetslin Sonam Tsemo of Sakya (1142-82) sa-
skya-pa rje-btsun bsod-nams rtse-mo,
(Jetslin) Taranatha (1575-1634) (rje-btsun)
ta-ra-na-tha, 892, 956, 965 Jikdrel Yeshe Dorje (Gelek Nampar
Gyelweide) (Fearless Indestructible Reality of Pristine Cognition, the Victorious Army of All that is Good) 'jigs- 'bral ye-shes rdo-rje (dge-Iegs rnam-par rgyal-ba'i sde) , 377-8, 379, 400, 972; see Dudjom Rinpoche
Gyurme Phendei Ozer 'khor-Io'i mgon-po 'gyur-med phan-bde'i 'od-zer: one of the Minling Trhicens and a teacher of the Author, 734
Jampel Dewei Nyima, (lord of the mandala circle) ('khor-Io'i mgon-po) bde-ba'i nyi-ma, 734, 919
Gyurme Sangye Klinga, the Trhicen of Mindroling smin-gling khn-chen sangs-rgyas kun-dga': i. e. Minling Trhicen VII, 849
Trhi Sangye Klinga khri sangs-rgyas kun- dga', 733
Gyurme Thutop Namgyel of Zhecen zhe- chen-palze-chen 'gyur-med mthu-stobs rnam-rgyal, 849, 860
GyurrneTshewang Chokdrup (pandita of Katok) (kah-thog pa1Jq,tta) tshe-dbang mchog-grub, 41, 375,398,736
Katok PaI). qita Gyurme Tshewang Chokdrup kah-thog pa1J4ita 'gyur-med tshe-dbang mchog-grub, 966
Gyurzang 'gyur-bzang: the maternal uncle of Mipham Rinpoche, 870
Haranandin 'phrog-byed dga'-bo, 715, 920 Haribhadra seng-ge bzang-po, 184 Haribhadra, king rgyal-po seng-ge bzang-po,
Haribhala, master slob-dpon ha-ri-bha-la,
HayagrTva rta-mgrin, PI. 18; 473, 479, 535,
784, 802, 828; see also Bibliography AsvottamaiSupreme Horse rta-mchog,
274, 534
MaheSvara dbang-chen, 535
Heruka he-ru-ka, 274, 404, 442, 534, 545,
626,628,893,931; see Yangdak
Herukas of the Five Enlightened Families he-ru-ka rigs-lnga, 672; see Buddhas of the Five Enlightened Families
Hevajra he-badzralkye-rdo-rjeldgyes-pa rdo- rje,449,464,473, 568, 591,911
Ilkhan(s) stod-hor, 664; see Upper Mongol(s) Immortal Wish-granting Wheel 'chi-med
yid-bzhin 'khor-Io: a form of White Tara, 857; see Tara
Indra brgya-byin: i. e. Satakratu, 417,422; see Devendra
Indrabhiiti indra bhu-ti, 252, 277, 300, 346, 460,462,485,487,921; see Ja
Indrabhuti, (the Great) indra bhu-ti (chen- po): the king of Oqqiyana, perhaps to be identified with Ja, 441,458-9,
468, 503
Indrabhuti, the intermediate indra bhu-ti
bar-pa, 459, n. 472, 502; see Ja Indrabhuti, the Younger indra bhu-ti chung-
ba! chen-po'i sras, 462, 485-7; see
Indranala brgya-byin sdong-po, 534 Indraraja dbang-po'i rgyal-po, 913; see
Indrasakra dbang-po brgya-byin: Indra, 452;
see Devendra
Indrasena dbang-po'i sde, 471
Isvara dbang-phyug: Siva, 16, 65, 132 Isvarasena dbang-phyug sde, 440
Ja king (of Sahor) (za-hor) rgyal-po dza,
me-'bar, 809; see (Rikdzin) Jatson Nyingpo
39,458,459,460,462,466,485, 487, 502, 613, 948; see also Indrabhuti, (the Great)
Indrabhuti indra bhu-ti, 252, 277, 300, 346,460,462, 485, -ti
Indrabhuti, the intermediate Indra bhu bar-pa, 459, 502 .
VyakaraI). avajra lung-bstan rdo-rye, 485 Jaladatta drva-ba sbyin, 423
Gyurme Dorjelsel-Jikdrel Yeshe DorJe 409
410 Index of Personal Names Jikme Gyelwei Nyugu 'jigs-med rgyal-ba'i
myu-gu, 839
Jikme Ktindrol, the learned and
accomplished master of Mon mon
mkhas-grub 'jigs-med kun-grol, 839 Jikme Lingpa jigs-med gling-pa, 41, 92,
835-40, 965; see (Rikdzin) Jikme Lingpa
Jinamitra dzi-na-mi-tra, 515, 526 Jinasagara rgyal-ba rgya-mtsho, 591 Jftanacandra ye-shes zla-ba, 183 Jftanaketu dznya-na ke-tu, 303
Jftanaketu (mkhas-grub) dznya-na ke-tu, 696; see (Khedrup) Yeshe Gyeltsen (of
Jftanaklrti, master slob-dpon ye-shes grags-pa,
Jftanakumara, the translator of Nyak
gnyags-lo dznyana ku-mti-ra, 696; see Nyak Jiitinakumtira
Jftananatha ye-shes mgon-po, 849; see Lord of Pristine Cognition
Jftanasena, the translator lo-tsti-wa dznya-na se-na, 522; see Zhang Yeshe De
Jftanasiitra ye-shes mdo, 39,497-501,499 Jftanavajra bram-ze ye-shes rdo-rje, 478 Jftanen ta dznya-na-indra-rakshi-ta,
575; see Gyelwa Choyang
Jora Trtilku, holder of the Podongpa
teaching bo-dong-pa'i bstan-'dzin
sbyor-ra sprul-sku, 839
Ju-on Jikme Dorje, the spiritual benefactor
dge-bshes 'ju-dbon jigs-med rdo-rje,
Jvalamukha kha(-la) (me-)'bar, 130 Kadb Yeshe Nyingpo bka'-sdod ye-shes
snying-po, 619
Kalacakra dus-kyi 'khor-lo, 449; see also
Kalacakrapada, the elder and younger dus-
'khor zhabs-pa che-chung, 442 KalagrIva, the naga king klu-rgyal mgrin-pa
nag-po, 452
Kalantaka ka-lanta-ka: a bird, 455
KalyaI). a dge-ba, 440
KalyaI). acitta dge-ba'i sems-can ma, 498 Kama, flower-arrowed me-tog mda'-can,
Five-arrowed One mda'-lnga, Skt.
Paftcasara, 421 Smara dran-pa, 421
Kamalaslla ka-ma-la-shi-la, 607, 906 Kambalapada lva-ba zhabs, 459, 485-7, 486
Karmapa IX, Wangcuk Dorje (1554-1603)
karma dbang-phyug rdo-rje, 956
Karmapa X, Chbying Dorje (1605-74)
karma-pa chos-dbyings rdo-rje, 956 black-hat Karmapa zhva-nag karma-pa
811 ' Karmapa XI, Yeshe Dorje (1676-1702)
karma-pa ye-shes rdo-rje, 957
Karmapa XIII, Diidiil Dorje (1734-97)
karma-pa bdud-'dul rdo-rje, 957
Karmapa XIV, Thekcok Dorje (1797-1867)
karma-pa bcu-bzhi-pa theg-mchog rdo-
rye, 868
Karmapa XV, Khakyap Dorje (1871-1922)
karma-pa bco-lnga-pa mkha'-khyab
rdo-rje, 868, 958
Karmapa ,XVI, Rikpei Dorje (1924-81) rig-
Katokpa Gyeltsap IV, Uwbpa Yeshebum (b. 1254) kalJ,-thog-pa rgyal-tshab dbu- 'od-pa ye-shes 'bum: see Uwopa Yeshebum
Katokpa Gyeltsap V, Cangcup Pelwa kah- thog-pa rgyal-tshab byang-chub dpa'l- ba: see Cangcup Pelwa
Katokpa Gyeltsar VI, Sonam Zangpo kah- thog-pa rgyal-tshub bsod-nams po: see Sonam Zangpo
Katokpa Gyeltsap VII, Ktinga Bumpa kah- thog-pa rgyal-tshab kun-dga' see Kiinga Bumpa
Katokpa Wangcuk Pelwa kalJ,-thog-pa dbang-phyug dpal-ba: see Wangcuk Pelwa and Glossary of Enumerations under thirteen generations o f the gurus of Katok for an explanation of this listing
Katokpa Gyeltsap VIII, Lodrb Bumpa kah- thog-pa rgyal-tshab bio-gros 'bum-pa:' see Lodrii Bumpa
Katokpa Gyeltsap IX, Lodro Senge kah- thog-pa rgyal-tshab bio-gros seng-;e: see Lodrii Senge
Katokpa Gyeltsap X, Cangcup Lodro kah- thog-pa rgyal-tshab byang-chub bio-' gros: see Cangcup Lodro
Katokpa Gyeltsap XI, Cangcup Senge kalJ,- thog-pa rgyal-tshab byang-chub seng- ge: see Cangcup Senge
Katokpa Gyeltsap XII, Cangcup Gyeltsen
kalJ,-thog-pa rgyal-tshab byang- chub rgyal-mtshan: see Cangcup Gyeltsen
Katokpa Gyeltsap XIII, Yeshe Gyeltsen
kalJ,-thog-pa rgyal-tshab ye-shes rgyal- mtshan: see (Khedrup) Yeshe Gyeltsen (of Pubor)
(Katokpa) Moktbn Dorje Pelzang(po) (kalJ,- thog-pa) rmog-ston rdo-rje dpal- bzang(-po), 696, 700-1
Katokpa Namdrol Zangpo kalJ,-thog-pa rnam-grol bzang-po, 699
Katok PaI). Qita Gyurme Tshewang Chokdrup kalJ,-thog pa1J4ita 'gyur-med tshe-dbang mchog-grub, 966; see Gyurme Tshewang Chokdrup
Katokpa Perna Lodro kalJ,-thog-pa padma bio-gros, 723; see Tabla Padmamati
Katok(pa) Tampa Deshek (1122-92) kah- thog(-pa) dam-pa bde-gshegs, 689'- 688-91, 693, 698, 952
Indrabhiiti, the Younger indra bhu-ti chung-balchen-po'i sras, 462, 485-7
Sakraputra sa-kraltra-putri, 462, 485 Kam Choki Yeshe kam chos-kyi ye-shes,
Kam Lotsawa (b. 1119) kam lo-tsti-ba, 688 Kam Yeshe Gyeltsen kam ye-shes rgyal-
mtshan, 578 KaI). ada gzeg-zan, 65
Kangkar Shame gangs-dkar sha-me: a protector, 791
Kangpa Sakbum gangs-pa stik-'bum, 665, 666
Kangyurwa Gonpo Sonam Chokden bka'- 'gyur-ba mgon-po bsod-nams mchog- ldan, 812; see Gonpo Sonam Chokden (of Nesar)
KaI). hapa(da) ka-1Jha-pa, 455, 693; see
king 429, 430, 456 KaI). thaka bsngags-ldan, 417, 419 Kapila, the drang-srong ser-skya, 64-5
KapilabhadrI ser-skya bzang-mo, 432
Kargi Wangmo, the QakinI mkha'-'gro gar-
gyi dbang-mo, 760
Karma Chakme (c. 1605-70) karma chags-
Karma Lingpa karma gling-palkar-gling,
679, 800, 800-1
Karmapa I, Ttisum Khyenpa (1110-93)
rje dus-gsum mkhyen-pa, 689, 952 Use, the venerable rje dbu-se, 689
Karmapa II, Karma Pakshi (1204-83) karma pak-shi, 633, 694, 922
Chbki Lama chos-kyi bla-ma, 694 Karmapa III, Rangjung Dorje (1284-1339)
(rje-drunglchos-rje) rang-byung rdo-rje,
569, 570, 571,573, 572-4, 578, 584,
His Presence, the Karmapa sku-mdun
karma-pa, 579
Karmapa IV, Rolpei Dorje (1340-83) rgyal-
dbang rol-pa'i rdo-rje, 784, 787, 791 Karmapa V, Tezhinshekpa (1384-1415)
karma-pa de-bzhin gshegs-pa, 674,
Karmapa VI, Thongwa Tonden (1416-53)
karma-pa mthong-ba don-ldan, 954
Karmapa VII, ChOdrak Gyamtso (1454-
1506) (rje bdun-palkarma-pa) chos-
grags rgya-mtsho, 203,675,676,931 Karmapa VIII, Mikyo Dorje (1507-54) mi-
bskyod rdo-rje, 931, 955
pa 1 rdo-rje, 958
Karma Phtintsok Wangpo, the nobleman
sde-pa karma phun-tshogs dbangs-po
Karmogyen dkar-mo rgyan, 789 Karpopa dkar-po-pa, 676; see Khawa
Karpowa Namka Gyamtso
Karwang Tshtiltrim Gyeltsen of Ponlung
bon-lung-pa gar-dbang tshul-khrims
rgyal-mtshan, 735
Karza Gonkyi dkar-bza' mgon-skyid 760 Kasyapa 'od-srung, 83, 172, 432-4, 906,
932; see Mahiiktisyapa
Kasyapa, the teacher, the elder ston-pa 'od-
srungs bgres-po: the tenth emanational
teacher according to the Great
_, Perfection, 137; see Buddha Ktisyapa
Kasyapa, the monk dge-slong 'od-srung 440
' (Katok Gyelse) Sonam Detsen (kalJ,-thog
rgyal-sras) bsod-nams lde'u-btsan 736
833 ', Katokpa Choki Senge kalJ,-thog-pa chos-kyi
seng-ge, 699
Katokpa Gyeltsap I, Tsangtbnpa Dorje Gyeltsen (1126-1216) kalJ,-thog-pa rgyal-tshab gtsang-ston-pa rdo-rje rgyal-mtshan: see Tsangtonpa
Katokpa Gyeltsap II, Campabum (1179-
1252) kalJ,-thog-pa rgyal-tshab byams- pa 'bum: see Campabum
Katokpa Gyaltsap III, Ce-nga Mangpuwa Sonam Bumpa (b. 1223) kalJ,-thog-pa rgyal-tshab spyan-snga mang-phu-ba bsod-nams 'bum-pa: see Ce-nga (Mangpu)wa Sonam Bumpa
Jikme Gylewei Nyugu - Katokpa Tampa Deshek 411
412 Index of Personal Names
Dewarshekpa, lama bla-ma bde-bar gshegs-pa, 691
Matisara, the bodhisattva byang-chub sems-dpa' blo-gros snying-po, 691
Sharwa Popathaye, lama bla-ma shar-ba spobs-pa mtha'-yas, 688
Sherap Senge shes-rab seng-ge, 688 Tampa Deshek dam-pa bde-gshegs, 698,
Tampa Dewarshekpa of Katok
pa dam-pa bde-bar gshegs-pa, 688 Tampa Rinpoche dam-pa rin-po-che, 698
Katok Situ (Chbki Gyamtso) (1880-1925) si-tu (chos-kyi rgya-mtsho): a nephew of Khyentse Rinpoche, 879, 958
Situ Ktinzi Chbki Gyamtso sl-tu kun- gzigs chos-kyi rgya-mtsho, 736
Katyayanaputra ka-tya'i bu, 90
Kausika kau-shi-ka, 176
Kawa O-chokdra ka-ba 'od-mchog-grags, 524 Kawa Peltsek ska-ba dpal-brtsegs, 40, 96,
224-5, 515, 522, 526, 527, 535, 555,
889, 893
Keldenpa skal-ldan-pa, 686
Keldenpa Chbki Senge skal-ldan-pa chos-kyi seng-ge, 569
Kesamisra skra-'dres-ma, 421
Ke-wang hva-shang ke-wang, 524 Khampalungpa (b. 1025) khams-pa lung-pa:
a disciple of Atisa, 546
Khamtrtil III, Ngawang Ktinga Tendzin
(1680-1728) khams-sprul gsum-pa
ngag-dbang kun-dga' bstan-'dzin, 957
Ngawang Ktinga Tendzin of Dokam
mdo-khams-pa ngag-dbang kun-dga'
bstan-'dzin, 833
Khamzhik Taklung Nybnpa khams-zhig
stag-lung smyon-pa, 784
Khandro Yeshe Tshogyel mkha'-'gro ye-shes
mtsho-rgyal, 554; see (Yeshe) Tshogyel Khandtilma, the naginI klu-mo kha-'dul-ma,
Kharak Gomcung kha-rag sgom-chung, 557,
Kharak Nyingpo kha-rag snying-po, 701
Lharje Kharakpa lha-rje kha-rag-pa, 347 Kharak Tbnying kha-rag stan-snying, 657 Kharap Zhelngane Kbncok Tendzin kha-
rab zhal-snga-nas dkon-mchog bstan-
'dzin, 729
Kharcen Pelgi Wangcuk mkhar-chen dpal-
gyi dbang-phyug, 535, 706, 711
Kharcen(-za) Yeshe Tshogyel mkhar- chen(-bza') ye-shes mtsho-rgyal, 535, 536, 710-11, 714; see (Yeshe) Tshogyel
Khawa Karpowa Namka Gyamtso kha-ba dkar-po-ba nam-mkha' rgya-mtsho, 697
Karpopa dkar-po-pa, 676
KhecarI mkha'-spyod-ma, 828
Khecok Ngawang Lodrb mkhas-mchog ngag-
dbang bio-gros, 965
Khedrup Chbki Trakpa mkhas-grub chos-kyi
grags-pa, 594-5
Khedrup Chbkyong Gyeltsen mkhas-grub
chos-skyong rgyal-mtshan, 730 Khedrup Chbpel mkhas-grub chos-dpal, 686 Khedrup Delek Gyamtso of Zhoktarling
zhog-thar gling mkhas-grub bde-legs
rgya-mtsho, 594
Khedrup Lodrb Gyeltsen Pelzangpo mkhas-
grub blo-gros rgyal-mtshan dpal bzang- po, 722-3; see Sodokpa Lodro Gyeltsen
Khedrup Khyapdel Lhtindrup mkhas-grub khyab-brdal Ihun-grub, 595
(Khedrup) Yeshe Gyeltsen (of Pubor) (spu- bor-ba mkhas-grub) ye-shes rgyal- mtshan: i. e. Katokpa Gyeltsap XIII, 696-7, 698
Jfianaketu mkhas-grub dznya-na ke-tu, 696
Puborwa Khedrup Yeshe Gyeltsen spu- bor-ba mkhas-grub ye-shes rgyal- mtshan, 699
Sukhailkusa, the bodhisattva byang-sems bde-ba'i smyu-gu, 697
Sukhasara bde-ba'i snying-po, 697 Khenpo Lhakawa mkhan-po la-kha-ba, 552 Khepa Conam mkhas-pa jo-nam, 656
Khbn family 'khon-rigs, 395
Khan Kancok Gyelpo (1034-1102) 'khon
dkon-mchog rgyal-po, 951
Khan Ltiiwangpo (Sungwa) 'khon klu'i
dbang-po (srung-ba), 515, 712, 922,
Khbnrok Sherap Tshtiltrim 'khon-rag shes-
rab tshul-khrims, 951
(Khbntan) Peljor Lhtindrup (1561-1637) (,khon-ston) dpal- 'byor lhun-grub, 677- 80, 822
Phawangkhapa (Peljor Lhtindrup) pha- wang-kha-pa (dpaZ-'byor lhun-grub), 681, 926
KhOn Trakpa Gyeltsen (l147-1216) 'khon- grags-pa rgyal-mtshan, 562
Khu Cangcup-a khu byang-chub 'od, 707 Khugyur Selweichok khu-'gyur gsal-ba'i
mchog, 541-2
Khulung Yonten Gyamtso khu-Iung-pa yon-
tan rgya-mtsho, 613, 614-15; see Nup
Khulungpa (YO-men Gyamtso) Khurbupa, venerable lje 'khur-bu-pa 709 Khuton Sonam Gyeltsen khu-ston bs;d-nams
rgyal-mtshan, 789
Khuton Tarma-tra yar-lung-gi dge-bshes khu-
stan dar-ma grags, 753
Khuwo Phajo khu-bo pha-jo, 551
Khuza Peltstinma khu-bza' dpal-btsun-ma 537 '
Khyapdak Gyurme Ngedon Wangpo khyab- bdag 'gyur-med nges-don dbang-po,
? 19; see Gyurme Ngediin Wangpo KhyapJuk (Chenpo) khyab-'jug (chen-po),
59I, 681, 775; see Riihula
Khyentse Rinpoche mkhyen-brtse rin-po-che,
752, 844, 845, 846, 848, 849-58, 863-6, 871, 873, 874-5, 876-7; see (Jamyang) Khyentse Wangpo
Khyentse Wangpo mkhyen-brtse'i dbang-po: see (Jamyang) Khyentse Wangpo
Khyeucung Khadingtsel (Youth who Flies like Garuga) khye'u chung mkha'- Iding rtsal: Guru Rinpoche's mani- festation of the seventh month, 471
Khyung clan of accomplished masters
khyung-rgyal grub-rigs, 859 Khyung Nakshadar khyung nag-zhag-dar 569 '
Khyungpo Neljor(pa) (Tshtiltrim Gbnpo)
khyung-po rnal-'byor(-pa) (tshul- khrims mgon-po), 395, 853, 950 951
952 ' , Khyungpo Tshtiltrim Gonpo khyung-po
tshul-khrims mgon-po, 929 Khyungpo Trase dge-bshes khyung-po
grags-se, 640-2, 650
Khyungpo Trhowo khyung-po khro-bo, 685 Khyungpo Tshultrim Ganpo khyung-po
tshul-khrims mgon-po, 929; see
Khyungpo Neljor(pa)
Yik-o khyung-po dbyig-'od, 707
hyung-truk Khace rta khyung-phrug kha- che: a horse, 655
Khyungtsangpa/wa (Trhiizhi) Lodro Pelden
khyung-tshang-palba 'khrul-zhig blo- gros dpal-ldan, 553, 701
413 dkon-mchog chos-'phel, 681, 821
Katok Situ - Kumaradza Koncok ChOpel (of Lingme) (gling-smad-pa)
Kongcen Namka Pelden kong-chen nam- mkha'dpal-ldan, 807
Kong-ra Locen (Zhenpen Dorje) (1594-
1654) gong-ra lo-chen (gzhan-phan rdo-rje), 718, 723-4, 725, 726
Locen Zhenpen Dorje lo-chen gzhan- phan rdo-rje, 718, 724
Kong Rikdzin Nyingpo kong rig-'dzin snying-po, 788
Kongtsiin Sherap Yeshe kong-btsun shes-rab ye-shes, 616
Konjo Dakpo go-'jo bdag-po, 686 Korampa (Sonam Senge) (1429-89)
go(-rams-pa bsod-nams seng-ge),
929, 955
Konon Radza kor-ston ra-dza, 551
Korup Lotsawa go-rub Zo-tsii-ba, 708, 709
ChOki Sherap, the translator of Korup
go-rub lo-tsii-ba chos-kyi shes-rab, 708
a bear-like creature, 490
Krkl, king rgyal-po kri-kri, 430
Krmivarman srin-bu go-cha, 418
lord jo-bo a pandita 708. s e e . . , ,
of PaJaliputra, the sublime phags-pa nag-po dmar-bu-can, 437
nag-po spyod-palnag, 404, 462, 471,473,603, 693, 706
Carlndra spyod-'chang dbang-po, 693 927 '
Kat:lhapa(da) ka-r;,ha-pa, 455, 693 minister of righteousness chos-
blon 469 a pat:lgita, 708
lord jo-bo 708 sa-snying, 125
Kubjita sgur-po, 93
Kukkuraja ku-ku-rii-dza, 39,461, 458-62, 466, 533, 736
Kukkuripa ku-ku-ri-pa, 442
Kuttaraja ku-ta-rii-dza, 460 Kukkuraja, the later ku-ku-rii-dza phyi-ma
487 ' ku-ku-ri-pa, 442; see Kukkuriija Kuhkas ngs-ldan-gyi rabs: the dynastic kings
of Shambhala, 948
Kumaradza (1266-1343) ku-mii-rii-dza, 40,
568,568-72,573, 579, 580, 581,
588, 594, 679
Gelong Pelden dge-slong dpal-ldan, 572
414 Index of Personal Names Rikdzin Kumaradza riR-'dzin ku-mii-rii-
dza, 953
Tharpagyen thar-pa rgyan, 568 Zhonu Gyelpo gzhon-nu rgyal-po, 569
Kumaravlrabalin gzhon-nu dpa'-bo stobs- ldan: the sixth emanational teacher according to the Great Perfection,
Ktindrolbum sras-mo kun-grol-'bum, 698 Ktinga kun-dga', 591; see Compa Kilnrin of
Ktinga Bumpa kun-dga' 'bum-pa: i. e.
Katokpa Gyeltsap VII, 695 Ktinga Bumpa, the Qakinl mkha-'gro-ma
kun-dga' 'bum-pa, 846
Ktinga Dawa kun-dga' zla-ba, 697
Ktinga Gyamtso, accomplished master of
Derge sde-dge grub-thob kun-dga'
rgya-mtsho, 812, 813
Ktinga Lekpa, the Drukpa madman (1455-
1529) 'brug-pa smyon-pa kun-dga' legs-pa, 955
Ktinga Lhadze sras-mo kun-dga' lha-mdzes, 821
Ktinga, master slob-dpon kun-dga', 567 Ktinga Ozer, master slob-dpon kun-dga' 'od-
zer, 576
Ktinga Sonam Chopak kun-dga' bsod-nams
chos-'phags, 813; see Rikdzin Dildill Dorye
Ktinga of Tingri (1062-1124) ding-ri kun- dga', 547
Ktinga Trhinle Wangyel, the lord and throne-holder of the Drolma Palace of Sakya (b. 1945) sa-skya sgrol-ma- pa'i bdag-khri kun-dga' phrin-las dbang-rgyal: the Sakya Trhicen, 959
Ktinga Zangpo, the madman of Central Tibet (b. 1458) dbus-smyon-pa kun- dga' bzang-po, 955
Kungtang Pal)cen (Shenyen Namgyel)
gung-thang palJ-chen (bshes-gnyen
rnam-rgyal), 729, 730
Ktinkyen Choje kun-mkhyen chos-rye, 590;
see Longcen Rapjampa
Ktinkyen Sherap Gyelpo kun-mkhyen shes-
rab rgyal-po, 760
Ktinkyong Lingpa kun-skyong gling-pa, 791;
see Dorye Lingpa
Ktinpang Doringpa kun-spangs rdo-ring-pa,
Kilnpang Tonyo Gyeltsen kun-spangs don-
yod rgyal-mtshan, 802
Kyiben Cangcup Rincen skyi-ban byang- chub rin-chen, 714
Kyi Nyima Dorje skyi nyi-ma rdo-rye, 77 KyitOn Tshering Wangpo skyi-ston tshe-ring
dbang-po, 717, 718
Kyo Kongbupa skyo gong-bu-pa, 358; see
Kyotiin Siik-ye of Kungbu
Kyoton skyo-ston, 640-1, 647; see Kyb'lon
Siik-ye ofKungbu
KyotOn Choseng skyo-ston chos-seng, 642 KyotOn Sak-ye of KungbulKongbu gung-bul
gong-bu skyo-ston siik-ye, 358,640-1,
Kyo Kongbupa skyo gong-bu-pa, 358 KyotOn skyo-ston, 640-1, 647
Kyura family skyu-ra rigs, 676 Labrangpa Chopel Gyeltsen bla-brang-pa
chos-dpal rgyal-mtshan, 577 Lacen Dorjechang Trakpa Rincen bla-
chen rdo-rye 'chang grags-pa rin-chen,
Lacen (Gongpa Rapsel) bla-chen (dgongs-pa
rab-gsal), 524, 526, 618, 706, 821,
Muzu Labar dmu-gzugs la-'bar, 524 Sakya Gewarapsel sii-kya dge-ba rab-gsal,
Lado bla-'dos, 655
Laketsewa the Ponpo bon-po la-ke-rtse-ba, 632
king rgyal-po 456 Lala Zicen la-la gzi-chen, 642
Lalitavajra rol-pa'i rdo-rye, 477, 487
Lamcok Pelgi Dorje lam-mchog dpal-gyi rdo-
lje, 605
(Langcen) Pelgi Senge (rlangs-chen) dpal-gyi
seng-ge, 535, 839
Langdarma (Udumtsen), king (b. 817) glang
dar-ma ('u-dum btsan), 40, 394, 523,
609,612,614,918,921,950 Langdro (Koncok Jungne) lang-gro dkon-
mchog 'byung-gnasldkon-'byung, 536,
720, 734, 793,
Langdro Konjung lang-gro dkon-'byung,
Langdro Konjung: see preceding entry Lang Khampa Gocha rlang kham-pa go-cha,
Langlap Cancup Dorje lang-lab byang-chub
rdo-rje, 712, 713-14
Langton Tarma Sonam of Shang Lhabu
shangs lha-bu'i langs-ston dar-ma bsod-nams, 649
Kumaravfrabalin - Len Selwa 415 Lankajayabhadra lankii rgyal-ba bzang-po,
Lapdronma lab-sgron-ma, 546; see Macik
Lapkyapgon Wangcen Gyerap Dorje lab
skyabs-mgon dbang-chen dgyes-rab rdo-
rye, 870
Lapton Namka Rincen lab-ston nam-mkha'
rin-chen, 697
Laru Pende of upper Onak 'on-nag stod-pa
gla-ru ban-de, 552
Lasum Gyelwa Cangcup la-gsum rgyal-ba
byang-chub, 515, 536, 738 Lasya sgeg-mo, 125
Layak Dzawar, the great minister of la-yag rdza-bar-gyi dpon-chen, 760
Lekden Degti bka'-srung legs-ldan lde-gus, 644,644
Bhagavat (mgon-po) legs-ldan, 624 Lekden Dorje legs-ldan rdo-rye, 807; see
Dorye Trak Rikdzin II
Lek, six earthly kings called sa'i legs drug:
listed in the Glossary of
Enumerations, 507-8, n. 535
Leki Dorje (1326-1401) las-kyi rdo-rye, 923,
Namka Gyeltsen, accomplished master
of Lhodrak lho-brag grub-thob nam-
mkha' rgyal-mtshan, 923
Lekpa Pelzang legs-pa dpal-bzang, 717 Lekpei Dronme legs-pa'i sgron-me, 613; see
(Sutiin) Lekpei Drtjnme
Lelmik Woktsen glal-mig 'og-btsan, 602 Lencap Parwa glan-chab bar-ba, 358 Len clan gdung-rus glan, 666
Len Chogyel glan chos-rgyal, 687
Len Nyatselpa Sonam Gonpo glan
nya-tshal-pa bsod-nams mgon-po,
Lharje Len Nyatselpa lha-rye glan nya-
tshal-pa, 657
Len Sakya Cangcup glan sii-kya byang-chub,
Lensak Cangcup glan-siik byang-chub,
Lensak Cangcup: see preceding entry Len Sakya Opo glan sii-kya 'od-po, 686 Len Sakya Zangpo (of Chuwar) (chu-bar-
gyi) glan sii-kya bzang-po, 358, 642,
647, 701
Lenton Sakya Zangpo glan-ston sa-kya
bzang-po, 641
Len Selwa glan gsal-ba, 668
Ktinpangpa, lama bla-ma kun-spangs-pa, 671
Ktinzang, (master) (slob-dpon) kun-bzang, 550, 551-2
Ktinzang Dorje kun-bzang rdo-rye, 595 Ktinzang Khyapdel Lhtindrup kun-bzang
khyab-brdallhun-grub, 817 Ktinzang Namgyel kun-bzang rnam-rgyal,
818; see Lhatsiln N amka Jikme Ktinzang Peljor, the holder of mantras/
mantra adept sngags-'chang kun-bzang
dpal-'byor, 701, 725
Ktinzang Perna Trhinle kun-bzang padma
phrin-las, 720; see Dorye Trak
Rikdzin IV
Ktinzang Tenpei Gyeltsen (1763-1817) kun-
bzang bstan-pa'i rgyal-mtshan: i. e.
Lhodrak Sungtrtil VI, 735
Speech Emanation of Lhodrak lho-brag
gsung-sprul, 839
Ktinzang Tenpei Nyima (1843-91) kun-
bzang bstan-pa'i nyi-ma: i. e. Lhodrak
Sungtrtil VIII, 735
Ktinzang Wangyel, the ancestral throne-
holder of Mindroling (b. 1931) smin- gling khri-chen kun-bzang dbang-rgyal: the present Minling Trhicen, 959
Ktinzhon, the governor dpon-chen kun- gzhon, 664
Kurap, the aristocrat sku-rabs sde-pa, 777 Lord Kurap sku-rabs sde-dpon, 687
Kurser, the Horpa King hor gur-ser rgyal-po, 780
Kurukulla rig-byed-ma, 824
Vidya, the transcendent lady bcom-ldan-
'das-ma rig-byed-ma, 824
Kurup Yangdak of Yamdrok yar-'brog-pa
gu-rub yang-dag, 712
Kusara, master slob-dpon ku-sa-ra, 511 Kutsa, doctor ku-tsha sman-pa, 765 Kuttaraja ku-ta-rii-dza, 460; see Kukkuriija Kyebuchenpo, the oath-bound protector
dam-can skyes-bu chen-po, 587 Kyere Chokyong kye-re mchog-skyong, 533 Kyetse Yeshe Wangcuk skye-tshe ye-shes
dbang-phyug, 552
Kyiben Cangcup Rincen skyi-ban byang-
chub rin-chen, 714; see Kyi Kyangyel (of Mongu)
Kyi Choki Senge skyi chos-kyi seng-ge, 685-6
Kyi Kyangyel (of Mongu) (mong-dgu'i) skyi gyang-sgyel,714
416 Index of Personal Names
All-Knowing Master from Shang shangs- pa kun-mkhyen, 668
Lenton Sakya Zangpo glan-ston sli-kya bzang-po, 641; see Len 5likya Zangpo (of Chuwar)
Lerap Lingpa, the treasure-finder (1856-
1926) gter-stan las-rab gling-pa, 864,
868, 879, 958
Sogyel, the treasure finder gter-ston bsod-'
rgyal, 879
Letro Lingpa, the treasure-finder gter-ston
las-'phro gling-pa, 809; see (Rikdzin)
Jatson Nyingpo Lha, lama bla-ma lha, 552
Lhabumen lha-bu sman, 515
Lhadrowa ChOki Wangpo lha-bro-ba chos-
kyi dbang-po, 699
Lhakangpa, (lama) (bla-ma) lha-khang-pa,
655, 659; see Yontenzung
Lhakii Ponpo lha-khud bon-po, 666
Lha Lama, uncle and nephew lha bla-ma
khu-dbon: Yeshe-o and Cangcup-o,
Lhalung Pelgi Dorje lha-lung dpal-gyi rdo-
rje, 523, 524, 525, 526, 536, 540,
612, 950
Lhandzin Yangcen Drolma lha-'dzin
dbyangs-can sgrol-ma, 825 Lhapdrema Kongpa lhab-dres-ma gong-pa,
Lha Pelgi Yeshe lha dpal-gyi ye-shes, 604;
see Sogdian Pelgi Yeshe Lharipel lha-n"-dpal, 565
Lharje Celpa lha-rje dpyal-pa, 348; see Cel (Lotsliwa) Kiinga Dorje
Lharje Da Senge lha-rje mda' seng-ge, 685 Lharje Dropukpa lha-rje sgro-phug-pa, 648; see Zur (Dropukpa) 5likya
Lharje Gyanak lha-ry"e rgya-nag, 650, 651,
652; see Ceton Gyanak
Lharje Horpo Dropukpa lha-rje hor-po sgro-
phug-pa, 649; see Zur (Dropukpa)
5likya Senge
Lharje HOrpcung lha-rje h11rrz-chung, 615 Lharje Kharakpa lha-rje kha-rag-pa, 347;
see Kharak Nyingpo
Lharje Nupme lha-ry"e gnubs-smad, 655 Lharje Nyariwa lha-ry"e nya-ri-ba, 701; see
Zur (Dropukpa) 5likya Senge
Lharje Len Nyatselpa lha-rje glan nya-tshal-
pa, 657; see Len Nyatselpa Sonam Giinpo
Lharje Rok Sherap-o lha-ry"e rog shes-rab 'od, 358; see Rok Sherap-o
Lharje Shangnak lha-ry"e shangs-nag, 647 Lharje Ukpalungpa lha-rje 'ug-pa lung-pa,
632; see (Zurpoche) 5akya Jungne Lharje Zurpoche (Sakya Jungne) lha-ry"e zur- po-che (sli-kya 'byung-gnas), 616,617-
35; see (Zurpoche) 5likya Jungne Lhase Chokdrup Gyelpo lha-sras mchog-grub
rgyal-po, 775; see Gyelse Lhary"e Lhase Tamdzin Rolpa Yeshetsellha-sras
dam-'dzin rol-pa ye-shes rtsal, 784; see
Murnp Tsepo (Yeshe RiJ'lpatsel) Lhasung mes-po lha-srnng, 575
Lha Thotori Nyentsen lha tho-tho-ri gnyan-
btsan, 393, 508, 508, 949
Lha Tsepo, family of lha-btsad-po'i rigs, 818 Lhatsiin Kiinzang Namgyel: see following
LhatsiinNamkaJikme (1597-1652) lha-btsun
nam-mkha' 'jigs-med, 718, 727, 812, 816,819, 818-20,956
(Lhatsiin) Kiinzang Namgyel (lha-btsun) kun-bzang rnam-rgyal, 724, 725, 818
Lhodrak Guru lho-brag gu-rn, 807 Lhodrak Sungtriil (III, Tshiiltrim Dorje)
(1598-1669) lho-brag gsung-sprnl
(tshul-khrims rdo-rje), 681
(Sungtriil) Tshiiltrim Dorje (gsung-sprnl)
tshul-khrims rdo-rje, 723, 724, 727,
735, 956
Lhodrak Sungtriil IV, Ngawang Kiinzang
Dorje (1680-1723) lho-brag gsung- sprnl ngag-dbang kun-bzang rdo-ry"e: see Ngawang Kiinzang Dorje
Lhodrak Sungtriil VI, Kiinzang Tenpei Gyeltsen (1763-1817) lho-brag gsung- sprnl kun-bzang bstan-pa'i rgyal- mtshan: see Kiinzang Tenpei Gyeltsen
Lhodrak Sungtriil VIII, Kiinzang Tenpei Nyima (1843-91) lho-brag gsung-sprnl kun-bzang bstan-pa'i nyi-ma: see Kiinzang Tenpei Nyima
Lhodrak Thukse Dawa Gyeltsen lho-brag thugs-sras zla-ba rgyal-mtshan: the spiritual son of Perna Lingpa, see Dawa (Gyeltsen)
Lhodrak (Thuk)-se IV, Tendzin Gyurme Dorje (b, 1641) lho-brag sras bstan- 'dzin 'gyur-med rdo-rje, 824
Peling Thukse Tendzin Gyurme Dorje
pad-gling thugs-sras bstan-'dzin 'gyur- med rdo-rje, 956
Lenton Sakya Zangpo - Longcen Rabjampa 417 Tendzin Gyurme Dorje bstan-'dzin
'gyur-med rdo-ry"e, 735
Lhodrak Thukse Dawa Gyeltsen V, Gyurme Chokdrup Pelbar lho-brag sras zla-ba rgyal-mtshan 'gyur-med mchog-grub dpal-'bar: see Gyurme Chokdrnp Pelbar
Lhodruk Zhapdrung Ngawang Namgyel
lho- 'brng zhabs-drnng ngag-dbang
rnam-rgyal, 956; see Zhapdrnng I Licchavi li-tsli-bi, 454, 460, 485,507,510 LIlavajra sgeg-pa rdo-rjelsgeg-pa'i zhabs, 40,
63, 96, 462, 463, 463-4, 465, 494 Srlmad Uttamabodhibhagavat dpal-ldan
byang-chub mchog-gi skal-ba dang- ldan-pa, 464
SOryavat nyi-ma-dang 'dra-ba, 463, 464
VisvarOpa sna-tshogs gzugs-can, 463, 464 Ling clan gling-gi rigs, 813
Lingje Kesar 0038-1124) gling-ry"e ge-sar, 952
Lingje Repa (Perna Dorje) (1128-88) gling- rje ras-pa (padma rdo-rje), 773, 952
Ling Lama ChOjor Gyamtso gling-bla-ma chos-'byor rgya-mtsho, 876
Lingpas gling-pa: the great treasure-finders, 934
Ling, the royal house of glzng-tshang, 816 Lingter III, Gyurme Perna Tendzin gling-
gter gsum-pa 'gyur-med padma bstan- 'dzin, 919
Lingtsang Dzapa Trashi Ozer of Dokam
0859-1935) mdo-khams gling-tshang
rdza-pa bkra-shis 'od-zer, 919 Locana spyan-ma, 20, 125
(Locen) Chogyel Tendzin 0631-1708)
(lo-chen) chos-rgyal bstan-'dzin,
Locen DharmasrI, Ngawang Chopel
(Gyamtso) 0654-1717) lo-chen dharma-shri ngag-dbang chos-'phel (rgya-mtsho), 41, 198, 375,684, 729, 728-32,824,833,879,957,965
DharmasrI, the great translator lo-chen dharma-shri, 526, 733
Ngawang Chopel ngag-dbang chos- 'phel, 728
Tendzin Jamyang Wangpo bstan-'dzin 'jam-dbyangs dbang-po, 728
Locen Ngagiwangpo lo-chen ngag-gi dbang- po, 723
Locen Rincen Zangpo lo-chen rin-chen bzang-po, II; see Rincen Zangpo
Locen Zhenpen Dorje lo-chen gzhan-phan rdo-rje, 718, 724; see Kongra Locen (Zhenpen Dory"e)
Loden Chokse (Intelligent Boon-seeker) blo- ldan mchog-sred: one of Guru Rinpoche's manifestations during
the second month, 470; see Gurn Rinpoche
Lodro Bumpa blo-gros 'bum-pa: i. e. Katokpa Gyeltsap VIII, 696
Lodrochok blo-gros mchog, 594; see Longcen Rabjampa
Lodro Gyamtso, the physician of Zurkar (b. 1508) zur-mkhar sman-pa blo-gros rgya-mtsho, 955
Lodro Gyeltsen, the regent (d. 1937) rgyal- tshab blo-gros rgyal-mtshan, 919
Lodro Senge blo-gros seng-ge: i. e. Katokpa Gyeltsap IX, 696
Lodro Zangpo, master slob-dpon blo-gros bzang-po, 595
Loke:§varaiLord of the World (dpa'-bo) 'jigs- rten dbang-phyug, 47, 404, 916; see AvalokiteSvara
LoktOn Gendiinkyap klog-ston dge-'dun skyabs, 552
Loncen Phakpa blon-chen 'phags-pa, 613; see (pagor) Ujncen Phakpa Longcen RabjampaiLongcenpa, (the a11-
knowing) (1308-63) (kun-mkhyen) klong-chen rab-'byams-palklong-chen- pa, PIs. 30, 66; 18, 29, 40, 41, 47, 91, 139, 141, 196-8,208-10,359, 375, 396, 397, 555, 571, 572, 576,
575-96,676,677,681,702,707, 724, 727, 730, 796, 827, 829, 835, 837,839,876,919,954,965
Kiinkyen Choje kun-mkhyen chos-rje, 590
Lodrochok blo-gros mchog, 594
Longcen Rabjam Zangpo klong-chen rab-
'byams bzang-po, 837
Samye Lungmangwa bsam-yas lung-
mang-ba, 577
Second Samantabhadra kun-tu bzang-po gnyis-pa, 586
Tathagata Sumerudlpadhvaja de-bzhin gshegs-pa ri-rab mar-me'i rgyal- mtshan, 590
Trime Ozer dri-med 'od-zer, 375, 796, 818
Tshiiltrim Lodro lshul-khrims blo-gros, 576
418 Index of Personal Names Longcen Rabjam Zangpo: see preceding
Longsel Nyingpo klong-gsal snying-po, 736;
see (Rikdzin) Longsel Nymgpo
Lo Pelgi Lodro lo dpal-gyi . Lord of Immortality and his consort Chl-
med mgon-po yab-yum, 855; see
Lord Kurap sku-rabs sde-dpon, 687; see
lord of Neudong, the great sne-gdong gong-
ma chen-po: a successor of Ta'i Situ
Cangcup Gyeltsen, 787
Lord of Neudong sne-gdong gong-ma,
595; see Tii'i Situ (Cangcup
Lord Nyang mnga'-bdag nyang, 511,661,
662; see Nyang-rel Nyima Ozer Lord Nyang, father and son mnga'-bdag
nyang yab-sras, 661, n. 809; see
Nyang-rel Nyima Qzer
Lord of Pristine Cognition, six-armed
ye-shes mgon-po phyag-drug-pa:
}flananatha, 849
Lord of Sages/Munlndra thub-pa'i dbang-
po, 11, 128,503,768,894; see
Lord of the Sakyas iii-kya'i mgon, 130; see
Lord of Secrets/Guhyapati gsang(-ba'i)
bdag(-po), 282, 377, 405, 430, 441, 451, 454, 458, 459, 460, 485, 490, 609, 645, 648, 728, 734, 923, 925, 948; see VajrapiitJi
Lord of the WorldiLokeSvara 'jig-rten dbang-phyugs, 47, 404, 916; see Avalokiteivara
Lords of the Three (Enlightened) Families rigs-gsum mgon-po, Skt. trfkulaniitha, 137, 270, 352, 453, 624, 698, 758, 798, 889; see also listed separately as Avalokiteivara, Manjuirf and VajrapiitJi
(Loro) Recungpa (1084-1161) (10-:0) ras- chung-pa: i. e. Recung DOfJe-tra (ras- chung rdo-rje grags), 657
Loton Dorje Wangcuk lo-ston rdo-rje dbang- phyug, 524
Lotuses of the Lake mtsho-nang-gi padma: the two wives of Songtsen Gampo, Pl. 39; 510
Trhitslin, the Nepalese princess bal-mo- bza' khri-blsun, 510
Longcen Rabjam Zangpo - Ma Rincen-chok 419
Wen-ch'eng K'ong-jo, the Chinese princess rgya-mo-bza' 'un-shing kong-
jo, 510
Lowo Lotsawa glo-bo lo-tsii-ba, 712, 806 Lozang Gyamtso blo-bzang rgya-mtsho, 821;
see Dalai Lama V
Lozang Rapsel, the supreme scholar mkhas-
mchog blo-bzang rab-gsal, 874 Ludrup klu-sgrub, 813
Liiipa W. ('i-pa), 404
Luken Sonam Senge glu-mkhan bsod-nams
seng-ge, 595
Lume (Tshtiltrim Sherap) klu-mes (tshul-
khrims shes-rab), 524, 525-6, 753,
Lung-ham Chenpo rlung-ham chen-po, 546 Lungre rlung-ras, 547 .
Ma (Choki Sherap) rma (chos-kYl shes-rab),
Macik Lapdron (b. 1031, 1049 or 1055;