Diver is the largest of this family.
Childrens - The Creation
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The Bird of Paradise. Though many of the feathered tribes are
beautiful, yet this race surpasses all the rest. The most remarkable
of this family has his whole body covered with plumage of a rich
carmine; in size he is like the blackbird. The birds of Paradise
abound in the Molucca Islands, and rove amid the spicy groves in
inconceivable beauty. The size of this bird varies according to its
species, some being as large as a pigeon, others not larger than a
thrush. Its plumage is much esteemed by the natives, who find ready
purchasers in the Europeans who visit those islands. There used to
be strange fables about this bird, " that it lived on the air, and never
rested, and thus, always on the wing, it had no need of legs. " To
encourage this belief, the natives had a method of so removing the
legs that the deception might continue; but as travellers became
acquainted with the islands, seeing them seated on the branches of
trees, gave convincing proof, that, like other birds, they rested when
necessity required. Most of this family have two beautiful feathery
filaments, extending far beyond the other feathers of their tail, bearded
at the end. The golden-throated bird of Paradise, though he is desti-
tute of this appendage, has it amply compensated by several beautiful
feathers extending from the head nearly to the tail. The flight of the
bird of Paradise is very swift; they are birds of passage, and visit the
Spice Islands in August. In storms and tempests, accompanied with
lightning, they are seldom seen.
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Genus Cuculus. --The Cuckoo. This is a bird of passage, and
comes to us in the spring. Its note is most welcome:--
" The school-boy wandering through the wood
To pull the primrose gay,
Starts the new voice of spring to hear,
And imitates thy lay. " Logan.
In size the cuckoo is rather larger than the blackbird. Its plumage
is dark-brown, with stripes on the back, and a few light spots on the
head. The feathers of the thighs almost cover the feet. Though the
note of the cuckoo is most welcome; yet the bird itself is no great
favourite. It lays its eggs in the nests of other birds; and this foster-
child, it is said, as soon as it can, turns the rightful offspring from the
house; and so disturbs the domestic peace of what would otherwise
have been " a happy family? A lesson of no mean import may be
gathered from this, " never to intrude to injure. "
Genus Alcedo. --The King-fisher. This bird is well known on the banks
of some of our rivers, where it excavates a home for its young, which it
flies into in time of danger. It unites in itself the rapacious qualities of
the birds of prey--the love of water of the aquatic fowl--the beautiful
plumage of the peacock, and delicacy of tints of the humming-bird--
short legs of the swallow, and the bill of the crow. The ancients called
this "the Halcyon bird" and supposed that it built its nest on the
waters, which were always still until the brood was hatched. This
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gave rise to the time of tranquillity being called " Halcyon days;" and
thus the word is used in our language to this day.
In size, the king-fisher is between the lark and blackbird. It is
very swift on the wing. The parent birds, in the season of incubation,
are most affectionate; and the male bird supplies the mother with food
most assiduously.
Genus Merops. --The Bee-eater. This bird is shaped like the king-
fisher, and is of the same size as the blackbird: indeed in many things
it is like the Halcyon bird. It has, however, nothing to do with fish-
ing ; but, as its name implies, feeds on bees and other insects. It is
rarely seen in England; but in Italy and Crete; and the last place is
its home.
Genus Trochilus. --This is the most diminutive of all the feathered
tribes, and numbers a great variety of species.
The Humming Bird. These birds vary in size from that of a small
wren to something larger than a humble-bee. I have seen them in
South America most beautiful. Linnams enumerates twenty species
of this family. They were unknown until America was discovered;
and seem almost confined to the southern part of the western hemi-
The distinguishing character of this beautiful family, is, that the
beak is subulated, and terminates in a fine delicate tube. The tongue
is filiform, and rendered tubular by two threads. The feet are adapted
for walking. I remember once having a beautiful little bird of this
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interesting family left as the most perfect skeleton you can imagine,
by a number of ants that had somehow got into my drawers: the
delicacy of the little frame was beyond any thing you can conceive.
The plumage of all this family is very beautiful; and their nests the
perfection of symmetry; and these rest upon, or are suspended from
the branches of trees. In some species of this interesting race, the eggs
are about the size of a pea, and the infant brood not larger than the
blue fly.
There are many more birds in this Order; but as I have named
some of the principal genera, we will pass on to the next Order.
Comprising, principally, the Swan, the Goose, (from whence the Order takes its name,)
the Duck, Teal, Albatross, Pelican, Tropic Bird, Gull, and many others.
Birds of this family have smooth bills covered with skin, which are
highly sensitive at the point, and which are furnished with small pro-
cesses along their sides to serve as strainers of their food. Their legs
are short; their feet, formed for swimming, are connected by mem-
branes. They seem almost to live on the water; but they always
breed on the land.
? This Order, Dr. Latham has strikingly called Palmipedes, from the Latin, for
hands and feet; it comprises the web-footed birds.
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Genus Anas ; comprising the Swan, Goose, Duck, Teal, &c.
The Swan. This beautiful and majestic bird is wild in high northern
regions. In the summer it visits Lapland. The wild swan is of an
ash colour, and is far smaller than the tame. The swan was in great
repute with the ancients, both for song and food; but of its song we
know nothing; so suppose that there must be some mystical meaning
intended; and for food it is rarely used. Its appearance is beautiful
on streams of water, where it swims as if conscious that it was among
the largest of birds. Its down and quills are very valuable. The
longevity of the swan is great, reaching often to a hundred years.
The Goose. The bill of the birds of this family is distinct from that
of all others of the feathered tribes; in other birds it is something
like a wedge; in the goose it is flat and broad; but it is just adapted
to skim the lakes and ponds, and to take from them the mantling
weeds that grow thereon. We are so familiar with the sight of this
family, that it need not be further described than to remark--its flesh
is good for food -- its feathers for beds -- and its wing-quills for
The wild goose is an annual visitant to our island, coming to us in
the winter, and going northward again in the spring.
The Duck. This bird is familiar to us in every part of England;
there is a variety of species of it. The Wild Duck, the Tame, the
Velvet, the Black, the Golden-eye, and many others,--besides Teal
and Wigeon. The characters of the family are--the beak is shorter
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in proportion than that of the goose, and the legs also ; but the feet
are a trifle longer. The eggs of ducks are at times hatched under
fowls, and the foster-mother trembles as she sees her little family
spring by instinct to the pond.
The Wild Duck abounds in the fens of Lincolnshire, and many
thousands are sent up annually to the London markets.
Genus Mergus; comprising the Goosander, Merganser, Diver,
Smew, &c.
The Goosander. This bird approaches to the wild goose; and fre-
quents, in very cold winters, our rivers and lakes. It feeds entirely
on fish.
Genus Procellaria. --The Petrel. The bill of this bird is straight,
and hooked at the extremity; the legs are naked up to the feathers of
the belly. The Petrel feeds on blubber, fish, and sea-offal; and sin-
gular to say, it will reject what it has eaten when attacked at its
enemy. The Stormy Petrel, as it is called, appears in general before
high winds. Once, I remember, off St. Domingo, a hurricane passed
within a few miles of us, and many of the sea-birds flew around our
vessel, crying and wailing, most piteously, and some dropped on the
decks. The sky and sea were dreadful to look upon; but the hurri-
cane passed us, and we only heard of its ravages. (Psalm cvii. 23,31. )
Genus Diomedea. --The Albatross. This may be called the Eagle
of the waters, for it has no equal among the aquatic or sea fowls. It
abounds in the Southern Ocean, and about Cape Horn, and the Cape
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of Good Hope. The body is large; and the expansion of the wing
from six to eight, and at times even ten feet; the bill, which is
yellow, is nearly six inches long, and terminates in a hooked point
The top of the head is brown; the belly white. It preys on the
wing; and, unlike the eagle, it seizes on every thing, fish and fowl,
alike. The Albatross lives, however, in friendly relations with the
penguin; and they frequently build near each other in some remote
and desolate spot.
Genus Pelicanus. --The Pelican. There are a great many of this
family. In shape the Pelican is like a swan, but larger. Its neck is
long; and its toes all connected by webs. Its chief peculiarity is its
enormous bill: and what may be called the fish well; this is a
large pouch, which, when distended, will hold fifteen quarts of water.
The bill is generally one foot and a quarter long, and the pouch
extends its whole length. An ancient writer says this bag will hold
enough fish to dine six hungry men. This singular bird, when he
goes fishing, does not eat his prey, but fills its well first; and then,
when he has enough, retires and gets his meal at leisure. Some natu-
ralists say that the Pelican can be tamed to labour for man; and as
the Falcon is used to catch game on the land, so the Pelican, the Fal-
con of the waters, will go out in the morning, and return in the evening
with its pouch full of plunder, part of which it will deposit at its
owner's feet, and part retain for itself.
The Cormorant. This bird is so voracious, that its name has become
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a proverb for gluttony. The expansion of its wings is four feet.
The plumage of this strange bird is beautiful:--the wings are of a
deep green, edged with black, and glossed with blue. In China it is
tamed, and used as a fisher; but a ring is fastened round its neck, for
it may not be trusted not to swallow what it catches.
The Gannet. This bird is rather less than our tame goose; but its
wings are longer. The bill is six inches long, and jagged at its edges.
It has a little well, like the pelican's. The colour is white. They
are found principally in the north; but I have seen them off the coast
of Spain. They dart from a great height on fish, with the velocity of
a musket-ball. The herring is their chief prey.
The Auk or Penguin. This bird is more of a water-fowl than any
other; and its wings are not adapted for flight: indeed, the water
seems to be its element, and it dives and swims with great and admir-
able swiftness. These birds walk with their head erect; and their
little wings, and white breasts, have led some to compare them to
children with white aprons. They are gregarious; that is, they asso-
ciate in numbers.
Genus Colymbus. --The Diver. This bird, which takes its name
from its perpetual habit of diving beneath the water, is well known
along our coasts.
The Northern Diver is the largest of this family.
Its wings expand to four feet; the head and neck arc of a deep black;
the lower part of the neck a rich green, with a rich purple gloss.
The tail is short.
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Genus Larus :--comprising the Gull, &c.
The Gull. This is a very large and varied community. The bill
is straight and long, and incurvated at the extremity; wings large;
legs short. The British Islands abound with this family.
Comprising principally the Flamingo, Crane, Slork, Spoon-bill, Snipe, and others.
Linnaeus was very happy in the naming of this order. The word
Grallae means stilts; and if all this family were placed before you in
a drawing, you would see the aptitude of the name. The legs of this
order are all very long; and so are their necks and bills also: but
this exactly meets their wants; for their appointed food lying at the
bottom of pools, if they had not this provision they could not reach
it. The bodies of this order are slender ; their tails short. They live
on animal food; and generally build their nests on the ground.
Genus Phcenicopterus. --The Flamingo. This is a tall and most
beautiful bird. In size it may be compared to the swan ; but its legs
and neck are so long that, when upright, it is as tall as a Grenadier.
The plumage of the Flamingo is a vivid red. It was once known in
Europe, but man had so many inducements to pursue it, that it left
that quarter altogether, and is now known only in some parts of
Africa and America. It is said that numbers live together in great
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harmony. They sometimes, according to Dampier, are found three
hundred in a flock. When feeding they have a sentinel, who screams
as the enemy approaches, when the whole army are in an instant on
the wing, leaving the pursuer far behind.
Genus Platalia. --The Spoon-bill. The shape of the bill of this
bird gives it its appropriate name. This member is jet black, and
light as whalebone; but the plumage is a pure white, and on the
head is a crest of the same colour. The spoon-bill is of the crane
family, and is known in Europe; also in America; but in the latter
country it is of a beautiful rose colour.
Genus Ardea. --The Crane. The home of the crane is in the Arctic
regions. Its plumage is ash coloured; and two large tufts of feathers
terminate each wing: these used to be set in gold, and worn as
a costly ornament. Cranes are gregarious; and they are represented
as living together in all faithful attachment, affording a pattern to
mankind, both of conjugal and filial love: indeed, many of the
feathered race teach man important lessons.
The Stork is a bird of passage. This is especially noticed in the
prophet Jeremiah, where the Lord is remonstrating with Israel,
chap. viii. 7. The crane and stork are much alike; but their habits
are dissimilar. The stork is larger than the crane; but its neck is
shorter. The head, neck, breast, and belly, are all white; and the
rump, with the exterior feathers of the back, dark. The stork is a
silent bird: the crane has a loud piercing voice. The stork loves the
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haunts of men: the crane flees from them. As the stork destroys a
great number of noxious reptiles, it is considered a great friend to
man; and from time immemorable has been venerated. In Holland,
the stork is even protected by the laws, and builds its nest on the tops
of houses, without molestation. There is also a black species of
stork, the modern Ibis of Egypt; and another species in America.
The Heron. Often is this bird seen in this country sailing high
in the air. He is a great robber of ponds; and pitches his tent
always near ponds that are well stocked. One species of this family
is called the night heron, from its flying in the night, and its hoarse
The Bittern is of the heron family ; and chiefly remarkable for its
most dismal hollow note. It is not so larce as the heron. Its
plumage is a pale dull yellow, spotted and barred with black.
This bird is not so voracious as the heron; its flesh is much
esteemed; and though its voice is so inharmonious to man,
naturalists have supposed it to be the language of affectionate
Genus Scolopax. --The Woodcock. This is a bird of passage. In
breeding time, it inhabits the Alps and the northern parts of Europe.
It subsists on worms and insects. When the cold sets in very severe,
they come southward, and visit our country till March, when they again
migrate to the north. The beak of the woodcock is about three
inches long, and is admirably adapted to penetrate into mud, where
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it finds its appointed food. The plumage is varied--black, grey,
and reddish brown.
The Snipe. This also is a bird of passage, though some remain
with us, in the north of Scotland, and breed there. The bill of this
bird is about two inches and a half in length, also adapted to procure
its food. The back is covered with large plumage, variegated with
black and reddish brown.
The Curlew. This bird visits our sea coast from winter to spring ;
but returns at the latter season to the mountains to breed. There is
a variety of species of this family, but they all agree in general cha-
racter. The bill of the curlew is longer than its head, and the feet
are furnished with four toes.
Gencs Charadrius. --The Lapwing, or Peewit, is a well-known
bird in England; and is remarkable for attachment to its young,
watching the nest with the most jealous fidelity. They are generally
birds of passage; and as the cold increases, they meet together in
consultation, and finally disappear towards the south.
The Golden Plover. This is a migratory bird. Its length is
eleven inches; and the expansion of its wings from twenty to
twenty four. The head, back, and circles of its wings are black,
and beautifully spotted with yellowish green. The belly is white.
It is very common in the Hebrides or Western Islands of Scotland.
The Lesser Plover. This little welcome stranger comes to us in
April, and leaves us about the longest day, June 21. It is also
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seen in September, on the Wiltshire downs, whence it migrates to
places unknown. The migration of birds from us in autumn, is
much greater than of the winter ones. The greater number leave
our shores in September, October, and November.
These are the four first orders in Linnaeus's arrangement of Birds.
For the last orders we will take advantage of Dr. Latham's admirable
enlargement. The latter arrangement will then be,
5. Gallinee ; 6. Struthiores ; 7. Passeres ; 8. Columba.
Comprising principally, the Peacock, Turkey, Guinea-fowl, the Cock-of-the-wood, the
Curassoic, Pheasant, Black-cock, Ptarmigan, Partridge, and Quail.
Genus Pavo. --The Peacock. Even in the time of Solomon, this
beautiful bird was noticed. When it appears with its tail spread out,
and the sun shines on it, no bird can equal it: but then its harsh and
discordant voice, and its voracious habits, make it less a favourite
than it would otherwise be. So it always is, that after a little
acquaintance, it is the conduct of man that is looked to, and not so
much his appearance. The peacock is a native of Asia; but since its
importation to Europe, it has become quite naturalized, and is found
in most of our parks and grounds. Its flesh was much esteemed by
the ancients. The female bird has none of the beauty of the male,
except its symmetry.
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Genus Meleagris. --The Turkey. This bird is a native of the New
World, as America used to be called. It was brought to this country
in the time of Henry VIII. The turkey is found in great numbers
in the wilds of America.
The Pheasant. The plumage of this bird is hardly surpassed by the
Peacock,--the colours are so delicately blended. There are a great
many varieties of the Pheasant,--white, spotted, and crested, but all
are beautiful.
The Barn-fowl. The shape, size, and plumage of this most welcome
of all the feathered tribes to man, is too well known to need any
description. Persia is supposed to be the home of this valuable
domestic bird: when it was imported into Britain is not known; but
evidently before the Roman conquest, as it was forbidden by the
Druids to our forefathers. In the cruel and barbarous customs of
almost every country, because this animal is so courageous, it has
been trained to single combat: but whether it be bull-fighting or
cock-fighting, or any of these degrading sports, there is a day of reckoning
--a day of account coming. A Christian cannot engage in these things,
--a man forfeits all right to that most blessed name, that has delight
in them. How sweet are those words of Cowper:--
" I would not enter on my list of friends
(Though graced with polished manners and fine sense,
Yet wanting sensibility,) the man
Who needlessly sets foot upon a worm. "
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The Christian is a partaker of the divine nature; and God is love; and
he that bears that name should delight to imitate Him who feedeth
the young ravens when they cry, and openeth his hand and satisfieth
every living thing.
This bird supplies man with the most delicate food; and even the
very look of a farm-yard, with this family about, gives sprightliness
and cheerfulness to all around.
When the breed is good, it is calculated that a hen will lay between
two and three hundred eggs in the year; though she rarely hatches
more than one brood. The egg-shell, being formed of the finest pre-
paration of lime, is used in medicine.
Genus Numidia. --The Guinea Hen. The name of this fowl is
taken from its native country, Guinea, in Africa; though now it is in
a domestic state all over Europe. It is also found in America; but it
is supposed to have been imported there early in the sixteenth century.
It is a beautiful bird, with spotted plumage, rather larger than the
common hen.
Genus Crax. --The Curassow. This bird is nearly as large as a hen
turkey; the bill is black at the point. The head is adorned with a
beautiful feathery crest. The whole body ie jet black--quite glossy.
It frequents the settlements of Berbice and Demarara.
? 208
The Bird of Paradise. Though many of the feathered tribes are
beautiful, yet this race surpasses all the rest. The most remarkable
of this family has his whole body covered with plumage of a rich
carmine; in size he is like the blackbird. The birds of Paradise
abound in the Molucca Islands, and rove amid the spicy groves in
inconceivable beauty. The size of this bird varies according to its
species, some being as large as a pigeon, others not larger than a
thrush. Its plumage is much esteemed by the natives, who find ready
purchasers in the Europeans who visit those islands. There used to
be strange fables about this bird, " that it lived on the air, and never
rested, and thus, always on the wing, it had no need of legs. " To
encourage this belief, the natives had a method of so removing the
legs that the deception might continue; but as travellers became
acquainted with the islands, seeing them seated on the branches of
trees, gave convincing proof, that, like other birds, they rested when
necessity required. Most of this family have two beautiful feathery
filaments, extending far beyond the other feathers of their tail, bearded
at the end. The golden-throated bird of Paradise, though he is desti-
tute of this appendage, has it amply compensated by several beautiful
feathers extending from the head nearly to the tail. The flight of the
bird of Paradise is very swift; they are birds of passage, and visit the
Spice Islands in August. In storms and tempests, accompanied with
lightning, they are seldom seen.
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Genus Cuculus. --The Cuckoo. This is a bird of passage, and
comes to us in the spring. Its note is most welcome:--
" The school-boy wandering through the wood
To pull the primrose gay,
Starts the new voice of spring to hear,
And imitates thy lay. " Logan.
In size the cuckoo is rather larger than the blackbird. Its plumage
is dark-brown, with stripes on the back, and a few light spots on the
head. The feathers of the thighs almost cover the feet. Though the
note of the cuckoo is most welcome; yet the bird itself is no great
favourite. It lays its eggs in the nests of other birds; and this foster-
child, it is said, as soon as it can, turns the rightful offspring from the
house; and so disturbs the domestic peace of what would otherwise
have been " a happy family? A lesson of no mean import may be
gathered from this, " never to intrude to injure. "
Genus Alcedo. --The King-fisher. This bird is well known on the banks
of some of our rivers, where it excavates a home for its young, which it
flies into in time of danger. It unites in itself the rapacious qualities of
the birds of prey--the love of water of the aquatic fowl--the beautiful
plumage of the peacock, and delicacy of tints of the humming-bird--
short legs of the swallow, and the bill of the crow. The ancients called
this "the Halcyon bird" and supposed that it built its nest on the
waters, which were always still until the brood was hatched. This
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gave rise to the time of tranquillity being called " Halcyon days;" and
thus the word is used in our language to this day.
In size, the king-fisher is between the lark and blackbird. It is
very swift on the wing. The parent birds, in the season of incubation,
are most affectionate; and the male bird supplies the mother with food
most assiduously.
Genus Merops. --The Bee-eater. This bird is shaped like the king-
fisher, and is of the same size as the blackbird: indeed in many things
it is like the Halcyon bird. It has, however, nothing to do with fish-
ing ; but, as its name implies, feeds on bees and other insects. It is
rarely seen in England; but in Italy and Crete; and the last place is
its home.
Genus Trochilus. --This is the most diminutive of all the feathered
tribes, and numbers a great variety of species.
The Humming Bird. These birds vary in size from that of a small
wren to something larger than a humble-bee. I have seen them in
South America most beautiful. Linnams enumerates twenty species
of this family. They were unknown until America was discovered;
and seem almost confined to the southern part of the western hemi-
The distinguishing character of this beautiful family, is, that the
beak is subulated, and terminates in a fine delicate tube. The tongue
is filiform, and rendered tubular by two threads. The feet are adapted
for walking. I remember once having a beautiful little bird of this
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interesting family left as the most perfect skeleton you can imagine,
by a number of ants that had somehow got into my drawers: the
delicacy of the little frame was beyond any thing you can conceive.
The plumage of all this family is very beautiful; and their nests the
perfection of symmetry; and these rest upon, or are suspended from
the branches of trees. In some species of this interesting race, the eggs
are about the size of a pea, and the infant brood not larger than the
blue fly.
There are many more birds in this Order; but as I have named
some of the principal genera, we will pass on to the next Order.
Comprising, principally, the Swan, the Goose, (from whence the Order takes its name,)
the Duck, Teal, Albatross, Pelican, Tropic Bird, Gull, and many others.
Birds of this family have smooth bills covered with skin, which are
highly sensitive at the point, and which are furnished with small pro-
cesses along their sides to serve as strainers of their food. Their legs
are short; their feet, formed for swimming, are connected by mem-
branes. They seem almost to live on the water; but they always
breed on the land.
? This Order, Dr. Latham has strikingly called Palmipedes, from the Latin, for
hands and feet; it comprises the web-footed birds.
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Genus Anas ; comprising the Swan, Goose, Duck, Teal, &c.
The Swan. This beautiful and majestic bird is wild in high northern
regions. In the summer it visits Lapland. The wild swan is of an
ash colour, and is far smaller than the tame. The swan was in great
repute with the ancients, both for song and food; but of its song we
know nothing; so suppose that there must be some mystical meaning
intended; and for food it is rarely used. Its appearance is beautiful
on streams of water, where it swims as if conscious that it was among
the largest of birds. Its down and quills are very valuable. The
longevity of the swan is great, reaching often to a hundred years.
The Goose. The bill of the birds of this family is distinct from that
of all others of the feathered tribes; in other birds it is something
like a wedge; in the goose it is flat and broad; but it is just adapted
to skim the lakes and ponds, and to take from them the mantling
weeds that grow thereon. We are so familiar with the sight of this
family, that it need not be further described than to remark--its flesh
is good for food -- its feathers for beds -- and its wing-quills for
The wild goose is an annual visitant to our island, coming to us in
the winter, and going northward again in the spring.
The Duck. This bird is familiar to us in every part of England;
there is a variety of species of it. The Wild Duck, the Tame, the
Velvet, the Black, the Golden-eye, and many others,--besides Teal
and Wigeon. The characters of the family are--the beak is shorter
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in proportion than that of the goose, and the legs also ; but the feet
are a trifle longer. The eggs of ducks are at times hatched under
fowls, and the foster-mother trembles as she sees her little family
spring by instinct to the pond.
The Wild Duck abounds in the fens of Lincolnshire, and many
thousands are sent up annually to the London markets.
Genus Mergus; comprising the Goosander, Merganser, Diver,
Smew, &c.
The Goosander. This bird approaches to the wild goose; and fre-
quents, in very cold winters, our rivers and lakes. It feeds entirely
on fish.
Genus Procellaria. --The Petrel. The bill of this bird is straight,
and hooked at the extremity; the legs are naked up to the feathers of
the belly. The Petrel feeds on blubber, fish, and sea-offal; and sin-
gular to say, it will reject what it has eaten when attacked at its
enemy. The Stormy Petrel, as it is called, appears in general before
high winds. Once, I remember, off St. Domingo, a hurricane passed
within a few miles of us, and many of the sea-birds flew around our
vessel, crying and wailing, most piteously, and some dropped on the
decks. The sky and sea were dreadful to look upon; but the hurri-
cane passed us, and we only heard of its ravages. (Psalm cvii. 23,31. )
Genus Diomedea. --The Albatross. This may be called the Eagle
of the waters, for it has no equal among the aquatic or sea fowls. It
abounds in the Southern Ocean, and about Cape Horn, and the Cape
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of Good Hope. The body is large; and the expansion of the wing
from six to eight, and at times even ten feet; the bill, which is
yellow, is nearly six inches long, and terminates in a hooked point
The top of the head is brown; the belly white. It preys on the
wing; and, unlike the eagle, it seizes on every thing, fish and fowl,
alike. The Albatross lives, however, in friendly relations with the
penguin; and they frequently build near each other in some remote
and desolate spot.
Genus Pelicanus. --The Pelican. There are a great many of this
family. In shape the Pelican is like a swan, but larger. Its neck is
long; and its toes all connected by webs. Its chief peculiarity is its
enormous bill: and what may be called the fish well; this is a
large pouch, which, when distended, will hold fifteen quarts of water.
The bill is generally one foot and a quarter long, and the pouch
extends its whole length. An ancient writer says this bag will hold
enough fish to dine six hungry men. This singular bird, when he
goes fishing, does not eat his prey, but fills its well first; and then,
when he has enough, retires and gets his meal at leisure. Some natu-
ralists say that the Pelican can be tamed to labour for man; and as
the Falcon is used to catch game on the land, so the Pelican, the Fal-
con of the waters, will go out in the morning, and return in the evening
with its pouch full of plunder, part of which it will deposit at its
owner's feet, and part retain for itself.
The Cormorant. This bird is so voracious, that its name has become
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a proverb for gluttony. The expansion of its wings is four feet.
The plumage of this strange bird is beautiful:--the wings are of a
deep green, edged with black, and glossed with blue. In China it is
tamed, and used as a fisher; but a ring is fastened round its neck, for
it may not be trusted not to swallow what it catches.
The Gannet. This bird is rather less than our tame goose; but its
wings are longer. The bill is six inches long, and jagged at its edges.
It has a little well, like the pelican's. The colour is white. They
are found principally in the north; but I have seen them off the coast
of Spain. They dart from a great height on fish, with the velocity of
a musket-ball. The herring is their chief prey.
The Auk or Penguin. This bird is more of a water-fowl than any
other; and its wings are not adapted for flight: indeed, the water
seems to be its element, and it dives and swims with great and admir-
able swiftness. These birds walk with their head erect; and their
little wings, and white breasts, have led some to compare them to
children with white aprons. They are gregarious; that is, they asso-
ciate in numbers.
Genus Colymbus. --The Diver. This bird, which takes its name
from its perpetual habit of diving beneath the water, is well known
along our coasts.
The Northern Diver is the largest of this family.
Its wings expand to four feet; the head and neck arc of a deep black;
the lower part of the neck a rich green, with a rich purple gloss.
The tail is short.
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Genus Larus :--comprising the Gull, &c.
The Gull. This is a very large and varied community. The bill
is straight and long, and incurvated at the extremity; wings large;
legs short. The British Islands abound with this family.
Comprising principally the Flamingo, Crane, Slork, Spoon-bill, Snipe, and others.
Linnaeus was very happy in the naming of this order. The word
Grallae means stilts; and if all this family were placed before you in
a drawing, you would see the aptitude of the name. The legs of this
order are all very long; and so are their necks and bills also: but
this exactly meets their wants; for their appointed food lying at the
bottom of pools, if they had not this provision they could not reach
it. The bodies of this order are slender ; their tails short. They live
on animal food; and generally build their nests on the ground.
Genus Phcenicopterus. --The Flamingo. This is a tall and most
beautiful bird. In size it may be compared to the swan ; but its legs
and neck are so long that, when upright, it is as tall as a Grenadier.
The plumage of the Flamingo is a vivid red. It was once known in
Europe, but man had so many inducements to pursue it, that it left
that quarter altogether, and is now known only in some parts of
Africa and America. It is said that numbers live together in great
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harmony. They sometimes, according to Dampier, are found three
hundred in a flock. When feeding they have a sentinel, who screams
as the enemy approaches, when the whole army are in an instant on
the wing, leaving the pursuer far behind.
Genus Platalia. --The Spoon-bill. The shape of the bill of this
bird gives it its appropriate name. This member is jet black, and
light as whalebone; but the plumage is a pure white, and on the
head is a crest of the same colour. The spoon-bill is of the crane
family, and is known in Europe; also in America; but in the latter
country it is of a beautiful rose colour.
Genus Ardea. --The Crane. The home of the crane is in the Arctic
regions. Its plumage is ash coloured; and two large tufts of feathers
terminate each wing: these used to be set in gold, and worn as
a costly ornament. Cranes are gregarious; and they are represented
as living together in all faithful attachment, affording a pattern to
mankind, both of conjugal and filial love: indeed, many of the
feathered race teach man important lessons.
The Stork is a bird of passage. This is especially noticed in the
prophet Jeremiah, where the Lord is remonstrating with Israel,
chap. viii. 7. The crane and stork are much alike; but their habits
are dissimilar. The stork is larger than the crane; but its neck is
shorter. The head, neck, breast, and belly, are all white; and the
rump, with the exterior feathers of the back, dark. The stork is a
silent bird: the crane has a loud piercing voice. The stork loves the
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haunts of men: the crane flees from them. As the stork destroys a
great number of noxious reptiles, it is considered a great friend to
man; and from time immemorable has been venerated. In Holland,
the stork is even protected by the laws, and builds its nest on the tops
of houses, without molestation. There is also a black species of
stork, the modern Ibis of Egypt; and another species in America.
The Heron. Often is this bird seen in this country sailing high
in the air. He is a great robber of ponds; and pitches his tent
always near ponds that are well stocked. One species of this family
is called the night heron, from its flying in the night, and its hoarse
The Bittern is of the heron family ; and chiefly remarkable for its
most dismal hollow note. It is not so larce as the heron. Its
plumage is a pale dull yellow, spotted and barred with black.
This bird is not so voracious as the heron; its flesh is much
esteemed; and though its voice is so inharmonious to man,
naturalists have supposed it to be the language of affectionate
Genus Scolopax. --The Woodcock. This is a bird of passage. In
breeding time, it inhabits the Alps and the northern parts of Europe.
It subsists on worms and insects. When the cold sets in very severe,
they come southward, and visit our country till March, when they again
migrate to the north. The beak of the woodcock is about three
inches long, and is admirably adapted to penetrate into mud, where
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it finds its appointed food. The plumage is varied--black, grey,
and reddish brown.
The Snipe. This also is a bird of passage, though some remain
with us, in the north of Scotland, and breed there. The bill of this
bird is about two inches and a half in length, also adapted to procure
its food. The back is covered with large plumage, variegated with
black and reddish brown.
The Curlew. This bird visits our sea coast from winter to spring ;
but returns at the latter season to the mountains to breed. There is
a variety of species of this family, but they all agree in general cha-
racter. The bill of the curlew is longer than its head, and the feet
are furnished with four toes.
Gencs Charadrius. --The Lapwing, or Peewit, is a well-known
bird in England; and is remarkable for attachment to its young,
watching the nest with the most jealous fidelity. They are generally
birds of passage; and as the cold increases, they meet together in
consultation, and finally disappear towards the south.
The Golden Plover. This is a migratory bird. Its length is
eleven inches; and the expansion of its wings from twenty to
twenty four. The head, back, and circles of its wings are black,
and beautifully spotted with yellowish green. The belly is white.
It is very common in the Hebrides or Western Islands of Scotland.
The Lesser Plover. This little welcome stranger comes to us in
April, and leaves us about the longest day, June 21. It is also
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seen in September, on the Wiltshire downs, whence it migrates to
places unknown. The migration of birds from us in autumn, is
much greater than of the winter ones. The greater number leave
our shores in September, October, and November.
These are the four first orders in Linnaeus's arrangement of Birds.
For the last orders we will take advantage of Dr. Latham's admirable
enlargement. The latter arrangement will then be,
5. Gallinee ; 6. Struthiores ; 7. Passeres ; 8. Columba.
Comprising principally, the Peacock, Turkey, Guinea-fowl, the Cock-of-the-wood, the
Curassoic, Pheasant, Black-cock, Ptarmigan, Partridge, and Quail.
Genus Pavo. --The Peacock. Even in the time of Solomon, this
beautiful bird was noticed. When it appears with its tail spread out,
and the sun shines on it, no bird can equal it: but then its harsh and
discordant voice, and its voracious habits, make it less a favourite
than it would otherwise be. So it always is, that after a little
acquaintance, it is the conduct of man that is looked to, and not so
much his appearance. The peacock is a native of Asia; but since its
importation to Europe, it has become quite naturalized, and is found
in most of our parks and grounds. Its flesh was much esteemed by
the ancients. The female bird has none of the beauty of the male,
except its symmetry.
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Genus Meleagris. --The Turkey. This bird is a native of the New
World, as America used to be called. It was brought to this country
in the time of Henry VIII. The turkey is found in great numbers
in the wilds of America.
The Pheasant. The plumage of this bird is hardly surpassed by the
Peacock,--the colours are so delicately blended. There are a great
many varieties of the Pheasant,--white, spotted, and crested, but all
are beautiful.
The Barn-fowl. The shape, size, and plumage of this most welcome
of all the feathered tribes to man, is too well known to need any
description. Persia is supposed to be the home of this valuable
domestic bird: when it was imported into Britain is not known; but
evidently before the Roman conquest, as it was forbidden by the
Druids to our forefathers. In the cruel and barbarous customs of
almost every country, because this animal is so courageous, it has
been trained to single combat: but whether it be bull-fighting or
cock-fighting, or any of these degrading sports, there is a day of reckoning
--a day of account coming. A Christian cannot engage in these things,
--a man forfeits all right to that most blessed name, that has delight
in them. How sweet are those words of Cowper:--
" I would not enter on my list of friends
(Though graced with polished manners and fine sense,
Yet wanting sensibility,) the man
Who needlessly sets foot upon a worm. "
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The Christian is a partaker of the divine nature; and God is love; and
he that bears that name should delight to imitate Him who feedeth
the young ravens when they cry, and openeth his hand and satisfieth
every living thing.
This bird supplies man with the most delicate food; and even the
very look of a farm-yard, with this family about, gives sprightliness
and cheerfulness to all around.
When the breed is good, it is calculated that a hen will lay between
two and three hundred eggs in the year; though she rarely hatches
more than one brood. The egg-shell, being formed of the finest pre-
paration of lime, is used in medicine.
Genus Numidia. --The Guinea Hen. The name of this fowl is
taken from its native country, Guinea, in Africa; though now it is in
a domestic state all over Europe. It is also found in America; but it
is supposed to have been imported there early in the sixteenth century.
It is a beautiful bird, with spotted plumage, rather larger than the
common hen.
Genus Crax. --The Curassow. This bird is nearly as large as a hen
turkey; the bill is black at the point. The head is adorned with a
beautiful feathery crest. The whole body ie jet black--quite glossy.
It frequents the settlements of Berbice and Demarara.